Composition “The theme of friendship in the novel by I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons” Bazarov and Arkady. The relationship between Bazarov and Arkady

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The theme of friendship is one of the leading ones in Russian literature of the 19th century. “My friends, our union is beautiful! He, like a soul, is inseparable and eternal” - this is how A.S. Pushkin true friendship.

The theme of friendship is also presented in the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons".

The protagonist of the novel, Yevgeny Bazarov, appears before the reader along with his friend Arkady. It seems that they are like-minded people. Friends study together at the medical faculty of the university. Arkady idolizes his comrade, admires his progressive views, outstanding character and independent behavior. And Bazarov is one of those people who needs students and admirers. However, this friendship was short-lived. What is the reason?

Bazarov and Arkady are completely different people. According to his convictions, Bazarov is a "democrat to the end of his nails." Arkady falls under the influence of Bazarov, wants to be like him.

Bazarov, in any setting, in any home, is engaged in business - the natural sciences, the study of nature and the verification of theoretical discoveries in practice. Arkady does nothing, none of the serious cases really captivates him. For him, the main thing is comfort and peace.

They have completely different opinions about art. Bazarov denies Pushkin, and unreasonably. Arkady tries to prove to him the greatness of the poet. Bazarov hates many, but Arkady has no enemies. Arkady cannot live without principles. In this he is very close to his liberal father and Pavel Petrovich. Arkady is always neat, tidy, well dressed, he has aristocratic manners. Bazarov, on the other hand, does not consider it necessary to observe the rules of good manners, which are so important in the life of the nobility. This is reflected in all his actions, habits, manners, features of speech.

The development of relations between Bazarov and Arkady develops into a conflict. Bazarov's views do not become an organic part of Arkady's worldview, which is why he refuses them so easily. “Your brother is a nobleman,” Bazarov says to Arkady, “he cannot go further than noble humility or noble boiling, and this is nothing. You, for example, do not fight - and you already imagine yourself doing well - but we want to fight. Bazarov disagrees with Arkady in the main thing - in the idea of ​​\u200b\u200blife, the purpose of a person.

Bazarov and Arkady say goodbye forever. Bazarov breaks up with Arkady without saying a single friendly word to him. Bazarov says that he has other words for Arkady, but to express them is romanticism for Bazarov.

Their relationship cannot be called friendship, because friendship is impossible without mutual understanding, friendship cannot be based on the subordination of one to the other. “Bazarov’s attitude towards his comrade casts a bright streak of light on his character; Bazarov has no friend, because he has not yet met a person who would not give in to him. Bazarov's personality closes in on itself, because outside of it and around it there are almost no elements related to it at all ”(D. Pisarev) - this is the main thing in the disagreements of the heroes.

The friendship of Arkady and Bazarov is a real mystery to readers, since they are very different from each other, and it would seem that there can be no friendly relations between them. Arkady and Bazrov belong to the same era, but their life principles and characters differ markedly from each other. They originally belong to different circles of society. Arkady Kirsanov - the son of a nobleman, from early childhood he learned to appreciate nature and art; Evgeny Bazarov denies all the foundations of life, traditions and principles of the Kirsanov family.

Father and uncle Kirsanovs - the then intelligentsia, connoisseurs of beauty, art, nature; they are people of feeling. Bazarov considers Arkady to be a kind-hearted, weak-willed "barich", a weakling. Eugene does not want and cannot admit that the liberality of the Kirsanovs is a consequence of educational activities, high spirituality of nature, and a subtle vision of the world around him. Bazarov denies such traits in a person, as he considers them unnecessary and useless for society. Bazarov is a materialist, he is cruel and rude. Turgenev invested in this character a collective image of the youth of the late nineteenth century.

The family theme played one of the important roles in Russian literature, so the description of the conflict of generations turned out to be very relevant at that time. Harmony, the moral principle of society was evaluated by the unity, cohesion of the family. These were not just the problems of one family, these were the problems of the whole society.

Bazarov attracted Arkady with his sharpness, courage, to some extent even rudeness. He had never met a person like Bazarov, and therefore he was "new" to him. Arkady is the embodiment of youth, which burns with the desire to experience new sensations and feelings, is easily carried away by new ideas and also easily abandons them, quickly falls in love and quickly cools down. Arkady Kirsanov is looking for his own path in life, making mistakes, but each time getting up and continuing his path. His attitude to the traditions of the family cannot be called serious, since Arkady treats them rather dismissively. He is young, so Arkady lacks wisdom, understanding and attention to other people. The conflict between Arkady and Nikolai Petrovich is not a political beginning, it is free from social motives and problems. Its essence is the eternal conflict between generations, called in the English manner "generation gap". However, old age is a guarantor of the preservation of moral values, history and traditions in society. Youth is the perpetual engine of progress.

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov is a different person. He comes from a simple family, a commoner. Bazarov is harsh, sometimes cruel and rude, categorical in his judgments, critical in assessing things. He really believes that a good chemist is worth more than twenty poets. Bazarov denies the role of culture in society, he does not recognize the spiritual side of humanity. Eugene suggests destroying everything in order to start writing history from scratch. Such judgments of Bazarov sometimes lead Pavel Petrovich into a stupor. Turgenev shows the correctness and maximalism of both sides. However, none of the opponents are willing to admit that each other is right. This is their main mistake. Rights and Pavel Petrovich, repeating the need and importance of preserving historical memory and cultural heritage, rights and Bazarov, convincing society of the need for change.

The friendship of Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov begins to “split at the seams” when Bazarov falls in love with Odintsova, and Arkady with Katya. It is at this moment that their difference from each other is sharply manifested. Love for a woman is hard for Bazarov, he cannot recognize this feeling and renounce the principles of nihilism. Arkady and Katya make love simply and easily. Friends move away from each other, as Bazarov understands that Arkady is right.

Turgenev introduced the image of Arkady in order to oppose such a character as Bazarov, as well as to show different sides of the same social problem. This makes the image of Bazarov more tragic, "superfluous" in society. Society does not accept Bazarov, as he denies the social life that has developed over the centuries. Consequently, the friendship of Bazarov and Arkady is impossible, because Arkady belongs to an aristocratic, liberal society, and Bazarov belongs to a new, future generation of revolutionaries.

Updated: 2017-12-24

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Bazarov and Arkady. The theme of friendship. Friendship is the spiritual closeness of people, mutual understanding, readiness to understand another person, to help him in a difficult situation. If there is no mutual understanding between friends, then there can be no true friendship. I. S. Turgenev writes about this in the novel "Fathers and Sons".

Its main character is Evgeny Bazarov. He is a modern man, a nihilist. Bazarov is fond of the natural sciences, is preparing to become a doctor, dreams of transformations in Russia, of improving the life of the peasantry. Arkady Kirsanov is drawn to Bazarov precisely because he is not like the others, he is passionate about new ideas. Kirsanov tries to imitate his friend. But for Bazarov, Arkady is a young boy, a romantic, to whom he treats with indulgence.

Arkady and Eugene were brought up in different conditions. Kirsanov grew up in the rich landowner's house of his father, from childhood he was surrounded by parental care and affection. Life in the village flowed sleepily and leisurely. Nikolai Petrovich, his father, lived like other landowners, "occasionally went hunting and took care of the household."

Eugene's parents live much more modestly, in a small village house covered with a thatched roof. His family is closer to the common people: his father is a former military man, his mother is "a real Russian noblewoman of the past." They live the old fashioned way, accustomed to work. And Evgeny, in a dispute with Pavel Petrovich, proudly declares: "My grandfather plowed the land." Yevgeny was accustomed to work from childhood, and even on vacation at the Kirsanovs' estate, "Arkady sybaritized, Bazarov worked." He conducts experiments on frogs, heals ordinary people. Arkady strives to help a friend, but I think that the natural sciences are not his passion. He is closer to nature, music, poetry. And yet Kirsanov is drawn to Bazarov as a person, it is not without reason that he pronounces the word "nihilist" with such pathos. In the house of the Kirsanov Bazars, a stranger, the old people do not share his convictions, they have their own principles.

It is strange to them that Bazarov denies art, poetry, religion, love. And it is hard for Arkady to understand the beliefs of a friend, although he supports him. Kirsanov Jr. finds his happiness in love for Katya Odintsova, because these heroes have a lot in common.

Family happiness is important for Arkady. Bazarov falls in love with Katya's sister, Anna Odintsova. However, Anna rejects his feelings. Gradually, Bazarov and Arkady are increasingly moving away from each other, because they do not have common interests. Moreover, Eugene himself repels his friend: “You are a tender soul, a weakling, where can you hate! .. You are a nice fellow, but you are still a soft, liberal barich ...”.

In my opinion, Bazarov himself is to blame for his loneliness. None of the people around him understand or accept nihilism. Yevgeny himself repels both his lovely, kind parents and Arkady. Kirsanov is sorry to say goodbye to a friend, because his soul cannot hate someone, push him away. If you want to have real friends, then you must accept them, perhaps reconcile with some shortcomings, and not impose your opinion. The strong, of course, can subjugate the weak, but this is not friendship, but only admiration. True friendship is built on mutual understanding, common interests and the ability to yield.

The well-known work of Turgenev Fathers and Sons touches on very important issues that occur in the life of every person. The main problem, of course, is the problem of misunderstanding between fathers and children. But also an important theme is the theme of friendship.

The main character Evgeny Bazarov met Arkady Kirsanov. They begin to communicate closely. Arkady is struck by the mind of Bazarov. He does not have a soul in him, and tries to follow him.

Arkady says that he shares Bazarov's point of view. Protects his friend in front of the older generation. Bazarov is a person who never sits still, he is always busy with something. And Arkady is not like that: he is not very eager to do something useful. This is the main difference between them. Arkady simply convinced himself that he was the same as Bazarov.

As it turned out, Arkady and Bazarov had nothing in common. And as you know, between such people, true friendship cannot work. And so the paths of these heroes parted. Arkady became a happy man, having found a girl whom he loved with all his heart. And the fate of Bazarov, unfortunately, did not turn out as well as we wanted.

Updated: 2017-07-31

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The novel "Fathers and Sons" by Turgenev was written in 1862. As D. I. Pisarev notes, the work is devoid of both the plot and the denouement. There is no clear thought-out plan here. But at the same time, completely different types and characters are described in the novel, there are brightly drawn pictures. Here one can clearly feel Turgenev's attitude to his characters and the events unfolding on the pages of the novel.

At the beginning of the novel, we see that Arkady is completely under the influence of his friend Bazarov. Despite the fact that he often gets into arguments with him, he idolizes his older friend. Arriving home, Arkady is even somewhat embarrassed by his family in front of Bazarov. He deliberately talks cheekily with his father and uncle, trying to show that he is already quite an adult and independent person. Unlike Bazarov, Arkady is still being formed as a person. He absorbs everything new and quickly falls under the influence of others. So, for example, Odintsova, who is well versed in people, immediately begins to treat Arkady as a younger brother. Despite the enthusiasm for Bazarov, already at the beginning of the novel, one can notice differences in the views of friends. Arkady is more human, gentle, he does not reject feelings, he loves art and nature. Bazarov is interesting to a young man as a strong independent personality, but it cannot be said that Arkady unconditionally accepts all the arguments of a friend. He is unhappy when a friend, with his characteristic cynicism, thinks about the relatives of a young man, about Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, and about the people around him in general. Bazarov refers to Arkady more as an obedient student and comrade-in-arms than a friend. All disputes with a friend are somewhat instructive. When a young man calls on a friend to take pity on Pavel Petrovich, Bazarov sharply replies that he does not consider the person “who has staked woman’s love all his life” a real man, a “male”. Further, the idea that "every person must educate himself" sounds. Bazarov does not hesitate to set himself as an example, knowing that Arkady is fascinated by his nihilist ideas. The more a young man gets to know his friend, the closer he gets along with him, the more often he gets the idea that Bazarov contradicts himself. So, for example, he notices with surprise that Yevgeny is shy in front of Odintsova, behaves unnaturally cheeky. Although he had previously convinced Arkady that the relationship between a man and a woman can be fully explained in terms of physiology. The young man subtly feels the change in Bazarov when he falls in love with Anna Sergeevna. At first, he is jealous and upset by the current state of affairs. However, she quickly resigns herself, recognizing the superiority of her friend, and directs all her attention to her younger sister Ekaterina Sergeevna Odintsova.

I think Bazarov is attracted to Arcadia by his youth, freshness of perception, liveliness of feelings. He is somewhat flattered by the reverent attitude of his younger friend towards his own person. He condescends to friendship with Arkady, easily refuting all his friend's arguments about feelings, women, art. In Arcadia there is something that Bazarov does not have: a naive, uncomplicated perception of the world by cynicism, the ability to enjoy life and find bright sides in it.

A split in the relationship of friends begins to take shape even in Maryin, in the house of Arkady. The young man does not agree with Bazarov's opinion that Nikolai Petrovich is a "retired man" and "his song is sung." Arkady is not able to "throw" a person into a landfill, even if his views are outdated. Whether it's a father or just a stranger. The climax of the tension in the relationship of friends can be considered the moment when Bazarov speaks out about the arrival of Sitnikov: “I need such boobies ... it’s not for the gods, in fact, to burn pots ...” Only now, before Arkady, “the whole bottomless abyss opened for a moment Bazar's pride. The young man begins to understand how a friend treats him, however, out of old habit, he still tries to maintain friendly relations with Bazarov. Leaving Odintsova, he asks for a tarantass to a friend, although "twenty-five miles seemed as much as fifty." Arkady was unpleasantly surprised at how Bazarov treated his parents, which also did not help to strengthen friendship between friends. The young man gradually leaves the influence of a friend. He falls in love with Katya and is gradually imbued with her views on life. Bazarov perfectly understands the state of his friend. He realizes that the friendship has come to an end, that it is time to say goodbye to an old friend forever. In a conversation with Arkady, Yevgeny claims that there is "neither impudence nor anger" in him, and that therefore he is not suitable for the job. He considers his friend too soft a gentleman, a romantic and understands how far they are from Arkady from each other. Bazarov does not consider it necessary to continue friendly relations. By and large, he never perceived Arkady as a friend, since by nature he is a loner. Therefore, having parted with the young man, Bazarov crosses him out of his memory. When his father suggests that Yevgeny, who is dying of infection, send for a friend to say goodbye, he hardly remembers the name of Arkady Kirsanov and refuses to meet with him.

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