Hong Kong culture. Customs and traditions of Hong Kong-Hong Kong (PRC)

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The cultural heritage of Hong Kong is a huge layer of historical values. In Hong Kong, the main part of the population is the Chinese, who from generation to generation pass on the foundations of their culture and art almost in their original form. It is in Hong Kong that one can once again be convinced that the hieroglyphs with which they wrote thousands of years ago, the cuisine, the dishes of which were prepared before, and the spiritual canons have remained practically unchanged even today.

Hong Kong is one of the most popular tourist destinations. Tourists from all over the world come here to see incredible skyscrapers with their own eyes, visit Chinese restaurants and markets. It is no less interesting to get acquainted with the interesting sights of Hong Kong, which are presented in detail.

Hong Kong is divided into areas: fashionable, business, entertainment, cultural, and each of them is a must-see. One area will be radically different from another, it seems that you get into a completely different city. The area, which is called the New Territories, is famous for its gorgeous beaches. Hong Kong is considered one of the most populated cities. A large number of tourists are added daily to the 7 million inhabitants living here. Aberdeen is the exact opposite of wealthy areas, where people live in covered boats.

The very first attraction that tourists go to see is Victoria Peak. This is the highest point in Hong Kong, and the peak was named after Queen Victoria. On specially equipped viewing platforms you can see the whole city at a glance. The sight is especially impressive at night, when Hong Kong lights up with thousands of lights. Right there in shops or shops you can buy souvenirs.

An important role for the Chinese is played by national holidays. The Chinese begin the year according to the lunar calendar, and the arrival of the new year is accompanied by traditional family feasts, masquerade processions, kite launches, and so on. Tourists are very fond of visiting street carnivals, where you plunge headlong into magical fun and a unique festive atmosphere.

In Hong Kong, you can see that the traditions of East and West do not come into conflict, but, on the contrary, admirably coexist with each other. Modern offices are located in huge glass skyscrapers, and the Chinese, who are the bearers of centuries-old culture, live in wooden houses. After an expensive and respectable restaurant, you can plunge into the originality of Chinese culture in the local market, and the contrast will be stunning.

in Hong Kong is firmly rooted and continues to exist harmoniously with Chinese traditions, even after the return of Hong Kong PRC.

So, for example, here you can find the best boutiques in the world with the latest collections from legendary fashion houses, and, turning into an alley, you can try “stinky tofu” or go to a Buddhist temple soaked in incense.

On the same street you can find an English pub, McDonald's, a Catholic church, and a Chinese pharmacy with roots and dried reptiles on the shelves. In order to better understand the diverse culture of Hong Kong, it is recommended to pay attention to the following aspects.


In Hong Kong, you can meet people from all over the world. The main population consists mainly of ethnic Chinese- Cantonese, Hakka, Chaozhoutsev, etc. Numerous groups of Indians, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Vietnamese, Filipinos, Indonesians, British, Irish, Jews, Americans, Australians, Canadians, as well as Japanese and Koreans permanently live here.

Because Cantonese make up the majority of the population, their culture is dominant in Hong Kong. Therefore, such Chinese concepts as family solidarity, family honor, modesty, "saving face" play an important role in the daily life of Hong Kong people. On the other hand, many Chinese have adapted to the Western way of life.


Most of the population of Hong Kong uses during communication Cantonese. Since 1997, after the return of Hong Kong to the PRC, the government has pursued a policy of "trilingualism": the official languages ​​on the island are Chinese (Cantonese and Putonghua) and English. Documentation in government and financial institutions is, as a rule, in two languages. Most signs are also inscribed in both languages.

Hong Kong- the culinary capital of Asia, which can offer a variety of delicacies - local or from abroad. Since Hong Kong is influenced by two cultures, the local cuisine also features a combination of oriental and western flavors and flavors.

In addition, the local population is distinguished by a diverse ethnic composition, so here you can try dishes not only from different parts of China, but also from various countries of the world.


Hong Kong people celebrate traditional Chinese holidays such as Chinese Lunar New Year (春节, Chunjie - Spring Festival), Purity and Clarity Festival (清明节, Qingmingjie), and Mid-Autumn Festival or Moon Festival (中秋节, Zhongqiujie).

It is also customary in Hong Kong to celebrate western religious holidays, such as Christmas, Easter Monday, Good Friday, etc. Among the original holidays and festivals, Tinhau is celebrated on a special scale in honor of the patron goddess of sailors and fishermen. The celebration takes place in late April - early May.

Playing on the tote

Founded in 1844 by the British, the Hong Kong Jockey Club is a favorite place for racing and betting enthusiasts.

Since 1975, the Jockey Club has run the Marks Six lottery, during which participants can choose six numbers and, if the numbers match with a random selection, receive a prize. Since 2002, the club has been accepting bets during the FIFA World Cup.

cantonese opera

cantonese opera is the most important cultural asset of Hong Kong, to which residents pay special attention. There is even a university here, where they prepare future actors for this particular type of performance.

In recent years, an English-language opera has appeared on the stage of the theater, which has quickly gained popularity among foreigners.

This spectacular and dramatic musical performance is based on ancient Chinese legends. Bright costumes and acrobatic performances of the actors will leave pleasant memories of the evening spent in the Hong Kong theater.


In Hong Kong, you can meet people who practice almost all the major religions of the world. The most common spiritual teachings here are Buddhism, Taoism And Confucianism, however, there is also Christianity, Islam And shamanism.

The Taoist concept plays a huge role in the life of Hong Kongers Feng Shui, the influence of which also affected the planning of the city, carried out in strict accordance with the basic rules of this ancient science.

The cultural and historical heritage of Hong Kong, where 95% of the population is Chinese, is rich and diverse. Representatives of this nation presented a unique example in the history of civilization of how culture and art, which have such a deep history, have survived to this day almost unchanged. In Hong Kong, at every step, you can see that the Chinese use the same hieroglyphs in writing as before, cook food almost the same as in the past, and create works of traditional art according to the old canons. And it is not surprising that such achievements of their culture as Cantonese and Beijing opera, circus, puppet and shadow theater, Guohua painting, calligraphy, lacquer, jade, bronze, cloisonne enamel, porcelain and ceramics, embroidery, national costume, cuisine has gained immense popularity all over the world.

Intertwining West and East

The main feature of the culture of Hong Kong is that for one hundred and fifty years of its colonial history, the Chinese component has been continuously supplemented by the achievements of Western civilization. This is most clearly and clearly expressed in architecture. Thus, the early period of the colonial era left as a legacy such historical buildings of different styles as the majestic Peninsula Hotel (here in December 1941 a document was signed on the forced surrender of the island to the Japanese occupiers), the building of the Old Supreme Court built according to the canons of neoclassicism and the building of the former French Mission, Edwardian-style Hong Kong University, Gothic St. John's Cathedral. Over the second half of the 20th century and a decade of post-colonial history, Hong Kong has become an experimental platform for ultra-modern skyscrapers, built, among other things, according to the designs of Norman Foster, Yo Mingpei, Cesar Pelli and other stars of world architecture.

Asian capital of festivals and cinema
The West brought the best examples of all genres of art to Hong Kong and in many ways contributed to its transformation into one of the major international cultural centers. Such annual events as the Fringe Alternative Art Festival (January-February) and the Hong Kong Arts Festival (February-March) have long become traditional. Symphony orchestras, ballet troupes, drama and puppet theaters, vocal soloists, violinists, pianists and other world-famous performers come to the latter from all over the world. Every year in April, Hong Kong filmmakers hold their international festival. It includes retrospective shows, exhibitions and themed evenings. The names of the luminaries of Hong Kong cinema are known all over the world: the outstanding master of oriental martial arts Bruce Lee, the popular director and actor Jackie Chan, the film director Wong Kar-wai (the film “In the Mood for Love” has become the pinnacle of his work in recent years).

Museums in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is very attractive for the stars of world culture. Located on the waterfront of Kowloon, the Cultural Center houses a studio theater and two large, state-of-the-art concert halls, where the Hong Kong Symphony Orchestra and many touring bands perform. Rarities of painting and calligraphy, as well as the work of classic Hong Kong avant-garde artists can be seen in the halls of the Hong Kong Museum of Art. A clear picture of the achievements of world technical thought is demonstrated by the Hong Kong Science Museum. First of all, it is interesting because of its more than 500 exhibits, covering many branches of science and technology, most of it is interactive. The Museum of Cosmonautics, which is dedicated to astronomy and the history of space exploration, is interesting not only for its rich exposition, but also for its unusual architecture - its appearance resembles a half of a golf ball. And the Museum of History recreates in detail the history of the life of the inhabitants of Hong Kong, many of whose features are recognizable in its current poor neighborhoods.

Winter 2014

Well, in contrast, there is a fruit ice cream parlor nearby with a wonderful name (Hui Lau Shan), which is transliterated into English for full compliance. At the head of the name is the very obscene word, which in Russia is considered the most obscene.

In fact, there is no obscenity in the word. In Chinese (depending on the tone), this word is translated either as "gray" or as "turn, retreat, turn back, return."

People stand behind takeaway fruit smoothies.

Cheap and fast. This is a large cafe chain in Hong Kong.

Large fruit menu. Note 1 US dollar - 7.5 Hong Kong dollars.

Other Hong Kong

Hong Kong: in West Kowloon

December 2013 Alla

When you check in to the hotel, ask the guide to check you in on the upper floors, from the 15th there is a wonderful view of the city. And in general, ask the guide about everything you need, believe me, friendly people will help with everything, thank you very much for that.

As for food, there will be no problems. Around the hotel shaft all kinds of cafes. There is even a market nearby. The location is basically normal - West Kowloon between two metro stations: Olympic (5 min) and Monkok (15 min). The area is quiet and calm, no one will interfere at night. The Chinese, in principle, go to bed early, but also get up early.

In Asia, Hong Kong is also called the Little Dragon. For the inhabitants, the dragon is considered sacred, they believe in it and respect it. Despite the fact that the city is considered industrial, it is of particular interest to tourists from all over the world. Hong Kong is closely intertwined with modern culture and ancient traditions, so the city is unique.

Main attractions

Such sights of Hong Kong as the famous Victoria Peak are the hallmark of the city and attract many tourists. From the top there is a view of unparalleled beauty. Everyone is offered to be delivered to the tower with an observation deck on a modern funicular. There is an opportunity to see Hong Kong from a bird's eye view. The visit to Victoria Peak does not end there, travelers can also enjoy the beauty of the wax figures inside the tower.

An Avenue of Stars has been set up along the coast, with the names of famous Hong Kong actors on it. The center of the composition is decorated with a monument to Bruce Lee, the legendary action movie actor. Here you can also see a plaque with the handprints of celebrities. Tourists in memory of the trip buy souvenirs in this area and take pictures.

Hong Kong guests who come with children should definitely visit the local Disneyland. This attraction will leave an unforgettable impression on young tourists. The territory of 126 hectares is divided into 4 zones, fairy-tale characters roam around it, arrange entertainment for kids.

It is in Hong Kong that you can see the largest Buddha statue cast in bronze, its height is 34 meters. The Buddha is located on Lantau Island and getting to it is not as easy as it seems. First, visitors need to overcome 268 steps. This effort will justify all expectations, as an amazing view of the surroundings opens up, and the statue itself amazes with its majesty.

Only in Hong Kong is it possible to see the largest light and music show. Seats were placed right on the waterfront of the Kowloon Peninsula, here every day at eight o'clock in the evening the "Symphony of Lights" begins, which lasts only 20 minutes, but is remembered for a lifetime.

Amazing Holidays

The culture of Hong Kong is closely connected with national holidays. They begin with the meeting of the Chinese New Year. The holiday is accompanied by dances, processions with stuffed dragons.

For sports fans, it will be interesting to visit the Dragon Boat Festival. International rowing competitions are organized on boats, at the end of which are the heads of dragons.

If you are planning a trip to Hong Kong in the fall, then there is a chance to visit the Mid-Autumn Festival. Here travelers are treated to thirteen cakes with the image of a moon hare. Any holiday is noisy and fun with the participation of quirky characters and Hong Kong residents in carnival costumes.

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