Innovative technologies in technical mechanics for sports and trade. Modern problems of science and education

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A competent approach to teaching technical mechanics in a secondary vocational education environment

E.V. Malinevskaya Anzhero-Sudzhensk

Understanding the leading functions and trends in the development of education allows us to determine those approaches to training specialists that are a priority today. Different approaches to education develop within the framework of different theories and concepts. The teacher’s orientation in modern approaches to general and vocational education helps to form his pedagogical position and build a system of his actions on their basis. One of the approaches to training specialists that ensures the implementation of a person-oriented education paradigm can be a competency-based approach.

Professional values ​​occupy a leading place in a person’s system of values, therefore their formation is the most important condition not only for professional training, but also for the development of the individual as a whole. The student will become a professional to the extent that he will master his professional activities and will be able to carry them out already in the learning process. Therefore, the cognitive activity of students must be adequate to their professional activity. Meanwhile, there are a number of contradictions between the nature of educational and professional activities, which are highlighted and considered by A.A. Verbitsky. These are such contradictions as: between the abstract subject of educational activity and the real subject of future activity; between the systematic use of knowledge in practice and its “distribution” in the educational process across different academic disciplines; between the individual way of acquiring knowledge and the collective nature of professional work; between the involvement of the entire personality of a specialist in the processes of professional work and the reliance of traditional training primarily on cognitive mental processes; between the “responsive” position of the student and the proactive position of the specialist. So, the main contradiction that complicates the formation of a student as a subject of professional activity is the need to master this activity within the framework and means of other educational activities, which are significantly different from professional ones in their content and nature: motives, goals, actions, means, subject, result. Therefore, it is necessary to organize the pedagogical process in such a way as to ensure the transformation of knowledge, skills and abilities into means of solving various professional tasks and problems already in the process of students’ educational activities.

The Concept of Modernization of Russian Education reveals the goals of vocational education. The competence of a specialist is named among the most significant goals. How to develop professional competence in yesterday's schoolchildren who come to the secondary vocational education system having received an incomplete secondary education, and with different levels of school knowledge (unfortunately, this level does not always reach the average), different self-esteem and different attitudes. But the labor market dictates its own conditions and requires a specialist with a full range of competencies: professional, social, informational, general cultural and self-development competencies. The student will become a professional to the extent that he will master his professional activities and will be able to carry them out already in the learning process. Professional education is focused on the formation of a socially and professionally active individual with high professional mobility. In modern socio-economic conditions, the importance of professional mobility as a factor in increasing the level of social security of a specialist has increased significantly. The dependence of the professional mobility of technical specialists on knowledge of the general laws of the structure and functioning of technology in the conditions of its rapid updating is significantly increasing, and in connection with this, the relevance of improving their general technical training is increasing.

One of the directions for improving general technical training is the implementation of the principle of professional orientation in training, since, as the analysis shows, the professional orientation of teaching general technical disciplines is not fully implemented, which leads to a decrease in the motivation and interest of students in general technical training, and, as a consequence, to reduction not only of general technical training, but also of specialist training in general.

Technical mechanics is one of the main subjects of the general technical cycle and involves the study of the general laws of motion of material bodies, the basic methods for calculating machine parts for strength, rigidity and stability, as well as the fundamentals of designing the simplest mechanisms and assemblies. Studying this discipline involves mastering a theoretical block (basic concepts and patterns), but special attention is paid to practical skills, i.e. the ability to solve problems, use various calculation methods and design the simplest mechanisms, starting from the analysis of the kinematic diagram and ending with the development of an assembly drawing and drawings of individual parts. Typically, studying technical mechanics is difficult for most students, since the student is required to have logical thinking, the ability to think independently and have a creative approach to solving various problems.

Therefore, today it is an urgent task to create such a pedagogical system for teaching technical mechanics, which would allow, having at the input an average-achieving student, to obtain at the output a specialist who has, to one degree or another, abstract thinking, masters a system of scientific views and is capable of solving various non-standard engineering problems , that is, it is necessary to organize the pedagogical process in such a way as to ensure the transformation of educational skills into a means of solving various professional problems by reorienting the dominant educational paradigm with the predominant transfer of knowledge, the formation of skills to create conditions for mastering a set of competencies that signify the potential of a graduate’s ability to survive and sustain life. in the conditions of modern multifactorial socio-political, market-economic, information and communication-saturated space. The competency-based approach is aimed at developing competencies, i.e. What comes first is not the student’s awareness, but his ability to solve problems that arise in real professional and life situations.

General technical training as a component of polytechnic education has long been an object of research in pedagogy. However, to date, the scientific and pedagogical literature has not presented studies of professionally oriented teaching of the course “Technical Mechanics”, which aims to develop general professional competencies among students of secondary vocational educational institutions of specialty 151001 “Mechanical Engineering Technology”. Thus, a contradiction has arisen between the need for professionally oriented teaching of the course “Technical Mechanics” to students of secondary vocational educational institutions in the specialty 151001 “Mechanical Engineering Technology” and the insufficient development of its didactic support.

This contradiction made it possible to formulate the research problem: what should be the didactic support for professionally oriented teaching of the “Technical Mechanics” course, since without developing the issues of professionally oriented training from modern positions, it is impossible to fully implement the value-target guidelines for the modernization of Russian education.

The object of the study is the process of teaching technical mechanics in secondary vocational schools.

The subject of the research is professionally oriented teaching of the course “Technical Mechanics”

The purpose of the study is to develop didactic support for professionally oriented teaching of technical mechanics, aimed at developing general professional competencies, in the preparation of technicians in the specialty “Mechanical Engineering Technology”

The following proposition was put forward as a research hypothesis: the professional orientation of the “Technical Mechanics” course, aimed at developing general professional competencies among mechanical engineering students, can be implemented if:

1. didactic support for professionally oriented teaching is presented in the totality of its components: target, content and procedural;

2. the taxometric system of learning objectives for the course (didactic, educational, developmental) determines the professional orientation of general technical knowledge and skills, provides for the education of professionally important personality traits and the development of professionally important abilities of a future specialist;

4. professionally oriented course content in the teaching process is implemented on the basis of modular information technology, stimulation and motivation for educational, cognitive and future professional activities.

In accordance with the purpose and hypothesis, the following research objectives were identified:

1. to analyze the current state of general technical training of students in the specialty “Mechanical Engineering Technology” in secondary vocational educational institutions in the course “Technical Mechanics”;

2. analyze the state of the problem of professional orientation in scientific psychological and pedagogical literature;

3. develop didactic support for professionally oriented teaching of the course “Technical Mechanics”;

4. experimentally test the developed didactic software.

The study has been conducted since September 2008 and involves four stages.

At the first stage of the study, the degree of development of the problem in theory and the state of practice of teaching technical mechanics in secondary vocational educational institutions, educational and methodological support for professionally oriented teaching were studied, the experience of teaching activities of teachers of general technical disciplines was analyzed, and a confirmatory experiment was conducted. This allowed us to define the research problem.

The methodological basis of the study was: theoretical principles and conclusions presented in scientific works on the problems of polytechnic education (P.R. Atutov, A.A. Kuznetsov, V.S. Lednev, A.Ya. Sova, Yu.D. Obrezkov, V. V. Shapein, etc.), on the basics of professional education (V.I. Zagvyazinsky, V.V. Kraevsky, N.V. Kuzmina, M.I. Sakhmutoa, V.A. Slastenin, etc.), on theory problem-based learning (T.V. Kudryavtsev, I.Ya. Lerner, A.M. Matyushkin, M.I. Makhmutov, etc.), on the theory of educational content (V.S. Lednev, M.N. Skatkin, P. F. Kubrushko and others To solve the problems, the following set of research methods was used: theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the research problem, study and analysis of educational program and normative documentation, study of teaching experience, modeling of a pedagogical experiment, observation, questioning, pedagogical experiment and processing it results using methods of mathematical statistics.

The second stage included an analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem, determination of the purpose, hypothesis, research objectives, as well as the search for the possibility of professionally oriented teaching of the course “Technical Mechanics” to students of secondary vocational educational institutions in specialty 151001 “Mechanical Engineering Technology”. At this stage, didactic support for professionally oriented teaching of the “Technical Mechanics” course is being developed and the features of its teaching methodology are being determined.

The third stage of the study involves experimental testing of the developed didactic support for professionally oriented teaching of the course “Technical Mechanics”. The fourth stage involves processing the results obtained, their analysis and generalization.

The second stage of our research is currently underway.

The specificity of the discipline “technical mechanics” in the training of process technicians is that it performs a dual function:

Formation of theoretical knowledge necessary to understand the essence of processes, further study of special disciplines, to ensure continuity of education throughout life;

Formation of applied knowledge and skills, revealing the principles and methods of designing components and mechanisms of general purpose.

The discipline combines both practical and theoretical content and requires adequate teaching methods. The construction of a methodology for studying the discipline is possible from the standpoint of a theoretical-praxeological approach.

The praxeological approach considers the practical actions of labor subjects from the position of “smart doing that transforms reality” (I.A. Kolesnikova, E.V. Titova). But some difficulty in organizing practical work when studying the discipline “Technical Mechanics” is represented by the fact that the modern market of technical literature offers collections of problems in technical mechanics, which consider typical abstract calculation schemes. Today, it is desirable to be able to analyze real objects (structures, individual parts, elements of structures) associated with specific professional activities. Therefore, the search for real production situations and technical problems that require the student to provide a high-quality expert assessment based on the provisions of theoretical mechanics, the strength of materials and machine parts is a priority task when creating problem tasks and mini-cases.

However, no less important when studying technical mechanics is its theoretical apparatus. Therefore, the combination of theoretical and praxeological approaches allows us to take into account as much as possible the specifics of the discipline, as well as the goals and objectives of training specialists in the conditions of secondary vocational education. The implementation of the theoretical-praxeological approach requires the determination of the leading principles of teaching: systematicity, problem-solving, effectiveness, and practical orientation. This approach allows us to most fully take into account the specifics of educational and professional activities carried out by young people aged 15–19 years.

The shortage of educational time makes it necessary to find such forms of work organization that would allow the educational process to be individualized as much as possible. If at the first stages of learning a discipline a student begins to experience difficulties, then there can be no talk of any quality. Therefore, such forms of organizing the educational process as pair work, individual consultation during group independent cognitive learning activities can partially solve this problem. But the specificity of the discipline of technical mechanics is such that it is possible to achieve a qualitative leap in the development of a student’s thinking only as a result of painstaking mental work, therefore the main role is given to direct teacher-student interaction, i.e. individualization of learning.

To implement differentiated and individualized training, it is advisable to use elements of modular information technology, which is based on the following principles:

  • focus on the development of independent learning activities of students, stimulation of cognitive activity;

  • the most efficient use of training time due to the methodologically sound construction of training modules and the use of ICT tools in training;

  • a change in the role of the teacher in the learning process, associated with his priority implementation of the functions of designing the educational process, consulting students, analyzing learning results and correcting methods;

  • orientation of the educational process towards a predetermined mandatory level of educational achievements;

  • systematically checking the level of mastery of learning content during the study of the module with priority implementation of the teaching, stimulating and correctional functions of monitoring and assessing educational achievements;

  • a combination of individual and group forms of educational activity;
Following these principles involves constructing a training program from educational modules, establishing, in accordance with each module, certain credit units that make up the educational standard. The effectiveness of training is also related to the structuring of the content of the technical mechanics course, updating such sections as theoretical mechanics and strength of materials, which have not undergone significant changes since the development of the first programs and textbooks for technical schools. Structuring allows you to form an invariant part of the discipline and implement its general educational function. The variable part is formed by us taking into account the content of future professional activity and the mini-case principle, according to which the examination of basic laws is carried out using a minimum number of examples. Each module must be equipped with didactic materials: teaching aids, reference and information systems, automated laboratory workshops, automated knowledge control systems.

The creation of an automated knowledge control system allows for timely and effective monitoring of students' learning, avoids subjectivity in assessment and ensures the removal of elements of randomness in assessing knowledge when passing exams. Students have the opportunity to receive operational information about current control, view correct and erroneous answers to completed testing, and view ratings. The significance of using rating control lies in the fact that objective prerequisites are created for reflection on the part of students and the creation of healthy competition between students.

The modular information system allows you to organize independent activity of students, helps determine the individual pace of studying the material and varying the order of studying modules, and pre-known requirements for the quality of studying each module allow you to choose a level and focus on the final result of learning. The modular information system provides students with the opportunity to realize their creative potential by independently creating some software products (presentations, tests, electronic textbooks).

Computer technologies are a powerful tool for the implementation of graphics methods. Knowledge of the solid modeling system allows students to draw various structures, significantly helps in designing the simplest mechanisms and developing an assembly drawing when studying the section “Machine Parts”. The “Compass-graphic” and “Compass-3D” systems, developed by the Russian company ASCON and designed to perform design and a number of technological works of varying levels of complexity, provide this opportunity.

The use of computer technology is aimed at students interested in professional growth, striving for success and self-development, and also allows teachers to grow professionally.

Increasing the level of readiness for professional activity can be achieved through:

  • implementation of an activity-based approach to the formation of educational content, when in developing the content the central link is activity aimed at the final result;

  • implementation of a problem-based (project) approach to the formation of the content of education, while the focus is not on the description of the main components of work, but on the problems that a specialist must solve in the process of professional activity, or on the functions that he must perform;

  • formation of analytical and design skills of a specialist, reflective attitude towards one’s own professional activities.
The basis for the practical implementation of modeling professional activity in the educational process is the development of a model of professional activity, which involves, firstly, isolating all the constituent elements of professional activity, secondly, determining the significance of each of these components for the normal course of the process, thirdly, establishing relationships between them, characterizing the structure of holistic activity.

The expression of the model of professional activity is the composition, content and sequence of presenting educational and production tasks to students, which collectively cover all the main actions included in the professional activity of a specialist.

We can formulate the basic requirements for the development of a model of professional activity, taking into account the design of interdisciplinary interaction.

  1. Completeness of the developed model. The set of tasks should sufficiently fully cover the entire content of professional activity.

  2. Connection with theoretical educational material. When developing a set of tasks and assignments, the place of each task is determined taking into account the study of theoretical material that provides information for its solution; taking into account the time spent studying theoretical material, the place of specific tasks and assignments is established, and interdisciplinary tasks and assignments are completed after studying the theoretical material in all basic academic disciplines.

  3. Generalization of tasks. The tasks included in the model should reflect the most significant aspects of professional activity and be of a generalized nature, i.e. their conditions should reflect the most significant parameters that enable students in the course of their decision and in subsequent professional activities to highlight the main indicators when making a decision.

  4. Typification of tasks and taking into account the possibility of transferring skills from one activity to another. When developing tasks and assignments, it is advisable to typify them according to the specifics of intellectual activity.

  5. Taking into account typical difficulties and mistakes of specialists in the process of professional activity. Errors and difficulties in professional activity are a consequence of the contradiction between the need to perform it and the lack of knowledge and skills that ensure the possibility of this implementation.

  6. Selection of appropriate forms, methods and techniques of training to solve educational and production problems. For each aspect of professional activity, the most appropriate imitation technique must be found: an exercise, an analysis of a production situation, solving a situational problem, a business game, an individual practical task. The choice of a technique should be preceded by an assessment of its effectiveness in comparison with other teaching techniques.
Analysis of these requirements allows us to determine the main directions of work:

  • structuring the program material and clearly formulating didactic goals for each theoretical and practical block;

  • the presence of an applied orientation in training;

  • priority of practical and project activities;

  • providing students with didactic material in printed and electronic form;

  • individualization of training;

  • a combination of individual and group training;

  • involving students in educational and research activities;

  • replacing the authoritarian teaching style with collaborative learning;

  • use, along with traditional alternative forms of assessing students' educational activities.

  • use of interactive technologies.
Currently, we have created a modular training program for the discipline “Technical Mechanics”, created a textbook “Workbook on Technical Mechanics”, and are working on creating an electronic textbook “Lecture Notes on Technical Mechanics”. We are updating the database for creating mini-cases (using the experience of technologists and designers at the Anzhero-Sudzhensky Machine-Building Plant), developing methodological recommendations for students and teachers, actively introducing ICT methods into the educational process - that is, creating didactic support for professionally oriented teaching of technical mechanics in conditions of open source software.

Thus, we are trying to create a pedagogical system for teaching the discipline “Technical Mechanics”, aimed at developing general professional competencies that will help to reveal the creative potential of both the student and the teacher. This work represents the second stage of our research, after which it is planned to test and experimentally verify the developed didactic software.
Formation of social and professional competence of a motorist technician

G.I. Dubrovskaya Novokuznetsk

Currently, Russia is experiencing basic changes in the socio-economic situation, the essence of which is the formation of market relations in the economy and liberalization of the social sphere. World civilization has entered a fundamentally new stage of its development, the characteristic features of which are intellectualization, technologization, informatization and globalization of the economy. At this stage, the leading role of the human factor in economic development and national wealth becomes increasingly obvious. According to World Bank estimates, in the mid-1990s. 64% of the world's wealth was human capital, 21% was physical capital, 15% was natural resources, whereas a century earlier the ratio of the components was exactly the opposite. In countries such as the USA, China, Germany, Great Britain, human resources account for 75-80% of national wealth, while in Russia it is only 50%. The effective use and development of human capital, the ability to create and master the latest technologies are becoming not only critical conditions for a sustainable increase in living standards, but also the main qualitative criteria that distinguish advanced countries from lagging ones.

An important component of the changes is Russia’s entry into the modern information civilization, when the volume of information doubles every three years, the list of professions is updated by more than 50% every seven years, and to be successful, a person has to change jobs on average 3-5 times in his life.

In a knowledge-based society, human capital becomes the main factor of socio-economic development.

Today, a professional is required not so much to possess any special information, but rather to be able to navigate information flows, be mobile, master new technologies, self-learn, search for and use missing knowledge or other resources.

The development of the international labor market is bringing major changes to existing labor relations practices. A new type of international worker is being formed who can adapt quite flexibly and quickly to the increased demands of modern production, move easily, be flexible enough in contacts with other groups of workers, be able to work in a team, and communicate effectively. It is from this type of workers that a new group of people employed in internationally oriented production is formed, which, under the influence of a number of economic and political factors, continues to continuously grow and develop.

Our graduates today find themselves in the modern labor market, the main characteristics of which are variability, flexibility, and high innovative dynamics. Therefore, the requirements of employers for those who are employed have changed significantly. Surveys of employers on personnel of enterprises and firms in Russia show that today they expect from young specialists:

  • readiness for continuous self-education and modernization (modernization) of professional qualifications;

  • business communication skills, including cooperation and teamwork;

  • ability to work with various sources of information (searching, processing, storing, reproducing, etc.);

  • skills to act and make responsible decisions in non-standard and uncertain situations;

  • abilities for critical thinking, self-management of activities;

  • readiness for effective behavior in a competitive environment under conditions of stress factors, etc.
At the moment, the results of professional education are in demand in practice not in the form of what a college graduate knows, but in the form of his practical readiness (or ability) to act in standard and non-standard situations of professional life.

Thus, we are talking about the special educational results of the vocational education system, within the framework of which knowledge is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for achieving the required quality of vocational education - about “professional competence” and such components as special professional and key (basic) competencies .

A high level of specialist competence (the main resource for socio-economic development in the information society) is considered today as the most important competitive advantage of some states over others. The competency-based approach has been implemented in many countries at the level of national educational standards. As researchers of the vocational education system note, the vast majority of developed countries, with all their cultural and national diversity and specific economic development, are united by two common long-term trends: 1) the transition to professional standards based on performance results; 2) a systematic description of qualifications in terms of professional competencies.

In Russia, the transition to competency-oriented education was normatively enshrined in 2001 in the government Program for the Modernization of Russian Education until 2010 and confirmed in the decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “On priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation” in 2005. In the field of vocational education in within the framework of the Bologna and Copenhagen processes, our country committed itself to joining the basic principles of organizing a single European educational space, including the competency-based format for presenting the results of vocational education. It is expected that the implementation of these international agreements will ensure increased professional mobility between countries, economic sectors, and jobs through the use of a “common European currency” in the form of professional competencies; increasing employment opportunities for graduates of vocational educational institutions and the unemployed population of Europe; realizing opportunities for developing professional qualifications throughout life.

Competency-based education is a complex, multidimensional problem, the solution of which is required by time. Possession of professional competencies ensures the successful performance by a specialist of such relevant functions as:

  • Firstly, developing a person’s ability to learn and self-learn;

  • Secondly , providing graduates and future employees with greater flexibility in relationships with employers;

  • Thirdly , consolidation of representativeness, and, consequently, increasing success (sustainability) in a competitive environment.
As a result of a comparative analysis of literary sources, a list of professional and personal competencies of a graduate of specialty 190604 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles was formed. A modern auto mechanic must have the following competencies:

Professional competencies

  • High level of concentration and attention span

  • Good spatial imagination

  • Good motor memory

  • Physical strength and endurance

  • Developed manual motor skills

  • Good coordination of movements

  • Ability to design

  • Analytical thinking
Personal competencies

  • Emotional stability

  • Thoroughness and systematic work

  • Discipline

  • Patience, persistence

  • Willingness to take responsibility for the work performed

  • Consciousness and self-control

  • Willingness to positively influence and collaborate with colleagues

  • Willingness to lead a healthy lifestyle

  • Willingness for continuous professional growth

  • Willingness to independently and effectively solve problems in the field of professional activity
It is proposed to reflect the formation of competencies during training in an observation map.

To summarize, we can say that the competency-based approach to the training of specialists is characterized by a view directed to the future requirements of labor markets (the principle of advanced education), the competency-based approach is systemic, interdisciplinary, it has both personal and activity aspects, a pragmatic and humanistic orientation. The competency-based approach strengthens the practice-oriented nature of education, its subject-professional aspect, emphasizes the role of experience, the ability to practically implement knowledge, and solve various production problems.

Based on a competency-based approach to organizing the educational process, the student develops key competencies, which are an integral part of his activities as a future specialist and one of the main indicators of his professionalism, as well as a necessary condition for improving the quality of professional education.
Formation of personal and professional competencies among students of the specialty

"Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles"

NOT. Kuznetsova Osinniki

In the modern labor market, one of the most pressing problems is the lack of good employees, although there are more than enough specialists in various professional fields. “Specialist” and “good employee” are different concepts.

A good employee is a specialist who, in addition to professional knowledge, also has a number of additional characteristics, so-called competencies, namely creativity, initiative, the ability to work in a team, the ability to independently solve problems, etc. The concept of “competence” does not have a very long history and is currently used in a variety of fields. In education, competence is understood as “the result of the development of fundamental abilities that are acquired by the individual himself.” It is competencies that “allow people to achieve goals that are personally significant to them - regardless of the nature of these goals and the social structure in which these people live and work.”

From the entire field of competencies, key or basic competencies are identified into a special group, the possession of which makes a person a particularly valuable and effective employee, regardless of the field of his professional activity. These competencies are not strictly related to the professional sphere; they most likely relate to general personal development. But professional competencies are also important in the work of any specialist. Moreover, in each individual case we can talk about those competencies that are necessary for a given specialist, in a given profession.

If a few years ago a young specialist, having a professional education, could gain experience, skills, the ability to work in a team, develop personal qualities (persistence, initiative, hard work, etc.) directly at the enterprise, in the workplace, now, taking into account the requirements employer, the process of adaptation from educational activities to professional ones falls on educational institutions.

In the changed economic conditions, employers are already placing demands on graduates of secondary vocational education related to the development of key competencies. And the current education system considers its main task to be: to give graduates professional knowledge and skills. How to combine the requirements of the employer, the objectives of the education system and the adaptation of the graduate from educational to professional activities? To resolve this issue you need to:

1. Definition of a new approach to professional training of a specialist.

2. Formation of new relationships between the educational institution and the employer.

The first point can only be resolved by the Ministry of Education; this is due to changes in curricula and forms of educational activities. It is very difficult to find a company that would now place orders for specialists.

Realizing that the development of personal and professional competencies that would satisfy the requirements of the employer cannot be achieved without organizational forms of educational activities, we decided to develop the “Formation of Key Competencies of a Specialist” program as an experiment. The program took into account the employer’s requirement for the quality of training of a young specialist, and to organize work in this direction when preparing graduates in the specialty “Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles.” The issue of employment of graduates of this specialty arose particularly acutely.

The program includes the following stages:

1. Determining the standard of graduate quality and determining the initial state of the student’s key competencies.

2. Development of the specialist’s key competencies and comparison of the achieved level with the standard and employer’s requirements.

3. Correction of detected deviations of key competencies from the standard.

4. Conducting an analysis of graduate employment.

A graduate of the specialty "Car Maintenance and Repair" must be fluent in such professional skills as

  • selection of vehicle components and assemblies for replacement during vehicle operation; carrying out maintenance and repair work on vehicles,

  • efficient use of materials and technological equipment of enterprises; adjustment and operation of equipment for maintenance and repair of vehicles;

  • implementation of technical control during the operation of transport and transport equipment; participation in ensuring environmental safety of operation, storage, maintenance, repair of transport and transport equipment.
The graduate must also have organizational and managerial abilities (organize the work of a team, plan its activities in non-standard situations, ensure safety precautions). Graduates of this specialty receive the qualification “technician” and can work at enterprises and organizations of the motor transport complex, at motor transport and auto repair enterprises, in car service centers, at branded and dealer centers of automobile and repair plants, in marketing and freight forwarding services, in the material and logistics system. technical support for wholesale and retail trade in transport equipment, spare parts, components and materials necessary for operation.

At the first stage, “Defining the standard of graduate quality and determining the initial state of the student’s key competencies,” a list of key competencies was compiled based on the “State requirements for the minimum content and level of training of graduates” and the qualification characteristics of the graduate.

We have identified the following professional reference competencies:

High level of concentration and attention span;

Good spatial imagination;

Good motor memory;

Physical strength and endurance;

Developed manual motor skills;

Good coordination of movements;

Ability to design;

Analytical thinking.

We chose the following as reference personal competencies:

Emotional stability;


Patience, perseverance;

Willingness to show responsibility for the work performed;

Consciousness and self-control;

Willingness to positively influence and collaborate with colleagues;

Willingness to lead a healthy lifestyle;

Readiness for professional growth.

For each student in the group in the first year, an observation card was prepared and, with the help of testing, the development of the student’s personal and professional competencies was determined. The assessments were entered in the “Initial state” column. The results were on average within 2-3 points.

The second stage, “Development of a specialist’s key competencies and comparison of the achieved level with the standard and employer’s requirements,” is the longest and requires great responsibility, patience, and perseverance of the psychologist and the class teacher of the group.

Throughout all years of study, the following activities were carried out: during class hours, a psychologist-vocational consultant from the employment center and a specialist from the center for vocational guidance of youth introduced students to the situation on the labor market, the basic requirements of employers and the list of key competencies of a car repair and maintenance technician . To identify the personal and psychological characteristics of students, testing was carried out using various methods: the VOL method (volitional personality characteristics) by N.A. Khokhlov, the questionnaire “Identifying the level of aspirations” by V. Gorbachev, “Diagnostics of personality for motivation to success” by T. Ehlers, “Methodology for determining activity in the labor market” by I.N. Obozov and others. During testing, the psychologist identifies some social and psychological characteristics of students (anxiety, absent-mindedness, lack of self-confidence) that would complicate the development of key competencies.

In the disciplines “Introduction to the Specialty”, “Road Transportation”, “Road Traffic Rules and Safety”, “Car Maintenance”, “Labor Safety”, “Motor Transport Law”, “Car Repair”, etc., children not only gain knowledge and skills, but also join the world of the profession they have chosen for themselves. Every year the college hosts events dedicated to Motorist Day, professional skills competitions “Best in the Profession”, class hours “Employment: Let’s talk about the current issues”, “What if you are polite?”, “Let’s talk about the beautiful”, week “For a healthy lifestyle” , “Etiquette and Etiquette - ka”, etc. Students published articles about their profession in the city newspaper “Time and Life”. Together with teachers of special disciplines, students annually visit the Kuzbass exhibition-fair “Transport. Special equipment. Communications and Security”, where students learn about new prospects for the development of the automotive industry, new mechanisms and new car models, new navigation systems.

In addition, the psychologist conducts various trainings, role-playing games “Interview with an employer”, “Conflict situation in a team”, during which students look for a way out of various work situations and learn to make independent decisions. Individual consultations with a psychologist were also used.

To compare the level of development of professional and personal-psychological competencies with the employer’s requirements before practical training, in the third year students are given the task: to mark the employer’s requirements for a specialist in the observation chart. In the fourth year, the task is to fill out the table “Assessment of skills and abilities”, in which the employer notes the trainee’s competencies.

After completing practical training in the third and fourth year, we compare the requirements for a specialist at a motor transport enterprise with the level of development of his key competencies. We identify the social and professional difficulties students encountered during their internship.

The third stage is “Correction of detected deviations of key competencies from the standard.”

To resolve social, professional, personal and psychological difficulties that were identified during the internship, consultations were held with teachers of special disciplines, where the practical skills and abilities of students were adjusted (the ability to use diagnostic instruments, adjust fuel equipment, etc.). The psychologist conducted individual conversations to correct social and personal-psychological difficulties (fatigue, poor contact with the team, etc.). Final testing was carried out. The results for individual competencies in the column “Achieved result” (observation card) were already 4-5 points. The majority of those tested showed positive changes. Many have acquired the “baggage” of qualities that are necessary in the future for employment and successful professional growth.

The fourth and final stage of the program is to analyze the employment of graduates and their professional growth. For example, from the class of 2009, out of 27 young specialists, 19 work in their specialty at the enterprises “Kaltansky coal mine” (3 people), ATP Osinniki (2 people), service station of the village. Malinovki, Kaltana, village. Permanent, Osinniki (12 people); motor depot "Region-42", Novokuznetsk (2 people).

Upon graduating from college, the graduate has a map of observations of the development of key competencies and a resume. A resume is one of the ways of self-presentation on the labor market, the purpose of which is to interest the employer in a given employee.

Work on the implementation of the program “Formation of key specialist competencies” continues in groups in the specialty “Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles”, this year - in the specialty “Installation and operation of power lines”.

When applying for a job, a graduate has developed professional skills and abilities and knows his strong and weak personal qualities.

Application of active learning methods

in Technical Mechanics classes.

Teaching methods are ways of teaching work by a teacher and organizing educational and cognitive activities of students to solve various didactic tasks aimed at mastering the material being studied.

(I.F. Kharlamov).

Purpose of activity : consider the use of active learning methods in the process of studying the discipline “Technical Mechanics” in college.


1. Determine the psychological and pedagogical foundations of active teaching methods.

2. Develop lectures and practical exercises using active learning methods for the discipline “Technical Mechanics”.

3. Test lectures and practical exercises using active teaching methods in the discipline “Technical Mechanics”


To provide conditions for personal development, to make the process smooth and manageable, to form thinking subjects. Try to combine scientific teaching with accessibility, clear visuals with play, and ensure that all students work with enthusiasm

Modern methods and forms of teaching (active teaching methods):

Method is a combination of methods and forms of training aimed at achieving a specific learning goal. Thus, the method contains the method and nature of organizing the cognitive activity of students.

Form of study is an organized interaction between teacher and student. Forms of education can be: full-time, part-time, evening, independent work of students (under the supervision of a teacher and without), individual, frontal, etc.

Education - this is purposeful, pre-designed communication, during which certain aspects of human experience, experience of activity and cognition are carried out. Education is the most important means of personality formation and, first of all, mental development and general education. The learning process is aimed at developing knowledge, abilities, skills, and experience in creative activities.

The activity of students is their intensive activity and practical preparation in the learning process and the application of knowledge, developed skills and abilities. Activity in learning is a condition for the conscious acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Cognitive activity is the desire to think independently, find your own approach to solving a problem (problem), the desire to independently gain knowledge, form a critical approach to the judgment of others and the independence of your own judgments. Student activity disappears if the necessary conditions for this are not available.

Thus, the direct involvement of students in active educational and cognitive activity during the educational process is associated with the use of techniques and methods that have received the general name active learning methods.

Active teaching methods are ways to intensify the educational and cognitive activity of students, which encourage them to active mental and practical activity in the process of mastering the material, when not only the teacher is active, but the students are also active.

Active teaching methods involve the use of a system of methods that is aimed primarily not at the teacher’s presentation of ready-made knowledge and its reproduction, but at students’ independent acquisition of knowledge in the process of active cognitive activity.

Thus, active learning methods are learning by doing.

Based on the nature of educational and cognitive activity, active learning methods are divided into: imitation methods, based on imitation of professional activities, and non-imitation methods. Imitation, in turn, is divided into gaming and non-gaming.

The most common AMOs are trainings, group discussions, business and role-playing games, methods of generating ideas and others.

At the same time, non-game methods include analysis of specific situations (ACS). Game methods are divided into:

· business games,

· didactic or educational games,

· game situations

· gaming techniques

· active training

At the same time, gaming techniques include means of implementing individual, individual principles. First of all, various forms of activation of lectures and other traditional forms of teaching, game-based pedagogical techniques, and individual means of activation. For example, a lecture using the method of analyzing specific situations in the form of an illustration carried out by a teacher, a lecture with planned errors, a problem lecture, a press conference lecture, a lecture-discussion, a lecture-conversation - the principle of dialogue communication.

Continuing the theme of the last lesson, we would like to introduce you to those teaching methods that have appeared relatively recently and whose active implementation in the pedagogical process is just beginning to take place. If we talk about the traditional educational system, then in the institutions corresponding to it, modern teaching methods can be found extremely rarely, but as for private schools, training centers and other similar organizations, new methods are appearing more and more often in their activities. You will learn why these methods are considered more effective than traditional methods in this lesson. But in addition to the advantages, we will also mention the main disadvantages of innovative methods, which should be paid no less attention to.

To begin with, we note that modern teaching methods, unlike traditional ones, are characterized by slightly different features, namely:

  • Modern teaching methods are already in the process of development adapted to a specific pedagogical plan. The development is based on the specific methodological and philosophical view of the author
  • The technological sequence of actions, operations and interactions is based on targets that represent a clear expected result
  • The implementation of methods involves the associated activities of teachers and students, which has a contractual basis and which takes into account the principles of differentiation and individualization, as well as the optimal use of human and technical potential. Communication and dialogues must be mandatory components
  • Pedagogical methods are planned in stages and implemented sequentially. In addition, they should be achievable by any teacher, but guarantee every student
  • An indispensable component of the methods are diagnostic procedures, which contain the tools, indicators and criteria necessary to measure the results of students’ activities.

Modern teaching methods in many cases may not have a psychological and pedagogical justification, which is why it is quite difficult to classify them in any uniform way. But this does not prevent not only the use of them in educational activities, but also does not have any significant impact on the success of this application.

Modern teaching methods

Among the most popular modern teaching methods today are:


A lecture is an oral form of information transfer, during which visual aids are used.

The advantages of a lecture are that students navigate large amounts of information, classes are usually attended by a large number of students, and the teacher can easily control the content and sequence of his presentation.

The disadvantages of lectures include the fact that there is no feedback from students, there is no way to take into account their initial level of knowledge and skills, and classes are strictly dependent on schedules and schedules.


The seminar is a joint discussion between the teacher and students of the issues being studied and the search for ways to solve certain problems.

The advantages of the seminar are the ability for the teacher to take into account and control the level of knowledge and skills of students, to establish a connection between the topic of the seminar and the students’ experience.

The disadvantages of the seminar are the small number of students in the lesson and the requirement for a teacher to be present.


Training is a teaching method, the basis of which is the practical side of the pedagogical process, and the theoretical aspect is only of secondary importance.

The advantages of the training are the opportunity to study a problem from different points of view and grasp its subtleties and nuances, prepare students for actions in life situations, as well as improve them and create a positive emotional climate.

The main and main disadvantage of the training is that at the end of it, students must be accompanied and supported, otherwise the acquired skills and abilities will be lost.

Modular training

Modular training is the breakdown of educational information into several relatively independent parts called modules. Each module has its own goals and methods of presenting information.

The positive characteristics of the modular learning method lie in its selectivity, flexibility and the possibility of rearranging its components - modules.

The negative aspects are that the educational material can be learned separately and become incomplete. The logical connection of information modules may also be lost, as a result of which knowledge will be fragmented.

Distance learning

Distance learning refers to the use of telecommunications in the pedagogical process, allowing the teacher to teach students while being at a great distance from them.

The positive characteristics of the method are the ability to involve a large number of students, the possibility of studying at home, the ability for students to choose the most for classes and the ability to transfer the results of the learning process to various electronic media.

The disadvantages here include high requirements for the technical equipment of the pedagogical process, the lack of visual contact between the teacher and the student and, as a consequence, reduced motivation on the part of the latter.

Value orientation

The value orientation method serves to instill values ​​in students and familiarize them with social and cultural traditions and rules. Typically, tools that reflect these rules and traditions are used in the work process.

The positive characteristics of value orientation are its promotion of students’ adaptation to real life conditions and the requirements of society or activity.

The weak point of the method is that the student, if the teacher has embellished some aspects, may be disappointed in the information received when faced with the actual state of affairs.

Case study

Analysis of "rubles"

The method of analyzing “debris” is to simulate situations that often arise in real life and are characterized by a large amount of work, as well as to develop the most effective ways to solve problems caused by such situations.

On the positive side, the presented method is distinguished by the high motivation of students, their active participation in the process of problem solving and the impact that develops analytical abilities and systematic thinking.

The disadvantage is that students must have at least basic skills and abilities that allow them to solve the assigned problems.

Work in pairs

Based on the requirements of the pair work method, one student is paired with another, thereby guaranteeing the receipt of feedback and evaluation from others in the process of mastering a new activity. As a rule, both parties have equal rights.

Working in pairs is good because it allows the student to get an objective assessment of his activities and come to an understanding of his shortcomings. In addition, communication skills are developed.

The disadvantage is the possibility of difficulties due to the personal incompatibility of the partners.

Reflection method

The reflection method involves creating the necessary conditions for students to independently comprehend the material and developing their ability to enter into an active research position in relation to the material being studied. The pedagogical process is carried out through students completing tasks with a systematic check of the results of their activities, during which errors, difficulties and the most successful solutions are noted.

The advantages of the reflexive method are that students develop the skills of independent decision-making and independent work, sharpen and increase their sense of responsibility for their actions.

But there are also disadvantages: the scope of students’ activities, which represents the problems of the topic or discipline they are studying, is limited, and acquisition and honing occurs exclusively through experience, i.e. by means of .

Rotation method

The rotation method consists of assigning students different roles during an activity or lesson, so that they can gain a diverse experience.

The advantages of the method are that it has a positive effect on students’ motivation, helps to overcome the negative effects of routine activities and broadens their horizons and social circle.

One of the disadvantages is the increased stress of students in cases where new and unfamiliar demands are placed on them.

Leader-follower method

In this method, one student (or group) joins a more experienced student (or group) to master unfamiliar skills.

The advantages of the method are its simplicity, faster adaptation of students to new activities and honing communication skills.

The difficulty is that the student is not always able to understand the deep psychological reasons for the decision-making of his more experienced partner.

“Flying” method

This simple word refers to a method in which currently relevant issues regarding the topic or problem being studied are resolved through the exchange of information and opinions, as a result of which it becomes possible to improve the skills of students.

The advantages of the method under consideration lie in its connection to real situations in the learning process, as well as in providing students with the opportunity to use an emotional-volitional and content-problematic approach when making decisions.

The disadvantages are that the teacher or discussion leader needs to be able to focus attention on important details and make competent generalizations that he will offer to students. In addition, there is a high probability of abstract discussions, including those with a negative emotional connotation.


The mythologem method involves searching for unusual ways to solve problems that arise in real conditions. Such a search is carried out on the basis of metaphors; in other words, a non-existent scenario similar to the existing one is developed.

The positive characteristics of the method are the formation in students of an attitude towards a creative search for solutions to problems, and a decrease in the level of anxiety of students when faced with new tasks and problems.

Negative aspects include reduced attention to rational, calculated actions in real conditions.

Experience exchange

The experience exchange method involves a short-term transfer of the student to another place of study (including other countries) and subsequent return back.

The experience presented contributes to team cohesion, improving the quality of communication and broadening one’s horizons.

The disadvantage of the method lies in the likelihood of stressful situations arising due to personal and technical difficulties in a new place.


Involves collaborative work in small groups, the main goal of which is to find a solution to a given problem or task. The ideas proposed at the beginning of the assault are put together, initially without any criticism, and at subsequent stages they are discussed, and the most productive one is selected.

Brainstorming is effective in that it allows even students with a minimum level of knowledge and set of competencies to participate, does not require extensive preparation, develops in students the ability to think quickly and engage in group work, has minimal stress, cultivates a culture of communication and develops skills participation in discussions.

But this method is not very effective for solving complex problems, does not provide clear indicators of the effectiveness of solutions, complicates the process of identifying the author of the best idea, and is also characterized by spontaneity that can lead students far from the topic.

Thematic discussions

The method of thematic discussions is to solve certain problems and tasks in a specific area of ​​a discipline. This method is similar to brainstorming, but differs from it in that the discussion process is limited to a specific framework, and any solutions and ideas that initially seem unpromising are immediately discarded.

The advantages of the method include the fact that the information base of students regarding the discipline under discussion is expanded and the skill of solving specific problems is formed.

The disadvantage is the difficulty of finding a solution to the problem due to the fact that this goal can only be achieved if the teacher or discussion leader has the skill of accurately and comprehensively conveying information to less informed participants.


Consulting or, as the method is also called, consulting comes down to the fact that a student seeks information or practical help from a more experienced person on issues related to a specific topic or area of ​​research.

The positive feature of this method is that the student receives targeted support and increases his experience, both in the field of study and in interpersonal interaction.

The negative side is that the method is not always applicable, which depends on the specifics of teaching activity, and in some cases requires material costs for implementation.

Participation in official events

Participation in official events involves students visiting exhibitions, conferences, etc. The essence is to evaluate the event and compile a short report and then present it to the teacher. This also includes preliminary preparation and research of thematic issues and problems related to the topic of the event.

The positive aspects of the method are the mobilization of the student to search for information relevant to the topic of the event, the development of business communication skills, and the improvement of analytical abilities.

The disadvantages include the fact that the emotions and impressions received after attending the event can distort the real objective assessment.

Use of information and computer technologies

The essence of the presented method is clear from the name - modern high-tech means of information transmission, such as computers, laptops, digital projectors, etc., are used in the pedagogical process. The information mastered by students is presented in combination with visual data (video materials, graphs, etc.), and the object, phenomenon or process being studied can be shown in dynamics.

The advantage of the method is that the demonstration of educational material can be dynamic, individual elements of the material or all of it can be repeated at any time, the teacher can provide students with copies of the materials, which means that for subsequent study there is no need for special conditions, for example, in a classroom or class.

The disadvantages are that in most cases there is no interactive connection, in the process of using the method, the individual characteristics of students are not taken into account, and the teacher does not have the opportunity to exert a stimulating influence on his students.

And separately, as an independent method, it should be said about special educational simulators.

Educational simulators

In the process of creating simulators, certain pedagogical tasks or situations related to the discipline being studied are modeled. This is carried out using special equipment, which is located in the premises designated for this purpose.

Students master complex skills, problem-solving algorithms, psychomotor actions and mental operations for making decisions regarding the most serious situations and issues within a discipline.

There are also a number of requirements for effective simulators:

  • Simulators should be developed taking into account the psychological characteristics of a particular discipline, because educational tasks must correspond to tasks that will be encountered in real life, in their functional and subject content
  • Educational tasks performed on the simulator should be aimed at providing students with prompt feedback, on the basis of which it will be possible to judge the quality of the actions performed by students
  • The simulator should be designed for repeated repetition of tasks by students, because it is necessary to achieve automaticity of correct actions. The correctness of actions, in turn, can be indicated by the comments of teachers, as well as the sensations students receive through their senses and experiences.
  • Training tasks that are performed using a simulator must be selected so that the difficulty of completion increases. This allows the student not only to properly master the practice, but also not to lose

Any teaching method that is planned to be used in the pedagogical process can give maximum results if it is determined that it is truly suitable for use. This can only be established by analyzing the characteristics of both students and the area in which they acquire knowledge, skills and abilities.

The effectiveness of a particular teaching method can also be assessed by analyzing the content of the learning tasks and methods that are offered to students, based on whether they correspond to current problems and situations.

The productivity of the pedagogical process while students master new knowledge and acquire new skills requires teachers to develop a system of orientation in each discipline studied. Creating the optimal content of educational programs allows students to develop systematic thinking, which will guarantee their successful learning and development, the presence of cognitive interest, motivation for subsequent learning and mastery of any knowledge, skills, subjects and disciplines.

But in pedagogical activity there is not and, perhaps, there cannot be any universal method or system of methods. It is important to be able to apply an integrated approach, which means that teachers should give preference in their work not only to modern or traditional teaching methods, but to apply each of them separately and together, setting themselves the task of developing the most optimal and effective educational program.

In this lesson we talked about modern teaching methods and indicated their main advantages and disadvantages. Of course, we did not reveal absolutely all of their features (we, in fact, did not set such a goal for ourselves), but the information already available should be enough to help you decide which method appeals to you to a greater extent, what you wanted I would like to understand more in detail and what to apply subsequently in my teaching activities.

As for the next lesson, in it we will touch on an equally serious topic concerning the direct interaction between the teacher and students - we will talk about methods of pedagogical influence on the personality of students.

Test your knowledge

If you want to test your knowledge on the topic of this lesson, you can take a short test consisting of several questions. For each question, only 1 option can be correct. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on completion. Please note that the questions are different each time and the options are mixed.

As a form of practical training in teaching general professional disciplines (using the example of technical mechanics) Shchepinova Lyudmila Sergeevna teacher of special disciplines GBOU SPO PT 2 Moscow, g * Role-playing games

The concept of role-playing games Role-playing games occupy an important place among modern psychological and pedagogical teaching technologies. As a method, they became widespread in the 70s of the 20th century. To increase the effectiveness of an educational game, its technology must meet certain requirements: · The game must correspond to the learning objectives; · A certain psychological preparation of the game participants is necessary, which would correspond to the content of the game; · Possibility of using creative elements in the game; · The teacher should act not only as a leader, but also as a proofreader and consultant during the game.

The concept of a role-playing game Any educational game consists of several stages: 1. Creating a gaming atmosphere. At this stage, the content and main task of the game are determined, psychological preparation of its participants is carried out; 2. Organization of the game process, including instruction - explanation of the rules and conditions of the game to the participants - and distribution of roles among them; 3. Carrying out a game, as a result of which the task must be solved; 4. Summing up. Analysis of the course and results of the game both by the participants themselves and by experts (psychologist, teacher).

Role-playing game “Job interview for the position of an auto mechanic at BMW” for the position of an auto mechanic at BMW” The game simulates an interview conducted by a large automobile company when searching for applicants for vacancies of auto mechanics. One of our technical school students actually found himself in a similar situation, and after his story, the idea arose to conduct a similar role-playing game. This interview reveals the basic theoretical knowledge of applicants on the basics of theoretical mechanics (strength of materials, machine parts, etc.) and practical skills in solving simple problems.

Procedure for conducting a role-playing game Before the lesson, students are given the task: to repeat the following sections of theoretical mechanics: basic concepts and axioms of statics, a plane system of converging forces, a pair of forces and the moment of force about a point. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher explains the goals and objectives of the lesson, the format of the lesson. Students then receive two task cards and an interview sheet. The teacher marks the option number on each sheet. A possible layout of options is presented on the slide. Within minutes, everyone solves the problems on the back of the interview sheet. Then the teacher invites the four most prepared students, who are assigned the role of expert examiners as representatives of the company. In front of each of them there is a sheet with theoretical questions (slide 9).

Interview sheet Number of copies - according to the number of participants Format - Interview sheet (F, I, O) Question code (option number) Number of points Total points Examiner’s signature

Task card ex. Three converging forces F 1, F 2 and F 3 are given. Find their resultant R. Option number F1F1 F2F2 F3F

Task card ex. Show on the diagram all the forces acting on the part AB

Row2 row3 row Possible distribution scheme of options

Theoretical questions for the interview Topic question 1. What system of forces is called balanced? 2. What force is called the resultant of this system of forces? Topic of question 3. First axiom of statics. Can a body be in equilibrium under the influence of one force? 4. Second axiom of statics. Corollary from the first and second axioms; 5. Third axiom of statics; Fourth axiom of statics; Topic of question 6. What is a connection? How is the reaction force of the connection always directed? Types of connections. 7. What is the direction of the coupling reaction force of a smooth surface (support)? Ball joint? 8. What is the direction of the bond reaction force of the thread? Rod? Cylindrical hinge? Topic of question 9. Definition of converging forces. Does such a system have a resultant? 10. Equilibrium condition for a plane system of converging forces (geometric and analytical); 11. What is the projection of force on an axis? What sign can the projection have? 12. Addition of converging forces (geometric and analytical); Topic of question 13. Moment of force relative to a point, its properties. 14. Couple of forces, moment of couple. Equivalent pairs. 15. Addition of pairs lying in the same plane. 16. Condition for equilibrium of a system of pairs lying in the same plane. Only 10 questions. Each question is scored according to a point system: 0; 1 or 2

Procedure for conducting a role-playing game (continued) In total, you need to ask 10 questions. Each answer is rated on a three-point scale: “0”, “1”, “2”. Tasks are assessed in the same way. Next, all the points received are summed up, and the results are entered into the final sheet (slide 12). Then the results are announced: Those who have scored points are invited to work from the coming Monday with a starting salary of $1000. Those who have scored points are invited to work from the next Monday with a starting salary of $800. Those who have scored points are in the reserve with the possibility of an invitation with an additional interview. Those with less than 13 points come back in a year!

Final statement Last name I. O. Number of points 1. Abdrakhmanov R.R. 2.Altunin D.S. 3.Bebikh G.K. 4. Gadzhiev A.M. 5.Galkin D.A. 6.Gusenko P.S. 7. Dunenkov P. A. 8. Zinoviev B. A. 9. Zorkin I. R. 10. Ivanov D. A. 11. Katsapov S.V. 12.Kovalenko I.M. 13. Kondratenko N.V. 14. Kosorukov M.R. 15.Kudinov M.M. 16. Mavlonov N. K. 17. Meliev Z. M. 18. Novoselov M. I. 19. Peshalov A. B. 20. Pisarev V. I. 21. Spassky D. A. 22. Sukhorukov I. S. 23. Khodyakov D. S. 24. Khomyakov A. M. 25. Shchekoldin N. I.

What is needed to play the game: sheet with theoretical questions - 4 copies; card with a graphic task - 15 copies; card with an analytical task - 15 copies; interview sheet - according to the number of participants; final statement - 1 copy. Internet sources used:>…kachestvo_obrazovanija…vidy …kachestvo_obrazovanija…vidy">

Results of the role-playing game During the role-playing game, 18 student applicants were interviewed. One of them scored the maximum possible number of points - 24 points. This student also played the role of a specialist expert. An analysis of the progress of the game showed that for a group of about 20 people it is difficult to conduct a role-playing game in one lesson of 45 minutes: processing the results and their announcement took about another 20 minutes. Some psychological difficulties also arose: one of the supposed experts, quite well prepared, at the last moment refused to play his role. In general, based on the results of the game, the following conclusions can be drawn: - the role-playing game significantly increased the students’ interest in the discipline; - almost all students were involved in the gameplay with interest, were waiting for this lesson, and were preparing for it; - preparation for a role-play lesson should be carried out by the teacher very intensively and include a psychological aspect; - imitates a real situation, develops behavioral skills during employment.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region

Plastovsky technological branch

GBPOU "Kopeysk Polytechnic College named after. S.V. Khokhryakova"


case study

to conduct a lesson

on the topic "TORSION"

by discipline

"Technical mechanics"

Developer: Yu.V. Timofeeva, teacher of the Plastovsky technological branch of the State Budgetary Educational Institution “KPK”

The educational case is intended for organizing independent classroom work of students according to the declared profile. Contains both theoretical information and practical material for the formation of general and professional competencies.

Explanatory note

Practical classes in the discipline “Technical Mechanics” are aimed at developing the general and professional competencies of students.

When conducting practical classes, modern educational technologies are used, namely case method technology. The case method allows students to be interested in studying the subject, contributes to the formation of general and professional competencies, collection, processing and analysis of information characterizing various situations. The technology of working with a case in the educational process includes individual independent work of students with case materials, work in small groups to agree on the vision of the key problem and its solutions, as well as presentation and examination of the results of small groups during a general discussion within the study group.

Practical classes using the case method develop such professionally significant qualities as independence, responsibility, accuracy, creative initiative, research skills (observe, compare, analyze, establish dependencies, draw conclusions and generalizations).

The necessary structural elements of practical classes, in addition to the independent activity of students, are instructions given by the teacher, as well as the organization of a discussion of the results of completing assignments. The implementation of practical classes is preceded by testing the students’ knowledge - their theoretical readiness to complete tasks.

For each practical lesson, detailed instructions have been developed for students, which indicate the order of necessary actions, as well as test control questions.

The main position of the student in the educational process is active - active, subjective - includes independent search, decision-making, and evaluation activities.

The main position of the teacher is a leader and partner in performing practical tasks.

Students prepare reports from practical classes in special folders for practical work.

Analysis of specific educational situations (case study)- a training method designed to improve skills and gain experience in the following areas: identifying, selecting and solving problems; working with information - understanding the meaning of the details described in the situation; analysis and synthesis of information and arguments; working with assumptions and conclusions; evaluation of alternatives; making decisions; listening and understanding other people - group work skills.

Dolgorukov A. Case-study method as a modern technology of professionally oriented training

The case-study method or the method of specific situations (from English case - case, situation) is a method of active problem-situational analysis, based on learning by solving specific problems - situations (solving cases).

The method of specific situations (case-study method) refers to non-game simulation active teaching methods.

The immediate goal of the case-study method is to work together with a group of students to analyze a case situation that arises in a specific state of affairs and develop a practical solution; the end of the process is the evaluation of the proposed algorithms and selection of the best one in the context of the problem posed.

General and professional competencies developed in the educational case:

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it.

    OK 2. Organize your own activities, choosing standard methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

    OK 3. Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and take responsibility for them.

    OK 4. Search and use information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

    OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

    OK 6. Work in a team and in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and consumers.

    OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates) and for the result of the task.

    OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development.

    OK 9. To navigate the conditions of frequent changes in technology in professional activities.

    PC1.2 Monitor the operation of the main machines, mechanisms and equipment in accordance with the passport characteristics and the specified technological regime

    PC 1.3 Ensure the operation of transport equipment

    PC 1.4 Provide control over production service processes

    PC 1.5 Maintain technical and technological documentation

    PC 1.6 Monitor and analyze the quality of feedstock and enrichment products.

    PC 2.1 Monitor compliance with the requirements of industry standards, instructions and safety rules when conducting the technological process

    PC 2.4 Organize and carry out production control of compliance with industrial safety and labor protection requirements at the site.

Subject : «»

Lesson type : combined.

Lesson type : practical lesson.

The student must know : what is “torsion”, “diagram”, rules of signs, the relationship between the conditions for the rational arrangement of pulleys on the shaft and the degree of load on the shaft.

The student must be able to : using the section method, calculate the shaft for strength and torsional rigidity, construct diagrams of torque and balancing moments during shaft torsion, and rationally position the pulleys on the shaft.

Lesson Objectives :

- educational purpose : organize student activities to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities in constructing diagrams of torque and balancing moments during shaft torsion and rationally position pulleys on the shaft;

- educational purpose : create conditions that ensure the development of interest in the future specialty;

- developmental goal : contribute to the development of students’ skills to conduct analysis, comparisons, and draw the necessary conclusions.

Equipment :

  1. computer;


    educational case;


    methodological development of a practical lesson.

Lesson macrostructure :

    Organizational stage (greeting, roll call)

    Motivation. To perform calculations for the strength and torsional rigidity of a shaft, you should be able to: calculate the shaft for strength and rigidity, and draw diagrams. This makes it possible to identify the rational location of the pulleys on the shaft. The practical lesson involves the possibility of consolidating knowledge and skills in the issue of constructing diagrams of torque and balancing moments.

    Updating basic knowledge and skills . IN In order to provide a theoretical basis for the practical lesson, students are asked to draw up a supporting summary when working with a training case and answer the test questions. This is followed by training in constructing diagrams in groups. Then students receive an individual assignment.

    Consolidation and application of knowledge . Completing individual tasks.

    Control and correction. Checking the diagrams constructed so far in the lesson under the guidance of a teacher. Those who wish are invited to exchange notebooks. Taking into account the errors found, the diagrams should be corrected.

    Analysis. The construction of diagrams is completed by identifying the rational location of the pulleys on the shaft.

    Homework information (students are asked to complete practical work).


Torsion. Internal force factors during torsion. Constructing torque diagrams

Have an understanding of torsional deformations and internal force factors during torsion.

Be able to construct diagrams of torques.

Torsional Deformation

Torsion of a round beam occurs when it is loaded with pairs of forces with moments in planes perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. In this case, the generatrices of the beam are bent and rotated through an angle γ, called shear angle(angle of rotation of the generatrix). Cross sections rotate at an angle φ, called twist angle(angle of rotation of the section, Fig. 1).

The length of the beam and the dimensions of the cross-section when screwed do not change.

The relationship between angular deformations is determined by the relation

l- beam length; R - section radius.

The length of the beam is significantly greater than the section radius, therefore, φ ≥ γ

Angular torsional deformations are calculated in radians.

Hypotheses for torsion

    The hypothesis of flat sections is fulfilled: the cross section of the beam, flat and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis, after deformation remains flat and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis.

    The radius drawn from the center of the cross section of the beam remains a straight line after deformation (does not bend).

    The distance between the cross sections does not change after deformation. The axis of the beam does not bend, the diameters of the cross sections do not change.

Internal force factors during torsion

Torsion - is called loading in which only one internal force factor appears in the cross section of the beam - torque.

External loads are also two oppositely directed pairs of forces.

Let's consider the internal force factors during torsion of a round beam (Fig. 1).

To do this, let’s cut the beam with plane I and consider the equilibrium of the cut-off part (Fig. 1a). We consider the section from the side of the discarded part.

The external moment of a pair of forces rotates a section of the beam counterclockwise, the internal elastic forces resist rotation. At each point of the section a transverse force dQ arises (Fig. 1b). Each cross-section point has a symmetrical one, where a transverse force appears, directed in the opposite direction. These forces form a pair with a moment dT= pdQ; R- distance from the point to the center of the section. The sum of the transverse forces in the section is zero: ΣdQ = 0

Using integration, we obtain the total moment of elastic forces, called torque:

The practical torque is determined from the equilibrium condition of the cut-off part of the beam.

The torque in the section is equal to the sum of the moments of external forces acting on the cut-off part(Fig. 1c):

Σ T G = 0, i.e. -t + M G = 0; M G = T= M k.

Torque diagrams

Torque moments can vary along the axis of the beam. After determining the values ​​of the moments along the sections, we construct a graph of the torques along the axis of the beam.

We consider the torque to be positive, If moments of external force pairs directed clockwise, in this case, the moment of internal elastic forces is directed counterclockwise (Fig. 2).

The procedure for constructing a diagram of moments is similar to the construction of diagrams of longitudinal forces. The axis of the diagram is parallel to the axis of the beam, the values ​​of the moments are laid off from the axis up or down, the construction scale must be maintained.

Torsion. Torsional stresses and strains

Have an idea of ​​stress and deformation during torsion, about the moment of resistance during torsion.

Know the formulas for calculating stress at a cross-section point, Hooke's law in torsion.

Be able to perform design and verification calculations for round beams.

Torsional stress

We draw a grid of longitudinal and transverse lines on the surface of the beam and consider the pattern formed on the surface after deformation (Fig. 1a). The transverse circles, remaining flat, rotate through an angle φ, longitudinal lines are bent, rectangles turn into parallelograms. Let's look at beam element 1234 after deformation.

When deriving the formulas, we use Hooke's law under shear and the hypothesis of flat sections and non-curvature of the radii of cross sections.

During torsion, a stress state occurs, called “pure shear” (Fig. 1b).

During shear, tangential stresses of equal magnitude arise on the side surface of element 1234 (Fig. 1c), and the element is deformed (Fig. 1d).

The material obeys Hooke's law. The shear stress is proportional to the shear angle.

Hooke's law for shift g = Gγ, G - shear elasticity modulus, N/mm 2 ; γ - shift angle, rad.

Stress at any point in the cross section

Consider the cross section of a round beam. Under the influence of an external moment, elastic forces dQ arise at each point of the cross section (Fig. 2).

where r is the shear stress; d A- elementary platform.

Due to the symmetry of the force cross section dQ form pairs.

Elementary moment of force dQ relative to the center of the circle

Where R- the distance from the point to the center of the circle.

The total moment of elastic forces is obtained by adding (integrating) the elementary moments:

After the transformation, we obtain a formula for determining stresses at a cross-section point:

When p = 0 r k = 0; the shear stress during torsion is proportional to the distance from the point to the center of the section. The resulting integral JR is called the polar moment of inertia of the section. JR is a geometric characteristic of a section under torsion. It characterizes the resistance of the section to torsion.

Analysis of the resulting formula for JR shows that layers located further from the center experience greater stress.

Diagram of distribution of tangential stresses during torsion(Fig. 3)

Rice. 7

Maximum torsional stresses

From the formula for determining stresses and the diagram of the distribution of tangential stresses during torsion, it is clear that the maximum stresses occur on the surface.

Let's determine the maximum voltage, taking into account that p max = = d/2, Where d - diameter of round beam.

For a circular cross-section, the polar moment of inertia is calculated using the formula.

The maximum stress occurs at the surface, so

Usually Jr/r tah denote W R and call moment of resistance in torsion, or polar moment of resistance sections

Thus, to calculate maximum surface stress round timber we get the formula

For round section

For annular section

Torsional strength condition Fracture of a beam during torsion occurs from the surface; when calculating strength, the strength condition is used

where is the permissible torsional stress.

Types of strength calculations

There are three types of strength calculations:

1. Design calculation- the diameter of the beam (shaft) is determined in dangerous section:

2. Verification calculation- the fulfillment of the condition is checked


3. Determination of load capacity(maximum


Stiffness calculation

When calculating rigidity, the deformation is determined and compared with the permissible one. Let us consider the deformation of a round beam under the action of an external pair of forces with a moment T (Fig. 4).

In torsion, the deformation is estimated by the angle of twist:

Here φ - twist angle; γ - shear angle; l- beam length; R - radius; R = d/2. Where

Hooke's law has the form r k = Gγ. Substituting the expression for γ, we get

we use

Work G.J. R called section stiffness.

The elastic modulus can be defined as G = 0.4E. For steel G = 0.8 10 5 MPa.

Usually the angle of twist per one meter of beam (shaft) length φо is calculated.

The torsional stiffness condition can be written as

where φ 0 - relative twist angle, φ 0 = φ/ l,

[ φ 0 ]= 1 deg/m = 0.02 rad/m - permissible relative angle of twist.

Answer the test questions.

Torsion Test

1. What letters are used to denote torsional deformation?

2. Select the missing value in Hooke’s law during shift

3. How is stress distributed in the cross section of a beam during torsion?

4. How will the maximum stress in the section change during torsion if the diameter of the beam decreases by 3 times?

Will decrease by 3 times

Will decrease by 9 times

Will increase 9 times

Will increase 27 times

5. A sample with a diameter of 40 mm failed at a torque of 230 Nm. Determine the breaking stress.

Example solution

Calculation of the shaft for strength and torsional rigidity.

For a steel shaft of circular cross-section constant in length, shown in Figure 6, the following is required:

1) determine the values ​​of the moments M 2, M 3 corresponding to the transmitted powers P 2, P 3, as well as the balancing moment M 1;

2) construct a diagram of torques and determine the rationality of the location of the pulleys on the shaft;

3) determine the required shaft diameter from strength calculations and

stiffness if: = 30 MPa; [φ 0 ] = 0.02 rad/m; w = 20 s -1 ; P 2 =52 kW; P 3 =50 kW; G = 8 × 10 4 MPa.

1. Determine the magnitude of the twisting moments M 2 and M 3



2. Determine the balancing moment M 1

SM z = 0; - M 1 + M 2 + M 3 = 0;

M 1 = M 2 + M 3; M 1 = 2600 + 2500 = 5100 N m;

3. We construct a diagram of M z in accordance with Figure 6, determine the rationality of the location of the pulleys on the shaft.

Figure 10

4 . We determine the diameter of the shaft for the dangerous area, from the conditions of strength and rigidity (M z ma x = 5100 N m).

From the strength condition


From the rigidity condition

= 75.5 mm

The required shaft diameter turned out to be larger based on strength, so we accept it as final: d = 96 mm.

Group assignment

For a steel shaft of constant cross-section, it is necessary to determine the values ​​of the moments M 1, M 2 and M 3, as well as the balancing moment M 0; construct diagrams of torques and rational placement of pulleys on the shaft; determine the required shaft diameter based on strength and stiffness calculations, if = 20 MPa;

[φ 0 ]= 0.02 rad / m; w = 30 s -1 ; G = 8 × 10 4 MPa.

Take data from Table 1 and in accordance with Figure 11.

Round the final diameter value to the nearest even (or ending in five) number.

Table 1 - Initial data

power, kWt

Assignment for independent practical lesson No. 8

For a steel shaft of constant cross-section according to Figure 12:

Determine the values ​​of the moments M 1, M 2, M 3, M 4;

Determine the shaft diameter based on strength and rigidity calculations.

Take [τ k ] = 30 MPa, [φ 0 ] = 0.02 rad / m.

Take the data for your option from Table 2.

The final shaft diameter value accepted must be rounded to the nearest even number or number ending in five.

Figure 12 Schemes for practical exercise No. 8

Table 2 – Data for completing independent practical lesson No. 8

in accordance with Figure 8

power, kWt

Angular velocity, s -1


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