Read Warcraft Chronicles Encyclopedia Volume 1. Warcraft: Chronicles

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Yes, I am aware that there will be an official translation of the Chronicles, which is being handled by the AST publication. Someone may say that why do this, but, I usually do what interests me. In addition, I have a good command of the language and the subject. So I decided to make my own translation. This is the first post where you will find an introduction by Chris Metzen, Christy Golden and Richard Knaak, people who have been working on the Warcraft setting for years. In addition, the first chapters, which describe the dimensions of the universe, its driving forces, as well as the most powerful beings, have been translated. So let's go.


It has been amazing to watch how the Warcraft universe has grown and expanded over these twenty years. What started as a relatively small game setting has grown into a vibrant and vibrant world that millions of players from all over the world plunge into every day.

The world of Azeroth has been created by hundreds of professionals - designers, artists and writers - from the very beginning of its existence. This is the result of the work of many talented people who were united by the goal - to create a world so detailed, so convex, so detailed that ... hmm... in general, to make you really want to wear +6 Ass Kick boots to protect him.

The core of this world is... story. The overarching history of Warcraft is a grand interweaving of myths, legends, and world-shaking events that create a special atmosphere for the heroic adventures of players.

We've been telling this story for twenty years. Tens of thousands of stories, characters and monsters, constantly created a dense stream of ideas and concepts. The purpose of this book is chronicles- to bring it all together and organize this grand story, which is the very heart of the Warcraft universe. The creation of this chronicle is a great opportunity to bring together disparate plots and iron out the sharp edges of a fictional story.

Ultimately, this large (and very nerdy) work provides an overview of the core and recurring themes of the Warcraft universe:

About how peoples and societies clash in battles before seeing humanity in each other.

Of how the noblest heroes are often seduced by power and become fallen.

About how unwillingness to take responsibility in the past leads to chaos and conflict in the future.

These are just a few of the motifs that shape the story of Azeroth's long history, reflecting the histories of various cultures, factions and heroes. Cycles within cycles...

Through this downward perspective, we can better see the dangerous, but nonetheless mesmerizing horizons. And, even looking at all this impressive ... history… I can say for sure that this is just the beginning!

Chris Metzen,
Blizzard Entertainment


I first encountered the world of Warcraft in 2000. Blizzard Entertainment was looking for an author for a book on the plot of the game Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans. I only had six weeks to write a book about a fantasy world that I knew nothing about. Thanks to the support and enthusiasm of Chris Metzen (who was always open to immediate questions like "What color are orcs' blood?") these six weeks have been the foundation for a relationship that is all about pleasure, adventure, fun and magic.

I fell in love with the world of Azeroth after writing Lord of the Clans. Then I learned to play my first video game - World of Warcraft - mainly to spend more time in Azeroth. And very soon we will all see the embodiment of this world in a completely different format - on the silver screen.

Until then, I, like any reader of this book, am going to curl up on the couch and immerse myself in the magnificent history of this living world. It still pulls me in, even though I've been playing World of Warcraft since release and have written nine Azeroth novels (okay, mostly Azeroth...I did visit Draenor once). There's always something new, a new character to meet and a new story to listen to. It's like meeting old friends.

Maybe you feel the same?

For Azeroth!

Christy Golden

When I was first asked to write a book based on Warcraft, the game was already a phenomenon, but I don't think anyone at Blizzard thought it was going to be a worldwide sensation in a couple of years.

I was lucky to be involved in the early work on the Dragonlance universe - Legends of Huma was the first novel not written by Margaret Weiss and Tracey Hickman – and I was blown away by the Gen Con fan base and reader encounters. My personal series The Dragonrealm, also had its devoted fans. And it still doesn't compare to what happened to the novel. Warcraft: Day of the Dragon, which came out in 2001. The reaction was immediate and overwhelming. Letters of thanks came from all over the world and this showed how large the number of Warcraft fans was already then.

After ten years, I see that number has increased. Azeroth has become such a rich and vibrant world that people are not only addicted to it for a while, but also return time after time. I'm excited to be a part of this phenomenon and to see my stories - and heroes - join the already rich history of Azeroth. And this story continues to grow.

And this story will continue in the second volume a little later...

Richard Knaak

Introduction: cosmogony

Azeroth is a small planet in a vast universe, a world filled with powerful magic and powerful beings. Since the dawn of the world, these forces have influenced Azeroth and the surrounding space, causing the stars to move and changing the fate of countless worlds and civilizations...

The forces of the universe

Light and shadow

Light and Shadow are the fundamental foundations of the universe. Despite the fact that they are opposite in essence, at the same time they are closely related on a cosmic scale. One cannot exist without the other.

Pure Light and Shadow exist in dimensions beyond reality, but traces of their presence can be found in the physical world. Light manifests through sacred magic, while Shadow (also called "Abyss") through the powers of dark magic.

Life and death

Life and Death affect all living beings in the physical world. The Energy of Life, which is better known in the form of the magic of nature, promotes the growth and renewal of all things. Death, in the form of necromancy, is expressed in opposition, balancing Life. This is an inevitable force that sows despair in the souls of mortals and moves things in the direction of destruction and oblivion.

Order and Chaos

The forces of Order and Chaos reign in the physical world. Order manifests itself in the world through arcane magic. This magic is unstable and requires diligence and concentration to control it. In contrast to Order, Chaos appears in the form of fel magic that brings destruction. This is crude magic that is highly addictive to those who practice it. Its source is the forces that are taken from living beings.

Forces of nature

The forces of nature (“elements”) such as fire, air, earth and water are the building blocks of all entities in the physical world. Shamanic civilizations have long sought to harmonize with or dominate these forces. To do this, they appealed to the primordial forces of the Spirit and Destruction. Those who sought harmony with the forces of nature relied on the Spirit (which the shamans called the "fifth element" and the monks "chi energy"). This vital element bound all forces into unity. Destruction was used by shamans who wanted to conquer the forces of nature and turn them into weapons.

The Duality of the Forces of Nature

Shamans discovered that the forces of nature can have both positive and negative effects on human emotions. Therefore, mortals commonly associate the forces of nature with various senses.

Positive Trait: Passion
Negative trait: rage

Positive Trait: Cunning
Negative trait: insanity

Positive Trait: Stubbornness
Negative trait: stubbornness

Positive Trait: Calm
Negative trait: indecisiveness

Positive Trait: Courage
Negative trait: naivety

Positive trait: efficiency
Negative Trait: Heartless

Dimensions of Existence

Great Beyond Darkness

The Great Beyond Darkness is the physical world, reality. An infinite number of stars, planets and civilizations. Azeroth - World of Warcraft - one of the many planets that exist in the universe.

Twisting Nether

The Twisting Nether is an astral dimension parallel to the Beyond Darkness. The forces of Light and Shadow mingle at the edges of the Twisting Nether, bringing an endless struggle to this dimension. At times, the erratic magic of the Twisting Twisting bursts into reality.

Emerald Dream

The Emerald Dream is an ethereal dimension of spirits and wildlife that exists alongside Azeroth. Amazing creatures called Guardians created the Emerald Dream to serve as a map of the evolutionary path of the animals and plants of Azeroth. The two dimensions are connected into one - life flows through the physical world, the spiritual energies that permeate the essence of the Dream flow with them in the same rhythm.

Even though the Emerald Dream is associated with the material world, mortal beings may find it alien and unreal. But those who can open their minds through druidic magic enter a state of slumber and find their way in the Emerald Dream. Their thoughts influence this evergreen spirit world, but the footprints these dreamers leave here are never permanent.

Time and space are changeable in these places, criss-crossed by paths of dreams. Spirits fly like living winds over lush primeval forests. What is real now ceases to exist in a moment. Seemingly permanent landscapes change in the blink of an eye.

Dark Lands

The Dark Lands are connected to Azeroth in the same way as the Emerald Dream, but if the Dream represents life, then this dimension is death. This is a nightmarish realm of decay, in the labyrinths of which the souls of the dead, those who came from the world of the living, got lost.

The origin of the Dark Lands is unknown, but they have existed since the time when life appeared in the physical world. Many mortals believe that souls enter this dark realm forever after their death in the physical world. Some believe that souls are transported to brighter places, rather than forever wandering in this cold and terrible world.

inhabitants of the universe

Lords of the Abyss

The Lords of the Abyss are monstrous beings composed of the pure energy of the Shadow. These creatures are incomprehensibly cruel and merciless. Driven by an insatiable hunger, they want to devour all the matter and energy of the physical world.

In their normal state, the Lords of the Abyss exist outside of the physical world. Only the most powerful of them can manifest themselves in reality, and even then, for a very limited time. In order to penetrate reality, they need to absorb an incredible amount of energy.


Naaru are benevolent beings of living and holy energy. Perhaps they are the purest manifestations of Light in the Great Beyond Darkness. The Naaru have devoted themselves to the service of good, bringing peace and hope to mortals. The Naaru also become a barrier to the forces of the Void that seek to consume the essence of the physical world.


Titans are colossal, god-like creatures created from the primordial matter from which the universe originated. They roam the universe, saturated with the pure energy of creation. They use this power to find and awaken their own kind, others that still slumber in the far corners of the Great Dark Beyond.

Flaming Legion

The Burning Legion is the most destructive force within the Great Dark Beyond. The fallen Titan Sargeras created this army in order to destroy all that exists in reality. The Burning Legion goes from world to world to destroy them with fel magic. No one knows how many mortal planets and civilizations have been destroyed by the Burning Legion.

The demons of the Legion are very tenacious. Their souls are intimately connected to the Twisting Nether, making them extremely difficult to permanently destroy. Even if a demon dies in the physical realm, its spirit returns to the Twisting Nether and takes shape again. In order to destroy the demon of the Burning Legion, you need to kill him in the Twisting Nether, where unstable energy flows penetrate reality or in places saturated with the energies of the Burning Legion.

Old Gods

The Old Gods are the physical manifestation of the Abyss. They are terrible: mountains of diseased flesh with writhing tentacles that sprout like cancer into the matter of reality worlds. These monstrous creatures serve the Lords of the Abyss. Their only goal is to transform the worlds into places of despair and death.

Wild Gods

The Wild Gods are the embodiments of life and nature. They are creatures of two worlds. The Wild Gods live in the reality of Azeroth, but their souls are bound to the Emerald Dream. Many Wild Gods appear in the form of giant animals - wolves, bears, tigers or birds.

Spirits of the Forces of Nature

Spirits of the forces of nature (elementals) are primitive and chaotic creatures of fire, earth, air and water. They were the first creatures to inhabit the world at the dawn of time. The spirits of the forces of nature have infinitely varied shapes and sizes. Each of them has its own character and temperament, properties that are determined by their belonging to the power of nature.

The presence of the fifth element - the Spirit - also affects the relationship between the elementals. A world with an abundance of Spirit can help grow elementals that are passive and have no physical form. In contrast, in a world where Spirit is weak, elementals can be chaotic and extremely aggressive.


Undead are creatures that have died and are trapped between life and death. Most of them are driven by one thing: to destroy what they will never find again - life.

Chris Metzen's Warcraft: Chronicles. Encyclopedia" tells about the magical world that won the hearts of many. Almost every modern person, if not played, then heard about such a computer game, about this fantasy world, whose fans are tens of thousands of people.

The book provides information about the Warcraft universe in small chapters, historical episodes. It is noteworthy that this edition cannot be called an encyclopedia in its purest form, since it contains not only dry facts, the information here is presented in the language of fiction. At the same time, there is a certain chronology, which is characteristic of an encyclopedia. It tells in detail about each hero, his character, explains why he acted one way or another. You begin to empathize with some of them, you don’t understand someone, you have to agree with someone, and you openly condemn someone.

The story begins at the very beginning. It tells about the history of the origin of the world, which is more like a myth. It explains how this world appeared, what it consisted of, how Gods and Demons arose. Next, we are talking about Azeroth, where the elements raged and fought for power. After that, it is told about what happened long before the appearance of the portal, how mortal races arose, how immortals became mortal, how states were formed. At the end of the book, it talks about the new world, about what was right before the emergence of the portal. The encyclopedia contains bright and colorful illustrations, and this allows you to once again immerse yourself in your beloved magical world.

On our website you can download the book "Warcraft: Chronicles. Encyclopedia" by Chris Metzen for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

The first complete encyclopedia dedicated to the stories and legends of the World of Warcraft. Detailed articles about each character, setting, key event and historical period of the great gaming world, where millions of people play every day. Luxuriously illustrated and incredibly fact-filled encyclopedia "Warcraft: Chronicles" will not leave anyone indifferent! Extras: World's Bestseller! Unique Collector's Edition! For the first time in Russia! The most complete encyclopedia of the Warcraft universe; Over 100 illustrations; Detailed articles about each character, location and event of "Warcraft"; For the first time in Russian; The only complete encyclopedia of the Warcraft universe; Unique, previously unpublished facts about the characters, locations and key events of the great game world. In this unique book, for the first time in the history of the game, the entire history of Warcraft is brought together into a single chronicle. Here you will find stories about the rise of ancient empires, the birth of dark and light forces that determined the fate of Azeroth, and hitherto unheard legends about its heroes and villains. Only one amateur review of the English edition, made by a Russian video blogger in the foreign press, has collected more than 60,000 views so far.

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