Philosophy in a table for better understanding. Traditional sections of philosophy

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01/16/2016 This article is the 1st chapter of the book by S. R. Ableev “Philosophy in tables”. It will be about the concept of philosophy and its socio-cultural role. All diagrams and tables from the chapter are duplicated below in text format for the convenience of those in need or for those who do not have the opportunity to view images.

The concept and structure of the worldview. Scheme 1


1. THE CONCEPT OF WORLD VIEW- a system of general ideas about the world and man.


World outlook (rational, intellectual-cognitive sphere)

Attitude (sensual, emotional and mental sphere)


values ​​and evaluations

ideals and norms


Scheme 2 Historical types of worldview



Sensual perception of the world

commitment to tradition

Symbolism and allegorism

Lack of rational concepts


The predominance of sensory worldview

"Faith" is elevated to a principle

The system of dogmas

Mind takes a subordinate position


Rational worldview

Reason rises above faith

Abstract concepts are formed

Observations, comparisons, analysis, conclusions, evidence are used.

Table 3


What ideas about the subject of philosophy did certain philosophers or philosophical currents have.

Pythagoras - "Love of wisdom" (philosophy).

Heraclitus - Philosopher - a person engaged in research.

Plato - A special science aimed at the knowledge of the eternal true being.

Socrates - Means of knowledge of Good and Evil.

Aristotle - An inquiry into the causes and principles of things.

Epicurus - The way to achieve happiness through the mind.

Medieval Christian philosophy - Means of rational knowledge and proof of God. A means of clarifying the truths of Holy Scripture.

Hegel - The Science of Absolute Reason, comprehending itself.

Kant - A way of knowing the world through abstract metaphysical concepts.

The doctrine of "Living Ethics" is a means of knowing the world, based on spiritual intuition and reason. A means of spiritual perfection of man and the world.

Scheme 4

Types of philosophy. Classification. Scheme



Ordinary philosophy

Religious philosophy

mystical philosophy

scientific philosophy


Esoteric philosophy

Exoteric Philosophy


Philosophy of the Ancient World

Philosophy of the Middle Ages

Renaissance philosophy

Philosophy of the New Age

Philosophy of modern times

Scheme 5 Types of philosophy. Classification. Table




Eastern philosophy

Western philosophy

European philosophy

Indian philosophy

Chinese philosophy

Arabic philosophy

Russian philosophy


Idealist philosophy

materialistic philosophy


Buddhist philosophy

Christian philosophy

Islamic philosophy

Rationalist philosophy

Theological philosophy

Positivist philosophy

Atheistic philosophy

Table 6 Main philosophical disciplines.



1. ONTOLOGY - the doctrine of being.

2. PHILOSOPHICAL ANTHROPOLOGY - the doctrine of man.

3. GNOSEOLOGY (EPISTEMOLOGY) - the doctrine of knowledge.

4. AXIOLOGY - the doctrine of values.

5. LOGIC - the doctrine of the laws of thinking.

6. SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY - the doctrine of the laws of social development.

7. ETHICS - the doctrine of morality and morality.

8. AESTHETICS - the doctrine of the laws of beauty.

9. HERMENEUTICS - the doctrine of meanings.

10. THEOLOGY - the doctrine of God.

Table 7 The main components (disciplines) of modern philosophy.



1. Metaphysics

2. Philosophy of nature

3. Philosophy of man

4. Philosophy of knowledge

5. Ethical philosophy

6. Social philosophy

7. Philosophy of history

8. Philosophy of culture

9. Philosophy of politics

10. Philosophy of education

11. Philosophy of technology

12. Philosophy of religion

13. Philosophy of language

14. Philosophy of art

15. Logic

16. History of philosophy

17. Futuristic philosophy

Table 8 The main question of philosophy.


1. Ancient world - Modern times

Philosophical current (school): Buddhism (Gautama Buddha, etc.)

The essence of the main question of philosophy: How to get rid of the suffering inherent in earthly existence?

2. Ancient world - Modern times

Philosophical current (school): Orthodox Indian philosophy (Kapila, Patanjali, Vyasa Canada, Shankara, etc.)

The essence of the main question of philosophy: How to get rid of samsara (the cycle of rebirths of the soul), karma (the consequences of one's actions and thoughts), achieve moksha (liberation from earthly existence) and immortality in the spiritual worlds?

3. Ancient world - Modern times

Philosophical movement (school): Taoism (Lao Tzu and others)

The essence of the main question of philosophy: Cognition of the Tao and the achievement of immortality.

4. Ancient world

Philosophical trend (school): Ancient philosophical schools (Thales, Pythagoras, Anaximenes, Anaximander, Heraclitus, Parmenides, Democritus, Plato, Aristotle, etc.)

The essence of the basic question of philosophy: What is the basis of all things? (What is true being?)

5. Middle Ages

Philosophical trend (school): Christian philosophy (Augustine, Origen, Basil the Great, Thomas Aquinas).

The essence of the basic question of philosophy: What is God? Soul salvation.

6. Middle Ages - Modern times

Philosophical movement (school): Sufism (Al-Misri, Al-Muhasibi, Junayd, Suhrawardi, Ibn al-Arabi, etc.)

The essence of the basic question of philosophy: Reunion with God

7. Medieval and Renaissance

Philosophical current (school): Occult philosophy (Albert the Great, Raymond Lully, Nicolas Flammel, Jacob Boehme, Paracelsus, Eugene Philalet, etc.)

The essence of the main question of philosophy: Transmutation of the essence of man and the achievement of spiritual immortality.

8. New time

Philosophical current (school): Empiricism, Rationalism (Bacon, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, etc.)

The essence of the basic question of philosophy: What is the true method of scientific and philosophical knowledge?

9. New time

Philosophical current (school): Kant

The essence of the basic question of philosophy: What can I know? What should I do? What can I hope for?

10. New time

Philosophical current (school): Hegel

The essence of the main question of philosophy: Knowledge of the Absolute Spirit and the dialectical logic of its development.

11. Modern and Modern times

Philosophical trend (school): Dialectical materialism (Marxism) (Marx, Engels, Lenin, etc.)

The essence of the main question of philosophy: The ratio of matter and spirit. What comes first: matter or spirit? Is the spirit capable of cognizing matter?

12. Modern times

Philosophical current (school): Neopositivism (Schlick, Carnap, Neurath, Russell, etc.)

The essence of the basic question of philosophy: What is true scientific knowledge?

13. Modern times

Philosophical current (school): Linguistic philosophy (Wittgenstein, Heidegger, etc.)

The essence of the basic question of philosophy: The problem of language

14. Modern times

Philosophical current (school): Existentialism (Camus, Sartre, Marcel, Jaspers, etc.)

The essence of the basic question of philosophy: The problem of man

15. Modern times

Philosophical current (school): Existentialism (M. Heidegger)

The essence of the basic question of philosophy: Why is there something and not nothing?

16. Ancient world - Modern times

Philosophical current (school): Philosophy, close to the esoteric tradition (theosophy, Teachings of the Temple, Living Ethics, etc.) (Mahatmas, Blavatsky, La Dew, Roerichs, etc.)

The essence of the main question of philosophy: Knowledge of the world. Improvement of man and the world.

Table 9 Social functions of philosophy.


WORLDVIEW- associated with the formation of an individual or collective worldview - a system of general ideas about the world and man.

COGNITIVE (GNOSEOLOGICAL)- associated with the knowledge of the world and man.

METHODOLOGICAL- associated with the development of general principles and methods of cognitive and practical human activity.

LOGICAL- associated with the comprehension and formulation of the general laws of rational thinking.

VALUE (AXIOLOGICAL)- is connected with understanding and substantiation of the significance of spiritual values ​​for a person and society.

HUMANIST- is associated with the justification of the value of the human personality, its dignity, rights and freedoms.

HEURISTIC- associated with the penetration of intellectual intuition into the area of ​​the unknown and the direction of scientific knowledge.

AESTHETIC- associated with the study of the law of beauty and its perception by human consciousness.

PRACTICAL- associated with the development of meaning, goals, rules, principles and mechanisms of practical human life.

CULTURAL TRANSMISSION- is associated with the generalization and transmission from generation to generation of the most important achievements of the spiritual culture of mankind.

Table 10 Main types of philosophical knowledge and their specification.


1. COMMON (LIFE) PHILOSOPHY- knowledge is based on sensory perception, arbitrary speculation, related or unrelated to objective experience and reality.

2. RELIGIOUS-DOGMATIC PHILOSOPHY- knowledge is based on the provisions of the Holy Scriptures and the dogmas of the church. It comes from the priority of faith over knowledge. Uses reason to interpret and prove things of faith.

3. MYSTICAL PHILOSOPHY- knowledge is based on personal or historical mystical (spiritual) experience, empirical, rational and irrational knowledge, which are comprehended and interpreted by the means of reason.


EMPIRICAL PHILOSOPHY- knowledge is based on objective experience, which is comprehended and interpreted by the means of reason.

RATIONALISTIC PHILOSOPHY- knowledge is based on the arguments of the mind, proceeding from intellectual intuition.

RATIONAL-EMPIRICAL PHILOSOPHY- knowledge is based on objective experience, the arguments of reason and the action of intuition (as well as other types of irrational knowledge), which are interpreted by the means of reason.

Table 11 What can philosophy give to each person? (The practical meaning of studying philosophy)


Answer the most fundamental questions about the world and man.

Help to understand their place in the world and the meaning of life.

Teach the principles of "wise living" (i.e., living without illusions, without suffering, without delusion, etc.).

Strengthen the inner spiritual "core" and develop the ability to steadfastly overcome life's difficulties.

To teach a synthetic (philosophical) style of thinking, i.e. the ability to deeply and comprehensively see any problem and fruitfully solve it.

Learn to improve and reveal your inner strengths.

Learn to know the future.


Part 2. History of Philosophy 23

Table 12. Emergence of philosophy (regions and periods) 24

Table 13. The most important geographical centers of localization of philosophical thought in the history of mankind 25

Table 14. Some major thinkers (X century BC - XX century) 26

Table 15. Periods of development of Indian philosophy 28

Scheme 16. Ancient Indian religious and religious-philosophical literature, which influenced the formation and development of philosophy. 29

Scheme 17. Philosophical schools of ancient India 30

Table 18. Some important concepts of the philosophy of ancient India. 31

Scheme 19. The main directions of development of Indian philosophy of the Middle Ages (post-classical period: the end of the 1st millennium, BC - the 18th century) 32

Table 20. Periods of development of Chinese philosophy 33

Scheme 21. Ancient Chinese religious, religious-philosophical and historical literature, which influenced the formation and development of philosophy 34

Scheme 22. Philosophical schools of Ancient China 35

Table 23. Some important concepts of the philosophy of ancient China. 36

Scheme 24. The main directions of development of Chinese philosophy in the postclassical period (III century BC - XIX century) 37

Table 25. Periods of development of Arabic philosophy 38

Scheme 26. The main religious movements and traditions of knowledge in Islam 39

Table 27. Some Important Concepts of Islam and Islamic-Arab Philosophy 40

Scheme 28. Formation of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy in the Middle Ages (VII-XIX centuries) 41

Scheme 29. The development of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy in the Middle Ages (VII - XIX centuries) 42

Table 30. Periods of development of Western philosophy 43

Scheme 31. Cultural sources that influenced the formation and development of ancient Greek philosophy 44

Scheme 32. Ancient philosophical schools (Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome) 45

Scheme 33. The main directions of development of Western philosophy of the Middle Ages (II - XIV centuries) 47

Table 34. The main ideas of Western philosophy of the Middle Ages (II-XIV centuries) 48

Scheme 35. The main directions of development of Western philosophy of the Renaissance (XV - XVI centuries) 49

Table 36. The main ideas of Western philosophy of the Renaissance (XV - XVI centuries) 50

Scheme 37. The main directions of development of Western philosophy of modern times (XVII - XIX centuries) 51

Scheme 38. German classical philosophy of modern times (XVIII - XIX centuries) 52

Scheme 39. Counter-rationalist tendency in Western philosophy of the XIX - XX centuries 53

Table 40. The main ideas of Western philosophy of modern times (XVII - XIX centuries) 54

Table 41. Schools and currents of Western postclassical philosophy (XIX - XX centuries) 55

Table 42. Periods of development of Russian philosophy 56

Scheme 43 Formation and development of ancient and medieval Russian philosophy (XI - XVII centuries) 57

Scheme 44. Russian philosophy of the Enlightenment (XVIII century) 58

Table 45 Schools and currents of Russian philosophy (XVIII - XX centuries). 59

Table 46 The main philosophical ideas of Russian cosmism 60

Table 47. The most important philosophical currents in modern Russia (late XX - early XXI century)

Scheme 48. The development of the philosophy of "secret wisdom" in modern and modern times (XIX - XX centuries) 62

Table 49. The most important philosophical ideas of the teachings generated by the esoteric tradition of knowledge 63

Table 50

Part 3. Ontology and natural philosophy 66

Scheme 51. The most important problems and questions of ontology 67

Scheme 52. Basic types of being 68

Scheme 53. Two types of understanding of being 69

Scheme 54. The main attributes of natural life 70

Table 55 Philosophical ideas about substance 71

Table 56

Table 57

Table 58. Basic concepts of space-time 74

Table 59

Scheme 60. Development and its types 76

Scheme 61. Basic ideas and laws of dialectics 77

Scheme 62. Dialectical scheme of the development process 78

Scheme 63. Determinism, its principles and varieties 79

Scheme 64. The idea of ​​the development of life in the Theosophical tradition 80

Scheme 65. Basic philosophical concepts of the origin of consciousness. 81

Scheme 66. Ontological structure of being according to Plato 82

Scheme 67. Ontological structure of being according to the Neoplatonic tradition (Plotinus system) 83

Scheme 68. Ontological structure of being according to Christian dogmatic theology 84

Scheme 69. Ontological structure of being according to the mystical pantheism of Ibn Arabi (Sufism) 85

Scheme 70. Ontological structure of being according to the dialectic of Georg Hegel 86

Scheme 71. Ontological structure of being according to the theosophical tradition (XIX - XX centuries) 87

Scheme 72. Ontological structure of being according to the system of Agni Yoga 88

Table 73

Scheme 74. Levels of organization of matter in space 90

Table 75. The main possible scenarios for the development of the Universe according to modern cosmology 91

Part 4. Philosophical Anthropology 92

Scheme 76. The most important problems and questions of philosophical anthropology. 93

Table 77. Some philosophical ideas about the essence of man. 94

Scheme 78. Main approaches to determining the essence of a person 95

Scheme 79. Anthropological structure of a person according to ancient Egyptian sacred philosophy (hermetism) 96

Scheme 80. Anthropological structure of a person according to the philosophy of Hinduism (Vedanta) 97

Scheme 81. Anthropological structure of a person according to the system of Taraka Raja Yoga 98

Scheme 82. Anthropological structure of a person according to the philosophy of Pythagoras 99

Scheme 83. Anthropological structure of a person according to the philosophy of Plato 100

Scheme 84. Anthropological structure of man according to the philosophy of Aristotle 101

Scheme 85. Anthropological structure of a person according to orthodox Christian philosophy 102

Scheme 86. Anthropological structure of a person according to Tibetan Lamaism (Mahayana Buddhism) 103

Scheme 87. Anthropological structure of a person according to the European mystical philosophy of modern times 104

Scheme 88. Anthropological structure of a person according to the teachings of Living Ethics (Agni Yoga) 105

Scheme 89. Anthropological structure of a person according to the theosophy of the "new wave" (XIX century) 106

Scheme 90. Anthropological structure of a person according to the philosophy of the Secret Wisdom (esoteric school of the Adepts) 107

Scheme 91. Basic concepts of anthropogenesis 108

Table 92, Some characteristics of the process of anthropogenesis according to

theosophical concept of the cosmic evolution of man (part I) 109

Table 93

Scheme 94. The structure of the human mental world according to yoga philosophy and psychoanalysis 111

Scheme 95. Factors influencing the formation and development of human consciousness 112

Scheme 96. The main philosophical solutions to the problem of life after death. 113

Table 97

Scheme 98. Basic philosophical solutions to the problem of human free will 115

Table 99 Some philosophical solutions to the problem of the meaning of human life 116

Scheme 100. Modern problems of anthropological bioethics 117

Part 5. Epistemology 118

Scheme 101. Main problems and issues of epistemology 119

Scheme 102. The main solutions to the problem of the cognizability of the world 120

Scheme 103. Basic epistemological concepts 121

Scheme 104. Forms of sensory knowledge 122

Scheme 105. Forms of rational knowledge 123

Scheme 106. Varieties of irrational abilities of cognition 124

Scheme 107. Types of truth 125

Scheme 108. Criteria of truth 126

Scheme 109. Specificity of the scientific type of cognition 127

Scheme 110. The specificity of the religious type of knowledge 128

Part 6. Philosophy of Religion 129

Scheme 111. Signs of traditional religion 130

Scheme 112. Socio-cultural functions of religion 131

Scheme 113. Characteristic features of traditional religious consciousness 132

Table 114. Philosophical ideas about the origin of religions 133

Scheme 115. Types of religions 134

Scheme 116. Primitive beliefs (mythological and religious cults) 135

Scheme 117. Some national religions 136

Scheme 118. World religions 137

Diagram 119. Some new religious movements 138

Table 120. Progressive and regressive social, political and cultural phenomena associated with religion 139

Scheme 121. The variety of religious and philosophical ideas about God 140

Table 122. Theistic understanding of God 141

Table 123

Table 124. Pantheistic understanding of God 143

Scheme 125. Philosophical positions regarding the rational proof of the existence of God 144

Part 7 Social Philosophy 145

Scheme 126. Main problems and questions of social philosophy 146

Scheme 127. Main characteristics of human society 147

Scheme 128. Areas of social life 148

Scheme 129. The structure of society according to the concept of historical materialism (Marxism) 149

Scheme 130. Socio-economic formations according to the concept of historical materialism (Marxism) 150

Scheme 131. Main types of civilizations 151

Scheme 132. Types of development of society 152

Scheme 133. Theories of the development of society 153

Scheme 134. The main regulators of human social life. 154

Scheme 135. Types and hierarchy of human values ​​155

Scheme 136. Universal spiritual values ​​156

Scheme 137. Types of power in society 157

Table 138. Classification of states 158

Scheme 139. Separation of power in the rule of law 159

Diagram 140. Civil society 160

Part 8. Philosophy of history 161

Scheme 141. The main problems and questions of the philosophy of history 162

Scheme 142. Basic philosophical concepts of the meaning of history 163

Scheme 143. Philosophical solutions to the problem of the direction of the historical process 164

Table 144. The main theoretical models of the development of the historical process 165

Scheme 145. Cycles of development of society (YUGI) in classical Hinduism. 166

Diagram 146. Driving forces of history 167

Table 147. Main criteria for historical progress 168

Part 9. Philosophy of culture 169

Scheme 148. Social functions of culture 170

Scheme 149. Main philosophical approaches to defining the essence of culture 171

Table 150. Understanding of culture by different thinkers 172

Scheme 151. Forms and types of culture 173

Table 152. Dominants of national-historical cultures 174

Scheme 153. Levels and characteristics of mass culture 175

Table 154. The meaning of the concept of "civilization" in the views of various thinkers and researchers 176

Scheme 155. Countertrends of modern culture and philosophy 177

Part 10. Global problems and the future of earthly civilization 178

Table 156. The most important trends in the development of culture and civilization in the XX - XXI centuries 179

Scheme 157. The main internal and external factors in the development of modern civilization 180

Diagram 158. Global problems at the beginning of the XXI century 181

Table 159. Proposed measures to address global issues.182

Scheme 160. Common causes of global problems of terrestrial civilization 184

Scheme 161. Necessary socio-cultural conditions for solving global problems of civilization 185

Diagram 162. Future research 186

Scheme 163. Methods for studying the future 187

Scheme 164. Main ways of further development of earthly civilization according to the philosophical system of Living Ethics 188

Scheme 165. Some possible models for the development of civilization 189

Concise Dictionary of Philosophical Concepts 190

The textbook "Philosophy in diagrams and tables" in the discipline: "Fundamentals of Philosophy" performs the following functions:

Increases the degree of visibility, makes educational material accessible to students;

It is a source of information, freeing the teacher from a large amount of technical work, which increases his creative level.




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Compiled by: teacher of the 1st category A. N. Novikova

Reviewer: teacher of the highest category of social sciences E. N. Lokteva

Explanatory note

One of the priority areas for improving the quality of education is the creation of a new generation of educational materials, the use of innovative technologies that meet modern requirements.

The textbook "Philosophy in diagrams and tables" in the discipline: "Fundamentals of Philosophy" performs the following functions:

  • increases the degree of visibility, makes educational material accessible to students;
  • is a source of information, freeing the teacher from a large amount of technical work, which increases his creative level.

The textbook is compiled in accordance with the Work program for the discipline: "Fundamentals of Philosophy". The manual is developed for the entire discipline "Fundamentals of Philosophy", helps to form the following knowledge and skills of students:

  • understanding of the philosophical, scientific and religious pictures of the world, the meaning of human life, the forms of human consciousness and the features of its manifestation in modern society, the relationship between spiritual and material values, their role in the life of a person, society, civilization;
  • knowledge about the role of science and scientific knowledge, its structure, forms and methods, social and ethical issues related to the development and use of the achievements of science, engineering and technology;
  • knowledge about the conditions for the formation of a personality, its freedom and responsibility for the preservation of life, culture, and the natural environment.


Topic 1.1: “The origin of philosophy. Philosophy as a science"

The general concept of worldview and its main types

Functions of Philosophy

Worldview functioncontributes to the formation of the integrity of the picture of the world, ideas about its structure, the place of a person in it, the principles of interaction with the outside world

Methodological functionis that philosophy develops the basic methods of cognition of the surrounding reality

epistemological- one of the fundamental functions of philosophy - aims at correct and reliable knowledge of the surrounding reality

social function – explain society, the reasons for its emergence, evolution, current state, its structure, elements, driving forces; reveal contradictions, indicate ways to eliminate or mitigate them, improve society.

Educational and humanitarian functionphilosophy is to cultivate humanistic values ​​and ideals, instill them in a person and society, help strengthen morality, help a person adapt to the world around him and find the meaning of life



Topic 1. 2: “The origin of philosophy. Philosophy as a science"



Subject of study

main idea

1. Antiquity (Thales, Heraclitus, etc.)

Micro macro space

Harmony between man and space


2. Medieval

(F. Aquinas and others)

Man is god

theological idea. The world of man through god


3. Renaissance and Enlightenment (J. Bruno, J. Locke and others)

Human and society

Humanism. Man is the harmony of soul and body


4. Philosophy of Modern times (Bacon, Descartes, etc.)

Human and nature

Natural science exploration of the world


5. German classical philosophy (Kant, Hegel, etc.)

Creative subject and its activities

Creative subjectivity

6. Non-classical philosophy (Nietzsche, Freud, etc.)

Subjective - objective factor

idea of ​​freedom



Taoism is the oldest philosophical doctrine in China.


Topic 2.1: "Philosophy of the Ancient East"

Philosophical school of ancient China - Confucianism


Topic 2.1: "Philosophy of the Ancient East"


Topic 2.2: "Development of ancient philosophy"

Brief description of the stages (periods) of ancient Greek philosophy


New time"

The main directions and characteristic features of philosophy



Topic 2.3: “Philosophy of the Middle Ages, Renaissance,

New time"

Main philosophical directions

New Age and Enlightenment

Idols of Francis Bacon

Idols of the clan - false ideas about the World, which are inherent in the entire human race and are the result of the limited mind and sense organs of a person.

Cave idols - distorted ideas about reality associated with the subjectivity of perception of the surrounding world.

Market and square idols- false ideas of people generated by the ambiguous use of words.

Theater idols - false ideas about the world, borrowed from various philosophical schools.



Topic 2.4: "German classical philosophy"

Philosophy of Marxism


Topic 2. 5: "Russian Philosophy"

General concept and characteristic features of Russian philosophy

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