Delvig's literary competition has a long list. “Golden Delvig” named the best, confirming their commitment to the Russian literary tradition

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Literaturnaya Gazeta announces the start of a new season of the competition for the Anton Delvig Prize “For Fidelity to the Word and the Fatherland.”

The award named after the first editor of "LG" Anton Delvig "For loyalty to the Word and the Fatherland" was established as an annual Russian general national award October 1, 2012.
The purpose of the award is professional recognition and support for writers whose books and publications continue and enhance the best traditions and values ​​of classical Russian, multinational Soviet and Russian literature, are high level skills, preserve and develop Russian literary language.
The prize is awarded by a jury based on expert opinions and personal acquaintance with the nominated works. The jury and body of experts are formed and updated annually by the LG editorial board. Jury members and experts are not eligible to compete for the prize.
Books in Russian that were published from January 2015 to October 2016 are submitted for the competition.
Books can be nominated for the Delvig Prize creative unions, including branches in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, foundations whose activities are related to culture, departments of literature of higher educational institutions, literary and artistic periodicals, as well as publishing houses.
Works written in the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia are presented in literary translation into Russian. If a prize is awarded to a writer who writes in national language, its monetary equivalent is divided between the author and the translator in equal shares. No more than two positions from one publishing house or organization can be submitted to the competition.
In 2016, the acceptance of books (works) nominated for the prize is carried out from October 6 to December 31 at the address: Moscow, st. Staraya Basmannaya, 18, building 1. Editorial office of the Literary Newspaper, marked “For competition.”
The nomination letter is of an arbitrary, free nature. It provides a brief description of pulled out book. In addition, information about the nominating organization is provided, indicating its address and contact numbers.
Basic information about the applicant: place and time of birth, writing experience, main published books, as well as home address and telephone number.
The nomination letter is sent to the editorial office of “LG” with two copies of the nominated book attached.
The competition jury does not openly review nominated works and does not enter into correspondence with nominating organizations and applicant authors. Works submitted to the competition will not be returned. Electronic options are not considered.
Due to the fact that 2016 “LG” declared the Year of Great Historians, the jury and the organizing committee are introducing three special nominations into the award: “Work in prose on historical topic", "A work in verse on a historical theme", "A work in the genre of historical biography."
Please take into account the peculiarities of the postal service and do not send works to the competition several days before the final date for accepting applicants' works.

The Golden Delvig literary prize was awarded

The presentation of the Golden Delvig literary award took place at the State Pushkin Museum. This award was established by Literaturnaya Gazeta, one of the founders and first editor of which was Anton Delvig. Books in Russian published in the last few years are submitted for the competition. The award is awarded with the wording “For loyalty to the word and the Fatherland.” This year, the laureates were not divided into “gold”, “silver” and “bronze”, having decided that all winners were equal in talent and skill.

“We are trying to return to the state approach: we present the award to people who have already proven their worth, who are read, who have responses,” he noted Chief Editor"Literary newspaper" Yuri Polyakov. Of the 56 works on the long list, 24 works were selected for the short list. Among them are not only novels, short stories and tales, but also collections of articles and essays, biographies and even translations of Sufi poetry. Here full list laureates.

Kamal Abdullah - for the book of stories “Plato seems to have fallen ill...” and contribution to the development of intellectual prose.

Anatoly Bayborodin - for the book of prose “The Miracle of the Lake” and high service to the ideals of Russian literature.

Olga Eliseeva - for the book “Radishchev” and a new word in historical literature.

Alexander Kupriyanov - for the novel “Nadeya” and the original refraction of the traditions of Russian prose.

Evgeny Rein - for the book of poems “Labyrinth” and his outstanding contribution to Russian poetry.

Svyatoslav Rybas - for biographical research“Vasily Shulgin: the fate of a Russian nationalist” and selfless activity in the field of historical education.

Konstantin Skvortsov - for the book of poems “A boat for two” and loyalty to the traditions of the root Russian poetic word.

Viktor Trostnikov - for the book “Thoughts before Sunset” and loyalty to the high spiritual ideals of Russian philosophical thought.

Natalya Kharlampieva - for the book “Declaration of Love. Yakutia in Russian poetry in the second half of the twentieth century", strengthening creative ties between Russian and Yakut literature and artistic discoveries in poetry.

Evgeny Chigrin - for the book of poems “Underwater Ball” and the development of poetic language.

Alexander Shchipkov - for the book “ Bronze Age. View from Tarusa" and preservation of traditional values.

Laureates of “Young Delvig”

Andrey Antipin - for the book of prose “Life History” and the continuation of the traditions of Russian realism in literature.

Ekaterina Yakovleva - for the book “Give Me the Whole” and a bright debut in Russian poetry.

Award winners

Mark Lyubomudrov - for critical articles about modern theater.

Natalya Malinovskaya, Elena Yurina - for the project “Names of Victory”.

Elena Pietiläinen - for her contribution to literature.

Vitaly Shabanov, Vladimir Shemshuchenko - for achievements in the genre of art songs and many years of propaganda of the Grushinsky festival.


Kamal Abdullah (Kamal Mehdi oglu Abdullayev)- Azerbaijani scientist, public and statesman, writer, playwright, Honored Scientist (1999), Academician of ANAS (2014), State Advisor to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on multiculturalism, religion and interethnic issues, from 2000 to 2014 - rector of BSU.

Chairman of the Azerbaijan Cultural Foundation. Full honorary member of the Turkish Linguistic Society, full member (academician) of the International Personnel Academy (Ukraine). Member of the Russian PEN Club (Moscow).

Born in 1950 in Baku. Graduated Faculty of Philology Baku State University. In 1984 he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation.

Currently he is the head of the BSU research laboratory “Problems of Translation”. Author, one of the executors of the projects: “Philologist’s Library - 100” (translation into Azerbaijani and publication of the 100 most significant philological works worldwide famous authors), series “Turkology” and “World Editions”. He is the editor-in-chief of the scientific notes of the BSU series “Language and Literature”.

Member of the board of directors of the Azerbaijan Writers Union, member of the Society theatrical figures, member of the board of the Union of Press Organs of Azerbaijan.

Author of works in the field of research of ancient epics Turkic peoples. At universities in various countries (Russia, USA, Poland, France, Germany) he lectured and taught special courses on general linguistics, text syntax, cultural aspects dastan "Kitabi Dede Gorgud". Periodically publishes scientific and journalistic articles not only in Azerbaijan, but also abroad - in Russia, Turkey, France, Brazil and Poland, Italy, etc.

Awarded the National Prize “Dede Gorgud”, awarded by the National Foundation “Dede Gorgud”, and the Pushkin Medal (2007). In the same year he became a laureate of the Khumay Prize and other literary awards.

Anatoly Grigorievich Bayborodin born in 1950 in the Transbaikal village of Sosnovo-Ozersk. After school, he worked at the Ulan-Ude shipyard as a laborer. After graduating from Irkutsk State University (Faculty of Philology, Department of Journalism), he worked as a correspondent for rural and regional newspapers in Eastern Siberia. In the 90s of the last century - teacher of practical stylistics of the Russian language at the Faculty of Philology and Journalism of ISU, creator of the course and manual “Russian Folk Ethics”. In the first decade this century headed the publishing house "Irkutsk Writer". Currently, he is the executive editor of the Orthodox, historical, local history, literary and artistic almanac “Irkutsk Kremlin”. His novels, stories, short stories and essays were published in Russian literary magazines and collective collections, as well as in Czechoslovakia, Germany, and France.

Author of the books “Old Mowing” (1983), “Late Son” (1988), “Like a Goddess Name the Earth” (1991), “My God...” (Foreword: Valentin Rasputin) (1996), “Will” (Foreword : Vladimir Lichutin) (1998), “Marvel” (2001), “Quench My Sorrows” (2006), “An Owl Will Not Give Birth to a Falcon” (2011), “Lake Miracle” (2013), “Heavenly Path” (2014).

Laureate of the regional literary prize named after St. Innocent of Irkutsk (1997) and the prize of the governor of the Irkutsk region (2002, 2011, 2012, 2014); laureate of the “Great Literary Prize of Russia” (2007).

Vladimir Lichutin in the article “Song native land"wrote: "Anatoly Bayborodin is a talented writer. Has style figurative language, the music of words, a faithful eye, a soul sensitive to the emotional experiences of the heroes. Nature generously endowed Baiborodin with all literary qualities, from which a true folk artist is molded. I read a book of stories and short stories and could not get enough of it: here in the depths of Siberia what new writer increased; I shared my delight with Valentin Rasputin, and he confirmed... Anatoly Bayborodin in Siberia and Russia is, perhaps, one of the few, and perhaps one of the very first stylists and experts on the Russian word.”

Olga Igorevna Eliseeva- historian and writer. Candidate historical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History at Moscow University for the Humanities, member of the Union of Writers of Russia. Born in 1967 in Moscow. Graduated from the Moscow State Historical and Archival Institute in 1991 (Russian State Humanities University), then graduate school at the institute Russian history Russian Academy Sciences, in 1995 she defended her thesis on source studies on the topic “Correspondence between Catherine II and G.A. Potemkin as historical source"and worked at the IRI RAS as a senior research fellow, then - senior executive editor of the Avanta+ publishing house.

Acts as a historical consultant for Russian popular science films on history. Consultant for the series “The Romanovs” (Channel One). Screenwriter documentaries"Decembrists" and "Polish Trace".

She was awarded the gold medal of ZhZL in 2010 and 2013, the silver medal named after Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova “For service to Freedom and Enlightenment” by the Moscow Humanitarian Institute named after E.R. Dashkova and the National Committee of Knights of the Russian Imperial Orders in 2008.

She became one of the organizers of the literary and philosophical group “Bastion”. The author of more than two dozen historical and historical-fiction novels, among which the most famous are “The Falcon on the Wrist”, the series about Catherine II, the series about M.S. Vorontsov and the series about A.H. Benckendorff. Winner of the literary awards “Chalice of Clio”, “Chalice of Bastion”, “Bronze Roscon”, “Big Filigree”, “Sword Excalibur”, “Wanderer”, “Karamzin Cross”, “Chronograph”.

Alexander Ivanovich Kupriyanov born in 1951 in the village of Innokentyevka, Nikolaevsky district, Khabarovsk Territory. Russian journalist, writer, editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Evening Moscow” (since 2011).

In 1972 he graduated from Khabarovsk State Pedagogical University, teacher of Russian language and literature. He came to journalism in the same 1972. He began his professional career as a correspondent for the Khabarovsk TV and Radio Committee.

The capital stage of work begins in 1981 in Komsomolskaya Pravda. He worked his way up from a correspondent to an executive secretary of a newspaper and a member of the editorial board.

Since 1992, another period in his creative biography began - work in “ Rossiyskaya newspaper"as first deputy editor-in-chief. Since 1994 - editor-in-chief of Express Newspaper, the first publication of a new type in Russia - a tabloid. Since 1999 - chief editor of the newspaper Izvestia. Since 2003 - editor-in-chief of the Capital Evening Newspaper. Since 2004 - editor-in-chief of Rodnaya Gazeta. Since 2005 - head of Kupriyanov Publishing House LLC.

Since 2010, he has headed the radio station " TVNZ" Since 2011 - chief editor of the newspaper “Evening Moscow”.

Author of several fiction books, including the novel "Lyagunda" (Vagrius publishing house), "My Angel" (Vremya publishing house), "The Pied Piper's Flute" (Vremya publishing house) Fiction"), "Yokarny Babai" (Kuprianov Publishing House, ANO RID, "Novaya Gazeta", 2009), "Golden Beetle" (publisher - Roman-Gazeta CJSC, 2012), "Timeri" (Vremya Publishing House, 2015 ) and others. Published under the pseudonym Alexander Cooper. Co-authored the script with Z.A. Kudrey feature film"Hope."

Laureate of the Moscow International Book Fair “For modern use Russian language in the novel “Yokarny Babay”.

Evgeniy Borisovich Rein- poet, essayist, prose writer, screenwriter. Born in 1935 in Leningrad. In 1959 he graduated from the Leningrad Technological Institute, in 1964 - Higher Screenwriting Courses.

In the 1950s - 1960s, he belonged to the close circle of Anna Akhmatova, who had a significant influence on the poet’s work. The beginning of his friendship with Joseph Brodsky also dates back to this time.

IN Soviet time Evgeniy Rein's books were not published, his poems were not published. During this period, his poems appeared in Western magazines “Continent”, “Grani”, “Syntax”. In 1979, Rein took part in the uncensored almanac “Metropol” (compiled the poetic section of the almanac), for which he was subjected to political persecution, was deprived of the opportunity to work, was engaged in documentary films, and only in 1982 was he able to return to literary activity, mainly translation.

Despite highly appreciated Evgeniy Rein's work was celebrated by poets of the older generation - Anna Akhmatova, Boris Pasternak, Boris Slutsky, Pavel Antokolsky, Arseny Tarkovsky and others - the first collection of his poems was published only in 1984, when the poet was 49 years old. With the beginning of perestroika in Russia, Rein's books began to be actively published; he published several collections of poetry, as well as two books of memoirs and essays.

Currently, Evgeniy Rein is a professor at the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky (department of creativity), member of the Writers' Union, member of the PEN Club, member of the Union of Cinematographers. Author of more than 20 books. Winner of many literary awards, including the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art (Moscow, for the book of poems “Prediction”, 1996), State Pushkin Prize Russian Federation (Moscow, collectively, 2004), Russian National Prize "Poet" (Moscow, Society for the Encouragement of Russian Poetry, Dignity Foundation, collectively, 2012).

“The poems of Evgeny Rein involuntarily increase moral value being. In the era of geniuses of compromise and pliability, when instead of “be yourself” one confesses “be satisfied with yourself,” Eugene Rein is filled with moral hospitality, faith in people, he does not ask for mercy, convenience, plain, knowing that the world is not such that one can live it is safe; he seeks to speak into the pain of others and his own...

... But if we digress to another literary direction, where the fashion for stylizing Russian classics reigns, and now there is also a fashion for avant-garde stylists, then Rhine’s position could be expressed in the words of Friedrich Nietzsche “One should write with the blood and waters of Lethe” (Alexander Mezhirov, “ Blood and Waters of Lethe").

Svyatoslav Yurievich Rybas born in 1946. Graduated from the Literary Institute named after. A.M. Gorky. Author of biographies of Pyotr Stolypin, Joseph Stalin, Andrei Gromyko, generals Alexander Kutepov, Alexander Samsonov, Vasily Shulgin, novels about Civil War, history manuals “One Hundred Years of Internal Wars. Short course history of Russia of the twentieth century”, research “Moscow versus St. Petersburg. Leningrad case of Stalin". Based on the story "Mirror for the Hero" film of the same name. One of the leaders of the restoration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Honorary member of the Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation. Member of the public council under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Has the first category in chess.

The ancestors were in the Register of Zaporozhye Cossacks from the time of Khmelnytsky. Sergeant Ignatius Rybas - participant in the Battle of Borodino. 90 Rybasov died in the Great Patriotic War. Paternal great-grandfather - vowel of the Staro-Sanzharsky zemstvo Poltava province, trustee of the zemstvo school. His paternal grandfather was a participant in the First World War, Commissioner of Finance of the Staro-Sanzharsky (not yet Bolshevik) Council. My maternal great-grandfather is a mining engineer. Maternal grandfather - participant White movement, Gallipoli resident, mining engineer, returned to the USSR. Father is a laureate Stalin Prize in Science and Technology, Mining Engineer.

Konstantin Vasilievich Skvortsov born in Tula in 1939. Russian writer, poet, playwright, member of the Russian Writers' Union since 1969, public figure. Lives in Moscow.

In 1961, Skvortsov graduated from the Chelyabinsk Agricultural Engineering University with a degree in mechanical engineer; in 1975, he graduated from the Higher Literary Courses at the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky. From 1975 to 1986 he was elected executive secretary of the Chelyabinsk regional writers' organization of the Union of Writers of Russia, and from 1986 to 1992 - secretary of the board of the Union of Writers of the USSR.

The first collections of poetry (verses, poems, dramas) were published by the South Ural Book Publishing House: “On the Four Winds” (1966), “Moon River” (1968), “Poems. Poems" (1970), "Gorge winged horses", "We are not changing the Fatherland" (1975); “Alena Arzamasskaya” (1978, illustrations folk artist Russia L.N. Golovnitsky). Premiere of the first of the performances staged by dramatic works Skvortsov, took place on March 23, 1972 in the Chelyabinsk Youth Theater - “The Gorge of Winged Horses” (directed by Tengiz Makharadze). In the same year, at the Chelyabinsk Drama Theater. On the 10th anniversary of the October Revolution, director Alexander Inozemtsev staged the play “We Are Not Changing the Fatherland,” which was later included in the Magnitogorsk repertoire drama theater them. A.S. Pushkin (director Nikolai Shurov) and the Chelyabinsk Drama Theater named after. S. Zwillinga (director Naum Orlov).

IN different years“Alena Arzamasskaya”, “Kibalchich”, “Mentush”, “The Legend of the White Tree”, “Western Tribune”, “As long as there is music and memory”, “Bestuzhev-Marlinsky”, “St. George the Victorious” were staged in theaters in Chelyabinsk and the Chelyabinsk region ", "John Chrysostom", "Royal Games".

Konstantin Skvortsov is a laureate of many All-Russian literary prizes and was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor (1976).

Viktor Nikolaevich Trostnikov born in Moscow 1928. During the Great Patriotic War was evacuated to Uzbekistan, where from the age of 14 almost until the end of the war he worked at a sugar factory. Upon returning to Moscow, he was mobilized to the labor front and worked as a mechanic at an aircraft engine plant. Graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Moscow State University in 1953. He taught mathematics at MIIT with the rank of associate professor in the department of higher mathematics. He defended his PhD thesis in philosophy in 1970.

Gradually the center of gravity of his interests shifted to religious philosophy. One of the first books on Orthodox philosophy (Thoughts Before Dawn) was published in Paris in 1979. This, as well as his participation in the Metropol almanac, was regarded as dissidence, and Viktor Trostnikov was fired from his job. From that moment on, his career as a mathematician ended.

In 1988, at the invitation of a foreign Russian Orthodox Church traveled to the USA, where he gave a report on the topic “The Millennium of the Baptism of Rus'.” Having completed a few more trips abroad, focused on literary work, since it became possible to publish in your homeland; already during this period he was a foreman during the restoration of a Moscow temple Life-Giving Trinity in Serebreniki and the headman of the temple.

From 1996 to 2010 he was a professor at the Russian Orthodox University, teaching philosophy, philosophy of law and general history. Characterizing the evolution of his worldview from materialism to the knowledge of God, Viktor Nikolaevich himself notes that his internal development was determined by the need to understand, “feel into”, to assimilate with his whole being the entire world order, the world order, “taken in all details at once, as something unified and integral.” This desire is the key to his work and his destiny.

Trostnikov was awarded by the Russian Orthodox Church the orders of St. Seraphim of Sarov and St. Macarius, Metropolitan of Moscow, III degree.

Natalya Ivanovna Kharlampieva born in 1952 in the village of Magan, Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. She studied at Yakut State University, graduating in 1978. She was the editor of the youth newspaper “Eder Kommunist”, the head of the department of the newspaper “Kyym”, and worked as the editor-in-chief of the Yakut book publishing house. She stood at the origins of the first women's magazine in the Yakut language “Dalbar Khotun”, and was the editor-in-chief of this publication. She headed the main national newspaper of the republic, Sakha Sire, from 2002 to 2012. From 2012 to this day - Advisor on cultural issues to the head of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

The first publications of Natalia Kharlampieva date back to 1975. In total, she published 20 books, mostly poetry. The books “Red Snowdrop”, “Koumiss of Happiness”, “Foremother Asia” were published in Russian translation. She entered Yakut literature when there were almost no female names in it, and became the first woman to be assigned honorary title « People's poet Yakutia". Kharlampieva’s work is the view of a modern Yakut woman on the world, customs and traditions, the history of her people, on the spiritual relationships of literature. She writes poetry in native language, and in journalism and literary essays refers to the Russian language. Special attention Her book about Russian poets who wrote about Yakutia deserved readers. It was no coincidence that this topic came to her attention - today young people simply need to know about spiritual, literary connections that bring us closer.

Since 2003, Natalya Kharlampieva has been the chairman of the Union of Writers of Yakutia. National writers in our time, they have their own specific problems - these are, first of all, translations into Russian. To expand creative connections, the Union of Writers of Yakutia organized international festival poetry “The Grace of Big Snow”, which was successfully held for the third time. A series of collected works by classics of Yakut literature has been conceived and published. Every two years a republican meeting of young writers is held. The Union of Writers of Yakutia today is one of the authoritative public organizations in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). In 2007, Kharlampieva was awarded the title “Honored Worker of Culture of Russia.”

Evgeniy Mikhailovich Chigrin- Member of the International PEN Club and the Moscow Writers Union. Poet, essayist, author four books recently published poems - “Sleeping Bay” (M.: “Vremya”, 2014), “Underwater Ball” (M.: “At the Nikitskie Gate”, 2015). Published in many literary magazines, in a number of prestigious European and Russian anthologies. His poems have been translated into 13 languages ​​of the world: English, Spanish, Polish, Serbian, Macedonian, Czech, French, Arabic, Turkish, Hindi, Azerbaijani, Ukrainian, Belarusian. Winner of the Central Prize federal district Russia in the field of literature and art" (2012), the Arseny and Andrei Tarkovsky International Prize (2013), the Gorky Literary Prize in the poetry category (2014), as well as the All-Russian Literary Prize named after Pavel Bazhov (2014). He was awarded several medals, including the Nikolai Gogol medal for the book “Pogonich” (in Ukrainian, translation by Igor Pavlyuk, Kyiv: “DIA”, 2014). He is a participant in many international and Russian literary festivals and book fairs: including in Canada, Poland, India, Ukraine, Armenia, the Czech Republic, Serbia, Macedonia, and Russia. In 2015, a book of poems by Evgeniy Chigrin “Pogoniacz” was published in Poland. Polish language(translation by V. Shtokman, Krakow).

Alexander Vladimirovich Shchipkov- Russian sociologist of religion, political scientist, specialist in the field of state-confessional relations, candidate philosophical sciences, actual state councilor 3rd class, director of the Moscow Center social research, member of the Inter-Council Presence of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Born in 1957 in Leningrad. Graduated from the Pedagogical Institute (faculty foreign languages). Previously, he graduated from a vocational school and received a specialty as a mechanic servicing medium- and high pressure, worked at a closed pilot plant in a galvanic shop. At the age of 35, he radically changed his life - he became a journalist in the Leningrad youth newspaper Smena.

Author of the books “What Russia Believes”, “Cathedral Court”, “Christian Democracy in Russia”, “Territory of the Church”, “The Religious Dimension of Journalism”, “The Bronze Age of Russia. View from Tarusa". In the early 2000s, he left practical journalism and accepted an invitation to work for public service. He was involved in national, religious and political issues.

Accepted the offer in December 2015 His Holiness Patriarch Kirill and went to work in one of the synodal structures of the Russian Orthodox Church. Member of the board of the Public Television of Russia. Member of the Bureau of the Presidium of the World Russian People's Council.

Laureate of the Prize of the Union of Journalists of Russia " Golden feather Russia" (nomination "Best Radio Program") for 1997, laureate of the festival "Faith and Word" (nomination "for personal contribution to the development of Orthodox media") for 2010, laureate of the literary prize of the magazine "Moscow" (nomination "Publicism") for 2013.

For the last ten years he has lived in Tarusa ( Kaluga region). Honorary citizen of this city.


Andrey Alexandrovich Antipin born in 1984 in the village of Podymakhino, Ust-Kutsky district, Irkutsk region. In 2001, he entered the Irkutsk Agricultural Academy at the Faculty of Game Science. Due to a coincidence of circumstances beyond his control, he was forced to leave his studies there already in his first year, and with it the dream of becoming a state inspector in the field of environmental protection. In 2008, he graduated in absentia from the Faculty of Philology and Journalism of Irkutsk State University. Lives in his native village.

Winner of the Leonid Leonov Prize from the magazine “Our Contemporary” (2010). In 2012, the Irkutsk publishing house “Izdatel Sapronov” published his first book, “Drops of March.” The second book, “Life History,” was published in the same year (Irkutsk publishing house “Siberian Book”).

In 2012 - 2013, the magazine “Our Contemporary” published Antipin’s stories “The Seagulls Cried” (No. 1, 2012), “Bitter Grass” (No. 4, 2013). His story “Bitter Grass” received a magazine award as best publication 2013. Participant of the First Meeting of Young Writers of Russia and China (Shanghai, November 2015).

Ekaterina Viktorovna Yakovleva- poet, prose writer, member of the Russian Writers' Union. Born in 1986 in the city of Zapolyarny Murmansk region.

In 2009 she graduated from Murmansk humanitarian Institute. Currently lives in Murmansk, works in the city emergency hospital. He has been writing poems and stories since childhood. Published in the newspapers “Literary Russia” (2014), “Literary Gazette” (2015), “Murmansky Vestnik”, “Evening Murmansk”, in the almanacs “First Teachers Square” and “Astes”, as well as in the Chinese magazine “Foreign Literature and Art” (No. 6, 2015). In 2003, she became a 1st degree laureate in the “Poetry” category of the Murmansk Region Governor’s Prize named after K. Baev and A. Podstanitsky. Laureate of the 2nd degree in the category “Poetry” at the All-Russian Literary Forum named after N. Gumilyov “The Osian Word” in Peredelkino (2014). Laureate of the competition named after E. Kurdakov “The Burning Bush” (2015). Author of the books “Heaven's Unearthly Attraction” (Murmansk, 2003) and “Give Me the Whole” (Murmansk, 2015), the foreword to which was written by Russian State Prize laureate Vasily Kazantsev. Participant of the First Forum of Young Writers of Russia and China (November 2015).

culture, art, literature, society, society, awards, Golden Delvig

For every author who has risked publishing his book and presenting it to readers, it is incredibly important to hear the opinion of not only ordinary people, but also experts who will be able to competently and accurately determine its value. That is why participation in competitions and awards is always an event. It not only awakens the competitive spirit, but also causes emotional excitement. After all, you want to not only win, but also win deservedly.

One of the most prestigious domestic literary awards is the Golden Delvig Prize. It was founded in 2012 and is awarded annually in January - on the day of the founding of Literary Newspaper by Alexander Pushkin and Anton Delvig. A memorable event took place back in 1830. The goal that the organizers set for themselves is wonderful and deserves support and respect. By founding the award, they dreamed of achieving professional recognition and support for writers whose books and publications continue and enhance the best traditions and values ​​of classical Russian, multinational Soviet and Russian literature, demonstrate a high level of excellence, preserve and develop the Russian literary language, and fully and uniquely reflect the processes taking place in society, contribute to the strengthening and prosperity of the Fatherland.

In 2017, a book by our regular author Nina Pavlovna Gavrikova was nominated for the Golden Delvig award. A collection of her stories, “Echoes of Memory,” will appear before strict judges. The book is written at the intersection of two genres - memoirs and historical story. All the events mentioned on the pages actually took place and happened to the author’s relatives and friends. The reader will be transported to the beginning of the last century and step by step will experience this difficult century, which should forever remain in the memory of posterity. The writer very accurately conveys the atmosphere of the time, reflects the life and traditions of the people, draws the characters of the characters, shows their way of life and thinking. The heroism that our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers performed both in everyday life and on the battlefield deserves admiration, which Nina Pavlovna demonstrates with every word. The pages of this wonderful collection are filled with deep love, sincere respect and recognition, which will most likely be appreciated by experienced experts.

The publishing house "Union of Writers" wishes Nina Pavlovna victory. We sincerely hope that in the future this brilliant writer will experience exceptional creative success, bright moments and grateful readers who will be imbued with her works and understand the innermost essence that she is trying to convey to them.

The Anton Delvig Prize is “very forward-looking: we cover all major genres of literature, including criticism, children’s literature, and so on, unlike other awards that focus on novels or poetic form, editor-in-chief of Literaturnaya Gazeta Yuri Polyakov told the newspaper VZGLYAD.

Let us remind you that in Pushkin Museum On March 23, the literary award “For Fidelity to the Word and the Fatherland” took place, named after one of the poets of Pushkin’s galaxy, Anton Delvig. In addition to the medal and diploma, the laureates also received a cash prize. This year’s bonus fund includes 11 “Golden Delvigs” of 200 thousand rubles each and two “Young Delvig” awards of 100 thousand rubles each, the Tsargrad portal noted.

As the chairman of the jury, Yuri Polyakov, explained to the newspaper VZGLYAD, among young authors there are cases when a person has a bright debut, however, subsequently, hopes for it are not justified. “Therefore, the Golden Delvig award highlights established writers, and for young writers there is a special, so to speak, division of the Young Delvig award,” the interlocutor noted. In his opinion, this approach is “more organic for literature.”

At the same time, Polyakov noted that “the writers received the prize different generations And different directions" Among the laureates, for example, is the oldest Orthodox philosopher and publicist Viktor Trostnikov. At the award ceremony, the 87-year-old author noted: “Once upon a time, I read in the Gospel: “Seek the Kingdom of Heaven,” do not think about food, drink and clothing. Years later, I understood what Jesus meant - we must find our place in the Kingdom of Heaven. My search is outlined in my last book"Thoughts before sunset." When I wrote it, I did not think about food, drink and clothing. They gave me a bonus - now I can buy all this.”

Another representative of the older generation, winner of the award, is the poet and playwright Konstantin Skvortsov. In addition, the Yakut poetess Natalya Kharlampieva was among the laureates. “We definitely have a laureate who writes in his native language. Because our other central awards forget that literature in Russia is written not only in Russian,” Polyakov noted. He added that the winner of the prize was also a Siberian writer, a successor to the traditions of Astafiev and Rasputin - Anatoly Bayborodin.

In addition, the jury tries to ensure that among the laureates there is major writer- a representative of one of the states that were previously part of Soviet Union: “This time it was the Azerbaijani prose writer, working in the difficult genre of intellectual and allegorical prose, Abdulla Kamal,” Polyakov noted, recalling that a number of other writers also became laureates.

The award named after the first editor of Literaturnaya Gazeta, Anton Delvig, “For Loyalty to the Word and the Fatherland” was established as an annual Russian national award on October 1, 2012. The purpose of the award is professional recognition and support for writers whose books and publications continue and enhance the best traditions and values ​​of classical Russian, multinational Soviet and Russian literature, demonstrate a high level of excellence, preserve and develop the Russian literary language, and fully and uniquely reflect the processes taking place in society , contribute to the strengthening and prosperity of the Fatherland.

Lidiya Sycheva won the Delvig Prize

A prestigious literary prize established by Literaturnaya Gazeta was awarded in Moscow. The award is named after Pushkin’s friend from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, Anton Delvig - he was the first publisher of Literature, and the “sun of Russian poetry” actively collaborated with him.

We attended the ceremony where we saw a lot of celebrities. Thus, the prize was received, for example, by Alexander Prokhanov and Andrey Dementyev. Among the young people who are well-known is Sergei Shargunov. True, on the sidelines many guests judged and dressed up - for which the editor-in-chief received an award “ Literary Russia"? The guests, knowledgeable in Russian literature, were lost in riddles...

Vitaly Tretyakov and Nikolai Gubenko were seen at the ceremony (the latter was with his wife, the wonderful Zhanna Bolotova). Among the officials, Igor Slyunyaev honored the event. And, of course, Yuri Polyakov, the editor-in-chief of Literaturka, shone throughout the evening. They say that it is he who decides who to give this monetary award (its fund is 7 million rubles). The sponsor, by the way, is Rosneft.

At the award ceremony, our attention was attracted by the following laureates - the impressive Bakhytzhan Kanapyanov from Kazakhstan (he gave the shortest speech!), the brutal Yuri Belikov (he read the most striking poems) and the witty Lidiya Sycheva , who, when she was awarded, congratulated the jury on her excellent choice: “Don’t doubt it, you were not mistaken!”

We asked a writer from Voronezh to answer several questions.

Lydia, how are you feeling today?

Feelings of gratitude. I thank my village native land, which gives me strength to live. I thank my parents who gave me life. And I thank my teacher in literature, the outstanding Russian poet Valentin Vasilyevich Sorokin. He gave me spiritual light.

Tell us about the book for which you were given Delvig.

This is a collection of stories “Three Powers”, published by ITRK publishing house under the federal program “Culture”. I am glad that such readers as Lev Pirogov, Tatyana Shabaeva, Oleg Fenchuk noted my work. These are excellent critics, demanding and strict.

What are you writing about?

About modern life.

Well, then you should also write about the opposition movements on Bolotnaya Square.

This is also in the book.

Have you read the works of other laureates?

I know well the work of Anna Fedorets, a remarkably talented researcher.

I read a lot. If you are interested, I can name books that I think will be useful to everyone. Of course there are many of them...

Let's limit ourselves to three.

Please. “In its own way” by Zoya Prokopyeva, “Golden Flower-Odolen” by Vladilen Mashkovtsev, “Mountain Nest” by Mamin-Sibiryak.

The Delvig Award ceremony ended late in the evening with a grandiose buffet. The writers, laureates and guests did not leave for a long time. Toasts sounded, glasses of champagne clinked. Now it’s up to the reader: he is the main “jury” who will vote for the book with rubles.

Leonid Mirov


Publishing House"A New Look"

“Golden Delvig”: emotions about the reaction of “colleagues”

Yesterday evening I attended the Anton Delvig Prize ceremony, held at the State Museum of A.S. Pushkin (not named after Pushkin, but Pushkin) on Prechistenka 12/2. Once upon a time it was a city noble estate Khrushchev-Seleznyov. And today - a newfangled phantasmagoria, in which parts old manor the top is covered with a glass vaulted ceiling, turning the courtyard into a vast hall.

Not everyone probably remembers why Delvig. Let me remind you: he was the first editor of the Literary Newspaper. Since school, we have become accustomed to recognizing A.S. Pushkin is the father of this publication. And from Soviet times I remember two profiles on the front page of the newspaper - A.S. Pushkin and M. Gorky. And no Delvig. However, if we take L.A. for example. Chareysky, then we will read from him: “Pushkin actively participated in Delvig’s publications “Northern Flowers” ​​(1825-1831), “Snowdrop” (1829) and “Literary Newspaper” (1830) ...” But that’s just me, by the way, if anyone I didn’t understand.

“For loyalty to the word and the Fatherland” - this was the slogan of this entire event. I personally know half of this year’s laureates (some past laureates, whom I also know, were also present). In my opinion, not everyone is so loyal to the Fatherland. Yesterday I also saw those who don’t keep their word (what kind of fidelity to a word can we talk about). But I attributed these annoying individual facts to the desire of the organizers to be, so to speak, moderately politically correct and tolerant. The desire to look respectable in the eyes of the, so to speak, liberal wing of the domestic literary community took over. I remember well an old article by Yuri Polyakov, in which he, going on a plane to book fair to Paris, fantasizes: what if this plane falls and crashes; then an irreparable blow will be dealt to this very liberal sector. And only writers and poets, so to speak, of the patriotic wing will remain in the country. However, this dream was not destined to come true, and now in Russia everything is in charge and steered by the same wing that was 99 percent represented in the aircraft described by Polyakov.

I discovered this fact today when, wanting to clarify the names of all the laureates I saw yesterday, I went to the Literaturnaya Gazeta website. I was amazed. No, not names. I heard them yesterday and saw the laureates themselves. Everything is fine here. I was surprised by the comments at the bottom of the website page with the biographies of the laureates. IN best traditions of a free democratic and excessively liberal society, the owners of the site have opened up the opportunity for everyone to, how to say, express themselves... well...

What can I say about expressions? Russian liberals are not yet ready for freedom of speech, that’s what I’ll say. They simply set up a latrine from any decent place reserved for the expression of thoughts before they arrive. They are given the opportunity to express their thoughts, and they... are clearly doing something different there. Well, it’s not intelligence, honor and conscience, for sure.

Vyacheslav Rumyantsev

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