Children's writer Nikolay Nosov. Biography

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Biography and episodes of life Nikolai Nosov. When born and died Nosov, memorable places and dates of important events in his life. writer quotes, Photo and video.

Years of life of Nikolai Nosov:

born November 23, 1908, died July 26, 1976


“He brought his remarkable talent
The world as a gift.
And went to the city of Sunny
Drink nectar."
From a poem by Lydia Mirnaya dedicated to the memory of Nosov


Nikolai Nosov came to literature by accident. At first, he simply made up funny stories for his son and only a little later realized that the stories would be worth writing down. At the age of thirty, Nosov was first published in the Murzilka magazine with the story "Entertainers" and had unexpected success. In subsequent years, the author began to write for various all-Union children's publications, winning the recognition and love of young readers. Nosov drew stories from real life, describing in detail and naturally the life of his funny heroes - smart, witty and inquisitive, in which every child could certainly recognize himself. The author, being a father himself, was well versed in child psychology and, importantly, perceived children as individuals, relying on educating healthy ideals of friendship, respect, mutual assistance and other things in their fragile consciousness. At the same time, Nosov's works completely lack the ideological propaganda that was so characteristic of the writers of that period. Finally, Nosov's children's stories are simply fascinating stories that grab attention from the very first pages.

During his creative career, Nosov was awarded many state prizes and awards. The glory of an accomplished children's writer finally strengthened after the release of the Dunno trilogy, which became a classic of children's literature. But in his youth, Nikolai did not even think about writing. As a child, he studied music, after school he was seriously interested in chemistry, and then, unexpectedly for himself, he entered the directing department of an art institute. For some time, Nikolai Nikolayevich worked at Soyuzkino as a director and director of animated, educational and popular science films. Probably, such an experience also had a positive effect on Nosov's work, because subsequently several dozen films and cartoons were created based on his stories. In general, Nosov's works are among the champions in terms of the frequency of translations into foreign languages. The characters of Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov are known all over the world.

Death overtook the writer in a dream in the sixty-eighth year of his life. The cause of Nosov's death was a rupture of the heart muscle. From the stories of the writer's grandson, it became known that Nikolai Nikolayevich felt unwell in the last days of his life and even seemed to foresee an imminent death. The funeral of Nikolai Nosov took place in Moscow. On the tombstone of Nosov's grave at the Kuntsevo cemetery, Dunno, the writer's favorite character, is running merrily somewhere in his huge hat ...

life line

November 23, 1908 Date of birth of Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov.
1927 Admission to the Kyiv Art Institute.
1929 Transfer to the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography.
1932 Work as a director of animated and popular science films at Soyuzkino.
1938 Nikolai Nosov's literary debut in the children's magazine Murzilka.
1945 Publication of the first collection of children's stories by Nikolai Nosov.
1925 Awarded the Stalin Prize of the USSR for the story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home."
1969 He was awarded the Krupskaya State Prize for the novel Dunno on the Moon.
July 26, 1976 Date of Nosov's death.

Memorable places

1. Kyiv, where Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov was born.
2. Irpin, where the writer spent his childhood.
3. Bucha, where Nosov worked at the factory.
4. Moscow Institute of Cinematography (now VGIK), where Nosov studied.
5. Kuntsevo cemetery in Moscow, where Nosov is buried.

Episodes of life

Few people know that Nikolai Nosov also wrote for an adult audience. So, among the “serious” works from the writer’s repertoire, the autobiographical story “The Secret at the Bottom of the Well”, the cycle of feuilletons “Ironical Humoresques” and “The Tale of My Friend Igor” are noted - a kind of artistic diary of Nosov, where he recorded everything interesting from the life of his growing up grandson. Shortly before his death, Nosov conceived and even began to write The Tale of First Love, but, alas, did not have time to finish the work.

Nosov's biography is full of tragic events. The writer happened to live in difficult times for the country: the October Revolution, the First World War, the Great Patriotic War ... Of course, I had to know both hunger and need. So, once, when Nikolai was still a child, his whole family, including himself, fell ill with typhus. Fortunately, everyone recovered, but little Nikolai had the longest chance of being ill. Later, after graduating from school, Nosov got a job as a laborer at a brick factory, and besides, he worked as a digger, a mower, and a newspaper merchant, if possible.

More than a hundred years have passed since the birth of the creator of the famous Dunno, and the monument to Nosov has not yet been opened. But the Central Bank of Russia issued a silver coin in memory of Nikolai Nosov. The portrait of Nikolai Nikolaevich is engraved on the coin and the colorful Dunno is depicted. By the way, this is the first colored coin in the history of Russia. The circulation of coins was 7500 pieces.


“Gradually I realized that composing for children is the best thing to do. It requires not only literary knowledge, but also knowledge of the psychology of children, and most importantly, love for them ... I realized when my son was growing up that children should be treated with the greatest and warmest respect.

Biographical film about Nikolai Nosov


“When my grandfather died, I was 14 years old. Now for some reason I remember that evening when I saw him for the last time - three days before his death ... For some reason, I remember the fright on the face of my grandfather, next to whom I stood ... "
Igor Nosov, grandson

“Dunno - it was a discovery ... Adventures, characters, knowledge, morality - everything was put into the book, and so easily and organically - that it never occurred to a single child that he was not just entertained, he was taught ... That's why I love this book."
Sergey Lukyanenko, writer

“There were many outstanding children's writers in the USSR, but no one had Dunno on the Moon. Try reading it now. Our society is tailored according to his book. But its value goes far beyond political satire.”
Lev Pirogov, writer

Biography of Nikolai Nosov.

Date of birth: November 23, 1908
Date of death: July 26, 1976
Place of birth: Kyiv

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov famous children's writer Nosov N.N.- playwright.

In 1908, in the city of Kyiv, a son was born in the family of pop actor Nosov. It happened on November 23rd. The boy was named Nicholas. He grew up as a very mobile child, was fond of theater, chess, music, tried to compose. He was fascinated by his father's performances, which he often attended. But with music, things did not work out for him. After buying him a violin, which he so requested, he tried to play it. I quickly realized that this was not an easy task and abandoned the instrument.

After the seven-year period, due to the difficult financial situation of his family, Nikolai worked both as a laborer at the factory and as a mower, while studying the secondary school curriculum on his own.

At that time, Nikolai had another hobby. As it seemed to him then, for life. This is chemistry. He had his own team of like-minded people, with whom they created a chemical circle. And it was with chemistry that the future famous writer Nikolai Nosov thought to connect his life.

But due to the fact that he did not have a completed vocational education, he could not enter the institute. And when he got vocational education, linking his life with chemistry was no longer in his plans.

In 1927, Nosov entered the Art Institute in the city of Kyiv, but he studied there for only a couple of years. He transferred to the Moscow Film Institute, which he successfully graduated from.

After graduation, he worked as a director at Soyuzkino.

His first story was published in the popular magazine of the time "Murzilka". And it all started with a simple storytelling to his little son. And then, during the year, Nosov wrote more than once for this magazine. Later, Nosov will say that he started writing for children by accident, but quickly realized that this is the most interesting work that requires a lot of knowledge on various topics from a person. Nosov treated children with great respect and was interested in their psychology.

Thanks to Nikolai Nosov, the new hero Dunno saw the light - a funny and mischievous little man who is full of energy and new ideas are constantly born in his head.

"Vitya Maleev at school and at home" won the Stalin Prize and the love of readers. The protagonist at the beginning of the work was a loser and a truant, but thanks to the work on himself, by the end he finished the class almost perfectly.

Perhaps it is impossible to name a single work of this outstanding children's writer that would go unnoticed. All of them are loved and read.
Nikolai Nosov wrote not only children's works, but also satirical stories. The writer's work also included autobiographical stories, which were published both in magazines and as separate books.

Nikolai Nosov also acted as a screenwriter of feature films; an animated film about Dunno was shot based on his works.
In 1957, a list was compiled of the writers who were most translated into other languages. Nikolai Nosov was third on the list. His characters spoke different languages.

Nikolai Nosov was one of the favorite writers of children of all times and peoples; read his books; Dunno conquered him with his resourcefulness and curiosity; his Vitya Maleev instilled hope that everything is in the hands of man; parents were calm, if their son or daughter reads books by Nikolai Nosov, then a real person will grow out of him.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov died in 1976 on July 26. He was a sympathetic and kind person who did not tolerate lies and hypocrisy. In places he was harsh, in places uncommunicative, but he always remained sincere and honest, both with himself and with people.

Achievements of Nikolai Nosov:

Numerous awards, among them the Stalin Prize and the Order of the Red Star.
Outstanding children's writer, screenwriter.

Dates from the biography of Nikolai Nosov:

1908 - was born
1927 - entered the Art Institute
1929 - transferred to the Institute of Cinematography
1938 - beginning of activities as a children's writer
1952 - received the Stalin Prize
1976 - died

Interesting facts of Nikolai Nosov:

A documentary film "Nikolai Nosov" was filmed.
On the centenary of the writer, the Bank of Russia issued a silver coin.
There is a lot of scientific information in his works.

Reading time: 5 min

From childhood, Nikolai was interested in many things. His parents believed that the boy would follow in the footsteps of his father, a pop artist. This is because the future writer took great pleasure in his performances and often attended them as a spectator. But this passion was overcome by another - Nikolai wanted to become a violinist, begging him to buy an instrument. True, the coveted violin quickly became a thing of the past, giving way to the theater. Then chess. Then came the turn of the camera and radio electronics - the young man was interested in a lot. He even published his own magazine - for a narrow circle of his friends, of course. But even on this Nosov did not calm down, having organized for himself, already a student, a mini-laboratory of a chemist.

Cinema is the main passion

As a result, Nikolai took a step that decided his fate and entered the Moscow Institute of Cinematography. He went from director to director. Moreover, he shot not only educational and scientific films, but also worked in the field of animation. And in wartime he directed educational plots for the warring army. For which he received the Order (Red Star). The most famous is his training manual for tankers.

Man of many professions

True, before taking his place in the film industry, Nosov had to change many occupations. He sold newspapers, mowed, worked as a digger, was a worker in various factories and even a laborer. He began to work as a boy - times were hungry.

Friendship with the homeless

In a terrible time of post-revolutionary revelry, Kolya made friends with street boys. It happened because he once missed the last train on which he rode home from work, and was expelled from the station by the watchman. So he ran into a group of homeless people, with whom he became so sympathetic that more than once and after he stayed to spend the night with them.

From bedtime stories to fame

Nicholas had a son and he had to tell him stories and fairy tales. But gradually he realized that his work could become interesting for other children. He approached the work with all care, and so the mischievous and self-confident Dunno appeared, as well as the rest of the heroes. All of them brought fame to Nosov, securing him in a galaxy of writers. But his fantasy created not only little men. There were other heroes as well. The author's first story was published in 1938.

Dunno was originally an elf

But not according to Nosov's plan - he was simply inspired by Khvolson's fairy tales, telling about the adventures of elves. True, from there he took only the name and some parts of the character. The plot and the concept of the plot are entirely the merit of the author. In part, he rewarded the protagonist not only with his own features, but also with particles of his son's character. And many of the book's characters, as people who knew the author suspect, were written from the children of his acquaintances.

The smartness of Dunno is an echo of the author's preferences

The famous blue wide-brimmed tassel hat has its origins in the author's own attachment to such extravagant headdresses.

Not only Dunno

The writer was actively published in the magazine "Murzilka". In addition to children's works, he wrote serious stories (autobiographical): "The Tale of My Friend Igor", as well as "The Secret at the Bottom of the Well".

Not only a director, but also a screenwriter

N. Nosov with his wife and grandson.

Nosov prepared scripts for the following films:

  • "The Adventures of Kolya Klyukvin";
  • "Friend";
  • "Two friends";
  • "Dreamers".

Immortalized in numismatics

On the occasion of the centenary of the writer's birth, the Central Bank issued a silver two-ruble coin with the image of himself and the heroes of his books. This coin is included in the series “Outstanding Personalities of Russia”.

Responsiveness and fans

According to relatives, Nosov often sent his books at the request of young readers - after all, in those days, not everyone could buy them themselves. Moreover, the fans were not only here, but also abroad - the works were translated into different languages. Nikolai was also often visited by foreign guests, whom he received in his modest apartment. According to his grandson, he once received a large box of sweets from the Japanese as a gift. Dunno was depicted on it - as it turned out, he became a symbol of the confectionery. Apparently, not only Soviet children fell in love with his adventures. N. Nosov with his grandson Igor

The writer's grandson, described in "My friend Igor", also became a writer, and at the same time a publisher.

These are interesting facts from the life of N.N. Nosov. - a writer whose books are imbued with good humor and cover a wide variety of everyday aspects. By the way, some of the writer's distant relatives still live in his native area - Irpin. The writer's house stands in its place to this day, but there is no museum there, ordinary people live in it.

And the memory of Nikolai continues to live - it is not in vain that it is believed that the writer (like his heroes) is alive as long as at least one reader reads his books and remembers the characters and himself. I would like to believe that Nosov will be remembered by grateful readers for many years to come and live in their souls and hearts. Just like the little mischievous Dunno, Screw and Shpuntik, Button and many other heroes created by the rich imagination of the author.

Vera Yanpolskaya
Biography of N. N. Nosov for DO


Modern literature includes humor, satire, the grotesque, irony, caricature, parody, and several other means of expressing the comic in literary texts. I would like to dwell on some of them - humor, irony, satire, grotesque and pun.

The grotesque is not always considered a form of the comic due to its ability to deform phenomena and character. Therefore, it is often referred to as satire and humor. This word is translated as "intricate". This is one of the artistic techniques that denotes a violation in the proportions of the depicted phenomena, events or objects.

Humor in itself is personally conditioned and sets a person up for a deeper and more serious understanding to the source of laughter. From listeners, he requires that his truth be comprehended, despite funny coincidences or oddities. Translated from English as temper, mood.

Irony is translated from Greek as "mockery" or "pretense". Usually this happens when one thing is said, but in fact a completely different context is meant, which is opposite in meaning.

As for a pun, this is a figure of speech that is based on the same sound of words or when a phrase contains two words that are opposite in meaning.

Well, and finally, satire is a special way of artistic transmission of reality, which ultimately ends with a funny ending with "subtext".

This work is devoted to identifying humorous moments in the work of the writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosova.

Biography H. N. Nosova

Nicholas Nosov(1897 - 1986) was born on November 23, 1908 in Kyiv in the family of a pop actor. Versatile gifted boy Kolya Nosov, while still studying at the gymnasium, he was fond of music, theater, literature, chess, photography, radio and electrical engineering. Growing up, he worked as a newspaper merchant, digger, mower.

In 1932-1951 he was a director of animated, popular science and educational films.

In 1938, the first stories of Nikolai were published. Nosova: "Entertainers", "Live hat", "Cucumbers", "Wonderful trousers", "Mishkin's porridge", "Gardeners", "Dreamers", etc., printed mainly in the "baby" magazine "Murzilka" and formed the basis of the first collection "Knock-knock-knock".

In these, as well as in subsequent works (from the collections "Steps", "Funny Stories", "Dreamers", "The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin", etc.) Nosov introduced a new hero into children's literature - a naive and sensible, mischievous and inquisitive fidget who constantly finds himself in unusual, often comical situations. Especially popular were his stories for teenagers "Merry Family", "Kolya Sinitsyn's Diary", "Vitya Maleev at School and at Home".

For writing the story "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" the writer was awarded a state prize.

The trilogy of N.N. Nosova, including fairy tale novels "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends", "Dunno in the Sunny City", "Dunno on the Moon".

Nicholas himself Nosov spoke that he began to write for children quite by accident - at first he simply told fairy tales to his little son and his friends. And gradually I realized that "composing for children is the best work."

Stories of Nicholas Nosova partially describe his childhood, relationships with peers, their dreams and fantasies about the future. Although Nikolai's hobbies were not related to literature at all, everything changed when his son was born. Fairy tales Nosova before going to bed to his child, the future famous children's author composed on the go, coming up with completely realistic stories from the life of ordinary boys. It is these stories of Nicholas Nosova son was pushed by an already adult man to write and publish small books.

After several years, Nikolai Nikolayevich realized that writing for children is the best thing you can think of. stories Nosova it is interesting to read because he was not just an author, but also a psychologist and a loving father. His warm, respectful attitude towards the children made it possible to create all these witty, lively and real fairy tales.

stories Nosova for children

Every fairy tale Nosova, each story is an everyday story about children's pressing problems and tricks. At first glance, the stories of Nicholas Nosova they are very comical and witty, but this is not their most important feature, more important is that the heroes of the works are real children with real stories and characters. In any of them you can recognize yourself in childhood or your child. Fairy tales Nosova Reading is also pleasant for the reason that they are not cloyingly sweet, but are written in simple, understandable language with a childish perception of what is happening in each adventure.

I would like to note an important detail of all the stories Nosova for children: they have no ideological background! For fairy tales of the times of Soviet power, this is a very pleasant trifle. Everyone knows that no matter how good the works of the authors of that era are, the “brainwashing” in them is rather boring and every year, every new reader is more and more striking. stories Nosova You can read it absolutely calmly, without worrying that the communist idea will show through every line.

Years go by, Nikolai Nosov has not been with us for many years, but his fairy tales and characters do not age. Sincere and amazingly kind heroes just ask for all children's books.

Creativity N. Nosova plays an important role in children's literature. Very important features of his humorous talent were the ability to respond to urgent problems of education and the ability to solve important moral and ethical problems in an emotional, entertaining way.

The action of this work by N.N. Nosov going on in the country where shorty kids live - boys and girls the size of a small cucumber. All residents of the Flower City - both children and adults, so to speak, in one face: by occupation - adults, by character and behavior - real children. They are very educated: invent ingenious machines, build a balloon, live in revolving houses.

Flower, Green and Sunny cities are examples of a fair organization of children's cities, where everyone works well, loves science, art, and no one encroaches on the freedom of another.

All sixteen shorty friends conquer the reader by living like real children.

Pulka the hunter, Znayka, the main shorty kid, the poet Tsvetik, Dr. Pilyulkin and others - they are all bright personalities, everyone is busy with their own business. And only Dunno can’t find himself in life in any way, he takes everything and throws everything, while managing to spoil everything. Due to his carelessness and self-confidence, he constantly finds himself in comic situations. But he is sweet and charming, no one holds a grudge against him, he is not kicked out of the company. Why? Probably because he is natural and responsive, always ready to help his friends. And the writer himself does not hide warm feelings for Dunno.

Work Nosova is very entertaining, interesting and instructive. And his moral simple: without work and learning you will not become a skillful and respected person. The most significant problem posed (and decides) the author in the text of the first story deals with the relationship between boys and girls as microsocial groups. The three spaces described in the text of the first book represent two possible arrangements for such "conditional" "childish" society: Flower City is like "mixed school", and Zmeevka and Green City, respectively, are male and female "gymnasium". The storylines are consistently reduced to confirming the idea of ​​the importance of communication and friendship of children of different sexes. The Tale of Dunno - didactic work: her hero swears, blows his nose, is rude, lazy, to be frank, he is stupid and even somewhat disgusting, he does not at all look like a beautiful, ideal child of the Soviet era, later (and early) Stalin years, combed, light-eyed, quick-witted, open-hearted.

Dunno is a crooked mirror, a likeness of a human being, created by the author to correct shortcomings, and unexpectedly took on a life of its own.

The unknown is "antihero" in relation to the strategies of children's reading, taken as a model. Dunno, the main character, is a braggart and an ignoramus; he constantly finds himself in comic positions due to his carelessness and self-confidence. Then he will come up with "for rhyme" that "Hurry was hungry, swallowed a cold iron"; then he boasts that he is the most important shorty and invented the balloon. Dunno - a dreamer, somewhat reminiscent of Kozlov's bear from a series of stories Nosova"Me and Mishka" He also arouses sympathy among readers, because the basis of his pranks is the desire for good, kindness.

N. Nosov never indulges in laughter for the sake of laughter; his works are always educative in their orientation. Unobtrusively, with a smile, the writer teaches boys and girls the ethics of friendship, calls older children to delicacy in dealing with younger ones.

In works Nosova children receive new knowledge and ideas, answers to many questions that concern them, learn the concepts of duty and honor.

In the stories and stories of the writer there is always material for parents. Already as adults and starting to raise their own children, they reread books with pleasure. Nosova. These books help them to better know the inner world of the child, to understand what worries him, pleases him.

Was born Nikolai Nikolaevich NosovNovember 23, 1908 in the city of Kyiv in the family of an actor.

During his studies, he was fond of music, chess, and electrical engineering. He did not immediately become a writer and changed many professions. Then he studied at the Institute of Cinematography in Moscow.

Nikolai Nosov composed the first stories for his son. And the first story "Entertainers" was published in the magazine "Murzilka" in 1938. Nosov wrote for children and about children. In his stories, he is very simple, accessible and tells something interesting and useful, easily talks about human virtues and shortcomings with humor.

He was a screenwriter, worked as a director, directed a lot of cartoons that we all loved.His books have been translated into different languages ​​and are read abroad with the same pleasure as in our country.

How did Nosov compose his stories? He listened very carefully to the conversations around, and even an insignificant fact could tell him the plot of the next story. For example, he wrote the story "Cucumbers" from a story that happened to his five-year-old nephew. One day the boy was walking next to the vegetable tent. He saw a barrel of pickles behind the tent, climbed into it with both hands, grabbed a cucumber in each and, satisfied, went to his mother. Children like N. Nosov's books because they tell about the same as them, fidgets, inventors and dreamers - in a word, about ordinary boys and girls. Nosov did not invent heroes, but found them everywhere - in the neighborhood, at a party, just on the street, and listened, and allowed his readers to hear their stories about life, about friends, about themselves.

Guys, read the books of Nikolai Nosov!


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