How to sleep with a broken leg in a cast. Is it possible and how to apply a cast on an arm or leg at home? Signs of foot fractures

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A fifth of all leg injuries are ankle fractures. Dry statistical figures, behind which thousands of people are forced to spend weeks, or even months, with a leg immobilized by a cast. When the acute period passes, severe pain remains a thing of the past, you want to quickly return the ability to move independently. Whether you can step on your leg in a cast if you have a broken ankle depends on the severity of the injury and the progress of your recovery.

Types of ankle fractures and immobilization periods

The ankle joint is very complex in structure. This joint is made up of several bones. A fracture can be divided according to the principle of damage to one of them, the severity and nature of the injury.

The types and their descriptions are given in the table below:

Variety Characteristics and symptoms
Lateral The lateral bone of the ankle (fibula) is damaged.
Medial The medial (tibia) bone of the ankle is damaged.
Double There are cracks and breaks in both bones that form the ankle (tibia and tibia)
Interior Characteristic are various injuries to the bone (sometimes to the ligaments) without breaking the skin. The skin at the site of injury acquires a reddish-bluish tint, hematoma and swelling develop.
Open When bones are injured, their fragments violate the integrity of the skin, their edges are visible
With offset As a result of injury, the fragments are displaced relative to each other.
No offset There was a break, but the bones remained in the same place.

A fracture usually contains several characteristics. For example, internal lateral without displacement.

The characteristics of each type determine the timing of application of the fixing bandage. Plaster is applied to immobilize the limbs and provide rest to the leg until the damaged structures heal. Therefore, step on the leg if the ankle is fractured without displacement or with displacement or with another type of injury highly not recommended.

Fractures without displacement

An undisplaced fracture heals faster than a displaced fracture.

For internal injuries without displacement, an immobilizing bandage is applied for up to 1.5 months. You can walk after an ankle fracture after removing such a bandage, when the doctor allows, after the bone has fused, but relying on special devices (crutches).

If the leg stops hurting in a cast, this does not mean that it is healthy and you can stand on it, transferring weight. This can only be resolved by a doctor after conducting a control x-ray examination.

Standing on your leg in a cast can cause displacement, and if the fracture has already been displaced, it may manifest itself secondary in a cast.

Plaster should be applied for a certain period of time:

  • If you have a fracture of the lateral or medial ankle without displacement, you should walk in a cast for 3.5 - 4 weeks.
  • If two ankles are broken without displacement, the period of application of an immobilizing bandage is 6–8 weeks.

Thus, after suffering a fracture of the inner ankle without displacement, you can step on the leg only after complete healing and removal of the bandage. Already on the day of liberation from shackles, you can move, stepping on the injured leg, but for now with support.

Displaced fractures

Stepping on a leg after a displaced fracture is strictly prohibited. Sometimes surgery is required before applying a bandage. After the operation, a cast is applied for up to three months or more. Until complete fusion of the fragments in the correct direction is confirmed, it is prohibited to step on the cast with such an ankle fracture.

For proper fusion of displaced areas, it is extremely important to seek medical help in the first days after the injury occurs, undergo an examination and receive the necessary treatment.
To realign the bones, the doctor performs certain manipulations with mandatory anesthesia, sometimes on the spot, sometimes it is necessary to hospitalize the patient and perform an operation. This is especially true in cases with open injuries. After the operation is completed, the victim is given an immobilizing bandage or the skeletal traction method is used, and after a month a plaster cast is applied.

This tactic is suitable for particularly severe cases.

The timing of limb immobilization is strictly defined:

  • If the bones have shifted relative to each other, a bandage is applied for a period of 4 to 5 weeks.
  • When two ankles are broken with displacement, the period increases to 8 - 10 weeks.
  • Particularly severe injuries require wearing a plaster cast for up to 12–15 weeks.

It happens that after realignment of the bones and a period of immobilization, the displacement occurs again, so the doctor may refer the patient for a control x-ray several times during the treatment period. To prevent recurrent displacement, it is very important to follow all doctor’s recommendations and not expose the leg to dangerous loads.

Permissible load

During the rehabilitation period you need to walk with support

It is very important during the rehabilitation period (and it begins while the leg is still in plaster) to maintain normal blood circulation in the affected leg. To do this, two weeks after the start of therapy, it is recommended:

  • Massage of non-plastered areas of the leg.
  • Performing acceptable physical therapy exercises.
  • Hardware therapy: magnet, UHF, laser.
  • After some time (as determined by the doctor), you can begin to walk with support.

After the leg is freed from the plaster shackles, you need to engage in physical therapy in a more intensive mode to restore all functions of the ankle.

It is important to eat properly during this period for tissue restoration. The diet must contain sufficient amounts of protein, calcium, phosphorus and other minerals and vitamins necessary for the regeneration of damaged leg structures.

What to do with swelling

Swelling of the leg in a cast or after removing the bandage is quite common. This is not a reason to develop your leg with titanic efforts and try to walk in a cast. This condition is due to a number of reasons:

  • changes in the outflow and inflow of blood in the injured leg;
  • slow lymph circulation;
  • violation of the integrity of ligaments, muscles of the lymphatic ducts,
  • a fairly tightly applied plaster cast.

Swelling can occur both while wearing an immobilizing bandage and after its removal. To eliminate it, you need to establish blood circulation and muscle activity.

This is fully possible only after removing the plaster using:

  • salt baths;
  • massage;
  • magnetic therapy.

During the period of immobilization of the leg, you can use massage on its open areas and physiotherapy prescribed by a doctor.

How long the leg will spend in a cast and the period of complete rehabilitation depend on individual parameters. These include:

  • patient's age. If the victim is an elderly person, the fusion will last longer than in young people;
  • complexity of the fracture (how many bones were damaged, whether there was subluxation, displacement, perforation of the skin, and so on);
  • concomitant diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Rushing and the desire to quickly get up and start walking after such a complex injury can lead to irreversible consequences, the fracture will take longer to heal, and the rehabilitation period will be delayed.

All complex injuries and falls usually end with your arm or leg in a cast. This is a very unpleasant condition, as it significantly limits movement. You won’t be able to accelerate much with plastered legs, so you need to plan all your actions and movements in detail so as not to fall again and aggravate an already difficult situation. Crutches can be used to move around the room and outside. Initially, it is quite difficult to get used to them, but after a few days you will be able to move without fear, relying on them.

Only a doctor knows how to apply a cast; do not try to cope with this task yourself. There is a whole technique for applying a cast to a leg, and without significant skills, you will not be able to complete the main task of the bandage, which is aimed at properly fixing the broken bone. An experienced doctor knows exactly where to tie the bandage tightly and where to loosen it a little so that the bones heal correctly. Even if at first glance it seemed to you that there is nothing complicated here, you will not be able to apply plaster for fractures without further adverse consequences.

Instead of plaster, today you can apply special hard bandages that are not afraid of moisture and are well fixed to the affected areas. The disadvantage of this alternative is its cost; in comparison with conventional plaster, the price of a hard bandage is not affordable for all people.

The length of time you wear a cast directly depends on the complexity of the injury. In most cases, the period of wearing a plaster cast is from 4 to 8 weeks; in cases with displaced fractures, the period of wearing a plaster cast is 15 weeks.

Swelling of the legs due to wearing a plaster cast

Almost all patients who have experienced leg fractures claim that after the cast is removed, the leg swells greatly. Sometimes, after removing the plaster, a person notices bluish skin at the fracture site. Both swelling and bruising can be explained by the fact that the plastic cast disrupts the normal outflow and inflow of fluid in the intercellular space of the skin of the injured limb. Impaired blood flow can also be caused by the fact that the cast on the leg is not applied correctly or the bandage is tied too tightly. If the swelling does not go away, and the leg becomes increasingly blue and painful, you should immediately consult your doctor. He will examine the leg, change the bandage and do an ultrasound to rule out possible consequences of leg injury.

Few people know what to do when a leg in a cast swells, so when visiting a doctor you need to listen to him very carefully and follow the recommendations exactly. If thrombosis does not occur, then, as a rule, the doctor will prescribe a course of procedures that will restore muscle activity in the leg. Among such rehabilitation measures, the following are very effective:

  • foot massage;
  • baths with infusions of medicinal herbs;
  • baths with sea salt;
  • use of wax or ozokerite;
  • magnetotherapy.

The doctor will additionally prescribe painkillers and may suggest reviewing your diet. Eating the right foods is very important during the healing process. For fractures, it is recommended to use the following products:

  • milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • grape;
  • currant;
  • carrot;
  • almond;
  • liver;
  • seaweed;
  • beans and green peas;
  • parsley, etc.

The thing is that the above products contain large amounts of calcium and phosphorus, which have a beneficial effect on the restoration of bone tissue.

Swimming with leg casts

Most people, when they have a fracture, find themselves in a rather unpleasant situation, because not everyone immediately understands how to wash in the bathroom so as not to wet the plaster, as it can spread.

Plastic plaster, unlike regular plaster, does not get wet, so if possible, it is better to use it. Plastic plaster is much lighter than a regular bandage, it allows air to pass through well, the leg under it will not get steamy, and the swelling that appears after removing the classic type of plaster may not affect you.

If you have already encountered a classic plaster cast, then the advice on how to bathe with a cast is as follows: wrap your leg with plastic wrap and go to the bathroom without fear. As an alternative, you can use plastic bags; the film, of course, will stick better, because its edge sticks tightly to the leg, but the bags can be wrapped with tape. Modern medicine has made great progress in this matter, and in some pharmacies you can find specially designed bathing covers.

Elimination of itching under a plaster cast

If there is a fracture, it is forbidden to move your leg, because that is why plaster was applied to fix it. Due to wearing the bandage for a long time, and the cast, as you know, is not removable, the inside of the leg itches very much. Do not use sharp objects or other office supplies with a sharp end under any circumstances. Most people do this to relieve the itching, but it is very dangerous because you can injure your leg and get an infection. There are a number of methods that will help reduce your suffering, these include:

  • ice pack;
  • antihistamines.

The cold air that comes from the hairdryer can effectively soothe the itching that has formed under the cast. Lightly tapping the cast will create a slight vibration, which should also temporarily reduce the scabies. By placing an ice pack on the cast, you will very soon feel a slight cooling sensation on the affected area, which will relieve irritation. Antihistamines can control symptoms such as itching to some extent. The correct dosage of the drug should save you from this unpleasant phenomenon. If itching continues for a long time, consult your doctor immediately.

In order for your leg to recover quickly and the bones to heal correctly, try not to neglect the advice of your doctor.

Move less, reduce the load on your lower limbs, take more vitamins and very soon you will be able to get back on your feet, literally.

Your feet carry a lot of stress every day, making them the most susceptible to accidental injuries. Ankles often suffer as a result of fractures, both displaced and non-displaced. What are the features of a non-displaced fracture of the lateral malleolus? Is it possible to provide first aid to the victim yourself? When is it permissible to step on your foot after treatment of a fracture?

Features of a non-displaced fracture of the lateral malleolus

The ankle on the leg is a bone process physiologically designed to form the ankle joint. This bony process is also often called the ankle. Finding it is quite simple: this is the place of articulation of the lower leg with the foot, which experts do not recognize as either a joint or a muscle. Through the bony joint, the weight of the human body is transferred to the foot when walking. It is because of this that most often fractures occur in this place of the leg.

An injury called a fracture is a violation of the integrity of a bone formation. Fractures of the lateral malleolus can be of several types, which are classified depending on the characteristics of the injury:

  1. By displacement of bone fragments:
    • with offset;
    • without displacement.
  2. By type of foot roll:
    • transverse (the foot turns outward, the fracture line runs horizontally);
    • oblique (the foot becomes beveled when tucked in, and the fracture line runs in an oblique direction).
  3. By location of soft tissue damage:
    • open (soft tissues are visible when the skin is torn);
    • closed (tears of soft tissue under the skin, that is, inside).

Most often, victims are referred to traumatology with non-displaced fractures of the outer ankle.

The peculiarity of such an injury is that the integrity of the bone is broken, and there is no displacement, so the symptoms are not expressed too clearly.

Symptoms of a fracture of the lateral malleolus without displacement

Such ankle injuries are characterized by several significant symptoms:

  1. Crunching in the leg at the site of injury (crunching when moving, which means the bones are broken).
  2. Painful sensations (explained by damage to nerve endings as a result of injury).
  3. Swelling + hematomas and hemorrhages (are the result of ruptures of blood capillaries, these signs do not begin to appear immediately, but after a couple of hours).

Of course, dysfunction of the ankle joint should also be noted. This pathology will be present because ankle fractures are often accompanied by other injuries:

Because of this, the victim cannot move his foot normally, which allows us to establish a fracture of the outer malleolus without displacement.

Causes of an ankle fracture

There are several causes of ankle injury:

  • sudden twisting of the foot when walking quickly;
  • a sharp turn of the ankle while moving.

Traumatologists call indirect reasons for an ankle fracture:

  • excess body weight;
  • fragility of bone tissue as a result of lack of calcium in the body;
  • chronic diseases (for example, osteoporosis or arthritis).

Most often, the presence of such injuries is observed in elderly people. This is due to physiological age-related changes, as a result of which the bones of the limbs become fragile - calcium is already poorly absorbed. Therefore, treatment of fractures in older people is often accompanied by difficulties, and the rehabilitation period, when it is possible to step on the leg, is delayed.

Fracture treatment methods and further rehabilitation

Traumatologists do not recommend starting self-treatment at home. This is due to the fact that in the course of an incorrectly chosen method of treatment, further recovery of the injured ankle may be delayed and complicate rehabilitation.

Modern methods of treating non-displaced fractures of the lateral malleolus are not varied. There are only two of them:

The first method is used when the fracture is closed without displacement or ligament rupture. To do this, use a plaster splint, which is distributed over the foot (namely its suspended part), followed by fixation with bandages. The main condition: such fixation should not put excessive pressure on the lower leg to prevent circulatory problems.

A casted limb causes a lot of inconvenience, but the period of wearing a cast can last from six weeks to three months. The timing directly depends on significant factors:

  • complexity of bone fracture;
  • rapidity of callus formation;
  • individual characteristics of the victim’s body.

Only the attending physician can tell the patient when it is possible to step on the leg after such treatment. The standard healing period is two and a half months, but the rehabilitation period sometimes lasts up to a year. To speed up the healing process, the victim is additionally prescribed maintenance therapy, which includes multivitamin preparations.

The surgical method is used in the following cases:

  • the fracture happened a long time ago, the patient was self-medicating incorrectly;
  • the injury is accompanied by extensive damage to other parts of the limb;
  • There is a complete rupture of the ligaments.

After surgery, a plaster cast is applied, and further treatment is carried out according to the standard regimen. Experts warn: stepping on your foot while wearing a cast is strictly prohibited!

Rehabilitation measures begin after removal of the plaster and control radiography. If everything is fine with the ankle, then the attending physician prescribes a comprehensive treatment, which includes:

  • special physical therapy exercises;
  • massage;
  • health baths.

Experts say that if you strictly follow all the recommendations of your doctor, then after a couple of months the motor functions of your leg will be restored.

Should a victim with a non-displaced fracture of the lower ankle be given first aid?

Providing first aid to a victim with a non-displaced ankle fracture can have both negative and positive aspects. If assistance is provided incorrectly, further treatment will be difficult.

In order to provide first aid to the victim correctly, you must adhere to several rules:

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. Try to calm him down.
  3. Give the patient a pain reliever (preferably an analgesic).
  4. Do not move the limb, fix it using available means (for example, a board to which the injured ankle is tied with cloth).
  5. Apply cold to relieve pain and prevent swelling.
  6. Place the injured leg above chest level (this can be done using pillows).

But there are recommendations on what you should absolutely not do if you have a broken ankle - this is to try to straighten the damaged ankle yourself. Such actions can lead to aggravation of the situation, which will complicate existing damage.

Many patients are concerned and repeatedly turn to the traumatologist with the question of why the leg in a cast swells. Could this be a pathology or is this condition normal? The swelling is caused by the accumulation of fluid in the area of ​​injury, and this can be caused by many factors. A leg in a cast that swells is not uncommon, but it is important to identify what is causing the swelling of the limb and learn how to treat such symptoms.


  1. Swelling occurs as a result of impaired blood flow and fluid outflow in the intercellular space.
  2. This problem can be caused by injuries to the lymphatic vessels, as a result of which lymph circulation slows down.
  3. Damage to the integrity of ligaments and muscles.
  4. Disturbances in the blood flow.

If your leg in a cast swells, this may be caused by an incorrectly applied bandage; you should consult a doctor so that he can apply a new one.

The swelling is most often accompanied by aching pain; if you remove the bandage, you will notice that the leg in the cast swells and turns blue, and a slight redness has formed at the fracture site.

Specialist consultation

To diagnose the exact causes of swelling, it is necessary to contact an orthopedist-traumatologist at the first symptoms. The doctor will definitely prescribe an ultrasound to rule out thrombosis, and a duplex scan of the damaged area to identify other venous diseases. Depending on why the leg swells, effective treatment will be prescribed.

How to relieve swelling?

If the leg in a cast swells, treatment is aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels, thereby normalizing blood circulation and lymph outflow.

To reduce leg swelling, massages are prescribed that help improve muscle activity.

Medicinally, this symptomatology is removed with the help of external drugs: Hepatrombin, Troxevasin, Lyoton, Ichthyol ointment, Diclofenac. But before choosing a remedy, consultation with your doctor is necessary.

Warming up the problem area using ozokerite or wax helps a lot when the leg in a cast swells. Magnetic therapy, which promotes the growth of callus, is highly effective.

If the leg in a cast is swollen and pain is present, it is necessary to take painkillers: Ketonal, Nimid, Analgin.

It is recommended to physically promote the outflow of fluid to prevent swelling of the limb. To do this, you should often keep your leg horizontal, slightly elevated on a bolster (pillow). If your leg in a cast is swollen and blue, do not lean on the sore limb when walking.

Traditional treatment methods

What to do if your leg in a cast swells, how to relieve the problem at home? To quickly restore an injured limb after a fracture, rub the problem area with fir or cedar oil. The following alternative medicine recipes are used at home:

  1. To relieve swelling of the leg under a cast, a tincture of comfrey root helps well, you can use a decoction of arnica or a special ointment “Arnica”, it is offered in homeopathic pharmacies.
  2. Grated raw potatoes applied to the problem area for 3-4 hours will help eliminate swelling of the leg in a cast and redness.
  3. As natural diuretics, use an infusion of bearberry or lingonberry leaves (1 tbsp per glass of boiling water). Take 1/2 cup 2 times a day to increase urination and remove excess fluid.
  4. Frankincense is effective in eliminating lymph stagnation after a fracture. To do this you need to mix 1 tbsp. l. chopped herbs with 12 tbsp. l. rye flour, add 1 egg white and 2 tsp. infusion of larkspur. Apply the resulting paste to the injured area; the recipe prevents the appearance of swelling.

The advice of traditional medicine is completely safe, it helps improve muscle tone, increase blood and lymph circulation, which leads to a decrease in swelling. But before using this or that product, you should consult your doctor.

To improve your well-being and speed up recovery, regardless of the cause of leg swelling in a cast, experts advise consuming at least 100 g of hard cheese, milk, cottage cheese or any other fermented milk product per day. Include fat-soluble vitamins “A” and “D” in your diet, which promote bone tissue growth due to the presence of calcium and phosphorus.

By reviewing your diet, you can significantly speed up the recovery of your injured leg; you should include foods such as grapes, carrots, seaweed, liver, shrimp, etc. in the menu.

Any injury can be harmful to health, especially if warning signs are ignored. You should treat your body with care, and your treating specialist will tell you what to do correctly!


ATTENTION! If you do not have the opportunity to get an appointment with a GOOD doctor, DO NOT SELF-medicate! Listen to what the rector of China Medical University has to say about this Professor Park.

And here is some invaluable advice on restoring diseased joints from Professor Park:

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Why is my leg blue under the cast?

​If you fall unsuccessfully or hit hard, you can injure your leg, even breaking it. This is a complex disorder that entails a long period of treatment and recovery.

Quite often, such damage is accompanied by swelling; it can appear immediately after the injury, while wearing a plaster cast or after its removal. Almost all patients with a fracture complain that the leg in a cast swells.

​​in stock​​admin administrator​

Measures for the treatment of leg swelling after a fracture to quickly restore blood circulation.

​RaikA​​One of the insanities of modern medicine, when they apply

​circulatory disorders​

What happens after a leg fracture? Why does the injured leg swell after the cast is removed?

​Urgently see the doctor! It shouldn't be like this.​

The main priority tasks in the process of leg rehabilitation:

  • ​With the help of physiotherapy, massage and rubbing.​
  • ​Human muscles are actively involved in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, for this reason they need constant training. As muscle tissue works, new blood is more actively supplied to it, that is, the amount of nutrients and oxygen increases. While wearing a cast, the loads either decrease or completely stop, as a result, the muscle cells atrophy. In the treatment process, an extremely important point is the normalization of functionality after a fracture. This task is very difficult, however, if you follow all the recommendations and advice, then leg mobility can be restored in the shortest possible time.​
  • ​Swelling of the leg after an ankle fracture photo​
  • ​Doctors prescribe medications to speed up the growth of callus, as well as analgesics for pain relief. However, you can speed up the process of bone fusion by reviewing your diet. It is worth paying attention to calcium- and phosphorus-containing foods: milk, cottage cheese, cheese, fermented milk products, grapes, currants, beets, carrots, cherries, bran, almonds, liver, shrimp, spinach, seaweed, beans, green peas, parsley and others. ​
  • The swelling is accompanied by severe aching pain at the fracture site, and when the bandage is removed, a change in the color of the skin is revealed, that is, a huge bruise. With an open fracture, comminuted, intra-articular or displaced, the leg may become completely swollen.​

The general recovery period after plaster removal is divided into the following three stages:

  1. ​I've been in a cast for 2 months now :-)) My leg probably doesn't go numb, but swells? This is fine. When you sit, put your foot on an ottoman or somewhere else, don’t hold it down for a long time. For the first month, my whole leg hurt, both joints and muscles, the whole thing was just cramped. A month after applying the plaster, it became much better. It doesn't hurt now. But sometimes in the evenings, when I go to bed, I have muscle spasms. If you have pain in some place and then it stops, then this is normal. If it hurts in some place constantly and for a long time, as well as at the site of a fracture, go to the doctor. The doctor prescribed me a painkiller called Xefocam. If you haven't been prescribed anything, buy yourself one. Just don’t get carried away, take it less often. And take care of your leg.​
  2. ​By SCASH the other leg so that the psychological one can calm himself down!!!:-)….​
  3. Yes! to the doctor! The plaster was most likely applied incorrectly. And then the bones may grow incorrectly.

​stone fortress plaster!?!?The swelling simply has nowhere to go, and it tears the vessels, pouring into the tissues and

​Dmitry Lvov​

​Performing specially designed physical exercises.​

It is necessary to eliminate muscle atrophy, as well as vascular changes;

Swelling of the leg after a fracture of the ankle appears due to impaired blood circulation or as a result of lymph circulation in the soft tissues

​To avoid having to deal with such a problem, it is better to prevent its formation. You should keep your leg in a horizontal position, slightly elevated; a small pillow or bolster is ideal for this; you should not stand on your leg or lean on it when walking.​

igor kertsman Igor Kertsman

Urgently see the doctor! It should not be.

consult a doctor. The plaster was probably applied too tightly. This makes my leg go numb. If the pain goes away, then it was a bruise from a fracture. It happens that it takes a long time to dissolve. Deepest sympathy for mom

The plaster was placed incorrectly, apparently the doctor is bad, in general, take this one off and put on another one

If a circular plaster cast (which in principle should not be) is carefully cut longitudinally. URGENTLY.

Otherwise there will be gangrene of the limb and the leg will be amputated. If it is a plaster splint, then unwind the bandage and bandage it not so tightly.

You can massage your leg a little until blood circulation is restored. If the cyanosis does not go away after the plaster is loosened and the limb is cold to the touch, then the situation is extremely serious.

URGENTLY to the Doctors.

The main causes of swelling after a fracture

A person with osteoporosis has an 80% chance of breaking his arms or legs. But even if the bones are strong enough, this kind of injury can result from:

  1. Careless movement.
  2. Falls.
  3. Road traffic accident.
  4. Injuries at work.
  5. Criminal attack.
  1. Athletes.
  2. Children.
  3. Pensioners.

Signs that are characteristic of limb injuries are as follows:

  • sharp throbbing pain in the leg, making it impossible to move it;
  • limitation of motor function of the limb;
  • hematoma or swelling;
  • crunching sound at the moment of damage;
  • mobility of the leg is not in the bend;
  • protrusion of bone when open fracture;
  • unnatural position of the limb.

Even after the plaster is removed, some of the symptoms that were present during the acute period may persist. Among them are swelling. If they do not go away for a long time, this is considered a dangerous situation. It's better to consult a specialist. Congestion in the limbs after fractures is successfully eliminated with the help of massages and physiotherapy.

Edema occurs when fluid accumulates in the tissues, and this can be considered normal, due to the fact that during fractures the natural circulation of lymph and general blood flow are disrupted, which leads to the accumulation of lymph in the intercellular space.

Such pathologies lead to disruption of the exchange of blood and lymphatic fluid through the capillaries, as a result of which it enters through the walls of blood vessels into the surrounding tissue, causing extravasation, since reabsorption is impaired.

All swelling after fractures begins to develop gradually, especially in those places where the fractures are located, but then the swelling spreads to the entire limb. It can develop either in one or two days or after several years, so an X-ray must be taken before applying the cast.

The place where the tumor is located significantly loses sensitivity, changes the color of the skin, swelling limits movement, and causes pain. If it is not possible to get rid of the swelling in time, this leads to the development of cosmetic defects.

When a person's cast is removed, swelling or lymphedema may remain because the outflow and inflow of lymph is disrupted. This phenomenon can be observed especially often after a broken leg. This damages ligaments, blood vessels and lymph nodes.

The causes of swelling after a cast are insufficient development of the joints when the limb is in a cast, which leads to muscle atrophy, poor circulation and decreased lymph circulation. Quite often, edema develops due to injury to the lymphatic duct, due to improper application of a plaster or bandage.

If swelling is not treated promptly, bone death may occur. This phenomenon occurs due to a violation of the outflow of lymph and blood, so the bone tissue does not receive enough nutrients and oxygen, which leads to such severe pathologies.

When the leg is in a cast, it is necessary to carry out certain preventive actions that are aimed at preventing the development of edema or its increase. Therefore, in case of a fracture, the part of the body that has been cast in a cast, in this case the leg, should be kept in a horizontal position or on a slight elevation, but in no case should you lean on it, not only when walking, but also when the person is standing still.

After the plaster is removed, there is no need to lean on the leg until complete recovery; it is necessary to disperse the fluid and, with the help of massage, not allow it to stagnate, which leads to the rapid enrichment of the muscles with the necessary nutrients, but one should not exert stress and avoid sudden movements.

When a person receives a fracture, he should immediately think about prevention, which consists of quickly and correctly applying a plaster or fixing bandage. Therefore, an elastic bandage that can be wrapped over the plaster helps a lot; it improves fixation, but this must be done carefully so as not to disturb the blood flow and quickly relieve swelling.

Types of ankle fractures and immobilization periods

The ankle joint is very complex in structure. This joint is made up of several bones. A fracture can be divided according to the principle of damage to one of them, the severity and nature of the injury.

Variety Characteristics and symptoms
Lateral The lateral bone of the ankle (fibula) is damaged.
Medial The medial (tibia) bone of the ankle is damaged.
Double There are cracks and breaks in both bones that form the ankle (tibia and tibia)
Interior Characteristic are various injuries to the bone (sometimes to the ligaments) without breaking the skin. The skin at the site of injury acquires a reddish-bluish tint, hematoma and swelling develop.
Open When bones are injured, their fragments violate the integrity of the skin, their edges are visible
With offset As a result of injury, the fragments are displaced relative to each other.
No offset There was a break, but the bones remained in the same place.

A fracture usually contains several characteristics. For example, internal lateral without displacement.

The characteristics of each type determine the timing of application of the fixing bandage. Plaster is applied to immobilize the limbs and provide rest to the leg until the damaged structures heal. Therefore, it is highly not recommended to step on the leg if the ankle is fractured without displacement or with displacement, or with any other type of injury.

Fractures without displacement

For internal injuries without displacement, an immobilizing bandage is applied for up to 1.5 months. You can walk after an ankle fracture after removing such a bandage, when the doctor allows, after the bone has fused, but relying on special devices (crutches).

If the leg stops hurting in a cast, this does not mean that it is healthy and you can stand on it, transferring weight. This can only be resolved by a doctor after conducting a control x-ray examination.

Standing on your leg in a cast can cause displacement, and if the fracture has already been displaced, secondary displacement in the cast is possible.

Plaster should be applied for a certain period of time:

  • At a fracture lateral or medial malleolus You are supposed to walk in a cast for 3.5 – 4 weeks without displacement.
  • If two ankles are broken without displacement, the period of application of an immobilizing bandage is 6–8 weeks.

Thus, after suffering a fracture of the inner ankle without displacement, you can step on the leg only after complete healing and removal of the bandage. Already on the day of liberation from shackles, you can move, stepping on the injured leg, but for now with support.

Displaced fractures

Stepping on a leg after a displaced fracture is strictly prohibited. Sometimes surgery is required before applying a bandage. After the operation, a cast is applied for up to three months or more. Until complete fusion of the fragments in the correct direction is confirmed, it is prohibited to step on the cast with such an ankle fracture.

For proper fusion of displaced areas, it is extremely important to seek medical help in the first days after the injury occurs, undergo an examination and receive the necessary treatment. To realign the bones, the doctor performs certain manipulations with mandatory anesthesia, sometimes on the spot, sometimes it is necessary to hospitalize the patient and perform an operation.

This is especially true in cases with open injuries. After the operation is completed, the victim is given an immobilizing bandage or the skeletal traction method is used, and after a month a plaster cast is applied.

This tactic is suitable for particularly severe cases.

The timing of limb immobilization is strictly defined:

  • If the bones have shifted relative to each other, a bandage is applied for a period of 4 to 5 weeks.
  • When two ankles are broken with displacement, the period increases to 8 - 10 weeks.
  • Particularly severe injuries require wearing a plaster cast for up to 12–15 weeks.

Traditional methods of treating edema after fractures

Self-medication for broken leg bones is unacceptable. If you receive a serious injury, you must consult a traumatologist and undergo outpatient treatment.

If the case is extremely difficult, treatment takes place in a hospital. Only a traumatologist will be able to correctly determine the characteristics of the injury, the location of bone fragments, monitor how correctly the bone is healing, measure the necessary time, etc.

The doctor strives to normalize the position of the fragments of the leg bones, returning to their original position before the injury. The traumatologist then strives to keep the fragments in a stationary position while the bone heals.

It is possible to straighten and fix the fragments using plaster casts, specialized devices, and in extremely severe cases - by performing a surgical operation when various types of metal structures are used.

To quickly and efficiently eliminate swelling after fractures, you can use a decoction of fir branches and use this decoction to make baths, after which you take a small amount of fir and rub it on all the swollen areas.

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