Shaping for weight loss with Cindy Crawford. Shaping with Cindy Crawford and her secrets of training after giving birth

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Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


In the 90s of the last century, a real boom in home workouts began, many thematic video courses were released. One of the best training videos of those years dedicated to the topic of fitness is Cindy Crawford's course The Secret of the Perfect Figure. Cindy proved to be a visionary coach, so she developed a simple and accessible program. The complex requires a minimum of equipment and time, helps women of any age to practice at home and maintain their beauty.

What is the success of the course "The secret of the ideal figure"

Even before the release in the early 90s, the course was predicted to be a resounding success, since at that time Cindy Crawford was at the peak of world fame. In the training video, the model openly says that the ideal body, including hers, is the result of daily hard work. Such words from the lips of one of the most beautiful women on the planet are a powerful incentive that makes you work on your own appearance every day.

An important advantage of the Secret of the Perfect Figure is the way information is presented: Cindy does not talk about the effectiveness of various exercises, but she does them herself. This creates the feeling of a group exercise, and training together is much more interesting than alone. The creators of the video took care of the rhythmic musical accompaniment, which makes the lesson more lively.

A set of exercises from Cindy Crawford

Cindy Crawford's training course on the secret of an ideal figure cannot be unambiguously attributed to any one direction of fitness. The training program includes popular elements of aerobics, Pilates, callanetics, strength fitness. The course consists of three workouts that successfully alternate and help diversify the load.

Workout #1 is a mini-lesson for beginners, includes exercises for all muscle groups. For 10 minutes of class, the audience, together with the star, perform a small warm-up, work out the muscles of the arms, legs, buttocks, chest and abs. As Cindy herself says, a ten-minute complex is convenient to perform at any time. The exercise will be easy, but effective.

Workout #2 lasts 40 minutes and includes:

  • warm-up;
  • exercises for the muscles of the legs and buttocks;
  • exercises for chest muscles.

Workout #3 is aimed at working out the muscles of the upper body and includes:

  • warm-up;
  • exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder torso;
  • exercises for the abs;
  • stretching.

How to do the program correctly

Cindy Crawford's course is divided into three parts, so everyone determines the sequence of classes and their combination. However, there are recommendations, the observance of which will help increase efficiency and prevent overload of the body. To perform the exercises, a minimum of equipment is required: a mat, light weight dumbbells, a chair with a back.

Beginners are advised to start their acquaintance with video tutorials from the first 10-minute workout. A simple, but intense ten-minute workout will give a load to the muscles, help prepare the body for more intense loads. When the implementation of part No. 1 ceases to cause difficulties, it is permissible to move on to a more difficult level - to workouts No. 2, No. 3.

The second and third parts last for 40 minutes, the pace is intense, so it is advisable to perform only one of the parts of the complex per day. For example, devote even days to work on the lower body and chest with workout #2, and odd days to work out the muscles of the arms, shoulders, and abs with lesson #3. In each complex, it is permissible to increase the load, including part No. 1.

Video lessons of the course "The secret of the perfect figure"

Regular implementation of all three parts of the course is the key to harmony, good health. During the training, everyone gets an excellent cardio and power load, necessary to get rid of excess weight, the formation of a beautiful relief. The order of execution of the parts of the complex is determined individually, Cindy is not set in relation to this strict rules.

Part 1

A simple but intense ten-minute workout is what busy women need. During a short workout, Cindy Crawford shows exercises for warming up, strengthening the muscles of the arms and legs, pulling up the buttocks, abdomen, and chest. It is convenient to perform the complex both in the morning - as a charge, and in the evening - for a little warm-up after a hard day's work.

Part 2

The second part is aimed at the formation of slender legs, tightened chest, elastic buttocks. Together with the beautiful Cindy, everyone will have to do their best in 40 minutes. The complex is not easy, it requires some preparation. Necessary equipment: a chair with a back, a rug, dumbbells.

Part 3

Lesson No. 3 from the cycle "The Secret of the Perfect Figure" is devoted to exercises for creating a slender waist, embossed abs, beautiful shoulders, arms. For exercises on the muscles of the hands, dumbbells weighing 1-3 kg will be required. You also need a rug - to work out the muscles of the press. The complex is intense, so it is recommended to perform it only with good health and sufficient physical fitness.

Almost all girls and women strive for an ideal figure, but each realizes her dream in her own way. As for fitness, some prefer to regularly visit clubs and work out under the supervision of an experienced trainer, while others work out at home, scooping the necessary knowledge from video tutorials.

For two decades now, video tutorials on shaping with Cindy Crawford have been invariably popular. They can be confidently called time-tested, because they have helped millions of women around the world with different social status and wealth to acquire the desired body.

Who is Cindy Crawford

One of the shaping stars of the 90s is the legendary model of that time, Cindy Crawford. She was born in 1966, 20 years ago she was the face of many world brands, world podiums could not do without the presence of this beauty.

Many years have passed, many other fitness and shaping video courses have appeared, but some of the most sought after so far are classes with Cindy Crawford. VK, YouTube and other resources contain these videos in the public domain, and you do not need, like the girls of the 90s, to spend money even on video cassettes, all information will be free.

How to choose the right set of exercises

To achieve the desired results from sports, you need to choose the right set of exercises from Cindy Crawford, because there are several of them:

Before you start training, you need to consider the following recommendations:

A set of exercises "The secret of the perfect figure"

This author's program from Crawford consists of three blocks:

  • two large workouts of 40 minutes each;
  • short session of 10 minutes.

Typically, Cindy did one workout in front of the ocean or some other outdoor location, and the second indoors. Classes can be alternated, for example, one day to do one algorithm, and the second - in a different way, on the other days limited to 10-minute workouts.

Shaping exercises with Cindy are very effective and involve all muscle groups. Probably, after the first lesson, muscles can hurt. But they will quickly tone up, and you will also get an excellent stretch. Stretching exercises from Crawford also give excellent results. Being engaged on an ongoing basis, you will quickly get a beautiful figure. All efforts can be in vain if you immediately after a workout pounce on food.

This complex, like other programs from Crawford, is good because the legendary model comments on everything in a very exciting way, tells in detail how to do crunches, lunges or squats correctly. In particular, during lunges, you should watch your knee, which should not protrude beyond the toe of the leg in front. It is worth noting that even during training in clubs, not every coach will dwell on this issue in detail. And some of them themselves do not know how to perform them correctly, which can lead to injury to the ligaments in the knee joint.

Other exercise programs

"The Secret of the Perfect Figure" is far from the only exercise program from the famous model. You can find other videos on the Internet.

For example, "Perfect Body in 10 Minutes" is a program that a celebrity developed with trainer Radu. It is believed that it is the optimal combination of maximum effect with minimum time costs. You only need to do 10 minutes a day, at least that’s the gap that is declared. In fact, it may be different.

This complex consists of a warm-up and exercises for key muscle groups. You do not need to purchase special accessories and look for a training room. You can do it both on the street and in an ordinary apartment.

More one set of exercises It's called How to Achieve Perfection. It differs in that within an hour there is a load on all the muscles of the body. The training is thought out in such a way that the change of position occurs constantly, and repetitions are minimized. So, it includes 20 repetitions of abdominal exercises, and the rest are performed 10 times.

The workout includes activities such as:

  • light warm-up;
  • dynamic leg exercises with original exercises;
  • blocks on the press, interrupted by exercises for the chest, biceps and triceps, back and shoulders;
  • shallow stretch at the end.

Additionally, you will need dumbbells for chest exercises.

Crawford developed the New Dimension Complex after the birth of her children, taking into account the problem that women face after childbirth. It is often extremely difficult to restore your shape, this complex is designed to help women do this without difficulty and unnecessary stress.

The program includes three levels of varying difficulty. They start with the smallest loads, and end with the most difficult ones. Being engaged in this technique, you will quickly recover after childbirth and get the necessary energy charge.

Diet according to Cindy Crawford

If you decide to follow the programs developed by Crawford, for maximum effect, do not forget about proper nutrition. The model itself believes that it should be balanced and nutritious. You should eat regularly to maintain the proper level of metabolism. Starving is not recommended.

Cindy is eating during the day 5-6 times There should be snacks between main meals. This will keep a moderate appetite, prevent hunger, accelerate metabolism, and the daily calorie intake will not be exceeded.

Crawford calls the soup diet his favorite diet, in which cabbage soup is the main dish. Thanks to the diet, you can lose about 5 kilograms within two weeks. Nutritionists do not recommend observing it longer than this period, since it includes a minimum protein content.

This soup is very easy to make. Cut the white cabbage and boil it together with other ingredients:

  • parsley;
  • onions and green onions;
  • pepper;
  • carrots;
  • celery.

Additionally, you can add greens, beans or tomato.

Vegetables for soup should contain a minimum of carbohydrates. Therefore, it is better to refrain from potatoes. Such a fresh soup is recommended to be eaten daily along with vegetables, black rice and fresh fruits, with the exception of bananas.

Once a week, you can eat about 200 g of steamed chicken breast of fish, drink a glass of milk and yogurt. Dairy products are allowed only low-calorie.

Allowed drinks:

  • freshly brewed herbal or green tea;
  • natural coffee without sugar (rarely);
  • vegetable juice;
  • drinking water.

You can occasionally treat yourself to something tasty, but only if you then make every effort to burn calories.

You can get such a shape as that of the famous top model by regularly and actively exercising, also enjoy life and be purposeful. According to Crawford, one should not look for excuses for one's laziness, blame the unwillingness to engage in employment or lack of time. Everyone can find for training only half an hour a day.

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Everyone knows the model Cindy Crawford and what a beautiful figure she has. But not everyone knows the secret of her beauty. Shaping lessons with Sidney Crawford, an exercise course allows you to get the perfect figure without using complex diets.

Shaping with Cindy Crawford and her secrets of training after childbirth

The figure of this charming model cannot leave men alone, and the girls, envying the model, cannot understand what is the secret of her harmony and beauty. Nothing could spoil the figure of this charming girl. The secret of her beautiful figure, as it became known recently, was shaping.

Shaping with Cindy Crawford will make you a slender and beautiful girl. Cindy posted about three videos on the Internet with a course of her lessons. Each lesson was able to win a certain category of people. The entire course of this model consists of 3 lessons. The last part of this lesson takes no more than ten minutes.

How is the shaping training with Sidney Crawford

Such girls and women will be able to perform even at work or after work at home. As for the first two lessons, they are difficult and lengthy compared to the last. After these lessons, you will tighten your skin and lose weight.

Model figure Cindy Crawford after fapping lessons

All classes are very effective. In addition, Cindy tried all these classes on herself before publishing them on the Internet.

Cindy's job after having a baby

After the birth of the child, the model performs her own, was able to fully restore her figure and regain weight. All this took Cindy only a couple of months after the birth of her first child.

Due to the fact that such classes are very short in time, young mothers can freely engage in them. It doesn't take them long to do this. But such classes should be regular, only with regular classes you will get a positive result.

These workouts involve all parts of the body. Being engaged in shaping, you will become not only flexible, but also hardy.

All women want to make their figure more attractive. The best assistant, of course, is sports. Therefore, many choose shaping at home or other activities for weight loss.

The history and evolution of shaping in Russia began in St. Petersburg. In 1988, I. V. Prokhortsev's program appeared, aimed at shaping the body.

Later, the program was approved by the Moscow Institute. Sechenov and the State Patent Office of the USSR. Shaping gained wide popularity in the post-Soviet space after 1995.

Shaping - what is it?

The word shaping comes from the English "shape", which translates as "shape, shape." In fact, this is one of the types of rhythmic gymnastics aimed at improving the figure.

There are many different systems or programs for weight loss. The most popular of them are designed by such famous stars as Cindy Crawford, Claudia Slate.

Shaping lessons with Cindy Crawford. The secret of a perfect figure

Shaping for weight loss is the fastest and most effective way to get the figure of your dreams. Model Cindy Crawford presented a cassette with a shaping program in the 1990s.

So many housewives, mothers on maternity leave and just sports girls got a chance to improve their figure at home.

The secret of the popularity of video courses

  • High efficiency.

A video course called "Secrets of the Perfect Figure" was developed in collaboration with a well-known New York fitness trainer who worked on the parameters of many Hollywood stars.

  • Availability.

Shaping with Cindy Crawford is built in such a way that girls and women can exercise with absolutely no sports training. In addition, exercises can be performed by women after childbirth and those who have difficulties with their back and lower spine.

  • No need for special trainers.

All you need for shaping at home is a chair with a backrest, dumbbells, and a soft mat.

  • A very beautiful shot.

Video tutorials are really created specifically for girls. The exercises were filmed in various picturesque places: on the beach, on the roof of a skyscraper, against the backdrop of nature, and so on.

In the video, the chic figure of Cindy Crawford is visible from various angles, which is very motivating for the result. It is impossible not to pay tribute to the personal charm of the model: even with an ordinary ponytail of hair, without makeup and expensive outfit, she looks simply stunning. This effect of an ordinary woman played a key role in promoting the video course in the global market.

A set of exercises "The secret of the perfect figure"

"The Secret of the Perfect Figure" is a weight loss shaping with Cindy Crawford, consisting of various elements of gymnastics. It includes elements of callanetics, aerobics, Pilates and yoga. Classes also include strength and cardio.

The secret of a perfect figure, complex - video:

The whole set of exercises consists of three parts:

  1. Workout #1. This part includes a warm-up, leg training, including stretching, exercises for shaping the buttocks, exercises for the chest.
  2. Workout number 2. This part includes general stretching, arm exercises, exercises to strengthen the shoulder girdle, strength exercises for the press.
  3. Workout number 3. This is a separate gymnastics lasting 10 minutes. Despite the short training time, the video helps to effectively fight body fat and keep muscles in good shape.

Video tutorials by Cindy Crawford are not for those who are weak in spirit. In order for good results to appear, you need to do approaches several times a week.

Video course "How to achieve perfection"

This is the second video course of the famous top model. She made it more detailed. In the video, Cindy Crawford performs exercises, and her trainer clearly explains which muscle group is currently working. In addition, he gives advice on how to properly perform a particular exercise.

Cindy Crawford course "How to achieve perfection" - video:

The lessons are aimed at correcting various parts of the body: arms, abs, shoulders, sides, legs, buttocks, chest, hips and much more. Practicing with the How to Achieve Excellence program promotes strength, flexibility, and endurance.

Program "New Dimension"

The famous model experienced all the lessons of the video course on herself. After the birth of the child, Cindy perfectly restored her figure and regained her previous weight with the help of her own exercises.

Cindy Crawford, course "New Dimension" - video:

A set of exercises will help very carefully, but at the same time quickly find the desired shape. Feedback suggests that the lessons are also suitable for those who have suffered from any injuries or illnesses.

Shaping types

Shaping programs for weight loss

Shaping program from Marina Leonova

In Russia, one of the famous founders of her own fitness program is Marina Leonova. In the video, the trainer is quite stern and does not smile at all.

The reviews say that the exercises are very effective: if you complete the workout completely, you can literally fall down from impotence. Light dumbbells are required for classes, as strength training.

Shaping Marina Leonova - video:

Tip: if you want to lose weight, you still need to control your diet.

Shaping program from Ekaterina Sergeeva

Unlike the classes of Marina Leonova, the program of Ekaterina Sergeeva is recommended only for:

  • those women and girls who have no health contraindications,
  • restrictive age: up to 50-55 years old,
  • girls from 16 to 18 years old should have an established menstrual cycle.

The coach suggests correcting the figure not in general, but only where there are problems.

Classes involve 2 stages:

  1. Wellness: fat burning;
  2. Anabolic: building beautiful muscles and improving the contour of the figure.

Shaping program from Elena Zaitseva

Elena Zaitseva offers her shaping program for both beginners and professionals.

  • There are no age restrictions: "shaping for everyone" can be adopted by young girls and experienced women of age.
  • The difference between the program of Elena Zaitseva is that it is supplemented with elements of dance aerobics.

Shaping program from Claudia Schiffer

If external special effects are important to you (landscape, beautiful slow music), amazing female plasticity and grace, pay attention to the fitness program from Claudia Schiffer.

The workout is divided into two parts: one is aimed at improving the upper body, and the second - the lower. Total duration: 2 hours.

Reviews say that it is convenient to divide the workout in half. The pace of work is average. You can stop the lessons at any time to continue later.

Shaping with Claudia Schiffer - video:

Gillian Michaels Shaping Program

Gillian Michaels Women's Slimming Shaping is another popular program. It is divided into 3 levels, each of which is more difficult than the previous one.

The program harmoniously combines strength training, cardio, abdominal exercises or, in other words, for weight loss of the abdomen.

A considerable variety of programs today will allow you to choose the most suitable one. It is very important to find your video trainer, who will not allow you to quit classes at the moment when there is no longer a desire.

Gym - for those who are willing to spend money and time to find the perfect figure. If you are on a budget, a great way out is shaping at home.
Think about which areas you would like to work on first and which ones last, and get down to business.

Shaping at home means that the regular room has to replace the gym. This should be given special attention:

  1. Take care of timely wet cleaning, good ventilation and free space.
  2. It's great if there is a full-length mirror in the room.
  3. Clothing for shaping should be not only comfortable and free, but also very attractive. This will make it easier for you to visualize the desired shapes. This will help not to quit classes at a critical moment.

Be sure to take some of your own before and after photo evidence. So you will achieve amazing success in losing weight.

Shaping at home - classes for weight loss

Start shaping with a warm-up. It takes 10 minutes for her. You can do a little jog, rhythmic steps, lunges. If there is no space for running, do it on the spot.

What exercises are the most preferable?

Warm up

  1. Tilt your head left and right. Perform a rotation.
  2. Rotate your shoulders alternately up and back, and then forward down.
  3. Perform hand swings.
  4. Twisting: Spread your arms to the sides and turn all the way. In this case, the pelvic part remains in place.
  5. Lean forward, right and left, and then bend back.
  6. Do deep lunges to the left and right: sit down on one leg and stretch the other.
  7. Rotate your feet in different directions.
  8. Shift body weight periodically from toes to heels.
  9. Rise up on your toes as you inhale and lower as you exhale.

The second stage of shaping and its main part

Do exercises at a moderate pace and with a high amplitude.

In 5 minutes, the number of repetitions can be from 40 to 300 times. Classes can be performed until complete fatigue.

Exercises for the press and arms

Exercises for the thighs and buttocks


The final stage of shaping is a hitch. This is the time for stretching or stretching for all muscle groups. It is also a time to relax the muscles and restore breathing. Thanks to stretching over time, you can even sit on the twine.

Stretching exercises

Shaping and fitness: what's the difference?

The characteristics of fitness and shaping shows that they have common and distinct features. The difference between shaping and fitness lies in the name itself.

Shaping is an exercise for a thorough study of the muscles.

Muscle relief is achieved by repeated rhythmic repetitions of exercises to the music.

Fitness is aimed not so much at sculpting the body, but at the general improvement of the body.

In addition, shaping exercises contribute to the burning of body fat. In general, this sport involves physical exercises, choreography and training in well-groomed appearance.

What is the benefit of fitness?

It helps keep the body in good shape. During training, a large number of muscles work at the same time. Due to this, there is a decrease in fat and an approximation to the intended ideal.


The following example will help to understand the difference between these directions. Let's say you have a good figure that suits you perfectly.

But the shape of the abdomen is far from ideal due to a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, as well as uncontrolled eating. In this case, you should do shaping, focusing on strengthening the abdominal muscles.

Complexes of exercises in shaping are used to correct the figure in a particular area.

Music for shaping

  • Music for shaping must be rhythmic, groovy and lively. From it should be felt energy and positive. Only then fitness will help to gain not only physical perfection, but also the harmony of subtle bodies.

Music for shaping imperceptibly affects the emotional, mental and psychological state of a woman: soon a good mood arises, problems fade into the background, self-confidence is born.

  • If you practice at home, you have a great advantage, namely, the ability to select individual tracks to your taste.
Music for training:

If you feel lazy and lethargic, choose music that encourages movement very strongly. So much so that it is simply impossible to sit still.

Suitable music for shaping:

  • Latino Hits;
  • pop music;
  • club dance;
  • house;

Choose one of the directions that you like best. In addition, hits by Jennifer Lopez, Lady Gaga, Backstreet Boys, Madonna, Britney Spears, Rihanna and many other artists are suitable for shaping.

Music for shaping should be smooth: without inserts, chips and other highlights.

Such things violate the integrity of the musical composition, although they sound interesting and original on the dance floor.

Maybe for professionals, any hitch will not be a problem, but for beginners it will certainly knock them off the rhythm. Choose high-quality and professional music for shaping, which does not allow violation of the score during training.

The best percussive music for shaping is 32 bits.

  • Music for classes must necessarily differ at different stages of training: warm-up, cool-down, cardio, completion.
  • Properly selected tracks make the atmosphere creative and help you perform exercises.
  • Keep in mind that traditional shaping music starts at a slow pace, gradually picks up speed, and peaks out at the end.

Is shaping effective for weight loss?

A big plus of shaping is that it entails not only weight loss, but also an increase in muscle mass. Thus, roundness in unnecessary places will come to naught, and relief will appear where necessary. Of course, for such a result, you need to learn how to perform exercises with weights.

Shaping for pregnant women also gives an effect. Doctors believe that all women in the position are simply obliged to do gymnastics.

Shaping contributes to the full bearing of the child and facilitates childbirth.

  • In addition, shaping nutrition involves the rejection of coffee, strong tea, alcohol, and limits the consumption of fats. Such exceptions are recommended just for a pregnant woman.

Shaping lessons for beginners

  • If you have just started shaping, focus on regular sessions. Let it be only 2-3 workouts per week, but constantly and without gaps.
  • Choose exercises that are not difficult. Repeating them multiple times for 30-40 minutes should bring you pleasure. You can perform exercises in 10 minutes, but only according to a specific program. So, starting small, you can gradually build up momentum.
  • Do not lose sight of the pulse: it should be no more than 150 beats per minute. If you do not have a counting device, count the number of beats yourself for 15 seconds. Then multiply the result by four. When the pulse is normal, you can use dumbbells. Remember that this stage does not come immediately.

Shaping for beginners: 10 basic exercises

Shaping for beginners allows you to practice at home. After a while, you will certainly see and feel the result of your efforts.

The press will become strong, the buttocks will be taut, and the legs will be strong. In addition, you will significantly improve your health and gain self-confidence.

Looking at the beautiful and famous stars, you always want to know the secret of their beautiful shape. The well-known model Cindy Crawford is no exception. She always has a beautiful figure and at the same time she does not exhaust herself with complex diets. Even after giving birth, she surprised everyone by quickly returning to her former shape. Sharing secrets, she said that helps her maintain the beauty of her body - this is shaping. According to her, this is the fastest way to the body of your dreams.

Shaping with Cindy Crawford is not much different from the classic technique. Moreover, this training technique has long established itself as one of the most effective in the fight against body fat in hard-to-reach places.

The popularity of the methodology proposed by the star dates back to the 90s, but the basic principles and programs do not lose their relevance today. Its effectiveness has been proven over the years and the stunning appearance of Cindy, who has long ceased to be a young girl.

Who can do shaping?

After getting acquainted with the video where Cindy gives a lesson on how to quickly get in shape and what needs to be done for this, many are interested in the question, is such shaping suitable for everyone? Anyone can engage in such power loads, even without special training or for the first time starting to play sports.

Shaping is referred to as power aerobics, which allows you to quickly and effortlessly get rid of the fat layer under the skin. Even devoting 10 minutes a day, you can achieve a perfectly beautiful figure by performing such simple exercises.

Program "The secret of the ideal figure"

How to practice according to the method of Cindy Crawford can be seen in the video tutorials. One of the most popular courses is called "The Secret of the Perfect Figure." In order to pass it, you do not need to specially prepare, so it is suitable even for beginners in this matter. After class, many who completed the course note:

  • More slender figure.
  • Tightened belly.
  • Nice posture.
  • Removal of fatty deposits under the skin in problem areas.
  • Tightened muscles.
  • Increasing self-esteem.

The whole complex consists of two parts: warm-up and actual training. To begin with, the muscles need to be warmed up a little, and then proceed with the exercises. Approximately 15 minutes are allotted for each. In the process, you can use shells, for example, dumbbells. If physical fitness allows, then it is better to take 2 kg, beginners are recommended no more than a kilogram.

All classes in the course are aimed at strengthening the frame of the muscles of the spine, lower back, neck and arms. Even despite the fact that the weights are used only in the arms, the calves and thighs receive sufficient load and are well worked out. The complex includes:

  • Tilts.
  • Push ups.
  • Classic twist.
  • Work with dumbbells.

After training, there is no feeling of fatigue, on the contrary, cheerfulness appears, tone is felt throughout the body. The program is suitable for everyone, but most often it is more popular among beginners.

Program "New Dimension"

A shaping program with Cindy Crawford called "New Dimension" was created for the recovery of women after childbirth. It included only 3 exercises to help keep fit without spending a lot of time.

A distinctive feature of the complex is its short duration and it can be completed immediately after the complete restoration of the lost form, due to childbirth or other factors. The program is ideal for those who are not very fond of sports and do not have good physical fitness. The main advantage of this complex is its simplicity and clear presentation, so no one has any questions during the process.

Beauty secrets from Cindy Crawford

However, it should be understood that an ideal figure and beautiful skin require not only sports, but also proper nutrition. Cindy revealed the secrets behind her stunning supermodel look:

  • The diet of a star from early childhood is rich in wholesome food.
  • Banned sweets, flour products and sparkling mineral water.
  • Even with a heavy load and an intense rhythm of life, Cindy never drinks energy drinks.
  • Preference is given only to plant foods.
  • In the process of cooking, Cindy does not use semi-finished products.

When you really want to eat sweets, the star allows himself a little bitter chocolate. But most importantly, she drinks a lot, about 3 liters a day. In addition to the fact that it cleanses the body well, it allows you to completely restore the water balance and reduce appetite.

Shaping according to the Cindy Crawford program can always be supplemented with cycling or jogging in the fresh air, or. The main wish from the star to all his fans is not to miss training and regularly follow the recommended schedule. Then even 10 minutes a day will allow you to restore metabolism, improve health and get a beautiful figure.

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