How to dance hip hop. Adviсe

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Hip-hop is a street dance style that has become especially popular in recent years. It is filled with various elements of breakdance, jazz, as well as African rhythms.

Dance Features

In this direction, not only the level of performance is very important, but also the individuality and charisma of the dancer. The very essence of this dance is to attract the attention of others. That is why, in order to perform hip-hop, you need to be able to feel the music well and demonstrate your own style. In addition, you must have the perfect clarity of each movement.

If you like to dance and be the center of attention - try yourself in this style. You can go to a dance school or learn the basic elements yourself. Learn how to learn to dance hip hop at home.

To begin with, you need to learn the basic movements, and then apply them in a different order, dancing to the music. By following our tips and devoting just a couple of hours a week, you can easily perform dance moves in this modern style. To better master the technique of hip-hop, look at various videos on the Internet.

How to learn to dance hip-hop at home - a set of movements

1. First you need to take a wide step with your left foot, turn your feet and the whole body to the left. Then slowly bend your body down to touch the floor on opposite sides of your leg. You should feel the muscles in your legs and back stretch slightly. Now it is worth bending your left leg and touching the floor with two elbows. Repeat all the same movements in relation to the right leg.

2. The next movement - put your feet shoulder-width apart, stretch the top of your head to the top, and then lean forward slowly and as low as possible to touch the floor with your hands.

3. Straighten up, then raise your right hand to your shoulder, holding it outstretched, and put your left hand on its elbow bend. Now you need to gently pull your elbow to your shoulder. Repeat all the same, but only by changing hands.

4. Turn all the way to the left, then lower yourself down until your left thigh is parallel to the floor. Squeeze the brush into fists and lean towards the floor, while the back should be slightly rounded. Bend over and fully straighten up. Keeping your feet on the floor, turn them to the left, bend your knees slightly. Now you need to pull your hands to your shoulders, placing your fingers on your chest, slightly pressing it in, while at the same time pushing your pelvis forward and rounding your back. After that, straighten your back and turn to the right. The brushes should go down, sliding over the body, then stop at the waist.

5. Extend your leg forward and tilt your torso back. Now straighten your left leg and lift the opposite knee up. At the same time, the arms should be bent at the elbows, they should be held in front of the chest. Make a sharp twist, round your back, and straighten your right leg. Then lean back, stretch your arms - left straight in front of you, and right - up.

6. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, right foot should be slightly behind. Tilt your head to the right, bend your knees, making a slight squat. Then turn your knees straight, and bend your right hand with a brush to your head. The opposite handle should be bent at the elbow so that the fist is at chest level.

7. Extend your left hand and use the other to bring your head closer to your shoulder. Next, you need to turn the knee of the opposite leg to the right. Jump up while raising your straight leg. To do this, the weight of the body must be transferred to the left leg, and the arms bent at the elbows and raised to the chest. The right leg should be raised to the middle, then bend over and, pushing off with the opposite leg, make a jump. Straighten your shoulders by bringing your shoulder blades together. Do this whole complex, but starting from the other leg.

8. Rise on your toes, keeping your back straight and stretching your head to the top. At the same time, keep your hands in front of you, legs remain straight. Then push the leg forward, bend it with a sharp movement of the arm at the elbows. Now you need to bend your fingers up on the opposite hand, touching the elbow of the other hand, which at this time should turn fingers down. Then bend your legs and stand on your toes.

Benefits of dancing

Now you know how to learn to dance hip-hop.

For girls, this dance is not only a way to express themselves, but also an opportunity to keep the body in perfect shape. Of course, in addition to the basic movements, you will also need to do warm-up and stretching exercises. Such physical activity will help you to improve coordination of movements and improve your figure.

Hip-hop is suitable for all ages and body types. The main thing is that doing this dance brings you joy and pleasure. Try it, you will definitely like it.

Video: how to learn to dance hip-hop

Do you want to learn how to dance hip-hop? Video lesson will help your dream come true. These video tutorials will help a beginner dancer learn the basics so you can move hip hop with ease.

Basic hip hop movements.

Video lessons will clearly help you master the basic movements:

1. Video lesson hip hop. Basic movement - Kutch.

There are three types of swing: knees, pelvis and body.

2. Video lesson hip hop. Basic movement - Step.

Shows how to correctly combine steps with the main types of swing.

3. Video lesson hip hop. Basic movement - Running man (running man).

This element is very energetic and easy to learn. In order to make it easier to remember, it is necessary to divide it into two parts and study slowly. It is very easy to perform: on the count of one, you must raise your leg, and on the count of two, lower it. When you lower your leg, you need to put it a little further than the original position. The running man will make you look spectacular and energetic.

4. Video lesson hip hop. Basic movement - Chris cross.

This movement looks very good if it is performed dynamically to the music. In order to remember this element well, it must be learned by counting. Put your feet shoulder-width apart and under the count make a jump and put your legs crosswise, under the count of two do the jump again and put your feet in their original position. In the video tutorial, this movement is simple, but it needs to be well trained.

5. Video lesson hip hop. Basic movement - Roger Rebbit.

This movement will be a little more difficult than the previous ones. In a standing position, you need to raise your left leg to the knee, bring it back and align it in a straight line with the body. With the same left foot, it is necessary, as it were, to knock out the right foot and become the original position. Then the movement continues from one foot to the other.

6. Video lesson hip hop. The base move is Monasteri.

In a standing position, along a small trajectory, you need to tap your toe on the floor, while touching the floor with your toe, you need to swing your knees on both legs. After touching, you need to do something like a rebound and go back along the same trajectory and do the same with the other leg.

7. Video lesson hip hop. Basic movement - Rev.

It is necessary to put your palms in front of your face and rhythmically, while tilting the body forward and backward, raise your hands alternately up, without unbending your elbows, but keep them in their original position.

These basic movements will help you learn how to dance, and video lessons will clearly demonstrate all the techniques of these movements. With their help, a beginner hip-hop dancer will improve his technique and ability to master this style. You need to relax and feel the rhythm of the music, forget about everything and succumb to the movement of your body.

If you want to learn how to dance, but for various reasons you can’t get to the gym, start learning at home. After all, dancing brings the body even more benefits than playing sports. Muscles are tightened, extra pounds are burned, the skin becomes more elastic, shortness of breath disappears and, most importantly, you get a charge of vivacity.

Therefore, if there is an incredible desire to become a disco dancer, you can and should dance modern at home. Yes, without competent instructions from the coach, you are unlikely to become a professional (although there are pleasant exceptions), but the fact that you will gain amazing physical shape is undeniable.

The basis of the basics of home dance classes

Before you start learning how to dance street and classical dances at home, you need to learn the main thing: any workout begins with a warm-up and ends with a stretch. Break your activity into three parts:

  • warm-up of all muscle groups;
  • main dance block
  • deep stretch

If you neglect the warm-up at the beginning of the lesson, you can get a sprain or a more serious injury. And if you forget about stretching at the end, then you can not even dream of a beautiful muscular relief.

Deciding to learn how to dance street dance at home, buy clothes of the appropriate style. Hip hop or breakdance is not just performing movements to the music, it is a whole philosophy, a subculture. Therefore, at home in front of a mirror in stretched sweatpants, one can hardly learn how to dance hip hop or tectonics beautifully.

To learn how to dance hip hop at home, the first thing you need to understand is that during the execution of all movements, the legs and body must work. First you need to learn how to relax.

Starting to learn how to dance hip hop, stand in front of a mirror, bend your knees and bounce. Feel your body relax. Remember these sensations - it is in this state that all movements are performed.

In simple hip hop, all movements are smooth - no jerks or hand wringing. You need to feel your body. In more complex numbers, strength elements are also performed, but they require excellent physical shape and the help of a mentor.

Therefore, if you want to learn hip hop at home, just learn the technique of movements - and for more complex elements, it is better to go to the professionals in the gym.

How to learn to break dance at home

At home, you can also learn how to break dance, but again, if we are talking about simple elements. Breakdance is one of the hip-hop trends, only more dynamic and requiring good sports training from the dancers.

Therefore, having decided to learn how to dance break dance at home, you first need to master hip hop: move on relaxed legs bent at the knees, and make smooth movements with your hands.

There are two types of break: lower and upper. In the first case, the dancer performs the main elements with his feet, and in the second - with his hands. Many dancers make such a virtuoso upper break that it simply captivates the audience.

At home, learning to breakdance can begin with mastering the technique of moving arms and legs. Download the tutorial video, where the basic elements are slowly disassembled, and bring them to automatism.

There are a lot of complex, almost circus elements in break dance. The dancers spin on their heads, jump and walk on their hands, freeze in complex poses for a few seconds. Without this, the break is impossible. But beginners should definitely not do any of these tricks in the first lesson. Learning to dance on your own at home with such complex elements of their hip hop is simply life threatening.

Learning to dance tectonics on our own

This type of street dance is not fundamentally different from the previous two. It is more complex, as it has absorbed many elements from other modern dances. It has break, and hip hop, and techno.

All movements are performed on relaxed legs. Therefore, if you want to learn how to dance tectonics, turn on the hip hop video lesson and learn how to move on bent legs.

In tectonics, the main elements are made by hand. In some ways they are similar to the top break, only clearer and faster. But you need to learn how to dance tectonics in the same way as breaking: first, repeat the movements in slow motion, gradually increasing the pace.

Many hand movements in tectonics are performed in sync with the knees and feet. Therefore, when some kind of complex of movements has been worked out, it must be combined with the movements of the legs. The hips also need to be involved - they will add amplitude. Synchronous performance is difficult to achieve right away, but nothing is impossible. And with regular classes, in a few months the dream of learning to dance tectonics may well come true.

Cons of learning to dance at home

Unfortunately, the idea of ​​learning to dance at home has its drawbacks. It is possible to misunderstand the basic movements of the dance and make mistakes. Bringing them to automatism, it will be difficult to relearn.

The absence of a professional trainer nearby is one of the serious drawbacks of such classes. After all, a teacher can not only put your hands and feet in the dance correctly, teach you the basic elements right away, but also make sure that you do not get injured. During classes, mentors make sure that their wards do not try to do complex elements at once.

Everyone can learn at home or club dancing, and this is not at all a crazy idea, but quite a doable task. You can take a few hours of classes from a coach at school, and then dance tectonics or hip hop at home in front of a mirror at home. Or you can start learning the basic movements from these dances on your own, and then go to improve your skills in a dance school.

Hip-hop is one of them. This youth subculture appeared in the 70s of the last century in America. Its founders were Hispanics and African Americans. Although, of course, it would be more correct to speak of it not as a dance, but as a separate style in music. But let's still figure out what hip-hop is.


Hip-hop dance has its own characteristic music, consisting of rhythmic recitative - rap - and rhythm set by a DJ, but there are compositions without vocals. Often, when creating a good rhyme, the meaning of words is lost. Dancers also have their own style of dress. Usually these are bright baseball caps with huge peaks, lowered shorts or wide trousers, big sneakers, sweatshirts. Short hairstyles predominate, and the whole outfit as a whole is complemented by massive jewelry.

How to dance hip hop

It is known that in order to learn how to do something, it is enough just to have a desire. The dance of this style has no clear restrictions and rules. Therefore, the question that often arises among beginners about how to learn to dance hip-hop at home should not cause almost any difficulties. Even when performing this dance to gangsta rap, it remains quite positive. An important role here is played by acting data, and not the movements themselves. The main goal pursued by any dancer is to attract the attention of the audience and win their sympathy.

Basic movements

Combination 1

In order to understand how to dance hip-hop, you need to learn how to perform the simplest elements, such as swing and steps. The combination described below is the most common. In order to do it, put your right foot aside, turning the sock, and at the same time stretch up with your right hand. After that, the leg needs to be bent and the entire weight of the body should be transferred to it, but the arm will need to be positioned at shoulder level. At the same time, you should stand firmly in place. Next, turn the body to the left and bend the left leg. Get down on your right knee and try to touch the floor with your hands, rounding your back. After that, straighten up. Remember that when you learn and perfect a few combinations, you yourself will be able to answer the question of how to dance hip-hop.

Combination 2

You can also perform the following combination of movements. First you need to turn your socks to the left, while slightly bending your knees. Put your hands with spread fingers on your chest and press it. At the same time, with sharp movements, push the pelvis and round the back. The body must be turned to the left or right, while straightening the back and smoothly sliding the hands down the body to the waist. To complete the exercise, tighten your buttocks, slightly raise your pelvis and round your back again. We hope that now you yourself will be able to answer the question of how to dance hip-hop.

The main desire

You must remember that the most important thing is not what movements you perform, but how you do it, with what emotions and experiences. Today you can find a lot of advice on the topic "Learning to dance hip-hop." If you wish, you can do it yourself at home, but for this you need not only to watch training videos, but also to conduct as many practical exercises as possible.

Each of us can become an excellent dancer, because the human body is downright created for dancing. Many people have a sense of rhythm, emotions corresponding to music help to create a mood, and as for movements, they can always be diversified. Those simple steps that we give out in clubs are usually not enough to express yourself through dance, impress someone who is nearby and just get a huge positive charge. So let's start learning hip-hop! Why hip hop? Because it's easy, nice, interesting, and it's also cool to be able to dance as well as Beyoncé or Justin Timberlake.

Hard in learning, cool in battle

Usually dancers working in show their skills in open combat. The so-called battle is an opportunity here and now to prove that your style is better. Also, battles contribute to the improvement of technique, the search for new movements and sequences, and the general steady growth of the dancer's skill. This technique works great in . All students, overcoming timidity at first, go to the center of the hall one on one with the "enemy" and show him, the teacher and themselves (first of all) that the lesson has been learned and progress is evident. Such “paired” performances help to painlessly record your mistakes and shortcomings, and at the same time borrow something new from colleagues.

That is why learning to dance hip-hop at home is more difficult. Results alone are not achieved so quickly. But home self-study allows you to get acquainted with its basics well.

Screen instead of a mirror

So, learn to dance hip-hop at home. To begin with, we free up space, dress more comfortably, put on sneakers. For what? Leg muscles that have become unaccustomed to regular loads can fail at the most unexpected moment, and sneakers will help to avoid sprains, the legs will warm up faster in them, therefore, there will be fewer injuries. Of course, hip-hop is no more traumatic than any other modern dance! Problems can only arise with the corners of the furniture in the room or with uneven floors. This is another reason why it is preferable to study in a special room.

But once we start, we don't stop. There are a lot of video tutorials on the Internet, it is quite difficult to choose the best one. Therefore, take my word for it and stop at the lessons from Alexander Dragon. This is not just a set of movements, but complexes developed within the framework of the author's "Quick Start" methodology. For starters, let's stretch. Let the monitor be like a mirror, repeat the movements in a mirror. Remember that a good workout is the key to the result. Let's get started!

First - to rock

In hip-hop, the concept of "groove" dominates (in Russia it is also called "kach"). This is a drive from music, rhythm and body movement to the beat. It does not matter what the mirror shows at first, the main thing is that you enjoy it and do not intend to stop. The easiest way to catch a groove is by bending your knees to the beat. Try it! And now you can get acquainted with the simple basic movements of hip-hop dance. How to study at home? Just. Watch from the Dragon!

Unity of styles

When we learn hop-hop at home, a lot of questions arise. Do I need popping or is it complicated and irrelevant? Is moving like a robot cool or not? And in what sequence to comprehend all this? Yes, it is very difficult to comprehend the depth of the cultural layer of hip-hop on your own, without a mentor. After all, you need to learn the basics, penetrate the history of movements, understand what happened from what, what has already left the dance floor, and what is just coming.

The whole palette of styles within the framework of hip-hop training can be comprehended at the Dragons school. In the hall under the guidance of experienced dancers-teachers, you can resolve all your questions and immediately get on the wave. And if after reading this text you have a desire to rock with us, we are waiting, come! We don't care about your age, height, weight or fitness level! Everyone can enjoy dancing!

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