How others can introduce us to art. Introduction to art

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I'm not going to beat antlers in vain. I'll tell you how it is: in terms of culture, all kinds of art there - I can adequately answer. No, seriously! I have a wife - Irka - a very smart woman. She graduated from the institute of culture. I myself also have two "towers". Institute of Physical Education - ten years in absentia strained. He graduated, thank God, when he left the sport for three years already. I immediately gave my mother a diploma - she deserved it. He is kept in her box all the time along with my milk teeth. Our mothers have their own jokes. Here. And I graduated from the second institute - trade in two months. First, he met his teachers. And the second month we, already all together, washed my diploma. So I have two diplomas, if those that are not counted as sports. And Irka has one. But she studied for him for five years. We didn't know her then. So I would help her, of course. But she is herself. For what - I respect. She, in general, studied well at school. She has only four triples in her certificate. The rest are fours, fives. Well done. And she, in general, fumbles well in the whole culture. She and my boys are very respectful. She, as if for culture, will begin to speak - no one interrupts her. Why argue with a literate person? It’s like this in our family: I earn money, and she flogs the rest.
We don't even argue with her. And it's not that we both have everything in life - in a buzz. It's just that she, after all, Irka, as soon as she starts to stick some words ... In a way, not a mat, but it sounds distressing. Here, for example, "miserable". At the end - "fuck", but the meaning, apparently, is different. I do not know. I don't even know how the word is actually spelled. Otherwise, I would take an interest in some encyclopedia. So I don't quarrel with Irka. I am upset to the depths of my huge soul and leave. I'll put on my old Adidas tricushnik. T-shirt "Sport" and - to the gym, to the simulators. Or - to their boys, to relatives. True, Irka also criticizes my boys. Shark. She told Valerka that he supposedly had a skull, like an oligophrenic. I don't know. There is nothing to compare. Although, in my opinion, Valerka's tower is normal. And in general, his kid - he won’t carry a point. Let's sit with the boys. Let's have a beer, let's swear. Once - it was relieved from the heart. You can return home.
So, I'm talking about culture. In this regard, Irka has a very strong influence on me. And I don't forbid her. The last joke, I remember, was with a “butterfly. Not with the one that flies, but the one that is hung around the neck. Irka, in general, likes to buy anything from my wardrobe. In the past, however, she always missed the mark in size. He will buy a jacket, and he is on my fluorography, like a turtleneck: back to back. And now she already has an eye. Gained experience. I just told her not to buy anything blue. Even jeans. Kumarit me this color And with the rest of the rainbow I'm in a normal relationship. So, Irka decided to buy me a bow tie for my tuxedo. I have a tuxedo, like a robe: for some cases it is simply necessary. I often sponsor cultural events. Either I’m going to an exhibition of pots made of clay grandmothers, or I’m opening a casino. A tie does not fit under a tuxedo. Yes, I don't wear ties. Once, a long time ago, I wanted to tie a tie on myself. So the knot tightened, almost suffocated - pulled it up too hard. Well, the boys were around. Cut it open with a kitchen knife. You don't need to tie a bow tie. She snaps herself in the back. Only my neck grows directly from my ears and there were no such butterflies for my size. Made in the atelier. Only when I lower my broth down, this butterfly pricks my cheeks with its corners. So I walk with a proudly raised tower so that the butterfly does not prick
And now my Irka somehow fell ill. She got cold. She lay in the solarium, sweated like a seal, and on the street - minus ten. End of February. By the time she got to the car, she, of course, slipped through.
Here, this body lies at home, all in snot. And he asks me: - Lyosha, buy a painting. Here it should be hung over the sofa.
I don’t understand in pictures, which I objected to. And she rested her horn. Buy, they say, and all. "I," he says, "may die soon. Fulfill my last wish." I understand that she's being silly. Why should she die? Here, a professor from the medical institute gives her injections every two hours, and her aunt, a psychic, drinks tea in the kitchen. So everything is provided. But he didn’t start rambling with her - a person is sick, why argue with him? "Okay," I say, "I'll buy it." Irka was immediately delighted. "Only, - shouts: - do not take interior painting. Look at something interesting."
As for the "interior" I already know. These are all sorts of birches, fir trees, bears in the forest ... In short, when it fits to the bulldozer and under the furniture, then they hang them on the walls. But in the sense of something interesting, I find it difficult. Irka and I sometimes have different interests. For example, I am interested in the bathhouse, and she is interested in the opera. Therefore, I took Leshy for consultation with me. Yurka Leshy ate the dog in the pictures. He has everything that hangs at home any Louvre will buy.
We went with him to the most expensive salon in the center. There, on the first floor of the picture, and on all the other sixteen, our governor and his brigade are sitting. So, you yourself understand: the salon is solid, once under the same roof with the governor.
Saleswomen rushed to us immediately. They, characteristically, jump up to me everywhere. Though in jewelry, even on the beach. They also have an eye on the buyer. They understand who just hatched the balls, and who - from nature, will buy.
I look at all their pictures and I'm dying! Such a small, palm-sized picture on paper that was torn out of an album for drawing. Some kind of nonsense is drawn on it and costs two lyamas. And Goblin is pounding the show-off: he takes out his glasses from his pocket and stares at her. "Beauty," she says. And he pushes me in the side, they say, advises me to buy. I answer him that since you are such an expert, take it yourself. And I would have something easier. We are not behind the price.
And the saleswoman asks me: "Do you know Professor Malinovsky?" I know only one professor by name - Lebedinsky. And Lyokha - a snake, spread his arms: "Of course! Has a new painting appeared? Or has he already brought his exhibition from Japan?"
The girl explains that everything is sold out in Japan. Only one painting returned to its homeland. The professor never wanted to leave her to the samurai. Even though they begged him, they begged him! "Show me," I say.
So what? A piece of the beach that we have outside the city and a branch through the whole picture. True, the branch is well drawn: bark and all that ... Leaves, there, all sorts.
"What's the cost?" - I'm interested.
The girl started up all over, even the strap of her bra got out. "Are you going to buy?" - speaks.
"No, - I answer: - redraw!"
And Leshy's beads shone under his glasses. He kicks me in the side. He says: "Lyosha, yes, it doesn't matter to you what to take! Take, out," Resting Seagulls "!"
“You,” I say, “a seagull, rest yourself. You didn’t bring me here. Besides, you have paintings at home - a shaft. Because of them, you can’t see the TV. I didn't. So - graze. I'm buying this picture myself.
The girl says: "Two pieces of bucks or in wooden ones - at the rate."
I was already surprised: why was the professor breaking out in front of the Japanese because of some kopeck piece of bucks? On the other hand, kopeck piece - also grandmas. God knows what, but other people live on them for a whole month! And here - just a branch. And Lyokha pushes me again: "Do you take it or not?" And he strokes the frame with his hand. I chopped it in the hand so that the varnish on the frame would not smear.
"I take, - I say, - pack and load." Big picture. Pool table floor.
I brought it to Irka. Bought more grapes along the way. Also, by the way, the thing is not cheap. It costs like five centimeters of this beach, which is in the picture.
Irke, just got an injection. Her whole face was contorted. As soon as she saw the picture that I bought, she got up from the sofa! “Lyosha,” he says, “I didn’t expect! Malinovsky! The original! Where from?”
"From the camel!" - I got bitten! Why does she admire this Malinovsky so much? Familiar, right?
Then I got to know him. Calmed down. Grandpa turned seventy years old. Already hit insanity. It turns out that he is our national pride. The Tretyakov Gallery did not have enough 200 bucks to buy this branch. And the grandfather did not move out - the huckster.
Now I'm thinking what a good thing it is to buy paintings. Firstly, in ten years they will cost ten times more if the dollar does not fall in price. Secondly, the national heritage of Russia is multiplied. And thirdly, it will be that I will leave my children as a legacy in addition to my Rolex with brulls. Because art, like Rolex, is eternal!

Initiation to art can take place both in a spacious, purpose-built building, and within four walls, and in the open air. Whether the viewers are shown another film, whether they are teaching a drama circle, an amateur choir or a circle in the fine arts - in all this the fire of creativity must and can live for a long time.


The formation of personality is influenced by many factors: the influence of society, the direct desire of a person for a particular type of activity, and, importantly, the environment in which it is located.

In this text, S.L. Lvov invites us to think about the problem of the role of loved ones in the development of a person.
Turning to the topic, the narrator gives as an example a case from his life, when the environment in which he found himself was able to instill in him a love for serious music. The protagonist faced a situation in which, in the company of creative people who are fond of music, he had to "hide in a corner and suffer" - after all, this hobby was like "a book with seven seals" for him. However, the young man did not want to deceive himself and pretend to be a connoisseur, just as he did not want to “stand in the pose” of a person who threw hobbies for their inflexibility. In the end, the friends “didn’t give up, didn’t exclude them from listening to music”, and also didn’t harm the hero with a word - they helped their friend break himself and become a connoisseur of serious music, which they themselves were, - “It wasn’t enough for them to enjoy themselves. They wanted to attach me to their understanding, to their joy.

I fully agree with the opinion of the publicist and also believe that the environment plays an important role in the life of each of us. It has a huge impact, both positive and negative, on the formation of personality: it determines our habits, attitudes, hobbies, behavioral characteristics and moral qualities.

In the work of D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrowth", the author, using the example of one family, shows how the environment affects the formation of a person. The key in the comedy is the image of Prostakova - wife, mother, mistress. This is a hypocritical, mercantile, greedy, evil, rude and at the same time very stupid woman-tyrant. We learn about this from how she flatters for her own sake, how she communicates with serfs, taking everything from them to the skin, takes advantage of Sophia's orphanage, how she treats family members, and, most importantly, how she treats her son. Growing up in an atmosphere of evil, rudeness, tyranny, stupidity and, moreover, overly loved by his mother, Mitrofanushka is the ideal of a spoiled, stupid, incapable person who will only get worse with time. At the end of the comedy, the writer “taunts” the Prostakov family and leaves them “with nothing” for his greed and cunning, and punishes the most negative heroine with the betrayal of his son, who, as expected from the very beginning, turned out to be even worse than his mother.

In the novel "Eugene Onegin" A.S. Pushkin describes the Larin family to us. The author in the novel collides two different worlds: the world of high urban society and the patriarchal world of the village - the Larin family is a typical representative of the second type. A.S. Pushkin describes to us in detail the image of the main character, from which we can see not only the author's endless sympathy for the girl, but also Tatyana's pure, sincere, unspoiled character. Although she grew up in a village, far from educated people and generally recognized cultural values, she is an intelligent, outstanding person, and this is thanks to her upbringing. The author, describing the head of the family, calls him a "good fellow", a good neighbor, a good husband and father. Tatyana's mother, like her father, had an ordinary life and hobbies typical of that time: she was interested in fashion, and love stories were her constant companions. An atmosphere of calm and silence reigned in the family, in which Tatyana could calmly engage in self-development, sometimes opening her soul to a wise nanny. She also played an important role in the formation of the “man” in Tatiana, it was from her that the girl absorbed the wisdom of a Russian woman. Moving along the plot of the novel, we see that neither moving to the city nor social life could spoil the established character of the main character - the girl remained herself to the last and in any situation retained her dignity.

Thus, we can conclude that in order to form a strong, intelligent, morally pure personality, it is very important to be in the right environment - after all, it directly affects the formation of a person.

On vacation, everyone tries to get out somewhere: to a museum, an art gallery, at worst - to the cinema. What if you want to stay at home? Or just the wrong time: it happens that the love of art suddenly covers late at night. Bridget Payne, author of How Art Can Make You Happier, says that you can admire masterpieces from home at any time of the day or night.

An easy way to enjoy art at home

A paradise of shapes and colors is always available.


There are many benefits to going out into the world where art is concentrated, but it's nice to enjoy art right from home. No need to muster up the courage to face the crowd or the weather. No need to look for a parking space. There is no need to be afraid or fight fear. Just you and the art. You enjoy dialogue where you feel most free, where you feel yourself. Make some tea, pull up a chair, stretch your legs and enjoy!

If you've ever been interested in art or books, chances are you've bought one or two art books at some point. This is a fairly popular gift, so someone might have given you such a book for one reason or another. It is even more likely that these art books are on bookshelves or beautifully laid out on a coffee table - no one is looking at them anyway, they just lie there and collect dust. If you don't have any books

for art, grab a few from the library and use the trick below.

The most enjoyable and easiest way to enjoy art at home.

  • Head to the kitchen and prepare snacks and/or drinks of your choice.
  • Go to a bookshelf or coffee table and select an art book relatively randomly.
  • Take drinks, snacks and books with you to the sofa or at the table (depending on the size of the book).

Write down your impressions of what you read: this way, “communication” with art will be more productive.

  • If after thirty minutes you are happy with what you saw, put the book on the shelf, gently pat the spine and tell her that you will see each other again soon.
  • If you didn't like this book (remember: be honest, don't lie or pretend you liked it just because you think you should), get rid of it. Put it in a donation box, sell it, or take it to the library. Seriously. Someone else might learn something from this book for themselves, and it will not clutter up your home.
  • On another day, repeat this with another book.

Online resources

No matter what kind of art you like (and it's okay if you don't already know what kind of art you like), you have plenty of online resources at your fingertips. Promising artists and illustrators? Contemporary photography? Modern fine art? Works from previous eras? Artwork from a particular region or culture? Sculpture? Performance? Outsider art? Graffiti? ? Criticism and theory of art? History of art? Whatever you like, if you dig a little, you are almost guaranteed to find some good blogs on the subject. Sites made by individual enthusiasts designed to show you new work. Every day.

There are more formal and official websites that you can also use. More and more museums are digitizing their collections, which means that you can look at beautiful high-resolution photographs, and see not only the works that hang in the halls, but also many, many wonderful things that most museums cannot show. public due to lack of space. This means that you can see more world-class art while lying in bed in pajamas than if you went to Paris, Rome or Kyoto. Huge international galleries like Saatchi also have their own websites full of interesting stuff; is also not to be missed.

Thanks to the Internet, the best art galleries in the world will be at your home.

Dedicate your Saturday afternoons or Sunday evenings to finding what you think is the best art site and you will be rewarded. Soon you will have a list of bookmarks with the addresses of sites that you can go to at any time and enjoy the works of art that give you goosebumps. Not bad for a few hours of work.

Paintings in your home

The task of hanging something on the walls of your house can be intimidating. We all know people who don't have anything hanging on the walls of their new homes despite

because they have been living there for many years, and not because they don't want something on their walls to look at, but because they are paralyzed or afraid to sit in a puddle. Let's not be like that, okay? Let's just buy a painting we like and hang it on the wall. Fine? Agreed!

Wait, you might be saying to yourself, “Did she say ‘buy a painting’? What the heck? I can never afford to buy a real authentic work of art! What are you doing!”

But here you are wrong. One of the most exciting trends we've seen over the last ten years or so is the proliferation of easily accessible, affordable art that you - yes, you are! - you can own. Don't believe? Search the internet for "affordable original art" or "affordable art reproductions" and see for yourself!

Experience "Introducing children to art"

1. Introduction

1.1. Relevance experience.

Fine art is one of the oldest areas art. Every child is born an artist. You just need to help him awaken his creative abilities, open his heart to kindness and beauty, help him realize his place and purpose in this beautiful world.

In recent years, cardinal changes have taken place in the system of preschool education, it is changing and improving. The idea of ​​self-development of the personality, its readiness for independent activity is put forward to the fore.

Acquaintance children with art should begin as early as possible, namely, from preschool childhood. It is no coincidence that aesthetic education is considered as the development of the ability to understand, perceive, feel beautiful in the world around and art. Only through art, according to B. M. Nemensky, a person is able not only to understand, but also "been through experience previous generations". Painting, sculpture, graphics, architecture enrich and decorate our lives. To art reached its goal, delighted us, excited, expanded our knowledge, we must be able to see it. In my opinion, every person is faced with art, but not everyone can understand it, see everything alive and beautiful around them. Perceiving works art, the child becomes inquisitive, observant, emotionally responsive. Art creates the joy of communicating with comrades, forms the ability to empathize.

Relevance experience is that modern society has a need for a creative person. The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is also aimed at this problem. Many abilities and feelings that nature endows us, unfortunately, remain insufficiently developed and undiscovered, and therefore unrealized in the future life. The presence of a developed imagination in mature years determines the success of any type of professional activity of a person. Therefore, understanding the works art, the development of creative abilities is one of the main tasks of preschool education.

Great potential for the disclosure of children's creativity lies in the visual activity of preschoolers. Classes in drawing, fine arts can give the child the necessary knowledge that he needs for full development, so that he feels the beauty and harmony of nature, to better understand himself and other people, to express original ideas and fantasies, to become a happy person.

All children love to draw when they are good at it. Drawing with pencils, brush requires a high level of drawing technique, skills and knowledge, techniques work. Very often, the lack of this knowledge and skills quickly turns the child away from drawing, because as a result of his efforts, the drawing turns out to be incorrect, it does not correspond to the child’s desire to get an image that is close to his idea or the real object that he tried to depict.

Observations on the effectiveness of the use of various drawing techniques in the classroom, discussions with colleagues in an educational institution led me to the conclusion that it is necessary to use such techniques that will create a situation of success among pupils, form a stable motivation for drawing, interest in art. The educational program of a preschool organization does not provide for a deep study of non-traditional drawing. After all, it is very important what results the child will achieve, how his imagination will develop, and how he will learn work with color. The use of non-traditional techniques will satisfy him curiosity. During work with preschoolers, drew attention to the fact that children often copy the sample offered to them. Non-traditional techniques are an impetus to the development of imagination, creativity, the manifestation of independence, initiative, and expression of individuality. Applying and combining different image methods in one drawing, preschoolers learn to think, decide for themselves which technique to use in order to make this or that image expressive. Drawing using non-traditional image techniques does not tire preschoolers, they remain highly active, performance throughout the time allotted for the task. It can be said that non-traditional techniques allow, moving away from the subject image, to express feelings and emotions in a drawing, give the child freedom and instill confidence in their abilities. Owning different techniques and ways of depicting objects or the world around him, the child gets the opportunity to choose, and therefore has the opportunity to involvement in art.

1. 2. Theoretical substantiation of the topic of in-depth work.

According to teachers and psychologists (such as N. A. Vetlugina, L. S. Vygotsky, A. V. Zaporozhets, T. S. Komarova), preschool children have significant potential for understanding and emotional responsiveness to works art.

For successful work with children in the introduction to art I used the author's program of artistic education, training and development children 2-7 years old"Colored palms" I. A. Lykova, which contributes to the development of aesthetic perception of artistic images and works art; item (phenomena) the surrounding world as aesthetic objects; creating conditions for free experimentation with artistic materials and tools; introduction to the universal "language" art- means of artistic and figurative expressiveness; education of artistic taste and sense of harmony.

I have studied and used in practical the following papers:

S. A. Lebedeva (teacher) from work experience"The use of non-traditional techniques in the formation of the visual activity of preschoolers" - who believed that the visual art through visible colorful images help the child to know the truth, goodness, beauty. From generation to generation it glorifies these beautiful qualities of the human soul;

I. I. Dyachenko (candidate of pedagogical sciences) "Magic Hands", "Magic Colors" - art encourages children to his own artistic activity (graphic and verbal, where his creative idea, speech and visual efforts are realized.

- experience« Introducing children to art»

teacher Shaydurova Nelly Vladimirovna - which is based on the relationship of informational, emotional, effective-thinking and transformative components aimed at the emotional-sensory and motivational-need sphere of the individual children, the need to expand the intellectual and artistic experience in the form of knowledge, ideas about art and their practical implementation in artistic and creative activities.

In the history of preschool pedagogy, the problem of children's creativity has always been one of the most urgent. Psychologists and educators consider creative development possible children in all activities, and especially in the game. Great potential for the development of children's creativity lies in the visual activity of a preschooler. However, until now, the problem of the development of creativity remains the least studied in theory and insufficiently represented in the practice of education. children. This is due to the complexity of this phenomenon, the secrecy of the mechanisms of creativity. As for children's creativity, understanding it is important for an adult not only in the sense of conscious control of the child's creative development, but also for understanding mature creativity, since its origins contain and, perhaps, more clearly manifest what is characteristic, but more hidden in activity. adult person. As a rule, in all definitions of creativity it is noted that this is an activity that results in the creation of a new, original product of social significance. It can be new knowledge, a subject, a way of activity, a work of art. art. The problem of forming an expressive image in drawings by means of non-traditional artistic techniques is determined by the interest in studying the features of children's fine arts and the dependence of its development on children's possession of available artistic imaging techniques. In the studies of E. A. Flerina (1940, N. P. Sakulina, T. S. Komarova (I960, R. G. Kazakova, T. G. Kazakova (1970) the issues of the development of children's fine art in drawing were considered in connection with the assimilation by children of certain patterns of drawing and the figurative and expressive features of drawing in different techniques: pencils in a wooden frame and without (charcoal, sanguine, etc., gouache and watercolor paints, etc. The studies of T. S. Komarova are devoted to a special study of learning problems children drawing technique and reveal not only the dependence of the expressiveness of children's drawings on the drawing technique, but also the learning system children preschool realistic drawing.

However, until recent years, education children drawing was considered only as the assimilation of realistic drawing by children by means of manual techniques, the diversity of which was manifested only in the diversity of the properties of materials while maintaining generalized drawing movements. At the same time, the variety of graphic, including printing techniques, was not studied, was not investigated for their use in children's drawing as a means of increasing the expressiveness of images and objects depicted by children, which served as the basis for calling these techniques "non-traditional" for preschool education and choose them as an object of pedagogical research on the formation of an expressive image in children's drawings.

The formulation of the problem requires its consideration in several aspects: a variety of artistic techniques in the visual art and their role in creating an artistic image, the formation of an expressive image in a children's drawing by means of non-traditional artistic techniques. The problem of the formation of an artistic image was under the close attention of philosophers, art critics, psychologists, teachers. Its philosophical roots go back to the teachings of G. Hegel, which then gave impetus to many domestic and foreign studies of such philosophers as Yu. B. Borev, V. V. Skatershchikov, A. K. Dremov, V. A. Razumny and others. who defined the artistic image and consider it as a special form of reflection of reality, as a dialectical unity of content and form, as a dialectical process that expresses the relationship between an aesthetic object and a subject that perceives it on the basis of practical transformative artistic activity. An analysis of studies on this topic allows us to conclude that children's creativity has its own specifics, since its products often do not have objective significance for society as a whole. However, the development of creativity children in the period of preschool childhood is of great importance for the formation of a holistic creatively developed personality in the future.

1.3. Target: to form an intellectual - artistic experience, ideas about art and their practical implementation in artistic and creative activities.

1.4. Tasks. To achieve this general goal, I have formulated the following tasks:

Exploring modern approaches to introducing children to art;

Creation of conditions conducive to the development and preservation of creative potential.

The use of modern technologies to implement children of their fantasies.

The development of an aesthetic sense of form, color, rhythm, composition, creative activity, the desire to draw.

Learn to see and understand the beauty of the multi-colored world.

1.5. Expected Result: boost y children interest in mastering art through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques. The ability to creatively peer into the world around us, to find different shades, gaining experience aesthetic perception. The ability to apply and combine different ways of depicting in one drawing, to think and independently decide which technique to use in order to make this or that image expressive.

1.6. Implementation stages work experience:

My work I started with a survey of parents (I conducted a survey on topics Does your child like to draw?, "Do I need a child get involved in art» , « art at home» discussions on this topic). The analysis showed that parents are interested introduce children from an early age to art. I carried out a diagnosis aimed at examining children creative abilities. A group has been selected children at the request of parents and the interest of themselves children. And so the group began to grow and develop. "Dreamers" in the amount of 12 people.

I gradually studied the individual characteristics of each child; in close cooperation with parents, a developing environment was created (I paid great attention to aesthetics, as well as convenience and comfort children., therefore, the center was equipped with the necessary material for the development of creative abilities in children(watercolor and gouache paints, colored and pencils, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, ball and gel pens, brushes of different sizes, stencils, stamps, poke, prints, etc.

In the game and educational centers there are a variety of games for the development of thinking, attention, fine motor skills, (puzzles, lacing, mosaics, small and large designer, etc.) Children enjoy playing, drawing, creating, they are not afraid of the diversity and the prospect of independent choice. The literature on the techniques used was selected; the corner of art activity was gradually supplemented with various non-traditional materials; also selected didactic manuals and educational games:

1. "Trace around" (cotton buds)

2. "Draw a Vegetable" (potatoes, carrots)

3. "Draw a Fruit" (potato)

4. "Draw a caterpillar" (acquaintance with color science, traffic jams)

5. "Self-portrait" (toothbrush, cotton buds)

6. "Fold in half" (subject monotype - partly a stencil)

7. "Draw a Flower" (finger)

8. "Draw on the template" (herringbone triangle, circle - sun, scissors - girl).

9. "Trace and Color" (cotton buds).

Thinking through each lesson, I selected the material in which the image of the object can be solved especially expressively, interestingly, beautifully, and will give children aesthetic pleasure. In the classroom, I provide children with a choice of materials and means to create their own works.

In the corner for parents I placed consultations, folders, sliders and recommendations.

I developed a working additional education program "Dreamers" for 3 years introducing children to art through non-traditional drawing based on programs of artistic and aesthetic orientation "Colored palms" I. A. Lykova, "Magic Colors" I. I. Dyachenko. Classes were held once a week in the afternoon.

Hello, Lyubov Mikhailovna! I wrote another essay, please check it!))
Text by S. Lvov

Initiation to art can take place both in a spacious, purpose-built building, and within four walls, and in the open air. Whether the audience is shown another film, whether the classes are taught by a drama circle, an amateur choir or a circle in the fine arts - in all this, the living fire of creativity must and can live. And whoever one day puts his own effort into one of these things will be rewarded in time.

Art reveals itself more quickly and willingly to those who give it their strength, thoughts, time, and attention.

Sooner or later, everyone can feel that he is among acquaintances and friends in an unequal position. They, for example, are interested in music or painting, and for him they are books with seven seals. Reactions to such a discovery may vary. Some are irritably negative. “I’m not interested, so there’s nothing to be interested in here. And they just pretend that they can’t live without it!” And it is better to treat what we do not understand in a different way.

When I became a student at the Institute of History, Philosophy and Literature, many things connected me at once with new comrades. We were seriously engaged in literature, history, languages. Many of us have tried writing ourselves. As if anticipating how short our student life would be, we hurried to do as much as possible. They listened to lectures not only in their courses, but also went to lectures given to senior students. Attended classes in the history of fine arts. They managed to attend seminars for young prose writers and critics. We tried not to miss theatrical premieres and literary evenings. I don't know how we all managed, but we did. I was accepted into my environment by students who were a year older than ours. It was an interesting company.

I tried to keep up with her and I succeeded. With one exception. My new comrades were passionately interested in music. There was no wine in our meetings. We read poetry and listened to music. One of us had a rarity for those times: a radiogram with a device for turning records - there were no long-playing records then - which made it possible to listen to a whole symphony, concerto or opera without interruptions. And a collection of chamber, opera and symphonic music.

When this indispensable part of our evening began, the comrades listened and enjoyed, and I was bored, languished, tormented - I did not understand the music and it did not bring me joy. Of course, one could pretend, pretend, give a proper expression to the face, say after everyone: “Great!” But to pretend, to portray feelings that you do not experience, we were not in the habit. I curled up in a corner and suffered, feeling excluded from what meant so much to my comrades.

And besides music, there were also concerts at home. I went to them together with everyone and among the people for whom it was a holiday, I felt separated from them and deprived. Of course, you could just not go next time - well, I don’t understand music, I’m not interested in it, they won’t expel me from their company for this! But I continued to walk along with everyone. I was smart enough not to pretend to understand, not to speak out ...

I remember well how the break happened. Of course, he prepared imperceptibly and gradually: so many evenings of listening to music did not pass without a trace. I just didn't suspect it yet. In the winter of 1940, an evening of the then young D. D. Shostakovich was announced - the first performance of his piano quintet. Friends took a ticket for me too. It was presented solemnly. I understood: what is to come is an event! The concert took place in the Small Hall of the Conservatory. To say that there was an upbeat atmosphere in the crowded hall is to say nothing. There was an expectation of a miracle. Much has already been said about the quintet in musical Moscow.

We sat on the balcony among the Conservative students. Some of them had unfolded scores on their laps, apparently not yet typed, transcribed by hand.

I will not claim that I was immediately and permanently cured of my immunity to music that evening. But a turning point—a decisive and important one—has taken place. How grateful I am to my friends of those old years that they did not give up on me, did not exclude me from listening to music - and after all, there was no need to exclude me, with the then youthful-vulnerable pride, an ironic remark would be enough to make me feel myself among them, understanding and those who know, superfluous. This did not happen.

Many years later. For a long time now, serious music has been for me a necessity, a need, a happiness.

But it was possible - forever and irreparably - to miss her. And deprive yourself

This did not happen. And because I did not stand in the pose of a man who, not understanding something, says - out loud or mentally: - Well, don't! And because he did not want to pretend, pretending to understand, when he was still very far from it. And most of all, thanks to my friends. It was not enough for them to enjoy themselves. They wanted to attach me to their understanding, to their joy. And they succeeded! Completely succeeded.

C1. Who has access to art? It is this problem that the author of the text reflects on.
To draw the attention of readers to this issue, S. Lvov tells how he "cured himself of immunity to music". Art is revealed to all who seek to know it. Initiation to music, painting, theater or literature can occur anywhere and at any time. He who "one day puts his own effort into one of these things, will in time be rewarded."
S. Lvov believes that works of art are known by those who give their "strength, thought, time, attention" to it.
I fully agree with the opinion of the author. In my opinion, each of us can understand the diverse world of art. The main thing is to show interest and spare no effort to disclose it.
In support of my position, I will give the following examples.
In the book of D. S. Likhachev "Letters about kindness" there is an article "Understanding art". He believes that the most important thing in understanding art is sincerity, honesty, openness to perception. And only those who find the strength to overcome themselves will achieve what they want. After all, understanding works of art is not easy, it takes a long time to learn. all life.
Art is created by a select few, but it is open to all. In my opinion, a person who devotes his time and energy to this will surely comprehend the wonderful world of art.

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