Gas ceramic infrared heater from a cylinder. Gas infrared heaters from a cylinder: varieties and features

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Heating devices such as gas infrared heaters are used to heat open areas, semi-enclosed areas, industrial and residential premises. Their essence lies in the generation of infrared radiation, which warms up the surrounding objects, transferring part of the heat to them. Especially for this, infrared heaters were developed, powered by mains or liquefied gas. It is to this topic that our review will be devoted.

In this article we will talk about:

  • the device of gas infrared heaters;
  • their principle of action;
  • features of operation of infrared heating systems;
  • their merits and demerits.

Features and principle of operation of a gas infrared heater

Heating equipment warms in two ways - thermal (infrared) radiation and by heating the air. The first method is involved in gas infrared heaters, which are actively used to heat open areas and premises for various purposes. They do not heat the air, but the surrounding objects, creating warm and comfortable conditions for a long stay of people.

Gas infrared heaters are most often used for heating outdoor areas, but nothing prevents them from being used for space heating. If you like to arrange evening gatherings with tea in the open air or on the veranda, then this unusual equipment will be a pleasant gift for you. It will create a warm zone in which adults and children will be comfortable.

Gas-fired infrared heating devices will become indispensable for heating areas with swimming pools, industrial premises, summer verandas, open areas of street cafes, sports grounds and residential premises. The powerful infrared radiation generated by these devices will allow you to quickly warm up the surrounding objects and warm people, consuming a minimum amount of gas fuel.

The device and principle of operation of a gas infrared heater.

How are gas infrared heaters arranged? Inside them we will find:

  • burners with ignition system;
  • emitters - they generate heat;
  • control circuits - they regulate the gas supply.

The task of a gas infrared heater is to generate infrared radiation. For this, ceramic and metal elements are used here, heated under the influence of an open flame. When heated, they become a source of thermal radiation that heats the surrounding objects.

To form a certain zone of influence, some models are provided with reflectors that ensure the directionality of infrared thermal radiation.

The infrared radiation that occurs during operation warms up the surrounding objects, which is why they begin to give off heat. It is felt even at a distance of several meters, allowing you to heat large spaces. To increase efficiency, some models use additional fans that increase the intensity of flame burning.

Due to their design and principle of operation, such models are used for heating restaurant terraces, open courtyard areas, summer verandas, as well as residential and industrial buildings.

As already mentioned, heat is generated by burning gas - it is stored in built-in or plug-in cylinders. One filling, depending on the power of the burner and the capacity of the cylinder, can last for 10-15 hours of continuous operation. Due to the fact that gas combustion is carried out in an open form, heaters are installed only in well-ventilated places.

If you plan to heat the premises with such a device, do not forget to open the vents - the combustion products (there are not very many of them) should be freely removed outside by a natural draft.

Infrared gas heaters - pros and cons

Infrared gas heaters, like any heating equipment, have a number of advantages and disadvantages. First, we will look at their positive features and find out why they are so good:

Despite the variety of models of IR heaters, all of them can be installed both at home and on the street.

  • offline work - such devices work only on gas and do not require connection to the electrical network(this applies to the vast majority of models);
  • low noise level - despite the presence of burners, the noise level generated during the combustion of fuel remains extremely low;
  • compact dimensions - due to their small dimensions, gas heaters are easily transferred from place to place without any effort;
  • versatility in use - gas devices can be used to heat rooms and open areas;
  • the ability to work in areas where there is no main gas pipeline - you can connect / install a cylinder and power the device from it;
  • high degree of fire safety - despite the fact that this is gas equipment, it is safe. You can not be afraid of fires;
  • no emission of toxic substances - during the combustion of gas, water vapor and carbon dioxide are formed;
  • efficient heating of open areas – no other heating equipment is capable of this;
  • fast warm-up - provided by efficient generation of infrared radiation.

For lovers of hiking and picnics, the fact that you can even cook food on IR heaters will be a definite plus.

Gas infrared heaters perfectly warm rooms and open areas, are easily connected to gas sources, do not require permits - you can purchase and use it without asking anyone for permission.

Some people use them not only for heating, but also for technical needs - for example, for drying any things and objects, as well as for eliminating frost and warming up rooms after a long period of inactivity in frosty conditions (relevant for summer cottages).

  • the need for good ventilation - arises when using such devices indoors;
  • must strictly follow the rules of operation- despite the fire safety, it is still necessary to comply with safety regulations and caution in use;
  • cannot be used where there is no gas - if bottled gas is not available in your area, the operation of heaters will become difficult. Say what you like, but electrification in our country is more common than gasification.

Despite the presence of certain disadvantages, home and outdoor heaters continue to be in demand among consumers.

Types of gas infrared heaters

Outdoor gas infrared heaters are an excellent choice for outdoor restaurants, gazebos and porches.

There are many types of IR heating devices to choose from. On sale are catalytic models, portable, outdoor, universal, industrial, country and many others. Let's look at the most popular varieties and find out their characteristic features.

The outdoor gas infrared heater is a heating device for outdoor use. Complete with legs for floor installation or by itself has a floor structure. The greatest demand is for special outdoor models equipped with umbrellas. They allow you to form a uniform circular heating zone within a radius of several meters.. Such devices operate from built-in or plug-in cylinders.

The greatest ease of use is shown by street models in the form of tall columns - they provide a good infrared radiation distribution zone aimed at people and their surrounding objects.

Gas infrared heaters for summer cottages are compact devices that fit easily into a small box. They are made in floor execution and differ in small dimensions. Some of them are devoid of legs, such models are installed on the floor or on the ground. Country heaters are used for heating residential and utility rooms, as well as for heating open areas (courtyards, barbecue areas, terraces and verandas).

Ceiling industrial models are able to maintain heat in large rooms.

Industrial gas infrared heaters are characterized by large size and high performance. They burn a large amount of fuel, requiring good ventilation for their operation. Also on sale are ceiling models, somewhat similar to fluorescent lamps, but with large sizes. They are used for heating utility and industrial premises, as well as for complex heating of warehouses.

Cylinder-operated ceramic gas infrared heaters are compact models for universal use. They are used for heating buildings for various purposes and open areas. Almost all models on sale are made on the basis of ceramic generating elements.

Compact gas infrared heaters are used to heat tents and small rooms. They are built on the basis of small-sized burners that provide heating of small volumes. The power supply of such devices is carried out from small-sized gas cylinders. When operating compact models, it is necessary to ensure high-quality ventilation - it practically does not affect the degree of heating.

Catalytic gas infrared heaters are arranged according to an unusual principle - here heat is generated using a chemical reaction to oxidize the gas. There is heat in such devices, but there is no flame. Thanks to this, they can be safely used for heating living quarters and tents, requiring almost no ventilation. Compact gas catalytic heaters are in demand among summer residents and tourists.

Which gas infrared heater is right for you

Do you want to purchase a gas infrared heater for a summer residence, a house or an open area? There are a lot of models on sale, it is easy to get confused in this abundance. We can recommend you the following model - IR heater Ballu BIGH-55 from the Galaxy2 series. The device combines infrared and convection principles of operation.. Power is supplied from plug-in and built-in (up to 27 liters) cylinders.

For outdoor use, we recommend purchasing tall models resembling a column or a street lamp with an umbrella reflector. This device will create a circular heating zone, giving warmth to people and surrounding objects. Such devices can be used in any weather - an excellent choice for restaurants with outdoor terraces and for lovers of evening tea in the country or veranda.

Despite the steady rise in prices, gas will always be considered the most inexpensive type of fuel. Heating devices running on it do not depend on electricity. If you need temporary heating of the room, a gas heater for the house will also completely cope with this. Due to the variety of models produced, they will also be useful in the country, in the garage and even in nature.

Gas heater - an excellent choice for heating your home

Varieties of devices

A gas air heater, like other heating equipment, is an excellent option for creating a comfortable temperature regime. Depending on the place of use they are made in two types:

  1. Stationary - these are natural gas heaters for the home, they are connected to the appropriate line (they can also work from a liquefied gas cylinder), a prerequisite for installing such equipment is the presence of a chimney that provides combustion products removal and air flow. For ease of use, models are available that are equipped with interchangeable nozzles that provide various ways to connect the device.
  2. Portable devices are not able to provide full-fledged heating of a residential building or an entire apartment, so they are used in summer cottages, in a garage, to maintain heat in a room. Due to their mobility (small size and weight), the devices can be placed in any room and, if desired, transferred to other rooms. Such heaters work on liquefied gas (connected to a domestic cylinder).

In this video, we will consider a gas heater and its capabilities:

For ease of location, wall models, floor and ceiling models are available. The difference is also made by the combustion chambers. The closed type of the chamber is more practical to use, since the air necessary for combustion comes from the street and the products of work are also discharged there.

Units with an open chamber are equipped with an analyzer and a safety valve (to shut off the device in a critical situation). Such devices are used indoors, if there is forced ventilation.

Despite the variety of models produced, gas heaters have the same components. The main components of the devices are:

  1. Frame.
  2. Burner.
  3. Heater.
  4. Heat exchanger.

In more advanced modern appliances, an automatic shutdown and a thermostat are added for convenient and safe use. The process of heating the room with these devices also occurs in different ways, since they have a different principle of operation and design.

The most common models of gas heaters are as follows:

  1. Infrared heaters - equipped with metal or ceramic radiators, which, when heated, radiate heat (infrared waves) that heat objects in the room, and not the air.
  2. Catalytic models are considered safe. During operation, there is no combustion process itself, the release of thermal energy occurs as a result of a chemical reaction. The fuel supplied to the catalytic panel is oxidized and heat is released as a result. Heating of the room occurs both by convection and infrared or mixed types.
  3. Convection heaters are the simplest units. As a result of gas combustion, finned radiators are heated, from which heated air rises, and cold air descends in its place and heats up.

With proper operation, these devices will be reliable assistants capable of quickly creating a comfortable thermal regime in any room, even in the absence of electrical energy.

Advantages and disadvantages

The range of heaters operating on natural and liquefied gas is represented on the market by a wide range. Each manufacturer, when promoting his product, will prove that his brand of equipment is superior to the rest. But, no matter what brand the devices belong to, they all have their good and bad sides.

The main advantages of gas appliances include:

  1. Affordable fuel.
  2. Economical and efficient operation.
  3. Ease of operation.
  4. Equipped with protection systems, which almost eliminates the occurrence of dangerous situations.
  5. Long service life.
  6. Do not harm the environment (complete combustion of fuel).

The negative side of use is a highly flammable fuel, which, if handled carelessly, leads to a fire. Portable models take oxygen from the room during operation (normal combustion requires a constant supply of air), so you should consider a ventilation system.

When installing stationary devices, it is necessary to provide a special chimney (a coaxial pipe through which air enters the burner and combustion products are removed).

Criterias of choice

When purchasing a gas-fired heater, you should decide which variety is more suitable for heating the room. Each model works effectively only under certain conditions. When choosing, you need to take into account the main characteristics of the device, such as:

  1. Open or closed type of gas convector. In the second option, it becomes necessary to bring a coaxial pipe to the street.
  2. The area of ​​the heated room.
  3. The power of the device (the larger it is, the larger the object can heat).
  4. heating temperature.
  5. Where will the device be used (indoors or outdoors).
  6. The presence of protective functions.

Due to their efficiency and breadth of use, gas heaters compete with other heating devices. Independent of electricity, having a neat appearance, they firmly hold the won trust of their consumers.

A gas heater for giving with a cylinder is a modern device for space heating - an excellent solution for a country house in the cold season and beyond. Compared to electric ones, such a device is much more economical. Gas heaters have other undeniable advantages.

The key difference between this heater and others is efficiency.

Advantages of gas appliances

Natural gas is more affordable than other energy sources. No additional costs are required in the process of using it. Among the heaters there are models that can be connected to the network, and there are gas heaters on bottled gas. In the case of connection to the network, energy costs will also be minimal.

Other advantages of devices:

  1. Simple, uncomplicated design of gas heaters: the absence of complex components makes them easy to use and ensures reliability.
  2. Gas heaters are economical and efficient to use. This is evidenced by their efficiency.
  3. Most devices are mobile and small. They are easy to carry from one place to another. Due to their size, they will fit in the car. If necessary, such gas heaters can be taken with you on a picnic, fishing, camping trip.
  4. Heaters are environmentally friendly, that is, the damage caused to nature is minimal. Today, gas is the most harmless type of energy after solar. When burned, it almost does not form harmful substances.
  5. Ease of operation.

In this video you will learn the advantages and disadvantages of a gas heater for a garage and a summer residence:

Heating of the required area is carried out quickly, the heaters are not inertial and are quickly adjusted to the desired heating mode. The possibility of dangerous situations is also reduced to a minimum, since system protection has many levels. Finally, it should be noted that the devices have a long service life: from 10 years or more.

Device Disadvantages

The most serious drawback is the fire hazard. The possibility of a cylinder fire or explosion cannot be completely excluded. The gas is flammable, this must be taken into account. First of all, observe safety measures: do not leave appliances on when no one is at home, or with young children, without adult supervision.

Other disadvantages:

  1. Gas that is not burned is extremely toxic. Any leakage can lead to fatal poisoning, so it is always worth remembering additional safety measures.
  2. When using such heaters, you need to seriously approach the quality of ventilation. Since oxygen is consumed to burn gas and carbon dioxide accumulates, if ventilation is insufficient, this can create an uncomfortable, difficult indoor environment that is dangerous to human health.

With the right approach to the operation of gas appliances, they will serve for a long time, creating a comfortable atmosphere for life.

Gas infrared heater:

Types of heaters

There are several types of gas heaters. They differ depending on their design and principles of operation. Today, thanks to the development of modern technologies, the formation and transfer of heat during the combustion of gas can occur in various ways. In this regard, gas air heaters are divided into the following groups:

  • powerful fan heaters - gas guns;
  • gas ceramic heaters;
  • stationary installation convectors;
  • catalytic heaters;
  • compact portable gas-balloon heaters;
  • outdoor infrared heaters.

Gas heat guns are the simplest type of gas air heaters. They look like cylinders on a stand or medieval tools, which is why they got such a name. The device is simple: a burner is placed inside, and a fan is installed behind. Such heaters work both from the mains and from the battery.

They can also be connected to a propane tank. The main advantage is the low price and mobility, and that's probably all. There are enough cons here. Among them: high oxygen consumption, therefore they are not suitable for residential premises, and during operation they make noise, which can also interfere.

Heating garage, workshop:

Ceramic heaters are great for the home. Their degree of safety is much higher than that of the others, due to a different heat supply mechanism. Ceramic infrared heaters are widespread. They use infrared rays, the advantage of which is that they can spread over long distances without scattering.

Fans are not used in the operation of gas ceramic heaters, so they work silently. They can be connected to mains gas or to a gas cylinder. In gas ceramic heaters, a standard cartridge is installed inside the device itself.

Devices can be of different sizes: it depends on the volume of the room that needs to be heated. There is an interesting option for placing heaters of this type on the ceiling and walls. A “smart safety system” is built into the devices: for example, turning off the heater at the moment of its tipping over.

Heaters without flame - catalytic

Gas stationary convectors are good when you plan to stay in the country for a long time, even in winter. Outwardly, they look like ordinary heating radiators. Absolutely safe to use: the flame does not come into contact with the air in the room in any way. They have a closed combustion chamber.

Air enters from outside and the products of combustion of gas go there. The cost of such devices is low. The only and, perhaps, conditional disadvantage is that they cannot be moved from place to place. They can be decorated in various styles, for example, in the form of a fireplace.

Outdoor heaters are perfect for cold rooms in a country house, for example, a veranda. They maintain the desired temperature even in the cold season. Most often they look like speakers or lanterns. The cost is quite high.

Ceramic infrared gas heater Bartolini Pullover:

Catalytic devices are considered the safest in operation. In the course of their work, they do not produce a flame at all. Oxidation of the gas occurs due to the catalyst - platinum coating of great fineness. In this case, a minimum amount of oxygen is consumed, which is an advantage of this type of heater. The sizes are various. Perhaps this is the best option for residential premises. The cost is high but justified.

Criterias of choice

When choosing a gas heater for a summer residence, the purpose of purchasing the device is important. For example, for heating a living room for a long time, it is better to choose a stationary gas convector. If the device is needed only for a short period of time, for example, on weekends, then a ceramic air heater would be an ideal option.

There are several criteria for choosing a heater, such as size and weight.
  1. The power of the device must be suitable for the intended application. In the case of seasonal operation, chasing power is impractical. Even if the device will be used for a long time, you should not take one with more power, otherwise you can simply overpay money for an extra, unclaimed resource. And too high a temperature in the room will seem comfortable to few people, so it’s worth choosing wisely.
  2. The degree of safety during the operation of the device.
  3. Size, weight, the ability to easily carry from place to place. The presence of special means of transfer, for example, a handle or a special cart for transportation.
  4. The device should be purchased only in a specialized store so that the product has a technical passport, a service guarantee.
  5. Buyer financial capacity. The cost of gas air heaters for summer cottages is different. It varies from 1,000 to 30,000 rubles and even higher.

Economical heating of a garage house with your own hands:

Thus, the purchase of a gas heating device for a summer residence can be an excellent investment, subject to the correct and reasonable approach to its choice. The range is diverse: each customer can purchase what suits his needs and financial capabilities.

Everyone should know this! gas in the country, the cause of the fire:

The gas heater is autonomous non-centralized(as opposed to central heating with a boiler) heating system.

In it, the energy released during the combustion of natural gas is used to heat the premises.

Externally, this device looks like casing, with a gas burner installed in it and a heat dissipation panel, which is usually made of ceramics or metal alloys.

The gas cylinder can be built into the body of the device, but it is also possible to connect to the gas line.

Gas heaters for apartment and private houses

Advantages of gas heaters:

    autonomy, independence from power supply. Many of these devices can operate on both liquefied and natural gas.

    Therefore, even if the main gas supply is turned off or it is impossible to connect to it, the device can always be connected to a portable gas cylinder and not be left without heat.

  • Reliability. These heaters are simple in design, and there is no chance of burnout, as is the case with electric heaters on heating elements.
  • High efficiency. Combustion of fuel directly at the place of heating allows reaching values up to 80%.

Performance classification

Depending on the version, the following types of gas heaters are distinguished.

Portable balloons

As a rule, they are made in the form of a housing with gas equipment and a space for fixing a cylinder (there are also models with a cylinder connected through a hose). Sizes can vary from miniature for heating tents on hikes up to overall and powerful, for heating large rooms.

Powerful models, due to their size, are equipped with wheels for ease of transportation. On the body of the device there is an ignition button and a combustion intensity regulator.

Portable gas heaters work only on bottled gas.

Exists two types of gas: natural and liquefied(may consist of both natural and various mixtures, for example, propane-butane). First view- is supplied along the highways and used in stationary installations.

Liquefied- gas in liquid state, it has b O higher density and pumped into cylinders, so it is more convenient for portable use. A device designed only for natural gas will not work on liquefied gas.

Heating devices of this type are used in utility rooms, in garages, at industrial facilities for temporary heating of houses, at street events, and are widely used in hiking: in cases where the room small and constant heating is not required.

Due to the specifics of the application, portable gas convectors are equipped with security systems, which stop the operation of the device when the heater overturns, there is no flame or low gas pressure.


Heating appliances for fixed installation are usually produced in the form flat panels, because they do not have a place to place the cylinder. Equipped with brackets for mounting on walls and ceilings.

They usually run on natural gas, but some models can use LPG bottles.

Important! Such “omnivorousness” is provided either with change of nozzles(for liquefied gas, the spray hole in them is smaller), or special burners, designed for both types of gas.

Stationary heaters can have both an open combustion chamber and a closed one:

    open- not isolated from the room in which the device is used.

    The air for burning gas comes from the room itself, so for these devices it is necessary to ensure high-quality ventilation of the room (otherwise, during use, the air will be depleted of oxygen).

    A traditional chimney is used to remove combustion products.

  • In heaters with closed In the combustion chamber, oxygen for the gas-air mixture is supplied from the street through a coaxial chimney. The latter is a construct "pipe in a pipe". On the inside - combustion products are removed, and on the outside - air enters. These types of heaters are an order of magnitude safer than the previous ones, have a higher efficiency and do not affect indoor air quality. But installing a coaxial chimney is not always possible.

Such devices are often used as an alternative to the central heating system, in places where regular heating is needed for a long time: country houses, apartments.

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Classification by type of heat transfer

According to the type of heat transfer, the following types of heaters are distinguished.


In traditional systems, heaters first of all heat the air in the room, which is mixed by convection, evenly distributing the temperature.

This method is rather inert, it takes a long time to establish the desired temperature, since the air has poor thermal conductivity.

In addition, warm air does not mean warm objects at all, and, for example, beds in a country house can remain cold for a long time, despite the fact that the room is already hot.

These shortcomings are deprived of infrared heaters. Devices not heat the air, but the objects themselves indoors (furniture, walls, floors) and people in the zone of its action. Objects heated by IR radiation, they themselves become small sources of heat and heat the air, and a person will not be cold immediately from the moment the device is turned on.

Reference! The principle of operation can be compared with the Sun warming the Earth: despite the complete vacuum in space and the great distance, electromagnetic infrared radiation from the sun reaches the Earth and is absorbed by objects, turning into thermal energy, which we feel as “temperature outside the window”.

The mechanism for obtaining infrared radiation is as follows: the gas-air mixture enters the ceramic thermal panel, burns inside, heating it up to 800-900 °C. The panel heated to such temperatures becomes a source of infrared thermal radiation.

Infrared gas heaters are used:

Infrared gas heaters operate on both liquefied and natural gas from the main gas pipeline.

Advantages of gas infrared heaters:

  • economy. Due to the heating of only the desired zone of the room and the absence of losses from the heat source to the radiators (as in a central heating system with a boiler), you can save up to 50% energy.
  • Optimum space heating. When installing a gas infrared device on the ceiling, it effectively heats the floor and the lower part of the room, which is most comfortable for a person. With convection heating, warm air often accumulates under the ceiling, and it is still cold below.
  • compactness.
  • Fast and directed heating.
  • Absence of necessity in the chimney.
  • High price compared to gas convectors and electric radiators.
  • The need for regular cleaning and calibration, and repairs can cost a pretty penny.
  • They burn oxygen in the room, so you need to take care of it ventilation.

Ceramic infrared heater on gas

The radiating element here is a panel of heat-resistant ceramics with many holes. Passing through them, the gas burns out and gives off all the heat to the ceramic panel, which begins to radiate.

Photo 1. Ceramic infrared gas heater model UK-04, thermal power 3700 W, manufacturer - "Neoclima",

This type of heating devices is also called "light", because due to heating to temperatures of the order 900°C they emit a glow that can create a pleasant atmosphere and harmoniously complement the interior.

Some models are equipped built-in electric fan, which allows you to slightly increase its power, expand the coverage area, accelerate the heating of the room.

Attention! When using such systems for a long time, be sure to provide fresh air supply into the room.

Moreover, most models of ceramic heaters are equipped with carbon dioxide and oxygen sensors, so if there is not enough oxygen in the room, the automation can simply turn them off.


  • power;
  • directed action;
  • lower price compared to catalytic ones.


  • a little bit more low efficiency;
  • burning oxygen.

Catalytic IR heater

The name of these devices is due to the catalyzation (acceleration) of the gas combustion process.

They consist of a refractory grid (usually steel or ceramic) that is coated substance-catalyst - platinum and similar.

The gas entering the grate does not burn in the usual way, but is flamelessly oxidized by oxygen thanks to the catalytic coating of the thermal panel.

The catalyst contributes to the complete combustion of the fuel, hence high efficiency (up to 80%). The combustion temperature of gas in such heaters below 600 °C, therefore sometimes they are called "dark". Glow during operation is almost absent.

Thermal energy is also mainly transmitted through infrared radiation, but in catalytic heaters it is more pronounced convection heat transfer, than in "light" ceramic, where almost all the energy is emitted exclusively in the form of IR.

  • higher efficiency by optimizing the combustion process;
  • less active oxygen burning(ventilation is recommended, but not as critical as with ceramic heaters);
  • compactness and lightness.

Cons: power is limited 2.9 kW(against maximum 5 kW for ceramics).


Unlike infrared, these devices use the traditional method of heat transfer through air: convection.

The main element in the convector is a metal chamber, at the bottom of which a gas burner is installed. Burning, the gas heats the entire chamber, which gives off heat to the cold air.

When heated, it rises and provides uniform circulation of heat in the room.

All models are equipped with automatic, which monitors the room temperature and controls the gas supply, as well as safety sensors ( CO 2 , gas leaks).

Convector gas heaters are produced only in a stationary version, since a chimney is required for their operation. The chimney can be traditional type (for appliances with an open combustion chamber), and coaxial(in the case of a closed chamber).

Reference! For convectors with open chamber oxygen comes from the room, so they need ventilation. Devices with a camera closed types are devoid of this drawback, the gas combustion process is completely isolated from the premises and takes place, in fact, on the street.

The heat exchanger chamber in convector heaters is made of steel or cast iron. Cast iron is more expensive and heavier, but more durable ( service life up to 50 years), has a significant heat capacity (gives off heat for some time after the burner is turned off), and the efficiency of such devices is higher. Steel chambers are lighter, but their service life is 20 years.

Scope of application - permanent heating of residential and technical premises, country houses.

Advantages of convector type heaters:

  • Uniform heating, including large rooms.
  • high power (up to 10-12 kW).
  • Efficiency up to 92%.
  • Autonomy.
  • Undemanding to ventilation(for devices with a closed chamber).


  • The need for construction chimney.
  • Slow heating the room.
  • To install a gas convector in an apartment, you need permission from the gas service.

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How to choose the right one for heating your home

The suitable type of gas heater depends on the room, the frequency of use and the availability of gas.

As with traditional heating systems, first of all, you need to decide on the heat output of the device.

For typical houses in the middle lane, it is approximately estimated as 1 kW per 10 m 2 of area.

For small spaces (up to 20-25 m 2) a catalytic heater is well suited due to its limited power (up to 2.9 kW) and economy of use.

If your room is larger, then an infrared device will be a suitable choice, since its power is higher, up to 5 kW and can warm rooms up to 50 m2. Given the relative localization of this heater, it may be better to buy several of these devices, placing them in different parts of the room to ensure uniform heating.

Give preference to infrared heaters ( catalytic and ceramic) is only worth it if you do not use heating all the time (for example, you come to the dacha for the weekend).

Attention! Due to the open combustion chamber and interaction with the surrounding air, it is not recommended to use these devices in unventilated rooms with an area of less than 15 m 2.

Otherwise, for continuous heating, use gas convector. This device will allow you to evenly heat large rooms without affecting air quality.

If temporary heating is needed (for example, while the stove is flaring up), then portable heaters on liquefied fuel. In addition, pay attention to which gas the selected device runs on.

With constant heating, natural gas from the network should be preferred in order to save yourself the trouble of refilling cylinders.

For the street, only IR heaters with ceramic thermal panel. They are often issued in the form "thermal umbrellas" or pyramids, for vertical installation.

Portable mini infrared ovens can be used in garages and utility rooms, as well as on camping trips and picnics.

When buying a portable heater, be interested in the presence of protection (from tipping over, gas leaks, excess CO 2), especially if there are small children or animals in the house. Such systems will make the operation of the device absolutely safe.

A device with a built-in balloon: features

When choosing a gas heater with a cylinder, you need to pay attention to some little things.

For operation on liquefied gas reducer required, which reduces the pressure of the gas before it enters the burner. Check if it's included.

When placing the cylinder, make sure it is far enough away from the burner to avoid ignition and explosion.

A small overview of popular models

The following models are particularly popular.

Ballu BIGH-55 on propane

Ceramic infrared heater with balloon.

Household gas heaters are by far the most economical type of such devices.
In any other types of heaters (electric, gasoline, diesel), the cost of producing one joule of heat is higher.
But this is far from the only advantage of gas appliances.
In addition, they:
1. Have a high degree of environmental safety. In this regard, they are second only (and even then quite a bit) to electrical appliances.
2. They have high efficiency due to the use of infrared technologies (in the future we will talk about gas infrared heaters,
as the most advanced gas devices for space heating).
3. Have a high degree of autonomy. Ceramic gas heaters can heat objects that are not supplied with electricity.
At the same time, they can have a fairly high power, unlike electrical appliances, the power of which is limited by the capabilities of the network supplying electricity to them.

There are two types of such devices:

- connected to centralized gas pipelines;
– working from gas cylinders, propane butane.

Gas heaters - principle of operation:

Gas infrared heaters work on the principle of gas heating a special ceramic plate.
As the temperature rises, the ceramic begins to intensely emit light energy in the infrared range,
while heating only the objects that the rays fall on, but not the air, which is transparent to them.
Due to the design of the heater and the properties of the ceramic grid, the efficiency of such a heater reaches 80%.
That is, 4/5 of all the energy that was released during the combustion of gas goes to heat the room.
This is a very high figure, it is higher only for electric infrared heaters.
But due to the higher cost of electricity, they lose in efficiency to their gas counterparts.

Heaters from the site - the best offer on the market
Our online store presents products of such well-known giants in this field as the Italian company Bartolini, the German company Timberk, WWT 42 GH.
Thanks to the long experience in the development of similar domestic gas heaters and the constant implementation of innovations, their devices meet the highest standards in their field.
They not only have high efficiency, are environmentally friendly (they burn a minimum of oxygen during their operation to generate one joule of heat), but are also safe in operation.
Even if for some reason the flame goes out, a special valve will immediately shut off the gas supply.
In our online store site you can purchase gas ceramic heaters in the widest range.
We have models with a heating area from 10 to 75 m2, operating both from the main gas pipeline and from the cylinder.
There are also combined models - gas + electric heater.
That is, they have a built-in electric heater (with or without a fan).
Come and choose!

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