Calories in oatmeal. Chemical composition and nutritional value

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Oatmeal is considered one of the healthiest foods. Due to its unique properties, it is included in many dietary and therapeutic nutrition programs. But how does the calorie content of oatmeal and BJU change in different cooking options? Here you need to understand in detail!

Oatmeal takes a leading place in the amount of substances beneficial to the human body. It contains magnesium, manganese, potassium, iron, vitamins A, B1, B2, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, E, D, a lot of fiber, as well as easily digestible vegetable protein.

Useful properties of oatmeal:

  • Keeps you full for a long time, helping to avoid unwanted snacks and spikes in blood sugar levels.
  • Improves skin condition, eliminates swelling and inflammation.
  • Activates the growth and strengthening of muscle mass.
  • Helps cleanse the intestines of accumulated harmful substances.
  • Reduces the risk of pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Despite all the benefits of oatmeal, eating it every day is not recommended. The fact is that this porridge contains phytic acid, which binds organic calcium compounds and prevents its normal absorption in the intestines. It is better to alternate oatmeal with other types of porridge (barley, buckwheat, rice, etc.).

As is known, the energy value of the original product can differ significantly from the calorie content of the finished dish. Oatmeal was no exception.

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The calorie content of dry cereal per 100 grams is 316 kcal. The BZHU indicators are as follows:

  • proteins - 11.82 g;
  • fats - 5.8 g;
  • carbohydrates - 59 gr.

But even the most desperate will not chew dry oatmeal. Therefore, let's find out how many calories are in the finished porridge with various variations of cooking.

How many calories are in oatmeal porridge “Clear Sun No. 2”

In its raw form, the calorie content of Yasno Solnyshko No. 2 oatmeal is 360 kcal per 100 grams of product, and in boiled form it is only 88 kcal. The nutritional value of the finished porridge with water without additives is: 3 g / 1.70 g / 15 g.

When compiling a diet and counting the total number of calories, you should understand that the energy value of oatmeal depends on the additives used. After all, the calorie content of dry oatmeal and the finished product with honey, butter or milk differs by the same 100 grams.

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Oatmeal on water: calorie content

Without additives

Oatmeal without sugar, butter and honey contains only 68 kcal per 100 grams of product. BJU indicators: 2.30 g / 1.12 g / 12.64 g.

With sugar

The energy value is 108 kcal per 100 g of product. BZHU indicators: 2.23 g / 1.10 g / 20.25 g.

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With butter

The energy value is 120 kcal per 100 g of product. BZHU indicators: 2.42 g / 5.60 g / 13.43 g.

With honey

The energy value is 99 kcal per 100 g of product. BZHU indicators: 2.35 g / 1.49 g / 18.10 g.

Without additives

Oatmeal with milk without sugar, butter and honey contains 101 kcal per 100 grams of product. BJU indicators: 3.43 g / 3.78 g / 16.07 g.

With sugar

The energy value of oatmeal cooked with milk and sugar is 146 kcal per 100 grams of product. BZHU indicators: 3.29 g / 3.58 g / 24.10 g.

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With butter

The energy value of milk oatmeal with butter is 158 kcal per 100 g of product. BZHU indicators: 3.56 g / 7.49 g / 17 g.

With honey

The energy value of oatmeal with milk and honey is 134 kcal per 100 grams of product. BZHU indicators: 3.51 g / 3.80 g / 22 g.

The calorie content of boiled oatmeal and steamed oatmeal is the same, but the latter is slightly healthier, since it retains more vitamins and microelements. You can learn more about the composition and beneficial properties of oatmeal from the video:

Breakfast, in which oatmeal is the main dish, is popular not only in England, but also in Russia. This product has won its place among healthy food lovers. It is also useful for those who, for some reason, have switched to a dietary diet.

Recipes for making porridge are very diverse, among them everyone can find something of their own. With the right choice, you will get an excellent source of vitamins and a hearty breakfast.

This is understandable, because oatmeal contains a large amount of carbohydrates, but is low in calories. It is also perfect for those who are struggling with excess weight. In addition to its attractive calorie content, it is also very rich in vitamins and minerals.

Chemical composition

The main advantage of oatmeal is the huge amount of antioxidants it contains. They help the body fight infections and harmful environmental factors. Very often at a doctor’s appointment you can hear about the deposition of salts in the body. They enter it with water and air. The substances contained in oatmeal can minimize their harmful effects and prevent complex diseases.

Stressful situations happen to everyone. But those who consume oatmeal regularly are less concerned about this problem. This is due to the fact that the porridge contains magnesium and methionine, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system and promote the growth of muscle tissue.

That is why athletes consume oatmeal without fail.

Phosphorus and calcium, which are part of oatmeal, help to recover faster from injuries and fractures and strengthen bone tissue. That is why it is recommended that all children be given porridge at least twice a week.

Various amino acids and mineral compounds can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Porridge is recommended even for stomach and intestinal ulcers, as it has enveloping properties.

Oatmeal is record holder among cereals for the amount of vitamins. It improves complexion and prevents the occurrence of dermatitis. With regular consumption of oatmeal, the structure of hair and nails significantly improves.

Calorie content

The total number of calories in oatmeal cooked in water is low. But depending on what components are added to it, the energy value of the dish may increase.

Oatmeal with water is useful for those who experience gastrointestinal problems. An important point in preparation is that the product is eaten without sugar and salt. This will make the enveloping effect, as well as the removal of toxins, more effective.

To add variety to your daily intake of porridge, you can prepare it with butter or honey. These are good additives for oatmeal steamed with boiling water. By the way, with this method of preparation, the calorie content of the porridge remains almost unchanged, but it has more beneficial properties.

Boiled oatmeal has 88 kilocalories per 100 grams. This is very little, but the nutritional qualities do not suffer from this in any way. Oatmeal with raisins or dried apricots contains 120 kcal per 100 grams.

Due to the added ingredients, the taste becomes much more pleasant and sweeter, which will appeal to those with a sweet tooth.

Nutritional and energy value

Oatmeal is very rich in carbohydrates. It is due to them that it is very nutritious with a minimum of calories. Indicators of proteins, fats and carbohydrates are important not only for those who are struggling with excess weight, but also for those who simply lead a healthy lifestyle.

Below is a table of BZHU per 100 grams of oatmeal with various additives.

The table shows the BJU norms for the most commonly used cooking recipes.

In addition to standard proteins, fats and carbohydrates, all foods have another important indicator - the glycemic index. It categorizes foods into “good” and “bad” from a dietary point of view. The higher this indicator, the more harmful the product is and the greater the impact it has on blood sugar. If this is not particularly dangerous for healthy people, then for those who suffer from diabetes, ignorance of the GI value can be fatal. Therefore, before preparing this or that dish, it is worth finding out what the GI of the product is.

GI is divided into 3 levels.

  1. From 146 to 70 – high. These are the most harmful foods that cause sudden spikes in blood sugar.
  2. From 69 to 41 – average. Products that have this level are less harmful, but diabetics should be careful.
  3. From 40 to 8 – low. The most useful products.

Oatmeal with water has a glycemic index of 40, which is low. Accordingly, there are many benefits in such a product even for diabetics.

It is worth noting that when honey, raisins, and butter are added to porridge, the glycemic index changes. The most important thing is to know moderation in everything and not to overeat porridge.

Application for weight loss

Nutritionists unanimously declare that oatmeal is necessary in the fight against excess weight. Oatmeal, with its low calorie content, can replace an omelet or a portion of cottage cheese with fruit. Nutritional value is increased due to fiber, the fibers of which are contained in large quantities in the finished product.

If you eat oatmeal cooked in water at least two to three times a week, it will be a good prevention of obesity. For those who engage in any sports, the product should also be included in the menu. After all, porridge increases the elasticity of muscle tissue.

But it is worth noting that Steamed cereal brings maximum benefit. During cooking, some of the beneficial substances may evaporate. Pour boiling water over the required amount of oatmeal, cover with a lid and leave for 15-20 minutes. You can add honey, berries or fruits to the finished porridge.

Having learned all the benefits of oatmeal, you can change your attitude towards this dish, even if before it was not attractive with its taste and appearance. As practice shows, you can cook oatmeal not only according to proven recipes, but also create dishes to suit your taste, replacing ingredients and experimenting with additives.

See below for the recipe for making oatmeal with water.

Oatmeal contains almost all B vitamins, is saturated with vitamin E, minerals sodium, calcium, zinc, chlorine, sulfur, manganese, silicon, iron, phosphorus, and potassium.

The calorie content of oatmeal with milk and sugar per 100 grams is 84 kcal. A 100-gram serving of this porridge contains:

  • 3.1 g protein;
  • 2.42 g fat;
  • 12.28 g carbohydrates.


  • pour 400 ml of milk into 400 ml of boiling water;
  • 150 g of oatmeal is poured into the resulting milk-water liquid. Cook the porridge over low heat for 5 minutes with stirring;
  • Add 1 teaspoon of sugar and salt to taste to the prepared oatmeal with milk. Mix everything thoroughly and let the porridge brew for 3 – 4 minutes.

Calorie content of oatmeal with milk without sugar per 100 grams

The calorie content of oatmeal with milk without sugar is 78 kcal per 100 grams. In 100 g of product:

  • 3.15 g protein;
  • 2.42 g fat;
  • 11.7 g carbohydrates.

To prepare oatmeal with milk without sugar you need:

  • pour 1 cup of oatmeal with 1.5 cups of 2.5 percent milk and 1 cup of water;
  • bring the porridge to a boil;
  • Cook oatmeal after boiling for 5 minutes.

Calorie content of oatmeal with milk and butter per 100 grams

Calorie content of oatmeal with milk and butter per 100 grams is 133 kcal. Per 100 gram serving:

  • 4.42 g protein;
  • 5.18 g fat;
  • 18.5 g carbohydrates.

Cooking steps:

  • 1 liter of milk is brought to a boil in a saucepan;
  • Add a little salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar to boiling milk. While stirring the milk, pour 200 g of oatmeal into it in small portions;
  • after boiling, the porridge is cooked for 6 minutes;
  • Add 1 tablespoon of butter to the finished dish.

Calorie content of oatmeal in water per 100 grams with butter

The calorie content of oatmeal with water and butter per 100 grams is 93 kcal. 100 g of product contains:

  • 3.1 g protein;
  • 2.4 g fat;
  • 15 g carbohydrates.

Oatmeal with water and oil is a dietary product with a small amount of fat. This porridge is indicated for restoring strength during heavy physical and mental stress, and is an effective source of slow carbohydrates for the body.

Calorie content of oatmeal in water without sugar, with sugar per 100 grams

The calorie content of oatmeal with water without sugar per 100 grams is 14.6 kcal. A 100-gram serving contains 0.5 g protein, 0.27 g fat, 2.52 g carbohydrates. To prepare, you need to boil 500 ml of water, add 100 g of oatmeal to boiling water, cook the porridge over low heat until it becomes thicker.

The calorie content of oatmeal in water with sugar per 100 grams is 87 kcal. 100 g of product contains 3 g of protein, 1.68 g of fat, 15.1 g of carbohydrates.

Calorie content of oatmeal with raisins per 100 grams

The calorie content of oatmeal with raisins per 100 grams is 33.2 kcal. In 100 g of dish:

  • 0.91 g protein;
  • 0.47 g fat;
  • 6.43 g carbohydrates.

Steps for making oatmeal with raisins:

  • 10 g of raisins are soaked for 8 - 10 minutes in boiling water;
  • bring 200 g of water to a boil in a saucepan;
  • pour 4 tablespoons of oatmeal and a pinch of salt into the water. The resulting mixture is stirred and simmered over low heat for 6 - 7 minutes;
  • add 10 g of raisins to the prepared oatmeal;
  • Infuse the porridge under a closed lid for 5 - 7 minutes.

Benefits of oatmeal

The benefits of oatmeal are quite great and are as follows:

  • oatmeal is rich in slow carbohydrates, which saturate the body with strength and energy for a long time;
  • Eating porridge regularly reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. A similar effect is achieved due to the cholesterol-absorbing soluble fiber contained in oatmeal;
  • Oatmeal normalizes blood sugar levels. Porridge cooked in water prevents sudden surges in blood glucose;
  • oatmeal is indicated for the prevention of diabetes;
  • porridge is useful for weight loss and is an essential component of most diets;
  • due to the large amount of vitamins and minerals in the porridge, it is useful for strengthening the immune system;
  • beneficial substances in oatmeal are necessary for the prevention of heart disease, constipation, and regulation of metabolism;
  • oatmeal helps improve skin condition, stimulates the nervous system, normalizes liver function, and is indicated in the treatment of diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas;
  • Numerous studies have proven the properties of oatmeal to normalize blood pressure.

Harm of oatmeal

The following harms of oatmeal are known:

  • oatmeal is allowed in very small quantities for celiac disease and diabetes;
  • when overeating porridge, negative effects such as flatulence, bloating, and stomach cramps occur;
  • in large quantities, oatmeal interferes with the absorption of calcium and vitamin D. If the mineral and vitamin composition is not restored, diseases of the skeletal system may develop over time;
  • It is recommended to abandon packaged “quick” porridge with the addition of various flavors. Such oatmeal can provoke allergic reactions and is strictly prohibited during exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases.

Oats are a unique cereal crop that contains many nutritional components and vitamins. And if we look at the flakes, they are not inferior in useful properties to grains and cereals, the only difference is in appearance - these are steamed and flattened oat grains that have retained their shell. Calorie content of oatmeal per 100 grams depends on the type and method of preparation. But still, this cereal crop is often used for dietary purposes. Porridges made from it satiate quickly and for a long time, and they also replenish the necessary beneficial components in the body. But it’s still worth first considering the basic properties and nutritional value of oatmeal.


Before considering the calorie content of oatmeal, it is worth studying the types of cereals. Each variety has characteristic distinctive properties, which depend on the quality of the grains and the number of operations performed on them.

The following types of oatmeal are distinguished:

  • "Extra";
  • "Hercules";
  • petal oat flakes.

The last two types are made from premium grains. The “Extra” category refers to the first class of oats.

  • whole grain flakes;
  • cut grain flakes;
  • fast-cooking cereal.

It is worth noting! Many nutritionists claim that flakes with a fine structure are absorbed much faster. But those that resemble more whole grains are able to maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Hercules for weight loss:

And more on this topic:

The Hercules diet belongs to the class of mono-diets and is one of the most effective ways to lose excess weight in the shortest possible time. It is based on oatmeal (rolled oats), which are known for containing many beneficial properties. Thanks to the diet, you can easily tolerate an acute feeling of hunger, which means that losing weight with the help of this nutrition system will be comfortable.

It has been established that oatmeal has a low glycemic index: when consuming oatmeal porridge, glucose does not enter the blood immediately, but gradually, evenly distributing energy throughout the body and protecting it from insulin surges that usually occur during meals with “fast” carbohydrates .

The diet has many advantages, and one of the most important is the presence of a lot of useful substances: iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, etc. We list other equally significant advantages:

  • The presence of complex carbohydrates that can be broken down in the body for several hours. It should be noted here that due to complex carbohydrates you will not be accompanied by a constant feeling of hunger.
  • Improving the functioning of the stomach and intestines.
  • Beneficial effect on the epidermis.
  • Elimination of rashes, inflammations.
  • Reducing blood cholesterol, cleansing blood vessels.
  • Express weight loss without harm to health.
  • Low calorie oats cooked in water.

However, there are also disadvantages that you should definitely be aware of:

  • Not everyone likes the taste of oatmeal, especially if it is cooked only with water.
  • If you consume only one product for a long time, there is an acute shortage of other beneficial substances that should be supplied to the body daily.
  • Given the tendency of many people to overeat, after the Herculean diet it will be more difficult to maintain the achieved results.
  • It is also worth considering contraindications:
  • Pregnant and lactating women should not follow this diet.
  • It is not recommended to lose weight during an exacerbation of any disease.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases: ulcers, gastritis, etc.


Oatmeal is considered a popular breakfast food. This is due to the fact that they contain many vitamins and nutritional components.

Porridge made from them is useful for adults and children. The table below shows the indicators of KBJU per 100 grams of this product.

The structure of oatmeal is similar to coarse dietary fiber. After entering the stomach, they begin to intensively absorb liquid, as a result of which they swell and fill the stomach. Therefore, a person does not feel hungry for a long time. Oatmeal contains a high level of fiber. It has a beneficial effect on the organs of the digestive system. Thanks to it, metabolic processes are improved and the work of the stomach and intestines is stimulated.

In addition, cereals contain a number of vitamins and minerals:

  • vitamins – group B, A, C, D, E, K, N, NE, RR;
  • macro- and microelements - calcium, zinc, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, cobalt, potassium, selenium, silicon, iron, sodium, selenium, fluorine, copper, iodine, chlorine and other minerals.

Energy and nutritional value

Oatmeal is a fairly high-calorie product. 100 grams of dry Hercules is more than 300 kcal! This amount of product contains about 50 grams of carbohydrates, 6.1 grams of fats, and 11 grams of proteins. The high nutritional and energy value of oatmeal is not questioned at all. “Hercules”, which is so high in calories, can satisfy hunger for a long time. That is why it is better to eat it for breakfast.

You should not be afraid to cook oatmeal for fear of quickly gaining excess weight and ruining your figure due to the fact that they contain too many calories. After all, after boiling or steaming rolled oats, the calorie content of the dish will be lower. Of course, this applies to lean oatmeal with water, to which sugar and butter are not added. If “Hercules” is cooked with milk, then the calorie content of the finished product will be affected by the degree of fat content of the milk used. The porridge will be more satisfying if nuts, dried fruits or fresh berries and fruits, and honey are added to it. “Hercules” (calorie content of dry cereal is about 350 kcal per 100 grams) can be eaten at any time: for breakfast, lunch or dinner. In the morning or afternoon it is better to cook and eat porridge with milk, it will be more satisfying, and in the evening - with water, since at this time of day you need to eat less nutritious food.

Oatmeal contains many different microelements, vitamins and minerals. Of course, some of these nutrients are inevitably lost during the production of Hercules, as the grain is flattened and steamed. The advantage of this method is that the flakes ultimately cook quickly. This saves your time without losing the quality and taste of the finished product.

If you want to purchase flakes rich in iron, fluorine, calcium, iodine, and vitamins, purchase “Hercules,” which requires cooking.

Calorie content per 100 grams

So how many calories are in oatmeal per 100 grams? This figure is 366 kcal. A tablespoon contains approximately 36 kcal.

Please note: It is worth remembering that dry oatmeal, unlike boiled oatmeal, contains several times less calories. But it is still worth considering that the nutritional value may depend on many factors - the method of preparation, the type of cereal, the addition of additional components.

Calorie content of oatmeal with milk

The calorie content of oatmeal cooked with milk is low. Per 100 grams it is only 102 kcal. For this reason, they are very popular among those who actively watch their figure.

Oatmeal with milk is often used as a main breakfast dish. Porridge is eaten by adults and children. The main advantage is its appearance. After brewing, it does not lose its shape and does not spread on the plate.

Calorie content of oatmeal with honey

The nutritional value of flakes with added honey is very low. It is about 84.5 kcal. After cooking, porridge with honey is endowed with a special taste, this is due to the addition of a beekeeping product to it. This option is suitable for those who do not consume sugar.

Calorie content of oatmeal on water

Porridge that is cooked in water has low nutritional value. Its calorie content is 88 kcal. This cooking option is very popular. Oatmeal perfectly saturates the body with useful components and suppresses hunger for a long time.

Calorie content of rolled oats with milk

People who monitor their health or want to lose weight are familiar with the problem of calculating the nutritional and energy value of a particular prepared dish. Of course, it is extremely important to take into account the calorie content of the product. It is known that a healthy person should consume at least 2000 kcal every day, and people on a diet need only 1200 kcal. It is important for both to eat a balanced diet. It is important that the prepared food fills you for a long time. Oatmeal is such a hearty and healthy dish. “Hercules” with milk (the calorie content of this porridge is 113-130 kcal per hundred grams) is healthy to eat for breakfast.

What is the benefit

Oatmeal is a healthy product that is essential for the human body. With its regular use, there is a decrease in bad cholesterol in the blood. It reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke, and vascular atherosclerosis. And if you eat oatmeal every day, you can increase the body’s protective properties and normalize the activity of the nervous system.

Oatmeal reduces the likelihood of cholesterol plaques forming. And if you eat oatmeal porridge every morning, it can increase your energy and also give you strength for the whole day. The product improves the emotional background, it relieves depression and bad mood.

Oatmeal should be consumed by people who have the following health problems:

  • Tuberculosis in the initial stages. The substances that make up oats reduce the risk of developing this disease; they fight the rods that provoke its appearance.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Diabetes.
  • Low immune system.
  • Pathologies of the circulatory system.
  • Deterioration in brain function, memory loss.
  • Brittle bones, nails, hair.

Important! The main uniqueness of the product is that it is easily digestible, despite its high calorie content. Complex carbohydrates are used for energy saturation.

Composition of Hercules:


It is impossible not to notice that the beneficial properties of cereals have long been noted and certified by nutritionists. Everyone knows their recommendations to do fasting days based on cereals made from them in order to maintain a slim figure or get rid of extra pounds, despite the fact that the calorie content of rolled oats is quite high. Moreover, such diets are quite easy to tolerate. And the fiber contained in oatmeal porridge can help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cereal-based porridge is especially useful for those who engage in mental work. And it is extremely useful for schoolchildren and students. It’s not for nothing that many nutritionists recommend that schoolchildren and students, and indeed everyone, start the day with a breakfast of dishes with oatmeal. And this can be porridge and puddings and jelly and even oatmeal cookies.

Rolled oats are very useful for preventing stress and stressful situations. Its high content of vitamin C helps normalize the functioning of the immune system, and vitamin B strengthens the nervous system.


Do not forget that oatmeal has negative characteristics. Of course, compared to the benefits, they are much smaller, but they still need to be taken into account.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet for people who have the following health problems:

  • allergic reactions;
  • congenital intolerance to the product;
  • celiac disease.

Celiac disease is a disease in which the body is unable to absorb and process components that are also found in cereals, including oatmeal.

Oatmeal should be consumed in moderation. Excessive intake of this product into the body can lead to leaching of calcium from bones. As a result, they may become brittle and deformed.

Practical advice: Don’t get carried away with instant cereals. There are flakes on sale that require 5–10 minutes to brew. They contain many sweeteners and preservatives, which can be harmful to health.

Beneficial features

The usefulness of this product is due to the rich composition of various microelements and vitamins. Hercules porridge is one of the most nutritious foods. It contains a huge amount of B vitamins, as well as various microelements that play an important role in the body. What are the benefits of rolled oats porridge in water? It contains the following substances:

  • Niacin. Responsible for normalizing metabolic processes. Thanks to the intake of this microelement, tissue respiration is normalized and cholesterol levels are reduced. It is this acid that provides the detoxifying properties of oatmeal porridge. It’s not for nothing that many experts advise residents of large cities with poor ecology to include oatmeal in their diet.
  • Riboflavin. Plays a huge role in normalizing the redox processes of the human body.
  • Folic acid. Responsible for the creation of blood cells, and also participates in the synthesis of nucleic acids and beneficial amino acids.
  • Pyridoxine. Stimulates the synthesis of red blood cells. With sufficient intake, the general condition of a person is normalized, the mood is lifted, and the nervous system is restored.
  • Thiamine. Required for the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. Thanks to the presence of such a component, the functioning of the nervous and even cardiovascular systems is supported, and the functioning of the stomach and organs involved in digestion is improved.

Hercules porridge is a balanced product with proper nutrition. It restores intestinal function and normalizes metabolism. In many diets, experts recommend placing great emphasis on this kind of porridge, often cooked in water. This is the perfect breakfast for both kids and adults.

Features of use during pregnancy

This product can solve many problems during pregnancy:

  • During pregnancy, the supply of necessary components is required that can ensure the correct construction of the child’s bones. All the necessary macro- and microelements are contained in oatmeal.
  • If you regularly include oatmeal in your menu, you will be able to get rid of excessive brittleness of your nail plates and hair.
  • Vitamin B will normalize the nervous system and eliminate frequent nervous breakdowns and stress.
  • Oatmeal contains high levels of fiber. It will improve digestion and help cope with frequent constipation.
  • The elements contained in the flakes will help cope with unsightly stretch marks on the surface of the skin.
  • Iron will relieve anemia, and this component will also prevent fatigue and nervousness in a woman.
  • Consuming the product will prevent possible complications that may arise during fetal development.

Dietary properties:

What calorie content does rolled oats have, what dietary properties does it have? All this is of interest to those who lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor their health and figure. So we will try to answer these questions in the next article.

For the production of Hercules oat flakes, only the highest quality and selected oat grains are used. Humanity has been actively using oats, which is a herbaceous plant from the cereal family, in the culinary field for many years.

In addition, animal feed is made from it, which has high taste and nutritional properties. Oat grains, as well as products made from them, contain a significant amount of vitamins.

It should be noted that previously, oatmeal was prepared from whole oat grains. But the product, which is called rolled oats, is made from oat grains. The process goes like this. As you know, oat grain consists of a shell or bran, endosperm and germ. In the process of processing oat grains into flakes, the shell is removed from them, then the germs are separated and the grains are pressed into thin plates.

It has long been known that porridge made from Hercules oatmeal is the undisputed leader among porridges from other cereals in terms of the content of many substances that are very useful for the human body. This product is rich in macro and microelements - phosphorus, silicon, iodine, potassium, zinc, calcium, silicon, iron and many others. It also contains vitamins, such as B vitamins, as well as K, E and PP. It is not for nothing that Hercules was given the honorary title of an ancient Greek hero. As if with a hint that by using this product, everyone can become just as strong and resilient. And there is some truth in this, since the cereal is very rich in amino acids and complex carbohydrates.

Oatmeal during lactation

After pregnancy and the birth of a child, the mother’s body is greatly weakened. The immune system decreases, which means that during this period the woman will be highly susceptible to various unpleasant and dangerous diseases.

For this reason, a full recovery of strength is required. It is the foods that will be consumed that will have a major impact on a woman’s health.

Please note: Oatmeal during this period will be a necessary product that should be on the mother’s menu. It is easily absorbed in the body without causing excess weight gain. In addition, it will saturate the body with vitamins, macro- and microelements, and nutritional components that will be included in mother’s milk. As a result, the child will be able to fully grow and develop.

But it’s still worth remembering a few important tips:

  • The choice of oatmeal should be treated with special care. You definitely need to look at the appearance, the method of preparation, you need to study the composition, it should not contain dyes, preservatives, or palm oil. These substances will have harmful effects on the child.
  • Before introducing it into the diet, you should make sure that the baby has no allergies or colic in the stomach. The child should also have normal bowel movements.
  • A woman should consume 200–250 grams of boiled porridge per day.
  • At first it should be cooked in water, and after three months it can be boiled using milk.

How many calories are in rolled oats?

Here's how much:

The calorie content of dry rolled oats per 100 grams is 352 kcal.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) in gr. per 100 grams:

Proteins - 12.3

Fats – 6.2

Carbohydrates – 61.8

Naturally, the calorie content of rolled oats depends on the method of preparation.

Pay attention to this table:

Table of rolled oats calorie content and nutritional value (BJU) per 100 grams:

When losing weight

The menu of many diets often includes oatmeal porridge. This product promotes complete weight loss, without loss of vitamins and necessary components for the full functioning of internal organs.

But since oatmeal is a high-calorie dish, it should only be consumed in the morning for breakfast.

Please note: You can also significantly reduce its calorie content. It should be cooked in water, and when consumed, you should not add sugar or butter to it. To improve the taste, it can be supplemented with pieces of fresh fruit or dried fruit.

So why are oatmeal important for weight loss:

  • provide long-term saturation of the body;
  • reduce cravings for sweets;
  • enrich the body with vitamins and nutritional components;
  • increases strength, which makes it much easier to perform various physical exercises, without overloading the stomach;
  • cleanses the stomach of harmful components, normalizes stool;
  • improve the appearance of the skin, increase skin elasticity.

Calorie content of rolled oats on water

Not only its nutritional and energy value, but also the benefits for your body will depend on the method of preparing oatmeal. For example, you can cook lean porridge in water without butter or sugar. In this case, 100 g of ready-made oatmeal will contain approximately 80-90 kcal. If such a simple porridge does not seem tasty and appetizing to you, add sugar and butter to it. Of course, the dish will become more calorie-rich from the addition of these products.

“Hercules” with water (the calorie content of the finished dish will not be as high as when using milk) always turns out very tasty!

Oatmeal on the children's menu

Oatmeal porridge must be included in children's menus. You should start taking oatmeal while feeding infants. Moreover, children who are bottle-fed can start consuming this product earlier. For such children, the optimal period for introducing oatmeal will be 6–7 months, but for infants – 8–9 months.

Before cooking, the cereal must be ground to flour. Boil in water or dry mixture. After a year, you don’t have to grind the flakes; you can cook with cow’s milk. Porridge is best used for breakfast.

How many calories can you get from eating oatmeal?

If you don’t want to do long calculations, figuring out what nutritional and energy value cooked oatmeal will have, you can use the following list:

  • dry cereal - 352 kcal;
  • porridge with milk – 113-130 kcal;
  • “Hercules” on water, calorie content - 80-90 kcal;
  • milk porridge with butter - about 150 kcal;
  • milk with sugar - 165 kcal;
  • on water with sugar - 125 kcal;
  • milk with sugar and butter - about 200 kcal;
  • on water with butter and sugar - approximately 165 kcal.

Calorie content is presented per 100 grams of product.

Use in cooking

Oat flakes can be used to prepare not only porridge; they are suitable for preparing various dishes. They are suitable for regular and proper nutrition, and can also diversify the menu.

Lazy oatmeal in a jar

Ingredients required for preparation:

  • oatmeal – 150 grams;
  • banana;
  • glass of water;
  • yogurt – 250 grams;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • fruits and berries.

The banana is kneaded into a puree, which is poured into jars. Next, pour in the cereal, add water, add yogurt and honey. The containers are placed in the refrigerator and left overnight. Afterwards pieces of fruit and berries are added to the porridge.

Porridge with nuts, honey and fruits

For this dish you will need products from the list:

  • oatmeal – 300 grams;
  • nuts of any kind - 10–20 pieces;
  • honey – 1–2 teaspoons;
  • apple.

Place a container of water on the fire and bring to a boil. Next, the flakes are poured into it and boiled until tender. Afterwards honey is added to the porridge and stirred until completely dissolved. Supplemented with nuts and apple pieces.

Smoothie with strawberries

A tasty and nutritious drink is quite simple to make. It will require 20 grams of flakes, this amount is divided into two parts. One part is steamed with hot water. Afterwards strawberries, banana, vanillin are laid out. Everything is whipped until smooth. At the end, the remaining flakes are added.

Calorie content of “Hercules” with various additives

Some people find the taste of oatmeal somewhat boring and uninteresting. If you also share this opinion, try to diversify your usual porridge recipes by adding some additional ingredients. So, in the company of honey, the calorie content of oatmeal porridge with milk will be about 130 kcal. Oatmeal with raisins is extremely tasty. You can prepare this porridge with milk, adding butter and sugar. In this embodiment, the calorie content will be about 170 kcal. You can prepare a delicious sweet porridge without adding sugar. Instead, it is better to take a healthier pumpkin. In this version, “Hercules” (the calorie content per 100 grams is small) will appeal to everyone without exception.

Features of preparing a dietary option

It is worth noting that if you need to prepare a dietary option to reduce the calorie content of oatmeal porridge with water, then, of course, you should not add sugar and butter to it. Although this porridge is very healthy, it turns out almost tasteless. But you can improve the taste without increasing calories. To do this, you can add some berries or various fruits to the finished version. Will not affect calorie content:

  • fresh apricots, peaches;
  • prunes, as well as dried apricots or raisins;
  • baked apples, maybe pears;
  • baked onion or honey pumpkin;
  • fresh herbs will give the porridge an interesting taste.

If you are going on a long-term diet based on oatmeal porridge on water, then this option of supplements will diversify the daily menu.

Calorie content of oatmeal porridge on water

The energy value of porridge made from oatmeal may vary. This largely depends on the additional components that are added during preparation.

The calorie content of oatmeal porridge with water per 100 grams of cereal or flakes is approximately 250 kcal.

Despite the fact that this calorie content is considered quite high, nutritionists still recommend spending fasting days on oatmeal, cooked in water, of course.

It is worth noting that oatmeal contains:

  • proteins – 11%;
  • carbohydrates – 68%;
  • fat – 6%.

Hercules are flattened oat grains. This cereal grows everywhere, and in Ireland and Great Britain, with short and rainy summers, and where other cereals simply do not ripen, oats have always been and remain the breadwinner. For many centuries, the British have not had a single breakfast without oatmeal porridge. Hercules flakes are a product that, due to vitamins and a number of useful substances, is a complete breakfast, afternoon snack or dinner. In our country they know and love Hercules flakes, which are in great demand among consumers. Hercules porridge is a dietary and very healthy food that is present in all dietary tables in all sanatoriums and hospitals.

The chemical composition of Hercules flakes includes choline, vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, H, E, PP, as well as macro- and microelements, such as calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, copper, selenium, iron, manganese, chlorine, sulfur, fluorine, iodine, phosphorus, cobalt, sodium, etc.

100g of Hercules contains:

  • Water – 12.
  • Proteins – 13.1.
  • Fats – 6.2.
  • Carbohydrates – 65.7.
  • Kcal – 355.

Oats have long been considered a very healthy cereal, from which oatmeal, oatmeal flour, muesli and oat coffee, beloved by many dieters, were prepared.

In England they produce dark beer with a specific taste (oatmeal stout). In Scotland, there are many national dishes made from oats that are known all over the world - black pudding, haggis, stuffing for poultry, as well as the special and famous caboc cheese.

Nutritionists advise people with gastrointestinal problems to eat Hercules porridge, since this porridge tends to coat the walls of the stomach.

Eating this porridge helps cleanse the intestinal walls of toxins. Sweet oatmeal with milk will be a wonderful and healthy breakfast for a child.

Eating oatmeal normalizes cholesterol levels and cleans blood vessels. Patients who have undergone surgery on the peritoneum are introduced to the diet with oatmeal, boiled in water and very rare, for the recovery process.

Oatmeal helps process fats and carbohydrates, so it is very useful for liver diseases and hepatitis.

Regular consumption of this porridge activates brain activity, improves memory and attention. Oatmeal prevents fatigue, fights the feeling of drowsiness, and helps with mood changes.

Oats contain antioxidants - inhibitors that prevent the destructive effects of free radicals.

Oats are a dietary product because they contain easily digestible proteins. For those who are on a weight loss diet, nutritionists advise preparing Hercules flakes in water. This porridge will not add calories, but at the same time a person will receive a boost of energy for the whole day due to its rich biological composition.

The composition of oatmeal is also rich in saturated fatty acids and dietary fiber, which makes this product especially useful and necessary for the human body.

Attention! Oats contain phytic acid. If you consume oatmeal in large quantities every day, the process of leaching calcium from the body may begin. Be sure to include oatmeal in your diet, but don’t overdo it: everything is good in moderation.

In addition, oatmeal should not be consumed by people with the rare disease celiac disease (allergy to grains).

100g of Hercules flakes contains 355 Kcal, which is 21% of a person’s daily requirement. A significant part of these kcal are complex carbohydrates, which take a long time to digest in the stomach and give a feeling of fullness for a long time, thereby not causing an increase in blood sugar levels. Therefore, Hercules flakes are considered not only a dietary product, but also a diabetic product, but only if the porridge is prepared in water without sugar and butter. So:

  • One teaspoon contains 5g, with a calorie content of 17.6.
  • One tablespoon – 18g, with a calorie content of 63.36.
  • A glass of 200 ml – 135 g, with a calorie content of 475.2.
  • A glass of 250 ml – 170 g, with a calorie content of 598.4.

Porridges, snacks, desserts, etc. are prepared from Hercules flakes. Here are a few especially popular dishes:

  1. Soak the flakes in cold water overnight. In the morning, grate an apple, add honey and nuts, and the “Health” salad is ready.
  2. Dry muesli or granola. Fill it with milk, kefir, curdled milk or yogurt, and breakfast is ready.
  3. Hercules flakes are used to prepare excellent side dishes for fish, meat, cutlets, and also as a breading for minced meat.
  4. Cereal dessert. Melt 150g butter, add 150g sugar. Cook over low heat until the sugar dissolves. Then add a glass of Hercules flakes and stir. Place the mixture on a plate soaked in water, smooth it out and put it in the refrigerator until the mixture hardens. Served as a separate dessert or with baked apples.

If you want your household to be healthy and energetic, be sure to include Hercules cereal porridge in your diet, and let this cereal become a traditional food product for your family.

How to prepare Hercules porridge, watch the video below:

Below is the cereal Hercules and its calorie content. Also indicated are carbohydrates, proteins, fats and water for every 100 g of rolled oats.

In the table below you can find out the calories, carbohydrates, fats, proteins of oatmeal porridge cooked in milk and water. How to calculate the calorie content of cooked cereal?

Since childhood, everyone knows that porridge is a very healthy food product. However, today we want to talk about which porridge has the most protein. All cereals are a valuable source of vitamins and minerals, amino acids, and nutrients. Porridges have always been worthy of attention and even with the modern variety of products in supermarkets they have not lost their relevance.

We have centuries of experience in consuming cereal products. This is the oldest source of food that man decided to use. Even 17 thousand years ago, ancient civilizations began to eat barley. A little later they mastered oats, as well as millet. Then they didn’t choose which porridge had the most protein. What grew in the region was eaten. It was cereals that provided a well-fed and affordable diet for the poorest segments of the population, and supplied people with strength and energy.

Cereals were used in different ways. They were used to cook porridges and soups, and also ground them for baking flatbreads. Rich people did not refuse them either. In this case, porridges were used as side dishes for meat. Today we have access to a larger quantity of cereals than medieval inhabitants had in their diet. Which ones are the most valuable? The benefits to the body are usually calculated by the protein content. This is the most important building material for our tissues and organs. That’s why we decided today to find out which porridge has the most protein.

Today many people buy Hercules flakes. However, this flattened grain is already deprived of some of its beneficial properties. Therefore, if you consider yourself a follower of a healthy diet, then it is best to take whole oatmeal. Cooking it is not that difficult. But instant cereal is a refined product that will not give the body anything useful.

When talking about which porridge contains the most protein, one cannot help but remember oats. This cereal is one of the most ancient. In addition to protein, it contains microelements and vitamins, as well as an abundance of fiber. Calorie content is 355 kcal per 100 g of product. Grains contain insoluble fiber, which acts like a brush in the intestines. They clean the walls and remove cholesterol at the same time.

By regularly eating oatmeal, you will get rid of gastrointestinal diseases. It gives you a lot of energy, so you will be energetic all day. Cereals contain an enzyme that promotes the absorption of fat in the intestines. Oatmeal is distinguished by a large amount of biotin, which is actively involved in the metabolism of cholesterol, proteins and amino acids.

However, when eating oatmeal daily, you should remember that it contains phytic acid. It inhibits the absorption of calcium in the intestine, which can result in the development of osteoporosis.

Do you know how to cook delicious Hercules? Fill the flakes with water at the rate of 1/3 and put on fire. After 10 minutes, add cream to the pan and close the lid tightly. Before serving, add berries: raspberries, cherries or blackberries.

If we talk about which porridge has the most protein, then buckwheat immediately comes to mind. Tasty, crumbly, satisfying, it is a favorite side dish for many. This may be a discovery for you, but buckwheat is not a cereal, like most cereals. This is a herbaceous plant, the closest relative of which is sorrel. The calorie content of this product is minimal, but the benefits the body receives are simply colossal. There are only 320 kcal per 100 g.

This is the incomparable leader among cereals in terms of nutritional value. A large number of diets are based on its use. Most often, when deciding to lose weight, people begin to pay close attention to the protein in their food. The table will help you create an optimal diet that will enable you to achieve your ideal.

Buckwheat is suitable not only for those who watch their figure. This is the optimal animal protein substitute for vegetarians. A tasty and healthy product allows you to build a healthy diet. In buckwheat, the volume of vegetable protein reaches 18%. This is a very good indicator. In addition, it is rich in potassium and magnesium.

People call this cereal a mini-pharmacy. You can talk about her alone endlessly. But it is especially often interested in those for whom protein in food is important (the table gives a comparative description so that you can see how its content differs in different cereals).

Among other things, buckwheat saves the body from intoxication and poisoning. It removes toxins and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The list can go on and on, buckwheat helps with metabolic disorders and obesity, as well as vitamin deficiency. This is not surprising because it is rich in B vitamins, phosphorus, calcium, manganese and potassium, iron and magnesium.

It’s very easy to cook delicious buckwheat in pots. To do this, pour cereal into it and pour boiling water over it. Place the pot in the oven for 15 minutes. Now open the lid and place butter in the middle and return to the oven for a few minutes. The resulting dish looks like it came out of a Russian oven.

If we talk about which porridge has the most protein, the list often starts with buckwheat. But is this really so, let's look further.

She has been undeservedly forgotten today. Only in the canteens they still prepare pickles and a side dish of barley. Many people consider it tasteless, but in fact they simply do not know how to cook it properly. It is a product of grinding barley, which formed the basis of the diet of the ancient Romans. The gladiators ate this porridge with pleasure, as it quickly replenished energy costs. It was popular in Rus' until it was replaced by wheat. If we consider healthy foods that contain a lot of protein (the table will make it possible to imagine this more clearly), then pearl barley will take place after buckwheat, with a small margin. Calorie content - 325 kcal per 100 g.

It must be prepared correctly. Pre-soak the cereal overnight, then rinse and fill 1/5 with water. Boil the pearl barley for about an hour, and then leave to simmer over low heat for 5-6 hours.

This is real sunshine in a plate. It is a pity that millet is eaten quite rarely today. This cereal undergoes minimal processing, and all its beneficial properties are preserved. Millet is superior to buckwheat in protein content, and in addition, it is rich in carbohydrates. For this reason, millet porridge should not be consumed by people with diabetes. But a healthy person receives a boost of energy, a long-lasting feeling of satiety, and a good dose of protein and vitamins. Millet contains healthy fats that increase the nutritional value and calorie content of porridge (334 kcal per 100 g).

It can be placed on our list after pearl barley. Despite the fact that this product is unusual and unusual in our country, it must be consumed. Boiled corn is a seasonal dish, and cereals are available in stores all year round.

It is very filling, you simply won’t be able to eat too much of it. The absorption period is long. Within 4 hours, the body will break down carbohydrates and gradually waste them. This unique property makes cereal a real find for people who care about their figure. In addition to a good portion of protein, it also contains potassium and magnesium. These microelements are very valuable for the heart. A large amount of vitamins makes this porridge an excellent helper for the body in the off-season. Calorie content - 337 kcal per 100 g.

And we finish looking at foods with the highest protein content. The cereals listed in this article are very healthy and should be consumed every day. Then the body will last much longer. There is one more cereal left that needs attention.

Compared to other cereals, it contains less protein, but still the content is decent - 7%. The product is included in the daily diet of millions of people on earth. It helps with digestive diseases and diarrhea. It is high in carbohydrates and fiber. Nutritional properties vary slightly depending on the variety. It is best to choose brown. Of all grains, rice contains the most high-quality starch. Calorie content - about 320 kcal per 100 g.

It's difficult to say which porridge is more beneficial. All of them are excellent sources of protein, fiber and vitamins. Therefore, it will be best if you alternate them in your diet. In terms of protein content, cereals are superior only to legumes. Eat right and be healthy.

The basis of oatmeal porridge is oat seeds, which are processed using a special technology, as a result of which they are freed from the indigestible hard shell and become crushed, turning into flakes. Oats are a cereal, therefore, like other cereal seeds, oat flakes contain the most beneficial substances for the human body.

Oatmeal is a whole grain that looks slightly similar to rice. To prepare porridge from it, you need to cook it for 30-40 minutes.

Hercules (oat flakes) - oat flakes, for which a different cooking technology is used. Oatmeal is cleaned, steamed and flattened. To prepare porridge from oatmeal, it is often enough just to pour boiling water over it - after 5 minutes, it is ready to eat.

Thus, the cooking time for these products differs. Whole grain oatmeal will take up to 40 minutes to get a good oatmeal. It only takes a few minutes to cook rolled oats. It should be noted that rolled oats also need to be boiled, but cooking time still requires much less.

The nutrients these foods contain also vary. Whole grains retain all important vitamins and elements, while processed flakes contain much less of them. There is also a so-called “empty” rolled oats - requiring only boiling water and 5 minutes of cooking. It is suitable for situations where you need a quick snack, for example, on the road, but is not indicated for daily use.

Thus, the differences between these products are as follows:

  • Oatmeal is a whole grain product, while rolled oats is the commercial name for the convenience food.
  • Oatmeal takes a long time to cook (up to 40 minutes), but preparing oatmeal requires only boiling water and a few minutes of steaming.
  • Oatmeal is healthy due to whole grains and the absence of heat treatment, which destroys nutrients. Hercules contains much less of these substances.
  • Oatmeal can be consumed very often, but rolled oats are recommended only in situations where you need a quick snack.

First of all, rolled oats porridge is extremely useful because it contains organic compounds that facilitate the absorption of amino acids. Therefore, the consumption of this porridge is recommended for people who are exposed to significant physical activity. Provided such stimulants are supplied in sufficient quantities, rapid regeneration of muscle tissue protein occurs, so muscle performance is maintained.

Over the years of human consumption of oats, they have been studied quite well. Oat seeds have been found to be a powerful source of antioxidants. Antioxidants are a natural barrier to the appearance of cancerous tumors. Therefore, the prevention of cancer is another answer to the question “what is the use of rolled oats?” Antioxidants also slow down aging to a certain extent, which is quite important, for example, for people who are very jealous of their own appearance (they are often concerned with the question “how is rolled oats porridge useful?”).

What is rolled oats made of? These flakes are oat grains without a hard shell. During the production process, they are cleared of this shell, but it cannot be completely removed due to objective reasons. This is also the benefit of oatmeal porridge - not removed particles, while passing through the intestines, clean out its walls, taking away all the toxins with them. Even modern professional medicine cannot offer a more effective and cheaper way to cleanse the intestines - and this is another answer to the question “how is oatmeal porridge useful?”

water, g12
proteins, g11
fats, g6
carbohydrates, g61
mono- and disaccharides, g1.2
fiber, g2.8
starch, g48.8
ash, g1.7
potassium, mg330
calcium, mg52
magnesium, mg129
sodium, mg20
phosphorus, mg328
iron, mcg3630
iodine, mcg6
cobalt, µg5
manganese, mcg3820
copper, µg450
fluorine, mcg45
zinc, mcg3100
vitamin E (tocopherol), mg3.2
vitamin B1 (thiamine), mg0.45
vitamin B2 (riboflavin), mg0.1
vitamin B9 (folic acid), mcg23
vitamin PP (niacin), mg1
calorie content, kcal355

Due to the presence of gluten (gluten), consuming finely chopped oat flakes in moderation is beneficial in case of stomach ulcers. Gluten coats inflammation and reduces pain. This effect can have not only rolled oats porridge, but also “raw” rolled oats for gastritis - oatmeal muesli. But eating rolled oats with an ulcer must be done with caution, since the muesli particles are still quite hard, and therefore can be somewhat unpleasant for the stomach, especially an inflamed one. Hercules for gastritis and ulcers should be prepared without salt.

This mask is well suited for any skin type, including sensitive ones.


  • 2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal;
  • 50 g honey;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of apple cider vinegar;
  • clean warm water.

It all gets mixed up. Hercules for face is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes, then washed off with water.

Another mask option:

You need to take 4 tbsp. spoons of cereal, pour into a bowl, then pour 60 ml of boiling water into it. This mixture must be brought to a homogeneous consistency. 2 teaspoons of mint leaves should be finely chopped and also poured into a bowl. With this mask you can refresh your face well and relieve signs of fatigue.

With the help of this cereal you can lose weight, even quite noticeably. However, the Hercules diet is not balanced, and therefore has some contraindications. Therefore, it is better to discuss it in advance with your doctor to avoid harm.

When losing weight, Hercules allows you to cleanse blood vessels, reduce cholesterol in the blood and treat various stomach diseases (in particular, Hercules is very useful for gastritis). This cereal contains a wide variety of useful elements and fiber in quantities that meet daily needs. The low calorie content of rolled oats makes a diet based on it very effective.

A serving of oatmeal porridge for breakfast during breastfeeding is one of the best nutrition options for a mother during lactation. When a nursing woman regularly consumes oatmeal, her milk supply increases. Therefore, many doctors recommend rolled oats during breastfeeding.

People with diabetes should avoid spikes in cholesterol levels. Hercules for diabetes contains beta-glucan, which saturates the body with soluble fiber, which helps reduce cholesterol in the blood. These fibers envelop the walls of the stomach and intestines, preventing the absorption of cholesterol from foods into the blood.

Vitamins, amino acids, micro- and macroelements make rolled oats an indispensable product for all people with high blood glucose levels. Also, oatmeal porridge for diabetes contains substances that reduce glucose levels - first of all, these are sprouts of sprouted oats, which improve the functioning of the diuretic, choleretic and nervous systems. Hercules porridge for diabetes, provided it is consumed regularly, can significantly reduce the required dosage of insulin.

Hercules is one of the healthiest breakfast foods. The benefit of oatmeal porridge in the morning is that it reduces the risk of blood clots, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, and improves brain function. In addition, oatmeal porridge is an effective remedy for preventing stress; it improves mood, improves kidney function and has a general strengthening effect.

Hercules is a dietary product characterized by low calorie content (100 g - 84 Kcal). It contains vitamins E and group B, proteins, as well as coarse plant fiber, which removes toxins. Due to the presence of beta-glucan, the composition forms a viscous substance that neutralizes cholesterol. Is oatmeal porridge acceptable at night? Undoubtedly.

For constipation, Hercules softens stool, preventing it from remaining in the intestines for too long. However, caution is required when consuming oatmeal porridge, since excessive amounts of oatmeal consumed can itself cause constipation.

Hercules porridge is an important source of iron and folic acid. It is these two substances that are extremely important for the mother’s body and the health of her unborn child. Folic acid prevents the occurrence of certain birth defects. At the same time, a small portion of rolled oats contains the daily amount of folic acid needed by a pregnant woman. Therefore, rolled oats during pregnancy are a very appropriate product.

It contains approximately 20% of the daily amount of riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin B6, niacin. It is B6 that makes it possible to extremely reduce the manifestations of toxicosis. Thiamine and riboflavin supply energy to the female body, and niacin improves the condition of the skin of the expectant mother. Iron, also contained in oatmeal porridge, prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia, manifested by severe fatigue and irritability. During pregnancy, you need to take at least 30 mg of iron daily with food. A serving of this porridge provides 20% of the average daily iron requirement. To improve the absorption of iron, it is recommended to consume rolled oats during pregnancy with fruits and juices.

It is useful for a nursing mother to consume one bowl of oatmeal porridge daily. When breastfeeding, Hercules porridge is a very good source of iron. Products with a high content of this element are indispensable for combating anemia, which can cause a significant decrease in the amount of breast milk.

Hercules contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. The former reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and stabilize glucose levels. Insoluble fibers normalize intestinal function. Therefore, the answer to the question “is it possible to eat rolled oats every day?” quite affirmative.

Eating both raw oatmeal and oatmeal porridge requires some caution. The main condition is moderation in the volume of consumption. The greatest harm of oatmeal porridge in water comes from an excess amount in the diet and consists in stopping the absorption of calcium, which leads to brittle bones. Therefore, the warning about rolled oatmeal is the same as about other products - oatmeal porridge for breakfast should be consumed in moderation.

Hercules porridge, a product that consists primarily of carbohydrates, is characterized by a high calorie content. This is both its benefit and harm. The calorie content of rolled oats is approximately 350-355 kcal per 100 g. This is exactly how many kilocalories are contained in 100 g of this porridge:

  • 11 g proteins;
  • 6 g fat;
  • 61 g carbohydrates.

With a low fat content, rolled oats contain an abundance of carbohydrates, which provide most of the calories. But these carbohydrates do not cause a rapid increase in blood sugar, they lead to this result gradually. This type of carbohydrates is called slow carbohydrates and, above all, they give the oatmeal porridge its calorie content. Therefore, oatmeal porridge with its calorie content is also useful in that it is a dietary product suitable for diabetics, provided it is consumed without sugar.

The ratio of BJU in oatmeal porridge is 19.8%: 10.4%: 69.9%, respectively. Thus, this product contains a lot of carbohydrates and relatively a lot of protein with a low amount of fat and low calorie content overall.

There may be several reasons why oatmeal porridge is bitter. But most often this is the end of the shelf life or gross violations of storage conditions. It could also be due to increased humidity in the room or a violation of the seal of the packaging. Some housewives, when opening a pack of rolled oats, pour it into another container, where under the closed lid it can simply “suffocate.” In this case, there is only one way out - to throw away the spoiled cereal.

Sometimes the finished porridge is also bitter. The reason is oxidation or some component added to it, for example, oil. To determine what exactly is bitter in the porridge, you need to try the added oil or prepare oatmeal porridge in water without adding anything to it at all.

The oatmeal porridge diet is a typical mono-diet, which is an effective and fairly quick method of getting rid of several excess kilos. It is suitable as an express method for losing weight after long holidays and is ideal for energetic people who are not obese. By limiting the number of calories consumed, the body is forced to use up stored fat deposits. The diet based on oatmeal porridge is based on such a useful product as oatmeal, containing macro- and microelements, vitamins E, PP, group B. 100 g of oatmeal satisfies the daily requirement for fiber. Hercules porridge for weight loss is distinguished primarily by its low calorie content and the presence of many useful substances (sodium, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium). With regular consumption of rolled oats, the effectiveness of treating diseases improves, the concentration of cholesterol in the blood decreases, and blood vessels are cleansed. For this reason, oatmeal porridge is recommended for gastritis.

Other benefits of the Hercules diet:

  • there is no need to starve, since the cereal contains complex carbohydrates that are broken down in the body within a few hours;
  • the result is achieved quite quickly;
  • the functioning of the digestive organs improves;
  • skin tone improves;
  • the course of inflammatory processes in the body, if present, is facilitated (therefore, rolled oats are very useful for gastritis);
  • There are several options for such a diet - more stringent and more gentle.

Cooking process

Water is poured into the pan and placed over fairly high heat. It is worth noting that it is better to add salt and sugar at this stage, before the flakes fall asleep. After the water boils, the flakes are poured into it with constant stirring. The duration of cooking of such porridge depends directly on the size of the flakes. In total, the cooking process will take from three to ten minutes. When the water has almost completely evaporated, reduce the heat to low for a minute and close the pan with a lid. After turning off the heat, the porridge should be allowed to brew for about 5-10 minutes and can be placed on plates.

How to cook oatmeal porridge in water?

This breakfast is cooked very quickly, and its benefits are difficult to overestimate.

Proportions of oatmeal porridge on water and necessary ingredients:

  • a glass of oatmeal;
  • 1.5 glasses of water;
  • salt and sugar to taste.

If desired, you can add a little butter to the porridge; 20 grams is enough for the proposed volume of products.

Calorie intake per day

As such, there is no single and generally accepted daily calorie intake. According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, “energy entering the body (in calories) must be balanced with energy expended.” Thus, your individual calorie intake depends, first of all, on the nature of your work, level of physical activity, gender, age and a number of other factors. However, on the Internet you can find many tables and calculators of unknown origin, offering information on daily values, supposedly based on authoritative sources. We believe that the quality of this information is quite questionable.

The most reliable way to determine individual calorie needs is to simply calculate the energy value of food consumed during the day (or several days). Just record your normal daily diet on paper. Write down what and how much you ate during the day. Calorie content can be directly calculated using information from product labels and using our website. Provided that you are healthy and your weight does not change much with your current diet, the results obtained can be conditionally considered your daily norm.

To lose weight, you need to slightly reduce your daily energy intake. If you maintain your current lifestyle, you will experience a slight calorie deficit because your costs will remain the same. This will lead to the gradual burning of your fat reserves. What exactly the deficit should be is up to you to decide. We strongly advise against increasing it sharply, because... it won't lead to anything good. Reduce your calorie intake gradually and lose weight slowly. This way you won’t have to torture yourself and break down from time to time. And of course, before making any dietary changes, we strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor or qualified dietitian.

Rules for choosing cereals

For the benefits of oatmeal porridge on water to really be that way, you need to choose the right flakes in the store. It is worth focusing your attention on the quality and tightness of the packaging, packaging and storage duration. When purchasing oatmeal you should consider:

  • Only cereal. To prepare a healthy and tasty breakfast, you should give preference to cereals without additives. And the presence of additional components, fruits and vegetables, in most cases reduces the benefits, while increasing the calorie content and cost of the product. It is worth noting that more often porridges with additives consist of finely ground flakes, which practically do not require cooking; such options are not considered healthy at all.
  • Transparent packaging. Thanks to this packaging, you can visually assess the condition of the flakes. The cereal must be clean, without additional impurities; only the presence of a small amount of white shavings is acceptable.
  • The flakes should be white, of course, not pure. They can range in color from yellow to cream. Brown color indicates a low degree of purification, so you should not buy such rolled oats.

  • You should not buy cardboard packs without a package inside. Hercules absorbs moisture very strongly, which kills the beneficial properties of the porridge. But you can never be sure of correct storage, so it’s better not to buy rolled oats flakes in cardboard.
  • Different expiration dates. Storage of oatmeal in sealed plastic bags is possible for up to a year, and in cardboard boxes the shelf life is no more than 4 months.

Oats are a unique cereal crop that contains many nutritional components and vitamins. And if we look at the flakes, they are not inferior in useful properties to grains and cereals, the only difference is in appearance - these are steamed and flattened oat grains that have retained their shell. Calorie content of oatmeal per 100 grams depends on the type and method of preparation. But still, this cereal crop is often used for dietary purposes. Porridges made from it satiate quickly and for a long time, and they also replenish the necessary beneficial components in the body. But it’s still worth first considering the basic properties and nutritional value of oatmeal.

Before considering the calorie content of oatmeal, it is worth studying the types of cereals. Each variety has characteristic distinctive properties, which depend on the quality of the grains and the number of operations performed on them.

The following types of oatmeal are distinguished:

  • "Extra";
  • "Hercules";
  • petal oat flakes.

The last two types are made from premium grains. The “Extra” category refers to the first class of oats.

  • whole grain flakes;
  • cut grain flakes;
  • fast-cooking cereal.

It is worth noting! Many nutritionists claim that flakes with a fine structure are absorbed much faster. But those that resemble more whole grains are able to maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time.


Oatmeal is considered a popular breakfast food. This is due to the fact that they contain many vitamins and nutritional components.

Porridge made from them is useful for adults and children. The table below shows the indicators of KBJU per 100 grams of this product.

The structure of oatmeal is similar to coarse dietary fiber. After entering the stomach, they begin to intensively absorb liquid, as a result of which they swell and fill the stomach. Therefore, a person does not feel hungry for a long time. Oatmeal contains a high level of fiber. It has a beneficial effect on the organs of the digestive system. Thanks to it, metabolic processes are improved and the work of the stomach and intestines is stimulated.

In addition, cereals contain a number of vitamins and minerals:

  • vitamins – group B, A, C, D, E, K, N, NE, RR;
  • macro- and microelements - calcium, zinc, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, cobalt, potassium, selenium, silicon, iron, sodium, selenium, fluorine, copper, iodine, chlorine and other minerals.

Calorie content per 100 grams

So how many calories are in oatmeal per 100 grams? This figure is 366 kcal. A tablespoon contains approximately 36 kcal.

Please note: It is worth remembering that dry oatmeal, unlike boiled oatmeal, contains several times less calories. But it is still worth considering that the nutritional value may depend on many factors - the method of preparation, the type of cereal, the addition of additional components.

Calorie content of oatmeal with milk

The calorie content of oatmeal cooked with milk is low. Per 100 grams it is only 102 kcal. For this reason, they are very popular among those who actively watch their figure.

Oatmeal with milk is often used as a main breakfast dish. Porridge is eaten by adults and children. The main advantage is its appearance. After brewing, it does not lose its shape and does not spread on the plate.

Calorie content of oatmeal with honey

The nutritional value of flakes with added honey is very low. It is about 84.5 kcal. After cooking, porridge with honey is endowed with a special taste, this is due to the addition of a beekeeping product to it. This option is suitable for those who do not consume sugar.

Calorie content of oatmeal on water

Porridge that is cooked in water has low nutritional value. Its calorie content is 88 kcal. This cooking option is very popular. Oatmeal perfectly saturates the body with useful components and suppresses hunger for a long time.

What is the benefit

Oatmeal is a healthy product that is essential for the human body. With its regular use, there is a decrease in bad cholesterol in the blood. It reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke, and vascular atherosclerosis. And if you eat oatmeal every day, you can increase the body’s protective properties and normalize the activity of the nervous system.

Oatmeal reduces the likelihood of cholesterol plaques forming. And if you eat oatmeal porridge every morning, it can increase your energy and also give you strength for the whole day. The product improves the emotional background, it relieves depression and bad mood.

Oatmeal should be consumed by people who have the following health problems:

  • Tuberculosis in the initial stages. The substances that make up oats reduce the risk of developing this disease; they fight the rods that provoke its appearance.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Diabetes.
  • Low immune system.
  • Pathologies of the circulatory system.
  • Deterioration in brain function, memory loss.
  • Brittle bones, nails, hair.

Important! The main uniqueness of the product is that it is easily digestible, despite its high calorie content. Complex carbohydrates are used for energy saturation.


Do not forget that oatmeal has negative characteristics. Of course, compared to the benefits, they are much smaller, but they still need to be taken into account.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet for people who have the following health problems:

  • allergic reactions;
  • congenital intolerance to the product;
  • celiac disease.

Celiac disease is a disease in which the body is unable to absorb and process components that are also found in cereals, including oatmeal.

Oatmeal should be consumed in moderation. Excessive intake of this product into the body can lead to leaching of calcium from bones. As a result, they may become brittle and deformed.

Practical advice: Don’t get carried away with instant cereals. There are flakes on sale that require 5–10 minutes to brew. They contain many sweeteners and preservatives, which can be harmful to health.

Features of use during pregnancy

This product can solve many problems during pregnancy:

  • During pregnancy, the supply of necessary components is required that can ensure the correct construction of the child’s bones. All the necessary macro- and microelements are contained in oatmeal.
  • If you regularly include oatmeal in your menu, you will be able to get rid of excessive brittleness of your nail plates and hair.
  • Vitamin B will normalize the nervous system and eliminate frequent nervous breakdowns and stress.
  • Oatmeal contains high levels of fiber. It will improve digestion and help cope with frequent constipation.
  • The elements contained in the flakes will help cope with unsightly stretch marks on the surface of the skin.
  • Iron will relieve anemia, and this component will also prevent fatigue and nervousness in a woman.
  • Consuming the product will prevent possible complications that may arise during fetal development.

Oatmeal during lactation

After pregnancy and the birth of a child, the mother’s body is greatly weakened. The immune system decreases, which means that during this period the woman will be highly susceptible to various unpleasant and dangerous diseases.

For this reason, a full recovery of strength is required. It is the foods that will be consumed that will have a major impact on a woman’s health.

Please note: Oatmeal during this period will be a necessary product that should be on the mother’s menu. It is easily absorbed in the body without causing excess weight gain. In addition, it will saturate the body with vitamins, macro- and microelements, and nutritional components that will be included in mother’s milk. As a result, the child will be able to fully grow and develop.

But it’s still worth remembering a few important tips:

  • The choice of oatmeal should be treated with special care. You definitely need to look at the appearance, the method of preparation, you need to study the composition, it should not contain dyes, preservatives, or palm oil. These substances will have harmful effects on the child.
  • Before introducing it into the diet, you should make sure that the baby has no allergies or colic in the stomach. The child should also have normal bowel movements.
  • A woman should consume 200–250 grams of boiled porridge per day.
  • At first it should be cooked in water, and after three months it can be boiled using milk.

When losing weight

The menu of many diets often includes oatmeal porridge. This product promotes complete weight loss, without loss of vitamins and necessary components for the full functioning of internal organs.

But since oatmeal is a high-calorie dish, it should only be consumed in the morning for breakfast.

Please note: You can also significantly reduce its calorie content. It should be cooked in water, and when consumed, you should not add sugar or butter to it. To improve the taste, it can be supplemented with pieces of fresh fruit or dried fruit.

So why are oatmeal important for weight loss:

  • provide long-term saturation of the body;
  • reduce cravings for sweets;
  • enrich the body with vitamins and nutritional components;
  • increases strength, which makes it much easier to perform various physical exercises, without overloading the stomach;
  • cleanses the stomach of harmful components, normalizes stool;
  • improve the appearance of the skin, increase skin elasticity.

Oatmeal on the children's menu

Oatmeal porridge must be included in children's menus. You should start taking oatmeal while feeding infants. Moreover, children who are bottle-fed can start consuming this product earlier. For such children, the optimal period for introducing oatmeal will be 6–7 months, but for infants – 8–9 months.

Before cooking, the cereal must be ground to flour. Boil in water or dry mixture. After a year, you don’t have to grind the flakes; you can cook with cow’s milk. Porridge is best used for breakfast.

Use in cooking

Oat flakes can be used to prepare not only porridge; they are suitable for preparing various dishes. They are suitable for regular and proper nutrition, and can also diversify the menu.

Lazy oatmeal in a jar

Ingredients required for preparation:

  • oatmeal – 150 grams;
  • banana;
  • glass of water;
  • yogurt – 250 grams;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • fruits and berries.

The banana is kneaded into a puree, which is poured into jars. Next, pour in the cereal, add water, add yogurt and honey. The containers are placed in the refrigerator and left overnight. Afterwards pieces of fruit and berries are added to the porridge.

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