Basta singer personal life. Basta (Vasily Vakulenko): wife and children

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“I have long understood the images, and I use them for my own purposes. With my mother, wife, children - I am a loving and caring Basta, with friends, when you can not be shy about anything, I become Noggano. This is how I live.”

Real name:Vasily Vakulenko
Alias:Basta x Basta Khryu x Basta Bastilio x Noggano x N1NTENDO
Date of Birth: 20.04.1980
Zodiac sign: Aries/Taurus
City: Rostov-on-Don
Nationality: Russian
Growth: 181 cm
The weight: 95 kg

Basta (Vasily Vakulenko) is a brand name that is familiar to every student,a simple hard worker, a big businessman and even a president. After all, all these people find their reflection in the multifaceted work of Basta.

Basta is a real musician, creative figure and caring mentor for all Russian hip-hop (Voice, Voice of the Streets, Gasgolder and so on).

For the reader who is still not familiar with creativityBasty , one has only to look at these two videos with honors of more than 20 years, and everything will immediately fall into place.Basta is a person who made perhaps the most significant contribution to the development of the genrewithout stopping for a second in front of difficulties.

In the first part of Basta's biography, the site will tell in detail about the busy period of lifeVasily Vakulenko before he met Evgeny Antimony (business partner) and became part of Gazgolder

Basta - Childhood / Basta's parents

On a warm April day, in a family of hereditary military men, a smallVasya Vakulenko (Basta) . Mom was 19 years old. At that time, Basta already had an older brother who overtook him by 11 months.

Interesting fact about Bast:

Admire his brother. A specialist with two red diplomas, an engineer on the railway.

Childhood Vasily Vakulenko could hardly be called good, he himself does not like that period very much, and has repeatedly stated thatreturn never go there would not want to.

Since the parents were divorced,Basta almost all the time lived with his grandparents,native Ukrainians from Kyiv and Krivoy Rog. And my mother, with two higher educations from Moscow State University with honors, was forced to work tirelessly, selling yogurts.

“I believe in people endlessly. As my mother used to say, “A thousand will deceive, the first thousand will become a friend!””

From an early age, Vasya was a great lover of the street,because there were no rules. The excellent, but conservative upbringing of grandparents infringed upon the freedom-loving nature of the rapper.Basta was not a big hooligan or scoundrel,but still he liked to play pranks. By virtue of practical freedom from parents,Basta nevertheless, he reports that he has never been a “bastard”, but from early childhood he understood what strings to pull in order to get his benefit.

For unknown reasons,Basta met his fatheronly at the age of 7. Later, with Mikhail Vakulenko (Father of Basta), there was an accident in which he fell under the wheels of a car and becamedisabled person of the first group.At that time, he almost died, but still got out of the other world.

Interesting fact about Bast:

I wanted to be loved more in childhood. Lacked attention.

Dad was a big rock lover, and listened to different music, which is considered a classic to this day.In the house atBasty Deep Purple, Queen, Beatles and other stars played constantly.Basta himself was never a fan of them, but he treated them with great respect.

To this day, when creating music, he often recalls elements of those songs, using themas a subject of inspiration or sampling.

In addition, due to the military family, the rapper had to travel to different military camps, the name of which, for natural reasons, he does not mention.

“For me, a street is not just a street in the literal sense. For me, the street is the preservation of some rules, moral values, some code within myself, that's what I call the street.”

Basta School and Music College

At the age of 6, Vasya goes to secondary school No. 32 in Rostov, and a little later, his grandmother helps him enter a music school, where in the futureBasta mastered piano and accordion. young Noggano had to devote to playing instrumentsabout 4 hours a day

He is grateful to his grandmother for her perseverance, but he himself admitted that bothschools were a real test for the young rebel.

Interesting fact about Bast:

In addition, it has recently become known that Basta sang in the children's church choir, and even more than that - he was a sexton in charge of the bell and he has a spiritual dignity that allows him to wear a cassock and sing liturgies.

After 9th grade Vasily Vakulenko enters the music school as a conductorHowever, he left him due to poor academic performance and failed exams. Then rap gradually began to penetrate his life, which eventually turned it upside down.

Basta - First steps in rap / Basta's First Track

At the age of 15 Basta, together with their street friends, they passed the line of the “Gaza Strip” and began to listen to the stars of American rap. At the same age, grandmother givesBaste electronic synthesizer Yamaha 51.

The rapper confesses that he neverhad no talentand in his first texts, he made every effort to plot at least 4 lines. Exactlyaspiration and constant workover himself helped him excel in hip-hop.

Interesting fact:

I was afraid to disappoint my parents. He wants his children not to be afraid and to find their own way.

The first and indelible impression on Vasily, who previously preferred hardcore, was made by the groupOnyx . Then he began to play in tape recordersWu-Tang and Busta Rhimes (by the way, there is a theory thatBasta borrowed his pseudonym from him).

The boys started a bandBlack Tob and at the request of senior comrades, recorded their first song,talking about the local gym.

“Rap is a very convenient way of expressing thoughts. You can invest volume in a short period of time”

Due to the small, but, at that time, already powerful hip-hop party in Rostov,Basta is noticed by familiar guys from the group “Psycholyric”(first namecastes) and invite them over. He agrees.

Interesting fact:

Vladi recalls that Basta has always been the soul of the company.

1997 - Vasily Vakulenko (Basta)writes the trackCity”, which becomes a local hit. Listening to this song today is hardrecognize in him the current Bastubut that's when it all started.

“It's budget music, you don't need much talent to get started. Lighthouse tape recorder, Yamaha synthesizer, dad accumulated the whole thing and we started writing”

Basta - First Girl

It is interesting that the first love of such a charismatic guy today appearedonly at the age of 16. He does not give her name, but shares that he was a very shy teenager, showing signs of attention to her, he did not dare to take the first step.

The situation was saved by friends who were tired of hearing Vasya's daily “nagging”. They themselves talked to her, after which the girl herself invited Vasya to go for a walk.

Basta Khryu as part of "Psycholyric"

In the same year, the Psycholyric group released the album “First Impact”, which excited the whole of Rostov-on-Don. It included a solo track “City” and verses on other compositions. Rappers shared that this record was inspired by the soundwu tang clan. At that time, Basta wore a rather eccentric pseudonym Basta Khryu.

The first glory of Basta / Basta - My Game / “United Caste”

After some timeBasta offers the founder "Psycholyric Vladi change title to “Castu ', with which the former agrees.It's hard to believe, but in the future both of these performers will change the entire domestic hip-hop.

In 1998 Basta Oink writes his first hit "My game", which conquers the hearts of hundreds of thousands of people. Speaking with him at the Rostov Palace of Sports, the next dayBasta wakes up already local star.

“As a friend told me: “You chose a name with which no one would ever achieve anything in life.”

On the wave of success, he draws large crowds at his performances,conquering Rostov, Crimea and even regions of the Caucasuswith their tours. Such a wave of success turned the head of young Basta,and all the accompanying attributes appeared - alcohol and drugs.

Basta - Problems with Drugs

Vasily begins to have serious problems with heroin,which ruin all his work for several years.

Due to addiction, many comrades break ties with him, and he secretly leaves the team."Caste", remaining left only to the family.

And to this day Basta calls himself a very weak personwho learned to ask for help only recently.

But here, too, problems arise.The complex character makes Bastudo everything exactly the opposite of what he is advised. This feature, according to the artist, is inherent in him today.

Interesting fact:

In my youth, I often thought about suicide

Apart from intravenous heroin use, Basta tried all forbidden fruits.He got injured, lost consciousness and caught overdoses that completely deprive his memory.The rapper calls this time years of total hopelessness.

On this narcotic basis, Basta ends up in the 6th department of the psychiatric dispensary "Kovolevka", in Rostov.

“I have always been a fan of bright, new, adventurous sensations. And drugs are an adventure. A deadly sport.”

Basta - Creative crisis 4 years long

From 1998 to 2002 Basta was in drug-creative crisiswithout recording a single track.

“Somehow it was as if Balabanov (approx. - Russian director) wrote the fate of those years. I didn’t like to feel myself in this world, that’s why I found salvation there”

In the same year, an old friendVasily Yuri Volos (Zhora)practically savesBastu from the heroin trip, offering him his home studio so that Vasya could resume creativity.

“If then the death woman let me through, then now, probably, you shouldn’t be afraid anymore”

April 22, 2003 Bastacompletely abstinent from drugsafter which his affairs sharply rush uphill.He writes down old texts, creates new ones and resumes concerts.

The guys fail to attract the attention of Rostov producers, and they take a risky step -trip to Moscow. Hanging around looking for a contract and a releasing studioBastu is found by the famous author of the hit “MMM” Bogdan Titomir. He offers to buy some songs from Vasya, which he receives a sharp refusal.

“I just gave them to him. We must pay tribute to him, he has a flair for good songs - p ... c.

But after a short time, in 2005,Titomir comes to Basta againto introduce him to the producerEugene Antimony.He was just opening his club "gas holder

Basta and Eugene Antimony

It is worth noting thatEugene Antimony was considered a former criminal elementand a raider involved in illegal fraud with gasoline and other people's property. Even then he was the owner of the club (not the studio yet)gas holder, which was built on the site of a former gas storage facility.

He liked the musicBasty and he helped him with money and connections, as it was with Titomir. It can be boldly stated thatno matter what moral qualities Evgeny possessed, without him there would be neither Basta nor Noggano.

In the premises of the former Moscow factory "arma"was open club"gas holder”, in which closed parties were held with the entire Russian underground beau monde.

A recording studio was also set up there.Basta disappeared for days and nights, preparing for the release of his debut album“Basta 1” , which revealed the legendary artist for the entire CIS.

“I do not divide people into criminal and non-criminal. There are only those who are worthy or not.”

Vakulenko Vasily Mikhailovich is a famous Russian singer who reads author's songs in the style of rap and beatbox. Vasily, or Noggano, or Basta, or Basta Khryu is not only a songwriter, but also a composer, actor and producer.

He never ceases to delight his fans with directorial work, as well as television shows. The young man not only adores his own daughters, but also all the kids who were part of his team in the television show “Voice. Children". Admirers of the guy's talent claim that Vasily was distinguished not only by his professional attitude towards every talented child, but he always fulfilled what he promised even to the smallest man.

Height, weight, age. How old is Basta (Vasily Vakulenko)

It is worth noting that all the fans of the handsome man are trying not only to find out the details of his personal life, but also his height, weight, age. How old is Bast (Vasily Vakulenko) is also easy to find out, simply by specifying the date of his birth.

Vasily was born into this world in 1980, that is, he was already thirty-eight years old, although Basta (Vasily Vakulenko): photos in his youth and now have not changed much, because the guy not only plays sports, but also carefully monitors his health .

Basta received from the zodiac circle the sign of an ambitious, talented, stable, successful, passionate Aries monogamous.

The eastern horoscope endowed Vasily with the character traits of the Monkey, that is, dexterity, artistry, charisma, sociability, cunning.

Vakulenko's height was one meter and eighty centimeters, and the guy weighs no more than ninety-five kilos, but he does not complex about this.

Biography and personal life of Basta (Vasily Vakulenko)

The biography and personal life of Basta (Vasily Vakulenko) also often attracted the attention of fans.

Father - Mikhail Vakulenko - a hereditary military man, since Vasily's grandfather was also an officer, therefore he successfully used military drill when raising his grandson.

Mother - a young man rarely shows his fans, although he respects her immensely, because a woman with several higher educations received at the prestigious Moscow State University washed floors and sold yogurts in the nineties to feed her family.

Vasya has an older brother, with whom they are the same age, since the age difference between them was eleven months. He resembles his youngest in size, went in for sports and loved to read. The guy was more diligent and accommodating than his brother, so she received two higher educations and works as an engineer on the railway.

Vasily was a freedom-loving and hyperactive boy, he constantly ran away to his yard friends. The boy was nicknamed Piggy because he littered and was sloppy, he was cheeky as an adult and fought.

By the way, until the ninth grade, he studied quite tolerably, wanted to become a clergyman and often talked about God, but then he became interested in music and was expelled from school in disgrace, so Vasya did not have a graduation. At the same time, the teachers kindly remember the guy, because he was a ringleader, mass worker and an avid KVN player. They recall that Vasily loved to be in the spotlight and grabbed all the knowledge right on the fly.

Then the guy entered the Rostov School of Music at the conducting department, but was expelled from it for absenteeism. He organized the youth group Black Tob, and he himself took a pseudonym from the singer Basta Rhimes.

From the age of seventeen, Basta has been writing compositions in the style of rap and touring with the Psycholyric (Casta) group. After that, there was a lull in his life associated with star fever, drugs and alcohol. But in 2002, his friend Yura Volos organized, in tandem with Vasya, a recording studio at home.

In addition, Bogdan Titomir came across his disc, who introduced Vasily to the Gazgolder association, sponsoring his hits and videos. At the same time, Basta completely refuses alcohol and drugs, and his work flies up. He constantly disappears into the recording studio, releasing albums one after another.

Basta collaborates with well-known performers Guf, Smokey Mo, Nerves, City 312, Godfamily, AK-47. He became the official voice of the Yandex. Navigator”, Ambassador from Rostov for the FIFA World Cup this year.

Vakulenko writes soundtracks, is on the jury of many show programs, acts in films, acts as their producer, director and screenwriter. Basta's filmography includes thirteen works, including the films "Klubare", "How the style was tempered", "Spring in Florence", "Ghetto", "Moats".

The personal life of Vasily Vakulenko is not too stormy, he first fell in love at sixteen, but does not name the girl. He was a shy boy, so he didn’t dare to confess his feelings, and then there was a “classic drama”, because she went to another.

After the guy turned twenty, another nameless girl entered his life. By the way, the guy decided to go to conquer the capital, and the beauty simply did not wait for Vasily and married his friend Maxim.

Basta's family and children (Vasily Vakulenko)

The family and children of Basta (Vasily Vakulenko) are very unusual, but they are his support and reliable rear. It is worth clarifying that Vasya met his dad when he was seven years old. And then I almost lost it, because Mikhail got into a terrible accident and almost died, but got out and received the first group of disability.

It was the father who influenced the further attitude of his son to music. Because he was an avid Beatle fan, he often played Deep Purple and Queen records. However, Vasya often said that in his family he often lacked the attention of his parents. He grew like grass on his own, and was naughty to be scolded.

Vasya was greatly influenced by his grandmother, who sent him to a music school to study accordion and piano. Forcing you to practice at least four hours a day. She brought the boy to the church, where he sang in the choir and was a sexton, Vasily sings the liturgy and has a church rank. By the way, the grandmother presented the first professional Japanese synthesizer for performances to a talented fifteen-year-old guy.

The boy's parents arranged their personal lives, so the boys were educated by their grandfather and grandmother, who came to school and raised the tomboys as best they could. Vasily says that because of his dull childhood, he tries to do everything so that his daughters feel his love.

Most of all, Basta was afraid that he would do something that would disappoint his parents, and he himself wants his daughters to never experience this feeling and grow up self-sufficient.

Vasily's children live in love, he constantly shoots clips about them, takes them with him to concerts and travels around the world. Basta never yells at children and does not require any super knowledge, believing that life will teach everything.

Both girls simply adore their daddy, and the rapper dedicates his songs to them, including the piercing hit "Samsara". The guy is convinced that parents and children are "just swapped", and his girls will certainly "be better than us."

By the way, only at a concert at Vasily's are all children who want to be invited to the stage and seated on chairs so that it is convenient for them to watch the performance. And his wards from the program “Voice. Children" tour with him and receive the full support of the coach.

Basta's daughter (Vasily Vakulenko) - Maria Vakulenko

Basta's daughter (Vasily Vakulenko) - Maria Vakulenko - was born in 2009, she inherited the genes of the famous daddy, since Mashenka plays the piano and sings great. And Basta often replaces the girl's mother, in infancy he fed and treated her, dressed and entertained, so dad is the most important person in the girl's life.

She performed with her father on the stage of the Olimpiysky, while Vasily repeats that it doesn’t matter to him how his daughter sings, he is always ready to support her in all endeavors.

The girl looks like her father in appearance and has a bad temper, but she is an excellent student at school. At the same time, Masha is very kind and understanding, she was happy to voice a cartoon about an autistic boy Dima, in which she asked many questions about the features of such children, which were answered by her on-screen “mother” Olga Shelest.

Basta's daughter (Vasily Vakulenko) - Vasilisa Vakulenko

Basta's daughter (Vasily Vakulenko) - Vasilisa Vakulenko - is the second child, she was born in 2013, which Basta instantly announced on his Instagram. The baby is more like dad and was named after him.

Vasilisa is very active and inquisitive, she sculpts from plasticine, draws and works in a developing studio. The baby is incredibly artistic, she is ready to sing anytime and anywhere, for example, recently a video appeared on the Internet where Vasilisa and Masha sing with dad in the car, and then perform a patriotic spy song at home.

Vasilisa is engaged in vocals, but not yet on a professional basis, she tries to play the piano and appears in children's fashion shows.

Basta's wife (Vasily Vakulenko) - Elena Pinskaya

Basta's wife (Vasily Vakulenko) - Elena Pinskaya - is the beloved and only one in the guy's life, because she never betrayed him and always understood. The guys met in the closed club "Simachev", where the girl was relaxing in the company of her friends, and Vasya performed.

Lena was a fan of Basta, so she went on stage to him to express her delight, she was not shy about another nameless passion of Vasily. It was this independence and perseverance that conquered the guy, he went to see the girl home, it turned out that they were practically neighbors. At the same time, few believed in the future of the bully and the daughter of a winemaker and a French journalist.

Basta was used to fighting, he conquered the girl's parents with excellent manners, gallantry and creativity, as well as the fact that in 2009 he not only got married, but also married Lena.

Instagram and Wikipedia Basta (Vasily Vakulenko)

Instagram and Wikipedia Basta (Vasily Vakulenko) have been around for many years, and the information posted there is relevant, it satisfies the needs of fans. On Wikipedia, you can find reliable facts about childhood, parents, children, spouse, education, personal life of Vakulenko. It will be realistic to find disco and filmography, videos and soundtracks of a young man, as well as about his awards and prizes.

Basta (Vasily Mikhailovich Vakulenko) - was born on April 20, 1980 in Rostov-on-Don. Even as a teenager in his biography, Nagano showed an interest in music. Already at the age of 15 he tried to create his own group, and recorded his first song at the age of 17. A year later, a track appeared that gained great popularity - “My Game”.

Then, in the biography of Basta Nagano, he entered a music school. But, after studying for a year at the conducting department, Basta left the school - studying there did not correspond to his musical aspirations. Then the tour began with Igor Zhelezko. After the rapid success in the biography of rapper Nagano, a creative crisis ensued. For a while, Basta stopped performing and recording songs.

Later he decided to resume his musical career, he founded a studio at home. But signing a contract with any record company was not easy. With the assistance of Bogdan Titomir, Basta began to cooperate with the "Gazgolder" association. The first album in Nagano's biography was released in 2006 - "Basta 1". And the following year, the second album, Basta 2, was released. Then the project "Nagano" ("Noggano") was created, which gained popularity thanks to such songs as "Insure the brother", "Zhora" and others.

Later, Basta began to collaborate with Guf (the song "My Game" was covered).

Also in his biography, rapper Nagano managed to try himself as a radio presenter (Hip-hop TV project), voiced the cartoon The Boondocks. In 2008, he received the MTV Russia Music Awards in the Network category.

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Full name: Vasily Mikhailovich Vakulenko

Stage aliases: Basta, Basta Oink, Basta Bastillio, Noggano

Age: 38 years

Zodiac sign: ♈ Aries

Place of Birth: Russia, Rostov-on-Don

Nationality: Russian

Growth: 181 cm

Family status: is married (Elena Vakulenko)

Children: Maria, Vasilisa

Activity: rapper, music producer, director, actor,


Biography of Basta

Musician Vasily Vakulenko, known to the general public as Basta or Noggano, is one of the most popular rappers in the country. A talented man actively manifests himself in producing, acting and directing.

The birthplace of Vasily Vakulenko is Rostov-on-Don

The birthplace of the famous artist is the city of Rostov-on-Don. Basta was born in 1980 on April 20. The future rapper lived in an ordinary family, and owes his success to his parents and grandparents.

Basta's parents

Vasily's father worked as a military man, did not see his son until he went to school. Some time after meeting with the child, Mikhail got into a terrible car accident, but survived and received a disability. He instilled in the boy a good attitude towards music, letting him listen to the recordings of the Beatles, Queen and Deep Purple.

Vasily Vakulenko with his brother

The rapper's mother is an intelligent woman with two higher educations. To feed the children (Basta has an older brother), she sold dairy products and worked as a cleaner. Visiting his hometown with concerts, Vasily always meets with his mother and shares new photos with her on the Web.

Basta with mom, 2016

Vasya was raised by his grandparents. It was his grandmother who took him to a music school, enrolled him in a church choir and bought an expensive Japanese synthesizer. The boy later received a church order and sang liturgies.

In the photo: on the left is a grandmother with a grandfather, on the right is Vasily in a church cassock

He gratefully remembers now his beloved "grandmother". In his interviews, the musician admits that he strives to give children all the parental warmth that he did not receive in his childhood.

Basta in childhood

Vasily from childhood was distinguished by a freedom-loving and wayward character. He got his nickname "Piggy" for sloppiness and participation in boyish fights. After the 9th grade, he left school, although teachers remember the boy with warmth. Vasya was an excellent KVN player and a real ringleader.

Vasya Vakulenko in childhood

At the age of fifteen, the future rapper, influenced by the work of the Wu-Tang Clan and Ol' Dirty Bastards, began to write the first rap texts. Vasily liked it, and he decided to develop in this direction.

Vasily Vakulenko, 1993

After school, Basta entered the local music school as a conductor. At the end of the first year, Vasily left the educational institution, deciding that this would not be useful to him in the implementation of his musical career.

Basta's musician career

At the age of 17, Vasily was already taken to the Psycholyric team, which was later renamed Casta. Then he becomes known as Basta Oink. The first debut track of the artist, which became famous, is called "City".

Group "Casta", 1998

At the age of 18, Basta wrote the track "My Game". Already thanks to the first compositions, Basta began to be recognized not only in his native city, but also beyond.

1998-2002: early career

Together with his friend, he goes on a tour of the Krasnodar Territory and the cities of the North Caucasus. Unfortunately, the artist's concerts were not always successful. A few months later, Basta decides to take a break from his career. At that time, he develops serious problems with illegal drugs.

Vasily Vakulenko, 25 years old

In 2002, Basta again wants to make himself known. He sets up a recording studio at home and records new tracks. True, the rap artist has to face the fact that old fans have forgotten about him. And it was difficult for the artist to enlist the support of an authoritative producer.

2005-2006: moving to Moscow, album "Basta 1"

A lucky chance helped - Bogdan Titomir listened to the disc with Basta's compositions. The musician invited Basta and his colleague Yuri Volos to the capital and brought them to the creative association "Gazgolder". Aspiring rappers were accepted into the team. In the capital, Basta records many new tracks, which were included in his first albums.

Basta, "Mom"

In 2006, the artist's first successful album was released - "Basta 1" and his clips "Autumn" and "Once and For All". The compositions “Mom” and “My Game”, which are still loved by the artist’s fans, are becoming especially successful. "Mom" would later be included in the popular PC game "Grand Theft Auto IV".

2007-2010: "Basta 2", "City of roads" and "Basta 3"

Already in 2007, the artist's second album, Basta 2, was released, which included duets with the popular singer MakSim and rap artist Guf. Also in 2007, Basta released several clips - “So Spring Cries”, “Our Summer”, “Inner Fighter” and “Tea Drunkard”.

Album "Basta 2"

Basta received the greatest fame after participating in 2007 in the video "City of Roads" by the Centr group, their joint work in 2008 received the MTV Russia Music Awards.

Basta, Centr, "City of roads"

Vasily Vakulenko has a new alter ego - the artist takes the pseudonym "Noggano" and releases several albums that are radically different from his previous work: "First" (2008); "Warm" (2009); "Unreleased" (2010).

Basta and Guf, "We walk along the edge"

In the spring of 2010, his third solo album "Basta 3" was released, and in the fall of the same year, Basta recorded a joint album with another popular rap artist, Guf.

2011-2016: "N1NT3Do", "Basta 4" and "Basta 5"

In 2011, Vasily released another album, on behalf of the new Nintendo character, which includes compositions in the cyber-gang style. And in April 2013, the fourth “solo album” by Vakulenko “Basta 4” saw the light, rappers Smokey Mo and Rem Digga, as well as singer Tati, took part in it. According to the results of 2013, Basta is included in the list of 15 artists of the year, and his fourth solo album is in third place among the best-selling.

Basta, Nintendo

The singer is increasingly recording albums with other popular performers; in 2015, the result of his collaboration with rapper Smokey Mo was the album Basta / Smokey Mo, released under the label Gazgolder Records. In 2016, Vasily released the album "Basta 5" and the disc "Luxury" with tracks on behalf of Noggano.

2016-2018: show "Voice", new tracks

In 2016, the rapper became a mentor of the popular project on Channel One - the Voice show. The jury then also included Polina Gagarina, Alexander Gradsky and Grigory Leps. In the same year, the artist, together with Polina Gagarina, recorded the songs “The whole world is not enough for me without you”, “Voice” and “Angel of Faith”.

Now the artist often pleases fans with new tracks, and also produces young performers, as part of the Gazgolder association. Basta admits that he is always ready to lend a helping hand to talented rappers.

Personal life

The musician has always noted that his personal life is not as stormy as that of his colleagues in show business. In his youth, he was a shy guy, and, having matured, he met his true love - his wife Elena.

Basta's wife - Elena Vakulenko

Vasily met his future wife while performing in a private club. Elena Pinskaya came with her friends to relax, and was stunned by the fact that her idol was standing on the stage. After the performance, the girl approached Vakulenko to express her delight and thank him for the songs.

Vasily with his wife Elena

She did not pay attention to the unknown passion of Basta, who was sitting next to her. Vasily was amazed at Pinskaya's perseverance and independence and offered to accompany her home. And so began a stormy romance of young people.

Vasily Vakulenko and Elena at the wedding ceremony

No one believed in the seriousness of the relationship between the daring rapper and the sophisticated daughter of a journalist and winemaker. However, Vasily endeared himself to all of Lena's friends and parents, after which the couple decided to sign and get married.

Children of Basta

The couple's first child was born in 2009. They decided to name their daughter Maria. Now she is 9 years old and she is a schoolgirl. The girl is very similar to her father. At school he gets only fives, he sings well and plays the piano. Masha studies vocals with a teacher, and in her free time she plays tennis. At the age of 9, she managed to become the advertising face of the school collection of the H&M brand.

Basta's eldest daughter Maria

In 2013, the second daughter of Basta was born, who was given the name Vasilisa. "Princess", as her dad affectionately calls her, was named after him, and she is incredibly similar to Vasily. Now she is 5 years old, she is growing up as a very artistic girl.

The youngest daughter of Basta Vasilisa

The youngest daughter Vakulenko often appears at fashion shows for children's clothing. The girl is learning to play various musical instruments, is engaged in vocals and attends a creative studio.

Vasily Vakulenko with his daughters

Basta spends a lot of time with her daughters, they often go on trips and tours together. Vasilisa and Maria star in her father's videos, he composes musical compositions about them.

Basta conflicts

Basta quite often comes into conflict with representatives of show business. Most of them he manages to resolve peacefully.

2016: "Non-Magic"

In December 2016, Basta came into conflict with YouTube bloggers, the Nemagiya duet. According to the artist, bloggers spoke insultingly about his mother. Basta's answer was unexpected - he promised a reward to those who send an "extreme" photo with the participation of "Nemagiya".

Basta wanted to explain to the guys that they need to think about their statements so that they do not look tactless.

As a result, the bloggers apologized to the musician and stated that he initially misunderstood them. "Nemagia" did not have a goal to offend any of the artist's relatives.

2017: Guf

At the end of 2017, it became known about Basta's conflict with a former friend, rap artist Guf. The latter, during a video broadcast, accused Basta of not coming to his aid when Guf had problems with the abuse of illegal drugs. Basta could have sent him to a clinic for treatment, but chose not to interfere.

Basta and Guf do not mind cooperating

Basta replied that he had repeatedly tried to help Guf, but he asked not to interfere in his life. Vakulenko also said that he felt sorry for Guf. True, already at the beginning of 2018, Basta answered the fans that he was not opposed to recording a new album with Dolmatov.

2017: Decl

The artist also had a conflict with the rap artist Decl. Kirill Tolmatsky (real name Decl) did not like the fact that music was constantly playing loudly in the club near his house. The entertainment establishment belongs to Vasily Vakulenko, who did not tolerate comments.

The conflict between Decl and Basta went to court

Basta on the social network spoke rather sharply about Decl and his hairstyle. Tolmatsky sued Basta, demanding compensation for moral damages. Vakulenko did not admit his guilt - he does not believe that he insulted Decl. True, the court was on the side of the plaintiff.

2018: Sergey Shnurov

In October 2018, the artist's conflict broke out with another mentor of the Voice show - Sergey Shnurov. Surprisingly, these completely different musicians turned out to have similar tastes. Artists often wanted to get the same members on their team, and this led to a serious conflict.

Vasily considers Shnurov to be a non-professional and openly advises the participants not to choose this mentor, so as not to ruin their careers. During the Evening Urgant show, Basta emphasized his hostile attitude towards the leader of the Leningrad group, saying that he was "not a good fellow."

2018: CSKA fans

In April 2018, the press reported that before the start of the CSKA-Arsenal Europa League quarter-final match, CSKA fans were attacked by unknown people led by Vasily Vakulenko's bodyguards. And after some time, CSKA fans fought with supporters of the rap artist.

Basta is a fan of CSKA

Basta said that he considers himself an ordinary fan of CSKA. He doesn't go to matches to get into fights. According to the artist, his bodyguard did not fight with football fans, and the situation was deliberately "inflated" in the media.

How much does Basta earn?

Today Basta is not just a rap artist from Rostov. He is a successful music producer and businessman. Now Vasily Vakulenko is one of the highest paid artists in the country.

Financial condition according to Forbes

The artist has business projects that have nothing to do with creativity - he is a co-owner of a hotel chain in Moscow and Suzdal, the Legendas club in Vilnius. The artist also sells vapes and sports nutrition "Laboratory of Power", is engaged in the production of jewelry and watches "Gazgold".

Approximately 30% of this amount is spent on the creation of clips, staff salaries and rental of halls. In total, Vakulenko spends about 4 million rubles on the Gasholder every month, the amount reaches 50 million rubles a year. Basta invests a significant part of his income in the development of the label.

How much does Basta's concert cost?

Concerts are the artist's main source of income. The cost of Vasily Vakulenko's performances is not firmly fixed. It will depend on a number of factors - the date, city, venue and format of the event.

Concerts are Basta's main source of income

One performance brings Basta about 1-1.2 million rubles. Every year he gives 70-100 performances not only in but also abroad. The amount for Basta's concert in the USA reaches $10,000.

Basta: height, weight, eye color

Basta has a strong physique. Vasily is 38 years old, but neither age nor a busy schedule of life prevent the performer from monitoring his appearance and playing sports.

Basta figure parameters:

  • Age: 38 years (as of October 2018)
  • Growth: 181 cm
  • The weight: 95 kg
  • Foot size: 43
  • Eye color: green
  • Hair color: fair-haired

The rapper was never thin, his weight did not fall below 100 kg with a height of 181 cm. However, in 2018 Vakulenko surprised fans with his transformation. Thanks to hard training, he lost a lot of weight.

Vasily is actively involved in sports

The musician explains the sharp decline not only by regular sports (boxing and running are the priority), but also by a busy work schedule. The man reports that due to concerts and long recordings in the studio, he sleeps 4 hours a day.

Basta has a busy work schedule

Vasily is a supporter of a healthy and active lifestyle. He eats wholesome foods. His weakness is natural cow's milk. In his interviews, he says that he orders the delivery of Kuban milk directly to his home. The rapper does not count calories, but prefers to eat protein foods, adds a lot of fruits and vegetables to the diet.

Basta looks good thanks to a healthy diet

He has been engaged in his body since his youth, and still believes that training in the gym helps him to be in good shape. But not only sports and healthy nutrition allow him to look great, Basta has incredible charm and knows how to win over anyone.

Basta today - latest news

In 2018, Basta continues to actively perform with concerts around the country, releasing new albums. In addition, he remains one of the most talked about artists on the web. For example, in September, Basta showed fans a new luxurious black Rolls-Royce car, worth over 26 million rubles.

"My new friend"

In October, the artist presented to the public his own feature film - "Klubar". In the picture, in addition to Basta himself, Evgeny Stychkin, Mikhail Bogdasarov, Evgeniya Shcherbakova, Ruslan Tarkinsky and residents of the Gas Holder play.

The film "Clubare" was released

Basta is an example of how an ordinary guy from a provincial town can achieve dizzying success. According to the artist, it's all about the love of creativity and the desire to develop, to overcome their own weaknesses and vices. That is why interest in his person, over time, does not fade away.

Photo: Instagram,,,,,

The rap singer Vasily Vakulenko (Basta) is one in two persons: at home - a loving son, husband and father; on stage is a stern rapper. The wife of Vasily Vakulenko, Elena Pinskaya (Vakulenko), who gave her husband two children and a wonderful, friendly family, admits that he completely changed her, she became more tolerant and kinder.

Personal life of Vasily Vakulenko

Seriously taking a great interest in rap, Vasya Vakulenko (born 04/20/1980) - Basta, is a good family man. Vasily Vakulenko met his future wife in 2007. Seeing the rapper in a restaurant, Elena approached the singer to express admiration for his work.

It turns out that she has long been familiar with his songs. An attraction immediately arose between the young people, which grew into a strong feeling. That evening, Vasily was accompanied by his girlfriend, who was used to the attention of the public. However, fate decreed that the meetings of Vasily and Elena continued.

As it turned out, young people lived very close, but they came from different social strata: he is a simple Rostov guy, and she is the daughter of a famous businessman, Dmitry Pinsky, and the mother of a journalist working abroad. Bast was not bothered by this. And although Elena Pinskaya's mother was also a fan of the singer's work, at first Vasily had to overcome rejection in the new family.

Friends of the chosen one of the rapper also shunned Vasily, but over time, he found a common language with them and with his parents. Two years later, Basta's wife Elena Pinskaya became pregnant, and the couple officially registered their relationship (2009). “We are a couple, although not a couple at all,” the happy rapper sang then.

“Next to Vasya, my personal life has changed radically. I became more tolerant, and wondered how he managed to twist me into a ram's horn so easily. And to be honest, I really like it. At the time of our acquaintance, we turned 27, ”says Basta’s wife Elena Pinskaya. We lived and changed together. At first it was a common family way of life, and then - children ... "

Children of Vasily Vakulenko

Basta's wife Elena Pinskaya gave birth to two wonderful girls. Masha Vakulenko (born December 4, 2009) is already interested in musical creativity and even managed to become a star, performing with her father at the Olympic sports complex, not being afraid of thirty thousand spectators. Basta believes that the eldest daughter is all in him, and besides the obvious musical talent, the child and the character, apparently, are as complex as the rapper himself.

On January 21, 2013, another sonorous voice burst into the happy personal life of Vasily Vakulenko - the singer and producer had a daughter - Vasilisa Vakulenko. The 37-year-old rapper posted family photos on his Instagram page. The youngest daughter, who is already six, has matured and has become very much like her star dad. “Beautiful girl, such a cutie,” his subscribers rejoice for the rapper’s family.

The musician is sure that his girls are a joy and a source of inspiration: “I thank God for my beloved family,” the singer sincerely admits. “After all, we now have everything we need to be happy.” The famous singer and Basta's wife Elena Pinskaya began to visit exhibitions and fashion shows more often, as, for example, this happened in the main fashion center of Moscow, TSUM Fashion Show.

Not only Basta's wife Elena Pinskaya claims the role of a secular fashionista, but also their youngest daughter Vasilisa. You can’t call a rapper a father of many children, but happy for sure! In the matter of raising children, Vasily Vakulenko adheres to the advice of eastern sages. He does not scold his children, he always strives to teach them something new.

“It is enough for children to know the basics of our humane behavior, and life itself will teach them the rest in time,” the father of the family is sure. The children of Vasily Vakulenko love their star dad very much. It is always interesting with him, and not so long ago, the rapper released a book in which a fascinating fairy tale reveals to children the secrets of Bella's bat and her friends.

Vasily Vakulenko admits that he does not devote as much time to his beloved girls as he would like. His busy touring schedule, producing and creating new musical compositions take both time and energy. But the family remains the main component in the personal life of Vasily Vakulenko.

Pages of the biography of Vasily Vakulenko (Basty)

Basta is no longer just a pseudonym. This is a brand. It is known to both schoolchildren and adults. They all see themselves in his songs. The rapper knows how to hold attention. And this applies not only to his work. He is a walking wick whose sparks you never tire of watching. The singer has several pseudonyms: Basta, in his youth - Basta Khryu, and also Noggano, N1NTENDO.

The love for music was instilled in Vasya by his grandmother. Today, the musician Basta is a famous singer, writer and poet, as well as a mentor of Russian hip-hop. He works on TV, in the popular program Voice, Voice of the Streets, in the Gazgolder club, etc. The significant contribution that the rapper made to the development of the genre also deserves respect.

Mom gave birth to Vasya at 19, his older brother appeared 11 months earlier. The biography of the Vakulenko brothers has developed in different ways. Vasily is always admired by his older brother, who has 2 diplomas with honors. Vasya's parents were divorced, and Vasily himself lived with his grandparents in Ukraine.

His mother, having two diplomas from Moscow University, worked very hard to raise her sons. The rapper loved the street more than pored over textbooks. The boy did not grow up as a bully, but, like all street boys, he loved to play pranks.

Vasily met his father at the age of seven. His father was an adherent of rock, he listened to Deep Purple, Queen, Beatles and other classics, this influenced the musical preferences and creative biography of the singer. At the age of six, the boy went to a regular and at the same time to a music school.

The young man played for four hours a day, was a member of the children's church choir, worked as a sexton who rang the bell during the service. Vasily Vakulenko has a priesthood, which not only allows the singer to wear a cassock, but also allows him to sing liturgies.

Not fully graduating from high school, Vasily enters a music school, but leaves his studies due to poor progress. It was then that rap appeared in his biography and in his personal life. The young man loved to listen to Gaza and other rappers, both Russian and American. Then the grandmother, understanding the musical aspirations of her beloved grandson, gives him a Yamaha 51 electronic synthesizer that was very fashionable at that time.

It was important for Vasily to get acquainted with the work of such bands as Wu-Tang, Onyx and Basta Rhimes. It was then that the guy got the pseudonym Basta. Together with friends, he organized the Black Tob group and recorded his first single.

In 1997, rapper Basta released a track called "City", which immediately became a hit. At the same time, the rapper's fateful acquaintance with Yevgeny Antimony took place, which changed the creative biography and personal life of Vasily Vakulenko, who became part of the Gas Holder. Eugene liked Basta's tracks, and he helped the young singer. It should be noted that without this person there would be neither Basta nor Noggano.

If you have additional information about the creative biography and personal life of Basta (or his wife), leave comments under the article.

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