The evolution of the relationship between Onegin and Tatyana Larina. The final explanation of Tatyana and Onegin in novel A

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The novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" is a work, the central plot of which is the love of Tatiana and Eugene. The different fate of these heroes, different upbringing could not interfere with the feeling. Tatyana completely surrenders to love, dreams of Onegin, feels a truly deep and bright feeling for him. Onegin, on the other hand, rejects the girl, although many years later he will regret it ... A sad story about a man and a woman who were prevented by something, who did not fight for their happiness.

Onegin and Tatyana meet in the village, where the main character comes to visit his uncle. The girl, feeling lonely next to loved ones, finds Evgeny close to her person. Unable to endure the waiting and languor, she writes him a letter in which she confesses her feelings to the young man. It took several days for a response. The analyzed episode is the meeting of Tatiana and Onegin, during which Eugene gives the “answer” to the girl in love.

The explanation of the characters is the climax, the most important stage in their relationship. Why does Eugene reject love? I think it's not just that he didn't love Tatyana. Looking ahead, we can say that the writer sees secular society as the culprit of all troubles, more precisely, its mores and customs. And who, if not Pushkin, knows about the mores of that time? No wonder he calls Onegin his "old friend". The author knows all the habits and thoughts of his hero so well that one involuntarily gets the feeling that in the contradictory image of Onegin, in the description of his way of life, Pushkin expressed himself to some extent.
Eugene, suffering from "spleen" and "boredom", fed up with life in the capital, replacing feelings with "science of tender passion", could not appreciate Tatyana's pure soul, madly in love with a person close to her in spirit.

Onegin, after a moment of silence, begins his speech. The girl's letter touched him, but, alas, did not arouse a reciprocal feeling:

Your sincerity is dear to me;

She got excited

Long lost feelings

Eugene says that he is not worthy of Tatyana. He believes that love, like everything else in his life, will quickly get bored and become boring. Without even trying to sincerely imagine his future with his loving wife, he rejects Tatyana, coming up with a thousand excuses and excuses, drawing family life:

Marriage will be torture for us.

As much as I love you,

When I get used to it, I fall in love immediately.

During his entire speech, Onegin speaks and thinks only of himself. It is not the first time for him to utter such words: past fleeting hobbies, metropolitan ladies ... He has not yet understood that Tatiana is the best of all of them, she knows how to truly love for human qualities, and not for her position in society. Bringing his arguments to her, Onegin did not understand that he was breaking the girl’s heart, bringing her pain and suffering, although he could give her happiness and joy.

Tatyana did not answer Evgeny:

Seeing nothing through tears

Barely breathing, no objection,

Tatyana listened to him.

First love is the brightest feeling. And the saddest thing is if it does not find reciprocity. Tatyana's dreams are broken, love loses its bright colors. An inexperienced girl, brought up in the country, adoring sentimental French novels, dreamy and impressionable, did not expect to be refused. Tatyana's frankness, her romantic letter to the object of adoration distinguishes her from other girls. She was not afraid to express her feelings, she was not afraid of the future and completely surrendered to the feeling.
Onegin was the best for her: mature, intelligent, congenial, desirable. But his years and mind played a cruel joke with Tatyana. Trusting his mind too much, and not his heart, Onegin does not want to change himself and his life for the sake of love.

The next meeting between Eugene and the girl will take place on her name day, some time later. Here there will be a conflict between Onegin and Lensky because of Olga.

Tragic is the love of Tatyana Larina and Eugene Onegin, described in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". Moreover, this love suffers two fiascos: the first through the fault of the hero, the second through the fault of the heroine. The society in which they lived put their limits and barriers on their path to happiness, and they could not go against everyone for the sake of pure and bright love, voluntarily condemning themselves to eternal torment.

Is it possible to speak of the development of relations between Onegin and Tatyana as an evolution? This term implies a progressive movement, deployment from simple to complex, more perfect, qualitatively new. Let's figure it out.

Secret Realm of the Soul

The story of Onegin and Tatyana's relationship is a love story. The feelings of the characters develop from the moment they first meet, but this happens in different ways. Reading the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" is a fascinating journey through the labyrinths of the human soul. It is interesting to look at how the characters change internally and externally, to ponder why the happiness that seemed to Tatyana Larina “so possible” did not happen.

fatal visit

Tatyana and Onegin met at the Larins' house. Friends came here at the insistence of Vladimir Lensky, who was in love with Olga. The visit was short, but its consequences turned out to be fatal for Tatyana. About Evgeny's impression, we only learn that he "would have chosen another", not Olga. The author uses a non-standard technique: he speaks about the attitude of Eugene Onegin towards Tatyana through the characterization of Olga, in whose features he did not see "life". So, the older sister is still slightly interested in the hero. But only.

Love at first sight?

For Tatyana, on the contrary, a new stage begins. Love is born and develops rapidly. But let's pay attention to what was the reason for this. In the 6th stanza of the 3rd chapter, it is said that the neighbors began to read Tatyana the groom, and of course, in the person of Onegin, because the younger sister was already going to the wedding. Tatyana listened to these gossip "with annoyance", but "a thought was planted in her soul." Pushkin psychologically accurately described the main factor that made a young girl plunge into the ocean of romantic feelings: the time has come, and she fell in love. The grains fell into the prepared soil. Passionate admirer of novels Tatyana Larina seemed to have fallen into their world, imagining herself and Onegin as heroes of books.

I entrust my destiny to you...

About Onegin, the author says with a grin that he is not "Grandison", that is, he does not at all resemble the virtuous hero of the English novel by S. Richardson, which Tatyana eagerly read. Regarding Tatyana Larina's ardent romantic relationship with Onegin, the author drops the woeful and capacious phrase "Alas!" (8th stanza, 3rd chapter).

While the subject of passion is bored in her estate, Tatyana experiences a cascade of conflicting feelings. Joy is replaced by sadness, dreamy impulses - confusion. The idea of ​​writing to Onegin is born spontaneously, simply because sincerity takes precedence over prudence. What can be the conventions if she loves "not jokingly"?

He doesn't deserve her

With bated breath, we read the lines in which Yevgeny, touched by Tatyana's gullibility and innocence, gently refuses the girl. The motley merry-go-round of secular love entertainments killed the young man's ability to emotional excitement and stirred up former emotions only for a moment. In chapter 4 we will find many quotations in support of this. Onegin's attitude towards Tatyana, however, remains touching and tender. The secular womanizer does not even think of taking advantage of the frankness of a sweet girl. He will not seduce Tatyana, and will not marry her. Onegin honestly describes the prospect of their life together as he sees it, and nobly does not publicize the girl's careless impulse. The arguments of the beloved do not convince Tatyana of anything, and Pushkin calls his diligent speech a sermon (17th stanza, 4th chapter). Onegin easily passes the verdict on himself: Tatyana's love he is "not worthy!". If only he knew then what a surprise life had in store for him.

The passion of the unfortunate girl, of course, did not cool down, but flared up more strongly. In a Christmas dream, her desires, thoughts about Eugene and a formidable presentiment intertwined. Appearing on Tatyana's name day, Onegin gives her a gentle look only for a moment and continues to miss her. Not taking into account Tatyana's feelings for him, Lensky - for Olga, the cruel Onegin begins shamelessly dragging after his friend's bride. This act is a deadly characteristic of a hero who, apparently, has no access to high experiences. In earthliness, Evgeny is much closer to Olga, it is no coincidence that both of them cannot understand why Lensky suddenly rushed off, and they do not understand how immorally both acted at the ball. Olga, by moral characteristics, is not worthy of a poet, just as Onegin does not deserve Tatyana.

The soulless trick of the heroes entails tragic consequences. Lensky dies senselessly in a duel: secular prejudices prevent Eugene Onegin from reconciling with a friend, pleading guilty. The duelist immediately leaves the village. In the spring, Olga leaves for the regiment with her newly-made husband, a lancer. Tatyana is burdened by loneliness and unceasing passion.


With trepidation, the girl crosses the threshold of Onegin's estate and rereads his books, which reveal to Larina the true appearance of her idol. This is where a turn is planned in the relationship between Tatyana and Onegin, who suddenly appeared in her eyes as a pathetic parody of a magnificent hero. The deep feeling of the spiritually gifted girl has not faded, but now she is forced to come to terms with the fact that she loves an empty and unworthy person.

Trapped in the Looking Glass

Tatyana's success among the Moscow nobility is noted by the author at the end of the 7th chapter, where her immediate charm captivates the middle-aged general. The fate of the young rural noblewoman is decided. We will meet her only in two years, when she will become a brilliant society lady with impeccable taste and manners. Onegin will see her like this after his aimless wanderings around the world, and his “cold lazy soul” will be struck and turned over by a flared passion for the impregnable princess.

The history of the relationship between Tatyana and Onegin is now repeating itself with mirror accuracy. He is excited, sad, all thoughts are about her, writes her a letter of recognition, handing Tatiana (as she once did to him) her fate. He waits a long time for an answer and finally receives the same rebuke that he subjected young Tanya "in the wilderness of a distant village" several years ago.

Why does Tatyana, not hiding the fact that she continues to love Yevgeny, refuse him? She directly tells her unfortunate admirer that she does not trust his feelings, seeing in him only the excitement of a secular rake. Tatyana also discovers another reason: she will remain faithful to her husband, such is the chaste basis of her character.

So what was it?

To decide whether the relationship between Tatiana and Onegin can be called an evolution, it is necessary to understand whether the princess is right that she does not believe in the sincerity of Eugene. If he really seeks only victory in a difficult love contest, there can be no talk of a qualitatively new stage in the spiritual life of the heroes. But still it seems that Tatyana is mistaken - Onegin is really ripe for deep and strong experiences. Tatyana's feelings are also going through a new stage - she consciously chooses to give up personal happiness in favor of duty to another person, and this is her moral victory.

Yevgeny has foreign tutors; Tatyana has a simple Russian peasant woman. Tatyana is the ideal image of a Russian woman. She dreams of real great love, of the only chosen one, and Onegin has “the science of tender passion”, a chain of easy and soon boring victories. Tatyana grew up in the atmosphere of the provincial nobility, she does not know how to lie and pretend. Her love, natural and alive, is why it is beautiful.

Onegin was afraid of genuine feelings, because he was used to secular falsehood, the game, and Tatyana's sincerity frightened, even repelled Yevgeny. Therefore, the main character of the novel passed by what Tatyana's open heart offered him. And only in the last chapter in Eugene Onegin's heart, which has long since “lost sensitivity”, has cooled down, a bright feeling spontaneously flares up. But even now he is not interested in the same Tatiana as she was in the village, "not this girl, timid, in love, poor and simple." Such a Tatyana Onegin would have neglected even now. He began to "languish with a thirst for love" for Tatiana, a brilliant magnificent framed capital living rooms - "the impregnable goddess of the luxurious royal Neva", "an indifferent princess." Note that this captivating Tatyana is alien to herself. She herself is "stuffy here", in this new environment in which she became so interesting to Onegin. She despises the “excitement of the world”, hates the “tinsel of a hateful life” surrounding her, “all this noise, and brilliance, and children.” All her true being: sincerity and depth of feelings, fidelity to duty, spiritual nobility - is associated with her proximity to the natural, folk ... It is also significant that Tatyana, continuing to feel feelings for Onegin, calls his sudden love for her "petty feeling." Here you can and will agree with her and not. On the one hand, Eugene fell in love with Tatyana sincerely, tender love for the heroine made a revolution in him, returned that "sensitivity" to his heart, generated by disappointment in love, which breathed new strength into Onegin's habitual life and filled it with meaning and content. On the other hand, Onegin's feelings are "shallow" because they are only a drop in comparison with the sea of ​​​​feelings that Tatyana experienced for Eugene. Tatyana's final monologue robs the central character of this barely acquired meaning, extinguishing any hope for personal happiness. And absolutizing the personal drama of the hero, Pushkin leaves Onegin in a state of the strongest moral shock in the last scene.
Thus, despite the reciprocity of the characters, the author separates their life paths, leaving no chance for happiness. This is the main tragedy of the main characters of the novel by A.S. Pushkin Evgeny Onegin and Tatyana Larina.

The basis of the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" is the relationship between the two main characters - Eugene and Tatyana. If you follow this storyline throughout the entire work, you can conditionally distinguish two parts: Tatyana and Onegin; Onegin and Tatyana.

The decisive factor in this division is the leading role of the characters in the emergence and development of love feelings. At the beginning of the novel, we become witnesses of the acquaintance of Eugene and Tatyana. He is a wise man, rather tired of the bustle of the capital, quite confident in his rightness, a young man. However, his confidence, as it turned out, has rather slippery ground:
... early feelings in him cooled down;
He was tired of the light noise;
The beauties didn't last long
The subject of his habitual thoughts;
Treason managed to tire;
Friends and friendship are tired ...

All these are signs of a disease, which in English is called spleen, and in Russian - blues. According to the author, Onegin was calm about this state, in the sense that
He shoot himself, thank God,
Didn't want to try.
But life has completely cooled off.

At this time, Onegin had a chance to change the status quo: his father died, leaving behind huge debts, and his uncle was dying. Eugene's decision was ripe instantly: he left his father's estate to creditors, and he himself moved to his uncle's estate, located in the wilderness, away from the bustle of the capital. Tatyana was not familiar with the bustle of the city. There were two teachers in her life: sweet romances and folk tales. Seeing the mysterious, impregnable Onegin, Tatyana immediately fell in love. No wonder, because in her chosen one "the happy power of dreaming" the most romantic and courageous heroes of her favorite books were embodied:
Tatyana loves not jokingly
And surrender unconditionally
Love like a sweet child.

Tormented by love longing, Tatyana decides to take a desperate step - to confess everything to the object of her worship. Let's turn to Tatyana's letter, which we like from the first lines: it has such a surprisingly simple beginning. In the second part of the letter, Tatyana talks about her emotional experiences associated with the need for an unusual, great feeling, with a romantic dream of an ideal and extraordinary hero:
Why did you visit us?
In the wilderness of a forgotten village
I would never have known you.
I would not know bitter torment.

The girl, on the one hand, complains that fate sent her a disturber of her peace of mind, but, on the other hand, thinking about her possible fate (“I would have found a friend in my heart, I would have been a faithful wife and a virtuous mother”), Tatyana resolutely rejects the possibility of marriage with one of the provincial suitors, because she could not fall in love with Petushkov or Buyanov. And Tatyana, with unexpected, perhaps for her, the most frankness and courage, speaks about who Onegin is for her: he is sent by God, he is her guardian angel to the grave, whom she had known for a long time:
You appeared to me in dreams
Invisible, you were already sweet to me,
Your wonderful look tormented me,
Your voice resounded in my soul.

But all this did not happen at all in a dream, it was all a reality, for when Onegin first came to visit the Larins, Tatyana recognized him. The tone of the letter becomes more sincere and confidential. Everything that is best in her, Tatyana transfers to her chosen one. And one more important detail: Tatyana perceives Onegin as a protector. Here, in her native family, she feels lonely, no one understands her:
But so be it!
From now on, I entrust my fate to you,
I shed tears in front of you
I beg your protection.

Having received Tatyana's message, Onegin was touched by her sincerity, tenderness, but deep down he was afraid that he would not justify these quivering hopes. Note: for a moment a feeling flashed in him, remotely resembling love, but it immediately died out. Onegin's egoism and individualism, which came through so clearly in the first explanation of the characters, are mentioned by the poet in the epigraph to the novel: "Imbued with vanity, he possessed" more than that special pride, which prompts him to confess with the same indifference

Finally, we come to the analysis of the 4th chapter of Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin". The drama is on the rise. “Hardly anyone wrote in verse in Russian with such ease, which we notice in all Pushkin's poems. He has an inconspicuous job; everything is at ease; the rhyme sounds and calls out another,” wrote Voeikov about the poem.

Onegin came to Tatiana in the garden. The scene of Onegin's meeting with Tatyana is the key in this chapter, which carries a psychological load. And to emphasize this, Pushkin does not insert any significant actions into this chapter.

Having read novels, Tatyana expects that after her confession, secret meetings with her beloved hero, love adventures and experiences will await her. But Eugene behaved not like the hero of her favorite novels, but like an ordinary person. While he was walking into the garden, he remembered his stay in St. Petersburg, his love affairs, the accumulated bitter experience.

Before judging our hero, put yourself in his place. He barely had time to notice Tatyana behind the flickering servants, the samovar, cups of tea. Remember, when friends returned home, Onegin was the first to mark mother.

And by the way, Larina is simple,

But a very sweet old lady;

Sad silent girl, could hardly draw attention to herself. And even more so, a person who knew women could not fall in love in a couple of hours. Tatyana was clearly in a hurry with her confession.

Once again, I propose to put ourselves in the place of our hero. He receives a letter. Even if touching and sincere, from a girl she barely knows. How should he have acted? Any decent person, whether a nobleman or a middle-class man, would have done exactly the same in his place. Even today, 200 years later. There are 2 scenarios here. The bastard would have taken advantage of the naivety and inexperience of the girl, would have swung and left. Yes, even denounced to the whole district. However, in the Russian society of the 19th century, morals were much more strict, and he would have to answer to the assembly of the nobility. He was not ready to marry. So he did what he had to do.

He offers the girl the love of a brother and friendship. The author also says that Onegin could take advantage of the love of the inexperienced Tatyana, but nobility and a sense of honor took over. Onegin invites Tatyana to listen to a confession, but his monologue is more like a rebuke. He confesses to Tatyana that he does not seek to tie the knot, shows what future awaits Tatyana if he marries her.

Believe me (conscience is a guarantee), Marriage will be torment for us. No matter how much I love you, Having got used to it, I will stop loving you immediately; You will start to cry: your tears will not touch my heart.

And at the end of his monologue, Onegin gives Tatyana advice: "learn to rule yourself." This phrase for incomplete 200 years managed to become winged.

Tatyana did not answer Yevgeny.

Through tears, seeing nothing

Barely breathing, no objection,

Tatyana listened to him.

But what confusion, what a storm of feelings reigned in her soul, the reader can only guess. The nobility in the characterization of Eugene is also emphasized by the vocabulary carefully selected by Pushkin: “silenced feelings”, captivated, “young maiden”, “bliss”.

At the end of the conversation, in order to soften the harshness and coldness of his words, Yevgeny gave her his hand, on which Tatyana leaned, and together they returned to the house.

But if Tatyana had chosen as her confidante not a nanny who knew nothing about love, but a mother, the plot of the novel could have developed differently. Mother would not allow her to write this letter, because she understood that this could only scare away a potential groom. But Onegin would have been set up with such nets that only noble mothers are capable of. There would be thousands of pretexts for inviting Onegin to the Larin estate, and Onegin could not refuse them. All conditions would be created for Eugene to get to know Tatyana better, and there, you see, he would fall in love with her and propose to her.

However, dear reader, you have the right to disagree with our judgment.

As mentioned above, apart from Tatyana's meeting with Onegin, the author does not develop the narrative, does not describe any significant actions in this chapter.

First, he analyzes Onegin's act, noting that

acted very nice

With sad Tanya our friend.

This is followed by a discussion about friends, which can be expressed in one proverb: God, deliver me from friends, and I myself will get rid of enemies. You never expect anything good from your enemies. That's why he is an enemy, to expect a stab in the back and betrayal from him. But when a person who calls himself a friend repeats slander, this is perceived differently by society, and it hurts more.

At the end of the lyrical digression, which occupied 5 stanzas of the chapter, the author gives advice that has become the slogan of our twenty-first century - love yourself.

Pushkin again returns to the image of Tatyana, describes her state of mind after a conversation with Yevgeny. Unrequited love left a heavy imprint on Tatyana's heart. She had completely lost her taste for life, her freshness. Neighbors from county villages began to pay attention to her condition, it was said that it was time to marry her.

But while Tatiana silently withered, Olga and Vladimir Lensky were happy, they enjoyed simple communication with each other, and the wedding day had already been appointed.

At the end of the analysis of the 4th chapter, attention should be paid to Lensky's antithesis to Onegin in the last stanza. Lensky is young and not as experienced as Onegin. He believes in Olga's love and is happy with that. “But pitiful is the one who foresees everything” - this is about Onegin. Knowledge, excessive experience often interfere with living and being happy.

Lyrical digressions at the end of the chapter indicate that a time interval will be allowed between the events of the 4th and the subsequent 5th chapter. Onegin's explanation with Tatyana took place in August - early September (the girls were picking berries in the garden). The actions of the 5th chapter will take place in January, at Christmas time.

During the first meeting, Onegin is a bored and relaxed metropolitan dandy. He does not have any serious feelings for Tatiana, but says, nevertheless, that it is she, and not Olga, who is something interesting. That is, he pays attention to Tatyana, but his devastated soul only touches with its tip a genuine, heartfelt perception. Tatyana at the time of the first meeting is a completely inexperienced naive girl who secretly dreams of great love (which is banal) and carries enough inner strength for this (which is not so common).

During the last meeting, Onegin is full of renewed spiritual strength, he understands how rare happiness he has missed. The important fact is that significant changes are taking place in Onegin. And now he can see it, experience sincere feelings. Tatyana, with her powerful inner core, appears as a spiritually very strong personality, that is, her development throughout the novel is also obvious. She does not just put up with the imposed marriage, she makes her treat herself as the queen of the very world in which she never dissolved, unlike Onegin.

Eugene Onegin. How the first and last meetings of Tatyana and Onegin determine the characters of the characters

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