Which heat gun is better to buy for the house. Which heat gun is better to choose: an overview of types, characteristics and models

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Heat guns are a mobile electric fan heater with which you can heat a garage, house or apartment. There are thermal guns of direct and indirect (indirect) heating. It is the second type of equipment that is considered safer and suitable for residential premises.

The thermal gun can be used in two different situations. It can be both the only and additional source of heat generation:

  • in the first case, during the winter, a household heat electric gun for the home is a great heater for the garage! And not only. In construction work, when fast intensive drying of the finish is needed, heat guns play an important role;
  • in the second case - there is work in the winter and in shops, and in offices, and in trade pavilions. Also, a large workshop of an enterprise or a hangar can be equipped with electric guns; many supermarkets use similar industrial directional fan heaters for heating.

Prices for heat guns vary, as there is a device for car parking, and there is one for the airport, warming up the runway.

For car owners, heat guns will play an excellent service (for example, Timberk TIH R2 5K). In severe frosts, not every car starts the first time. Therefore, the device for car rooms performs the main service in warming up a frozen car. Literally in 10 minutes, a hot stream directed to the hood from a heat gun brings the car into a combat-ready state. Especially popular are guns with a timer and thermostat, which do not require constant monitoring of the operation of the unit.

There is another option. Often among men there are lovers - car mechanics. Such men do not leave their locksmith machines in technical rooms, even in severe frost. The garage heater is suitable for amateur locksmiths in full, as it will not only warm the air in the garage / outbuilding / barn to an acceptable temperature. At the same time, such a thermal electric gun will be able to raise the temperature of surrounding objects, which means that metals will not burn hands with cold. A water stationary thermal gun is also perfect for this option.

In other words, an air thermal electric gun for technical rooms will be the best winter purchase for any man if:

  • you have an unheated room for a car, and at sufficiently low temperatures your car will not start;
  • you have an unheated non-residential premises in which turning and plumbing (or other) equipment is installed, and you need to work at low temperatures.

Other types of heat guns

Industrial guns can also be liquid fuel. This is a diesel gun, gasoline or diesel fuel thermal gun. Diesel is characterized by low cost and the lowest consumption, which makes diesel-fueled units the most beneficial for users. The gas air gun has been widely used for the installation of stretch ceilings, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of the craftsmen. And for faster heating of premises, including greenhouses, ceramic heat guns are used.

You can choose and order inexpensive thermal guns with delivery in Moscow and Russian regions in the online store site.

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Heat guns are used to quickly warm up unheated or poorly heated rooms during the cold season. Compared to other heating options, heat guns are the fastest, cheapest, and most effective way to raise the temperature in a room.

Which heat gun is better

There are three types of heat guns, depending on the principle of air heating used, these are electric, gas and diesel. Electric guns are suitable for raising the temperature in residential areas, while gas and diesel guns are best used only in non-residential and well-ventilated areas. Each heat gun has its pros and cons, and you can evaluate them by looking at the rating of the best heat guns.

They operate on the same operating principle as conventional fans. The difference in design, power and performance, guns are much better at handling heat.

Electric heat guns are ideal for heating residential areas because they do not emit harmful compounds and do not affect the quality and cleanliness of indoor air in any way. As heating elements, a spiral or ceramic plates are used.


The efficiency of such guns is much higher than that of electric guns, so they can be used in large rooms. But it is important that this room has good ventilation and constant access to fresh air. Also, when working with gas, safety precautions should be observed, as it is explosive.


For heating, a diesel engine and liquid fuel are used. There are two types of diesel guns - with direct and indirect heating. In guns with direct heating, combustion products immediately enter the surrounding air, so they must be used in ventilated rooms. In guns with indirect heating, the products of combustion are only partially released into the air, so they can be used in rooms with medium ventilation.

There are also infrared diesel heaters that do not heat the air, but objects that are in the room.

The best electric heat guns

This is an electric heat gun with a ceramic heating element. She has two power levels - 1 and 2 kW., This is enough to increase the temperature in a room of 20 square meters. meters, 43 degrees. The gun itself weighs only 3.5 kilograms, so it can be easily carried between rooms. The model is suitable for heating small living spaces because it is safe, compact and convenient to use.

  • There are two power levels;
  • Compactness and lightness.
  • Cannot be used around the clock, after 22 hours of operation a break is required to cool the heating element;
  • There is no temperature indicator, so the gun cannot turn off and cool down on its own when overheated.

Eugene, 54 years old. This gun is not suitable for professional use as it lacks power. I constantly use it more as a heater in rooms where the design of the heater is not important, such as the basement, garage. For its price, a fairly high-quality assembly and a compact size and normal power. Overall happy with the purchase.

The electric heat gun, unlike the previous model, reaches a power of 5 kW, which allows you to heat the room more quickly, but at the same time, according to the manufacturer, it can only increase the temperature by 40 degrees.

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It is also impossible to use this gun around the clock, after 24 hours of operation it must be turned off and cooled for two to three hours. The capacity of this gun is 400 cubic meters of warm air per hour, which is about three times more than the previous model. But the increase in power affects the size of the device itself, it weighs more than 6 kilograms and is not so compact.

  • High performance and power of work;
  • Possibility to use it continuously 24 hours.
  • Size and weight, this cannon is difficult to carry between rooms;
  • The absence of a temperature sensor, so it is necessary to constantly monitor the temperature of the gun so that it does not overheat.

Anna, 35 years old. We bought a cannon for the house to quickly heat the rooms. We tried, as a result, from a temperature of -2 to 27 degrees, a room of 16 square meters. meters warmed up in an hour, then tried in the kitchen, 10 sq. meters in about 40 minutes. At the same time, I heated at a power of 5 kW. After the test drive, I thought about buying a second one of the same kind to heat the rooms faster, an indispensable thing, especially if there is no wood heating in the country house!

This heat gun is similar in its characteristics to the first option, but it has a significant advantage - it is compact, the model weighs only 1.7 kilograms. Otherwise, its power reaches the level of 2 kW, and the productivity of warm air is 130 cubic meters per hour. It is not recommended to use it in rooms with a large area, as it will take several hours to heat them up.

  • The presence of a drip thermostat, with high heating, the gun should automatically turn off for cooling;
  • Possibility of use in residential premises;
  • Compact and lightweight, the heat gun weighs less than two kilograms and even a child can carry it.
  • Low power and performance, it takes more than a few hours to heat large rooms;
  • Do not use the cannon continuously for longer than 20-22 hours.

Oleg, 43 years old. The manufacturer claims that there is a capillary thermostat, I did not find it. At the same time, there is a thermostat in the gun at the same level as in a conventional iron, which does not work to heat the air, but to heat the body. Another significant drawback is that the mode switches are not set to current, the input wires are simply inserted and pressed by spring-loaded plates. Also, when the thermostat is activated, the fan turns off at the same time as the heating element. But if you refine it, then for your money it’s a pretty good device.

According to its technical characteristics, the model compares favorably with the previous versions. Its peculiarity is that when heated, it does not dehydrate the air, so it can be used for an apartment without additional problems.

In addition, despite the low power - 2 kW., It has a fairly high performance of warm air - 190 cubic meters per hour. This is enough to warm a small room to a comfortable temperature in an hour. It can also be used both for a summer house and for a garage, because it is compact and easy to carry.

  • There is an air humidity control system, that is, when using this heat gun, the air in the room will remain with normal humidity;
  • There is a thermal control, that is, the gun will automatically turn off when overheated, this will help to avoid fires and short circuits;
  • Lightweight and compact - this gun is easy to carry between rooms.
  • Loud fan that is very audible during operation.

Artem, 32 years old. I bought it to heat the locker room at the facility, this is a basement with bare concrete, an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 12 square meters. meters. With the help of a cannon, I heated it up to a comfortable temperature in about two hours, while the room became very warm, during the night even wet clothes and shoes on hangers had time to dry. A month has passed since the purchase, I use it around the clock, without turning it off, until it fails, but there are several drawbacks. When operating at 1 kW, it blows cold air from below. The fan is also very loud, you can hear the roar at night. Insensitive thermostat.

Unlike the previous ones, this is a gas heat gun. Therefore, by using a different principle for heating, it is more efficient. Its maximum power is 10 kW. and the productivity of warm air is 300 cubic meters per hour.

The package of this gun includes a thermal sensor and protection against overheating, that is, when the permissible temperature level is exceeded, this device automatically turns off. This avoids dangerous situations. Its disadvantage is that there is no fuel indication level, so it is impossible to determine how much fuel will last and when to change the cylinder. But fuel consumption can be roughly calculated from the manufacturer's data, he claims that no more than 0.86 kilograms of gas is consumed per hour.

Since this gun is gas heated, it should not be used in residential areas, it is only suitable for a garage that has good ventilation, as well as for technical work.

These installations got their name because of their appearance, reminiscent of the barrel of a gun and "aiming" work in the intended area.

Heat guns are used where there is a need to quickly warm up the air in the absence of other sources of heating.

Most often they are found at construction sites, warehouses, cottages and garages. Stretch ceiling installers also cannot do without them. For the installation of a heat-shrinkable fabric, a powerful heat flow is required. A heat gun for a house is necessary at the stage of completion of construction before turning on the main heating.

In this article, we will consider the existing types of these devices, their main characteristics and features of choice. A brief overview of manufacturers will help you choose the best equipment in terms of price and quality.

The classification of this type of heat generators is based on two main features:

  • type of energy carrier;
  • heating method (direct, indirect).

Depending on the type of energy carrier, heat generating guns are:

  • Diesel;
  • gas;
  • Electrical;
  • water;
  • Multi-fuel (used motor or transformer oil).

The gradation according to the method of heating (direct or indirect) applies only to installations operating on liquid and gaseous fuels.

With direct heating, the burnt fuel, together with air, is supplied to the room. The heat flow not purified from combustion products carries with it toxic substances and carbon dioxide. For this reason, direct heat guns are not used in rooms with constant presence of people.

Installations with indirect heating are more versatile in this respect. Their products of combustion are discharged from the chamber into the atmosphere without polluting the air.

According to the method of heat transfer, fan and infrared devices are distinguished. In the first, the supply of warm air is carried out by a fan.

The second type of installation transfers the generated energy directly by radiation in the infrared range and for this reason does not need a fan.

Infrared heat is created here in two ways: by burning fuel (gas, diesel fuel) and then heating a ceramic emitter or a hot electric coil.

Diesel and gas fan heat guns

The main element of this equipment is the combustion chamber. Its walls heat the air pumped by the fan through the outer pipe. Gases are discharged from the working chamber into the atmosphere. The principle of operation of an indirect heat generator is illustrated in the following figure.

Working principle of indirect diesel heat gun

Electrical installations

Heat generators powered by the mains differ from fuel ones in that instead of a combustion chamber, they use a heating element (thermal electric heater). It is placed in a protective casing (tubular or rectangular) and is blown by a fan.

Electrical thermal installation. Instead of a combustion chamber heating element

In addition to the heater and fan, the design of fuel and electric heat guns includes control and automation units. They allow you to set the desired power, control the heating process and protect the installation from fire.

Water heat guns

Unlike mobile fuel devices, water heat generators are placed permanently. They need hot water from the central heating system to operate. It circulates inside the coil, located in the housing, and blown by a powerful fan.

The water heat gun is powered by a hot water supply network

A thermostat is used to control the operation of a water heat generator. He turns on the fan and opens the faucet that supplies hot water to the heat exchanger.

Multi-fuel systems

Multi-fuel plants operate on diesel fuel, fuel oil, kerosene, waste motor or transformer oil. Occasionally there are special models that use a heating element as a backup source of heat.

The scope of application of multi-fuel plants operating on the principle of direct heating is limited. They are placed in rooms where people are not constantly and it is required to maintain a positive temperature and low humidity. Devices with indirect heating can be operated without restrictions.


It is impossible to answer the question of how to choose a heat gun without having an idea about the technical characteristics of the device.

The main indicator of this category of equipment is power (kW). Considering models powered by electricity, one more parameter must be taken into account - the supply voltage.

Units up to 5 kW are rated for 220 volts. For more productive units (6-45 kW), three phases (380 V) are required.

The power range of diesel and gas installations is from 10 to 120 kW. For convenience of choice, some models indicate one more parameter - the maximum heating area (m2).

For fuel guns, the characteristics must indicate the fuel consumption for 1 hour of operation (kg / h, l / h).

Air consumption or airflow (m3/h) is another value used by manufacturers. This is analogous to the heating area. It shows the volume of the room that the unit is able to warm up in 1 hour of operation.

According to the air flow, the devices under consideration are divided into three categories:

  • up to 200 m3/h;
  • from 200 to 400 m3/h;
  • more than 400 m3/h.

In the description of the characteristics of water heat guns, you can find another characteristic - the length of the air jet in meters. This term refers to the maximum range of heat supply.

How to choose a heat gun?

Having studied the existing designs and technical characteristics of these devices, you can move on to the question of choosing the best option.

As we have already said, direct heating installations are not suitable for housing. In a small garage, you can’t put such an installation either. The need for constant ventilation of the room from combustion products leads to large heat losses.

Another thing is a gas or diesel installation with indirect heating. Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere without poisoning the air in the room.

In terms of fire, an electric heat gun is safer than a fuel one. In terms of environmental friendliness, it also has no equal. The only negative is that the cost of the generated heat is higher than that of gas devices.

We also note that electrical appliances, among other things, differ in their shape: they are cylindrical and rectangular. In cylindrical heat guns, a heating coil is installed, which very quickly reaches the operating temperature. In combination with a cylindrical body that creates a powerful air flow, this allows you to warm up or dry the room very quickly.

Nevertheless, the use of cylindrical devices in residential areas is undesirable, since dust adhering to the spiral causes unpleasant odors and oxygen burning. For office and residential premises, it is worth giving preference to rectangular heat guns. The heating elements in them are heating elements, which heat up gradually, provide smoother and more comfortable heating.

Water heat generators are designed for heating large areas. These are powerful devices that are not suitable for use in private housing.

For heating greenhouses and warehouses remote from centralized heating networks, it is advantageous to use multi-fuel systems and gas heat generators.

The dependence of the power of the heat gun on the volume of the room

To select the power of heat guns, you can use the data in the table. It shows the dependence of the power of devices on the volume of premises of residential buildings and greenhouses (taking into account the quality of thermal insulation).

There is another approximate way to select the power of the heat generator. For space heating (ceiling height below 3 meters), 1 kW of power is required per 10 m2 of area.

Prices. Manufacturers. Models

Talking about which heat gun is best for you will be pointless if you do not consider the specific models and prices of this equipment.

There are a lot of companies producing fan heaters. Someone when choosing is guided by the reputation of the brand. Another is looking for a cheaper product. Many are interested in a product with certain parameters and functions recommended by friends.

Let's start with the most common version of this equipment, best suited for heating domestic premises - with electric heat guns. The following brands are widely known and have a well-deserved positive reputation: Ballu, Resanta, Timberk, Quattro Elementi, Neoclima, Hyundai, Interskol, Elitech.

Ballu BKX-5– a budget and compact model with a power of 3 kW in a rectangular case. The cost for 2018-2019 is about 2500 rubles. It has a built-in thermostat, two power levels and a ventilation mode without heating. Perfect for heating small rooms 20-30 m2.

Resanta TEP-5000K– a device with a power of 5 kW in a round case. The cost is about 4000 rubles. Powered by 380 V. Suitable for heating small warehouses, industrial premises and garages.

Since prices for devices of the same power often differ slightly, be sure to pay attention to the reviews and reputation of the manufacturer when choosing. If possible, make sure of the quality of the assembly and the materials from which the device and its elements are made. Additional pluses will be the presence of a power cord in the kit and an extended warranty period.

When comparing different models, do not forget to consider options that increase the usability of the equipment. These include ease of carrying and installation, the ability to adjust the power (2 or 3 steps), the presence of a ventilation mode without turning on the heating, and others.

Of the manufacturers of gas-powered devices, brands can be noted: Master, Caliber, SPECIAL, as well as the already mentioned Resanta, Ballu, Quattro Elementi.

MASTER BLP 17M- a popular model with an adjustable heat output of 10-16 kW is designed for heating various technical premises (warehouses, garages, workshops), as well as for drying ceiling walls, installing stretch ceilings. Estimated cost in 2018-2019 in the region of 9200 rubles.

In addition to electric and gas heaters, firms Ballu, Quattro Elementi , Resanta, Master produce trusted models of diesel devices. Brands can also be added to this list. Profteplo and Aurora.

Quattro Elementi QE-25D 25kW direct heating model, fuel consumption 2.2 kg/h. Suitable for heating warehouses and industrial premises with good ventilation, as combustion products are released into the surrounding space, it is also used during construction work. One device is able to heat an area up to 120 m2. Estimated cost 21,000 rubles.

Indirectly heated diesel heaters, which allow combustion products to be diverted outside the heated room, are much more expensive. Eg, Ballu BHDN-20(power 20 kW) costs from 32,000 rubles.

Task: to quickly organize efficient space heating in an electrified building, spending a minimum of money on heating equipment. The solution is a diesel heat gun of the required power, capable of raising the temperature of the cold air in the room in the shortest possible time. The problem of choice remains - before buying, you should familiarize yourself with the existing types of heaters, the principle of operation, the advantages and disadvantages of various models.

Three types of diesel heaters

The combustion of diesel fuel for space heating has been practiced for a long time. Remember, at least, air stoves of the OV-65 type, installed on army closed trucks of the Ural and ZiL brands. New diesel heat generators use a similar principle, only they are made from modern materials and equipped with electronic automation.

The forerunner of modern heating guns is an automobile diesel stove placed on a stationary frame.

A solar heat gun burns diesel and heats air driven through a cylindrical combustion chamber by an axial fan. According to the method of heating and the emission of flue gases, the products are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Direct fired guns emit smoke into a heated room. Accordingly, the use of such air heaters inside the dwelling is unacceptable.
  2. Heat generators of indirect heating are equipped with a side branch pipe for connecting a chimney and removing combustion products to the outside.
  3. Infrared heating devices also pollute the air by releasing exhaust gases into the room. The difference from previous models is the increased area of ​​the heating plate, which produces radiant heat.

Reference. Among the manufacturers of heat guns, we highlight several proven brands: Master, Aurora, Ballu, Elitech, Zubr. The range of heating capacities of household units is 10 ... 30 kW, industrial models of thermal guns develop a capacity of up to 150 kW.

You can find out the type of heater by its appearance - devices of indirect action are equipped with a chimney, and infrared ones - with a perforated reflector of large diameter

Let us consider in detail the device of each type of heaters, then we will analyze their pros and cons.

Principle of direct heating

A gun of this type consists of the following elements:

  • a cylindrical body of the heater and a tank with diesel fuel are attached to the metal frame (usually equipped with wheels);
  • in front of the housing there is a combustion chamber made of stainless steel or ceramics;
  • on the back of the chamber there is a fuel injector, a glow plug and a photoelectric flame sensor;
  • a plate is provided on the front side of the furnace, reflecting an open flame;
  • in the rear half of the housing there is a fan - an air blower, a fuel supply system and an electronic control unit with a thermostat.

Note. The second function of the reflective plate is the transfer of radiant heat to objects that are in the line of sight at a distance of 3-5 m.

Schematic diagram of a direct-flow gun - longitudinal section

The air diesel heater is connected to the mains 220 volts with a conventional cable and starts with just one touch of a button and setting the room temperature controller. How a diesel gun works:

  1. The user pours diesel fuel or purified kerosene into the tank, plugs the device into the network and sets the desired air temperature.
  2. The fan and the fuel block are started, diesel fuel is supplied from the tank to the nozzle, where it mixes with air.
  3. The air-fuel mixture in the form of a fine mist is injected into the chamber and ignited by an electric glow plug. The photocell registers the appearance of fire and after a few seconds the controller turns off the ignition electrode.
  4. The main mass of the air mixture pumped by the fan washes the walls of the combustion chamber from the outside, then the heated stream exits the "barrel" of the gun. A smaller part of the air burns together with the diesel engine and is emitted as exhaust gases.
  5. When the liquid fuel runs out or the burner goes out for other reasons, the photo sensor will react and inform the control unit. The latter will stop the pump and cut off the supply of diesel fuel, the fan will stop working after 15-30 seconds.
  6. The combustion is automatically turned off when the thermostat detects the heating of the environment to the set temperature. After the room has cooled down, the burner will restart.
  7. Heaters of well-known brands are equipped with a device tipping sensor that breaks the electrical power circuits.

The simplified scheme of operation clearly shows the movement of gases along with hot air

Clarification. If an emergency shutdown occurs, the heater will not start automatically. According to the product instruction manual, the user must identify and eliminate the cause of the stop, then repeat the ignition procedure.

In primitive or old models of liquid fuel guns, there is a manual start system with piezoelectric ignition. Such devices are equipped with safety / overheating automatics, but are not equipped with a temperature controller.

Indirect air heaters

Diesel fan heaters of this group are arranged somewhat differently:

  • the combustion chamber is completely closed, the refractory plate is hermetically sealed and is the front wall of the furnace;
  • the forced air is heated only by the outer wall of the chamber, the heat exchanger and the baffle plate;
  • combustion products are brought out through the upper vertical pipe;
  • The thermal gun needs to be connected to the chimney.

Working diagram of a gun with a closed chamber and a separate outlet of gases through a heat exchanger

Reference. The heaters use two- and three-way stainless steel heat exchangers. The air flow removes heat from the walls of the chamber and additional channels through which hot combustion products move. Depending on the design of the heat exchanger, the smoke makes 2 or 3 strokes before leaving the pipe.

The output of exhaust gases to the street allows the use of a diesel apparatus for heating enclosed spaces with insufficient. But it is still unacceptable to heat residential buildings with an indirect heating gun, the reason is the lack of a thrust sensor and appropriate automation that protects people from waste.

Design differences of infrared models

The idea of ​​radiant heat transfer is the local heating of surfaces that fall within the range of the gun. The irradiated area can be located indoors of any size or outdoors. It is easy to guess that in such situations it is useless to heat the air.

How does a diesel infrared gun differ from convective air heaters:

  • the front refractory screen serves as a source of radiant heat;
  • to expand the area of ​​radiation, the diameter of the plate and body is increased;
  • air is supplied in small volumes sufficient for burning diesel fuel and cooling the burner;
  • flue gas outlet - directly into the room through many small holes made in the screen.

Comparison. It is believed that infrared solar heaters are more economical than convective (air). Here are the characteristics of two guns - direct combustion Ballu BHDP-30 with a power of 30 kW and a radiant heater "Master" XL 9 SR with a return of 29 kW. Diesel consumption in the first case is 2.4 kg / h, in the second - 2.3 kg / h, the difference is almost imperceptible.

The perforated screen releases infrared heat and simultaneously releases combustion products through the perforation

The design of an infrared liquid fuel fan heater is similar to that of a similar gas gun. Both units heat surfaces instead of air and are often used for a variety of outdoor activities during the winter.

Fuel supply features

When studying the above diagrams, you probably noticed differences in the designs of the guns - some show an air pump, others show a liquid fuel pump. In products of different brands, diesel fuel can be supplied to the heater nozzle in two ways:

  1. Electromechanical.
  2. Ejection.

The first option involves the use of the main nozzle and the high pressure fuel pump (high pressure fuel pump), shown in the photo. The fuel supply of a diesel engine of a car is arranged in a similar way. The pump raises the pressure in the main line, and the nozzle injects fuel into the chamber, where it mixes with air and ignites from high temperature (in an internal combustion engine - from compression).

Since the fuel is directed into the nozzle under pressure, a turbine is used to force air into the chamber.

The ejection supply of diesel fuel works like this:

  1. Inside the low pressure nozzle, 2 channels converge - air and fuel.
  2. Installed at the rear of the gun, a rotary compressor pumps air into the first channel, causing a vacuum to form in the second.
  3. There is an ejection effect - the vacuum begins to draw fuel from the tank through the fuel tube.
  4. Once in the nozzle, diesel fuel is mixed with the air flow and sent to the chamber, where it is successfully burned.

Remarkable fact. The rotary compressor and the fan - the supercharger of heated air are set in motion by one electric motor. That is, both impellers are mounted on a common shaft, the speed and performance are controlled by electronics.

In the ejector power system of the burner, the air flow draws diesel fuel without a pump

Diesel fuel and the air flow sucked in by the compressor undergo coarse and fine cleaning in the appropriate filters. Expensive versions of heat guns are equipped with an LCD display and a diesel fuel level sensor in the tank.

Pros and cons of diesel guns

Based on user reviews, the main advantage of solar heaters is autonomy. The air heater is indispensable in situations where there are no other energy sources - main gas and solid fuel, or the limit of electricity consumption is severely limited.

Reference. Compressors and fans of powerful models with a heating capacity of more than 120 kW consume about 1000 W of electricity. The device of the household series "winds" the counter for 200-300 watts.

Other advantages of liquid fuel heaters:

  1. Mobility of installation and efficiency of the organization of heating. Time costs are minimal - I bought a gun - brought it to the place - poured diesel fuel - turned on the heating.
  2. The unit is easy to move from one site to another.
  3. The efficiency of the heater is quite high - manufacturers claim an efficiency of about 83%.
  4. Warm-up rate. According to this indicator, a diesel burner outperforms electric heating elements.
  5. Versatility. The device is suitable for open areas and any large-volume premises, except for residential ones.

Let's clarify an interesting point regarding efficiency. Some vendors claim that indirect diesel heaters are less efficient than direct combustion heaters that emit gases into the interior. Like, the efficiency of these installations reaches 100%, since the heat of combustion products is not removed to the street.

In fact, the efficiency of various guns is approximately the same, but indirect heating devices do throw some of the heat out along with the smoke. And now open the documentation of any direct combustion heater and read the requirements for safe operation: supply and exhaust ventilation or intensive ventilation is necessary to remove toxic gases.

Bottom line: direct-flow guns emit all the heat into the heated room, but 20-30% of this energy is carried away by ventilation. That is, the actual losses and efficiency of both heaters are approximately the same, although once-through units are cheaper than chimney models.

Disadvantages of heat generators burning diesel and kerosene:

  • in terms of price, solar cannons lose to electrical appliances - convectors and fan heaters;
  • diesel fuel is not the cheapest energy source:
  • the operation of the heater is accompanied by the smell of diesel fuel and exhaust gases;
  • medium and low quality fuel sold at gas stations quickly clogs the working parts of the thermal gun with soot, the device has to be serviced frequently.

A layer of soot on the lens of a photocell that detects the presence of a flame

The choice of liquid fuel heat generator

The first step is to determine the thermal power of the device. There are nuances here: the gun is not allowed, since the unit is often used to heat large volumes and rooms without proper insulation. The following methodology is proposed:

  1. Measure and calculate the volume of the heated room V, m³;
  2. Find out the temperature difference between outdoors and indoors during the coldest period Δt, °С;
  3. Determine the dimensionless heat loss coefficient k of the building and calculate the heater power Q using the formula below.

Recommendation. Take the value of the coefficient k depending on the type and degree of thermal insulation of the building. For a metal hangar, a garage, k = 4, a wooden shed - 3, a brick country house - 2 ... 2.9 (depending on the thickness of the walls). If the building is well insulated, take a coefficient of 0.6-0.8, with an average thermal insulation - 1 ... 1.9.

Example. Let us calculate the heat output of a solar cannon for an uninsulated iron box 10 x 5 m with a ceiling height of 3 meters, the volume of the room is V = 10 x 5 x 3 = 150 m³. Let's take the outdoor temperature as minus 25 degrees, the indoor temperature as plus 10 °С, the difference Δt = 35 °С. How much heat is needed: Q \u003d 150 x 35 x 4 / 860 \u003d 24.4 kW.

When heated by powerful guns, air is supplied through several hoses and evenly distributed throughout the workshop

How to choose the right gun for operating conditions:

  1. For heating industrial premises, closed construction sites, hangars and warehouses, a direct heating device is suitable. If people are constantly working in the building, it is a must!
  2. In private garages, car service stations, greenhouses, stables and other outbuildings, it is better to buy and install chimney thermal guns.
  3. Infrared heating devices are great for any local heating. Example: a production workshop with high ceilings or an open area where it will not be possible to warm up the entire volume of air, and a limited area is quite possible.
  4. Use the heating installation selection algorithm presented in the table:

If you need to heat a small industrial facility as a whole, pay attention to the outdoor versions of high power guns. The unit is placed outside the building, and several air ducts are laid inside for the best distribution of flows, as shown above in the photo.

Maintenance and repair of heaters

During long-term operation of the gun, minor malfunctions occur, which the user can fix with his own hands. Signs of problems and how to fix:

Scheme of mounting the spark plug and nozzle in the burner of the Master apparatus

The glow plug and nozzle are located on the rear plane of the burner head. 2 tubes are connected to the atomizer (air from the compressor and fuel supply), a high-voltage cable is connected to the igniter. The latter often breaks through to ground, which causes the spark to disappear on the candle.

The fuel strainer is located inside the supply tube lowered into the tank. By the way, the container must also be washed at intervals of 500 hours of operation. The air purification elements are located on the rear panel of the compressor and are unscrewed with a screwdriver. How to clean the nozzle of a heat gun, see the video:


Solar-powered infrared and convection guns are convenient and powerful heat sources that can work in difficult conditions. Factory-made devices are absolutely safe if the fire prevention measures clearly stated in the user manual are followed. In addition to garages and workshops, heat generators are often used at a construction site to heat plastered walls, concrete screeds and foundations poured in winter at sub-zero temperatures.

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