Pandemic: Legacy. A Respirator Can't Help - Pandemic: Legacy Board Game Review (Spoiler Free) Pandemic Legacy Season 1 Reissue

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I will start the story about the Pandemic from afar. There is such a classic board game - Risk, she has already exceeded half a century. In the West it is quite famous, in our area - not really. It is also notable for the fact that it is constantly re-released: there are, perhaps, a hundred variations of Risk - either the rules are modified, or the setting is changed, or something else ... And so, four years ago, in 2011, Risk: Legacy came out. This version was notable for the fact that the game changed from game to game depending on the actions and successes of the players in previous rounds: the rules changed, new components appeared from sealed boxes, and some of the old ones… were destroyed! The Legacy edition was praised (in fact, they still are) for originality and a storm of fresh emotions that it was able to bring to the hackneyed gameplay of a moss-covered classic. So we decided to try this approach on someone else. Pandemic has become a new victim.

Pandemic does not have as rich a history as Risk, but the game also has something to brag about: it was released in 2008 and collected all sorts of tabletop awards for two years in a row. To date, it has acquired as many as three add-ons (one of which, as well as the base, are published in Russian), as well as two separate desktops "based on" - quite a popular game, it's worth saying. The essence of the process is that the players are trying together to invent a cure for several deadly diseases: they fly around the globe, treat the sick, contain the spread of infection and accumulate resources to create a vaccine. The rules are simple, the mechanics are clear and practically devoid of any nuances and pitfalls, the difficulty is easily adjusted to the required level - in general, an interesting abstract cooperative game on a medical theme. I played a lot of games in the original with the addition and I can say that I clearly like Pandemic - maybe I won’t include it in the top of my favorites, but still this is one of those games that I periodically want to play, and which has not yet caused feelings of overwhelm. Therefore, there was no dilemma whether to take Heritage or not to take it, especially since the Russian version went on sale incredibly quickly - literally a month or two after the world release.

Legacy greets the player with a standard set of game components, but slightly reduced compared to the original: a painfully familiar planet map, 4 sets of dice representing diseases, unaltered decks of player cards and the spread of diseases, as well as a handful of any auxiliary markers - there are no surprises here . All the salt - in eight mysterious black boxes, a stack of cardboard folders with the inscription "Top Secret" and a separate deck, which under no circumstances should be shuffled and viewed ahead of time - it is thanks to it that the conditions of the game will change at the right time, and you will know what and how to do next. The gameplay is conditionally divided into a year, each game is one month. From month to month, the rules change, so if January is, in fact, a classic Pandemic, then by the middle or end of spring the game will not be recognized. If you lose the first battle of the month, an extra attempt is given to complete it: thus, the life cycle of a Legacy box is only 12 (in an ideal scenario) to 24 games (if your company does not know how to play at all). But you will remember these games for a long time!

On the one hand, each new month begins according to the usual rules: i.e. even if at the end of the last game the whole world was filled with disease cubes, then with the new game everything will start anew. On the other hand, long-term effects that change the gameplay and allow you to observe the results of previously made decisions are more than enough. So, for example, if an outbreak occurred in a city, then the level of panic there forever (!) Increases. As this value increases, it becomes more difficult to get into the city, various penalties appear, and if you start the situation, then such a location can be practically wiped off the face of the earth. Until now, roles with new abilities that have never been seen appear, existing characters receive bonuses and penalties (and can die - completely, irrevocably, you will never play for them), diseases change their properties, the map is slowly but surely filled with stickers, and it becomes immediately visible that it will be hot here in any initial scenario, but this region is practically safe ... Thanks to this approach, involvement in the gameplay increases significantly. But the medal also has a downside - you get used to your first hero. As new roles emerge, players are reluctant to switch to unfamiliar characters, even if their abilities would come in handy in the current situation.

It just so happened that we played not entirely fair. Due to the fact that they did not immediately correctly understand the rules, they had to replay one game; then they cheated and arranged another replay, because the initial alignment turned out to be mercilessly murderous, and already on the second move we could lose several characters ... , appearing literally on the go, the rules, and it becomes harder to follow the situation. A couple of times they noticed that they glued the stickers incorrectly: they had to re-paste and come up with some kind of penalties for the future. Well, again, due to circumstances (that is, our own stupidity or inattention), at first we incorrectly played the property of one of the heroes, and then, when we noticed the error, we decided to tweak it a bit and play further according to the modified version - something between an official property and our erroneous modification. But these nuances did not spoil the impressions of the process. Even in the rules, a separate paragraph was made, they say, if you messed up and something went wrong, don’t be upset, come up with a bonus or a penalty to restore the balance, and play on.

Pandemic: Legacy is a unique, one-time experience. Even if you like it and want more, no one bothers to buy another box and live the pandemic year in a new way, only the second time will not be so interesting. First of all, because half of the thrill of Legacy is in unexpected changes in the rules and unpredictable changes in game situations. Having followed this path once, the second time, the effect of surprise will no longer be there: you simply have already opened these black boxes, seen each card of the secret deck, and clearly imagine what to expect in general. The same surprise does not happen twice - it ceases to be a surprise. On the other hand, the other half of the Legacy fun, which is to destroy game components with your own hands, reflect the results of your actions on the world map and create your own story, can be received with each new box. And although 50 bucks is a considerable amount, but in my opinion the Legacy is worth its money, even despite the one-time use (or vice versa, thanks to it - in fact, this is the case when you buy not a board game, but a box of experiences).

It's been a couple of years now that Dice Tower has been performing live at GenCon with the top most overrated games, and it's always a lot of fun to watch. It is clear that such topics cause a deep resonance, since everyone has different tastes, and taste plays a big role here. One recent conversation on instagram gave me the idea to make such a top from my experience.

This is all, of course, my personal opinion, which probably doesn't match yours, so I'll just suggest keeping the courtesy. Also, when I say a game is overrated, it doesn't mean that I think it's a bad game or that the game's fans are wrong. The list will also include games that not only I like, but are in the collection (or were).

Still need to decide what an overrated game in my understanding. By overrated game I mean that the complex of such characteristics as awards, rating on BGG (i.e. average rating by thousands of people), price and hype caused by the game, whether together or separately, are unjustifiably or artificially high. The reasons may be different, most often it is marketing or just spontaneous hype, which for some reason singled out this game, and not some other. And even more often the fact that everyone has different tastes, which is actually great;)

I will not write out the regalia of games, they are all on BGG and there you can also see their rating in the top 100, top 100 strategies and top 100 family games.

For over a year we have been "Pandemic: Legacy", and in December, almost in the "present time mode" :) we finally passed it. I will try to express my impressions without spoilers.

About passing

In the first months after purchasing the game, we played it almost every time we got together. Boxes and a deck that you can’t look into were very intriguing. Each game you open something, paste it, write it down, tear it, take it out, add it - well, it's very interesting and intriguing.

But then we began to take breaks, played not so often, and after the gaming October, we completely abandoned the game for half a year, despite the fact that there were only two months left! We were fed up, and even I, a person who loves the original Pandemic, did not really want to return to it for a while ...

But in the end, in November we got together and went through November, and then in December we successfully completed the whole game, and finished with high scores and with the final victory in the last month!

Recently we play quite often, but I write little. I decided to write about some of the recent games played.

Small World command mode

I was complaining that there was no one to play one of my favorite games with. But now the summer has passed, and many casual friends began to willingly come to visit to play on the weekend. With one pair, we play Small World consistently every time, and this weekend we finally managed to play six of us in team mode! We played the base game + some of the best, in my opinion, races from the add-ons. I'll have to make a post about it somehow.

We already played like this once almost a year and a half ago, and in the same company we even split into pairs (accidentally!). I will say more, even the result was the same in terms of the places we took :)) By the way, I got the least points, and our team took the last place.

The game itself for six is ​​just unbridled fun! Here even the problem disappears, which we always implicitly present in this game: the wife is offended if her husband often attacks her, so he tries to do this less. And they also try not to endure one person, but to distribute the damage among several players, so that, they say, no one would be offended .. Of course, I think that this is wrong, but what to do, at least play like that by whom.

So. With six of us, there is almost no such problem, because both the sheep are safe and the wolves are full: well, the husband doesn’t attack his wife - and okay, then his teammate does it with a light conscience :) And in general, it’s incredibly fun to discuss joint actions at the table. Such strategies, such intensity of passions! In general, the command mode in Small World is now my favorite, it's a pity, the six of us are going to it once every two years %(


Civilization card game, 40 minutes per player. Certainly not a TTA, but for me that's a decent length and weight. Played for the first time.

In fact, the game turned out to be simple in essence and process. In the first era, my husband and I (beginners) swam a little more, but very quickly we began to understand what we were doing and why. The game has good speed: one action, then you pass it to your neighbor and so on in a circle. If everyone imagines what they need, the game is dynamic and no one gets bored.

In general, I liked the game. Of course, I'm not a fan of card games, I like something with a field, and we still played for a long time. But the rest was interesting, even recklessly. I liked the different cards that you can buy, and the wonders of the world, and advisers, provinces. Very interesting wars: they kind of exist, but no one fights each other, you just need to try to recruit an army larger than that of the one who declared war in order to overcome the war and not pay "tribute". Or you can take it yourself, so that you are guaranteed not to suffer.

I really liked the feature that you do not gain parameters such as military strength or stability, but “power”, i.e. during the game, they can go down or up, depending on which cards and how many meeples you put. Curious intermediate scoring after each era (there are 4 of them).

But the art… is not mine at all, some kind of children’s drawings: (And we finished very close: 32:31:30:26. However, during the game, as it turned out later, we had a couple of mistakes.

Cyclades + Titans

Haven't played one of my favorite games in a while. This time I decided to follow the advice on Teser and take a starting field for 4 players. But I didn’t want to play without the Titans, so I took all the modules from the Titans in addition, and also an arbitrary alignment of forces, as in the Hades add-on.

As a result, the game turned out to be very tough and harsh. The initial arrangement gave someone islands with 2 horns, and someone without horns at all. But money here is the main driving force of your actions .. As a result, someone got fat, and someone had miserable pennies.

But still, it's funny that even I, who spent half the game outside the game on the eternal Apollo, was the first to build a metropolis and even theoretically had a chance of winning if I had more money left and / or had Titans at the end! Titans are generally cool, they don’t let you relax, because now everyone who has them can attack every turn, and not wait for Ares for this.

An interesting game turned out, although very bloodthirsty, and I'm not sure that it is very balanced with such a set of components.


I tried Saburbia for three for the first time. I love laying out tiles and have been hearing about the game for a long time. I liked the game, but no one told me that at the beginning it is necessary to set up the flow of money, and then fulfill the goals and grow the population.

As a result, I had a beautiful green city with a bunch of schools, hotels, and even a nursing home and a cemetery, but only people didn’t come to me and always didn’t have enough money%) And a neighboring city with several noisy airports, a radioactive waste dump next to a simple rowing dump money and people shovel. Well, what kind of people went today :))

But I fulfilled my goal and another common goal, and in the end I was the second. An interesting feature is that the larger the city, the more often you have to lose population growth and income, because the reputation of megacities is not so hot.

It's just difficult to keep track of all the little things and tiles, because you need to keep track not only of your city, but also of the neighboring ones, and there is a great chance to miss something. In addition, the game process is constantly interrupted by checks for points and bonuses for each tile. In this regard, I like Ludwig's Castles more, because there you only watch your castle, and the process is generally smoother. Well, the design is traditional for Bezier, not very, as for me.


They played together. This time the game turned out to be very fast and dense, it seems that they played it in 5 years. And it seems that I already knew what to do, I even decided to try the “tasting room” strategy in action, but I failed to win again!

At the end of one winter, when all the players were a few points away from the coveted 20, one of the players treacherously played a guest, which allowed them to complete another order! And, of course, he crossed the cherished line, leaving us no chance of winning. On the next move, everyone was preparing to win, and then bam - there would be no more kin. That's so lucky. In general, people complain that the maps here are too random and the guests are “not equally useful”, everything is the same as always. But traditionally it doesn’t really soar for me, but I really like the game.

After this game, we brought out a small strategy guide. So in Viticulture necessarily:

  • Build a cottage as early as possible to take more guests.
  • Sell ​​at the beginning of one of the fields: get money for construction. Or even two. In general, planting all the fields doesn't make sense unless you have a Mill (1 point per year when you plant something) and the right guests.
  • Train more people, preferably immediately. In my memory, the one with at least 5 workers usually wins.
  • Try to go first as often as possible, this is especially critical for the last year.
  • To make wine for your specific orders, and not just anyhow.
  • It is also desirable to plant grapes under orders, but it is difficult to calculate. I like to plant roughly equal numbers of whites and reds on the same field.

Manhattan Project with personas

We played for two in the Project with a module of historical characters, well, and made one air raid instead of the usual two. I liked the module, it allowed me to make every move interesting, although in the game for two, not all characters were in the same demand. And they didn’t even use air raids in this game. I won :) Very successfully used espionage in one delicious factory with my husband and built many small bombs. Hooray!

Brugge with boats

We play in "Bruges" with my husband together, when he agrees (infrequently, but enough for me to change my mind about selling it (although you will sell it to someone :)). My pnp boats have added interest and made the channels profitable, now we complete at least one of each game to the end. A very good module.

It's curious that the last game had several characters that we hadn't seen before, but according to some mysterious alignment, the "Queen" always comes out, in each of our games! And often there is a “Latnik”, which allows you to drop the threat once a turn. Well, I usually win this game :)

"Pandemic: Legacy"

After a break of more than six months, we finally agreed to play Heritage. We stopped in October, felt weary of having played too much of this game in a row. So we took a long break.

But it would be cool to play November in November, so I somehow laid out the game for the arrival of guests, and we immediately sat down at it. Before that, of course, I had to repeat all the rules again. And we won! Even, as far as I remember, not a single rule was broken (finally) :) Now we have December left, we will play it before the end of this year.

In general, we have been playing Heritage for more than a year, our first game was on November 18, 2015. When we finish, I will write a post with my thoughts.

Blood Rage + Gods of Asgard

This time, an addition in the form of gods was taken to the game in Blood Rage. Heimdal (cards are face-up in battle) and Odin (twice rewarded for looting) fell out. These gods added spice to the game and made certain provinces more attractive and/or more risky each turn. It was interesting.

And the game, as always, was very furious and almost bloody :) In our company, they do not skimp on emotions when opponents "spoil" the strategy, and here again there were a lot of big words and emotions.

But our winner was determined in the second round. He was somehow allowed to take clan upgrades, which brought 5 points for each warrior in Valhalla + an upgrade for doubling the points from Ragnarok. All he had to do was to get involved in each battle with 1-2 warriors so that they were guaranteed to die, and at the end to occupy the province with Ragnarok. In general, he personally overtook me by as much as 100 points%)

Every time I so want to play this game well, correctly, strongly, smoothly, but every time some kind of garbage happens or the strategy just falls apart before our eyes ..

Mission: Red Planet

Three people played this game. And I must say that the fewer players here, the more strategy. I liked the game very much: they played fast (in 45 minutes), provocatively, recklessly.

I was lucky in one turn to pull out the mission for superiority on Phobos and in the same turn send two of my astronauts there (to one stranger). And then on the next, final move, it was already a matter of technique and calculation to remain the only player there :) Victory by 2 points!

I really like this game, but it always ends so unexpectedly, I want to go longer. And it is difficult to plan everything successfully, because there are 9 cards in hand, and 10 rounds.

Lewis and Clark

But "Lewis and Clark" for three this time did not like. Our winner acted very straightforwardly: he always rode on water for 3 meals, he took a card to the mountains that moves the tools, and with it all the mountains went through. It was effective, but very straightforward and kind of boring.

I think next time I'll poke more mountains at the beginning in order to stop such things and add interest to the game.

Oh, that's enough :) Now I play quite often, two or three times a week, which makes me very happy, but I don’t have time to record all the time. So if you want hot mini-reports, then join Instagram: sparrowboardgames .

Yesterday an interesting world event took place: the 4th International Day of Desktops. How could you take part? Yes, just get together with friends and play board games! Which is what we did :)

Our selection from yesterday:

Haven't played in a while "Pandemic: Legacy", after the surprises of September did not return to our diseases. As always, I decided to re-read the rules before the next game. And I realized that we probably would have lost the previous game if we had observed one small rule that we forgot about! .. It really pisses me off how difficult it has become to keep track of all the nuances of the rules. And as a neat person, it’s also frustrating that we all the time play the wrong game that the author came up with and about which it is written in the rules! And are we the only ones so forgetful? ..

October destroyed and trampled us twice. We didn’t even have a hint of a chance, because right from the start we got 3-4 cities each, powerfully infected with a “bad” disease, and after the September events we couldn’t do anything about it ... But rather quickly fulfilled the goal of October and found important missing components, after which we finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel! And then they quickly lost outbursts.

The second October batch was spent on cleaning up the region with the “bad” disease a little and leaving a reserve for the future. However, here, too, they leaked very quickly due to outbreaks: (Before that, we were always very kind to outbreaks and tried to prevent them at all costs. It was only in October that we got the first city with a 5 level of danger ... I’m a little afraid for November, I hope , we still don't have to open the eighth box for "losers" :))

After two consecutive quick defeats in Pandemic, we decided to play Mission: Red Planet. I will write about the game separately. Here I will complain that for some reason I can not yet grasp the correct strategy. Forever I finish the very last, then in the penultimate place. This time I scored 18 points in the whole game, although I already knew from previous games that I should focus on resources. The winner scored 54 points. Three times more!

But I still enjoy playing every time. And why, I will tell you soon in the review or diagnosis.

astronautics cuties

Well, we tried it for the first time. Viticulture for four. I bought it before the New Year, and my husband and I even played trial half-games, but since then the game has been lying in the closet. It didn’t feel like playing for two, but for four we have such a queue of games that not everyone will be honored to break into the game night.

Again, I’ll better describe the main impressions in a review (and I want to play one more time before that), but for now I’ll say that I managed to win yesterday! It was very nice to win after I merged so ingloriously in the Mission, and even in such a strategic game. Eh, even a glass of wine for this game, in general, it would be fine.

We had such an International Board Day. And I am glad that we managed to play as many as four games, usually we rarely get more than three, but here it really turned out to be a holiday :)

Yesterday I took part in the initiative of one well-known desktop instagrammer: . People from all over the world post lists of their favorite 9 board games, and then he will put it all together and name the Top 9 Instagram games. Of course, this list will not pretend to be the ultimate truth, but it’s still funny and interesting (and also beautiful). I feel that the game with the word Legacy will surely be somewhere very high%)

In the meantime, my 9 games so far. I chose according to the dictates of my heart, and it was quite difficult to choose. At the same time, this is not a once-and-for-all list; it can change at any time. By the way, now I understand Vesel with his tops, which change every year. It would be rather strange for me if the list did not change at all :))

The set of games at our last game evenings was rather monotonous, but I already think next time I will offer only those games that have not been played for a long time. In the meantime, a small description of yesterday's gaming day.

There are minor veiled spoilers!

Started again with "Pandemic: Legacy", this time played September. Since we won the previous two games, we didn't have funded events. However, we were very lucky right away: at the start, our Scientist received two cards of our most advanced disease, and, taking another card from the Explorer, he immediately cured it, and after a couple of moves we destroyed it! A good start from the very beginning.

And then we decided to do a new September mission (search) ... And we managed to do this in just one player's turn, who just happened to have the most suitable map for this and some useful equipment. When we received our “reward” for fulfilling this goal, we were simply stunned. And we thought that it would be better if we didn’t do it :) Because SUCH A TURN was waiting for us there! The coolest and most unpredictable in all nine months, my jaw even fell off. And this led to very significant losses for us in the game: (We were already sure that now we would lose, but by some miracle we managed to win, and the ability of civilians to sacrifice themselves and not get scars for it played a significant role in the victory ... And also quite a lot of luck and some explosives :)

Despite the winning streak, we are thinking of taking a break in the game, otherwise somehow a lot of Pandemics in our gaming life began to get tired. Before the final three months, you need to take some rest.

Then we decided to play "Dead Season: Crossroads", took a short script "We need more samples" because there was not much time for the game.

They played fairly smoothly and without any critical moments, except that I TWICE rolled a fang on a red die after moving to a location where someone was already standing, and in the end we both died (and both times this second survivor belonged to the same same player %)). One might think that I am a malicious and not very skillful traitor who is trying to achieve his goal in such an undisguised way, but no, I was just so “lucky”. As a result, I played half the game with one character :(

There was one juicy moment with the intersections (the coolest thing is when "named" intersections are played, because it rarely happens): Our sheriff solved the murder of a helpless survivor and threw the criminal in jail. And Gray Beard wanted to join me, but I sent him through the forest, painfully arrogant :)

In general, this game cannot be compared with the first games in terms of intensity, but, probably, the fact that some people didn’t let us play and immerse ourselves in the atmosphere calmly (even didn’t take a picture), and the crises didn’t shake us much this time. In the end, we even overfulfilled the goal of collecting samples of “zombies” (probably because there was no traitor among us) and even everyone managed to achieve their personal goals, so in the end everyone celebrated the victory (for the first time).

A good game that I personally want to play immediately after the end of the previous game. But for now, let's take a break, otherwise we often play lately.

And left for dessert. Blood Rage. Played for the first time since the additions came to me from Philibert. We took the mystics into the game this time, they look more promising than the gods.

The party turned out good. By the end of the first era, I managed to dig in Yggdrasil with a powerful army, although there was no more rage left to plunder. Therefore, I had to rob already in the second era, and I prudently took the quest for an advantage in Yggdrasil, reasonably believing that after the looting there would be no need for other players to climb there. The strategy worked! And in the third era, I already had two mystics in reserve, and when they entered the field, they could destroy one figurine of a warrior or mystic and occupy his village. Once it even brought me an unexpected victory in a battle that I had no intention of winning at all :) But in general, mystics are still too overpriced for what they are.

By the third round, we came almost on a par, and everything, as always, was decided in the final era. And in the end, three out of four players finished with a spread of 2 points: 97-95-93! Perhaps the result would have been different if our fourth player hadn't ended the game on his own terms by plundering the last province.

I really like that you can't relax in this game, even if you have a clear advantage after two eras. Too many points are given by quests in the third era, and the warriors who died in the last Ragnarok, and the legendary levels of clan statistics. The finale is always tense!

No matter how much you want, but more often you can’t get together, so in "Pandemic: Legacy" we only got to July, while some of them went through the whole game in a couple of evenings. On the one hand, I'm only glad, because this is how pleasure is stretched. On the other hand, during breaks of 2-3 weeks, you manage to forget the new nuances of the rules (now we quickly repeat the rules from the “inserts” before each game) and cool down in terms of emotions. emotions are usually

Our two inglorious defeats in June caused a great desire to overcome July. Our duty roles are: doctor, quarantine specialist and scientist. These three have already been heavily pumped and are practically priceless. And the fourth role, mine, for some reason, everything does not work out. Then I'll take one hero and scar them in one round. Then another - and as a result, we don’t really need his role, his features almost don’t work.

This time I took engineer to focus closely on one of the targets that used to sag… and ended up playing his special skill only once! Of course, it was very useful at that moment and allowed me to fulfill a completely different (new for July) goal, but somehow not enough: (I continue to “search for myself”, I already know who I will play next time;)

And July, by the way, we overcame the first time! Somewhere luck on the cards, of course, but in general we played smoothly and well. Although it was not without sometimes very heated and even fierce disputes %) It was especially helpful that one of the goals was quickly achieved.

Next time August! There are 5 months left.

This time the guys brought to try "Dead Season: Crossroads", the localized version. I don't want to write about my impressions in detail, I'll save them for Diagnosis, but I'll tell you that we played two games that evening.

The rules are not exactly easy, although they are logical, and I must say right away that there were still many misunderstandings following the results of the first game. But we have already played the second one in full force and almost without asking again.

First batch was on a search for things: select stacks in two locations. We took it because the time of the game is short and it seemed to us that it would be easy to play. Yep, right now :)

Everyone immediately dispersed to different locations, pursuing their own personal goals. We may have chosen a couple of piles up to half, but it seems to me that it is very difficult to do this in 6 rounds, especially if everyone still needs to fulfill personal goals ..

From the game, I especially remember the moment when one of us got a crossroads that fit exactly: the player just had a cook in the colony! And thanks to a good throw, he managed to cook a delicious dish and even raise morale for everyone :) Which did not save us, because in less than an hour several bad throws, infections and deaths morally finished off our colony ..

And then it turned out that we did not lose everything! There was a traitor among us - a serial killer! And since five of our heroes had died by the end of the game, he alone celebrated the victory. Scoundrel:))

After the first one, I immediately offered to play another one. For second installment chose the "Too Many Mouths" scenario. We populated the colony with children and set off.

It was funny that I got the character "Mother". For I am the mother in our company of players %) The whole game was joked about this.

As befits a mother, she sat with the children in the colony and successfully shot the approaching zombies. A soldier also joined me. The rest were looking for food for this whole crowd, and even for crises, two of which, again, demanded food from us. But we are great, only got one hunger token for all the time. And once at the crossroads, one of the players even fought with a crazy woman for this food! And very fortunately, because he got food, and even received no wounds.

I also remember a cool moment when at the “crossroads” the colony was attacked by some people in military uniform and began to demand food from us. Everything could have ended very badly if we didn’t have a soldier in the colony who recognized them as impostors and drove them away.

And already towards the end, some kind of maniac was recognized in our Janitor .. In general, the game was rich in interesting moments. And it ended with the successful completion of the mission and the victory ... of everyone except me. There were no traitors this time, but only I alone could not fulfill my personal goal. Damn tools did not go into my hands, although I was looking for them all the last move :(

Here is such a game-day filled with emotions.

Every game evening (nights we now have for sleep :)) now we definitely play "Pandemic: Legacy".

The games are getting longer, some moves are discussed for several minutes. We realized that it is better not to leave this game for "dessert", because you need to play with a fresh mind, straining all your strength.

Last time, we suddenly found out that at least in the May and the first June games, they did not follow several new rules, which were quite critical. There are so many nuances in the game now that no, no, and you’ll forget or miss something, but there’s no turning back, and it’s impossible to beat it: (My inner perfectionist is sad about this.

Well, according to the "correct" rules, we no longer manage to win easily :)) We leaked both games in June, let's see what happens in July. On the one hand, it’s interesting what’s in the eighth box, but on the other hand, I don’t want to lose all the time!

Yesterday even a dog and a child could not help us %) With 5 moves to the end of the deck, we realized that we had no chances, and just did everything possible to minimize our losses.

And later spread Blood Rage. Wow, great game! It turns out that I am not such a fan of the euro, and I really like to make war and shed blood. Well, and annoy the opponents :)

This time I took the initiative right by the horns and fought right and left in the first and second eras in order to immediately earn more Rage and be able to do more actions. And in parallel, I relied on quests and clan features that brought points for my dead warriors. The strategy brought results, the victory was mine!

And I realized once again that it is impossible in this game to give up slack and show pity. If it were not for one successful map in the third era, I would not have seen victory even after I was half a field ahead of everyone in the first two eras.

71 years ago we were on the verge of the end of the world. The plague appeared out of nowhere and devastated the entire world. Not even a week after infection, the patients died. Nothing could stop her. In the fight against it, humanity made every effort, but this was not enough.

We are the last representatives of the earth's population. For three generations we have been living on floating stations in the middle of the sea, which we call "harbours". Being far from the plague, we have the opportunity to supply the continents with the most necessary things - food, medicines - to save them from extinction. Most continents have become uninhabitable.

But even in the harbors there is nowhere to escape from the problem of lack of food and medicine. In addition, we lack a leader who is ready to take responsibility for the surviving population and suggest how to proceed.

Pandemic: Legacy. Season 2 is a new story about a dying world and about brave heroes who made a choice in favor of life.

Another year to overcome the epidemic

Pandemic: Legacy. Season 2 is a continuation of the plot of the first season, the co-op game Pandemic: Legacy. The second part is complete in terms of components and does not need the base game. In the second season, the key theme will be survival in difficult post-apocalyptic conditions. Participants will start the game with access to only a small part of the territory, which will include just a couple of cities, floating stations and water areas.

All these years, generations of survivors did not get out of the shelters, afraid to set foot on the land where the epidemic still lives, but this cannot continue. The game will last 12 in-game months, during which players will have to explore the mainland, establish a supply of food and medicine, and find out how the planet has changed in 70+ years. It is the mechanics of supplies and supplies that significantly distinguishes the first season from the second: you will not take supply cubes, but lay them out, thereby fighting diseases in shelters.

All for the survival of the species

Survivors will accept supply cubes to help contain the spread of disease. The epidemic will immediately engulf the abode of the survivors, if suddenly there is nothing to eat, which means that it will not be safe to return to such shelters.

In Pandemic: Legacy. Season 2 "you have a lot to explore and explore: lifeless continents and the ruins of cities, dead lands, bound by eternal disease. It is not surprising that for so many years all the equipment has failed, and the heroes will not be mobile. All transport and supplies that will be at your disposal - a rowboat and a suitcase with medical equipment. As you explore, you will be able to open certain envelopes and introduce new components into the game.

Playing game after game, you will complete tasks, and your heroes will progress along with the game, gaining new skills and getting scars. Summing up the results of all the games played, the team of heroes will be able to determine whether they managed to save the world or everything was in vain. The uniqueness of the game lies in the fact that the decisions made in each game will affect all subsequent games.

For those of you who played Legacy Season 1, it's sure to be amused that now you and the game seem to be swapping places, as players leave life supply cubes in towns that will be spent when sickness occurs.

Pandemic: Legacy. Season 2 ": on the ruins of civilization

Play a game of Pandemic Legacy. Season 2" is to once again plunge into the history of the world, torn apart by epidemics and diseases. Throw away all fears and go to the infected shores in search of food and medicine - that's what the survivors expect from you.

Like the first part, the second season of "Legacy" is presented in two variants of boxes: yellow and black. You choose which of the worlds you will save. The contents of the boxes are identical.

In any of the two boxes you will find

  • 10 character cards,
  • 4 chips
  • player cards (36 city cards, 5 epidemic cards, 4 planned events cards, 8 supply production cards),
  • 8 memos,
  • 82 heritage cards,
  • 27 disease cards,
  • 4 harbor workers cards,
  • 2 introductory game cards,
  • 6 dossiers,
  • 2 sheets of stickers
  • 1 disease spread marker,
  • 1 disease marker,
  • 9 supply centers,
  • achievement tokens,
  • 8 cubes of plague,
  • 36 supply cubes,
  • playing field,
  • 8 closed numbered sets with components inside,
  • rules of the game.

All games in the series

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71 years have passed since the fierce struggle against viruses that destroy civilizations. Unfortunately, humanity did not win. Most of the continents became uninhabitable, and the population of the planet was on the verge of extinction. A small part of the people were able to take refuge on floating stations called shelters. But provisions are running out, medicines are running out, and not everyone is ready to take responsibility for the survivors and show them the way. In "Pandemic: Legacy Season 2" begins a new fascinating story of a dying world and its heroes.

"Pandemic: Legacy Season 2" is a game that tells about the events that happened after the plot of the first part. At the same time, the second season is an independent continuation of the series, so the previous part "" is not required to play it.

A new beginning

In Pandemic: Legacy Season 2, survival in a post-apocalyptic world will be a key theme. At the beginning of the game, players will only know a small area, consisting of several cities, shelters and oceans. Three generations of survivors have not set foot on earth, but this cannot continue indefinitely. A group of heroes decided to explore the land, arrange the supply of provisions and medicines, and also find out what happened to the world over the years.

The story campaign in Pandemic: Legacy Season 2 will last twelve months, just like in the first part. During this period, the party members will have to establish supply routes from cities to shelters with survivors. At the same time, the supply mechanics themselves will be what will make the second season unlike the first. Instead of removing supply cubes, players will now have to add them to help fight the epidemic in the shelters.

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