How does Pechorin appear before us? Creation. school essays How Pechorin Chapter Bela is revealed

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Lesson topic

The image of Pechorin through the prism of heroes. Bela's story.


Get the first idea about Pechorin, understand his actions, draw up a portrait of the hero, based on the story "Bela", find in the story "Bela" the reasons for the tragedy of Grigory Pechorin.


I organizational moment. (gets up, says hello, introduces herself). I am glad of our meeting today, I think that during the lesson we will work together and make friends.

II Screening of a video film (excerpt "Climb the show's mountain - 1 minute")

III Word of the teacher. Guys, from this short passage you guessed what work and heroes will be discussed in today's lesson. So, name the work and the main character? (The novel by M.Yu. Lermontov “A Hero of Our Time”, Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin).

Write the topic of today's lesson in your notebooks. The image of Pechorin through the prism of heroes. Bela's story. (slide number 1 topic of the lesson).

Today we will discover for ourselves the image of the hero, we will understand his actions, we will draw up a portrait of the hero through the relationship of other characters to him. (slide number 2 with the objectives of the lesson).

For the lesson, I will offer you several epigraphs: this is an excerpt from a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Duma", the words of Pechorin from the novel "A Hero of Our Time", the words of the famous critic V.G. Belinsky, read them.

And we hate, and we love by chance,

Sacrificing nothing to either malice or love,

And some kind of secret cold reigns in the soul,

When the fire boils in the blood.

"Duma" by M.Yu. Lermontov

…Why did I live? For what purpose was I born? ... And, it is true, it existed, and, surely, there was a purpose for me ....

"Hero of Our Time" "Princess Mary

"M.Yu. Leromntov

This man bears his suffering: madly chasing life, looking for it everywhere; he bitterly blames himself for his delusions.

V.G. Belinsky

(slide number 3,4,5 with epigraphs).

These are epigraphs to the image of Pechorin, which one is more suitable for the image of the hero.

Let's turn to the text "I rode on perkladny..."

What did M.M. say?

So, in the center of our attention is Pechorin (I hang the name on the board), and who tells us the story about Pechorin (M.M. on the board), and what story does M.M. (Bela). And I want to hear your opinion about the hero? (reader)

Unexpectedly What is a prism? A prism is a geometric figure. A device for refraction of rays. In the same way, we will pass Pechorin's behavior and actions through the heart and soul of the heroes as through a prism.

Work with text

photo of Pechorin

Who introduces us to Pechorin for the first time? (Maxim Maksisych). Read what Maxim Maksimych says about Pechorin's appearance? (slide officer, a young man of about 25; he was so thin, white).

This is a young man, an officer who came to serve in the Caucasus.

And what is unusual about him, what surprises Maxim Maksimych? Pechorin's description is built on the reception of contrast. (one is opposed to the other). So how does Maxim Pechorin see Maxima?

(strong - weak, strange - glorious, closed - cheerful)

And what does this oddity in character say? (he is the same, does Pechorin behave in the same way in situations?) (inconsistency in character).

And how was Pechorin's life in the fortress, how did Maxim Maksimych decide to entertain Grigory Alexandrovich? (I decided to invite to the wedding of a familiar prince, where Pechorin liked the daughter of Prince Bela). What thought did Pechorin have after returning to the fortress? (steal Bela, exchanging her for the horse of the robber Kazbich).

And here is Bela in the fortress. How do you feel about this move? Why did he do it? So Pechorin pursues only his own interests

And what about Pechorin? ( at first he sought Bela's love, and then he became uninteresting) Why? Let's watch a video fragment (I have only one means left - to travel).

Fragment comment(auditory and visual memory works)

And what Pechorin himself says about himself, how he tries to explain the reason his behavior? (he says that he was not always like that, he could love, and suffer, and feel, but it turns out that society does not need real feelings, Pechorin closed up, he began to hide feelings, he put on some kind of mask, he is bored, because that he is an intelligent, deeply feeling person, subtly feels, sees falsehood, hypocrisy, but cannot correct anything, he suffers from this).

What new things do we learn about Pechorin, why does he think that he has an unhappy character? (Pechorin's story about his former life). Why do you think Maxim Maksimych does not understand Pechorin? (M.M. is an old officer, a kind but limited person, he cannot comprehend the soul of a person, looks only superficially at events.)

Maybe Pechorin's revelations will help explain his actions to us.

How did the story with Bela end (she died)

How do Maxim Maksimych and Pechorin behave after the death of Bela?

(MM mourns Bela like an ordinary person)

Working with text (preparation)

Pechorin, according to M.M., behaved strangely. Read an episode about Pechorin's behavior? (an episode in which Pechorin laughed in the eyes of Maxim Maksimych)

The beloved girl died, why is Pechorin laughing? Maybe he no longer felt sorry for Bela, he didn’t know what to do with her, and God helped?

How can you characterize Pechorin's behavior, why did he do this? (tried to defend himself, hides his impotence behind laughter, puts on a mask)

Do you understand Pechorin? What kind of person is Pechorin?

Trial of Pechorin

Pechorin is a terrible person, there is nothing human in him (he lives in his own interests to clarify), he did not worry that Bela died

Defenders (he loved Bela,), worried

You can argue for a long time, because there are many contradictions in the image of Pechorin. What will the judges tell us?

For judges Pechorin is a controversial person, he is young, but already disappointed in life, he is looking for something, However, his behavior is not clear to others.

I propose to compile a table of contradictions in Pechorin's character

Make a table in which you reflect which features of the hero appeal to you and which repel you. (slide number 16 with an empty table)

Here we have a portrait of Pechorin with contradictions in character. Who is Pechorin? Fool or villain? You will find the answer to this question by reading the entire novel.

Lesson summary

Here we have such a portrait of Pechorin. And now back to the epigraphs, which one do you think most accurately reflects the portrait of Pechorin and why? (It seems to me that the poem "Duma", because it is built on comparison, on contradiction, like Pechorin's personality)

So, we examined the image of Pechorin through the prism of other heroes and us readers, someone likes him, someone understands him, and someone treats him negatively, accusing him of all crimes. However, we cannot judge Pechorin only by one chapter. Perhaps, by analyzing the following chapters of the novel A Hero of Our Time, you will change your attitude towards the hero, or maybe not.

Thank you for your hard work, it was a pleasure to work with you. Your grades for the lesson are as follows: (marking and commenting on grades) .


I will ask two questions, the first one is easier, and the second one is for students who claim high marks.

  1. What new did you learn about Pechorin from the chapter "Maxim Maksimych"?
  2. Through whose eyes do we see Pechorin in the novel?

"Bela" - Portrait of Pecherin through the eyes of Maxim Maksimych:"A young man of about twenty-five. He was so thin, white, his uniform was so new." single-handedly went to the wild boar, but "the shutter will knock, he will shudder and turn pale"; could be silent for hours, or could be the soul of the company Knows how to play on people's weaknesses. Uses Azamat's love for money and the desire to have a horse Kazbich to achieve his goal (abduction of Bela) Stubborn, selfish, follows his desires. He tries to win Bela's love at all costs, makes a bet with Maxim Maksimych. To the reproach about Bela, he answers: “And if I like her?

"" Apparently, in childhood he was spoiled by his mother" (Maxim Maksimych about Pechorin) He has a changeable nature, cannot find his place in life. "Ignorance and simple-heartedness" of Bela bothered Pechorin, as earlier "coquetry of secular ladies." He is "bored" Ipod "Chechen bullets". He considers traveling to exotic countries - America, India, Arabia - a way out for himself.

"Maybe I'll die somewhere on the road" Remains a mysterious figure for Maxim Maksimych. Maxim Maksimych does not understand Pechorin's reaction to Bela's death - in response to consolations, Pechorin laughs.

"After all, there are, really, sort of people who are written in their family that various unusual things should happen to them" "Maxim Maksimych" Portrait of Pechorin through the eyes of the narrator Attractive appearance, strong physique "His slender, thin frame and broad shoulders proved a strong build, able to endure all the difficulties of nomadic life and climate change, not defeated by either the depravity of metropolitan life or spiritual storms" Aristocratic features. Thin pale fingers, delicate skin, pale, noble forehead. "Despite the light color of his hair, his mustache and eyebrows were black - a sign of breed in a person" The elusiveness of the image "At first glance at his face, I would not have given him more than twenty-three years, although after that I was ready to give him thirty" Extraordinary eyes . Pechorin's eyes did not laugh when he laughed - "a sign of either an evil disposition, or a deep constant sadness."

The gleam of his eyes is "dazzling, but cold." "His gaze - short, but penetrating and heavy, left an unpleasant impression of an indiscreet question and could have seemed impudent if it had not been so indifferently calm" "Taman" The tragedy of Pechorin's personality is in the gap between reason and feelings. Symbolic in this regard in the finale of "Taman" is the figure of the crying blind boy Yanko, abandoned by everyone.

Pechorin finds himself in the same position when living life, beckoning, leaves him with nothing.

Subject: M.Yu. Lermontov. "A Hero of Our Time" is a novel about an outstanding personality. Mysteries of the image of Pechorin in the story "Bela"



1.1.Revealfeatures of Pechorin's character in the course of analyzing the story and observing the behavior of the hero, show the assessment of the image of the hero by the narrator, the role of the landscape in creating character;

1.2. achieve students' understanding of the moral problems raised by the writer in the work; try to evoke a response to these questions;

1.3. develop students' ability to work with text;

    1. check reading comprehension;

      to develop the ability of students to ask questions themselves and to answer them with reason;

      develop the ability to give a comparative description of the actors;

      introduce terms: morality, problem, frivolous, irresponsible


    1. development of logical thinking;

      development of speech activity - independent related statements in oral form;

      monitor the pronunciation of students;

      develop lip reading skills

      development of independence, feelings, emotions.


3.1. to cultivate the ability to think about actions, to express one's opinion, based on interdisciplinary connections, to form an aesthetic perception.

3.2. education of honesty, kindness, a sense of duty and decency, interest in knowledge, a sense of responsibility for the results of one's work, a culture of communication.

Equipment : portrait of M.Yu. Lermontov, illustrations for the story "Bela", excerpts from the film "Bela".

Methodical methods: text analysis, teacher commentary, commented reading.

During the classes:

    Knowledge update.

Teacher: In the previous lesson, we started talking about the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time".

??? Let's remember what we learned?

(- history of creation;

- genre;

- composition).

    Formulation of the topic of the lesson and goals:

??? What will be discussed in today's lesson?

(- analysis of the story "Bela";

- a story about the personality of the protagonist of the novel Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin)

??? How can you formulate the topic of today's lesson?

Subject: "A Hero of Our Time" is a novel about an outstanding personality. Mysteries of the image of Pechorin in the story "Bela"

??? What goals can you set for yourself?

- reveal Pechorin's character traits

- get the first idea about Pechorin, understand his actions;

- draw up a portrait of the hero, based on the story "Bela".

And also answerproblem question: ?Pechorin. Who is he?

    Working with epigraphs:

For the lesson, I will offer you several epigraphs: this is an excerpt from a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Duma", the words of Pechorin from the novel "A Hero of Our Time", the words of the famous critic V.G. Belinsky, read them.

And we hate, and we love by chance,

Sacrificing nothing to either malice or love,

And some kind of secret cold reigns in the soul,

When the fire boils in the blood.

"Duma" M.Yu. Lermontov

Why did I live? For what purpose was I born?

"Hero of Our Time" "Princess Mary" M.Yu. Lermontov

This man bears his suffering: madly chasing life, looking for it everywhere; he bitterly blames himself for his delusions.

V.G. Belinsky

These are epigraphs to the image of Pechorin.

??? Which one is more suitable for the image of the hero, choose for yourself. We will return to them at the end of the lesson.

    Work on the story "Bela".

    Continue the phrase: "I read the story "Bela" and ..."

Teacher : I see that you have a lot of questions, but so far there are no answers to them. Some pages caused you bewilderment, doubt.

But the main thing is that Pechorin is in the center of our attention (the name ofPECHORIN).


We will analyze the image of Pechorin using an unusual method:THROUGH A PRISM.

??? What is a prism?

A prism is a geometric figure. A device for refraction of rays.

In the same way, we will pass Pechorin's behavior and actions through the heart and soul of the heroes as through a prism.

To help you better understand the content of the story, better understand the image of the main character, we will go on a trip to the Caucasus, and M.Yu. Lermontov will be our assistant. Our journey begins.

Frames from thin. movie number 1

So, 1837, the Caucasus, the Military - Georgian road.

??? Who do we meet along the way?

(officer, staff - captain Maxim Maksimych (The name MAXIM MAKSIMYCH is posted on the board)


What have we learned about him? Who wants to tell about Maksim Maksimych?

(Maxim Maksimych seemed about fifty years old: his swarthy complexion showed that he had long been familiar with the Caucasian sun; prematurely graying mustache did not correspond to his firm gait and cheerful appearance.

He was wearing an officer's frock coat without epaulettes and a shaggy Circassian hat; he smoked from a small Kabardian pipe, trimmed in silver).

??? Let's look at Pechorin through the eyes of Maxim Maksimovich. So how does Maxim Maksimych see Pechorin?

Characteristics of G.A. Pechorin


The officer, a young man of about twenty-five. He was thin, white, he was wearing a brand new uniform.

Maxim Maksimych about Pechorin

“He was a nice fellow, I dare to assure you; just a little weird. After all, for example, in the rain, in the cold, hunting all day; everyone will get cold, tired - but nothing to him. And another time he sits in his room, the wind smells, he assures that he has caught a cold; the shutter will knock, he will shudder and turn pale ... "

Pechorin about himself

“I became bored: pleasures were disgusting, society was tired, love was annoying, my heart turned out to be empty, science was also tired”

"Life is emptyer day by day."

"My soul is corrupted by the light."

“I am a fool or a villain, I do not know; but it is true that I am also very worthy of pity, perhaps more than she: in me the soul is corrupted by light, the imagination is restless, the heart is insatiable; everything is not enough for me: I get used to sadness just as easily as to pleasure, and my life becomes emptier day by day ... "


G.A. Pechorin is the culprit and victim of the tragedy.

He is worthy of pity (pity, compassion).

??? Explain what is the strangeness of Pechorin?

Strangeness - unusual in actions, habits, views

???? What character trait of G. Pechorin are these lines talking about?

1. “In the rain, in the cold, hunting all day; everyone will be cold, tired - but nothing to him ... "

(strong, enduring).

    “Another time he sits in his room, the wind smells, he assures that he has caught a cold; the shutters will rattle, he will shudder and turn pale.(weak, defenseless; confusion, fright)

    "... went to the boar one on one." (courage, fearlessness)

    “... it used to be that you couldn’t get a word for whole hours ...” (silent, taciturn)

    “... but sometimes, as soon as he starts talking, you will tear your tummies with laughter”

(cheerful, sociable)


On the one hand - strong, hardy, courageous, fearless, sociable, cheerful

On the other hand - weak, defenseless, confusion, fear, silent, loneliness

???? What does it say? (About the controversial character)

??? And how was Pechorin's life in the fortress, how did Maxim Maksimych decide to entertain Grigory Alexandrovich? (I decided to invite to the wedding of a familiar prince, where Pechorin liked the daughter of Prince Bela).

Frames from thin. movie number 2

5. Work in groups

For further work, you need to choose colored leaves (leaves of the following colors: white, black, yellow, red)

Students choose colored papers.

????? Now unite by color, i.e. we got groups.

Assignment: to tell how the relationship between Pechorin and Bela developed. But each group speaks from its own point of view.

1 group - WHITE

You have chosen white.White color suggests paper, a white blank sheet of paper. In this mode of thinking, we are only interested in facts,that is, we look at everything only from the point of view of facts and figures. You paint a picture of the relationship of the characters DIFFERENTLY.

Sample answer: So, Pechorin, seeing Bela at the wedding, where they were invited with Maxim Maksimych, was captivated by her unusual beauty and the mystery that made him think about the possibility of winning Bela's heart.

Having found an approach to Azamat, Bela's brother, promising him in exchange for the sister of the horse Kazbich Karagyoz, which Azamat had long dreamed of, Pechorin gets Bela without much effort.

In order to win over Bela, Pechorin uses all means: he gives her presents, offers to let her go home if she loves another, begs to love him, threatens, finally, that she will leave forever and will seek death under bullets.

Pechorin got his way: Bela fell in love with him, but Pechorin himself very soon lost interest in her (only 4 months had passed). Bela's sadness and reproaches only irritated him.

Bela learns that Kazbich killed her father. Once, when Bela came out of the fortress to take a walk to the river, Kazbich guarded her, took her away, and when he saw that Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych were overtaking him, he struck Bela with a mortal blow with a dagger. Bela died two days later.

Maxim Maksimych and Pechorin buried Bela. Kazbich and Azamat were never seen again. After that, Pechorin leaves, and Maxim Maksimych remains. That's the whole simple and rather ordinary story of a mountain woman and a Russian officer. That's the only way it could end.

2 group - RED

Red color allows us to look at everything that happened only on an EMOTIONAL level.

Sample answer:Love is the most beautiful feeling, it cannot be approved or condemned. After all, it's wonderful that Pechorin fell in love with Bela. It was impossible not to fall in love with her: “tall, thin, black eyes, like those of a mountain chamois, looked into your soul”, - says Maxim Maksimych. "How she dances! How he sings! And embroiders with gold - a miracle! Azamat praises her.

Pechorin - Well done! He knows how to approach a woman, how to achieve her location. They can only be admired. His generosity knows no bounds - he filled Bela with gifts. He is eloquent, subtle in handling, smart, resourceful, he is one of those men who always like women.

Bela is truly amazing: she cries and laughs, is sad and dances, in fear for her life, Pechorin jumps up and throws herself on his neck. Pechorin reproaches that he fell out of love with his "Dzhanechka", but at the same time "she became so prettier that it was a miracle."

Did Pechorin fall out of love with Bela, no, but he loves calmer, colder, Bela’s love is not enough for him to fill his life. But this is understandable: love is not always the same, it develops, changes.

Pechorin's love for Bela ended tragically. But love and death are always very close to each other. Ah, how Pechorin went through: he turned pale, lost weight, but you can’t suffer forever - life is life. It seems to us: a person like Pechorin will definitely meet another love on his way and be happy. In life, everything is merged together: both joys and sufferings. A person is emotional by nature, therefore, all kinds of movements of the soul are characteristic of him.

3 group - BLACK

Let's look at the events through black glasses and see that everything is very BAD and TRAGIC. There is not a single bright moment in the relationship between Pechorin and Bela.

Sample Answer:

Of course, Pechorin did not love Bela and could not love. Nothing would ever come out of these relations: they are too different, there is much that separates them. Pechorin is burdened by their relationship immediately after Bela's abduction. He spent too much energy to win her favor. Love is always suffering, tragedy.

Pechorin suffers first from love for Bela, then from disappointment in love, then from Bela's obsession, then that he has lost his freedom. It seems to us that he was glad when he was freed from the captivity of relations with Bela.

Bela also looks unworthy in this whole story: she flirts with a Russian officer, violating the customs of her people, yields to Pechorin too quickly, says humbly: “I am your prisoner ... your slave ... you can force me ... ". And Pechorin is attracted not by a slave, but by a proud woman.

Too quickly Bela forgets her brother, she doesn't cry for long about her father, she regrets that she is not a Christian, i.e. wants to renounce his faith.

Pechorin was not very sad about Bel. “His face did not express anything special,” and reacted to Maxim Maksimych’s consolations in the spirit of his character: “he raised his head and laughed.” He leaves and forgets this story. That's the way it should have been.

4 group - YELLOW

How terrible it would be to live in the world if all people always wore only black, were pessimists. But, fortunately, in life, in addition to the shadow, there is also the sun, and besides malice, there is goodness. And in the most gloomy situation, you can see something POSITIVE, OPTIMISTIC. Let's look at the yellow color, the color of the sun, and the sun is even where there was once a shadow.

Sample answer:

What is positive in the relationship between Pechorin and Bela. First, the appearance of Bela in his life created at least some purpose. We believe that Bela, albeit for a while, made up his happiness. And a person should once feel happy.

Pechorin needs the love of a young pure being, this feeling will enrich his inner world, cleanse his soul, make him think not only about himself. Yes, they were happy - says Maxim Maksimych. For four months everything went well: Pechorin did not even go hunting, he sat next to Bela.

Feelings woke up in Pechorin, which he, perhaps, had not known before: compassion, pity, tenderness; Bela's illness and death filled his whole being with care and love.

His grief is sincere, although it does not look like the usual manifestation of human feelings. We think that he also had a feeling of remorse: he was ill for a long time, lost weight and turned pale. This story revealed the best qualities of Pechorin's soul.

Bela's love for Pechorin also demonstrates her best human and feminine traits. Her behavior throughout this story makes Maksim Maksimych, who had a low opinion of the mountain women, "respect himself, and with him the women of his people." Bela knows how to love passionately and forever: Pechorin alone makes up the meaning of her life. Not every girl can love like that. Bela was able to defeat Pechorin: an illiterate savage, who lived by love alone, obeying her master-lover, before her death turns out to be a proud woman, full of human dignity.

??? Such a method of observing the same situation WHAT gives us? Make a conclusion?

CONCLUSION: We looked at the same situation from all sides. We are all different and it is important to take into account the opinion of everyone, to listen to everyone.

Let's return to the main character - Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin.

??? Use stickers to mark one of the main features of the hero. Justify your choice (We glue stickers on the board with the name PECHORIN).

Task: Make a table of Pechorin's character contradictions, in which you will reflect which features of the hero appeal to you and which repel you.


The ability for a passionate, deep feeling

Kindness, attentive attitude (if desired) to another person



Quick mood swings



Frames from thin. Movie No. 3 (Turn on for 2 min. 34 sec.)

CONCLUSION: Here we have a portrait of Pechorin with contradictions in character. Who is Pechorin?

You will find the answer to this question by reading the entire novel.

Teacher: At the end of the lesson, I would like to read a poem by Margarita Myslyakova "Reading" the hero of our time "

How can a person be black
and disgusting as hell!
No, I don't like Pechorin,
whose image was passed at school.

I want people to be white
men so that at least
did not leave poor Bela,
did not humiliate tender Mary.

And so sometimes dreaming
validate your thesis:
bad hero Lermontov
drew, albeit brilliantly.

But the world of my assessment is small,
My approach is not quite familiar.
Pechorin, they will say, is interesting,
Pechorin, they say, is cute!

Answer directly, without deceit:
Is the positive type in use?
Good characters in novels
boring at times and stilted.

And the reader's gaze is blinkered,
all subordinated to acute topics.
And many people like Pechorin -
this unenlightened demon.


    Here we have such a portrait of Pechorin. Which epigraph would you choose for our lesson? Has he changed since the lesson?

    So, we examined the image of Pechorin through the prism of other heroes and us readers, someone likes him, someone understands him, and someone treats him negatively, accusing him of all crimes. However, we cannot judge Pechorin only by one chapter. Perhaps, by analyzing the following chapters of the novel A Hero of Our Time, you will change your attitude towards the hero, or maybe not.


Homework: read the stories "Maxim Maksimych", "Taman". Answer the question: what new of these stories do we learn about Pechorin?

Lesson topic (series, 2 lessons)

The image of Pechorin through the prism of heroes. Bela's story.


Get the first idea about Pechorin, understand his actions, draw up a portrait of the hero, based on the story "Bela", find in the story "Bela" the reasons for the tragedy of Grigory Pechorin.


We continue to work on the psychological novel.

How many parts are in this novel?

Introduction to the topic

Before us is "Bela" - "oriental story"

Where does the story take place?

Who is the main character?

Who tells Bela's story?

After reading the first chapter, you managed to notice a lot of unfamiliar words.

Let's turn to the explanatory dictionary, find the meaning of some words

Working with a table

Choose a description for each character

Maskim Maksimych

He was wearing an officer's frock coat without an epaulette and a shaggy Circassian hat. He seemed about fifty; his swarthy complexion showed that he had long been familiar with the Transcaucasian sun, and his prematurely gray mustache did not correspond to his firm gait and cheerful appearance.

officer, a young man of about twenty-five. He was so thin, white, his uniform was so new. He was a nice fellow, I dare to assure you; just a little weird.

his face was the most predatory: small, dry, broad-shouldered.

the younger daughter of the owner, a girl of about sixteen. she was beautiful: tall, thin, her eyes black, like those of a mountain chamois, looked into our souls.

a boy of fifteen. there was a thug, nimble at whatever you want: whether to raise his hat at full gallop, or to shoot from a gun. One thing was not good about him: he was terribly greedy for money.

The image of Pechorin

Who introduces us to Pechorin for the first time? (Maxim Maksisych).

Read what Maxim Maksimych says about Pechorin's appearance? (a young man of about 25; he was so thin, white).

This is a young man, an officer who came to serve in the Caucasus.

And what is unusual about him, what surprises Maxim Maksimych?

So how does Maxim Pechorin see Maxima?

(strong - weak, strange - glorious, withdrawn - cheerful)

And what do these oddities in character say? (he is the same, does Pechorin behave in the same way in situations?) (inconsistency in character).

Brief retelling

How did events unfold in this story?

Your homework was to prepare a plan of events

Put the items in the plan in order

The meeting of the narrator and Maxim Maksimych

Maxim Maksimych tells the story of his acquaintance with Pechorin

Pechorin's arrival at the fortress

Prince's wedding invitation

Meeting with Bela

Quarrel between Azamat and Kazbich

Pechorin's conspiracy with Azamat

Theft of Bela in exchange for the horse Karagez

Pechorin takes care of Bela, gives her gifts, dresses her like a doll

Bela falls in love with Pechorin

Pechorin soon gets used to Bela, he gets bored, he hunts all day

The unexpected appearance of Kazbich

Maxim Maksimych and Pechorin go hunting

Revenge of Kazbich: the theft of Bela and her injury

Bela's death

Pechorin's departure to Georgia.

Lesson summary

Today we met with an unusual hero, with his controversial character

Did you like this hero? Why?

D / s to prepare a retelling of the relationship between Bela and Pechorin

Actualization (viewing an episode from a movie)

Content Conversation

Who tells the story of Bela and Pechorin?

How does Bela end up at Pechorin's?

Why does Pechorin decide to kidnap Bela?

Why is Pechorin's love for Bela doomed?

How does Pechorin achieve Bela's love?

Does Pechorin love Bela?

Why did Pechorin fall out of love with Bela?

Introduction of the new concept of "introspection"

Support your answer to the last question with words from the text.

In this passage, Pechorin talks about his life, tries to evaluate his actions, strive to understand himself. This technique is called introspection. It is used in psychology.

What do we learn about Pechorin?

“I have an unhappy character; Whether my upbringing made me that way, whether God created me that way, I don’t know; I only know that if I am the cause of the misfortune of others, then I myself am no less unhappy ... I began to enjoy furiously all the pleasures that money can get, and, of course, these pleasures disgusted me. Then I set off into the big world, and soon I also got tired of society; I fell in love with secular beauties and was loved - but their love only irritated my imagination and pride, and my heart remained empty ... I began to read, study - science also got tired ... I'm a fool or a villain, I don't know; but it is true that I am also very pitiable…”

What literary hero does Pechorin look like? (Eugene Onegin)

What do they have in common? (Upbringing, occupation, boring monotonous life)

Compilation of a comparative table

Let's try to compare our heroes

Eugene Onegin

Grigory Pechorin


25 years old: "...a young man of about twenty-five..."


Heroes' eyes

"... As soon as I remember the cold look..."

"...Brown eyes<...>they didn't laugh when he laughed!




Both grew up in luxury

"... I began to enjoy madly all the pleasures that you can get for money ..."

Characters of heroes

Both are strange

"...Inimitable oddity..."

"just a little weird."

Both are tired of beauties

<...>my heart is empty...

Both are tired of the sciences

Both are unhappy

“… But was my Eugene happy […]? No: early feelings in him cooled down ... "

Fill the table

Eugene Onegin

Grigory Pechorin


26 years old: "... Having lived without a goal, without labor / Until the age of twenty-six ..."


Follows the fashion: “...Cut off according to the latest fashion; / How a London dandy is dressed...»

Good-looking: "... he was generally very good-looking ..."

Heroes' eyes

Origin and Occupation of Heroes


Both grew up in luxury

"... Having fun and luxury a child ..." "... Among everyday pleasures ..."

Characters of heroes

Both are strange

"just a little weird."

Both are tired of beauties

"... The beauties were not long / The subject of his habitual thoughts ..."

“... fell in love with secular beauties and was loved - but<...>my heart is empty...

Both are tired of the sciences

“... I read and read, but it was all to no avail [...] / Like women, he left books ...”

Both are unhappy

“... if I am the cause of the misfortune of others, then I myself am no less unhappy ...”


What is the problem with our heroes? (open-ended question)

The heroes have a contradictory character, they are spoiled by the high society, they have no purpose in life, they are full of all the pleasures. They get everything easily, so they quickly lose interest.

The image of Pechorin in the chapter "Bela" from "a hero of our time" and received the best answer

Answer from Lilia Aminova[guru]
In the story "Bela" Pechorin is shown as a typical representative of a secular society. This is especially pronounced due to the opposition of the hero to the highlanders - "children of nature". Bela, Kazbich, Azamat live in harmony with the environment, which Pechorin really lacks. In the story, the image of the hero looks unattractive, since Maxim Maksimych simply states the facts without giving them any assessment, so the hero appears as a ruthless and callous person. And this is not surprising, because Pechorin kidnaps Bela, without thinking about the consequences for her, about what tears her away from her home. Such an act can only be justified by very strong love, and Pechorin does not experience it. He says to Maxim Maksimych: “The love of a savage woman is little better than the love of a noble lady ... I'm bored with her." The hero is indifferent to the feelings of others, his attitude towards love, shown in the story, serves as proof of this. If we judge Pechorin by the first story, this is a monster, but Lermontov makes the reader look at the hero from the other side, with his own eyes, and in the short story "Taman" the story goes to Pechorin himself. It is in it that a complete and clear psychological portrait of the hero appears.

Answer from Verochka Kruglova[newbie]
liters. RU
EVERYTHING is there!

Answer from Dima Avotin[active]
Pechorin Grigory Alexandrovich is the main character of the novel. It is him Lermontov calls "the hero of our time." The author himself notes the following: "The Hero of Our Time ... is like a portrait, but not of one person: it is a portrait made up of the vices of our entire generation, in their full development." This character cannot be called positive or negative. He is rather a typical representative of his time.
P. is smart and well educated. He feels great strength in his soul, which he wasted in vain. "In this futile struggle, I exhausted both the heat of the soul and the constancy of the will necessary for real life; I entered this life, having already experienced it mentally, and I became bored and disgusting, like someone who reads a bad imitation of a book he has long known" . The author expresses the inner qualities of the hero through his appearance. P.'s aristocracy is shown through the thinness of his pale fingers. When walking, he does not swing his arms - this is how the secrecy of his nature is expressed. P.'s eyes didn't laugh when he laughed. This can be called a sign of constant spiritual drama. The inner throwing of the hero was especially clearly reflected in his attitude towards women. He steals the young Circassian Bela from her parents' house, enjoys her love for some time, but then she bothers him. Bela is dying. He long and methodically attracts the attention of Princess Mary. They are driven only by the desire to completely possess someone else's soul. When the hero seeks her love, he says that he is not going to marry her. At Mineralnye Vody, P. meets Vera, a woman who has loved him for many years. We learn that he tore out her entire soul. P. is sincerely interested, but he gets bored extremely quickly, and he leaves people like a flower plucked along the way. This is the deep tragedy of the hero. Finally realizing that no one and nothing can make up the meaning of his life, P. is waiting for death. He found her on the road, on his return from Persia.

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