Feelings against the mind garnet bracelet. Composition "Garnet Bracelet": a story about a sublime feeling

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The main theme is love. And love is not ordinary, but the kind that all women dream of. And in the life of the main character appears just such an all-consuming, disinterested feeling. But since she was married, the feeling was unrequited, nevertheless, the petty official continued to love her, simply rejoicing that she was in the world. And it is about such sublime love that will be written in the essay on the "Garnet Bracelet". Consider the story of how the mind is able to deal with the strongest feelings.

The theme of mind and feeling in the essay "Garnet Bracelet"

Vera Sheina is an example of a respectable woman, whose youthful love for her husband has already passed, but instead respect and care appeared, and this union continued to hold on to them. Her husband, Prince Shein, experienced the same feelings for his wife, perhaps he still retained that love that was at the beginning of their family life.

And a secret admirer appears in the life of the princess, writing letters to her, in which he talks about his unrequited love for her. And here begins the struggle of reason and feeling in the inner world of Zheltkov (an admirer of the princess). But what can be the mind, because we are talking about a sublime feeling? Perhaps if there had not been this dispute, then this love would not have been such a special feeling in the eyes of others. Therefore, it is worth clarifying that the main topic will not just be a discussion about love, but an essay about reason and feeling in the "Garnet Bracelet" will be more correct.

The phenomenon of reason in the novel

What can be written about the mind in an essay about the "Garnet Bracelet"? It should start with the fact that Zheltkov never told the princess his name, never showed himself to her eyes. Why such caution? Zheltkov was just a petty employee, and he was well aware that he was below the princess in social status. And in those days, a similar social position of the spouses meant a lot.

Realizing that Vera was married, Zheltkov realized that they could not have a future. After all, Vera was a respectable woman who tried to do everything for the good of her husband. Realizing that it was impossible to see her and constantly write indecently, he sent her only congratulations on Angel Day. It was the mind that stopped him from trying to seek meetings with Vera.

Expression of feelings in the novel

But, despite understanding the impossibility of a relationship, Zheltkov continued to love Sheina, not expecting reciprocity. It was precisely from the fact that feelings overwhelmed his whole being that he could not stop writing to her about feelings and thanking her for the fact that she simply exists in the world. The man did not understand for what merits he fell to the lot of happiness to love the princess.

The theme of feeling in the essay about the "Garnet Bracelet" is predominant, because all the heroes of the novel talk about high love. In a conversation with General Anosov, they touch on the topic of such love, which can only happen once, and it must certainly be tragic. Even when Prince Shein finds out the whole truth about Zheltkov's feelings, he pities him, because he understands that true love cannot be controlled.

And yet, in this struggle of opposites, feelings took over. Zheltkov could not cope with them, could not come to terms with the fact that he would never be with Princess Vera, and therefore decides to die. And this tragedy gives a special sublimity in the eyes of Sheina, and only then did she realize that she had missed the very love that all women dream of.

What did the bracelet symbolize in the novel?

In the essay about the "Garnet Bracelet" one should also write about the presence of symbolism. And the symbol in the novel is the jewelry donated by Sheina Zheltkov. It was made from a low-quality sample, the bracelet was simple, but it was decorated with beautiful bright red garnets, which seemed to Vera to look like drops of blood. But the most surprising was the green-colored stone, which turned out to be a very rare type of stone.

In an essay about the "Garnet Bracelet" it is very important not to forget to write about Zheltkov's gift as a confirmation of his selfless love. After all, he was poor, nevertheless he tried to give a gift that, in his opinion, would be worthy of her. And such disinterestedness serves as proof of the strength of his feelings.

The garnet bracelet symbolizes the selfless love that a person is capable of, regardless of their social status. Such an elevated feeling is rare, and it is beautiful, but can often be accompanied by experiences or tragedy, as indicated by the color of the stones. The essay on the "Garnet Bracelet" tells not so much that love should be tragic, but that people gradually lose the ability to experience such a feeling. But they continue to dream about him, and we can say that both Vera and Zheltkov were lucky: in her life there was a man who selflessly loved her, and he was able to know all the beauty of sublime love.

Composition-reasoning "Garnet bracelet: love or madness." Love in Kuprin's story

Kuprin's story "Garnet Bracelet" reveals the secret riches of the human soul, so it is traditionally loved by young readers. It shows what the power of sincere feeling is capable of, and each of us hopes that we too are capable of feeling so nobly. However, the most valuable quality of this book lies in the main theme, which the author covers masterfully from work to work. This is the theme of love between a man and a woman, a dangerous and slippery road for a writer. It's hard not to be banal, describing the same thing for the thousandth time. However, Kuprin invariably manages to surprise and touch even the most sophisticated reader.

In this story, the author tells the story of unrequited and forbidden love: Zheltkov loves Vera, but cannot be with her, if only because she does not love him. In addition, all circumstances are against this couple. Firstly, their position differs significantly, he is too poor and is a representative of a different class. Secondly, Vera is married. Thirdly, she is attached to her husband and would never agree to cheat on him. These are just the main reasons why heroes cannot be together. It would seem that with such hopelessness one can hardly continue to believe in something. And if you do not believe, how to feed the feeling of love, devoid of even hope for reciprocity? Zheltkov could. His feeling was phenomenal, it demanded nothing in return, but gave everything of itself.

Zheltkov's love for Vera was precisely a Christian feeling. The hero resigned himself to his fate, did not grumble at her and did not rebel. He did not expect a reward for his love in the form of a response, this feeling is selfless, not tied to selfish motives. Zheltkov renounces himself, his neighbor has become more important and dear to him. He loved Vera as himself, and even more. In addition, the hero turned out to be extremely honest in relation to the personal life of his chosen one. In response to the claims of her relatives, he humbly laid down his arms, did not persist and impose his right to feelings on them. He recognized the rights of Prince Vasily, understood that his passion was in some sense sinful. Not once in all these years did he cross the line and dare not come to Vera with an offer or somehow compromise her. That is, he cared about her and her well-being more than about himself, and this is a spiritual feat - self-denial.

The greatness of this feeling is that the hero managed to let go of his beloved so that she would not feel the slightest discomfort from his existence. He did it at the cost of his life. After all, he knew what he would do with himself after spending state money, but he went for it consciously. At the same time, Zheltkov did not give Vera a single reason to consider himself guilty of what had happened. The official committed suicide because of his crime. Desperate debtors in those days shot themselves to wash away their shame and not shift material obligations onto relatives. His act seemed to everyone logical and in no way connected with a feeling for Vera. This fact speaks of the unusual trepidation of the relationship to the beloved, which is the rarest treasure of the soul. Zheltkov proved that love is stronger than death.

In conclusion, I want to say that the noble feeling of Zheltkov is not depicted by the author by chance. Here are my thoughts on this: in a world where comfort and routine obligations crowd out true and sublime passion, it is necessary to sober up and not take the loved one for granted and everyday. You need to be able to appreciate a loved one on an equal footing with yourself, as Zheltkov did. It is this reverent attitude that the story “Garnet Bracelet” teaches.

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Direction: "Mind and Feeling".

Folk wisdom says: "Only the one who is crazy can love madly." It is this proverb that perfectly reveals the inner world of a person who, in his actions, is based on feelings, and not on reason. At all times, writers and poets of different cultures and epochs turned in their work to the theme of reason and feeling. Heroes of literary works often faced a choice between the command of the heart and the prompting of the mind. They are the important components of the inner world of man. How can these concepts affect the actions of a person and his aspirations? I think that they can manifest themselves both in harmonious unity and in confrontation, which constitutes the internal conflict of the individual. I will try to consider the influence of these concepts on the spiritual world of a person, using the example of literary works, such as the story of A.I. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet" and the story of I.A. Bunin "Natalie".

One of the highest values ​​in human life, according to AI Kuprin, has always been love. Love, which gathers into a single bouquet all the best and brightest that life rewards a person, justifies any hardships and hardships. The story of A.I. Kuprin's "Garnet Bracelet" makes us feel the amazing beauty and strength of a high feeling of love. A petty official, a lonely and timid dreamer, falls in love with a young secular lady, a representative of the so-called high class. Unrequited and hopeless love lasts for many years. Letters from a lover are the subject of ridicule and bullying by members of the Shein family. Princess Vera Nikolaevna, the addressee of these love revelations, does not take them seriously either. And a garnet bracelet sent to unknown lovers causes a storm of indignation. People close to the princess consider the poor telegraph operator crazy, and only General Amosov guesses the true motives for such risky actions of the unknown lover. And the hero only lives with these reminders of himself: letters, a garnet bracelet. I believe that this is what keeps hope in his soul, gives him the strength to endure the suffering of love. The feelings of the hero prevail over the mind. His love is passionate, sizzling, which he is ready to take with him to the other world. He is grateful to the one who evoked this wonderful feeling in his heart, which elevated him, a little man, above the vast vain world, the world of injustice and malice. What does such love lead to? Could the tragedy have been avoided? These questions are on our minds throughout the story. But we see that, leaving life, he thanks her, blessing his beloved: "Hallowed be thy name." His love seemed to dissipate in the world around him. Under the passionate sounds of Beethoven's Sonata No. 2, the heroine feels the painful and beautiful birth of a new world in her soul, experiencing a feeling of deep gratitude to the person who placed love for her above all else, even above life itself.

In stories about love, I.A. Bunin affirms the true spiritual values, beauty and greatness of a person capable of a great, selfless feeling. The writer draws love as a high, ideal, beautiful feeling, despite the fact that it brings not only joy and happiness, but sometimes grief, suffering, even death. In his stories, Bunin claims that all love is a great happiness, even if it ends in separation, suffering. I believe that many Bunin's heroes come to this conclusion, having lost, overlooked or destroyed their love themselves. But this insight, enlightenment comes to the heroes too late, as, for example, to Vitaly Mishchersky, the hero of the story “Natalie”. The writer told the love story of student Mishchersky for the young beauty Natalya Stankevich. The tragedy of this love lies in the character of Mishchersky. For one girl he feels a sincere and sublime feeling, and for another - a passion, and the other seems to him love. But it's impossible to love two people at the same time. We see how the feeling of love makes the hero not only suffer internally, torment, doubt, but also feel life brighter, more colorful. His spiritual impulse - to explain himself to his beloved, leads to misunderstanding and isolation. The physical attraction to Sonya quickly passes, but true love for Natalie remains for life. It was sad to read the lines in which the cordial affection, the union of Mishchersky and Natalie is cut off by the untimely death of the heroine. The feelings experienced by the hero, quivering and inexplicable, make him suffer about the loss of his beloved. His love, in my opinion, is a test of the viability of a person as a person, when feelings prevail over reason.

So, considering the feelings of love as a multifaceted and inexplicable concept, one cannot but say that the depiction of this feeling in Russian writers also acquires a “sensual” character. Internal experiences, unrest, suffering sometimes force the heroes to do noble deeds in the name of love. It was sad to realize that love and death are always there. For Russian writers, love and existence without it are two opposite, different lives, and if love dies, then that other life is no longer needed. Raising love, both Bunin and Kuprin do not hide the fact that it brings not only joy, happiness, but also very often harbors torment, grief, disappointment, death.

Reason and feelings - these two concepts are of great importance in human life, despite the fact that they play different roles. How often we are faced with the fact that common sense tells us one thing, and the voice of the heart - quite another. Indeed, the mind is the ability of people to objectively evaluate the world around them, and feelings are the ability to emotionally perceive the phenomena of reality. Many poets and writers of world and domestic fiction addressed this topic in their works.

A vivid proof is the story of the famous Russian writer A.I. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet". Using the example of the main characters of the work, the author showed readers that the main thing is to remain yourself, have a reasonable mind, listen to your heart and be guided by your conscience. The protagonist Zheltkov, a small employee, a lonely and timid dreamer, thinks that his destiny is to love madly, but unrequitedly, and that it is impossible to escape from fate. Love is like an ideal, it should be based on lofty feelings, on mutual respect, honesty and truthfulness. This is exactly what the main character imagined. For many years, his hopeless love for a young society lady from high society continued. The letters he sends to her serve as the subject of ridicule from members of the Schen family. The princess herself does not take them seriously, and the bracelet presented for her birthday causes a lot of indignation at all. With his mind, Zheltkov understood that his life would never be connected with this woman, but he was chained to her with his heart and feelings, because it was impossible to run away from his love.

However, a turning point still comes in the life of the protagonist, and he begins to realize that he is no longer able to live with unrequited feelings. He comes to the conclusion that he only prevents Vera Nikolaevna from living, complicates her relationship with her husband. Zheltkov is grateful to this woman for the wonderful feeling in his heart that elevated him above the world of injustice and evil, for that inseparable love that, fortunately, he was destined to experience. But for him, love became stronger than death, he decided to leave this life. And only after the death of Vera Nikolaevna realized that in the soul of the "little man" lived a huge and pure love that passed her by. I believe that the hero's mind surpassed his feelings, because the understanding that the woman he sincerely loves will never be with him was a fatal step on the path of this man.

Thus, a person must understand and be aware of his actions and actions that can affect his fate or lead to irreparable tragedies. Everyone must determine for himself what is more important: an objective mind or unconscious feelings. After all, making the wrong choice, we risk our own happiness, and maybe even our lives.

>Compositions based on Garnet Bracelet

Mind and feelings

The story of Alexander Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet" has long and deservedly taken its place on the shelves of Russian literature. This is a love story that amazes with its depth and emotionality. By depicting the feelings of G. S. Zheltkov, the author tries to answer the question that worries all people at all times, what is love. It so happened that the feelings of this poor official are unrequited, but he did not refuse them and continued to illuminate the path of his beloved with them. Vera Sheina is a married lady who has long felt nothing for her husband but friendship and gratitude. This heroine only creates the appearance of an idyll in family life. In fact, she is deeply unhappy at heart.

She knows nothing about the truth of Zheltkov's feelings. All she knows about the timid "telegraph operator" is that he has been giving her rare and modest signs of attention for the past eight years. Zheltkov met the love of his life during a circus performance. Since then, all his thoughts and dreams are occupied only by Princess Sheina. Vera's family only laughs at the secret admirer's letters, considering him crazy. The author clearly shows the tragedy of the situation. In fact, to judge a person who knows how to truly love, people who have never had even a faint hint of love in their lives are taken. All members of Vera Nikolaevna's family are unhappy on a personal level. Neither her sister nor her brother had ever loved.

At the same time, Anna Nikolaevna is married to a rather rich man. Even the fact that he is extremely stupid did not stop her, since the lady was guided by reason and exclusively by personal gain. Nikolai Nikolaevich, a man of strict rules, occupying a high position in society. He is proud of his career and external well-being, he does not know how to talk about feelings at all, he has never been married and was not going to. The Shein family is not much happier, in which the prince's sister is a widow, and Vasily Lvovich himself takes his wife's compassion for love. Again, Vera Nikolaevna chooses such a position for reasons of personal gain.

In my opinion, if Zheltkov and his feelings were not condemned by people like Shein-Tuganovskiy, perhaps everything would have turned out differently. The only guest of Vera who deserves respect is the elderly General Anosov. He went through a difficult life path and knew how to distinguish sincere feelings from false ones. He was the first to suggest that Vera's life "crossed over just the kind of love that men dream of and are no longer capable of." In fact, Zheltkov was the happiest person among all these "reasonable" characters. He knew how to live, relying on his feelings. Unfortunately, his love turned out to be fatal, but he does not consider this a punishment, since the whole meaning of his life was in love for Vera. His love is true and selfless.

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