"Man is saved by dignity" (J. Niva). Means of creating the image of a hero in A. Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich"

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Ivan Denisovich is the protagonist of Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich". His prototypes were followed by two really existing people. One of them is a middle-aged warrior named Ivan Shukhov, who served in the battery, the commander of which was the author himself, who is at the same time the second prototype, who once served time in prison under Article 58.

This is a 40-year-old man with a long beard and shaved head, who is in prison because he and his comrades escaped from German captivity and returned to their own. During interrogation, without any resistance, he signed papers stating that he himself voluntarily surrendered and became a spy, and he returned back for reconnaissance. Ivan Denisovich agreed to all this only because this signature gave a guarantee that he would live a little longer. As for clothing, it is the same as that of all campers. He is wearing wadded trousers, a quilted jacket, a pea coat and felt boots.

Under the jacket he has a spare pocket where he puts a piece of bread to eat later. He seems to be living the last day, but at the same time with the hope of serving time and going free, where his wife and two daughters are waiting for him.

Ivan Denisovich never thought about why there are so many innocent people in the camp, who also allegedly "betrayed their homeland." He is the kind of person who simply appreciates life. He never asks himself unnecessary questions, he simply accepts everything as it is. Therefore, for him, the satisfaction of needs, such as food, water and sleep, was paramount. Perhaps it was then that he got accustomed there. This is an amazingly resilient person who was able to adapt to such terrifying conditions. But even in such conditions, he does not lose his own dignity, does not “drop himself”.

For Shukhov, life is work. In his work, he is a master who knows his business perfectly and receives only pleasure from it.

Solzhenitsyn draws this hero as a person who has developed his own philosophy. It is based on the camp experience and the hard experience of Soviet life. In the face of this patient man, the author showed the entire Russian people, who are able to endure a lot of terrible suffering, bullying and still survive. And at the same time, do not lose morality and continue to live, treating people normally.

Composition on Shukhov Ivan Denisovich

The main character of the work is Shukhov Ivan Denisovich, presented by the writer in the form of a victim of Stalinist repressions.

The hero is described in the story as a simple Russian soldier of peasant origin, distinguished by a toothless mouth, a bald patch on his shaved head, and a bearded face.

For being in fascist captivity during the war, Shukhov was sent to a special hard labor camp for a ten-year term under the number Shch-854, from which he has already served eight years, leaving his family at home in the village, consisting of his wife and two daughters.

Shukhov's characteristic features are his self-esteem, which allowed Ivan Denisovich to retain his human appearance and not become a jackal, despite the difficult period of his life. He realizes that he is unable to change the current unfair situation and the cruel order established in the camp, but since he is distinguished by his love of life, he resigns himself to his difficult situation, while refusing to crawl and kneel, although he does not hope to gain the long-awaited freedom.

Ivan Denisovich seems to be a proud, not arrogant person, capable of showing kindness and generosity towards those convicts who have broken down from being in prison conditions, respecting and pitying them, while being able to show some kind of cunning that does not harm others.

Being an honest and conscientious person, Ivan Denisovich cannot afford to take time off from work, as is customary in prison camps, feigning illness, therefore, even when seriously ill, he feels guilty, forced to turn to the sanitary unit.

During his stay in the camp, Shukhov showed himself to be a rather hardworking, conscientious person, a master of all hands, not shy of any work, participating in the construction of a thermal power plant, sewing slippers and laying stone, becoming a good professional bricklayer and stove-maker. Ivan Denisovich tries by any possible means to earn extra money to get additional rations or cigarettes, receiving not only extra earnings from work, but also real pleasure, carefully and economically treating the assigned prison work.

At the end of the ten-year term, Ivan Denisovich Shukhov is released from the camp, allowing him to return to his native places with his family.

Describing the image of Shukhov in the story, the writer reveals the moral and spiritual problem of human relations.

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What qualities of the hero of the story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" manifested themselves in the scene of collective work at the construction site?

In the camp, Shukhov's main task was not a simple physical survival, but the preservation of human qualities in himself: dignity, self-respect. But to the best of his ability, even under these conditions, Ivan Denisovich finds the possibility of internal, at least moral resistance. It is enough to compare his attitude to working for escorts with working for himself or the brigade: “Work, it’s like a stick, there are two ends in it: you do it for people - quality give, for the authorities you do - give a window dressing. With love, emotional excitement, the hero recalls the things he made: a knife, a spoon, at least a little diversifying and facilitating camp life, at least to a small extent giving the opportunity to feel that you have your own world, not just property. The attitude to work, which was the main content of the entire difficult life of the hero-peasant, soldier, and in the camp, remains for him the most important criterion for evaluating a person.

It was in the scene of selfless labor at the construction of the camp thermal power plant that the hero showed his most important qualities. This scene is the climax in the work.

Suddenly forgotten are hunger, cold, humiliation. What matters is only the ardent creative common work in itself. A person with virtues and weaknesses, with his most important inner content, manifests itself here better than anywhere else. A feeling of pride grows in Shukhov, joy from his own skill, skill, which he possesses better than many and which ensures him the respect of people, a worthy place in a strange, but human world. “Oh, the eye is a spirit level! Smooth!" - the hero admires, hastily, but still looking back at his glorious work.

In this scene, it turns out that the system of suppressing people to the end has no power over a person. And the closer the character is to the type of personality that carries traditional folk values, the more freely his soul manifests itself. The hero, not through direct protest, not through open disobedience, but through the very way of thinking and behavior in life, escapes from the power of totalitarianism, yet lives according to popular laws. Comradeship, mutual assistance, fidelity to the word, inner intransigence, a lively mind, feelings not dulled in captivity - all this characterizes the writer's favorite heroes. These qualities were not easy to show in captivity, but all the more valuable, worthy of respect, that Ivan Denisovich Shukhov manages to preserve them, in particular, in the analyzed scene.

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Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" was written in 1959. The author wrote it during a break between work on the novel "In the First Circle". In just 40 days, Solzhenitsyn created One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. The analysis of this work is the topic of this article.

The subject of the work

The reader of the story gets acquainted with life in the camp zone of a Russian peasant. However, the theme of the work is not limited to camp life. In addition to the details of survival in the zone, "One day ..." contains details of life in the village, described through the prism of the hero's consciousness. In the story of Tyurin, the foreman, there is evidence of the consequences that collectivization led to in the country. In various disputes between camp intellectuals, various phenomena of Soviet art are discussed (theatrical premiere of the film "John the Terrible" by S. Eisenstein). In connection with the fate of Shukhov's comrades in the camp, many details of the history of the Soviet period are mentioned.

The theme of the fate of Russia is the main theme of the work of such a writer as Solzhenitsyn. "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich", whose analysis interests us, is no exception. In it, local, private themes fit organically into this general problem. In this regard, the theme of the fate of art in a state with a totalitarian system is indicative. So, the artists from the camp paint free pictures for the authorities. The art of the Soviet era, according to Solzhenitsyn, became part of the general apparatus of oppression. The episode of Shukhov's reflections on the village handicraftsmen who produce painted "carpets" supports the motif of the degradation of art.

The plot of the story

Chronicle is the plot of the story, which was created by Solzhenitsyn ("One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich"). The analysis shows that although the plot is based on events lasting only one day, the protagonist's pre-camp biography can be presented through his memories. Ivan Shukhov was born in 1911. He spent his pre-war years in the village of Temgenevo. There are two daughters in his family (the only son died early). Shukhov has been at war since its first days. He was wounded, then taken prisoner, from where he managed to escape. In 1943, Shukhov was convicted on a fabricated case. He served 8 years at the time of the plot action. The action of the work takes place in Kazakhstan, in a hard labor camp. One of the January days of 1951 was described by Solzhenitsyn ("One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich").

Analysis of the character system of the work

Although the main part of the characters is depicted by the author with laconic means, Solzhenitsyn managed to achieve plastic expressiveness in their depiction. We observe the diversity of individualities, the richness of human types in the work "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich". The heroes of the story are depicted succinctly, but at the same time remain in the reader's memory for a long time. For a writer, sometimes only one or two fragments, expressive sketches, are enough for this. Solzhenitsyn (the photo of the author is presented below) is sensitive to the national, professional and class specifics of the human characters he created.

Relations between the characters are subject to a strict camp hierarchy in the work "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich". A summary of the entire prison life of the protagonist, presented in one day, allows us to conclude that there is an unbridgeable gulf between the camp administration and the prisoners. Noteworthy is the absence in this story of the names, and sometimes the surnames of many guards and overseers. The individuality of these characters is manifested only in the forms of violence, as well as in the degree of ferocity. On the contrary, despite the depersonalizing numbering system, many of the campers in the mind of the hero are present with names, and sometimes with patronymics. This suggests that they have retained their individuality. Although this evidence does not apply to the so-called informers, idiots and wicks described in the work "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich". These heroes also do not have names. In general, Solzhenitsyn talks about how the system unsuccessfully tries to turn people into parts of a totalitarian machine. Particularly important in this regard, in addition to the main character, are the images of Tyurin (brigadier), Pavlo (his assistant), Buinovsky (cator rank), Baptist Alyoshka and Latvian Kilgas.

Main character

In the work "One day of Ivan Denisovich" the image of the protagonist is very remarkable. Solzhenitsyn made him an ordinary peasant, a Russian peasant. Although the circumstances of camp life are obviously "exceptional", the writer in his hero deliberately accentuates the outward inconspicuousness, "normality" of behavior. According to Solzhenitsyn, the fate of the country depends on the innate morality and natural stamina of the common man. In Shukhov, the main thing is an indestructible inner dignity. Ivan Denisovich, even serving his more educated fellow campers, does not change the age-old peasant habits and does not drop himself.

His working skill is very important in characterizing this hero: Shukhov managed to acquire his own handy trowel; in order to pour later than a spoon, he hides the pieces; he turned a folding knife and skillfully hid it. Further, the seemingly insignificant details of the existence of this hero, his demeanor, a kind of peasant etiquette, everyday habits - all this in the context of the story takes on the meaning of values ​​that allow the human in a person to survive in difficult conditions. Shukhov, for example, always wakes up 1.5 hours before a divorce. He belongs to himself in these morning minutes. This time of actual freedom is also important for the hero because he can earn extra money.

"Cinematic" compositional techniques

One day contains in this work a clot of a person's fate, a squeeze from his life. It is impossible not to notice a high degree of detail: each fact in the narrative is divided into small components, of which most of them are presented in close-up. The author uses "cinematic" ones. He scrupulously, unusually carefully watches how, before leaving the barracks, his hero dresses or eats up to the skeleton a small fish caught in the soup. A separate "frame" in the story is awarded even to such, at first glance, an insignificant gastronomic detail, like fish eyes floating in stew. You will be convinced of this by reading the work "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich". The content of the chapters of this story, with careful reading, allows you to find many similar examples.

The concept of "term"

It is important that in the text the works approach each other, sometimes becoming almost synonymous, such concepts as "day" and "life". Such rapprochement is carried out by the author through the concept of "term", universal in the narrative. The term is the punishment meted out to the prisoner, and at the same time the internal routine of life in prison. In addition, what is most important, it is a synonym for the fate of a person and a reminder of the last, most important period of his life. Temporary designations thus acquire a deep moral and psychological coloring in the work.


The location is also very important. The camp space is hostile to the prisoners, especially the open areas of the zone are dangerous. The prisoners rush to run as soon as possible between the rooms. They are afraid of being caught in this place, they rush to hide under the protection of the barracks. In contrast to the heroes of Russian literature who love distance and breadth, Shukhov and other prisoners dream of the tightness of the shelter. For them, the barrack is home.

What was one day of Ivan Denisovich like?

The characterization of the one day Shukhov spent is directly given by the author in the work. Solzhenitsyn showed that this day in the life of the protagonist was successful. Speaking about him, the author notes that the hero was not put in a punishment cell, the brigade was not sent to the Sotsgorodok, he mowed down his porridge at lunch, the brigadier closed the percentage well. Shukhov laid the wall cheerfully, did not get caught with a hacksaw, worked part-time with Caesar in the evening and bought tobacco. The main character didn't get sick either. Has passed nothing clouded day, "almost happy." Such is the work of its main events. The author's final words sound just as epically calm. He says that there were such days in Shukhov's term 3653 - 3 extra days were added due to

Solzhenitsyn refrains from an open display of emotions and loud words: it is enough for the reader to have the corresponding feelings. And this is guaranteed by the harmonious structure of the story about the power of man and the power of life.


Thus, in the work "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" problems were posed that were very relevant for that time. Solzhenitsyn recreates the main features of the era when the people were doomed to incredible hardships and torments. The history of this phenomenon does not begin in 1937, marked by the first violations of the norms of party and state life, but much earlier, from the beginning of the totalitarian regime in Russia. The work, therefore, presents a bunch of fates of many Soviet people who were forced to pay for years of torment, humiliation, camps for devoted and honest service. The author of the story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" raised these problems in order for the reader to think about the essence of the phenomena observed in society and draw some conclusions for himself. The writer does not moralize, does not call for something, he only describes reality. The product only benefits from this.

We need to pray for the spiritual: so that the Lord removes the evil scum from our hearts ...

A. Solzhenitsyn. One day Ivan Denisovich

A. Solzhenitsyn deliberately made the main character of the story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” an ordinary peasant who suffered a fate characteristic of many Russian people of the 20th century. Ivan Denisovich Shukhov was an economic and thrifty owner in a small village. When the war came, Shukhov went to the front and fought honestly. He was wounded, but did not recover well, hastening to return to his place at the front. The German captivity also fell to the lot of Ivan Denisovich, from which he escaped, but ended up in the Soviet camp as a result.

The harsh conditions of the terrible world, fenced with barbed wire, could not break Shukhov's inner dignity, although many of his neighbors in the barracks had long lost their human appearance. Having turned from a defender of the Motherland into a convict Shch-854, Ivan Denisovich continues to live according to those moral laws that have developed into a strong and optimistic peasant character.

There are few joys in the minute-by-minute daily routine of camp prisoners. Every day is the same: getting up on a signal, meager rations that leave even the skinniest half-starved, exhausting work, constant checks, “spies”, complete lack of rights for convicts, lawlessness of escorts and guards ... And yet Ivan Denisovich finds in himself the strength not to humiliate himself because of an extra ration, because of a cigarette, which he is always ready to earn by honest work. Shukhov does not want to turn into an informer for the sake of improving his own fate - he himself despises such people. Developed self-esteem does not allow him to lick a plate or beg - the harsh laws of the camp are merciless to weaklings.

Belief in himself and unwillingness to live at the expense of others make Shukhov refuse even the parcels that his wife could send him. He understood “what those programs are worth, and he knew that you couldn’t pull them from your family for ten years.”

Kindness and mercy are one of the main qualities of Ivan Denisovich. He is sympathetic to prisoners who do not know how or do not want to adapt to camp laws, as a result of which they endure unnecessary torment or miss out on benefits.

Ivan Denisovich respects some of these people, but more than that, he regrets, trying, if possible, to help and alleviate their plight.

Conscience and honesty before himself do not allow Shukhov to feign illness, as many prisoners do, trying to avoid work. Even when he feels seriously unwell and arrives at the medical unit, Shukhov feels guilty, as if he is deceiving someone.

Ivan Denisovich appreciates and loves life, but understands that he is not able to change the order in the camp, the injustice in the world.

Centuries-old peasant wisdom teaches Shukhov: “Groan and rot. And if you resist, you will break, ”but, resigning himself, this person will never live on his knees and kowtow before those in power.

A reverent and respectful attitude to bread is given out in the image of the main character of a true peasant. During the eight years of camp life, Shukhov never learned to take off his hat before eating, even in the most severe frost. And in order to carry with him the remnants of bread rations left “in reserve”, carefully wrapped in a clean cloth, Ivan Denisovich specially sewed an inner pocket on the padded jacket in a secret way.

Love for work fills Shukhov's seemingly monotonous life with a special meaning, brings joy, allows him to survive. Disrespecting stupid and forced work, Ivan Denisovich is at the same time ready to take on any business, showing himself to be a clever and skillful bricklayer, shoemaker, stove-maker. He is able to carve a knife from a fragment of a hacksaw blade, sew slippers or covers for mittens. Earning extra money by honest labor not only gives Shukhov pleasure, but also makes it possible to earn cigarettes or an additive to rations.

Even while working at the stage when it was necessary to quickly put down the wall, Ivan Denisovich became so excited that he forgot about the bitter cold and that he was working under duress. Thrifty and economic, he cannot allow the cement to be wasted or the work to be abandoned in the middle. It is through labor that the hero acquires inner freedom and remains unconquered by the terrible conditions of the camp and the gloomy monotony of a miserable life. Shukhov is even able to feel happy that the day ended successfully and did not bring any unexpected troubles. It is these people, according to the writer, who ultimately decide the fate of the country, carry the charge of people's morality and spirituality.

The idea of ​​the story came to the mind of the writer when he was serving time in the Ekibastuz concentration camp. Shukhov - the main character of "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich", is a collective image. He embodies the features of the prisoners who were with the writer in the camp. This is the first published work of the author, which brought Solzhenitsyn worldwide fame. In his narrative, which has a realistic direction, the writer touches on the topic of the relationship of people deprived of their freedom, their understanding of honor and dignity in inhuman conditions of survival.

Characteristics of the heroes of "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich"

Main characters

Minor characters

Brigadier Tyurin

In Solzhenitsyn's story, Tyurin is a Russian peasant who cheers for the brigade with his soul. Fair and independent. The life of the brigade depends on his decisions. Smart and honest. He got into the camp as the son of a fist, he is respected among his comrades, they try not to let him down. This is not the first time in the Tyurin camp, he can go against the authorities.

Captain of the second rank Buinovsky

A hero of those who do not hide behind the backs of others, but impractical. He has recently been in the zone, so he still does not understand the intricacies of camp life, the prisoners respect him. Ready to stand up for others, respects justice. He tries to stay cheerful, but his health is already failing.

Film director Cesar Markovich

A person who is far from reality. He often receives rich parcels from home, and this gives him the opportunity to get a good job. Likes to talk about cinema and art. He works in a warm office, so he is far from the problems of cellmates. There is no cunning in him, so Shukhov helps him. Not spiteful and not greedy.

Alyosha - Baptist

Calm young man, sitting for the faith. His convictions did not waver, but were further strengthened after the conclusion. Harmless and unpretentious, he constantly argues with Shukhov about religious issues. Clean, with clear eyes.

Stenka Klevshin

He is deaf, so he is almost always silent. He was in a concentration camp in Buchenwald, organized subversive activities, smuggled weapons into the camp. The Germans brutally tortured the soldier. Now he is already in the Soviet zone for "treason against the motherland."


Only negative characteristics prevail in the description of this character: weak-willed, unreliable, cowardly, unable to stand up for himself. Causes contempt. In the zone, he is engaged in begging, does not disdain to lick plates, and collect cigarette butts from a spittoon.

Two Estonians

Tall, thin, even outwardly similar to each other, like brothers, although they met only in the zone. Calm, not warlike, reasonable, capable of mutual assistance.


Significant image of an old convict. He spent his whole life in camps and exiles, but he never caved in to anyone. Causes universal respectful respect. Unlike others, bread is placed not on a dirty table, but on a clean rag.

This was an incomplete description of the heroes of the story, the list of which is much larger in the work “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” itself. This table of characteristics can be used to answer questions in literature lessons.

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