Final interview what is real art. wow what is real art

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Option number 1

(1) Dinka looked around. (2) Nearby, the hut, cozy whitening in greenery, turned out to be old, grown into the ground, flaky with rain and wind. (3) On one side, the hut stood on the edge of a cliff, and a crooked path, running down, led to an abandoned well.

(4) Yakov was sitting at the open window on a low bench in front of a table cut with a shoe knife and, bending down, stitched his boots. (5) Ioska, waving his arms, was telling something cheerfully to his father, a sly dimple jumped on his cheek. (6) Father and son were sitting in a single, but very spacious room with a huge Russian stove.

(7) Carefully entering the hallway and looking into the room, Dinka stopped in surprise. (8) Right in front of her, in the wall between two windows, where there was a shoe table and it was lighter, there was a portrait of a young woman with a stern smile, in a city dress, with a black lace scarf. (9) She was depicted in full growth and as if in a hurry somewhere, throwing on her light scarf.

(10) But most of all Dinka was struck by her eyes. (11) Huge, full of some kind of internal anxiety, pleading and demanding. (12) Stopping on the threshold, Dinka could not take her eyes off this portrait. (13) It seemed that she had already seen these eyes, a smile and a dimple on her cheek somewhere.

(14) Having forgotten, she silently looked from the portrait of her mother to her son ...

(15) Ioska fell silent and looked warily at the uninvited guest. (16) Yakov also raised his eyes, and an expression of concentrated severity already familiar to Dinka appeared on his face.

(17) Hello, young lady! he said, rising towards her.

(18) Hello, Yakov Ilyich! - Dinka whispered, bowing low.

(19) The portrait of Katri, her lively, burning eyes, the silent double of the portrait, Ioska, and the unfortunate violinist himself, who retired here after the death of his wife - all this terrified her. (20) Her legs seemed to be rooted to the threshold, and, not knowing what to do, she pitifully asked:

(21) Play, Yakov Ilyich.

(22) Ioska readily handed the violin to his father. (23) Yakov nodded to his son and, turning to the portrait, raised the bow, touched the strings ...

(24) As soon as the sounds of the violin poured out, Dinky's fear passed. (25) While playing, Jacob looked at the portrait and, moving his eyebrows to the beat of the music, smiled. (26) And Katya answered him with a gentle, stern smile. (27) And Ioska was sitting on a shoe stool and, folding his hands on his knees, looked first at his father, then at his mother.

(According to V.A. Oseeva)*

* Oseeva-Khmeleva Valentina Alexandrovna (1902-1969) - children's writer. Her most famous works were the stories "Dinka", "Dinka Says Goodbye to Childhood".

2. Which answer option contains the information needed tojustification answer to the question: "Why was Dink so struck by the portrait of Katri?"

1) Dinka did not expect to see such an expressive and life-filled portrait in the hut standing on the edge of the cliff.

2) The portrait was unusually large; Dinka had never seen such large canvases before.

3) Dinka was surprised that in the wretched hut there were decorations and objects of art at all.

4) The woman in the portrait was very fashionably and beautifully dressed, and Dinka was struck by the sophistication of her dress.

3. phraseological unit .

1) Directly in front of her, in the wall between two windows, where there was a shoe table and it was lighter, stood a portrait of a young woman with a stern smile, in a city dress, with a black lace scarf.

2) Stopping on the threshold, Dinka could not take her eyes off this portrait.

3) Ioska fell silent and looked inquiringly and warily at the uninvited guest.

4) Yakov nodded to his son and, turning to the portrait, raised the bow, touched the strings...

4. From sentences 18–21 write out the word in which the spellingprefixes determined by its value « incomplete action ».

5. From sentences 14–18 write out the word in which the spellingsuffix is determined by the rule: "In an adverb, as many N are written as in the word from which it is formed."

6. Replace the book expression "horrifying" in sentence 19 with a stylistically neutral one. synonymous . Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase "lace scarf" (sentence 8), built on the basis of agreement, by a synonymous phrase with a connection control

8. Write out grammatical basis offers 21.

9. Among sentences 17–21, find the sentence with separate application

introductory word .

her legs, (1) it seemed (2) rooted to the threshold (3) And, (4) not knowing, (5) what should she do (6) she asked pitifully:

play it (7) Yakov Ilyich.

11. Specify quantitygrammar basics in sentence 24. Write down the answer in numbers.

writing connection.

The hut, cozy whitening in the green, turned out to be old nearby, (1) rooted in the ground (2) battered by rain and wind. On one side the hut stood on the edge of a cliff, (3) and crooked path (4) running down, (5) led to an abandoned well.

13. Among sentences 3–7, find unionless compound offer .

14. Among sentences 6–11, find a complexoffer withhomogeneous subordination

1) Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous modern linguist N.S. Valgina, who believes that punctuation marks“help the writer make very subtle semantic highlights, focus on important details, show their significance”

A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated.

2) "As soon as the sounds of the violin poured out, Dinky's fear passed" .

Bring in an essay2 (two)

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

3) REAL ART one example- give an argumentfrom the read textsecond - from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) At dawn, Lenka and I drank tea and went to the mshary to look for capercaillie. (2) It was boring to go.

(3) Would you, Lenya, tell something more fun.

(4) What to tell? Lenka answered. - (5) Is it about the old women in our village. (6) These old women are the daughters of the famous artist Pozhalostin. (7) He was an academician, but he came out of our shepherds, from snotty ones. (8) His engravings hang in museums in Paris, London and here in Ryazan. (9) I suppose you saw?

(10) I remembered the beautiful, slightly yellowed from time to time engravings on the walls of my room in the house of two troublesome old women. (11) I also remembered the first, very strange feeling from the engravings. (12) Those were portraits of old-fashioned people, and I could not get rid of their views. (13) A crowd of ladies and men in tightly buttoned frock coats, a crowd of the seventies of the nineteenth century, looked at me from the walls with deep attention.

(14) Somehow the blacksmith Yegor comes to the village council, - Lenya continued. - (15) There is nothing, he says, to repair what is required, so let's shoot the bells.

(16) Fedosya, a woman from P, intervenes hereý coldness: (17) "At the Pozhalostins
in the old woman's house they walk on copper boards. (18) Something is scrawled on those boards - I don’t understand. (19) These boards will come in handy.

(20) I came to the Pozhalostins, said what was the matter, and asked to show these boards. (21) The old woman takes out boards wrapped in a clean towel. (22) I looked and froze. (23) Mother is honest, what a delicate work, what a solid carving! (24) Especially the portrait of Pugachev - you can’t look for a long time: it seems you are talking to him yourself. (25) “Give me the boards for storage, otherwise they will melt them into nails,” I tell her.

(26) 3 she cried and said: (27) “What are you! (28) This is a national value, I will not give them away for anything.

(29) In general, we saved these boards - sent them to Ryazan, to the museum.

(30) Then they called a meeting to judge me for hiding the boards. (31) I went out and said: (32) “Not you, but your children will understand the value of these engravings, but someone else’s work must be respected. (33) A man came out of the shepherds, studied for decades on black bread and water, so much work was invested in each board, sleepless nights, human torment, talent ... "

(34) Talent! – repeated Lenya louder. - (35) You need to understand this! (36) It is necessary to cherish and appreciate! (37) Is it true?

(According to K.G. Paustovsky) *

* Paustovsky Konstantin Georgievich (1892-1968) - Russian Soviet writer and publicist, master of lyrical and romantic prose, author of works about nature, historical stories, artistic memoirs.

justification an answer to the question: “Why didn’t the old woman want to give Lyonka the engraving boards?”

1) The old woman thought she should be rewarded for keeping the engravings.

2) The old woman believed that the engraving boards belonged only to her as a representative of the people.

3) The old woman understood the artistic value of the boards, perceiving her father's work as real art.

4) The old woman considered Lyonka an unreliable person.

colloquial vocabulary .

1) - You should, Lenya, tell something more cheerful.

2) Fedosya, a woman from P, intervenes here ý coldness…

3) These boards will come in handy.

4) Especially the portrait of Pugachev - you can’t look for a long time: it seems that you are talking to him yourself.

4. From sentences 14–19 write out the word in which the spellingprefixes determined by its value « approximation ».

5. From sentences 20–25 write out a word in which the spellingsuffix is determined by the rule: "One letter H is written in short passive participles."

6. Replace the vernacular "probably" in sentence 9 stylistically neutral synonymous . Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase"sleepless nights" (sentence 33), built on the basis of agreement, by a synonymous phrase with a connectioncontrol . Write the resulting phrase.

8. You writegrammatical basis offers 35.

9. Among sentences 14–19 find the sentencewith popular application . Write the number of this offer.

10. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commasintroductory construction .

Once the blacksmith Egor comes to the village council, (1) Lena continued.

Nothing (2) speaks, (3) fix it (4) what is needed, (5) so let's shoot the bells.

11. Specify quantity grammar basics in sentence 33. Write down the answer in numbers.

12. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas between parts of a complex sentence related subordinating connection.

I came to the pitiful, (1) said, (2) what's the matter, (3) and asked to see these boards. The old woman takes out the boards, (4) wrapped in a clean towel.

13. Among sentences 28–32, find the complex offer withconsistent submission adnexal. Write the number of this offer.

14. Among sentences 15–19, find unionless compound offer . Write the number of this offer.


Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian philologist F.I. Buslaev: “Only in a sentence do individual words, their endings and prefixes get their meaning” . Arguing your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the read text.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start the essay with the words of F.I. Buslaev.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final text: "Talent! – repeated Lenya louder. - You have to understand it! It must be protected and appreciated! Is it true?”

Bring in an essay 2 (two) arguments from the read text, confirming your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


How do you understand the meaning of the phrase REAL ART ? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is real art" , taking as a thesis the definition given by you. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments confirming your reasoning: one example- argument from the read text second - from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

(1) For me, music is everything. (2) I love jazz like Uncle Zhenya. (3) What did Uncle Zhenya do at a concert in the House of Culture! (4) He whistled, shouted, applauded! (5) And the musician kept blowing recklessly into his saxophone! ..

(6) Everything is about me, in this music. (7) That is, about me and about my dog. (8) I have a dachshund, the name is Keith ...

(9) Can you imagine? Uncle Zhenya said. - (10) He composes this music right on the go.

(11) That's for me. (12) The most interesting thing is when you play and don't know what will happen next. (13) Keith and I too: I strum the guitar and sing, he barks and howls. (14) Of course, without words - why do we need words with Keith?

(15) Andryukha, it's decided! cried Uncle Zhenya. - (16) Learn jazz! (17) 3here, in the House of Culture, there is such a studio.

(18) Jazz, of course, is great, but here's the catch: I can't sing alone. (19) Only with Keith. (20) For Keith, singing is everything, so I took him with me to the audition.

(21) Keith, having eaten boiled sausage from the refrigerator, walked in a wonderful mood. (22) How many songs raged in us with him, how many hopes!

(23) But my joy disappeared when it turned out that it was impossible to enter the House of Culture with dogs.

(24) I entered the audition room without Keith, took the guitar, but could not start, even if you crack! ..

(25) You are not suitable, they told me. - (26) There is no rumor. (27) Keith almost died of joy when I went out.

(28) "Well?!! (29) Jazz? (30) Yes?!” - he said with all his appearance, and his tail beat the rhythm along the sidewalk. (31) At home, I called Uncle Zhenya.

(32) I have no hearing, I say. - (33) I don't fit.

(34) Rumor is nothing, said Uncle Zhenya with contempt. - (35) Just think, you can’t repeat someone else’s melody. (36) You sing like no one has ever sung before you. (37) This is jazz! (38) Jazz is not music; jazz is a state of mind.

(39) Putting down the phone, I made a croaking sound from the guitar. (40) Whale howled. (41) Against this background, I depicted the ticking of the clock and the cries of seagulls, and Keith - the whistle of a locomotive and the whistle of a steamer. (42) He knew how to raise my weakened spirit. (43) And I remembered how terrible it was when Kit and I chose each other at the Bird Market ...

(44) And the song went ...

(According to M.L. Moskvina)*

* Moskvina Marina Lvovna (born in 1954) is a modern writer, journalist, radio host. For the book "My dog ​​loves jazz" was awarded the International Diploma G.-H. Andersen.

2. Which answer option contains the information necessary for justification an answer to the question: “Why does the hero-narrator think that jazz music is music about him and his dog?”

1) The hero-narrator does not know how to truly understand music and hears in it not what it really is.

2) The hero-narrator vividly perceives jazz improvisations, experiencing them as part of his life.

3) The hero-narrator himself plays the guitar, performing well-known jazz compositions together with his dog.

4) The narrator loves jazz and teaches his dog jazz rhythms.

Indicate the sentence in which the means of expressiveness of speech isphraseological unit .

    He composes this music right on the go.

2) I love jazz like Uncle Zhenya.

3) Keith, having eaten boiled sausage from the refrigerator, walked in a wonderful mood.

4) How many songs raged in us with him, how many hopes!

4. From sentences 6–12 write out a word in which the spellingprefixes depends on the deafness - the voicedness of the subsequent consonant.

5. From sentences 13–20 write out a word in which the spellingsuffix is determined by the rule: "N is written in the short passive participle of the past tense."

6. Replace the spoken word "hitch" in sentence 18 stylistically neutral synonymous . Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase "boat whistle" (sentence 41), built on the basis of control, by a synonymous phrase with a connection agreement . Write the resulting phrase.

8. You write grammatical basis suggestions 17.

9. Among sentences 1–8, find sentences with homogeneous members . Write the numbers of these offers.

10. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commas introductory word .

Andryukha, (1) decided! cried Uncle Zhenya. - Learn Jazz! 3here, (2)
at the House of Culture,
(3) there is a studio.

Jazz, (4) Certainly, (5) This is great, (6) but here's the catch: I can't sing alone.

12. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between parts of a complex sentence related writing connection.

Hanging up the phone (1) I made a croaking sound from the guitar. Keith howled. Against this background, I depicted the ticking of the clock and the cries of seagulls, (2) and Keith - the whistle of a locomotive and the whistle of a steamboat. He knew, (3) how to lift my weakened spirit.
And I remembered
(4) what a terrible frost it was (5) when Keith and I chose each other at the Bird Market...

13. Among sentences 11–17, find a complex offer withconsistent submission adnexal. Write the number of this offer.

14. Among sentences 38–42, find unionless compound offer .Write the number of this offer.


Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the Russian Soviet writer K.G. Paustovsky: “Pushkin also spoke about punctuation marks. They exist to highlight the thought, to bring the words into the right ratio and to give the phrase lightness and the right sound. Punctuation marks are like musical notation. They firmly hold the text and do not allow it to crumble.. Arguing your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the read text.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start the composition with the words of K.G. Paustovsky.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final text: And the song went...

Bring in an essay 2 (two) arguments from the read text, confirming your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


How do you understand the meaning of the phrase REAL ART ? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is real art" , taking as a thesis the definition given by you. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments confirming your reasoning: one example- argument from the read text second - from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

(1) As a child, I tried very, very hard to love the theater, as I was told: after all, this is Great Art, the Temple. (2) And I, as expected, should feel awe, but at the same time remember that there are theatrical conventions in the theater. (3) I remembered, but when an elderly uncle in a camisole with puffy sleeves, with a large velvet belly swaying over thin legs, menacingly, like a class teacher, asked: “Tell me, Laura, what year are you?” - and the overweight aunt barked in response: "Eighteen years old!" - terrible confusion and shame crushed me, and all my efforts to love the theater were finally crossed out.

(4) Meanwhile, it was warm in the theater, the hall smelled pleasant and complex, smart people walked in the lobby, the windows were wrapped in parachute silk curtains, like cumulus clouds. (5) Yes, the temple. (6) Probably. (7) But this is not my temple, and the gods in it are not mine.

(8) But it’s a completely different matter - the Ars cinema, an inferior shed on the square. (9) There are uncomfortable wooden seats, they sit there in coats, there is garbage on the floor. (10) There you will not meet “inveterate theater-goers”, dressed-up ladies, offended in advance by the fact that they, decent people, are forced to spend three hours in the company of ignorant profane people. (11) There the crowd tumbles in and sits down, rattling their seats and spreading the sour smell of damp coats. (12) Now they will begin. (13) This is happiness. (14) This is a movie.

(15) Slowly extinguish the light. (16) The chirping of the projector, the impact of the beam - and that's it, it started. (17) The line has been crossed, this elusive moment has passed, when the flat and dull screen dissolved, disappeared, became space, the world, flight. (18) Dream, mirage, dream. (19) Transformation.

(20) Yes, I am certainly a simple and primitive moviegoer, like most people. (21) It is precisely from the cinema that I expect a complete transformation, a final deception - "so as not to think why, so as not to remember when." (22) The theater is not capable of this, and does not pretend to be.

(23) A theater for those who love live actors and graciously forgives them for their imperfections in exchange for art. (24) Cinema for those who love dreams and miracles. (25) The theater does not hide that everything you see is a pretense. (26) Cinema pretends that everything you see is true. (27) Theater - for adults; cinema is for children.

(According to T. Tolstoy)*

* thick Tatyana Nikitichna (born in 1951 G.) - a modern writer, TV presenter, philologist.

2. Which answer option contains the information necessary for justification the answer to the question: “Why did the author not manage to fall in love with the theater in childhood?”

1) The girl tried too hard to love what she was "ordered" to love.

2) In the theater, everything was too incomprehensible for a teenage girl.

3) There are conventions in theatrical art that seemed to the girl false and alien.

4) The girl was always required to behave in the theater as in the temple, and this aroused in her a feeling of protest.

3. Indicate the sentence in which the means of expressiveness of speech iscomparison .

1) As a child, I tried very, very hard to love the theater, as I was told: after all, this is Great Art, the Temple.

2) And I, as expected, should feel awe, but at the same time remember that there are theatrical conventions in the theater.

3) Meanwhile, it was warm in the theater, the hall smelled pleasant and complex, elegant people were walking in the foyer, the windows were wrapped in parachute silk curtains, like cumulus clouds.

4) It is precisely from the cinema that I expect a complete transformation, a final deception - "so as not to think why, so as not to remember when."

4. From sentences 9–11 write out the word in which the spelling prefixes determined by its value "incomplete action" .

5. From sentences 8–10 write out the word in which the spelling suffix is an exception to the rule.

6. Replace book word "trembling" in sentence 2 stylistically neutralsynonymous . Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase "wooden seats" (sentence 9), built on the basis of agreement, by a synonymous phrase with a connection control . Write the resulting phrase.

8. Write out grammatical basis suggestions 15.

9. Among sentences 8–14, find sentences with separate application . Write the numbers of these proposals.

10. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commas introductory word .

Yes, (1) I, (2) undoubtedly, (3) a simple and primitive moviegoer, (4) like most people. From the cinema, I'm just waiting for a complete transformation, (5) final deception - "so as not to think why, (6) not to remember when. The theater is not capable of this, (7) and does not apply.

11. Specify quantity grammar basics in sentence 1. Write down the answer in numbers.

12. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between parts of a complex sentence related writing connection.

Meanwhile, it was warm in the theater (1) in the hall it smelled pleasant and difficult, (2) elegant people were walking in the foyer, (3) the windows were covered with curtains of parachute silk, (4) like cumulus clouds. Yes, (5) temple. Maybe. But this is not my temple (6) and the gods in it are not mine.

13. Among sentences 22–27, find complex offers fromconsistent submission adnexal. Write the numbers of these proposals.

14. Among sentences 8–14, find unionless compound offer . Write the number of this offer.


Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous modern linguist N.S. Valgina: “With the help of a dash, a high emotional load, psychological tension is transmitted” . Arguing your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the read text.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start the essay with the words of N.S. Valgina.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final text: “The theater is for those who love live actors and graciously forgive them for their imperfections in exchange for art. Cinema for those who love dreams and miracles".

Bring in an essay 2 (two) arguments from the read text, confirming your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.


How do you understand the meaning of the phrase REAL ART ? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is real art" , taking as a thesis the definition given by you. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments confirming your reasoning: one example- argument from the read text second - from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Real art is depiction of reality in artistic images, figurative comprehension of reality, part of spiritual culture, the source of knowledge of the world, the process of expressing the inner world of a person in an image. This is a textbook of life, a human striving for perfection.

In the text K.G. Paustovsky talks about painting, about the paintings of the famous artist Pozhalostin, about their influence on a person. In this - in a positive influence on the soul of each of us - the authenticity of art is manifested. For arguments, I want to turn to the text and life experience offered to me.

First, in sentences 10-13 we read what emotions the hero experienced when he saw the engravings of the famous artist. The "beautiful engravings, slightly yellowed with time" at first evoked in him a "strange feeling" (10). The portraits were so beautiful and accurate that it seemed as if real people were standing: “a crowd of ladies and men ... looked ... from the walls with deep attention” at the hero (13).

Secondly, to confirm that music is also a part of true art, I will give an example from life. Once I was at the Nutcracker ballet, and I liked the music the ballerinas danced to the most. The melody was so soft that at some point I thought: this is not the music of ballet, but of life itself. And the dance itself turned my head so much that for those hours I was completely immersed in the dance, in the story that the ballerinas told me, and was not distracted by anything.

Thus, I proved that art, namely true art, is not only a reflection of our inner world, but also a textbook of life, allowing us to know the reality around us. It is part of ourselves.

What is real art? In my opinion, this is a depiction of reality in works of art, literature, cinema, architecture and music. This is both a reflection of the inner world of a person through artistic images, and beauty captured in works of art. To confirm what has been said, let us turn to the text proposed to us V. Oseeva and to personal experience.

Propositions 23-25 ​​may serve as the first argument in favor of my opinion. These sentences say that when Yakov touches the strings of the violin, a sound of unusual beauty flows, and one wants to enjoy life. This is where we see true art.

As a second argument confirming my point of view, I would like to take an example from life. One day in an art class, the teacher showed us two identical houses. At first glance, they were both beautiful ... But if you look closely, you can see: one of the buildings is designed for everyday life, and the other is a work of art. It is this that has made us understand true beauty more deeply.

Thus, having analyzed two arguments, I proved that only real art can have the strongest influence on the human soul.

We present to your attention several options for writing-reasoning with additional arguments.

Option 1

(244 words) What kind of art can be called real? I believe that any work in which the author describes his vision of the world in its various manifestations. It does not matter what serves as a means of expressing the thoughts and feelings of the creator: words, colors, sounds. The main thing is the sincerity of the author in relation to the viewer, his indifference and ardor. Few people have the talent to create truly memorable works of art. To substantiate my point of view, I will give examples.

The text of K. Paustovsky can serve as an argument. It describes the time-consuming and exhausting process of writing musical works. To create real masterpieces, Tchaikovsky sat and worked for a long time, not looking up. He tried to find inspiration in every rustle, in every echo of nature. Now everyone can say with confidence that Tchaikovsky's compositions are an example of true art. His music is stored in the souls of people living a hundred years after him, and is not going to disappear.

Another example is my own memories and impressions that I received from a trip to St. Petersburg. There I visited many museums, but most of all I was delighted with the Hermitage. Every exhibit, every painting, every tapestry or piece of furniture in the Winter Palace is an object of real art. Even the building itself, in which the museum is located, is an example of beauty and grace. Such a concentration of beauty in one place left incredibly vivid impressions in my soul.

For true art, there is no such thing as time or space. It is eternal, it is able to leave a mark in every person, and, of course, it must be protected and preserved for posterity. Thanks to truly talented writers, artists, composers, architects, today anyone can get their piece of true art, and maybe someday create their own masterpiece.

Option 2

(162 words) Real art is one of the main components of the culture of mankind, because it can awaken feelings and emotions in everyone, shake the imagination, change the worldview. True masterpieces do not leave us indifferent, they serve as guidelines and ideals for us.

The hero of the text was impressed by the beautiful engravings, which he met while visiting the daughters of the artist Pozhalostin. Masterfully created works awakened imagination and dreams in the narrator. For a very long time he could not forget the look of the people depicted in those engravings. Thanks to the impression that the engravings made on the hero, he was able to save them, risking his own reputation.

In life, we also meet examples of real art. While working on illustrations for the work of M. Lermontov "The Demon", the artist Vrubel went crazy. The devil described in the poem began to pursue him. Art changed his soul so much that he began to live more in a literary work than in reality. This poem really causes strong feelings, it is very strongly written.

Thus, real art can have a direct impact on the minds and souls of people, change them for better or worse, inspire or drive them crazy.

Additional arguments:

Real life example: Many artists did not feel the public approval of their work. For example, not everyone considers V. Mayakovsky a full-fledged poet to this day. It is said that he was not able to write poetry, like all other poets, due to lack of education and talent. But an attentive and understanding reader can find hidden thoughts, feelings, images in Mayakovsky's poems.

An example from the literature: Another example of the influence that real art has on a person can be the story of I.S. Turgenev "Singers". Listening to the beautiful, deep, young voice of Yashka Turk, full of strength and joy of life, the narrator really admires. On him, as well as on other visitors to the tavern, Yashka's singing makes a strong impression.

In my opinion, real art is the most beautiful human creation that inspires us, makes us enjoy life and love the world around us. And the types of art can be different: music, painting, sculpture and many others. For evidence, I turn to the text of V.P. Astafiev and life experience.

As the first argument proving my opinion, I will take sentences 34-38. Lina's life was “colored with gloomy tones”, but everything changed when she heard the beautiful music of P. I. Tchaikovsky. She loved everything around

wanted to live and enjoy life. After all, when a person is sad, his mood improves from any joyful moment, and art often helps in this.

As a second argument confirming this thesis, I will use life experience. There is always a place for art in human life. Every day, listening to music, watching movies, remembering or reading literary works, a person is very close to art. For example, I really like listening to music. She inspires me to do new things. I imagine how a musician plays, and all bad thoughts disappear from my head and my mood rises. Without music, it would be much more difficult for me.

Thus, having given the arguments, I came to the conclusion: art is necessary in a person's life, its role is great, so everything must be done to make art develop.

Other works on this topic:

  1. What is real art? In my opinion, this is an expression of one's attitude to the surrounding world through writing poems, paintings, composing music and making sculptures. This...
  2. What is a moral choice? Many people have asked this question many times. In my opinion, a moral choice is making one decision out of several: to do right or wrong, ...
  3. What is real art? What is real art? In my opinion, this is a depiction of reality in works of art, literature, cinema, architecture and music. This is a reflection...
  4. What are life values? Life values ​​are everything that people consider the most important in their lives. In fact, there can be very...
  5. What are life values? In my opinion, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. Each person has his own life values: money, car, power or...
  6. In my opinion, a moral choice is a choice of a person, which depends on himself, on life circumstances or public opinion. At every step we take...
  7. What is real art? In our lives, we often come across such a concept as art and, probably, rarely think about what it means. A...
  8. “The theater is for those who love live actors and graciously forgive them for their imperfections in exchange for art. Cinema for those who love dreams and miracles”...

Essay 1

Real art, according to the article "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" by S.I. Ozhegov, is "a creative reflection, reproduction of reality in artistic images." But is it possible to define the meaning of this word in one phrase? Of course not! Art is charm and sorcery! This is exactly what T. Tolstoy says in the text.

Firstly, the famous writer builds the heroine's argument about real art, opposing the seemingly incompatible in meaning: theater and cinema ... Incompatible because she does not like the theater! All the sympathies of the lyrical heroine are given to the cinema that enchanted and bewitched her! Here is how she enthusiastically writes about her favorite art form: “It is precisely from the cinema that I expect a complete transformation, a final deception -“ so as not to think why, so as not to remember when.

My point of view about real art differs from the opinion of the heroine of T. Tolstoy: I love the theater! A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to attend a wonderful performance of the opera-mystery Juno and Avos. Everything that was there: the wonderful scenery, and the wonderful music of Alexei Rybnikov, and the romantic love story of two wonderful people - said that I was in the temple of art! And "the gods in it ... are mine!"

Thus, real art is different for each person: someone loves cinema, and someone loves theater.


Essay 2

Art is an integral part of human culture. However, only that art that has a positive effect on a person, touching the innermost strings of his soul, we can call real.

We find examples of real art in the text of T.N. Tolstoy. The hero of the story, on behalf of whom the narration is going on, compares two types of art - theater and cinema. He comes to the conclusion that the theater is not his temple and the gods in it are not his (4-7). He really loves cinema, because there you can relax and dream, there are no flaws that are forgiven to artists in the theater in exchange for their art (8). In his opinion, “cinema for those who love dreams is miracles”, “cinema is for children”.

In addition, you can give examples of real art from life. I really like pictures that depict real objects. And I can't understand why people are willing to pay money for works of incomprehensible purpose. For example, recently a rather interesting exhibit was exhibited in a local gallery - a garbage container with household waste, for which the author offered almost 3 million rubles. So why can't the janitor, who has a lot of this "good", do the same, because nothing is required for this? It seems to me that this is not real art, but just a pathetic imitation of it.

Thus, we were convinced that real art should be done with a soul and serve people as spiritual food, helping them to become happier and kinder to others and to themselves.

Horny Anna, student of I.A. Suyazova

Essay 3

Real art, in my opinion, is the depiction of reality in artistic images. These are those works of painting, literature, architecture, which reflect the inner world of man. Real art is not created for the sake of fame and money, it's just a way to express your thoughts and feelings. I will give examples to support what has been said.

T. Tolstoy's text raises the problem of choosing between two types of art. The heroine from childhood tried to fall in love with the theater, as she was "told". She understood that the theater was a temple, but not for her. She, like most people, enjoyed the cinema, because everything is perfect on the screen, and the theater does not hide imperfections. The author wanted to express her opinion about contemporary art: "The theater is for adults, cinema is for children."

Since I did not manage to visit the audience in the theater, I prefer cinema. A lot of both old and modern films have influenced my worldview, my life. Another advantage of cinema is that you can watch it at any time. One such film that made a deep impression on me is The Green Mile. This is a film about humanity, it makes you think a lot. At the heart of this work is love for the world and all living things. The film really teaches to see the soul of a person, not to judge people by external impressions, superficially.

Thus, I proved that, whatever art, it should bring people pleasure, morally educate. Real art plays an important role in the life of every person, because it introduces us to everything beautiful.

Kozhanova Polina, student of S.N. Mishchenko

Text 5. T. Tolstaya. Cinema (story from the cycle "Small Things", coll. "River")

(1) As a child, I tried very, very hard to love the theater, as I was told: after all, this is Great Art, the Temple. (2) And I, as expected, should feel awe, but at the same time remember that there are theatrical conventions in the theater. (3) I remembered, but when an elderly uncle in a camisole with puffy sleeves, with a large velvet belly swaying over thin legs, menacingly, like a class teacher, asked: “Tell me, Laura, what year are you?” - and the overweight aunt barked in response: "Eighteen years old!" - terrible confusion and shame crushed me, and all my efforts to love the theater were finally crossed out.

(4) Meanwhile, it was warm in the theater, the hall smelled pleasant and complex, smart people walked in the lobby, the windows were wrapped in parachute silk curtains, like cumulus clouds. (5) Yes, the temple. (6) Probably. (7) But this is not my temple, and the gods in it are not mine.

(8) But it’s a completely different matter - the Ars cinema, an inferior shed on the square. (9) There are uncomfortable wooden seats, they sit there in coats, there is garbage on the floor. (10) There you will not meet “inveterate theater-goers”, dressed-up ladies, offended in advance by the fact that they, decent people, are forced to spend three hours in the company of ignorant profane people. (11) There the crowd tumbles in and sits down, rattling their seats and spreading the sour smell of damp coats. (12) Now they will begin. (13) This is happiness. (14) This is a movie.

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