Macroelements in living organisms. Macroelements in the human body: role and significance

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Sodium. Sodium metabolism is closely related to potassium metabolism. Its content in the body is 0.08% of the total mass. Some amount of sodium bicarbonate is secreted by the salivary and pancreas glands. It creates the necessary environmental reaction for digestion processes in the oral cavity and intestines. Sodium enters the body mainly in the form of sodium chloride. The bulk of sodium is concentrated in blood plasma, lymph, cerebrospinal fluid and other biological fluids in the form of chlorides, bicarbonates, phosphates, etc. The skin, lungs, and brain are rich in sodium.

Most sodium is absorbed in the small intestine, as well as in the stomach and colon. Sodium penetrates the intestinal wall against a concentration gradient with the participation of special transporters. 90-95% of absorbed sodium is excreted in the urine, 5-10% in feces and sweat. Sodium metabolism in the body is regulated by aldosterone.

Sodium, the main cation of the extracellular fluid (135-155 mmol/l of blood plasma), practically does not enter the cells, and therefore determines the osmotic pressure of the plasma and interstitial fluid. When sodium is lost, “osmotically free” water appears, some of which can move into the cells due to differences in osmotic pressure (osmotic gradient), which leads to cell swelling. Some of the water is excreted by the kidneys. Ultimately, both reduce the volume of the extracellular water segment, including blood volume. Excess sodium causes the retention of additional water, increasing the extracellular space, leading to the formation of edema.

Indirectly, sodium ions are involved in the regulation of the acid-base state through the bicarbonate and phosphate buffer system. Sodium ions to a certain extent determine the degree of neuromuscular excitability.

Enzymatic processes in mitochondria and the nucleus can only occur in the presence of sodium. Sodium ions activate amylase, fructokinase, cholinesterase and inhibit the action of phosphorylase.

One of the most common active transfer systems is (Na + + K +) - ATPase, i.e. an enzyme whose activity depends on the presence of Na + and K + ions in the medium. This system is localized in the cell membrane and ensures the removal of sodium ions from the cell and their replacement with potassium ions or metabolites such as amino acids, carbohydrates, etc.

The above-mentioned system operates in two stages: inside the cell, under the influence of Na + ions, phosphorylation of the carrier enzyme occurs due to the use of intracellular ATP and the subsequent addition of Na + to it. In the second stage, the phosphorylated enzyme is hydrolyzed, releasing Na + ions on the outside of the membrane. Instead of sodium, K + ions enter the cell, and in other cases - amino acids and glucose. The described system of active transport of substances is called the “sodium pump”. Thus, Na + - ions play a significant role in the transport of various metabolites from the environment into cells.

Excess sodium in the body, as well as its deficiency, causes serious metabolic disorders, which are based on the inhibition of a number of enzymes. One of the signs of increased sodium content in the body is the fragility of blood vessels, as well as tissue hydration and swelling.

Hyponatremia occurs when there is a lack of sodium in the diet, increased work, or diabetes. This is caused by heavy infusions of glucose, large water retention in certain kidney diseases (nephritis, tubular nephrosis) or excessively increased secretion of vasopressin in acute and chronic brain diseases.

The primary consequence of hyponatremia is a decrease in the osmotic pressure of the extracellular fluid, which is equalized secondary to the transition of water from the extracellular to the intracellular space.

Hypernatremia occurs when there is a decrease in sodium readsorption in the renal tubules and a violation of the incretion of aldosterone or pituitary antidiuretic hormone. Swelling develops in the tissues. These phenomena are observed in nephritis, liver cirrhosis, myo- and pericarditis.

Potassium. Its content in the body of animals reaches 0.22-0.23% of the total mass. Potassium is involved in maintaining osmotic pressure inside the cell, transmitting nerve impulses, regulating contractions of the heart and other muscles, is part of the buffer systems of blood and tissues, supports the hydration of ions and colloidal particles, activates the activity of many enzymes (ATPase, pyruvate and fructokinases and etc.), is an integral part of the sodium-potassium pump of the cell. Fodder beet tops, meadow grass, clover, potatoes, soybean meal, and wheat bran are rich in potassium.

Most potassium is concentrated in the tissues of the liver, kidneys, skin, muscles and nervous system. Potassium is mainly concentrated in cells (540-620 mg%), little of it is in the intercellular fluid (15.5-21 mg%). It is found in the form of salts - chlorides, phosphates, carbonates and sulfates, in an ionized state and in connection with proteins or other organic compounds.

Potassium is one of the intracellular elements, where one of its purposes is to provide intracellular osmotic pressure. In general, K+ ions increase the rate of aerobic and inhibit anaerobic oxidation of carbohydrates. Potassium ions, together with sodium ions, are involved in the process of transmitting nervous excitation from the nerve to the innervated organ, as well as between neurons. At the same time, they ensure the formation of mediators (acetylcholine) at the nerve endings, as well as in the formation of the appropriate reaction of the innervated tissue to the influence of the mediator. It is necessary to activate enzymes that catalyze the final stages of protein synthesis. Plants and bacteria can only use ammonia to synthesize proteins if certain amounts of potassium and phosphorus are present.

There is quite a lot of potassium in nature and practically no deficiency is observed in animals.

The predominant part of potassium is excreted by the kidneys (a small part is excreted in sweat and feces). An increase in potassium concentration above 6.5 mmol/l of plasma is threatening, above 7.5 to 10.5 is toxic, and above 10.5 mmol/l is fatal.

Potassium metabolism in the body is regulated by mineralocorticosteroids from the adrenal cortex. Hyperkalemia is observed with increased tissue breakdown, injury, infection, and dysregulation of the adrenal glands. In this case, the reactions of glycolysis, cellular respiration, oxidative phosphorylation, excitability are inhibited, and intoxication occurs.

Calcium. Calcium accounts for almost a third of all minerals in the body (1.9% of total body weight). 97% of calcium is concentrated in the skeleton, where it forms hydroxyapatite crystals. These crystals are located on the surface of the collagen filaments and between them, creating a large interface for exchange. Carbonates, citrates and other minerals can be adsorbed on hydroxyapatite crystals. Calcium is found in small quantities in blood plasma (10-15 mg%) and cells, some of it is in ionized form, and the other forms complexes with proteins and membrane structures of cells. Alfalfa, sugar beet tops, pasture grass and fishmeal are rich in calcium.

Calcium absorption occurs primarily in the small intestine. The intensity of absorption depends on the calcium content in feed, the need of animals and the presence of vitamin D. Vitamin D is an integral part of the protein carrier - calcium binding protein, which performs three functions during absorption: diffusion stimulator, carrier and concentrator. Absorption occurs in two stages - the absorption of calcium by the cells of the intestinal epithelium and its transport to the serous membrane. 40% of the body's calcium is bound to blood albumin, which is involved in transporting calcium to tissues and cells.

Calcium is involved in the regulation of the porosity of the vascular endothelium, in the creation of bone tissue structure, and in blood clotting processes. It reduces the excitability of the nervous system, stimulates the activity of the heart muscle, reduces the permeability of cell membranes, reduces the ability of colloids to bind water, and is involved in the regulation of the activity of many enzymes. Thus, calcium is an inhibitor of enolase and dipeptidase, an activator of lecithinase and actomyosin-ATPase. If there is a lack of calcium in the diet, hypocalcemia occurs. It is accompanied by hyperphosphatemia, increased permeability of cell membranes, osteoporosis, fragility and curvature of bones, osteomalacia, rickets, and convulsions.

Calcium metabolism in the body is regulated by parathyroid hormone and calcitonin. Excess calcium is excreted from the body in feces (mainly by secretion from the mucous membranes of the intestines) and urine.

Phosphorus. Phosphorus is one of the common elements of the organic world. In the body of animals, both mineral (various phosphate salts) and organic phosphorus compounds are found. One of these substances is hydroxyapatite, the main mineral compound of bone tissue. On average, mammalian bones contain 30% ash, which contains 36% calcium, 17% phosphorus and 0.8% magnesium. Bone phosphorus makes up 70-85% of the total amount of this element in the body.

The phosphorus content in the animal's body averages 1% of the total mass. Pentavalent phosphorus compounds in the form of phosphates are common in animal tissues. In the animal body, phosphorus is an integral part of bones and teeth, a component of nucleic acids, phosphoproteins and phosphatides (brain proteins, caseinogen, phosphorylase, vitellin, phosvitin, etc.), and is part of buffer systems and coenzymes (NAD, NADP, FAD, FMN, HS-KoA, pyridoxal phosphate, etc.), high-energy phosphates (ATP, CTP, GTP, UTP, creatine phosphate), an intermediary in hormonal regulation (cyclic - 3"5"-AMP) and an activator of carbohydrates, amino acids and fat saponification products in the process of their oxidation (glucose-6-phosphate, glycerophosphate, 3-phosphoglyceric acid, etc.).

Phosphorus is absorbed in the proximal small intestine. Young animals practically absorb all the phosphorus from milk or mineral supplements. For phosphorus absorption, the presence of Ca 2+ and, apparently, K + ions in the chyme is necessary. Excreted in urine, feces and sweat (in ruminants, mainly in feces).

Phosphorus metabolism in the body is regulated by parathyroid hormone and partly by sex hormones. With a lack of phosphorus in feed, an imbalance in the Ca: P ratio or diseases of the parathyroid gland, rickets, osteomalacia, osteoporosis and fibrous osteitis occur.

Magnesium. Like calcium, magnesium is widely distributed in nature and enters the body with food and water. A lot of magnesium is contained in rice bran, fodder beet tops, carrot tops, and sunflower meal.

In the body, most of the magnesium is concentrated in the bones, where its content reaches 0.1%. The highest concentration of magnesium is in dental dentin - about 0.8%. The remaining tissues contain approximately the same amount of magnesium (0.005-0.015%). Magnesium makes up about 0.05% of the animal's total weight. Unlike calcium, it is predominantly an intracellular component. The ratio of intracellular to extracellular magnesium is 10:1.

Absorption of magnesium occurs in the stomach and duodenum. Apparently, calcium and magnesium have the same absorption system. Magnesium in milk is best absorbed (in calves - up to 90% of the total mass). Magnesium is absorbed somewhat less well in the form of MgSO 4 -7H 2 O and MgCO 3 salts added to feed as a top dressing. It is found in the blood in the form of ions, salts and compounds with albumins and globulins. It is deposited in the liver, then enters muscle and bone tissue. Magnesium is a calcium antagonist. It is excreted in urine, feces and then in the form of salts.

Magnesium is mainly concentrated in the skeleton and soft tissues. Magnesium is part of bones and teeth, is involved in the functioning of the neuromuscular system and immunobiological processes, is a component and activator of many enzymes (muscle ATPase, AChE, phosphatases), a “regulator” of oxidative phosphorylation, etc. Magnesium ensures the preservation of the unique structure mitochondria and the coupling of oxidation with phosphorylation.

With a lack of magnesium in feed and water, animals develop herbal tetany or hypomagnesia, which manifests itself in muscle twitching, growth retardation, and impaired neuromuscular activity. In lactating cows, the phenomenon of hypomagnesemia can develop in the spring and summer when they are switched to feeding with green mass.

Chlorine. Chlorine makes up about 0.08% of the animal's total weight. Chlorine is contained in the form of salt anions (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc.) in all animal fluids. Chlorine anions, together with sodium and potassium cations, maintain the osmotic pressure of plasma and other fluids. Moving freely through cell membranes, chlorine anions provide a dynamic balance of H-ions in cells and their environment. Chlorides are used by the gastric mucosa to secrete hydrochloric acid. It is an activator of amylase and polypeptidase. Chlorine is absorbed mainly in the small intestine. Concentrated in extracellular fluids (up to 85%), inside cells, chlorine is mainly concentrated in red blood cells. Most chlorine is found in blood serum. On average, the body retains 31% of consumed chlorine. Excess chlorine is excreted in urine, feces and sweat.

The exchange of chlorine in the body is regulated by mineralocorticoids of the adrenal cortex.

Sulfur. The sulfur content in the animal's body ranges from 0.08 to 0.5% of the total mass. A lot of sulfur is contained in rapeseed meal, fodder beet tops, yeast, and fishmeal. In the animal body, sulfur is predominantly represented in a reduced form (sulfide sulfur) in the composition of amino acids and the vast majority of proteins. There is especially a lot of sulfur in the proteins of integumentary tissues and their derivatives - epithelium, wool, hair, hooves, horns, feathers. In addition, sulfur is an integral part of glutathione, coenzyme A, vitamins, mucopolysaccharides, some bile acids, sulfatides, paired compounds, etc.

It comes with feed in the form of organic (proteins, amino acids, vitamins) and inorganic (sulfates) compounds. From inorganic compounds, sulfate ions are immediately absorbed by the intestines. Some of the sulfur is absorbed by bacteria in the alimentary canal (especially in the proventriculus of ruminants) and converted into organic matter. Organic sulfur-containing compounds (proteins, peptides) are absorbed by the body after preliminary breakdown in the alimentary canal. Part of the sulfur received with feed accumulates in the body in the form of biologically active substances.

Sulfur is involved in the biosynthesis of wool keratins and takes part in the formation of many proteins, hormones, chondroitinsulfuric and taurocholic acids. Some of the sulfur undergoes oxidation, turning into sulfuric acid, which is used by liver cells to neutralize toxic products (indole, skatole) in the form of paired compounds - phenolsulfuric acid, animal indican. Sulfur is excreted from the body in urine, feces, and then (in sheep - with fat) in the form of sulfates or esters with phenols. Sulfur can be used repeatedly in ruminants. Thus, a significant part of it is secreted into the gastrointestinal tract along with digestive juices and absorbed by bacteria, which include it in the amino acids newly synthesized in the forestomach. Then, after the bacteria are digested, the amino acids previously synthesized by them are released, absorbed into the blood and used to build tissue proteins and other purposes.

With a lack of sulfur, loss of appetite, hair loss, salivation and lacrimation, etc. are observed.

Iron. A widely distributed element in nature with great biological significance. In the body of animals, iron is contained in a relatively small amount - approximately 0.005% of live weight. Of this amount, 20-25% of iron is reserve, 5-10% is part of myoglobin, about 1% is contained in respiratory enzymes that catalyze respiration processes in cells and tissues. This chemical element is part of more than 70 different enzymes. Almost half of the Krebs cycle enzymes and cofactors either contain iron or require its presence.

Iron-containing biomolecules perform four main functions: 1) electron transport (cytochromes, iron sulfur proteins); 2) transport and storage of oxygen (hemoglobin, myoglobin, erythrocuprein, etc.); 3) participation in the formation of active centers of redox enzymes (oxidases, hydroxylases, superoxide dismutase, etc.); 4) transport and deposition of iron (siderophilins, which include transferrin, lactoferrin, ferritin, hemosiderin, siderochromes). Thus, iron is actively involved in numerous compounds in various metabolic processes, and plays a key role in some of them.

The first and indispensable condition for maintaining the balance of iron in the body at a certain physiological level is the adequate supply of this element to the body with food. The digestibility of iron depends on the age of the animal, the degree of iron supply in the body, the state of the digestive system, the type of food consumed, the composition of the diet and the presence of other minerals. Iron absorption is also affected by hypoxia, decreased iron reserves in the body, activation of erythropoiesis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Only ionized iron is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, preferably in the form of a divalent ion. Absorption occurs primarily in the small intestine (especially the duodenum) by active transport and possibly by diffusion. The protein apoferritin contained in the intestinal mucosa binds part of the absorbed iron, forming a complex with it - ferritin. After passing the intestinal barrier, iron in the blood serum comes into contact with β 1 -globulin (transferrin).

In the form of a complex with transferrin, iron enters various tissues, where it is released again. In the bone marrow it is included in the construction of hemoglobin. In tissue depots, iron is in a bound state (in the form of ferritin and hemosiderin).

When red blood cells are destroyed, part of the hemoglobin breaks down to form bilirubin and hemosiderin, which also serve as a reserve form of iron. Iron is excreted through the digestive tract, kidneys and sweat glands.

The most common is iron deficiency. The problem of iron deficiency is most relevant for young animals, especially for newborn animals and suckling animals. One of the reasons for the development of iron deficiency conditions in young animals is that iron reserves in newborn animals are insignificant, therefore, as a result of increased animal growth, the need for iron exceeds its supply with colostrum and mother's milk. Another reason for the development of anemia in young animals is gastrointestinal diseases, in which the absorption of iron compounds is disrupted. Also in the etiology of nutritional anemia, insufficient provision of the animal body with protein, folic acid, copper, cobalt, zinc, manganese and vitamin B12 plays a certain role. Moreover, the latter is directly involved in erythropoiesis.

With iron deficiency in young animals, there is a decrease in the level of hemoglobin and the activity of iron-containing enzymes, the number of red blood cells, RNA in lymphocytes, as well as the gamma-globulin fraction of protein in the blood serum. Therefore, with a lack of iron, the respiratory function of the blood is disrupted, which leads to oxygen starvation of tissues, decreased growth energy and resistance of animals to other diseases.

But if in natural products their ratio is balanced, then in pharmaceutical vitamin complexes the balance is often upset. Below you will find out what functions macro- and microelements perform and what their significance is for the body.

What functions do macro- and microelements perform in the body?

Mineral substances – macroelements and microelements – have a significant influence on the absorption of vitamins in the human body.

Macronutrients- these are elements whose quantities are present in the cell in significant concentrations (whole and tenths of a percent). Macroelements include: hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chlorine, magnesium.

Microelements are contained in the cell in low concentrations (hundredths and thousandths of a percent and below). In total, there are more than 30 microelements in the cell. These include aluminum, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, cobalt, strontium, iodine, selenium, bromine, fluorine, boron, arsenic, etc.

The functions of macro- and microelements are very diverse. They affect the stability of colloidal compounds, enzyme activity, osmotic pressure of body fluids and a number of other physiological processes.

The main functions of macro- and microelements in the human body are listed below.

Hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon are the main chemical elements from which proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are built.

Hydrogen ions determine the acidity of biological solutions.

Calcium, phosphorus and magnesium are important building materials for bone tissue.

Calcium is also necessary for muscle contraction and transmission of nerve impulses through synapses. It is one of the factors of the blood coagulation system.

Sulfur is part of amino acids and a number of biologically active substances.

Iodine plays an important role in the humoral regulation of body functions, as it is part of the thyroid hormones.

Iron is part of hemoglobin (ensures the implementation of its transport function).

Iron, zinc and cobalt are found in some enzymes and vitamins.

The occurrence and conduction of nerve impulses in the nervous system are associated with sodium, potassium, and chlorine ions.

Potassium is especially necessary for the normal functioning of the heart muscle.

Chlorine is also part of the hydrochloric acid in gastric juice.

Fluoride is part of tooth enamel.

Knowing about the functions of macro- and microelements in the human body, remember that in any food there is a close relationship between vitamins and minerals. In natural products, the balance between and minerals is maintained by nature itself. But the question of how the properties of vitamins, macro- and microelements in synthetic vitamin complexes are interconnected has not yet been sufficiently studied by science. Some experts, for example, insist that vitamin complexes should not contain minerals and trace elements, since they impair the absorption and absorption of vitamins. But, on the other hand, a lack or excess of macro- and microelements leads to serious disturbances in metabolic processes in the body, including the metabolism of vitamins. In general, given the functions of micro- and macroelements in the body, the debate on the topic “Vitamins and minerals - enemies or friends?” continue.

Macroelements are substances necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. They should be supplied with food in quantities of at least 25 grams. Macroelements are simple chemical elements that can be both metals and non-metals. However, they do not necessarily have to enter the body in pure form. In most cases, macro- and microelements come from food in the form of salts and other chemical compounds.

Macroelements - what substances are they?

The human body must receive 12 macroelements. Of these, four are called biogenic, since their quantity in the body is greatest. Such macroelements are the basis of life for organisms. These are what cells are made of.


Macronutrients include:

  • carbon;
  • oxygen;
  • nitrogen;
  • hydrogen.

They are called biogenic, since they are the main components of a living organism and are part of almost all organic substances.

Other macronutrients

Macronutrients include:

  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • chlorine;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • sulfur.

Their quantity in the body is less than that of biogenic macroelements.

What are microelements?

Micro- and macroelements differ in that the body needs fewer microelements. Excessive intake of them into the body has a negative effect. However, their deficiency also causes diseases.

Here is a list of microelements:

  • iron;
  • fluorine;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • chromium;
  • zinc;
  • aluminum;
  • mercury;
  • lead;
  • nickel;
  • molybdenum;
  • selenium;
  • cobalt.

Some trace elements become extremely toxic when the dosage is exceeded, such as mercury and cobalt.

What role do these substances play in the body?

Let's look at the functions that microelements and macroelements perform.

The role of macroelements:

The functions performed by some microelements are still not fully understood, since the less an element is present in the body, the more difficult it is to determine the processes in which it takes part.

The role of microelements in the body:

Cell macroelements and microelements

Let's look at its chemical composition in the table.

What foods contain the elements the body needs?

Let's look at the table which products contain macro- and microelements.

ManganeseBlueberries, nuts, currants, beans, oatmeal, buckwheat, black tea, bran, carrots
MolybdenumBeans, grains, chicken, kidneys, liver
CopperPeanuts, avocado, soy, lentils, shellfish, salmon, crayfish
SeleniumNuts, beans, seafood, broccoli, onions, cabbage
NickelNuts, grains, broccoli, cabbage
PhosphorusMilk, fish, yolk
SulfurEggs, milk, fish, garlic, beans
ZincSunflower and sesame seeds, lamb, herring, beans, eggs

Yeast, beef, tomatoes, cheese, corn, eggs, apples, veal liver


Apricots, peaches, blueberries, apples, beans, spinach, corn, buckwheat, oatmeal, liver, wheat, nuts


Plant products


Seaweed, fish


Dried apricots, almonds, hazelnuts, raisins, beans, peanuts, prunes, peas, seaweed, potatoes, mustard, pine nuts, walnuts


Fish (flounder, tuna, crucian carp, capelin, mackerel, hake, etc.), eggs, rice, peas, buckwheat, salt


Dairy products, mustard, nuts, oatmeal, peas

SodiumFish, seaweed, eggs
AluminumIn almost all products

Now you know almost everything about macro- and microelements.

To ensure optimal functioning of the body, it contains various minerals. They are divided into two categories. Macroelements are present in a larger volume - 0.01%, and microelements are contained in less than 0.001%. However, the latter, despite such concentration, are of particular value. Next, we will figure out what microelements are present in the human body, what they are and what they are needed for.

General information

The role of microelements in the human body is quite large. These compounds ensure the normal course of almost all biochemical processes. If the content of microelements in the human body is within normal limits, then all systems will function stably. According to statistics, about two billion people on the planet suffer from a deficiency of these compounds. Lack of microelements in the human body leads to mental retardation and blindness. Many babies with mineral deficiency die as soon as they are born.

The importance of microelements in the human body

The compounds are primarily responsible for the formation and development of the central nervous system. The role of microelements in the human body is also distributed to reduce the number of the most common intrauterine disorders in the formation of the cardiovascular system. Each connection affects a specific area. The importance of microelements in the human body in the formation of protective forces is important. For example, in people who receive minerals in the required quantities, many pathologies (intestinal infections, measles, flu and others) are much easier.

Main sources of minerals

Macro- and microelements, vitamins are present in foods of animal and plant origin. In modern conditions, compounds can be synthesized in laboratory conditions. However, the penetration of minerals with plant or animal foods brings much more benefits than the use of compounds obtained through the synthesis process. The main microelements in the human body are bromine, boron, vanadium, iodine, iron, manganese, copper. Cobalt, nickel, molybdenum, selenium, chromium, fluorine, and zinc are involved in ensuring vital functions. Next, we will consider in more detail how these microelements act in the human body and their importance for health.


This element is present in almost all human tissues and organs. Most boron is found in the bones of the skeleton and tooth enamel. The element has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. Due to it, the work of the endocrine glands becomes more stable, the formation of the skeleton becomes more correct. In addition, the concentration of sex hormones increases, which is of particular importance for women during menopause. Boron is present in soybeans, buckwheat, corn, rice, beets, and legumes. With a deficiency of this element, hormonal imbalances are observed. In women, this is fraught with the development of pathologies such as osteoporosis, fibroids, cancer, and erosions. There is a high risk of urolithiasis and joint dysfunction.


This element influences the proper activity of the thyroid gland, participates in the functioning of the central nervous system, and enhances inhibition processes. For example, a person taking a drug containing bromine has a decreased sex drive. This element is present in foods such as nuts, legumes, and grains. With a deficiency of bromine in the body, sleep is disturbed and hemoglobin levels decrease.


This element takes part in regulating the activity of blood vessels and the heart. Vanadium helps stabilize cholesterol concentrations. This, in turn, reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis, and tumors and swelling are also reduced. The element normalizes the functioning of the liver and kidneys, improves vision. Vanadium is involved in the regulation of blood glucose and hemoglobin. The element is present in cereals, radishes, rice, potatoes. With vanadium deficiency, cholesterol concentration increases. This is fraught with the development of atherosclerosis and diabetes.


This trace element is one of the components of hemoglobin. Iron is responsible for the formation of blood cells and is involved in cellular respiration. This element is present in mustard, pumpkin seeds, pomegranate, sesame seeds, apples, hazelnuts, and seaweed. The condition of the cells of the skin, mouth, intestines and stomach directly depends on the concentration of iron. With a deficiency of this element, rapid fatigue and deterioration of the condition of the nail plates are noted. At the same time, the skin becomes dry, roughens, the mouth often dries out, and anemia develops. In some cases, taste sensations may change.


This trace element takes part in the production of thyroxine, the thyroid hormone. It contains most (about 15 out of 25 mg) of iodine. If there is enough of this element in the body, then the work of the prostate, ovaries, liver, and kidneys will proceed without disruption. Iodine is present in wheat, dairy products, champignons, algae, rye, beans, and spinach. With a deficiency of the element, there is an enlargement of the thyroid gland (goiter), muscle weakness, a slowdown in the development of mental abilities, and dystrophic changes.


This element is an integral part of the process of formation of blood cells. Cobalt takes part in the formation of vitamin B 12 and the production of insulin. The element is present in legumes, soybeans, pears, salt, and semolina. With a deficiency of cobalt, anemia can begin, a person gets tired faster and wants to sleep all the time.


This element is responsible for the condition of bones, reproductive function, and is involved in regulating the activity of the central nervous system. Thanks to manganese, potency increases; under its influence, muscle reflexes become more active. The element helps reduce nervous tension and irritation. Manganese is present in ginger and nuts. If the element is deficient, the process of ossification of the skeleton is disrupted, and joints begin to deform.


This element is found in large quantities in the liver. Copper is a component of melanin and takes part in the production of collagen and pigmentation. With the help of copper, the process of iron absorption is much better. The element is present in sunflower, seaweed, sesame, and cocoa. With copper deficiency, anemia, weight loss, and baldness are observed. The level of hemoglobin also decreases, and dermatoses of various natures begin to develop.


This element is the basis of the enzyme involved in iron utilization. This process prevents the development of anemia. Molybdenum is present in salt, grains, and legumes. The consequences of element deficiency in the body have not been studied enough to date.


Participates in the formation of blood cells and their saturation with oxygen. Nickel also regulates fat metabolism, hormonal levels, and lowers blood pressure. The element is present in corn, pear, soybeans, apples, lentils and other legumes.


This element is an antioxidant. It inhibits the growth of abnormal cells, thereby preventing the occurrence and spread of cancer. Selenium protects the body from the negative effects of heavy metals. It is necessary for the production of proteins, normal and stable functioning of the thyroid gland and pancreas. Selenium is present in seminal fluid and also supports reproductive function. The microelement is found in wheat and its germ, sunflower seeds. With its deficiency, the risk of developing allergies, dysbacteriosis, multiple sclerosis, and heart attack increases.


This element is involved in the formation of tooth enamel and tissue. The element is present in millet, nuts, pumpkin, and raisins. With fluoride deficiency, permanent caries occurs.


This microelement influences the accelerated formation of insulin. Chromium also improves carbohydrate metabolism. The trace element is present in beets, radishes, peaches, soybeans, and mushrooms. In case of chromium deficiency, there is a deterioration in the condition of hair, nails, and bones.


This microelement regulates many important processes in the body. For example, it is involved in metabolism, the functioning of the reproductive system, and the formation of blood cells. Zinc is present in sesame. When it is deficient, a person quickly gets tired and becomes susceptible to allergies and infectious pathologies.

Vitamin Compatibility

In the process of assimilation of microelements, they interact with various compounds, including those coming from outside. In this case, various combinations occur. Some of them have a beneficial effect on others - they contribute to mutual destruction, while others have a neutral effect on each other. In the table below you can see compatible vitamins and microelements in the human body.

Table 1

The following table lists incompatible compounds and trace elements in the human body.

table 2

The multivitamin and mineral complexes that exist today contain certain combinations in certain proportions. If you need to take this kind of medication, you should first consult your doctor and carefully read the instructions. Do not forget that the effect of microelements on the human body can be not only positive. If you take medications incorrectly, serious consequences are likely.

The most important macroelements are known to everyone from early childhood. These are calcium and magnesium, phosphorus and chlorine, potassium, sulfur and many others. The macroelements of a cell are responsible for its osmotic internal pressure and the filling of mitochondria with nutrients and energy substances. All macroelements in the body must be in a balanced state, otherwise they interfere with each other's work. Some macroelements in the human body are responsible for the functioning of the heart, more precisely for its contractile function. These are calcium, magnesium and potassium. With normal levels of these macroelements in the human body, there are no heart rhythm disturbances and ischemia does not develop. You can read about macroelements and their importance in the body on this page, which lists the main substances. The material examines in detail the macroelements in the human body and their importance for the daily functioning of all organs and systems.

List of Essential Chemical Macronutrients

The main macroelements are calcium, magnesium, potassium, chlorine, sulfur, phosphorus and sodium. These chemical macroelements participate in biochemical processes and are conductors of electrical impulses. The given list of macroelements does not include some other substances that are not discussed in detail in this article. The listed chemical macronutrients later on the page are discussed in terms of their biological and physiological roles.

It also talks about how you can adjust your diet in order to get a full daily dose of all macroelements.

Biological role of the macroelement calcium in the body

Calcium (Ca). The daily requirement is 800-1500 mg.

The role of the macroelement is that it is the main element of bone tissue and teeth, in which calcium, together with phosphate, forms an insoluble crystalline mineral - calcium hydroxylapatite. The total amount of calcium in the body of an adult reaches 1.5 kg. Every year, up to 20% of calcium in the human body is replaced. About 700-800 mg of calcium leaves the bones of the skeleton and returns to them every day.

The role of the macroelement calcium in the body is that it has anti-stress, anti-allergic, and antioxidant effects. Provides normal structure of teeth, bones, nails; normal heart rhythm; improves the activity of the nervous system; promotes iron absorption; prevents the transition of cells from a precancerous to a cancerous state.

The biological role of the macroelement also lies in the fact that the presence of a sufficient amount of calcium in the body prevents the accumulation of lead in bone tissue. If there is a lack of calcium in the body or a disturbance in its metabolism, changes occur in bone tissue (for example, osteoporosis, characterized by a decrease in the content of this element in the bones, which can lead to fragility and bone fractures), in muscles (pain, cramps), and in the thyroid gland (dysfunction), immune system (tendency to allergic manifestations, decreased immunity, including antitumor), hematopoietic system (clotting disorder). Calcium deficiency can provoke the development of hypertensive crises, toxicosis of pregnancy, and hypercholesterolemia.

Sources of calcium include dry cream, milk and cheese, sesame seeds and beans. When less than 0.5 g of calcium per day enters the body, the likelihood of osteoporosis sharply increases.

All soft drinks are rich in phosphorus, which interferes with the absorption of calcium, slows growth, and promotes osteoporosis.

The absorption of calcium from cereals in the intestine is difficult, since the main part of this element is tightly bound in them with inositol hexaphosphate, forming the calcium-magnesium salt phytin.

Magnesium macronutrient value

Magnesium (Mg). The daily requirement is 400-750 mg.

The adult body contains about 20 g of magnesium.

More than three hundred enzymes are known whose work depends on magnesium. The importance of the macroelement magnesium lies in the fact that there is no other cation that would influence such a number of enzyme reactions in general and energy metabolism in particular. Magnesium activates enzymes that regulate carbohydrate, protein, lipid metabolism, and the release of ATP energy; stimulates the breakdown of nucleic acids; reduces excitation in nerve cells; has a vasodilating effect; necessary for the functioning of nerves and muscles. Magnesium is an anti-stress element, relieves migraine attacks, helps fight depression, gives vigor and energy for active work, strengthens the cardiovascular system, and prevents calcium deposition in the kidneys. Together with calcium, magnesium acts as a natural tranquilizer, prevents the development of osteoporosis, maintains healthy teeth, normalizes potassium balance, and activates the activity of enzymes, which include B vitamins (B1, B2, B6).

With chronic magnesium deficiency, a person develops a feeling of exhaustion and weakness. The interaction of magnesium with calcium and chlorine plays a significant role in the regulation of blood pressure. In many biochemical reactions, magnesium interacts synergistically with zinc.

Lack of magnesium negatively affects the functions of the central nervous system (magnesium regulates inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex), heart and blood vessels (with a deficiency of magnesium intake or with disturbances in its metabolism, a disturbance in the rhythm of cardiac activity and tone of blood vessels occurs, spasms and hypertension are observed); adrenal glands (depletion of function); bone tissue (osteoporosis); urinary and biliary systems (magnesium normalizes intestinal motility and contraction of the gallbladder, bile secretion); thyroid and pancreas, muscle tissue (at a low concentration of magnesium, protein synthesis decreases, the processes of oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria and direct oxidation of carbohydrates are inhibited); immune system (in the presence of magnesium ions, the processes of phagocytosis and the work of a number of components of the complement system are actively carried out). With a lack of magnesium in the body, the level of free cholesterol in the blood plasma increases and the concentration of atherogenic lipoproteins increases. Magnesium plays an important role in the detoxification processes of the liver, in the functioning of fibroblasts responsible for the biosynthesis of connective tissue components.

For normal life, it is necessary not only a regular intake of minerals into the body, but also their correct ratio.

The ratio of calcium and magnesium entering the human body should be 1:0.7. Foods high in calcium reduce the absorption of magnesium. The absorption of magnesium is hindered by oxalic acid, tannin and phytins, which are antagonists of magnesium in the body. Strong antagonists of magnesium are beryllium and manganese. Milk and casein have a beneficial effect on the absorption of magnesium from the intestines.

According to modern data, about 80% of the population living in developed countries does not receive enough magnesium. Magnesium deficiency increases as a person ages. Magnesium content is insufficient in the diet of elderly and low-income people.

The bioavailability of magnesium increases in the presence of vitamin A, calcium and phosphorus.

The highest magnesium content among animal products is found in sea fish, among plants - in wheat bran, sunflower seeds, and nuts. There is especially a lot of magnesium in the chlorophyll of green vegetables. People living in regions with hard water receive sufficient amounts of magnesium.

Minerals – potassium macroelements

Potassium (K). The daily requirement is 3000-5000 mg.

As a mineral, the macroelement potassium is a sodium antagonist. It is a basic intracellular chemical element necessary for the functioning of any living cell. Potassium, along with sodium, chloride and bicarbonate, is responsible for the acid-base balance and osmotic pressure in the body. These substances and macroelements support the normal functioning of cell walls, promote healthy skin, eliminate fluid from the body, better supply the brain with oxygen, stimulate the kidneys to eliminate metabolic waste, alleviate allergic manifestations, are necessary for muscle contractions, and are involved in the conduction of nerve impulses. Potassium is extremely important for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, regulates heart rhythm, prevents the risk of strokes and some forms of depression, fatigue, nervousness.

During physical and emotional stress, potassium deficiency is noted. Significant losses of potassium occur with diabetes mellitus, with diarrhea, and when diuretics are used to treat hypertension.

Among animal products, potassium is present in significant quantities in milk, meat, fish, chicken breasts and fillets; among plants - in avocado, apricot, parsley, bananas, tomato juice, citrus fruits and sunflower seeds, almonds and other nuts.

Macronutrient phosphorus in food

Phosphorus (P). The daily requirement is 1200-1600 mg.

Phosphorus is associated with calcium metabolism, plays an important role in the activity of the brain, muscles, bones, is part of a number of enzymes, in the structures of DNA and RNA, and accumulates in high-energy compounds (ADP and ATP). Lack of phosphorus negatively affects the functions of the central nervous system (with deficiency, weakness and fatigue develop), the muscular system (pain, weakness), the liver (decreased function), and bone tissue (osteoporosis). Without the macroelement phosphorus in the diet, nicotinic acid is not absorbed. It is heavily consumed during nervous diseases and stress.

The highest content of the macroelement phosphorus in products is found in fish, dairy and meat products, and among plant products - beans and peas. The optimal ratio of calcium and phosphorus entering the body is 1:1.5.

Functions of the macronutrient sulfur

Sulfur (S). Daily requirement - 850 mg.

Contained in all tissues. The largest amounts are in the skin, muscles, hair and joints. The functions of the macroelement sulfur are that it is part of amino acids (cysteine, cystine, methionine, taurine), some B vitamins, insulin and collagen. Increases resistance to radiation and toxins, promotes DNA restoration. Among animal products, sulfur is present in significant quantities in milk and meat.

Inorganic macronutrients chlorine

Chlorine (C1). The daily requirement is 5000 mg.

Inorganic macroelements of chlorine are part of the gastric juice, together with potassium and sodium, they maintain water balance and normal muscle and nervous system functions. A lack of chlorine causes diarrhea, weakened muscle tone, and vomiting. Those who drink chlorinated water need to consume fermented milk products, as well as vitamin E. Sources of chlorine are table salt and seafood.

Characteristics of sodium macroelements

Sodium (Na). The daily requirement is 4000-6000 mg.

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