Photo of monuments of unusual shapes in the cemetery. Unusual cemeteries The most unusual graves

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January 27, 2015 No one is surprised that visits to cemeteries are included in excursion programs in many cities of the world. At the same time, the cemeteries themselves are sometimes able to surprise - tourists who appreciate architecture and unusual works of art, as well as a quiet, contemplative rest, find a lot of interesting things for themselves in local cemeteries. We publish here a list of the most amazing and beautiful, in our opinion, cemeteries in different parts of the world.

1. Père Lachaise Cemetery, France, Paris

Today, this cemetery in the eastern part of Paris is perhaps the most famous in the world. Hundreds of thousands of tourists visit it throughout the year. However, this was not always the case: in 1804, when the authorities allocated a place for him, the Parisians did not want to bury their relatives there just because of his low fame. The city hall of Paris took an unprecedented step: the ashes of the writer Molière and two legendary lovers: Abelard and Eloise were transported to Pere Lachaise. After that, many world-famous people found their last refuge here - Honore de Balzac, Frederic Chopin, Oscar Wilde, Edith Piaf, Marcel Marceau and many other figures of literature and art, as well as famous politicians.

2. Arlington National Cemetery, USA

The world's largest military cemetery is located in Arlington, a suburb of the US capital Washington. In addition to participants in wars and various military conflicts that the United States has waged around the world since 1865, presidents, chairmen of the Supreme Court, and American astronauts are buried at Arlington Cemetery. The cemetery covers an area of ​​almost three square kilometers, currently there are about 300,000 graves.

Chinese Christian cemetery on the western side of Hong Kong Island in the form of an amphitheatre. The overpopulated territory of Hong Kong, a rocky island, did not allow the expansion of the Pok Fu Lam cemetery, created in 1882, so Hong Kong Christians were forced to build terraces for burials on the mountainside, connecting them with streets and alleys. Over time, the cemetery began to resemble a giant open amphitheater. Some burials are made with great artistic sophistication.

The only underwater cemetery-crematorium in the world is an artificial reef off the east coast of the United States. Here, those who during their lifetime were somehow connected with the sea find their last shelter - divers, sailors. The underwater territory of the reef covers an area of ​​65,000 m2. The most famous burial is the 86-year-old Edith Hink, a resident of Naples. Her relatives decided that Edith loved the sea so much that she deserved to be buried in it.

An ancient necropolis near the highland Ossetian village of Dargavs. 97 stone crypts have been preserved here, most often in the form of pointed towers. According to legend, during the plague in the 14th century, people themselves came here, built crypts and waited for death. The necropolis is located on Mount Rabinyrang, from where a picturesque panorama of the Caucasus Mountains opens.

One of the most visited places in the capital of Argentina, and rightfully one of the most beautiful cemeteries in the world. Here are the burial places of many Argentine presidents and other celebrities, the most famous of them is the grave of Eva Peron, a legendary woman, especially revered in Latin America. Eva Peron was an actress, the wife of Argentine President Juan Domingo Peron, and she herself was involved in politics a lot. The cemetery is part of the National History Museum. Among the sculptures in the cemetery, there are many genuine works of art that have been declared national cultural and historical treasures.

This strange "joyful" cemetery was created in the 1930s by original local artist Stan John Patra. Crosses and wooden tombstones are decorated with playful inscriptions and drawings in the primitivism genre, depicting episodes of the life (and sometimes death) of the buried, telling about their virtues and small weaknesses. According to the artist, a joyful attitude towards death is a legacy of the Dacians, the ancestors of modern Romanians, who believed that death was only a transition to a better life.

The cemetery was created in 1786, in accordance with the decree of the Emperor of Austria-Hungary Joseph II, who forbade the burial of people in the city. The further fate of the city cemetery is unusual - in the 19th century it became a favorite place for walks and romantic dates for Lviv residents, and in the 20th century it became a place of pilgrimage for tourists. People are attracted by a huge (about 400,000) number of sculptures, crypts and tombstones, with inscriptions in Polish, German, Ukrainian, Russian, Hebrew, Latin, Armenian and some other languages ​​​​of the inhabitants of international Lviv. Many of the monuments are monuments of art, the Lychakiv Cemetery is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The world's largest Islamic cemetery and one of the largest cemeteries in the world. There are about five million graves on an area of ​​6 km2. Many Muslim prophets are buried here, nearby is the grave of Hazrat Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib, the “Fourth Imam”, a shrine revered by Muslims around the world.

10. The hanging coffins of Sagada, Philippines

According to scientists, the mountain cemetery of "hanging coffins" has existed on the Philippine island of Luzon for more than two thousand years. Representatives of the Sogadi people bury their dead here. Now the Sogadians are Christians converted to the Catholic faith by the Spanish colonialists, but they refuse to bury the dead. Coffins hollowed out from solid logs are prepared during a person’s lifetime, most often he does it himself, and if for some reason he cannot finish this work, his relatives and friends hollow out the coffin. The burial ritual includes a complex procedure for delivering the coffin with the body of the deceased to a cemetery located high in the mountains, on sheer cliffs, and fixing it on a rock. Perhaps this is the most unusual cemetery from our entire list.

11. Sucre's General Cemetery, Bolivia

The main cemetery of the city of Sucre is the most prestigious in Bolivia, the family of the deceased has to pay $10,000 for the burial. True, with this money the deceased stays for seven years in a special vault, a kind of pantheon, and only after that is moved to the ground, to an ordinary grave. True, not forever, but for the next twenty years, after which the grave is completely removed, there are many who want to be buried in the cemetery in Sucre. Many Bolivian presidents are buried here, including Hilarion Daza, the infamous initiator of the war with Chile, after which Bolivia lost access to the Pacific coast.

Often, people who have lost loved ones come up with the idea to perpetuate their memory in some non-trivial way. The unusual shape of the tombstone will make it possible to distinguish the grave from the mass of the same type of cemetery structures. By ordering a monument of a non-standard form, you can emphasize the uniqueness of the deceased person, show how much he did for you during his lifetime, how talented and wonderful he was. Although the death of loved ones always causes excruciating and sharp pain, regardless of his achievements in worldly life.

Non-standard monuments

Strange tombstones in the cemetery and simply unusual graves in Russia are becoming increasingly popular, because it seems to many that a standard tombstone will not be able to express all their pain and bitterness from the loss that has occurred. The specialists of our company understand this desire and help to decorate the grave in a manner corresponding to the dignity of a person in his lifetime. In these cases, we offer the relatives of the deceased a catalog with photos of amazing tombstones, which presents a wide range of complex, unusual and. We always keep ready-made designs of special architectural forms in stock, and we also have all the possibilities for making tombstones according to individual sketches. In you can order a monument to the cemetery from any materials, as well as their combinations: granite, marble, metal.

The main feature of non-standard tombstones is the material, because, as a rule, rather expensive types of stone with an unusual color and pattern are used in the manufacturing process. The processing of such products is carried out by the most experienced craftsmen who are able to invest in the creation of a masterpiece not only their knowledge and experience, but also their soul. The most unusual monument in the cemetery can be made of several types of stone and complemented with handmade decorations. Also, the specialists of our workshop apply

There is something mystical about death. And where people find their last resting place, there is always a special, slightly creepy atmosphere. It excites the imagination, frightens and attracts at the same time. So there are superstitions, legends, ridiculous rumors creep. Here are collected the most interesting and unusual of them.

Graves of witches and sorcerers

If during life there was a bad rumor about a person, he was buried in a special way. The body could be burned, nailed to the ground, tied with straps, cut, cut the tendons, “sealed” with silver. Many peoples believed that a witch should be buried without a coffin, face down. Graves were often placed outside the fences of cemeteries, in forests, at crossroads. Stones were thrown from above, thorny bushes were planted.

If this is not done, the dead man will be able to get out. There is a belief that holes and cracks appear on the graves of witches and sorcerers over time, through which they come to the surface. A large number of ants, bleeding grass and strange sounds from underground also point to the place where the witch is buried. Without knowing these signs, it will be difficult to find it. But there are also well-known facts:

This cemetery is located in Salem, Massachusetts. Well, I think a lot of people have heard of the famous 1692 Salem witch trials. Then about 200 people were arrested on charges of witchcraft. Some were executed immediately (hanged or crushed with stones), others died in prison.

True, in 1702 the authorities officially recognized the process as illegal, in 1957 all sentences were canceled, and in 1992 the cemetery became a memorial to the victims. By the way, in fact, those convicted of witchcraft were not buried there. There are no witch graves in Salem. But the legend attracts tourists there.

And in the forests of Michigan rests a witch who, according to legend, destroyed an entire city. If in 1874 there were about 1500 inhabitants in Pere Cheney, then by the beginning of the 20th century there were 25 of them left. Two epidemics of diphtheria wiped out most of the population, the rest left. And the disease, of course, was sent by a local witch.

She is said to have given birth to an illegitimate child and was banished. The baby died, and then the woman cursed the city. In the end, the witch was caught, hanged, and the body was buried. Dark figures and ghostly lights still appear in that forest, the laughter of children can be heard. But get real photos of ghosts so far failed.

Graves of vampires and ghouls

Almost all peoples have legends about the dead who drink living blood. Usually such a fate awaited suicides, sorcerers excommunicated from the church ... yes, many others. And, of course, those who were bitten by a vampire. Naturally, people were afraid of these creatures and took measures so that the deceased would not leave his grave after death. And for this it is important to properly bury someone who can become a vampire.

The body should be burned or at least pierced with an aspen stake and laid so that it is oriented from east to west. It is desirable to separate the head and place it between the feet. So that the corpse could not eat its shroud, it is necessary to slip something under the chin (stone, iron). You can also pour sawdust or grains into the coffin so that the vampire begins to count them and does not have time to get out before dawn. Here are the most famous burials:

In the north part of London there is an old Highgate cemetery. It has attracted attention for a long time. There are frequent reports of vampires, and suspicious graves are marked with a V. Visitors find dug up and decapitated corpses, empty coffins. Several bodies were exhumed, and they looked strange.

Plump, plump… not quite dead… There are real photos of vampires they look exactly like this. But everything is easier to explain. The corpse always swells, this is one of the stages of decomposition. There is blood on the lips. If you pierce the body with a stake, it can make a groan, as the accumulated gases will pass by the vocal cords.

The Père Lachaise cemetery in France is also considered a haven for vampires. It all started in 1848 when some lunatic dug up some graves, pulled out the bodies and badly damaged them. He felt that he should do so. Since then, rumors have spread. However, the appearance of some gravestones is suggestive.

The symbolism of the burials looks ominous. Skulls and bats, which are considered the visual embodiment of vampires, fatalistic inscriptions ... However, in the 19th century, this was accepted in Western Europe. According to another version, the image of a bat with outstretched wings served as a protection from evil.

Wandering graves and restless crypts

There is a belief that the earth does not accept the ashes of a person if they have not been properly buried. Creepy stories about moving graves have flooded the Internet. In general, this phenomenon has been known for a long time, but the evidence is bad. Everyone rewrites the same texts, where non-existent cities and people are mentioned. There are no real photos or documents.

Normal explanations too. Perhaps there are forces and energies at work here that we do not yet know anything about. Like when it exploded Chelyabinsk meteorite, strange things also happened… negative pressure and many other things… But in the case of the graves, it was something else. If they moved at all. Here are a couple of more or less plausible stories:

This event happened even before the revolution in a remote Russian village. At night, a mound of earth with a half-rotted cross appeared in one of the huts. They tried to remove the grave, but it turned out that there was also a lot of earth under the floor. When it was carried out, human remains were found there.

The cross looked like those that were installed in an abandoned cemetery near the village. How all this ended up in the hut, no one understood. The grave was taken out, the bones were reburied. But the house had to be abandoned. Since then, people have avoided the terrible place.

The Chase family crypt is located in Barbados. It is carved into the rock and covered with a marble slab. Every time it was opened, the coffins that were there turned out to be turned on their side, standing upright, scattered ... They seemed to be spreading around the room. This was repeated from 1812 to 1820.

Various versions have been put forward, from Voodoo magic and Masonic rites to floods and shifts in the earth's crust. Researcher Eric Russell in the middle of the 20th century identified a number of patterns in these phenomena. He believed that metal coffins are moved by water under the influence of gravity and a magnetic field.

So what is it? True or just gossip? I don't know.. But here the materials are collected all over the Internet, I didn't even manage to identify the primary sources. And the dead cannot confirm or deny the rumors about them. In anticipation of better times, they will keep their ancient secrets.

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We offer a look at some unusual graves that can be seen in cemeteries around the world:

The graves of a Catholic woman and her Protestant husband, who were not allowed to be buried together. Buried in the Protestant section of this cemetery is J.W.C van Gorcum, colonel of the Dutch cavalry and police commissioner in Limburg. His wife, Lady J.C.P.H van Aefferden, is buried in the Catholic section. They married in 1842 when she was 22 and the colonel 33, but he was a Protestant and not of the nobility.

Their marriage caused a lot of gossip in Roermond (Roermond). Having lived for 38 years in marriage, the colonel died in 1880 and was buried in the Protestant part of the cemetery near the wall. His wife died in 1888 and wished to be buried not in the family tomb, but on the other side of the wall, which was the closest place to her husband's grave. Two hands in a handshake connect the graves through the wall.

The Recoleta Cemetery is best known for being the burial place of Maria Eva Duarte de Peron or Evita, but in fact, many famous military leaders, presidents, scientists, poets and other important or wealthy Argentines.

David Alleno was an Italian immigrant who dreamed of being buried in this prestigious cemetery, where he worked as a caretaker from 1881 to 1910. He saved enough money to buy himself a place and built his own tomb. He even traveled back to his homeland to find an artist who could carve his figure out of marble, with keys, a broom and a watering can. Legend has it that after the grave was completed, David committed suicide on his grave, but many authorities say he died a few years after the grave was built.

This headstone is also located in the Recoleta Cemetery in Argentina. But what is so unusual about it? Well, let's start with the man sitting on the couch seriously looking at the horizon, and the bust of the woman standing behind him, but they are looking in opposite directions. They are placed that way because he died first, so the family made a mausoleum for him. A few years later, when his wife died, she asked in her will that her image be placed in such a way that it reflected their marriage: they spent the last 30 years of marriage without saying a word to each other.

Fernand Arbelot was a musician and actor who died in 1990 and was buried in the Pere Lachaise cemetery. He wished to look at his wife's face forever.

This unique monument represents a little boy jumping out of his wheelchair. Chained to a wheelchair for most of his short life, he was finally freed from earthly burdens.

The gravestones are arranged around a tree that has grown noticeably since part of St Pancras was cleared in 1860 to make way for the London to Midland railway. The young architect supervising the work was Thomas Hardy, a famous author.

The Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris is probably the most visited cemetery in the world and is known not only for the beauty of its monuments, but also for the celebrities buried there. However, one of the most dramatic graves belongs to an author most people have never heard of.

Georges Rodenbach was a Belgian writer who lived in the 19th century, best known for a book that, for the most part, was intended as serious literature for students. Dead Bruges (Bruges-la-Morte), a symbolic novel published in 1892, was about a man grieving for his dead wife. Therefore, it is excruciatingly painful to look at the grave of Rodenbach, the tombstone of which represents himself, rising from the grave with a rose in his hand.

When Jonathan Reed's wife, Mary, died in 1893, the widower was inconsolable and did not want to leave the grave. Moreover, he was so devoted to her that he moved to live on her grave, where he lived (with a parrot) for 10 years. Reed died in 1905 and was buried with Mary.

The most famous landmark in Hiawatha, Kansas, is the 1930s tomb located in Mount Hope Cemetery, near the southeast edge of town. John Milburn Davis arrived in Hiawatha in 1879 at the age of 24. Some time later he married Sarah Hart, the daughter of his employer. The Davises opened their own farm, which prospered, and were married for 50 years. When Sarah died in 1930, the Davises were already wealthy. Over the next seven years, John Davis used most of the family fortune to build a monument on Sarah's grave.

The amount spent on the Davis Memorial is estimated to be around $100,000, but the total is actually several times greater. In any case, it was a huge amount, for the collection of which it was necessary to mortgage the entire household and the mansion. This was during the Great Depression, when people couldn't make ends meet.

Among the reasons that could explain the extravagance of such an act are great love, guilt, anger at Sarah's family, and the desire that the Davis fortune be exhausted before John's death.

The Davis Memorial has grown piecemeal, which is pretty sad. If it had been built according to a pre-made plan, then perhaps it would have been larger and more beautiful. The original site of the memorial was a simple headstone, but John worked with Horace England, a monument dealer in Hiawatha, to make the monument more and more complex. The memorial includes 11 life-size statues of John and Sarah Davis made of Italian marble, stone urns and a marble dome rumored to weigh over 50 tons.

Jack Crowell owned the last wooden clothespin factory in the United States. Initially, he wanted a real spring to be installed in the clothespin so that children could play with it. He is buried in Middlesex, Vermont.

scary cemeteries- the largest concentrations of people who have nothing to do with life. What could be more terrifying? And I know what: photographs of these places and real scary stories about cemeteries that diverge as legends around the world.

1. Parisian catacombs, France

On the one hand, it is a tourist attraction, which you can easily get to by visiting the capital of France. On the other hand, there is an open cemetery. Open, I chose this word not by chance, because the skeletons and skulls of the dead are stacked one on top of the other, forming a wall.

In the overall standings, a person can see the remains of more than 6 million people underground. Not at all surprising are the numerous stories of those who saw moving clots of light, heard groans, human voices that spoke in an unfamiliar language. Esotericists claim that this is the most powerful place for the accumulation of otherworldly forces in Europe. I will write a separate, more detailed post about the catacombs, therefore, fix the address of my blog in the memory of your browser.

2. Prague Jewish Cemetery, Czech Republic

One of the oldest Jewish cemeteries in the world. From the outside, it looks more like a tombstone dump. The burial place of the Jews is located in the Josef quarter in Prague. It is officially recorded that the last burial was carried out here in 1787, but not because then someone forbade burial, but because there was simply nowhere to put the corpses.

The fact is that according to documents, there are 12 thousand graves here, and more than 100 thousand people rest underground. This became possible due to the multi-storey burial, which indicates the location of several deceased at once in one small grave.

The overseers of the cemetery claim that a healthy person cannot be here at night. The plates begin to glow. Scientists claim that it's just the glow of phosphorus, which is released from the remains of the skeletons of people. Ordinary people are sure that these are ghosts. How to explain the groans and cries of pain, which are also heard at night, scientists do not yet know.

3. Recoleta, Argentina

Scary cemeteries are those that inspire horror. But in Buenos Aires, a real scary story about a cemetery rather inspires darkness. The thing is that this place is considered almost the main tourist attraction here. Previously, only rich people of Argentina were buried here, which is noticeable from the monuments, which are valuable pieces of art of their time.

But here also rests the body of the Lady in White, or, according to reports, Rufina Cambacérès. The girl was of extraordinary beauty during her lifetime, but the case shackled her body into a medical coma. Given the little medical knowledge at the time about such a physical condition, Rufina was buried alive. She came to her senses when she was already walled up with a concrete slab, started screaming and calling for help. By the time the coffin with her body was opened, she had already suffocated from lack of air and was buried again.

The cemetery guard, who dreamed of receiving the honor of being buried next to Rufina, walled himself up in the grave next to the girl, and thus was martyred. Many saw the image of Rufina between the monuments of the cemetery, she walks between the graves and suffocates, begging to get her out of the ground. And behind her is the same guard who makes sure that the ghosts also keep order.

4. Bachelor's Grove, USA

Chicago is famous not only for its musicals, but also for the legendary "Bachelor's Cemetery". If you are looking for scary cemeteries, then you should try this place. The guards, who are replaced here almost every month, tell real scary stories about the cemetery.

One day, the Chicago authorities decided to conduct an experiment here. From different sides of the cemetery, they put a new employee and gave him a voice recorder, into which he was ordered to dictate everything he saw, even if it went beyond common sense. How surprised everyone involved in such an experiment was when 4 law enforcement officers who did not know each other told in their notes about what they saw at the same time of the night: about a woman with a child in her arms, about the sound of a passing harnessed carriage, and also about monks who walked around the cemetery three times with candles in their hands, constantly whispering words in an unfamiliar language.

5. Ganges, India

“What does the river have to do with it?”, you rightly notice. But this is the largest cemetery in India, because until today the Hindus have a tradition of burying the bodies of the dead in the water. Varanasi is famous for the most ardent adherence to this ancient tradition.

The corpses of dead people are placed on the shore and set on fire, and everything that has not burned out is pushed to swim along the Ganges. Surprisingly, the river is not closed for swimming of the living. Very often, tourists capture terrible things in the photo: children swim in the river, and unburned parts of the body of the deceased swim past them.

6. Stull Cemetery, Kansas

If you create a top based on the ratings of real scary stories about the cemetery, then the most reliable leader will definitely be the Stull cemetery, which is located in Kansas City. Firstly, the very place chosen for burials causes frost on the skin. Secondly, esotericists claim that this is the most powerful place for the accumulation of the paranormal in the world.

Scientists made special measurements in this area and are sure that Stull is located at the break of energy areas, which is why the clock stops here, no equipment works and a person can get lost between three crosses.

According to the stories, it is here that witchers and sorceresses receive their blessing from the devil, and if you make a conventional sign (which only the elite know), then you can safely go to another world and return from there already “reflashed” person. Inside the cemetery there is a collapsed church, in which a burning light was repeatedly seen, and even the ringing of bells was heard, which, in principle, never existed here.

7. Cemetery for the feebleminded, USA

This strange burial is located in Ohio. It is distinguished by the fact that a clearing with even rows of small tombstones of the same size opens up to the eye. It would seem that there is nothing surprising, because in America it is customary to organize burial places in this way. But if you look at the plates, you can only see the inscription “Sample” and the serial number.

It was the “samples” that were the patients of the State Institute for the Demented in Ohio. Simply put, this is a typical mental hospital in which medical experiments were performed on people. All documents that had data about a person were destroyed when they entered this institution, the patient was given a number and periodically tested new medications on him. With a clear frequency, strange fires occurred at the institute, in which all the results of one or another test disappeared.

But the essence of my story is in the cemetery, which is considered the most terrible in the region of Colombia (and, for sure, in the world). Esotericists claim that the buried people did not die a natural death, and their souls cannot understand what kind of world they are in. Thus, they try to explain the phenomenon that graves migrate. The overseers of the cemetery claim that the buried places are moving: from the moment of burial, they move at a speed that allows them to distinguish the space they have traveled even in a day. Maybe you want to visit this place and witness this unnatural fact?

8. Cemetery behind glass, Italy

Chiesa del Morti, or in our opinion - the Church of the Dead, is the name of the burial place of the monks, which differs significantly from all other classical burials. Its whole essence lies in the fact that the remains of the members of the “Good Death” brotherhood, which still exists at this church in the town of Urbino, in Italy, are located in glass niches.

All that remains of a member of the brotherhood is revealed to the gaze of a person, and at the head is the dressed skeleton of the founder. To say it's creepy is an understatement. 18 mummies, as it were, guard the ideology of the brotherhood, which you can learn more about by visiting this strange institution. They will immediately tell you why these 18 people were honored to be buried in such an unusual way.

9. Hanging Cemetery, Philippines

The Igorot tribe, which is of great importance for the history of the Philippines, believed that it was easier for the soul to reach the sky when the body was above the earth. It was they who invented the coffins with the bodies of the dead to tie rocks to the wall, and leave them like that forever. Over time, the sheer cliffs turned into a whole memorial, on which the remains of the dead Filipinos were located in rows.

It is difficult for a sane person to look at this accumulation of darkness, just as it is difficult to physically be in this place, since the corpses decompose, which entails all the ensuing consequences.

10. Highgate Cemetery, London

But Highgate Cemetery, which is located in the outskirts of London, is perhaps the most legendary and most visited in the world. The thing is that there are a huge number of legends about ghouls, who allegedly previously found refuge here. A huge number of tombstones are marked with the letter V, which, according to legend, means "the resting place of the vampire." People are sure that if you knock on the slab three times and read the inscription from the monument loudly, you will be able to see the ghost of the deceased nearby.

But all this seems like childish horror stories against the backdrop of statistics. It is Highgate London Cemetery that is the most opened in the world. This means that despite the fact that the cemetery is open only for tourist routes and has not been used for its intended purpose for a long time, open fresh graves and skeletal remains dug to the surface of the earth are still found here to this day.

In addition, in the English archives one can find documentary evidence of numerous exhumations, which indicate the presence of skulls with "atypical sizes of fangs in the jaw." This ancient cemetery has a huge number of crypts, because at the time when this place was used for burials, nobles and wealthy people were buried in family crypts. Due to the fact that they are often quite roomy and have a decent area, these tombs have excellent acoustics inside. The cemetery security assures that if you stay overnight and watch what is happening, then no one else will have the desire to walk around this place even during the day ...

Scary cemeteries or just real scary stories about cemeteries - this is a huge layer of facts to study. It is a fact that these are special places that, by their very nature, cannot radiate positivity and positive energy. But how to relate to certain stories is up to you.

Some ancient cemeteries and tombstones can be safely included in the list of the cultural heritage of mankind, because they are unique works of art. On one of the monuments, which testified to the place of burial of monks at a Buddhist monastery, there is an inscription: “We were like you. You will become like us.” Interesting? Then remember the address of my blog, because I try to collect in it all the most mystical and unusual things that we should remember. I will be glad to receive feedback.

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