How to learn to dance in a disco: tips. How to learn to dance club dances at home How to learn to dance at discos

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Is it difficult to learn to dance?

In fact, it is no more difficult than any other business in which you are new. Dance directions are very different from each other. Even if you have mastered one of them, it will be unusual for you to do the other.

However, all dances are associated with the ability to control your body. And if this is not new to you (for example, you were engaged in martial arts, gymnastics, swimming, and even more so dancing), it will be easier for you to adapt to new movements than a beginner who is not friendly with his body.

Even if you have a rather wooden body, you should not despair. The secret of success is constant practice.

Learning to dance from video lessons is more difficult than from courses. If your body is flexible and obedient, you can still do something similar to the movements of the instructor from the video. If not, you can quickly become disillusioned with dancing: the difference between what is shown in the video and what you will see in the mirror will be too strong.

Still, it's worth a try. At least in order to decide on the right one.

How many times a week do you dance?

At first, after exercise, the muscles may hurt. But, unlike strength training or running, the body does not require a recovery period.

Therefore, you can safely engage in dancing all the time. One of my teachers said that you have to dance 25 hours a day. In any case, the more you dance, the more noticeable the progress.

How to learn to dance modern dances

From this direction, we have chosen three types that can often be found in the schedules of fitness clubs and dance schools. And the first - plastic and insanely beautiful contemporary.

Abel M/

Contemporary mixed elements of modern jazz, yoga and martial arts, seasoned with improvisation and attention to breathing. This is freedom and plasticity - the natural beauty of movement.

Here is a video with a combination in the style of contemporary. Give it a try, just be sure to warm up and stretch well before you teach.

And here is the second part:

By the way, about the warm-up. In the video below - a full lesson with a warm-up, stretching and analysis of the combination. In English, but everything is clear and without translation.

If you do not have time to repeat or consider how some movement is done, set the speed to 0.25.

If you liked the combinations, but you can’t repeat them yet, here are a few more videos with routine contemporary lessons.

Most likely, you will have to do the same in dance school before you can perform beautiful combinations.

Many people confuse pole exercises and strip plastics. The second is just a sensual dance that can be performed without a pole.

Being engaged in strip plasticity, you will not stand at the machine and pull the toe. Everything here is based on the natural sexuality of the female body. Of course, many teachers diversify strip plastic with elements of contemporary or modern, Latin American dances and other areas, but it all depends on the teacher.

How beautiful your dance will look depends again on how well you know how to control your body, how mobile your joints and muscles and tendons are.

In the video below there is an analysis of the combination. Not too simple, but very sensual and beautiful. And you don't have to move on the floor, so your knees don't get hurt.

And here is a playlist with strip plastic lessons from different dance schools. There are both individual movements and combinations.

And another, simpler combination. Try it if the first one doesn't work.


This is a sensual and beautiful dance, which, among other things, helps to develop plasticity and even get rid of some health problems.

There are a lot of belly dance lessons on YouTube. Below are some of them.

Here is a very clear explanation of the basic movements:

And the second part:

Below is a playlist with five lessons for beginners from another teacher.

How to learn to dance street dance

Hip-hop has only been around for about 50 years. But during this time, many trends and styles have appeared, with different elements, plasticity, and special features.

In addition, modern hip-hop is often complemented by movements from other dance styles, which provides even richer vocabulary and original combinations.

But before you come up with your own bundles, you need to master the base. In the playlist below you will find basic moves, steps and many combinations. They explain everything in an accessible way. If you can't make it, slow down the video speed.

The videos in the next big playlist explain the concepts of inertia, manipulation and isolation in hip-hop. There's also a story about improvisation, battle behavior if you're up for it, and a few variations of ground hip-hop moves (on the floor) to diversify your combinations.


Breakdance consists of different elements: tricks and power movements on the floor, waves, fixations, as well as changing the levels at which the dance is performed.

Here on this channel there is training in different styles: Waving, King Tut, Robot, - analysis of the technique of power elements and basic movements at different levels.

Below is a video with a detailed analysis of the 6 steps element from Footwork.

And here you can see how the "turtle" is performed.

Here is a voluminous playlist, in which there are quite a lot of elements of breakdance with a detailed analysis of the technique of dance and power elements.

Lauren Wood/

A sexy dance in which you need to actively work the buttocks, hips, stomach and arms. In this playlist you will find several lessons with analysis of twerk movements.

How to learn ballroom dancing

At least once in your life, a waltz will surely come in handy. Moreover, it is not so difficult to dance it at an amateur level.

Here are four good lessons that will teach you how to hold your hands and do the basic waltz steps in pairs or individually.

How to learn social dancing

Social dances are not created for competition, but for communication between partners and enjoyment. Improvisation is welcome here, through which the dancer can express himself, his feelings and emotions.

This dance comes from the Dominican Republic. He is very sensual and sometimes erotic. The basis of bachata is four steps with an emphasis on the last one. In the dance, there are rotations and throws of the partner, small lifts.

Despite the fact that bachata is a pair dance, solo combinations can also be taught. For example, if you don't have a partner yet.

The video below shows the basic steps. Where to transfer body weight, how to hold hands, how to focus - everything is described in detail.

And here is a variation of bachata from the same teacher.

Below is a playlist for those who want to dance bachata in pairs. These are Dominican bachata lessons from the Imagine dance school.

This is a passionate pair dance originally from Africa, and more precisely from Angola. Now it is performed all over the world and is especially popular in France and Portugal.

Steps, a lot of hip work and close contact with a partner. Sometimes very tight. For example, in the style of tarraxinha, a slower and more sensual version of this social dance.

Here is a playlist with kizomba lessons.

And another playlist with videos from another dance studio.

That's all. If you have favorite tutorial videos, share them in the comments to the article.

Often people pay attention to the opinions of others. It seems to them that if something does not work out for them, then they will be condemned, they will be discussed. This also applies to the ability to dance. Many do not go to dance studios just because they are afraid to look ridiculous, they think that their age or physique does not allow them to attend such events. This is a big misconception!

Do not despair. Beginning amateurs can learn how to dance beautifully at home, and on their own. We will tell and show you how to do it.

What does dance give?

There are many benefits to dancing:

  • the ability to maintain physical fitness;
  • maintaining optimal weight;
  • new acquaintances, communication;
  • good mood.

If you have a desire - do it. Start with simple recommendations for beginner amateurs, which you will read and see on this page.

Where to begin?

So you've made the decision to learn to dance at home. How to learn to dance at home, where to start?

There are many tutorials and guides to learn dance for beginners at home. But, they are unlikely to help - it takes practice. You can consult with friends, acquaintances, watch the performances of professionals.

In order to learn to dance at home, first decide which dances you like best. Focus on a specific style. This is important because different dance styles require a specific image.

Someone likes fast, incendiary Latin American dances, the other will choose the smooth, mysterious Indian iconic movements. Many people prefer the waltz as a classic. There are many options, so try to find yours.

First of all, stop being ashamed of yourself at home. Many people are ashamed even of their reflection in the mirror. Understand that you are doing this only for yourself, no one sees you, and the first, awkward movements will be left alone with you.

You need to choose a certain style according to your temperament. When the style is chosen, try to choose a suit for homework. This is necessary to fully match the image.

Don't worry that you don't have a partner for the waltz yet - it will appear in time.

To learn how to dance at home for beginners, you can recommend training video courses. Memorize different techniques, try to repeat them, listen to music, feel the rhythm of the dance.

The most important moment from the beginning of learning at home is to be liberated in front of yourself. You have decided to learn first of all for yourself. When you realize that you are no longer embarrassed by your own reflection in the mirror, you can proceed to the next step.

Before classes, beginners can be advised to do a regular, physical workout. Warm up your muscles to avoid stretching with sudden movements.

Basic Lessons

You can learn to dance at home. Try hip-hop, tectonics, break dance, strip plastic. Let's dwell on street dances, which are easier to start with:

  • street dance. Professional movements are not required here. You can mix different directions, add some tricks from yourself. Use a combination of rhythmic, sharp and smooth movements. Be yourself, loosen up, show your imagination;
  • listen to music, follow its rhythm. This is the secret of street tricks;
  • street dance does not require consistency and certainty in movements. You dance, improvise on the go;
  • while dancing, do not forget about your hands - they are also involved.

For those who want to master the basic movements and learn how to dance beautifully at home, there are video lessons offered below.

Don't forget to choose the appropriate music for the dance.

You can choose any dance direction that you like. The main thing is that it matches your mood, desires. Start - you will not notice how you will become more confident at various club and corporate parties, and gradually learn.

man in dance

There was an opinion that dancing skill is necessary only for girls. This is wrong, because in this way a man can interest the girl he likes, express his mood, emotions. How to learn to dance beautifully for a man at home?

You can again turn to friends, or watch them in a club, at a party. Watch more dance video lessons. To learn how to dance, you need more trials and practice. Start your day with music, dance moves at the mirror. Learning to dance a guy is not as difficult as it seems.

Many guys like to dance while brushing their teeth or cooking. Use these techniques in club dances! There are not many professional dancers in discos and clubs. Young people improvise more. Knowing a few basic dance techniques for beginners, you can safely go dancing.

Style without borders

Hip-hop is a modern style suitable for very young girls. This cool dance for girls is not difficult to learn at home.

In this style, the main thing is to attract attention. If there is a sense of rhythm, love for music, a desire to please others, then there will be no problems for beginners.

Learning techniques will bring a lot of pleasure, cheer up. You can watch the video on how to learn how to dance hip-hop beautifully at home.


  1. Explore different styles. This is interesting. Dance provides an opportunity for positive communication, regardless of age.
  2. Having learned to dance, you will be able to meet different people, communicate with them without hesitation. Dancing in addition to a pleasant physical activity, you get a wonderful mood.
  3. Any movement begins with a warm-up. And this is the first, light exercise.

You understand how cool it is to learn to dance at home. Having mastered the basic dance movements, you can surprise your friends, make a pleasant one for your loved one. Yes, and dancing affects the general well-being only in a positive way.

Everyone dances a little at home without even noticing it. Standing under the shower, you can sing and dance. Don't just stand there while preparing your morning coffee - turn on the music, make smooth movements. Trust your movements to the mirror more often. This is already the beginning of self-learning dance techniques.

Video lessons

This is a place where you can be free from the boring images of everyday life. Here you can have a great time with friends, light up, have fun and, of course, dance to your favorite music.

In a web of complexes

But not everyone can throw off their stiffness and join the dance. Some people are hesitant to step onto the dance floor, afraid of being ridiculed for their ridiculous moves. They prefer to sit at the table, with envy accompanying the eyes of the lucky ones who were lucky in their childhood to be not in a cross-stitch circle, but in a choreographic studio. Gradually, their self-esteem, and after it their mood, roll down to zero, and the desire to have fun is replaced by the desire to leave this celebration of life for the elect. Common situation? If even a hint of a positive answer flashed through your thoughts, you need to urgently save the situation.

How to learn to dance in a disco to become the object of envy yourself? Let's try to figure it out.

Everything is much easier

95% of the guys and girls who fill the dance floors of modern clubs, in principle, do not know how to dance. They have no choreographic training, they do not know the complex movements developed by famous dance directors, and even the training videos "How to learn to dance in a disco" passed by their eyes. Nevertheless, many of them blend quite harmoniously into the atmosphere of dance clubs. What is their secret? No, this is not a great gift, not a miracle and not magic. It is the ability to feel the rhythm and move to the beat. Yes, yes, if you plan to become a frequent visitor to discos and an active participant in the dance performance, you need to learn to feel the music. Nothing without this.

In reality, dancing in a disco is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Dance is an expression of feelings in motion. Ladies are more emotional, so it is easier for a girl to learn how to dance at a disco than for a guy. But the representatives of the stronger sex are able to comprehend the art of dance. Move as you feel, but do not go too far. In order to understand how your dancing feelings are acceptable for visual perception, depict your dance at home, in front of a mirror. So you can look at yourself from the side, understand which of your movements look attractive, and which ones need to be cut out without any doubt.

Green light on the dance floor!

Of course, nothing adds confidence like perfect knowledge of your business. A mathematician can easily solve a complex equation, even if he wakes up in the middle of the night, a historian at any moment will tell about the exact chronology of important events, and a dancer will gladly show some original steps to complete strangers. In other words, in order to learn how to learn how to dance in a disco and conquer everyone with your dance, you need to be patient and prepare for the training course.

The most effective way is to go to a trendy dance studio or hire a private teacher. But this is not affordable for everyone.

Fortunately, modern technology allows you to learn almost any skill on your own. Today, there are a great many step-by-step training videos that allow you to master the art of dancing and understand how beautiful it is to dance in a disco.

You should not try to become a professional in the world of dance in a few days, learning complex steps and combinations. Start with the basics. Learn one simple move at a time to hone your skills. When you have enough moves in your arsenal, try to combine and alternate them, inventing your own dance style. Gradually, you will understand how to learn how to dance in a disco and not be shy, because you will have something to show on the dance floor.

Starting Arsenal of Moves

If your fantasy does not have a creative springboard and is not at all aimed at creating new dance movements, use the set of existing ones that will help you figure out how to dance in a disco for a girl:

Move your body from side to side;
- make swinging movements with your hips;
- depict snake-like head movements;
- make circular movements with your shoulders;
- depict waves with your hands;
- hold your back gracefully;
- do not forget about the movement of the legs, move them smoothly and progressively.

1. Be relaxed and don't be shy. Remember that people on the dance floor are more focused on maintaining their image than on discussing others.

2. Listen to music and pick up the pace. The melody will help you tune in to the right wave.

3. Watch the movements that people use during this or that dance. Perhaps some of them will successfully fit into your style.

4. Enjoy your movements. Remember that dancing in a disco is not an exam. This is your freedom of action.

5. Improvise. Perhaps you will find the style that everyone will be delighted with.

Perfect image

So, you have learned some cool dance moves and are ready to present them to the entire dance floor. But in order to become a real disco star, it is not enough to move well, you need to complement your skills with an interesting visual image.

For a trip to the club, choose original clothes with non-standard cuts and shimmering textures. Do not be afraid to be original, because the disco is the place where people strive to stand out from the gray mass. So feel free to dress up in clothes that seem too bright or chic for everyday wear, but do not forget about your sense of taste. Choose exactly the outfit that will favorably emphasize the advantage of your figure and hide the flaws, if any.

Choose beautiful shoes that match the outfit. But do not forget that you will need to move all night long, and this is problematic in rubbing uncomfortable shoes. So make sure your shoes are comfortable. Complete the look with original accessories. Even the most beautiful outfit looks faded without decorations.

Be individual! And you will certainly get the desired attention of the public.

Many girls dream of dancing beautifully, but not everyone has the time or money to practice. However, for the development of flexibility and plasticity, it is not necessary to enroll in specialized courses. You can comprehend the basics of dance art at home.

Dance classes at home: basic movements

Photo Shutterstock

Getting ready to dance at home

Before starting regular classes, it is necessary to equip a place, it should be spacious enough. Remove interfering chairs, soft toys, flower pots - and you will see how much space is freed up. It is better to do it on a carpet, and not on a slippery floor. Also in your field of vision should be a large mirror and a computer monitor. Get a mat to warm up and stretch. Highlight special dancewear; leggings or shorts are ideal in combination with a T-shirt. Loose sweatpants will not allow you to see the movements of the legs and control the correct execution of the elements. It is better to wear socks or ballet flats on your feet, but some types of dance require special shoes: the go-go style is unthinkable without heels, and it is more convenient to do street dancing in sneakers.

Dancing not only develops plasticity and grace, but also strengthens muscles, normalizes blood pressure and metabolism, and has a beneficial effect on blood circulation.

When the place and clothes are prepared, you need to think about your home schedule. Only regular lessons will help you achieve the desired results. The ideal number of classes is 2-3 times a week for an hour and a half. Determine at what time you are less loaded and more full of energy. Someone likes to study in the morning, before work, and someone prefers evening classes. But remember that noise is prohibited from 11 pm to 7 am.

Popular dance styles

One of the most famous and popular styles is belly dance - oriental dance. It combines beautiful smooth movements and seductive shaking of the hips and breasts. It is not difficult to master the basic elements of oriental dance. You will not need ballet stretching, turnout or strong muscles. All movements are done naturally and without tension, but they look very impressive. Smooth waves, hip circles and chest strikes can be successfully used in dancing at any event.

Gaining fame and a relatively new direction - strip plastic

It consists of classic striptease movements, but does not require undressing. Sensual and graceful elements are similar to the movements of oriental dance, but more amplitude and dynamic. In strip plastic, movements on the floor and even elements of acrobatics are widely used.

Street dancing is suitable for active and athletic girls who do not tolerate strict rules. Street styles are quite relaxed and cheeky. In them, it is not so much the technique of execution that is important, but the emotions and presentation. Each dancer performs the basic elements in his own way, and it is impossible to say which way is the most correct.

Go-go style is a dance of fashionable girls who love nightclubs. It is performed on heels, and its main trump card is improvisation. Go-go includes many simple dynamic movements that are mixed in random order. It uses elements of strip plastic, jazz funk, oriental dances and other styles. The go-go dancer is in constant motion, hence the characteristic name of the dance.

Ragga and booty dance are very seductive styles based on the movements of the hips and buttocks.

The movements themselves are quite simple, but require good coordination and the ability to isolate the muscles. Long sessions form a beautiful silhouette of the buttocks, tighten the legs and hips, and get rid of cellulite.

Jazz modern is a type of modern choreography born from the experiments of Isadora Duncan. A very free, dynamic and amplitude dance will require sufficient space and good stretching. However, the bands created in the jazz-modern style look very beautiful and impressive.

Photo Shutterstock

Waaking and vogue use spectacular poses and quick hand movements. These styles have appeared recently and are most often used in conjunction with other areas. However, pure waaking or vogue performances are also very effective. These types of dance require impeccable control of the body, perfection of movements and emotionality.

Dancing is one of the favorite hobbies of most people. Many people dream of moving beautifully and plastically. In our article, you will learn how to learn to dance at home without a coach or consultant choreographer.


Waltz is a classic ballroom dance that is easy to learn. The most important thing is to follow fairly simple recommendations:

  • you need to learn the waltz exclusively in pairs, so choose in advance the partner with whom you plan to dance;
  • put your feet shoulder-width apart, take your partner by the hand;
  • the man is always the leader in the waltz, so he should start to have the first movement;
  • start moving exclusively counterclockwise (first with the right foot forward, and with the left foot back);
  • be sure to keep the score "1-2-3" to make it easier to remember the necessary movements;
  • remember that all movements in the waltz are divided into 3 circles: large (a man moves along it), the second and third, which are the smallest (a woman walks along them);
  • We recommend that you watch a few instructional videos before starting the lesson that will help you and your partner learn how to waltz.


Tango is a passionate dance of two hearts in love, which has many complex, one might even say slightly intricate movements, which are quite difficult to learn, but still possible at home. Here are some basic rules:

  • for tango, special rhythmic music is extremely important, which will help you move clearly and correctly during the dance (select the appropriate song on the Internet);
  • choose the partner with whom you plan to study;
  • take each other's hands, relax, turn on the music;
  • learn to divide any melody into equal parts, which in the future must be counted for 4 beats (that is, say “1-2-3-4” - change your foot, again “1-2-3-4” - change your foot again);
  • try to make your movements smooth, plastic and elegant;
  • immediately after the end of each beat, move around the room counterclockwise, then start counting again and so on until the end of the melody;
  • before starting a lesson with a partner, study a few video lessons that will be able to show you in a visual form how to learn tango correctly.
  • for dance shoes, use shoes with a small heel (for women), and for men, classic shoes with a flat sole are suitable.



The shuffle is a fun, groovy dance that appeared in the 80s in Melbourne, Australia. You can dance the shuffle both in pairs and alone. The fundamental movement of this dance is the active change of heel to toe at a fast pace to rhythmic loud music. Here are a few rules to help you understand the basics of shuffle:

  • lift the right leg up, and rearrange the left with your fingers inward;
  • now change the movement of the legs: left - up, right - inward;
  • take 4-5 steps first to the right and then to the left;
  • repeat all movements quickly to the floor of the rhythm of the music (shuffle is a fairly fast dance);
  • dance in any footwear convenient for you (sneakers, sneakers, boots).



The twist is a dynamic, groovy dance that first appeared in the United States in the late 60s. This dance is saturated with energy, movement, music and a fast pace. Learning to dance the twist is pretty easy. Follow these guidelines:

  • stand up straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • at the expense of "1-2-3" begin to make turning movements first with your right foot, then with your left;
  • start keeping the following count: "1-2-3", do the same turning movements, but only with both legs;
  • also in a twist it is allowed to move your hands (here everything is improvised and depends on your imagination);
  • choose a fun company for dancing so that the training is more fun and active;
  • be sure to choose comfortable soft shoes for dancing (moccasins, boats, sneakers or sneakers).



Breakdancing is a street dance style that gave rise to hip-hop. Break dancing is easy to learn. The whole essence of this dance is in the randomness of various movements, collected in one holistic composition. Here are some simple tips for you:

  • always do a light warm-up before dancing to avoid injury;
  • start with the simplest movements, for example, jumping on bent legs, leaning on your arm;
  • pick up rhythmic music;
  • turn on a special training video lesson and clearly follow all the instructions of the instructor;
  • buy sports soft shoes (sneakers or sneakers);
  • wear a light T-shirt and loose pants that will not hinder your movements;
  • if possible, in addition to homework, sign up for group breakdance training, because in this way you will learn the basics of this dance much faster.


In this article, you've learned some tricks and tips to help you learn how to dance classic waltz, tango, twist, shuffle, and breakdance. Each of these dances is beautiful in its own way. Choose exactly the one that suits you. In addition to our recommendations, additionally check out various training video tutorials to improve your skill level.

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