Beautiful snowflakes, how to draw them. How to draw a snowflake with a pencil step by step? How to draw a snowflake with a pencil easily

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Pencil drawing is an incredibly interesting and useful hobby that allows you to develop fine motor skills and imagination in children and adults. The creative process does not take much time, and most importantly, it captivates with its phased work and the ability to put your thoughts and feelings on paper. For example, on the eve of the New Year holidays, you can try to depict a fairy tale of the snowy season or its details. Snowflake pencil drawing for the New Year 2019 is one of the options that can be depicted on a white A4 sheet using colored pencils. There are a lot of playback options ... below in the article only the most beautiful and simple snowflakes are shown that can be used to create a postcard, a hand-drawn application for interior decor, and even.

Getting started should start with a sketch. Clear and well-drawn contours, consisting of straight and even lines, can be painted with blue or blue pencils at the end of the work. As a decor, you can use sparkles, drops of wax and even rhinestones.

Snowflake pencil drawing with a ruler for the New Year 2019

The simplest thing you can draw with a pencil is a snowflake. It is reproduced using a compass, a simple pencil and a ruler. As a coloring, as mentioned above, you can use all shades of blue and blue.

  • Step #1

Visually divide the white sheet into 4 parts, finding the middle. From the starting point, draw a circle by drawing 12 lines to it. The easiest way to do this is with a ruler, substituting it for a circle.

  • Step #2
  • Step #3

Connect all the lines together to get a beautiful snowflake.

  • Step #4

Color the finished sketch by erasing unnecessary lines with an eraser.

Several snowflakes on one sheet - pencil drawing for the New Year 2019

To prevent snowflakes from dancing on a sheet of paper, as in the previous master class, divide the sheet into equal parts. True, if the first option offered a division into 4 parts, then this one is a division first into two sides, and only after that into 4 on both sides. The result is a whole geometric system.

The further process may be identical with the first step-by-step master class, or it may be done completely differently. The appearance of a snowflake is determined solely by the artist, who decided to create a small masterpiece from improvised stationery.

For example, as an option to depict such snowflakes as in the photo below.

Snowflake in the shape of a flower for the New Year 2019 - pencil drawing + photo

If your child wants to draw a simple and at the same time beautiful snowflake, show him a “flower” model consisting of five-pointed lines. He will surely like it!

  • Step #1

Divide the sheet into 4 equal parts, outlining the middle for yourself. Focusing on the intended point, draw a pentagon. From each corner of the figure, draw a straight line of the same length.

  • Step #2

Mark the child with side points extending from each line on both sides. This step will help simplify the task of drawing a snowflake.

  • Step #4

Ask your child to connect the dots with each other in such a way that you get a snowflake as in the photo below.

  • Step #5

The finishing touch is the work.

The simplest snowflakes

Not every child and a beginner in drawing can draw a snowflake in a drawing with a pencil. That is why today we offer to look at simple solutions that even a preschooler can repeat.

Snowflake pencil drawing for the New Year 2019

How about handmade New Year cards for your friends and loved ones? I offer several ideas with snowflakes.

Handicrafts are always appreciated, especially during the holidays. They are even more special when they give you the opportunity to spend time with friends and loved ones creating something beautiful together.

How to draw watercolor snowflakes for postcards

These watercolor snowflake cards are super easy and fun to make. They can be drawn even with younger children. The colorful snowflakes are a festive motif and are perfect for anyone with a set of watercolor paints, brushes, and some watercolor paper. Let's get started!

You will need:

  • Watercolor paint set
  • Round brush #8
  • Watercolor paper cut into postcard-sized sheets
  • simple pencil
  • Eraser-nag
  • Snowflake Templates You Can Find Online
  • Bank with clean water
  • Paper towels to dry your brushes
  • Watercolor pencils, if available

Step 1: preparation of drawings

If you have snowflake templates, then you need to print them out, put them under the sheet on which you will draw, lean everything against the window and translate the snowflake according to the template with a simple pencil. Either you can draw the snowflakes yourself without a template, or you can cut out the template and trace around it.

For children, simpler shapes are suitable, while adults can choose more complex designs. I placed them randomly on the page. My finished drawings looked like this:

Then, use a nag eraser to lighten the pencil lines. The lines should be slightly visible before you start coloring. Now it's watercolor time!

Step 2: Draw the First Snowflake

Using the tip of your Pointy Round Watercolor Brush and some clean water, start painting over one section of the snowflake at a time. I worked systematically, starting at the top and moving clockwise - so the water surface wouldn't dry out before I applied the paint.

Once you have painted the water surface in a certain area, take a small amount of paint from the kit and drip it into the water glaze, again using the brush tip. Be as careful as possible around places that should be left white - but as you'll see, it doesn't have to be perfect, it will be very pretty anyway!

Continue dripping paint in shades of blue, green, purple and pink, stopping where the water glaze ends.

Once you're satisfied with the color, lay down your brush, take the paper, and tilt it gently in each direction, allowing the different paint colors to blend for a soft and colorful effect. Continue this process until you have done it all the way around the snowflake, cleaning up the edges if necessary.

Step 3: Coloring the Remaining Snowflakes

Use the same method for all the other snowflakes on your postcard.

I have found that working in one area simplifies the process. So I lifted and tilted the postcard in different directions before I moved on to the next section.

Step 4: Remove Pencil Marks

When all the snowflakes on your card are completely dry, use an eraser to carefully remove any remaining pencil marks.

Another fun variation for your watercolor postcards

On another postcard, I tried the tie effect.

Using watercolor pencils, I transferred the snowflake template onto paper. Watercolor pencils are great because they add even more color when applied with water and watercolor.

These postcards are very easy and fun to make! Please your family and friends!

The lesson is translated from

In this lesson you will learn how to draw a snowflake step by step with a pencil in an easy and simple way. We will draw three options from the simplest to the more complex, but in the course of drawing we will get 8 different snowflakes.

Let's start. Draw a vertical line and two diagonal lines that intersect at the same point in the middle. Now, along the edges of each stick, draw a checkmark or the English letter V. This is the simplest and most common image of a snowflake. I have it drawn as earrings.

But we will embellish it, and also the same checkmarks, only draw small ones near the base.

Let's draw another version of the snowflake. Let's start with the base, we drew it, then draw a small circle in the middle and not very large checkmarks along the edges.

You can erase the middle, you can leave it as it is and still draw masusenkie sticks in the middle of each section along the outer area of ​​the circle, as well as V a little higher than the ones drawn and smaller.

Now we draw the most beautiful snowflake of all. Base, inside we paint over the circle and also draw a small circle, as in the picture below.

We draw large V near the base on each of the rays, then a little higher and a little higher and smaller these checkmarks. Already a very beautiful snowflake turned out.

Also in the middle, as in the figure, draw straight lines in the middle.

We draw a snowflake because the new year is coming soon. All snowflakes are different, so our drawings will be different. Snowflakes fly very fast and it is very difficult to see a snowflake and remember its pattern. You can catch it in your hand and in a second it will melt. Everyone can come up with their own snowflake pattern and draw a snowflake with a pencil in stages. First, draw a crosshair, and then invent her branches like a Christmas tree. But the most important thing is that you must not forget when you want to draw a snowflake with a pencil or paints or whatever, that the snowflake is very symmetrical. That is, no matter how you twist the picture of a snowflake, it will be the same from all sides. The new year will pass, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will go north, and your pencil drawing of a snowflake will continue to delight you and remind you of the new year.

Anyone can draw a simple snowflake. But I want to draw her so that her eyes rejoice at her beauty, and not just recognizable. Of course, not every person is an artist, but after reading this article, it will become much easier to draw such cute snowflakes:

Option 1

Let's analyze an easy version of drawing a snowflake in stages with a pencil. Take a child with you and sit next to each other, learn to draw a simple snowflake together. First draw a circle, then divide it into 4 parts by drawing two straight lines: horizontal and vertical. Spend moretwo diagonal lines. Draw small branches on the tips of the snowflake.And in the center of the snowflake draw curved lines in the form of a cobweb.

Option 2

Draw a hexagonal snowflake. Insidegreat circledraw a circlesmaller diameter. Between the two circles, draw the corners so that both sides are symmetrical. Try to draw all six corners of the same size. The beauty of a snowflake depends on this. Then we proceed to finish the very middle of the snowflake by drawing dwar hexagon. Divide the snowflake into 6 sectors using the same curved lines connecting the corners and the double hexagon. Inside each sector, draw the same shape, but smaller. Draw small triangles inside the hexagon. Remaining ndraw rhombuses inside the sectors and ice "petals" outside.

Option 3

First draw a circle and 3 lines in it. Then draw two more circles of different sizes in this circle. Thismore complex snowflake. Look at the diagram below and try to draw the same snowflake on paper with a pencil. When the snowflake is ready, circle it around the office with a felt-tip pen.

Option 4

How to draw a beautiful snowflake? To do this, draw a circle, and inside it are two more circles of different sizes. Draw 3 lines that will divide the circles into six equal sectors. I want to emphasize that new steps are indicated in red. Then draw the corners as in the picture. Try to draw 6 branches symmetrical. Decorate the snowflake with a beautiful pattern, but erase the circles with a grater. At the end, circle the snowflake with a marker.

You can draw a snowflake in different ways, we have considered only a few options. I think each of you will be able to come up with your own unique snowflake. Draw and share in the comments, let's learn from each other!

Drawing snowflakes is a favorite pastime for children, especially before the New Year holiday. It is quite simple to depict them on paper or on a window, but even in such a seemingly easy matter there are secrets. The snowflake must be symmetrical, i.e. its right and left sides should not differ. This requires precision and accuracy. Consider how to draw a beautiful snowflake in stages with a pencil. Videos and pictures on our website will help us with this.

To draw a snowflake with a simple pencil, draw a circle on paper. We draw a horizontal line through it, which will slightly go beyond the circle. We mark the center of the line and draw two more intersecting lines through it in the same way. These are the rays of the snowflake. Around them we then add a pattern in the form of short lines, semicircles, etc. However, attention: the pattern must be symmetrical.

Step 1: draw the base of the snowflake - the sun Step 3: combine the patterns Step 4: draw the details Finished snowflake


There is another way to draw a snowflake with a pencil. You can do this with a hexagon. We will analyze step by step how to do this, based on pictures for children and videos on our website.

First, draw a hexagon. To make it right, you can use templates for depicting geometric shapes that are often found on school rulers, or measure all the edges with a ruler: they must be the same size. In the resulting hexagon we enter snowflakes. To do this, we draw three lines intersecting in the center so that their ends coincide with the corners of the hexagon. Once the base for the snowflake is ready, you can add patterns and embellishments.

Stage 1: draw the base - a hexagon Step 2: divide the hexagon into equal parts Step 3: draw a star in the hexagon Step 4: draw the details of the snowflake Step 5: erase the extra contours Final step: paint the snowflake


In fact, there are a lot of ways in which you can draw a snowflake with a pencil. We have pictures and videos on our site that will help you choose the most convenient for you. As for children, the following method is suitable for them, which we will consider in stages.

1. Draw a circle. It is desirable to do this using a template or a compass, since if the circle turns out to be a curve, then the snowflake will come out asymmetrical.

Stage 1: draw the base - a circle

2. At the second stage, it is desirable to draw three lines through the center of the circle, which will intersect in the center, although this is not necessary.

Step 2: divide the circle into equal parts

3. Now we draw patterns in the form of a spiral so that each curl coincides with one of the lines. The drawing looks like this.

Stage 3: start drawing patterns Stage 4: add spirals to the end Snowflake-spiral pencil Finished spiral snowflake

With the help of triangles

Another unique way to draw a snowflake is with triangles inscribed in each other. Videos and pictures for children will help you visualize it.

  1. First, draw an isosceles triangle (with sides equal in size).
  2. On top of it we draw another isosceles triangle, but upside down. It turns out a six-pointed star.
  3. It remains to decorate its edges with carved patterns, and the snowflake is ready in all its glory.
How to draw a snowflake using a triangle

Complex options

We examined simple options for snowflakes, consisting of a sketch of a ray and elementary patterns. And how to draw a snowflake with a pencil is more complex and, of course, more beautiful. Let's consider this process step by step.

To draw a snowflake with a frilly pattern, we use the principle shown in the very first drawing. We draw a circle using a template, and draw three lines through its center. Next, we outline the contours of the pattern. We enter several smaller circles in the large circle, leaving space between them for the pattern. As a pattern can serve:

  • little circles,
  • ovals,
  • line,

inscribed in the gaps between the main circles.

Stage 1: draw a circle with lines - the basis of the snowflake Stage 2: add circles

To make the rays more voluminous, we draw a few more in parallel next to the main lines, and then combine them.

Stage 3: combine by drawing patterns

When the pattern drawing is completely ready, we wipe its base (initial circles and lines).

Finished snowflake

How to quickly draw a snowflake:

in the shape of a heart

Snowflakes can be given not only for the New Year, but also for Valentine's Day. You ask: “Why do we need snowflakes for this?” Don't forget that February 19 - Valentine's Day - is still winter, and it's easy to make a snowflake out of hearts. Get an unusual and charming Valentine. If you don't know how to draw hearts, take a ready-made valentine - a small postcard - and circle it on paper. Do this four times so that the hearts are arranged in a square and only touch each other. Here the snowflake is ready. It will make an unusual postcard.

Snowflake-heart in the form of a postcard

Unusual hexagon

We offer another easy and interesting way to draw a snowflake. To do this, we need a pencil, a sheet of paper and templates for drawing a hexagon and a circle, unless, of course, you know how to draw them yourself. First, draw a fairly large hexagon. As in the previous figures, we draw three intersecting lines through the center. Inscribe a circle in the center of the hexagon. Next, we begin to inscribe six more circles so that their edges touch the center and one of the corners of the hexagon. It turns out this picture:

Snowflake with patterns

If desired, patterns can be entered into the resulting snowflake.

So, let's sum up. To draw a snowflake, we will definitely need a circle and three lines passing through its center as a basis. We “string” patterns on the base. Drawn snowflakes must be absolutely symmetrical, as in nature. They can be:

  • colorize,
  • paper cut,

decorate them:

  • window,
  • room,
  • educational institution.

A snowflake is a harmony that we admire in winter, delight our gaze. Drawings can give you joy and harmony for the whole year.

Other snowflake options

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