Diet for acute and chronic pancreatitis: what, what you can eat and what you can’t. Diet in the treatment of pancreatic pancreatitis Pancreatitis symptoms and treatment diet menu

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During problems with the pancreas, the diet for pancreatitis becomes an important addition to general therapy. It is not observed from time to time - the right menu becomes a way of life.

The failure that occurred in the digestive system is provoked by various factors. But more often it is a violation in the diet. Insufficient production of gastric juice complicates the breakdown of food, leading to the acute stage of the disease. With further neglect of the diet, the disease is already chronic.

To make it easier for the duodenum to perform its immediate function, it will be necessary to take therapeutic nutrition for pancreatitis as a basis, interpreted by the following rules:

  • fatty, fried, smoked dishes are excluded;
  • only dietary recipes are used in cooking;
  • the principle of fractional nutrition is introduced - in small portions every 3 hours;
  • only grated food in a warm state is used;
  • eat not on the go, chewing food slowly;
  • we do not drink the food we take.

It is important to comply with energy standards in products - an average of 350 g of carbohydrates and 80 g of fat. In parallel with pancreatitis, due to malnutrition, stomach problems occur, inflammation of the biliary tract is observed, and diabetes develops. This is taken into account when choosing a treatment menu - diets are prescribed based on related problems.

Diet in the acute stage

In case of acute inflammation of the pancreatic gland, the patient is transferred to a 2-day fast. The patient is allowed only drinks - a rosehip decoction or infusion, teas and filtered water (up to 5 doses per day). Subsequent couples introduce food drop by drop. After that, the diet is gradually supplemented with low-calorie foods in small doses.

Diets for pancreatitis in the acute phase are diversified from the 2nd week. The main food items are:

  • protein products (in particular, steam cutlets from fish fillet or chicken);
  • fruits with a high content of antioxidants;
  • from drinking - green teas, fresh juices, liquid jelly.

Diet in the chronic stage

  • daily the body is saturated with proteins in the amount of 130 g (of which 2/3 are of animal origin);
  • butter is allowed in small quantities - it is added to cereals;
  • milk is not recommended in its pure form - it is better to cook recommended dishes on it, make sauces;
  • useful fresh low-fat kefir;
  • laxative products are recommended - dried fruits from plums and apricots.

Food for mild chronic pancreatitis is varied and contains cheeses, steamed omelettes, etc. When the disease worsens, food restrictions are introduced. For two days the patient is kept only on drinks. From the 3rd day, liquid meals prepared in milk diluted with water are given in small portions. When the pain subsides, pancreatitis diets in adults are diversified, but the dishes are allowed frayed, albeit dense in consistency.

Approved Products

When choosing a menu for pancreatitis, they first make a list of products that are allowed for consumption. It looks like the one shown in Table 1.

Dishes Recommendations
Cereals (buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal, rice) Boiled on a water basis, followed by the introduction of milk. A semi-viscous consistency is recommended. Instead of cereals, flour is sometimes used - rice or buckwheat. Porridge is an excellent base for delicious soufflés served with jelly (but you can also use jam)
First They are cooked exclusively in vegetable broths. Allowed cereals become the basis of dishes, which are best ground into a puree-like mass. It is recommended to add chopped vegetables, but do not sauté them. Dressing with animal butter or milk (sometimes cream) is allowed
Vegetable Of the fruits allowed, introducing potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, green peas, squash-pumpkin, beets into the diet. They are first completely boiled, then ground. Sometimes the doctor allows chopped cucumbers and tomatoes without peel
fruity Only apples of sweet varieties can be fresh and baked. If they take dried fruits, then they are ground. Other fruits are suitable only for jam, marshmallows, mousses, jelly. Raw they are undesirable
Meat Recommended chicken, veal dishes, lean beef, rabbit, and only in chopped form. Meat soufflé is made from minced meat, various semi-finished products are steamed. If there is no stage of exacerbation, you can eat boiled rabbit and chicken in small pieces
Fish Only low-fat representatives of water bodies are selected. The fish is either boiled and eaten in small pieces, or cutlets are formed from fresh fillet (only steamed)
Dairy The basis of the diet is sour-milk drinks with a low fat content. Milk should only be used for seasoning dishes. Cottage cheese (the best option is calcined) is an excellent preparation for casseroles and puddings. Hard cheeses in the patient's diet are selected not sharp varieties and are consumed only in grated form. Sour cream goes for gas stations (in small quantities)
Eggs You can cook a steam omelet from 1 product per day
Sauce dressings Prepared only on vegetable broths with the addition of unfried flour, as well as milk or sour cream
Bakery Bread is taken from wheat, but baking is 1-2 days old. Biscuits allowed biscuit varieties

They will allow you to create a varied menu. If you take into account the recommendations for their preparation, then you can avoid exacerbation of the disease for a long time.

Wholly or partially restricted products

The table above offers a basic diet plan for pancreatitis. There is also a list of products that are partially allowed or completely prohibited:

  • broths based on fish, mushrooms, meat, and dishes cooked on them, as well as okroshka;
  • everything fried, stewed and containing fats;
  • smoked meats, pickles, spices;
  • sausages, fish caviar, conservation;
  • ; other cereals are allowed in a crumbly form;
  • due to the high cholesterol content, offal is removed from the diet;
  • fruit and berry assortment in raw form is introduced with caution and not constantly;
  • foods and dishes containing coarse fiber, the patient should be excluded (mushroom, legumes, most root crops, blue ones, white cabbage);
  • simple carbohydrates contained in dates, all varieties of grapes, bananas, provoke bloating;
  • not recommended milk with a high percentage of fat, spicy-salty cheese, sour cottage cheese;
  • completely exclude boiled, and even more so fried eggs;
  • it is not advisable to use cooking fats and lard, and it is better to use vegetable oil in a small amount for dressing dishes;
  • completely exclude chocolate and rich products, flour (wind and fried), all types of ice cream;
  • bakery fresh pastries are not recommended, and products made from rye flour are completely abandoned;
  • taboos are placed on black tea, grape juice, coffee drinks, soda and alcohol.

Although the list is called partially limited, for this disease it is better to completely exclude the ingredients included in the list from the menu. This will help to avoid many problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

(diet). Some patients complain that the menu for pancreatitis is too poor. But it is also easy to diversify it, alternating types of cereals, introducing either meat or fish dishes. If you correctly distribute the products by the days of the week, then the diet will not seem so bland.

All permitted products are included in the "nutrition pyramid", so the menu is quite balanced, this is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. The restrictions (or prohibitions) that are introduced do not impoverish the diet at all. With the withdrawal of harmful foods and drinks from consumption, only harmful factors that negatively affect the functioning of the diseased gland are eliminated. Table 2

Sample menu

As can be seen from the above menu for a diet for pancreatitis, there is nothing new in its compilation. It is better to diversify side dishes twice introduced into the daily diet (in the morning, for example, semolina, and in the evening buckwheat). Instead of porridge, it is sometimes recommended to cook mashed potatoes.

The sample menu simply makes it clear the principle of selecting dishes, and they are diversified when compiling a weekly diet. The main thing is to proceed from the positions of observing the basic rules of nutrition with recommended diets.

Diet Recipes

The main tips on how to best use the products that make up the diet for patients with an inflamed gland were given above. They must be followed when preparing dishes. The following are exemplary recipes for pancreatitis, taking into account specific features.

Soup ration

Liquid cereals, seasoned with milk and put a little butter. Rice soup cooked with milk has an original taste if you add a little chicken puree to it. The algorithm for preparing the original first course of vegetables is given below:

  • zucchini is crushed, carrots are rubbed;
  • cabbage is disassembled into small inflorescences;
  • the ingredients are placed in a cauldron, poured with boiling water and put on fire;
  • having cooked until softened, cool slightly and beat with a blender to a puree-like consistency;
    milk is added to the soup, salted and boiled again.

Serving puree soup to the table, make dressing from sour cream (low-fat) or put a little butter.

Beet cutlets

Such dishes are prepared not only from meat or fish. It turns out very tasty if you make cue balls from vegetables:

  • cleanse;
  • grind on a grater;
  • add a spoonful of semolina, add salt and let it brew;
  • having formed cutlets, they are rolled in semolina.

The dish is made exclusively by steam, and served with sour cream.


A light fortified dessert is prepared according to this recipe:

  • finely chopped carrots are allowed with water for 15 minutes;
  • apples are peeled and seeds are cut and added to the root crop;
  • bringing to softness, the fruits are rubbed to a puree state;
  • , bring to a boil;
  • semolina is gradually introduced, boiled for a couple more minutes and removed;
  • in the dessert cooled to 80 ° C, first the yolks are introduced, and then the whipped whites;
  • placed in a container and steamed.

Each of the above dietary recipes will be of interest to children with pancreatic problems.

For children

- children also suffer from this disease, although this phenomenon is rare in this group. All of the above recommendations regarding dietary nutrition also apply to young patients. In order for the dishes prepared for them with pancreatitis to be appetizing, you will have to show imagination.

chicken soufflé

It turns out the dish is tender and pleasant in taste, if you cook it in a similar way:

  • boil the chicken (a turkey is also suitable);
  • separating the fillet from the bones, turn it into minced meat;
  • make sauce from milk, adding a little flour and egg yolk;
  • minced meat, sauce and a little animal oil are mixed;
  • after thoroughly mixing, introduce proteins whipped into a stable foam;
  • the mass is filled with a container in which the soufflé is steamed.

A similar recipe is also suitable for boiled fish fillet (it needs to be slightly salted during cooking).

cottage cheese pudding

Most children love cottage cheese dishes. The proposed pudding is a great alternative to cheesecakes:

  • cottage cheese (necessarily low-fat) is wiped using a sieve;
  • diluted with milk in a ratio of 3: 1;
  • pour a spoonful of semolina and introduce proteins (previously beaten);
  • mix, spread in a baking dish and keep in the oven for no more than 10 minutes.

When choosing a treatment for pancreatitis, take the menu for children 1-3 years old as a basis. It is just chosen taking into account the sparing effect on the gastrointestinal tract and complies with the rules of dietary nutrition.

Therapeutic fasting

Having problems with the pancreas, it is necessary to periodically introduce fasting days into the mode in order to facilitate the work of the diseased organ. In the stage of severe exacerbations, therapeutic fasting is recommended for pancreatitis. This allows you to relieve pain symptoms.

When there is no need to digest food, the system goes into "sleep mode". She spends all her strength on bringing the problem organ back to normal and starting the process of tissue regeneration.

The method of fasting and duration is determined by the attending physician. In a mild form, which takes no more than 3 days, you can starve at home, eliminating all physical activity. A longer period according to this method requires the presence in the hospital - constant monitoring of his condition is necessary.

Having reached the required therapeutic effect, the patient gradually returns to his therapeutic diet. First, a glass of water (necessarily warm) is allowed from an afternoon snack, after an hour - broth (vegetable), after another hour, light soup (you can use cereal).

The next morning, a patient suffering from pancreatitis returns to the usual menu, on the first day introducing food in small portions into the menu. It is impossible to carry out therapeutic starvation on your own; this will lead to depletion of the body and provoke the development of an ulcer.

It has its own characteristics that distinguish it from other diets. About what is typical diet for acute pancreatitis This post will tell about the peculiarities of nutrition in diseases of the pancreas.
Acute pancreatitis is an acute inflammation of the pancreas caused by the activation of digestive enzymes.

There are many causes of acute pancreatitis, but most often acute pancreatitis occurs in people who abuse alcohol and people with diseases of the biliary system - chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis.

An attack of acute pancreatitis occurs, as a rule, suddenly and is manifested by unbearable pain and other symptoms characteristic of this disease.

Treatment of acute pancreatitis is conservative:
they purify the blood from pancreatic enzymes (Kontrykal, Trasilol, etc. - destroy enzymes that have entered the blood)
hunger is prescribed for several days,
then a strict diet - diet number 5p - the first option,
then a gradual transition to the second version of the diet No. 5p.
Pain relief (narcotic or non-narcotic)
If the patient's condition does not improve, then surgery is performed to remove necrotic areas of the gland.

Hunger for 2 days(Hunger may be prescribed for up to 4 days, depending on the severity of the disease.

Fasting for more than two days is carried out in a hospital). During this period, the patient is only allowed to drink rosehip broth, weakly brewed tea and from which gases are removed - Borjomi, Essentuki No. 4, Essentuki No. 20, Smirnovskaya or Slavyanovskaya, one glass 4-5 times in a day. In order to eliminate intoxication of the body, nutrition and prevent dehydration, parenteral nutrition is used (i.e. droppers - sodium chloride with 5% glucose).
Since nutrition does not enter the esophagus, therefore, gastric and pancreatic juices are not produced, enzymatic activity decreases, which contributes to the regeneration of the pancreas.

Diet for acute pancreatitis, starting from day 3.

Day 5 Calories increase to 600-800 calories
Fats are excluded. Proteins - 15g. Carbohydrates - up to 200 g.

6-9 day. Calories increase to 1000 calories
Fats - 10g. Proteins - 50g. Carbohydrates - up to 250 g.
Breakfast. Dairy-free semolina (or rice), apple (or orange), tea with sugar.
Lunch. Mashed potatoes (or carrots), 50g. Low-fat chicken meat (or low-fat fish), rosehip broth with sugar.
Dinner. Vegetable broth, vegetarian - 100-150g, boiled fish (or beef) - 30-40g. with mashed potatoes, mashed apple.
afternoon tea. Fat-free cottage cheese with sugar - 50-60g. Tea with sugar or jam
For the night. A glass of boiled water, honey - 1 tablespoon (or a glass of curdled milk)

10-15 day. Calorie content exceeds 1000 cal

Proteins - up to 60 g, fats -20 g, carbohydrates - 300 g.

Two weeks after the attack diet for acute pancreatitis

After an attack of acute pancreatitis, the strictest diet No. 5p should be followed for 6-12 months. The calorie content gradually increases.

Proteins - up to 100 g, fats - up to 40 g, carbohydrates - up to 450 g, the content of water-soluble vitamins increases.

The food is still mashed, without salt.

Table. List of permitted and prohibited foods and dishes. Diet number 5p - 2 option.

  • oatmeal and rice soup pureed,
  • vegetable puree,
  • porridge mashed from cereals: oatmeal, rice, buckwheat,
  • apple mousse and jelly
  • drinks and fruit drinks from, black currant, cranberry.
  • tea with milk and beetroot juice.
  • CAN: vegetarian soups, lean and non-fat meat, meat dishes, boiled fish, homemade cottage cheese and cottage cheese dishes, cereal and vegetable dishes (cereals, puddings), fruits and berry juices, sugar, jam, honey.

    Product Allowed Forbidden Limited use
    BreadWheat dried or yesterday 200-300 g per day or in the form of crackers; savory biscuitsRye and fresh bread; sweet and puff pastry productsNot sweet dry biscuits
    SoupsVegetarian pureed with allowed vegetables; groats (except millet) mashed, with pasta, ½ portion (250 ml) with butter (5 g) or sour cream (10 g)Meat, fish soups and broths, decoctions of mushrooms, milk soups, with millet, cabbage soup, borscht, okroshka, beetrootDuring remission, soups on weak meat or fish broth 1-2 times a week (if tolerated)
    Meat, poultryLow-fat varieties (beef, veal, rabbit, turkey, chicken) chopped. During the period of remission, perhaps a pieceFatty sinewy meats, skin of birds and fish; offal. Sausages, canned food, smoked products, friedNon-rigid meat, chicken, rabbit, turkey are allowed in a boiled piece
    FishLow-fat cod, perch, pike perch, ice, etc. boiled in pieces and chopped (meatballs, dumplings, soufflé, cutlets)Fatty species (catfish, carp, stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, etc.), fried, smoked, stewed, salted, canned food, chum caviarJellied fish
    EggsProtein omelets from 2 eggsWhole egg dishes, especially hard-boiled and fried. raw eggsEgg yolks per meal up to 1 per day
    Milk, dairy productsAll low fat foods. Fresh non-acidic cottage cheese, calcined or from kefir - natural and in the form of puddings. Sour-milk drinks for one dayHigh-fat dairy products with added sugarMilk if tolerated. Sour cream and cream in dishes. Low-fat and non-spicy cheese (Dutch, Russian)
    VegetablesPotatoes, carrots, cauliflower, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, green peas, baby beans, in the form of mashed potatoes and steamed puddingsWhite cabbage, eggplant, radish, radish, turnip, onion, garlic, sorrel, spinach, sweet pepper, mushrooms. Raw uncooked vegetablesPeelless tomatoes, fresh peeled cucumbers - mashed, green salad
    cerealsKashi from various cereals (semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, rice), on water or in half with milk. Cereal souffle, puddings with cottage cheese. Pasta, homemade noodles, vermicelliCereals: millet, legumes, crumbly cereals
    Fruits and berriesFruit only sweet varieties, non-acidic apples, baked or mashed without peelRaw unmashed fruits and berries, grapes, dates, figs, bananas,Apricots, peaches - without peel, fruit and berry juices without sugar, diluted with water
    Sweet dishesKissels, jellies, mousses on xylitol or sorbitol, without sugarConfectionery, chocolate, ice cream, jamSugar up to 30 g per day or honey 20 g per day
    BeveragesWeak tea with lemon semi-sweet or with xylitol. A decoction of wild rose, blackcurrant, compoteCoffee, cocoa; carbonated and cold drinks, grape juice
    SaucesDairy, fruit and berry, on a weak vegetable broth. Flour is not sautéedSauces on broths, mushroom broth, tomato. All spices, snacks
    FatsButter up to 30 g per day, refined vegetable oils (10-15 g per day) - in mealsMeat and cooking fatsButter and vegetable oil in dishes 5 g per 1 serving

    Pancreatitis disrupts the usual way of life, forcing you to completely rebuild your schedule. This trend is especially true for the food industry. Diet for pancreatitis is the main guarantee of successful treatment of patients. The importance of proper nutrition cannot be overestimated. No medication or surgery guarantees a cure for pancreatitis if you do not follow a regular diet.

    First meal

    The first course is served for lunch without fail. Vegetarian soups (boiled in a vegetarian vegetable broth) or soups boiled in a lean meat broth are allowed. Once a week, you can eat soup with pieces of lean fish. The first course is served warm, but not hot.

    Meat varieties

    The diet of a patient with pancreatitis should include a sufficient amount of protein food of animal origin. To do this, the diet includes lean meats: beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal. Cutlets, steaks, steamed meatballs are prepared from them. Based on them, the broth for the first courses is boiled. The meat is also consumed boiled, but in no case fried. Meat is prepared without the addition of spices and spices, with a minimum amount of salt.

    Fish varieties

    The fish is boiled or steamed in whole pieces, you can also make steam cutlets from it. Preference is given to low-fat varieties of fish: pike, cod, flounder, pollock. Fish soufflé is a great idea for dinner or a snack. This protein dish will saturate the necessary amount of energy, while it is low-fat, which means it will not cause secretion in the pancreas.

    Cereals and pasta

    When dieting, the following types of cereals are allowed:

    • Buckwheat;
    • Rice;
    • Oatmeal;
    • semolina;
    • Corn;
    • barley.

    Of these, cereals are prepared for breakfast or as a side dish for the main course. Porridges are boiled both in water and in milk, without adding sugar. Pearl barley and millet are excluded, as they do not have the best effect on the functioning of the pancreas.

    Pasta is better to buy from durum wheat, they have a high content of fiber and complex carbohydrates. Boiled pasta is served with a spoonful of olive oil or a piece of butter, slightly salted. They are served for lunch as a side dish, but they should not be consumed for dinner, as this will give a high load on the gastrointestinal tract before bedtime.


    The main component of the diet of a patient with pancreatitis is vegetables. They make up the majority of all food consumed. They are served baked, boiled, stewed for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Raw vegetables are used as a snack at any time of the day. It is very useful to cook soups in vegetable broth. Suitable for almost all types of vegetables:

    • Carrot;
    • Beet;
    • Potato;
    • Celery;
    • Pepper (but not hot);
    • Zucchini;
    • eggplant;
    • Cabbage;
    • Peas;
    • Tomatoes.

    Read also: Alternative medicine in the treatment of pancreatitis

    During periods of exacerbation, vegetables are boiled and rubbed on a grater or chopped in a blender, giving the dishes the consistency of mashed potatoes. This facilitates digestion, reduces the load not only on the pancreas, but also on the gallbladder (the latter often becomes inflamed with pancreatitis).

    Sweet berries and fruits

    They are an important component of nutrition. They contain a large amount of useful mineral salts and vitamins. However, with a disease, the list of fruits is very limited. This is due to the fact that they contain substances that are difficult to digest. In addition, they contain a large amount of sugar (glucose and fructose), which causes an insulin load on the gland.

    In the phase of exacerbation of the disease, it is better to refuse to eat berries and fruits altogether. If desired, you can have a snack with an apple or a pear, but first they need to be baked. These products are not served raw.

    The following fruits are allowed in the remission phase:

    • Apples;
    • Pears;
    • Pomegranate;
    • Banana;
    • apricots;
    • Strawberry;
    • Persimmon;
    • Cherry.

    You can eat no more than one fruit per day. Before serving, the fruit is baked. The same goes for berries. An alternative to such products is children's fruit and berry purees, but you should not get carried away with them either.

    Milk and dairy products

    Milk contains a large amount of protein and essential fats. However, whole milk is very difficult to digest. In pancreatitis, drinking milk causes intestinal discomfort, increased gas and bloating, and even vomiting. Therefore, only sour-milk drinks are recommended for consumption. Among them:

    • Kefir (preferably fat-free);
    • Ryazhenka;
    • Bifidoc;
    • Skim cheese;
    • Sour cream;
    • natural yogurt;
    • Cheese (no more than one piece per day);

    These products are used as a snack, however, the lion's share of fermented milk products should be for dinner, as they are easy to digest and digest. Casseroles, souffles are prepared from low-fat cottage cheese, but you can also serve it with a small amount of fruits or berries and a teaspoon of honey for sweetness.

    With regards to whole milk, it can and should be added when cooking (when preparing cereal cereals, milk soups, casseroles). And it is better to refuse the use in its pure form completely.

    Read also: What vegetables can you eat with pancreatitis: cooking options for vegetable dishes


    Another point of the diet: what drinks can be consumed with pancreatitis. All types of tea are allowed (black, green, berry, leaf, herbal). Decoctions (herbs, rose hips, bran), berry and milk jelly, compotes, diluted juice and no more than one glass per day are also allowed.

    However, the best drink for pancreatitis was and remains mineral water. Such an alkaline drink is the first aid for attacks of pain and in the first days of exacerbation of pancreatitis. Water replenishes the fluid balance in the patient's body, and the mineral salts that make up it enrich the body's cells with the missing trace elements. At least one and a half liters of mineral water are consumed per day.

    Sweets and desserts

    Sometimes you can afford sweets. For this, marshmallows, marshmallows or marmalade are suitable. However, do not get carried away with these products, allow yourself them in a small amount no more than once a week. If you really want something sweet, then have a snack with a baked fruit (for example, a pear), prepare yourself a berry jelly, or drink a glass of juice (jelly or compote). Thus, preference is given to "natural" sweeteners.

    With regards to the use of honey, doctors still cannot come to an unambiguous decision. In the remission phase, honey is used as a sweetener for tea, casseroles, cottage cheese, but not more than one teaspoon. This is due to the fact that honey causes the production of insulin by a diseased gland, which ultimately adversely affects the organ.

    In the exacerbation phase, sweet foods are completely excluded. After the process subsides, sweet foods should not be consumed for ten days. In the remission phase, all of the above can be added to the diet, but the patient must carefully monitor the amount of sugary foods consumed.

    Important! In chronic pancreatitis, for a complete recovery, only proper nutrition, adherence to all the principles of a sparing diet, may be enough. By choosing the right foods, you can not only delay the next exacerbation, but also get rid of the symptoms and signs of the disease.

    Why You Should Diet

    A common question among patients is: how will food restriction help me? And this is not surprising, for many of us it is much easier to take one pill in the hope that it will save us from all sores. With pancreatitis, such tactics will be fundamentally the wrong decision.

    In case of inflammation, it is important to create functional rest for the pancreas, and this is possible only if there is a complete rejection of food and dishes that cause increased enzymatic activity of this organ. Under conditions of complete functional rest, favorable conditions are created for the restoration of damaged tissue, the outflow of pancreatic juice improves, and blood circulation improves. All this eventually leads to the removal of inflammation and the main symptoms of the disease. In some cases, the disease enters the stage of stable remission, that is, it completely ceases to disturb the patient.

    Pancreatitis is a fairly common disease. A distinctive feature of this disease is acute pain in the stomach, as well as a violation of the quality of the pancreas.

    To treat this disease, a special diet (therapeutic) was developed. It contains only a specially selected menu and permitted foodstuffs. They will not cause any harm to the affected body. What does a sample menu for the week look like?

    1. Diet for chronic inflammation of the gland

    With such a disease, a sparing diet is prescribed, which completely excludes the use of alcoholic beverages, sweet, fatty, fried foods, as well as foods containing coarse fiber, simple carbohydrates, extractives. Nutritionists recommend eating up to 6 times a day, the serving size should be small so that it is better absorbed and does not overload the pancreas.

    Food should be steamed, boiled or stewed, in rare cases it can be baked. Before use, it must be cooled to a temperature of 30 degrees. In this case, you can avoid stomach irritation.

    Salt in the diet should be used in a minimal amount, and if possible, completely eliminate it until the work of the body returns to normal. Fish, meat and dairy products are used as the main products. The energy value of the menu per day should in no case exceed 1800 kcal.

    It is best to give preference to liquid or semi-liquid foods, for example, soups, mashed potatoes, cereals, etc. A strict diet for pancreatic disease must be observed for about 3 weeks after the attack has stopped. After that, the menu can constantly expand until you return to your usual diet.

    When dieting, it is allowed to use cereals, vegetable soups, boiled / fresh vegetables, dried bread, meat, boiled eggs, poultry and fish (only low-fat varieties are allowed), sour-milk products, non-acidic berries and fruits, flour products, butter / vegetable oil, natural kissels, fresh juices and compotes.

    In no case should you forget about water. It is recommended to drink up to 2 liters of pure water per day. It will restore balance and improve bowel function.

    During an exacerbation of the disease, the use of carbonated water should be minimized or completely eliminated. In addition, canned food, strong broths, fast food, smoked / spicy foods, buns, cocoa, sour berries and fruits, marinades, coffee, pies, eggs cooked in the form of scrambled eggs or soft-boiled, fatty meat litters, fish.

    2. Nutrition rules

    There are a number of rules that must be followed:

    • Eat food of only one consistency (it is best if it is homogeneous);
    • Portions consumed should be small;
    • Completely exclude smoked, sweet, fried, salty foods from the diet;
    • Try to eat as little fresh food as possible (for example, vegetables);
    • Drink as much liquid as possible (water, green tea, decoctions).

    The rules of the diet in the acute course of the disease are similar to the chronic variant. In the chronic course of the disease, fasting lasts several days (up to).

    3. Sample menu for the week

    The menu is signed for a period depending on the type of disease: in acute pancreatitis - for up to 9 months, in chronic - for several years. At the same time, alcohol (even in miniscule amounts), seasonings and smoked meats are necessarily excluded from the menu. Chocolate, as well as other sweet foods, are also prohibited (from sweets, only a small piece of marshmallow or one spoonful of jelly is allowed).

    The menu is selected taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body, while it must contain all the substances useful for the body.

    Here is a list of products that are allowed to be included in the diet:

    • Vegetables. Almost any vegetables can be present on the menu (with the exception of legumes and cabbage and others that cause bloating). From these vegetables you can cook various side dishes and soups;
    • Cottage cheese . This product can be eaten for breakfast or as a snack. From it you can make cheesecakes or a casserole;
    • Compotes, fruit jelly. It can be apricots, apples, pears. If a person has an exacerbation, then pears should be excluded from the menu;
    • Dairy products . All foods must be low in fat. It is allowed no more than twice a week to season salads with sour cream;
    • Eggs. The menu can include a steamed omelette, or boiled eggs, but without the yolk;
    • Meat. It is best to choose boiled chicken or steamed fish;
    • No more than once a week you can eat pasta;
    • Cereals. It is best to stop your choice on rice, oatmeal or semolina.

    Video on the topic: How to switch to a healthy diet for people suffering from pancreatitis?


    On the first day, it is best to completely refuse to eat. Only water is consumed throughout the day. If it does not disturb the patient, then an approximate menu may look like this:

    • For breakfast, you can drink a glass of green tea (you can add a teaspoon of honey to the drink). Also allowed 150 grams of semolina or rice porridge;
    • For a second breakfast, you can eat pumpkin puree (50g), a fish or chicken steam cutlet, a rosehip drink;
    • For lunch, you can eat vegetable or chicken broth with a small cracker of bread;
    • For an afternoon snack, you can drink a glass of kefir from jelly;
    • Dinner consists of a steamed omelet and beetroot salad;
    • Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of water with honey.


    If it appears painlessly, then for breakfast you can cook any porridge (semolina, oatmeal or buckwheat).

    • The first breakfast consists of oatmeal, which is cooked in milk, a piece of cheese and a glass of jelly (without added sugar);
    • For a second breakfast, you can eat 100 grams of cottage cheese (1% fat), which can be mixed with an apple;
    • For lunch, you can eat boiled rice with a piece of fish. It must be steamed without fail;
    • For an afternoon snack, you can eat apple or carrot puree;
    • Dinner may consist of a diet vinaigrette with a small piece of bread (it can be replaced with a loaf).


    • On the third day of the diet, it is already allowed to use salads from apples, beets, which are seasoned with sour cream (it should be low-fat). You can drink green tea.
    • For a second breakfast, you can eat buckwheat porridge with a small piece of butter and bread;
    • Lunch consists of rice soup and 2 slices of cheese;
    • For an afternoon snack, you can drink a glass of fermented baked milk or kefir;
    • For dinner, a person can make mashed potatoes (no milk added), bake vegetables, and eat a slice of bread.


    • For breakfast, you can eat oatmeal, which is cooked with a small piece of butter. In addition, mineral water without gas is allowed;
    • For a second breakfast, you can eat an omelet and a cutlet, which is steamed. In addition, you can also drink a glass of milk (fat percentage 1 or 2.5%);
    • At lunchtime, you can eat a bowl of soup with a small piece of fish. For a side dish, you can cook zucchini or carrots;
    • For an afternoon snack, you can bake an apple;
    • Dinner consists of cottage cheese and rice pudding and weak tea (milk can be added to it).


    • In the morning you can eat rice porridge and a boiled egg (it must be without yolk);
    • The second breakfast consists of tea and a small piece of cheese;
    • Lunch may consist of soup with homemade noodles, pumpkin or carrot porridge. You can also drink a glass of milk or tea;
    • The afternoon snack consists of low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of sour cream;
    • During dinner, you can treat yourself to a vegetable salad dressed with butter (olive is best), a baked apple and a glass of tea with a teaspoon of sugar.


    • For the first breakfast, you can cook an omelet, which is steamed with vegetables. The prepared dish can be supplemented with a glass of milk;
    • For a second breakfast, you can cook buckwheat porridge with fish (boiled);
    • For lunch, you can eat milk soup and green tea;
    • For an afternoon snack, you can drink a rosehip drink;
    • For dinner, you can cook vegetables with potatoes (boiled), fruit jelly or pudding.


    After the symptoms of the disease subside, you can diversify your menu.

    • For breakfast, you can eat a small piece of bread with butter, cottage cheese. Wash it all down with a glass of green tea;
    • If a person has mild pain, then for a second breakfast you can boil a small piece of chicken meat with carrots. In addition, you can also eat a small piece of bread. You can drink unsweetened tea or mineral water;
    • For lunch, you can eat vegetable soup, mashed potatoes and a boiled cutlet. From drinks, unsweetened tea or kefir is allowed;
    • For an afternoon snack, you can drink jelly with a small amount of crackers;
    • For dinner, you can cook fish casserole and drink carrot juice.

    4. Consequences

    Failure to comply with the diet threatens the patient with serious consequences. As complications with pancreatitis, diseases such as:

    • Hypertension (hepatic);
    • Diabetes mellitus of the first or second type;
    • Any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • pancreatic cancer;
    • Brain damage.

    5. Recipes

    When you have to reconsider your diet. For cooking, you can use a certain range of products, and the dishes should not be greasy, not very salty, not fried, not sweet. But nevertheless, with this disease, you can live a full life. Consider a few recipes for cooking.

    1. Steam cutlets. For cooking, we need to take chicken breast (about 200 g), wheat bread (30 g), milk (3 tablespoons), a small amount of oil (it is best to take olive oil), a pinch of salt. All components must be mixed. Form cutlets from minced meat. Put them in a double boiler, pour water and close the lid. Cook until fully cooked.
    2. Rosehip drink. To prepare this decoction, you will need to take 0.5 kg of fruit and 4 liters of water. We wash the rosehip and fill it with water. We leave to infuse for four days. It is not necessary to boil the drink, the rosehip should be infused at room temperature. Such a drink is rich in vitamin C. Due to the fact that the drink is very acidic, you should consult your doctor before drinking it.
    3. Vegetable soup. To prepare the soup, you will need to take pepper (1 pc), broccoli, one small zucchini, cauliflower. Vegetables must be washed and cut into cubes. Pour vegetables with water (1.5 liters) and cook until they are fully cooked. Water drains (but not all). Using a blender, puree the soup.
    4. Fish soup. For cooking, we need to take 0.5 kg of low-fat fish (you can use cod, pike perch or pike), pour water and put on fire. It must be cooked until fully cooked, after which the fish is separated from the bones and chopped in a blender. Add a little butter to the warmed milk and wait until it is completely melted. After that, the broth is brought to a boil. It is important that the broth does not boil. Put the fish in it and cook for a few more minutes. Our soup is ready.

    Pancreatitis is a disease in which diet plays a major role. With strict adherence to the recommendations of the doctor and proper nutrition, you can live a full life.

    Video on the topic: Pancreatitis - effective treatment + diet. Treatment of the pancreas without drugs or drugs.

    Inflammation of the pancreas- pancreatitis - disables the entire digestive system. It synthesizes all the enzymes that help in the processing of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Pancreatitis is acute and chronic, but in any form, you need to follow a diet.

    General diet rules

    With this pathology, the main task is to spare the digestive system in mechanical, chemical and thermal terms. A healthy diet for pancreatic pancreatitis often cures inflammation, restores its function, protects the stomach and intestines from the effects of aggressive food, reduces the active work of the gallbladder and prevents liver disease.

    Patients should eat food provided for table No. 5p according to Pevzner's classification. Food should be nutritious, but low in fat and carbohydrates, namely sugar.

    An increased amount of protein food is allowed. In this way, it is possible to prevent the transition of the liver into fatty hepatosis and the occurrence of diabetes mellitus. A certain amount of nutrients should be consumed per day:

    • Proteins - 100-120 g, of which 65% are of animal origin.
    • Fats - 80-100 g, of which 15-20% are of plant origin.
    • Carbohydrates - 300-350 g, sugar in them - 30-40 g.
    • Edible salt - 6-10 g, food is better not salted.
    • Liquid intake - 1.5-2 liters.

    The energy indicator per day should not exceed 2500-2600 kcal. The daily calorie content should be calculated by the doctor, taking into account the existing weight and health of the patient.

    General principles:

    The disease in question is insidious, with it it is required to strictly follow the rules of the diet, because otherwise, an exacerbation will occur and all treatment will be ineffective.

    How long you need to diet depends on the course of the disease. At first, a very strict diet always follows, and then the boundaries of acceptable products gradually expand.

    What can you eat with pancreatitis?

    The products allowed for the pathology under consideration should be light so as not to impede the work of the pancreas, then it will have to produce less enzymes.

    Food should be quickly processed and passed from the stomach and intestines to the exit, without forming gas formation, which intensifies the already sharp pains in the abdomen.

    Food should contain more proteins, because the enzymes that iron synthesizes are made up of them. What foods can be eaten without fear of another attack are presented as a list:

    Bread. Dried, stale, dry biscuits, crackers.

    Soups. Preferably from mashed vegetables: pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, zucchini. You can cook with vermicelli, semolina or oatmeal.

    Meat. Only lean varieties: pure veal fillet, chicken breast, turkey, rabbit. Only boiled or steamed: cutlets, dumplings, beef stroganoff.

    Fish. Dry varieties: carp, pollock, cod, steamed or boiled fish.

    Cereals. Wiped buckwheat, semolina, rice porridge on the water in half with milk, oatmeal, cereal casseroles with cottage cheese are allowed.

    Milk products. Low-fat milk, low-fat cottage cheese, not sour, yogurt, kefir, yogurt. You can eat low-fat and unsalted cheese.

    Eggs. Prepare an omelet from proteins, and only one yolk per week.

    Vegetables. Allowed potatoes, beets, cauliflower, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, boiled green peas.

    Sweets. Instead of sand, take xylitol. What fruits can be used for pancreatitis: ripe and not sour fruits and berries, it is allowed to prepare compotes, mousses, jelly from them, while wiping everything. You can eat sweet baked apples.

    Sauces. It is necessary to cook it yourself from vegetable broth and milk, adding unfried flour.

    Fats. You can eat cow butter, but not more than 30 g per day, purified vegetable oil - 10-15 g and season them with ready-made food on a plate.

    Beverages. You can drink weak tea with lemon, a decoction of rose hips, mineral water without gas, juices, pre-diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

    This sparing diet is used for chronic pancreatitis during rest. With an exacerbation, the diet changes dramatically, which should be observed unconditionally.

    What is forbidden?

    A diet for inflammation of the pancreas does not allow the use of foods that increase the release of gastric juice and secretion of the gland. If more enzymes are produced and they do not go entirely to the processing of food, then they begin to corrode the tissues of the diseased organ. To reduce the release of enzymes and quickly eliminate inflammation, you need to stop eating the following products:

    Soups. You can not use soups on meat, fish and mushroom broth, consisting of many ingredients: cabbage soup, borscht. Milk soups are also banned, and cold ones, for example, okroshka.

    Fresh bread made from rye or wheat, fried pies, cakes, pastries and puff pastries.

    Meat. Pork and lamb, goose and duck, that is, fatty species, offal, sausages, smoked meats, canned food.

    Fish. Fatty types, fried, smoked, salted and canned.

    Milk products. You can not eat fatty types of dairy products: sour cream, cheeses, cream.

    Cereals. Forbidden: pearl barley, millet, corn and wheat groats. They are digested for a long time, provoking the release of hydrochloric acid.

    Eggs. Hard boiled and scrambled eggs.

    Vegetables. You can not eat cabbage, radish, turnips, eggplant, sweet and bitter peppers, spinach, garlic, radishes.

    Jam, chocolate, raw and unmashed fruits and berries (grapes, figs, bananas), ice cream.

    Spices. All hot spices: peppers, horseradish, vinegar and the like.

    Coffee, strong tea, sweet soda, cocoa, grape juice.

    It is forbidden to use solid fats when cooking: beef, mutton, pork, tail fat, bear and the like. All this is difficult to process for a sick gastrointestinal tract.

    Chronic and acute pancreatitis. Video:

    Diet for acute pancreatitis

    Acute pathology of the gland in the first two days requires complete abstinence from food. The patient needs complete rest - both physical and emotional.

    You can drink alkaline mineral water, weak and unsweetened tea and a decoction of rose hips. Additionally, you can put a heating pad with ice on your stomach. Then a couple of days food is introduced in the form of droppers.

    For 4-5 days, in small portions, the patient can be given low-calorie food in the form of liquid porridge-slurry, mucous decoctions. From 5-6 days, you can give an omelet from egg whites, pureed cereals from buckwheat or oatmeal, boiled vegetables and some crackers. Food is taken 6 times a day in small volumes. Then you can eat puddings, mousses, casseroles. After the acute phase is removed, the patient switches to diet No. 5p.

    Diet for chronic pancreatitis

    If pancreatitis has become chronic, then a person should almost always eat diet food. Specialists have developed for this special table No. 5p, the task of the diet of which is aimed at maximizing the facilitation of the work of the pancreas, its complete peace of mind. This is achieved due to the correct chemical composition of food, the volume of servings.

    The menu is dominated by protein foods, carbohydrates and fats are reduced, there is a complete rejection of coarse fiber and heavy meats. Cook food strictly for a couple, boil or stew.

    You can not drink alcoholic beverages and flavor food with hot spices. During the remission period, you can expand the list of allowed products, but do not go beyond the list of allowed products, which is located above.

    The diet for pancreatic pancreatitis during exacerbation, if the pathology has taken a chronic form, is exactly the same as in acute pancreatitis. At first, two days of rest and only drinking, then liquid cereals and pureed soups, after which the diet expands to reasonable limits.

    Diet for pancreatitis. Video:

    Menu for every day

    From the general list of allowed dishes, you can choose an acceptable combination for yourself so that the food does not become boring and boring. What can you eat during the day:

    1. Breakfasts:

    • Boiled beetroot salad, compote.
    • Low-fat cottage cheese, rosehip broth.
    • Steamed omelet, tea and biscuits.
    • Oatmeal, jelly.
    • Buckwheat porridge, tea.

    2. Snack:

    • Carrot salad.
    • Baked apple with dried apricots.
    • Whipped proteins.
    • Rice with raisins.
    • Carrot and pumpkin puree.

    3. Lunch:

    • Soups and borscht on lean meat broth.
    • Chicken cutlet.
    • Steamed fish with rice.
    • Naval macaroni.
    • Stewed vegetables.

    4. Snack:

    • Jelly from fruits or berries.
    • Sandwich with butter and cheese.
    • Kissel from berries.
    • Baked potatoes.
    • Bean puree.

    5. Dinner:

    • Vinaigrette and matsoni cheese.
    • Omelette and ryazhenka.
    • Rice pudding and yogurt.
    • Boiled cauliflower and curdled milk.
    • Zucchini caviar and kefir.

    This is an approximate menu from which you can take any dish or come up with it yourself from those products that are allowed to be consumed and cook it in a way that is gentle on the diseased organ.

    They can be used individually, but they work better in collections. During the period of exacerbation, the best herbal healer will be a rosehip decoction.

    Many patients are concerned about the question - is honey possible with pancreatitis? Yes, you can, honey is absorbed more easily than sugar, so they can replace the well-known and rather harmful sweetener for the human body.

    Moreover, patients with pancreatitis are forbidden to eat cakes, pastries and other sweets. Honey with inflammation of the pancreas is of great benefit: it relieves inflammation, improves immunity, and helps in wound healing.

    Dieting for pancreatitis of any form is a sure way to recovery. If this is neglected, then serious complications can arise and it will be quite difficult to get out of this situation.

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