What gives a handjob. Female Masturbation: Harm or Health Benefit? Harm of frequent masturbation

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The topic of masturbation seems to many uncomfortable and shameful ... But do not rush to close the page with a sigh: “What did they write here? Who needs it anyway?"

This is not a bad habit and not a diagnosis, but just another facet of female sexuality!

From a medical point of view, masturbation is a natural process that helps you relieve stress, get to know your body better, and even improve your health!

Can women masturbate? How to learn to give yourself pleasure correctly? Let's talk frankly.

Is it normal to masturbate? Who even does this? You will be surprised, but sexologists conducted a survey, the results of which are impressive: 70% of girls and women practice self-satisfaction!

And it’s not at all a fact that the remaining 30% didn’t cheat and told the truth!

Masturbation can be called the first sexual experience. Children make timid attempts to touch their genitals even at preschool age.

This is a natural curiosity and just another stage of development! According to statistics, most girls discover the charms of masturbation at the age of 9 and later.

Is it harmful to engage in masturbation?

This topic is hidden under the canopy of night, behind the veil of shame and fear!

“Your hair will grow on your palms!”, “Masturbation is bad, only perverts do it!”.

It is easier for parents to scare a child or gracefully avoid a conversation than to get a book about sex and explain at least elementary concepts!

As they say: “there was no sex in the USSR”? Naturally, mom and dad did not receive sexual education: all spicy books were carefully hidden away from children's playful hands, and knowledge about "this" was limited to the school anatomy course.

So a generation has grown up that is ashamed of its body and natural needs! Yes, and cultivates a sense of guilt in children!

According to most doctors, masturbation is an opportunity to reveal your sexuality and understand the peculiarities of temperament.

A woman who knows her body will find it easier to build relationships with men! You don’t have to search for the “G-spot” or erogenous zones through trial and error!

Is it bad for girls to masturbate often? Everyone has different needs.

Here, as in sex: someone is insatiable and ready to make love as often as possible, and someone once a week is enough.

All of these conditions are normal. It is not normal if a woman constantly needs self-satisfaction and this prevents her from living a full life!

Is masturbation harmful?

Of course, such an intimate and ambiguous activity has opponents!

But no matter how much they frighten you with a decrease in mental activity or the inability to achieve orgasm with a partner, these are just myths.

We found only two unpleasant side effects of masturbation.

1. Hygiene. Of course, no one wants to bring infection into the most intimate part of their body.

Therefore, in order to avoid, you should follow a few simple and understandable rules.

  • Do not climb into panties with dirty hands! Yes, you should wash your hands before eating. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection and catching an unpleasant inflammation.
  • Don't share toys. Intimate, of course. It's like a toothbrush - a tool for personal use. Sex toys should be clean, and certainly no foreign objects should be inserted into the vagina that are not intended for masturbation at all.
  • After masturbation, be sure to take care of the cleanliness of the genitals (shower or wet wipes).

2. Relationships. In rare cases, there is a real psychological dependence.

A girl simply cannot get pleasure with a partner, because her hands know “hot spots” better.

So it is highly undesirable to abuse this pleasant process! Masturbation is not a substitute for sex.

During sexual relations, partners are connected not only physically, but also emotionally. And self-satisfaction is exclusively a “matter of technology”.

Is it good for women to masturbate?

Getting an orgasm through self-satisfaction is a normal practice for women of any age!

A girl who does not have a permanent partner, and a woman who is happily married can give herself pleasure!

Answering the question “Is it normal to masturbate?”, We want to give a few arguments in favor of this piquant process.

  • Self-satisfaction improves the tone of the muscles of the uterus and vagina. It's like doing regular Kegel exercises, but with the sweet bonus of getting an orgasm.
  • In the process of masturbation, blood circulation improves.
  • This is an excellent prevention of depression: when a woman reaches the peak of pleasure, endorphin, the hormone of happiness, is released into the blood. What kind of depression is there?
  • The intensity of pain during menstruation decreases, signs of PMS are less common.
  • Self-satisfaction helps relieve stress and relax.
  • The quality of sleep improves.
  • It is part of the treatment for frigidity and lack of orgasm. Moreover, this method is recommended by experts!

Is masturbation harmful for girls who have never had a partner? No, for them it is the same way to relieve sexual tension.

It will help you get to know your body better and mentally prepare for sexual relations.

Secrets of proper masturbation

There are two types of masturbation:

  1. without penetration The clitoris is responsible for pleasure. A girl can use not only her fingers, but also a shower head or a toy;
  2. with penetration- search for the notorious G-spot. A vibrator, dildo and other sex toys can become a replacement for fingers.

Sexologist Svetlana Grabova gives her advice:

The best way to check if a woman knows how to get an orgasm is proper masturbation.

In no case should you masturbate with a shower and strong vibrators. The fact is that such stimulations are remembered by the body.

There is getting used to them and then there is an obstacle on the way to achieving pleasure from a natural sexual intercourse.

Imbuilding instructor, sexologist Svetlana Grabova

That is, no man can replace a shower or the same strong vibrator, which in three minutes can lead to pleasure.

A woman should get to know her body herself, take a classic dildo, stimulate the clitoris with different movements - circular, zigzag, straight, dotted.

She must discover those ways and mechanisms that will give her pleasure in order to transfer this mechanism to a man and make his task easier.

So that the partner does not feel like a squeezed lemon and does not feel guilty that the woman cannot have an orgasm.

This is necessary so that a man learns to bring her to the peak of pleasure.

What suits you best can only be found out by experience. Start with the Lite version.

In a calm environment, examine your body. No need to behave like the heroine of a porn movie: languidly moan or play in front of the camera. Listen to your feelings!

Light strokes will help you find sensitive erogenous zones, gradually descend to the most hidden places.

Stimulate the labia, clitoris, change the pace and movements. If you use lubricant to moisten your fingers, the touch will be more pleasant!

Many women are helped to turn on their own fantasy. But spicy books, photos or videos will do too!

By the way, there is also a mini-Kama Sutra for masturbation. Women have long figured out in which position the pleasure is maximum!

  • Lying (under the hips, you can put rollers or pillows).
  • Sitting (use a chair with a back or a comfortable sofa).
  • Standing - this position is especially popular with lovers of satisfaction in the soul. One leg can be placed on the edge of the bathtub or a step, bending at the knee.

In these positions it is convenient to use sex toys! If the thought of a dildo brings a blush to your cheeks, and you jump out of the sex shop before the consultant has approached you, start with simpler things!

Vibrating panties and clitoral pads can also provide an unforgettable experience!

Female Masturbation: Good or Bad? 10 Facts About Masturbation You Didn't Know

Fact 1. Masturbation boosts immunity. It's funny, but in people who regularly get an orgasm (including through self-satisfaction), resistance to infections increases.

They have 30% more antibodies in their blood than those who consider sex a primitive instinct and a waste of time. This is an alternative to the flu shot.

Fact 2. Masturbation month. May is masturbation month. Moreover, people who are engaged in self-satisfaction even have their own holiday!

Fact 3. Where do you think the myth came from that masturbation causes dementia?

The fact is that in the 18th century, hysteria and mental illness were treated with the help of "masturbation".

Such "therapy" was prescribed by a doctor, and self-satisfaction without a prescription was condemned in society.

Parents severely punished their children if they caught them for self-satisfaction! Still, after all, masturbation was considered a sign of dementia!

It was then that they began to invent stories about hair on the palms, warts and other fairy tales.

Particularly smart inventors even created bandages against masturbation!

Fact 4. Women are more prone to fantasies. Women are more likely to indulge in fantasies and use toys for sex.

Scientists explain this by the fact that the fair sex has a more developed left hemisphere, so they are easily excited when reading a particularly spicy novel!

After all, everything read in colorful images appears in the subconscious! For them, emotional and physical pleasure are inextricably linked.

Men, on the other hand, love with their eyes, they do not dive headlong into sensual dreams, but a picture from a porn movie turns them on 100%.

Fact 5. The people who lived before our era were not ashamed of their natural needs.

In the same ancient Rome, mass orgies were welcomed, and during excavations in Egypt, statuettes and images of people pleasing themselves were found!

Fact 6. After masturbation, a person smells more acutely. However, as after an orgasm with a partner.

It's all about the release of endorphins: under the influence of hormones, new neurons appear in the olfactory center of the brain, which means that the flair improves.

Fact 7. Doctors do not call restrictions on the number of acts of self-satisfaction! It is important that masturbation does not interfere with living a normal life, and it would be good to observe ethical standards!

Fact 8. In the Kama Sutra, which was compiled over 400 years ago, there is a section on how to masturbate correctly. And you just look at the poses!

Fact 9. Sexologists say that masturbation helps fight frigidity. Self-satisfaction is the best way to train the internal muscles and sensitive centers.

Fact 10. Interestingly, according to the results of the survey, women who have a permanent partner masturbate at least as often as single women.

What do you think about female masturbation? Is it so harmless or are they still not telling us something?

Masturbation in both men and women is the stimulation (stroking, rubbing, pressing) of the genital organs with hands or other devices for sexual pleasure. During masturbation, women usually pay attention to the clitoris, breasts, vagina, and anus.

To achieve orgasm, different “tools” can be used: someone does it with their hands, someone with the help of special toys (dildo, for example), and someone in other ways (for example, under running water).

Reasons for female masturbation

The answer to the question "why do women masturbate" is very simple. Regardless of gender or age, most people masturbate to release sexual tension. Women who are in a romantic relationship do this much less often, which is quite logical. There are also cases when girls resort to masturbation if their partner cannot give them sexual pleasure. This way of self-satisfaction allows you to study your body, better understand it, find zones of sensitivity.

Oddly enough, very often masturbation becomes the first acquaintance with sexual pleasure for a young girl or girl. In childhood, the first self-stimulation of the genital organs most often occurs by chance, when a girl or a young girl is exploring her body. At what age the first acts of self-satisfaction occur - very individually, someone begins to study their genitals at a very early age (2-6 years), and someone only in the late teenage period.

According to sexologists, all these situations are completely normal.

Is female masturbation good or bad?

Not so long ago, masturbation was regarded as a form of sexual perversion, and even in more distant times, could be interpreted as a consequence of a person's mental retardation or inferiority. People were intimidated by the invented harm of self-satisfaction - sexual dysfunctions, the development of neurasthenia.

Today, scientific research has gone far ahead, and any doctor will tell you that masturbation is normal. Self-pleasure is a completely healthy way for a woman to get sexual pleasure. It is absolutely safe and harmless and does not lead to any undesirable consequences.

But in some cases, masturbation can indeed be considered a deviation. For example, if a woman wants to do this all the time, which prevents her from leading her usual way of life, or when there is a need for exhibitionism - i.e. public sexual self-gratification.

How does female masturbation affect the body?

The effect of masturbation on the female body, entirely positive.

One could even say that masturbation is beneficial because:

Brings pleasure;

Improves mood;

Allows you to relax;

Relieves stress;

Helps to fall asleep faster;

Helps to explore your body.

In some cases, it is part of therapy if a woman does not experience an orgasm. Happiness hormones are released into the body, improving the general well-being of a woman and raising her mood. In addition, masturbation is much safer than sex, because it cannot get pregnant and contract sexually transmitted diseases. Surely you now don’t have the question “why do women masturbate”, because not only does it give a lot of pleasure, self-satisfaction, but it’s also good for the body.

Paradoxically, masturbation is a consequence of civilization. It is present in all but the most primitive cultures, where the interval between puberty and sexual initiation is very short. According to modern research, more than 90% of men and more than 60% of women have masturbated at least once in their lives.

It is believed that women start earlier, but men quickly catch up and overtake them in terms of frequency and time devoted to masturbation. Men, on average, masturbate three times more often than women. Both children and old people masturbate; more than 50% of pensioners do it.

The opinion of mankind about how many times a day you can masturbate, and whether this activity is useful, has varied dramatically over the centuries.

  • For example, the ancient Greeks were not ashamed of masturbation, but, on the contrary, they loved and practiced it. Throughout Greece, the city of Miletus was famous - the center for the production of artificial members for ancient Greek women and men. Of course, the ancient Greek moralists tried to call the people to restraint, preaching the virtue of moderation, but who and when listened to the moralists?
  • Oriental cultures (Asia, Southeast Asia) had a negative attitude towards masturbation. It was believed that with the process of ejaculation, a man loses a certain amount of vitality. Therefore, the more often a man masturbates, the more vitality he loses, turns pale, withers away, up to a fatal end.
  • Medieval Muslims believed that semen was produced by the brain, so frequent ejaculation can adversely affect brain activity, cause inflammation of the brain, and even death.
  • According to the advanced European medical minds of modern times, masturbation with the inevitability of a punishing hammer entails such unpleasant things as exhaustion (of mental and bodily strength), blindness, deafness, dumbness, and impotence - which, against the background of all of the above, does not look so scary . The ways in which the doctors of those times tried to ward off the people from what they loved, to the modern eye, are reminiscent of scenes from especially violent horror films.

The moralists of our time prefer to frighten with the growth of hair on the palms and the disappearance of the main means of masturbation. However, as millions of men and women have long and successfully proved, these are all stories. After masturbation, no one runs to the pharmacy to buy a razor for the palms, and even more so does not go to the doctor about suddenly falling off body parts.

However, the fears associated with masturbation continue to circulate among the populace. First: is masturbation harmful? Second: how many times a day can you masturbate?

Is it okay to masturbate often?

Modern psychologists believe that it is desirable to satisfy human needs as they arise. I wanted to eat - I ate; wanted to sleep - slept; I wanted sex, but there is no partner nearby - you can do self-satisfaction.

Moreover, there are studies proving that masturbation is not harmful to the psyche or physical health of a person.

In addition, independent sexual discharge is a reliable prevention of sexual infections, improves mood, relieves stress and even normalizes sleep. So how many times a day can you masturbate according to the recommendations of modern science?


In general, we can say that it is recommended to masturbate as often as you really want sex. For boys and girls more often, for adults less.

True, there is an opinion among psychologists that the habit of masturbation forms a kind of "coded behavior", a pattern that is associated with pleasure. Failure to follow this pattern when having sex with a non-virtual partner can make it difficult to enjoy. And if the partner is not yet distinguished by particular delicacy, neuroticization of this aspect of the relationship is possible.

Especially the development of such a scenario is subject to people who lovingly furnish places for practicing "selfishness", turning it into a whole ritual. While there is nothing wrong with self-satisfaction every day, or even more than once a day, there are times when it can become a habit that gets in the way of your life.

If you want to know how often you masturbate, ask yourself these 4 questions:

  1. Do you prefer the company of your hand to the company of your friends?
  2. Do you constantly struggle with thoughts of masturbation?
  3. Do you often miss meetings because you are busy masturbating?
  4. Do you masturbate so often that you can't manage your daily activities?

If you answered yes to one of these questions, you may be masturbating too much and you need to talk to a sexologist before the problem gets out of hand.

If you want to get rid of the habit of excessively frequent masturbation yourself, there are three simple ways:

  1. Empty your bladder frequently. A full bladder can lead to sexual stimulation.
  2. Increase your level of physical activity.
  3. View pornographic material less often.

No sexologist, if asked about how many times a day you can masturbate, will not be able to give the exact number.

From a psychological point of view, it is important not to cross the fine line beyond which pleasure turns into a habit. It all depends on the individual psychological characteristics of a person, his temperament, hormone levels and sexual education. On average, teens and young adults are likely to masturbate 1-2 times per day, but the number of acts of self-pleasure usually decreases with age and lifestyle changes.

Statistics show that the average frequency of masturbation in men over 45 is 2-3 times a week. In people without a permanent sexual partner, or who do not consider their partner ideal in bed, even a few (5 to 7 times) acts of masturbation per week are considered normal. From the point of view of minimizing the harmful consequences for the body, it is worth distinguishing between manual masturbation and masturbation with means.

If with the first option you can masturbate as often as you want, then with additional funds it is already more difficult. They are one of the main sources of damage to the genitals and intestines during masturbation. Therefore, when practicing it, you should consider what and when to introduce and whether it is worth using auxiliary means for this, for example, lubricants.

The ancient Greeks used olive oil for these purposes, but since then science and industry have stepped far forward. Efforts when using toys should be reasonable, otherwise a person is threatened with damage to the mucous membranes or even a fracture of the penis.

However, if this same thing happened, you should immediately seek medical help - it’s not even the injury itself that is terrible, but the fact that a person, under the influence of shame, delays a visit to the doctor. And the longer the wound remains untreated, the worse the consequences for the body.

Can men and women masturbate every day

You can masturbate a man as often as you want. Masturbation does not affect weight, height, potency, visual acuity, palm hair, or sperm quality.

Recently, Australian scientists found that masturbation can prevent the development of prostate cancer in men - if a man is over 50 years old and he masturbates once a week. But if men are from 20 to 40 years old, and they engage in masturbation more often - from two to seven times a week - then the chances of them getting prostate cancer are greater.

But their chances of dying from a heart attack are much less, according to American scientists; in their opinion, the frequency of orgasms is inversely proportional to the incidence of coronary heart disease. Therefore, in terms of heart attack prevention, the answer to the question: “Is it possible to masturbate every day?” appears to be unambiguous. Not only possible, but necessary!

How often can a girl masturbate

One of the common tales about female masturbation is that it leads to frigidity. Although the absurdity of this idea is visible to the naked eye (how can the ability to receive pleasure in one way lead to the impossibility of obtaining it in another?), psychologists set out to test this thesis.

As it turned out, everything is exactly the opposite - if a woman began to engage in self-satisfaction before the onset of sexual activity, her chances of being among the sufferers who never experienced an orgasm are three times less.

Therefore, many sexologists who are asked by women whether it is possible to masturbate every day answer in the affirmative. Moreover, they directly recommend doing this - in this way a woman will be able to get to know her body better, feel its reactions to one or another method of pleasure, which will subsequently only enrich her sex life.

Again, it is important not to cross the line that separates pleasure from habit and, as a result, obligations and the inevitable loss of pleasure. But it is up to each individual to decide. It is considered optimal 1-2 times a day with a strong temperament or less, depending on the desire.

A separate question is whether it is possible to masturbate every day during critical days. The danger here, in addition to hygienic considerations, may be an increase in bleeding during the subsequent orgasm following self-satisfaction. Therefore, it is left to the woman herself to decide where and when to do this. For example, it is quite hygienic - in the shower.

Masturbation (masturbation) is an act of self-satisfaction produced by stimulation of the genital organs. Some consider it a sin, others consider it a natural part of human life. Whether masturbation in men is harmful, even doctors cannot decide. However, practice shows that everything is good in moderation.

Masturbation is not a completely natural process, since nature has conceived a different way of obtaining sexual pleasure, more gentle in terms of physical impact. Abuse will lead to negative consequences. Damage to the genital organ, disorders of nervous regulation, spermatogenesis, endocrine system occur, sexual reflexes are weakened.

Problems with the nervous system

In cases where the frequency of masturbation significantly exceeds the real sexual need of a man (and every day for several years), the nervous system is seriously damaged. Abnormally frequent masturbation not only leads to disorders in itself, but also prepares fertile ground for their development in the future, already during a normal sexual life. The nervous system is no longer able to adequately respond to mental or physical strain, stress.

Due to frequent masturbation, dopamine addiction gradually develops(dopamine is a hormone released after orgasm, gives a feeling of euphoria). Constant new stuffing is required, because of which a man feels physically and mentally overwhelmed unable to focus on anything.

Sports medicine doctor, urologist-andrologist Anton Draznin talks about the possible harm and benefits of masturbation

Medical practice shows that many of the men suffering from neurasthenia were fond of frequent masturbation for a long time. The main signs of an incipient disorder:

  • Excessive irritability;
  • Pain and feeling of heaviness in the head;
  • Insomnia;
  • Rapid physical fatigue;
  • Painful emotional and physical sensitivity (reactions to light, sound, food).

This condition is called "onanist neurosis". Psychologists believe that such disorders happen even to moderately practicing masturbation men because they are too fixated on their “vice”. Every time after the act subconsciously experience guilt.

As they develop, they physiological signs of sexual neurosis:

  1. Frequent urge to urinate due to irritation of the bladder and prostate.
  2. Burning in urethra.
  3. Sensitivity disorder in the form of burning, "goosebumps" (paresthesia) in the genital area.
  4. Accelerated.

Due to frequent masturbation, mental disorders such as fear of someone else's gaze, shyness, and impaired coordination in the presence of other people can occur. Some men lose their erections during normal intercourse because of the thought that they have already invested all their sexual energy in masturbation.

Neurological disorders

Men who masturbate frequently increased risk of depletion of the genital spinal centers responsible for erection and ejaculation. Such a state is called. With depletion of the erection center and excessive irritation of the ejaculatory center, it is observed. When both centers are depleted, there is no erection against the background of preserved sexual desire.

What You Need to Know About Premature Ejaculation - Click Image to Explore Infographic

Masturbation can lead to increased excitability of both centers. In this case, erections and ejaculations are abnormally frequent, occurring at the slightest stimulation.

Active masturbators often experience difficulties with the selection of a couple and the creation of a family. The main reason is the impossibility of performing a normal sexual intercourse with a woman, namely: the lack of pleasure from frictions. Your own hand has a much stronger effect on the head, stimulating the receptors. As a result, the compression of the vaginal muscles is insufficient, the glans receptors no longer respond properly.

Development of prostatitis

It is believed that masturbation is the best way to prevent prostatitis (more on), however, abuse can lead to the opposite effect. The ejection of the seed occurs largely due to the intense contraction of the muscles of the prostate gland. With frequent ejaculation, the muscles do not have time to recover, their tone weakens. On this soil, stagnant processes are gradually developing - favorable soil for infection.

With frequent masturbation, the prostate cannot cope with its function of producing seminal fluid and hormones, the volume of its tissues begins to increase (hypertrophy). Men who often practice masturbation often notice pain in the perineum after defecation or ejaculation - this is a reaction of an inflamed gland. Frequent nocturnal painful emissions are possible.

Physical Damage

With frequent masturbation (even with lubrication), there is an increased effect on the head and foreskin of the penis. Non-healing irritations gradually appear, an infection joins, which is fraught with the development of balanoposthitis (inflammation of the head and foreskin).

In some men, the foreskin and head are very swollen. There may be hematomas and stretch marks on the skin. In some cases .

Urologist-andrologist Ekaterina Makarova about the loss of sensitivity of the head after habitual masturbation

Hormonal disorders

Sexual arousal is accompanied by the release of adrenaline (which is why there is a trembling in the body). Apart from physical activity, there is no other way to burn this hormone. Masturbation does not require much effort, so adrenaline is not removed from the blood, leaving the body in a state of stress even after ejaculation. Night masturbation doubles the level of this hormone.

Frequent masturbation leads to chronic stress which poses a threat to the immune system. The body loses its ability to fully resist infections.

Another disadvantage of frequent masturbation is that the release of adrenaline entails the release of a large amount of glucose. Without physical activity, it is not transformed into energy. As a result, the process of reverse disposal falls entirely on the pancreas. Increased stress on it can provoke the development of diabetes.

Benefits of Masturbation for Men

Moderate masturbation (2-3 times a week) in the absence of a normal sexual life is more necessary than dangerous. This is a way of emotional discharge (increased mood), the release of hormones, getting rid of old sperm and cleaning the prostate ducts.

Masturbation before sexual intercourse is an effective way to increase its duration. This can be used from time to time by men suffering from premature ejaculation.

Myths and facts about masturbation

Moderate masturbation helps to maintain the tone of the muscles of the pelvic floor and blood vessels of the penis. Regular blood filling of the latter contributes to an increase in elasticity, cleanses from deposits.

Regarding the benefits of masturbation for the prostate, there are two opposing opinions among doctors. Some are categorically against its artificial irritation, others consider periodic contractions of the muscles of the gland useful for eliminating stagnation in the ducts. Secretion emissions, regardless of the factor that provoked this process, contribute to normal metabolism in the tissues of the prostate, do not allow pathogens to develop.

What causes masturbation in men

Masturbation can both improve men's health and seriously undermine it. With moderate practice, stagnant processes in the pelvic area are prevented, and the tone of the pelvic muscles is maintained. For older men, this is a way to prevent urinary incontinence.

Excessive masturbation harms: loosens the psyche, provokes erectile dysfunction () and ejaculation. An active onanist is usually an emaciated, pale and mentally unstable man. The longer this practice continues, the more difficult it will be to return the genitals and nervous system to a natural mode of functioning.

Adequate abstinence (about three weeks) has only advantages, more details in the video of Mikhail Rysak:


Masturbation is pleasurable and does not require much effort - it is this property that makes people "addicted to drugs." Many, having started masturbating to prevent prostatitis, get involved and do it for the sake of easy pleasure, losing self-control.

Masturbation should not be obsessed with - this is not a procedure that needs to be done daily. You can resort to self-satisfaction to relieve sexual tension that arose naturally, without watching porn films. Physical and emotional relaxation will provide regular exercise. Simple ones will help increase blood flow in the pelvis and cleanse the prostate without harm to health.

Do not deny that masturbation is something alien. Surveys of specialists and research by scientists confirm that most of the world's population is engaged in this process and does not see anything harmful in it. However, not all specialists in the field of medicine and sexology approve of masturbation. Why? According to them, it harms the body.

So what are the negative effects of masturbation? Let's consider this further.

What is masturbation

Masturbation, or onanism, is a process that is an independent stimulation of the genital organs. Such actions are not alien to both men and women. In addition, representatives of various age groups of the population are engaged in it: young, mature, it is often observed in children.

Many experts in the field of medicine consider such a process to be an unnatural method of self-gratification of feelings that arise on the basis of normal sexual instincts. A person, performing masturbation, independently excites his sensitive zones in the genital area, stimulates them and experiences pleasure from this feeling. As a rule, this process is accompanied by the presence of fantasies of a sexual nature.

So, what harm does masturbation do to the body?

About masturbation from history

Before understanding exactly how masturbation affects the human body, we must turn to historical sources. In fact, they say a lot about such an occupation.

First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that this occupation was not favored even in the days of the Ancient World. So, even our ancestors knew that boys who were fond of masturbation grew up very weak and could not quickly navigate dangerous situations. Because of this, they had difficulty passing the test for the right to be called a hunter, as a result of the failure of which he could not have the right to start a family or even just be called a man.

The Jews also knew about this concept, who circumcised boys from ancient times. By the way, this tradition has been preserved to this day. The real reason for the appearance of such a rite is to prevent the manifestation of masturbation at a young age, which is associated with the difficulty of such a process on a penis with circumcised flesh. It is no secret that Jewish boys from families where this tradition is honored to this day grow up very smart and bright. This is due to the fact that the intellectual development of the child is directly related to the volume of unused sex hormones.

Richard Kraft-Ebing, who in one of his literary works made a loud statement that this process in the representatives of the stronger sex (especially adolescents) causes an irresistible desire for various deviations, studied the questions of what is harmful about masturbation. In addition, it is the cause of the onset of early impotence and the loss of sexual desire for women. Moreover, masturbation, according to this specialist, in most cases is the main reason for the desire to change sexual orientation.

Harm to the nervous system

In order to understand what negative consequences the process of masturbation has for the nervous system of the human body, it is necessary to determine exactly how the excitation occurs.

Thus, a kind of impulse occurs in the cerebral cortex, which is transmitted through the spinal cord to the nerve endings located in the human genital area. Speaking specifically about men, at the moment the nerve points that are located on the head of the penis begin to activate and transmit certain impulses to the blood vessels, the walls of which begin to expand. This process contributes to a sharp rush of blood to the penis, resulting in an erection.

In the event that masturbation occurs during spontaneous erection, it is certainly accompanied by strong pressure on the nerve endings located on the head of the penis. As a result of this process, after a certain time, a violation of the transmission process of that same nerve impulse begins to be observed. As a result of all this, as a rule, the activity of the cervical spine of a person becomes very weak and he begins to experience sudden headaches.

Such disorders can also adversely affect lung function. The breathing of a person with lung problems may become weak, in some cases accompanied by shortness of breath.

Harm to the reproductive system

Why is masturbation harmful? This process has a very strong effect on the reproductive system of the human body. Especially affects it's on men. The practice of specialists in the field of medicine shows that in men who masturbate frequently, the harm manifests itself in the form of a violation of the quality of bodily contact during sex. The representative of the stronger sex becomes colder, distant from his partner, he may also manifest erectile dysfunction, which subsequently causes psychological problems in the form of isolation, feelings of inferiority.

Erectile dysfunction occurs as a result of exposure to one minor, but very significant factor - unregulated pressure on the genitals. In the process of masturbation, a man is not able to properly distribute the force of pressure on the penis, resulting in compression of the ejaculatory ducts that are connected to the upper urethra. As a result of this, natural squeezing of the vessels occurs, the action of which is aimed at providing the steam gland with a normal amount of blood. As a result of the fact that this function of the body is disturbed, very often a normal erection is disturbed in a man who abuses onanism.

Scientists have also found that frequent masturbation significantly impairs the quality of sperm in a man's testicles.

Harm to the genitourinary system

The harm of male masturbation for the organs of the genitourinary system is also obvious. Many experts argue that in the process of onanism, very often the stronger sex introduces some kind of infection into the urethra, which subsequently has to be treated with debilitating procedures and medications. Where do harmful microorganisms come from? It should be noted that they are everywhere. At a minimum, most of them are in the hands of men with whom the member has direct contact during this process. The basis of the nutrition of such bacteria is the tissues of the body, which turn into inflammation when damaged. You need to understand that, having damaged certain parts of the body or organ, the bacteria do not stop on their way - they begin to penetrate further, deep into the whole organism.

A significant harm of masturbation lies in the fact that as a result of the frequent repetition of such a process, blood circulation in the pelvis is sharply reduced. As a result of this phenomenon, a man may develop antibacterial prostatitis. It manifests itself in the form of unpleasant symptoms, which are expressed by frequent urination, small portions of urine, as well as constant sleep disturbances. As a result, there may be problems with the inguinal vein associated with accumulations of blood in the area of ​​​​its location.

Loss of sensation

It is no secret that as a result of strong friction against the palm, which occurs during masturbation, the glans penis can become less sensitive. This is due to the fact that on its surface there is a huge number of nerve endings, the main purpose of which is the transmission of impulses to the brain. As a result of strong pressure, they lose sensitivity, which subsequently affects the erection. In some cases, this leads to the fact that a man simply stops experiencing any sensations during sex. This phenomenon is especially dangerous for the emotional state of the stronger sex.

It is possible to eliminate such an established phenomenon, but this will require the help of a specialist and long-term treatment.

Teen Masturbation

Experts say that the desire to masturbate can occur even in childhood. What measures should parents take in order to protect their child from the consequences that such actions may entail? After all, it is easy to guess that the harm of teenage masturbation is no less than that which an adult can inflict on himself.

First of all, parents need to pay attention to what TV channels their child likes to watch. If there are those who broadcast porn among them, you should block them or set a password - this way you can limit the teenager's access to inappropriate content. The same applies to Internet sites.

In the event that a child shows active attention to erotic scenes that are shown in films, it is urgent to switch his attention to other actions at such moments.

During puberty, which in boys begins at about 13-14 years old, and in girls at 11-12 years old, parents must definitely conduct preventive conversations with their child on the topic of sex. During their conduct, it is necessary to explain in an accessible way that masturbation can lead to health problems.

The harm of masturbation in adolescents also lies in the fact that the child begins to change outwardly. This is expressed in the fact that he becomes more withdrawn, irritable, moves away from his peers. In some cases, a teenager may even change speech.

Masturbation after 50

How to relate to masturbation after 50? Is such a process beneficial or harmful for a man? According to scientists and experts in the field of medicine, the constant occupation of onanism by men who are in the age category over 45-50 years, significantly reduces the risk of developing a disease such as prostate cancer. Practice shows that this phenomenon is confirmed by a certain number of studies and surveys among patients with such an ailment.

However, practice shows that older men who masturbate are also subject to the same risks as younger men. That is why they should not abuse such a process.

About female masturbation

It is no secret that women often engage in the process of masturbation. Studies show that only 50% of the female population of the planet is engaged in this activity. Many sexologists claim that such a process helps the fair sex to open up, feel her erogenous zones, relax and become more liberated with a man during sexual intercourse. However, in fact, there are also opinions of experts about the dangers of female masturbation. What is it?

Some experts in the field of sexology claim that in some cases, constant self-satisfaction can lead to the fact that a woman simply ceases to experience the necessary emotions during sex. This phenomenon, as a rule, is due to the fact that a woman begins to experience a moral dependence on the process of self-stimulation of the clitoris, vaginal area or labia.

Nothing is said about the dangers of masturbation of the clitoris. On the contrary, doctors recommend doing it, but not very often. This action, according to most sexologists, develops a woman's harmony with her body, helps her better understand herself and experience the most vivid sensations during sexual contact with a partner.

According to doctors, the process of female masturbation should be carried out in compliance with all hygiene standards. The statistics of medical practice shows that many of the fair sex neglect cleanliness while carrying out the process, due to which they often expose their body to various diseases of the genital organs.

Expressing their opinion about the dangers of masturbation with water, many experts note that this process is almost safe. They do not recommend directing a stream of water into the vagina - in this way, the acid-base balance in this area can be significantly disturbed. If you want to enjoy the shower, a woman can gently direct the jet to the clitoris - this procedure is completely safe, if you do not make the flow of water too strong.

Masturbating women can't get pregnant?

Among specialists in the field of sexology and medicine, there is an opinion about the dangers of female masturbation, which lies in the fact that a woman who abuses such a procedure too often, as a rule, cannot become pregnant. The essence of the theory is that in the process of normal orgasm, which occurs as a result of the end of sexual intercourse, the uterus begins to contract and better draw sperm into itself. In the process of self-satisfaction in the body of a woman, a slightly different process occurs, due to which the absorption of sperm does not occur.

This opinion has the right to exist, but to this day it is recognized as controversial.

Both sexes who prefer to masturbate with a certain regularity may experience a number of common problems. A person who abuses acts of self-satisfaction abruptly begins to experience lethargy of the whole organism and fatigue. In addition, certain dependencies begin to become characteristic of him, at least from the process itself. Subsequently, such dependence can develop into the fact that a person ceases to perceive representatives of the opposite sex as sexual objects. As a rule, this becomes a problem that must be addressed immediately, because it directly affects whether a person will be satisfied during sex with his partner. Neurologists, sexologists and psychotherapists deal with such issues at a professional level.

Another side effect of excessive love for onanism is sudden premature ejaculations. In particular, this applies to men who may not be aware of the possible harm of masturbation, actively engage in such a process regularly, as a result of which they cannot satisfy their partner later. Sexologists also share their observations that some men who abuse this process begin to experience a problem in the form of involuntary ejaculations - this may indicate that his sexual organ begins to "take on a life of its own."

If parents begin to notice signs that their child is masturbating, it is necessary to very carefully conduct a conversation with him on a sexual topic, in which to explain about the possible problems that this process may entail. In addition, he can also be taken to a specialist in the field of sexology or shown a film where all this is described in great detail.

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