Why dream of suffocating in a dream book. Why dream that you are suffocating: the most accurate meaning! Why do you choke in your sleep

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It is considered a very common pathology. Statistics say that more than 60% of older people suffer from this disease, and more often men. Sleep apnea also affects people aged 35-54 years. Children often suffocate in their sleep. And in most cases, the disease cannot be diagnosed.

I suffocate in my sleep: why is this happening?

In most cases, sleep apnea is the result of a condition in the body that can cause short pauses in breathing. There are two types of such a condition of OSAS (Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome).

I suffocate in a dream: what is the reason?

Firstly, this may occur due to a strong relaxation of the muscles and soft tissues of the throat. They subside so much that they close the airway. If breathing is not restored within 10 seconds, the condition can be called apnea. The next reason why a person has a complaint: "I am suffocating in my sleep" is hypopnea. A mechanism that acts like apnea, only in this case, the airways are closed by soft tissues. If the inhaled air flow is closed by 50% or for 10 seconds or longer, it is hypopnea.

I'm suffocating at night

In addition to OSAS, a similar phenomenon can occur due to central sleep apnea. This can happen due to disturbances in the activity of the brain, which seems to forget to send signals and cause contraction of the muscles that provide breathing. Simply put, the brain simply "forgets to breathe."

What is sleep

Sleep is a necessary state of the human body, due to the normal activity of the brain. If the doctor hears from the patient: "I suffocate in my sleep. What happens to the body, does it rest?" - you can answer the question like this: "Suffering from sleep apnea can experience lack of air more than once a night. An apnea episode reduces the amount of oxygen supplied to the lungs. This condition causes a person to move from a deep sleep stage to his superficial state or to wake a person altogether. There may be repetitions of such episodes up to three times per minute.To fully recover, you need to go through a certain number of episodes of "deep sleep". The fewer such episodes, the worse the body recovers. A person gets up unrested. It is considered normal to sleep at least 8 hours a day, and up to 25 % of that time should be spent in deep sleep phases."

I choke at night: what is the reason?

In most cases, people with sleep apnea snore during their sleep. Their breathing is quite noisy, with frequent fading. A person does not get enough sleep, feels tired, but in most cases does not even remember that he was suffocating at night.


If a person complains: "I choke in my sleep," here are some suggested reasons that contribute to this:

  • Excessive fullness is considered the most important factor. Fat deposits in the neck are especially harmful, they increase the load on the muscles of the throat.
  • Age. Statistics show that sleep apnea is more common in people over 40 years of age.
  • Men suffer from sleep apnea twice as often as women. This fact is due to small differences in the anatomical structure of the throat and a different type of distribution of fatty tissues.
  • The use of sleeping pills with a sedative effect.
  • Drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Menopause.
  • Diabetes.
  • Heredity.

Sweet Dreams!

Dream interpretation suffocate in a dream

In the interpreters of dreams, you can find several transcripts of why you dream of suffocating in a dream. The problem of lack of air in a night dream indicates a subconscious fear of losing something important.

The dreamer himself will be able to understand what to fear, based on his own values ​​​​and life priorities. In most cases, interpretations affect health, relationships with loved ones and the constant search for the meaning of life. However, it will be useful to expand the understanding of such a symbol.

general information

As the dream book thinks, suffocating under water is not only a terrible, but also a dangerous symbol that hides a lot of interesting information. If the dreamer chokes in a dream, then his attention is drawn exclusively to solving a specific problem.

Thus, the focus on the current moment increases, and this is often not enough in the increasing rhythm of life.

Dreamed of suffocation

From whom to seek help?

If you dream of an unusual vision, then you should not be content with the advice of your friends, but it is better to immediately turn to the dream book for help. The more difficult the dream is, the more effort will have to be expended, but it's worth it.

In the dream book of Gustav Miller, you can find an explanation of why I am suffocating, which will affect the future fate:

  • to die in a dream - to a possible theft, and therefore try to pay more attention to the safety of your property;
  • successful salvation - to improve the financial situation due to one's own determination and empathy.

Feel short of breath in a dream

I dreamed of suffocating in a dream - you will not be able to accept the circumstances, no matter how much you would like to. Lack of air may be associated with physiological conditions that led to such an unpleasant plot. If someone starts grabbing his neck, trying to take his life - a symbol that reflects dependence on some person or circumstances.

Suffocate for a short period of time - to receive a well-deserved reward for your work. However, the interpreter of the dream is forced to be somewhat upset, since the reward will not be as large as planned.

You may dream about how you lose the rest of the air in your lungs - there are people in your social circle who constantly remember you, not without emotions. Perhaps your action or inaction has led to a loss of reputation, and now you will have to make a lot of effort to restore it.

In what environment?

Choking is a problem that prevents many people from sleeping, but the environment in which this unpleasant sensation began to appear is equally important.


Dreamed of being unable to breathe underwater

You are suffocating when you fall under water - a sign that tells that bright moments and spontaneity have ceased to appear in your life. Dream books often describe a similar picture, and it testifies to excess practicality. In some cases, it is better to relax and surrender to momentary experiences.

Fight the lack of air in the water - you have every chance to ruin your business reputation, this is written in the Gypsy Dream Interpreter. The Italian psychologist Roberti, speaking about the lack of oxygen, implies certain difficulties in overcoming everyday hardships. The dreamer must learn to plan his actions and correlate them with current needs.

Being in the water column is not a good sign, revealing insufficient fluid intake throughout the day. Dream Interpretations are advised to pay attention to this, otherwise a healthy balance will be shaken.


Suffocation caused by the appearance of smoke in the room - the environment negatively affects the dreamer's real life. Obviously, such dreams should push you to move and new achievements.

Dreaming of a suffocating smoke screen

Dreaming of people who are suffocating in a smoke screen - to the beginning of risky love adventures. They can bring not only incredible happiness, but also disappointment. If you believe the dream books, then a sudden romantic wave to your ill-wishers is not excluded. The panic approaching in a night dream should make it clear to a person that a sudden connection will only bring suffering. After analyzing the whole situation, you can count on a favorable outcome.

Sometimes a person suffocates from smoke in night dreams, as he is visited by thoughts of his own weakness, which will lead to trouble and disappointment. According to popular dream books, it is difficult for a dreamer to pull himself together and start working on himself. Of course, the path will not be easy, but the support of loved ones will help to avoid many problems.

If water is not able to put out a serious fire, and the air around is getting smaller, then such a dream is a dream for the onset of changes that sober the sleeper. The veil of his illusions will finally fall, and real opportunities will appear before him.

Experiencing gas in a dream


I dreamed how the room began to fill with gas and asthma attacks appeared - the dreamer was tired of constantly looking back at the achievements of his relatives and friends. People should build their own destiny without looking around.

I had a dream in which the sleeper was suffocating from the unpleasant smell of gas - to excessive demands on his soulmate. You must be aware that any expectations may be in vain, and therefore it is better not to be disappointed in vain.

Breathing from gas - to problems in the financial sector. Perhaps the sleeper will not be able to buy the expensive thing that he has dreamed of for so long. The main thing is not to get upset ahead of time and continue on your way to the intended purchase.

For no apparent reason

I dreamed of suffocation for no apparent reason

The lack of air in a dream can be associated with various reasons, and therefore it makes sense to consider universal versions:

  • the young girl did not have enough air - some person misses her;
  • other people's hands or a noose - will happen to become a victim of psychological pressure;
  • shortness of breath on the run - to the appearance of a strong enemy.

Sad interpretations

If a person breathes poorly in a dream, then the possible reason lies in his overwork. The lack of emotional discharge introduces a state of stress, which is so difficult to get rid of.

The fair sex, who was suffocating in her sleep, cannot open up to other people after a bad experience. Dream interpreters advise discarding past experiences, as they interfere with enjoying the current moment.

The dream book considers suffocating in a dream an important warning. If the dream ended in death, then a serious disease began to develop in your body, which begins to progress. Dream interpreters are advised to seek qualified help immediately after waking up.

It is impossible to breathe and the person dies - to receive unpleasant and shocking news. If the events taking place in a night dream are very frightening, then there is a high probability of a magical effect.

according to Loff's dream book

Many people with sleep apnea suffocate in their sleep. During deep sleep, the muscles of the tongue relax, and it sinks, blocking the access of air, which leads to difficulty and cessation of normal breathing, but it should be noted that people suffering from sleep apnea do not have dreams of suffocation more often than others. Choking in a dream means experiencing some serious changes or hardships. What causes suffocation - did you choke on food or did they try to strangle you? The source of the food or the food itself are symbols of the changes you are going through. If you choke on a hot dog, Dr. Freud will help you find an interpretation. If someone strangled you, then why? Maybe you threaten your strangler, or, conversely, he deprives you of what you need, preventing the effectiveness of your actions at home, at work or in another setting.

Dreamed of breathing

according to Miller's dream book

In a dream, coming close to a person with clean and fresh breath means that your behavior will be worthy of praise, and business transactions will end favorably for you. If the breath is unhealthy, fetid, then this portends a disease and traps of your opponents. To suffocate means failure where success seemed assured.

Kalinov Yury Dmitrievich

Reading time: 6 minutes

“Suffocating in my sleep” is a very common complaint. Most often, elderly patients go to the doctor with it, but sometimes this phenomenon is observed in adults and even in children.

I suffocate at night: why and what does it threaten?

Sleep is a state of the human body, due to the normal functioning of the brain. For a good rest, a person needs to sleep 8 hours a day, and the 4th part of this time should fall on the stage of deep sleep. The shorter this phase, the more difficult it is for the body to recover.

Some people wake up at night from lack of air. They are scared and do not understand what is happening to them. The reason for this phenomenon is the cessation of respiratory movements - apnea (other Greek ἄπνοια - calmness, lack of breathing). Sometimes during the night there are several such attacks, moreover, they can be repeated several times within one minute.

As a result of an apnea attack, the amount of oxygen entering the lungs decreases, the person leaves the stage of deep sleep, and sometimes wakes up. No wonder he feels overwhelmed the next day.

The lack of oxygen in the blood leads to a breakdown in the morning, a violation of metabolic processes in the body. In acute hypoxia, the heart and brain suffer.

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Choking in your dream suggests that you probably already have problems with your lungs or heart. Such a dream is for heart disease.

Suffocate according to the Spring Dream Book

Choking in a dream - to hopelessness.

Suffocate according to the Summer Dream Book

Choking in a dream - to coronary heart disease.

Choke on the Autumn Dream Book

If in a dream you are suffocating, running away from someone, you need to beware of the enemy.

Suffocate according to the dream book of Simon Kananit

Strangle - A way out of a predicament - to be strangled - some hard news awaits you

Suffocate according to the Esoteric dream book

Suffocate - someone remembers you not without emotion.

Suffocate according to the Eastern dream book

To suffocate means to experience some serious changes or hardships.

Suffocate according to the dream book of Catherine the Great

Suffocate - you seem to be suffocating in a dream - luck awaits you in reality; it will even seem to you that you foresee the future - with such ease you will be able to calculate in advance your own and other people's steps.

Suffocate according to the dream book of Krada Veles

Suffocate according to the dream book of the sorceress Medea

Suffocate - Symbolically means a situation that cannot be accepted (swallowed). Sometimes the physiological conditions of sleep cause this plot (retraction of the tongue into the larynx, posture supine). If in a dream someone is strangling you or you are suffocating in smoke, this is a sign of dependence on someone. Suffocate for a short time - you will be rewarded for diligence.

Suffocate according to Stuart Robinson's dream book

Choking in a dream - in real life, something always stops you, preventing you from achieving your ultimate goal? What suffocates you in a dream - perhaps the dream indicates that you are speechless. That you (or the person being choked) are trying to express something, but it is extremely difficult for you. It is also important to take into account what surrounds you in a dream, and understand what exactly is choking you. Is it the place you live in, the people you connect with, or your way of thinking? If you are the only person who is choking, are those around you trying to save you from it? Or do they stand by and just watch? In other words, do others help you express what you want to say? Choking in a dream is also a sign that something has stopped developing in your life. Perhaps you abandoned the project because you realized that your expectations were too high. When you are filled with emotions, you experience love or sympathy, you can suffocate - perhaps such a dream indicates that in real life something hurt your feelings.

Suffocate according to the Home dream book

You dreamed of Choking - health problems; the demands of other people; experiencing some major change or deprivation. Someone is strangling you - a difficult relationship that interferes with effective actions in achieving success.

Choke on the dream book of catchphrases

Suffocate - "choke with happiness", "suffocate in an atmosphere of hostility."

Suffocate according to the Idiomatic dream book

"Suffocate with happiness" - "suffocate in an atmosphere of ill will."

Suffocate according to Loff's Dream Interpretation

Suffocating - Many sleep apnea sufferers suffocate in their sleep. During deep sleep, the muscles of the tongue relax, and it sinks, blocking the access of air, which leads to difficulty and cessation of normal breathing, but it should be noted that people suffering from sleep apnea do not have dreams of suffocation more often than others.

To choke in a dream means to experience some serious changes or hardships.

What causes suffocation - did you choke on food or did they try to strangle you? The source of the food or the food itself are symbols of the changes you are going through. If you choke on a hot dog, Dr. Freud will help you find an interpretation. If someone strangled you, then why? Maybe you threaten your strangler, or, conversely, he deprives you of what you need, preventing the effectiveness of your actions at home, at work or in another setting.

Suffocate according to the dream book Veles

Suffocate for a long time - to a lack of money, they will barely be enough to live on

Suffocate on the ABC of dream interpretation

Choking - symbolically means a situation that cannot be accepted (swallowed). Sometimes the physiological conditions of sleep cause this plot (retraction of the tongue into the larynx, posture supine).

If in a dream someone is strangling you or you are suffocating in smoke, this is a sign of dependence on someone.

Suffocate for a short time - you will be rewarded for diligence.

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