Seeing yourself barefoot in a dream. Why do you dream about walking barefoot? What dream books say

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Dreams often present realistic pictures with a wide variety of plot variations. In a dream, a person finds himself in certain situations, is happy or sad, and tries to act.

Unusual for everyday life, but quite understandable from the point of view of the work of the subconscious, are dreams in which the dreamer walks barefoot. The absence of shoes on the feet on one side can be interpreted as its loss.

On the other hand, it is through the feet, according to numerous teachings, that a person connects with the world around him.

It is given to the barefoot to receive nourishment from the universe. To figure out whether it’s good or bad to walk barefoot in a dream, you need to consider all the details of the dream.

I dreamed about walking barefoot, what does that mean?

Green grass or sharp stones, dirt, broken glass, a clear stream, asphalt - these are just a few of the options that can be dreamed of.

To figure out what means walking barefoot in a dream, it is important to consider under what circumstances the dreamer did this.

There are dream books according to which see yourself without shoes, means breaking off relations with someone from your close circle.

But it also happens that barefoot man, does not feel the loss of shoes at all and does not experience any discomfort.

What does it mean to dream about walking barefoot in the snow?

Not only the circumstances under which a person had to walking barefoot in the snow in a dream, may be different.

Much will also depend on the quality of the snow cover. Having opened the dream book, you can sit, what does walking barefoot in the snow mean? feel your own powerlessness and lack of support from others.

In the same time snow-white, freshly fallen snow, virgin and untouched, promises peace and good luck, and portends a good period in life.

Dirty spots, snow and other people's footprints These are the difficulties overcoming which you can achieve success.

If you have to walk not on snow, but on ice, then the dream foreshadows that in reality some mistakes of the past may emerge.

Walking barefoot on the ground in a dream

The dream book will give different interpretations to the question of what it means to walk barefoot on the ground in a dream. There can be many options here:

  • go barefoot through plowing to an established intimate life, to possible marriage;
  • step on bare ground barefoot- gain a sense of confidence in business, literally feel the ground under your feet;
  • the presence of lush grass on the ground promises relief from oppression and feelings of depression;
  • walk through a flowering field- to a favorable period in life. Such a dream before the wedding will mean a happy marriage in all respects.

What does it mean to dream about walking through mud?

And here wandering barefoot through the mud in a dream not very good. In reality, someone may find out about an unseemly act you have committed.

Such a dream can also mean the collapse of hopes will delay the fulfillment of dreams for a long time. Especially if the dreamer will see, in addition to dirt, torn clothes or bleeding wounds.

Could such a dream mean and unforeseen difficulties and complications in matters that seemed practically resolved.

Why do you dream of walking barefoot on the street?

Walking down the street barefoot- a good sign, meaning getting rid of a burden and some obligations.

This dream has another meaning- the dreamer needs to be careful in making decisions, otherwise it is easy to make mistakes and go astray.

Seeing yourself on the street without shoes asking for alms - to troubles or illnesses.

Walking barefoot on asphalt in a dream

Much in the dream will depend on the cleanliness of the asphalt.

Walk barefoot on dirty asphalt- to gossip, envy of the dreamer and contradictory rumors.

Clean asphalt symbolizes a busy city life full of troubles and anxieties, the need to defend one’s point of view, protect one’s own interests and communicate with a large number of people.

Walk barefoot on water in a dream

Much here will depend on the condition of the water.

Clear water means getting answers to many questions, including unasked ones. Also a dream promises gaining confidence.

Finding yourself without shoes in a raging stream- lose a sense of confidence, feel weak.

Finding yourself barefoot in dirty water- to annoyance, petty quarrels and troubles.

Walking on wet sand portends profit, including bribes.

A dream in which the dreamer had a chance to walk without shoes along the seashore is considered favorable- this is a sign of good changes and a happy streak in life.

If the dreamer sees someone barefoot, then this means victory over your opponent.

If you saw in a dream that you were walking without shoes, open your dream book: walking around barefoot most often means troubles in your personal life or the evil intentions of enemies. It is necessary to prevent possible troubles.

What does it mean to dream that you are walking barefoot?

Eastern dream book

If a young woman dreams of walking barefoot along the seashore, splashing water, this is a sign that her endeavors will be successful. The imprint of a bare foot on wet sand is an omen of a quickly passing triumph. If a woman or girl sees such a dream, she should expect increased attention from men.

Catherine the Great

Regardless of who was barefoot in the dream: you or another stranger, such a dream means that your dreams will be destroyed. None of them will come true. Other interpretations are that your ill-wishers are closely watching your actions, you are very vulnerable to your enemies, insidious people are plotting against you.

Spring dream book

The spring dream book interprets this dream in a negative way: walking barefoot means poverty and impoverishment. If, in addition to this, your feet were bloody, you will make enemies. If your feet were bare and dirty, this is a good sign, money will come to you.

ABC of interpretation

Walking barefoot in a dream due to loss of shoes is a sign of the dreamer's lack of confidence in his abilities. If a person in a dream walked barefoot on the ground, but experienced a pleasant sensation at the same time, this is a good omen. Such a person will be successful in the business he has undertaken. If a person feels awkward due to the lack of shoes, troubles await him in the near future, provoked by his long-forgotten mistakes.


A dream in which you walked barefoot in the dew is a good sign that promises you good health. But if the dew pricks or stings you a lot, be careful.

Dream Book of G. Miller

If in a dream you wandered somewhere in the dark without shoes, be prepared for the collapse of your hopes. Every step you take will be accompanied by insurmountable obstacles.


Especially for representatives of the fair sex, the women’s dream book says that running barefoot is a sign that a woman will not be embarrassed to freely express her feelings. Such trust, relaxedness and freedom strengthen her relationships and make them lasting. If a woman sees herself walking along the sunny coast, let her wait for all her desires to come true.

Such a vision may indicate a combination of fearlessness and defenselessness.

Usually walking barefoot on a safe area, a road without broken glass or thorns, indicates the dreamer’s inner freedom and the ability to withstand many troubles in his life.

When interpreting, it matters where exactly you were without shoes and how you felt.

In some cases, the dream book writes that you will feel a surge of strength, saturated with the health and energy of Mother Earth, in others it indicates that you will suffer greatly, feeling your own insecurity from life’s storms.

This is what modern books write about why you dream of walking on various surfaces without shoes.

Inner freedom and absence of obstacles

This is how it is worth interpreting visions in which you begin to walk barefoot on water, snow or grass and are at the same time outside your house or yard.

A dream in which a girl walked barefoot along green grass, a path in the forest, indicates defenselessness, fearlessness and the absence of any serious restrictions in her life.

Modern books write that in this case she will be happy, but the happiness will be “not of this world.” That is, after this dream there will definitely no longer be material success in her life.

Walking without shoes in the snow is a sign of courage, a protest against the coldness and indifference of others. This night vision indicates that you will encounter misunderstanding on the part of your acquaintances and their detachment.

However, if it was very easy to walk barefoot in the snow, then this is not always a good sign. Perhaps you will soon find yourself in a whirlpool of passion, but you will not calculate your strength.

If a girl in a dream walked barefoot in the snow and did not feel any frost or cold, and the snow was rolled up, then you should expect great luck in a risky business.

Seeing that the snowdrifts are growing and effortlessly moving through them barefoot is a bad sign. Expect difficulties that will be very difficult to resist using conventional methods. It seems that the situation will require qualities from you that are completely unusual for you.

It is very good to see that you are walking barefoot along a pond, river, or stream. This plot means health, good mood and readiness for love, even if you are not yet going to plunge into the abyss of feelings.

Seeing yourself barefoot in a dream on a path outside the city, in a forest or field means carelessness. This vision predicts happiness for those who have material values ​​in second place, not first.

Walking barefoot on the beach, pebbles, small but not sharp pebbles is a sign of carefree joy. Especially if you didn’t walk, but ran towards the waves.

This is a very good omen, which foretells falling in love, an influx of vitality and inspiration. This interpretation can be given provided that you did not cut yourself on stones, glass or shells.

In the city

It is good for a girl to walk barefoot through the streets only if it is easy to move around and she feels an emotional uplift without fear of any obstacles.

If she finds herself in a public place and is very worried about the fact that she is not wearing any shoes, it means that confusion and a period of uncertainty will come in life.

Seeing a loved one walking barefoot along the streets or in public places predicts his poverty and defenselessness. This dream most often predicts various troubles, illnesses and need.

If you walked barefoot through the city and stumbled upon glass or sharp objects, and also got dirty, expect trouble due to your own frivolity or falling in love.

This is a sign not only of poverty and suffering, but also of the consequences of a rash act. For many, such a dream predicts lack of work and debt. Especially if you had to walk barefoot on the ground in an urban environment or on asphalt.

For men, this plot predicts poverty, a difficult financial situation and debts that will be difficult to repay. If you walked through the mud, it means that you will very soon get into some kind of unpleasant or vicious story.

Did you have a dream in which you walked barefoot, and now you want to understand why? Then you need to turn to dream books.

You dreamed of walking barefoot

In dream books, legs are associated with human destiny. For this reason, dreams that involve feet are very important. And shoes, their color, quality and lack of them at all are the main signs. They indicate in what area the dreamer will experience changes.

It is often said that if you walked barefoot in a dream, then poverty awaits you, but a lot in deciphering a dream depends on the smallest details. Therefore, before you begin to interpret your dream, first remember it with all the smallest details, namely who walked barefoot, where they walked, whether their feet were clean or dirty. All this will help you know exactly what to expect in the future.

What does such a dream mean?

A dream in which you walked barefoot through mud and puddles in the evening, when it was already dark, and at the same time saw traces of your feet, it means that some very unpleasant event awaits you in the near future, which will leave a huge mark on your life . If you dreamed that you were walking through a quagmire and losing your shoes there, it means that losses await you. If you lost the shoes on your right foot, it means that the loss will be financial, but if your left foot loses your shoes, it means that you will experience a break in your love relationship. But if in a dream you see that all your legs are covered in blood, and you feel horror from this, then you will have a terrible and merciless enemy.

In a dream, when you walk barefoot, it is very important to notice details such as: what the road was like, time of day, shoes, and what they looked like. All this will help you understand what awaits you.

If you dreamed that you were walking up a mountain with bare feet, this speaks of the upcoming grief that you will have to endure. But if you can reach the very top of the mountain, then you can achieve anything in your life. whatever you want and dream, success and luck will await you. The only bad decoding is for a dream where you climb a mountain very hard and cannot get to the top.

A dream in which you walk barefoot on the sand on the beach speaks of a date with a pleasant person. Walking barefoot on water in a dream, and it was crystal clear and transparent, this is a very good sign, very pleasant changes and events await you. If you hear water rushing, wait for news. But if the water in the dream was dirty and cloudy, then expect quarrels and scandals, troubles and difficulties.

What does such a dream portend?

You had a dream in which you and your loved one were running barefoot by the hand, this suggests that. that in real life this person is sincere with you and is not shy about expressing himself in intimate relationships. Walking barefoot in a dream, when it is night outside and there are gloomy streets and houses around, portends the collapse of all your hopes. Embittered people will help all your hopes to collapse; they will very soon manifest themselves and appear in your life.

The emotions you experienced in the dream are important when interpreting a dream. If you like walking barefoot and don't worry about not having shoes, then everything will be fine. And if you feel upset from the lack of shoes, then you will experience experiences in your personal life and love relationships.

Wander around at night barefoot, in torn clothes- means that your hopes will fail. Some evil forces will hinder your every action.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Barefoot- this is a sign of close contact with the earth, with the foundations of life.

However, being barefoot and losing your shoes- means to experience uncertainty.

Walk barefoot on the ground, experiencing pleasant sensations- a sign of prosperity in any area.

Anxiety due to lack of shoes- past mistakes will lead you to failure.

Freud's Dream Book

Run barefoot in a dream- means that in your intimate life you are not shy to express your feelings and emotions. This makes your relationship especially close and trusting.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing yourself in a dream without shoes (if this makes you feel uncomfortable)- is a sign of your insecurity and many difficulties in life. Such a dream warns that in your current state you have very little chance of success. The dream calls on you to somehow secure yourself in order to overcome internal uncertainty, or to temporarily postpone any business.

At the same time, if walking barefoot gives you pleasure- such a dream promises that luck will accompany you in everything.

Solomon's Dream Book

go barefoot- success in business, profit, wealth.

Women's dream book

If you dream that you are traveling along the seashore barefoot, getting an unforgettable impression of water, sand and sun, a magical fulfillment of all your desires awaits you ahead.

If you notice a footprint of a bare foot on wet sand- be prepared for increased attention from the male population.

Modern combined dream book

Walking barefoot at night in torn clothes- means that your hopes will fail. Some evil forces will hinder your every move.

Eastern women's dream book

For a young woman, a dream in which she walks barefoot along the coast, splashing water- portends a successful outcome of all endeavors.

Seeing a bare foot print in the sand- to triumph and success, although, alas, it quickly passes. A woman has such a dream- promises a flash of attention to her from the stronger sex.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Seeing yourself barefoot in the room- to deception, disappointment, on the grass- catch a cold; if you are sick- one of the ways to recovery has been suggested to you: walk more without shoes.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Walk barefoot- you will pour out your whole soul to someone.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Walk barefoot in the grass- to pleasure.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Walking barefoot in a dream- to impoverishment; see bare feet in the mud- to money; see bare feet covered in blood- to the enemies.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Walk barefoot- purchasing a house, success in business, profit

Women's dream book

Run barefoot in a dream- means that in your intimate life you are not shy to express your feelings and emotions. This makes your relationship especially close and trusting.

Dream book of lovers

If you dream that you are running barefoot- this means that you tend to show your emotions openly.

Islamic dream book

And who will see that he is walking barefoot?- this is a sign that he is a good believer and his misfortunes will end. And some also say that this dream is for a man- portends a catastrophe or great misfortune with his wife, which will be the reason for their divorce.

Lunar dream book

Run barefoot- poverty.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Walk or run barefoot- stinginess, dishonor.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

go barefoot, be- poverty, lack, obstacles.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Barefoot- to theft, loss, someone will steal from you or be mistaken for a thief; be barefoot- profit, wealth, success in business / robbed, impoverished, illness.

Run barefoot- trouble.

Ukrainian dream book

Barefoot- to loss; respect; walk on dew- health, dew stings- beware.

Collection of dream books

See yourself barefoot- to the loss of a close friend.

See yourself barefoot- to poverty or illness.

Walking barefoot at night in shabby clothes- symbolizes that your plans will not come true. Mystical failures will haunt you.

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