Leonid Panteleev. Panteleev Leonid Author L Panteleev

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In 1908, on August 22, Alexei Ivanovich Yeremeev, the future writer known under the pseudonym L. Panteleev, was born in St. Petersburg.

The writer's father, Ivan Andreevich Yeremeev, was a Cossack officer, a cornet. He took part in the Russo-Japanese War. Later he accepted the inheritance - a family business, the sale of wood and firewood. Alexei's father had a secretive nature, did not possess humor. These qualities interfered with his happiness in family life. The writer's mother, Alexandra Vasilievna, was born into a merchant family, had a cheerful disposition, an open character. From their marriage there were three children - Alexey, Vasily and Lyalya. Family life did not work out for the parents, during the First World War they separated, the father went to work in Vladimir, where he died in 1916. Mom supported her family of three by herself, giving private music lessons.

Biography of Leonid Panteleev

1916 - Alexei enters the 2nd real school in Petrograd, but the time of his childhood was distinguished by a special revolutionary mood, when even children had their own political opinion and took an active part in the events of that time.

1917 - the overthrow of the tsarist government. Alexei met the revolution in a hospital bed, seriously ill and delirious.

1918 - there is a famine in Petrograd, the whole family of Alexei moves to the village of Cheltsovo, Yaroslavl province, where there is still food. In the village, Alexei fell ill with diphtheria. Further, unpleasant events occurred to him and his mother, which could end badly. His mother took him to a doctor in Yaroslavl, on the same day there was an uprising. They found themselves in the middle of a skirmish between the White Army and the Red Army. The White Guards took him for a spy several times; these difficult days left scars in the soul of the future writer. Mother and son managed to go back to the village, after the suppression of the uprising, they again tried to get to the doctor. The examination showed that the boy is completely healthy.

In the summer of this year, my mother returned to Petrograd for things for the children, at the same time she brought books, and so Alexei began to become interested in literature. By the end of the summer, they were joined by relatives (aunt and cousin), who also fled from Petrograd, fleeing the terrible famine. But even in the village of Cheltsovo, at that time there was a shortage of food. In the fall, Alexei's mother finds a job in a small Tatar town on the Kama River, where she transports the whole family.

1919 - mother Alexandra Vasilievna leaves for Petrograd, during which time everyone in the family falls ill with typhus and dysentery. Alexey, after recovering and being discharged from the hospital, discovers that his brother Vasily went to live and work on a farm, where he planned to study. Now he had to feed his own sister, aunt and cousin. He tried to trade in the bazaar, then he ended up on a farm with his brother, where they mocked him, taught him to steal. Alexei could not live like this, so he ran away from the farm and returned to his aunt, but he could not get along with her either and ended up in an orphanage. While in an orphanage, he robbed a warehouse with a friend and tried to sell stolen goods, but was detained. Alexei is sent to another orphanage, from which he escaped on the very first day, thus becoming a homeless child. I decided to return to Petrograd and find my mother.

His plan was as follows: to take a steamboat to Rybinsk, but he did not succeed, since all the passengers were dropped off before arriving in Kazan, where he had to go on foot. In Kazan, he found work, becoming an assistant shoemaker, he worked all summer. In the autumn he decided to continue his journey to Petrograd. But left without a penny, he again began to steal, he was detained and sent to Menzelensk, to a colony for children named after the III International. But he escaped from there too, it was not only dirty and cold there, but there were problems with food in the colony. Having escaped from the colony, Alexey got a job in the financial department, as a courier, did not work for long, as he ended up in the hospital. Having been discharged from it, at the age of eleven, he was again without work and a roof over his head, in despair, he even thought about returning back to the orphanage. By a lucky chance for him, the city organization of the Komsomol took care of him. Alexei received a food ration, housing, a small allowance and the opportunity to study at a vocational school. It was difficult to study, due to a lack of education, at this time Alexei focused his attention on literature, namely on plays and poetry. Komsomol members helped to understand the exact sciences.

1920 - the kulak uprising in Menzelensk was suppressed not only by the military, but also by the Komsomol. Among whom were friends of Alexei, many people died in those events, including his friends. After that, Alexei decides to get to Petrograd, but this attempt was ultimately unsuccessful, as he fell ill with pleurisy. He was literally left by a peasant family, with whom he lived all summer of 1920. Already in the fall, having gained strength, twelve-year-old Alexei boards a train and, constantly changing, gets to Belgorod, where he is arrested by representatives of the Cheka. They gave him a document proving that he was a homeless child... going to Petrograd... supplied him with food. But the food and the document were stolen on the train, so drop him off at the next station. So he ended up in Ukraine.

1921 - while in Ukraine, he tries to survive by finding work or stealing. In the summer I was already emotionally ready to continue my journey home, to Petrograd. He succeeded. In Petrograd, Alexei found his family, everyone was alive. Mom got a well-paid job and was able to give Alexei money for personal expenses, he spent all the money on books. While studying at school No. 149, the former Herder gymnasium, he began to steal electric light bulbs, selling them at the market for being expelled from school. In the same year, he was sent to the School of Social and Individual Education. Dostoevsky (Republic of ShKID), founded by V. N. Soroka-Rosinsky, already being in this school, he began to take life more seriously. Here he meets Grigory Belykh, and also receives the nickname Lenka Panteleev.

1923 - passionate about cinema, leaves school with Belykh, in order to enter the courses of actors who act in films. Courses are held in Kharkov, where they both entered. But they soon left, as the desire to wander returned to both.

1925 - Alexey and Grigory return to Leningrad, where they jointly write a book called "The Republic of ShKID", which was published in 1927. The book became very popular in its time and was reprinted many times, in different languages ​​of the USSR, as well as abroad. Maxim Gorky spoke well of her in his letters to Prishvin, Fedin, Makarenko and others.

1933 - Panteleev is already familiar with many writers, such as: Marshak, Lebedev, Schwartz, Oleinikov. His and Grigory feuilletons are published in the magazines: Behemoth, Kino nedelya, Smena. This year, Panteleev is writing the critically acclaimed novella The Package, which takes place during the Civil War.

1936 - friend Grigory Belykh is repressed, dies in prison. Panteleev is also under pressure from the authorities, various charges are brought against him, but he manages to avoid persecution only thanks to the support of Marshak and Chukovsky, who understood Panteleev's work.

The blockade of Leningrad turned into dystrophy for Panteleev, from which he almost died.

1942 - Fadeev took the seriously ill Panteleev by plane to Moscow. He will return to Leningrad in 1944, on the eve of the lifting of the blockade.

After the war, Panteleev creates a family, is active in creativity, and is friends with Chukovsky and Schwartz.

1956 - daughter Masha is born (died in 1990), raised his daughter, spiritually instructing. At school, she faced pressure from peers who were brought up in the spirit of atheism.

1966 - publishes the book "Our Masha", similar in content to the diary of parents.

He died in 1987 on July 9 in Leningrad, was buried at the Bolsheokhtinsky cemetery.

We draw your attention to the fact that the biography of Panteleev Leonid presents the most basic moments from life. Some minor life events may be omitted from this biography.

Alexey Panteleev is one of the heroes of the legendary "Republic of ShKID". Every Soviet schoolboy read a book about homeless children. But few know about the fate of one of the authors. In the early years, L. Panteleev was left to his own devices. But the troubles of the prose writer were not limited to homeless childhood.


Hundreds of thousands of children were left without parental care after the revolution. Most of them were destined for a criminal fate, and therefore - poverty, illness, early death. One of the orphaned Soviet children was Alexei Panteleev. The real name is Yeremeev. The revolution first made the hero of this article an orphan, then forced him to hide an uncomfortable biography.

Yeremeev Aleksey Ivanovich was born into a merchant family. His father was a Cossack officer, but he became disillusioned with the service and, following the example of his relatives, started selling timber. The eldest son was only eight years old when Ivan Eremeev left the family. The mother was left with three young children. Alexei Panteleev did not remember the October events, since in the fall of 1917 he fell ill and lay in a fever for several weeks.

Both the mother and father of the future prose writer belonged to a merchant family. Ivan Andrianovich Eremeev was an officer, his image remained forever in the memory of his son. The father of the hero of the story "Lenka Panteleev" has many features in common with the writer's parent, but unlike the artistic character, he was not a drunkard. Ivan Andrianovich left his family not of his own free will. In 1918, he met for the last time with his eldest son, who soon died. According to some reports, Ivan Andrianovich spent several months in prison.


After the coup d'état, chaos reigned in the country. Products that were present on the table in abundance until 1917 suddenly turned into a delicacy. Searches and arrests were carried out everywhere. The mother of the future writer decided to leave Petrograd: it was necessary to save the children from starvation. The family moved to the Yaroslavl province.

Alexei Eremeev, later known throughout the country as a prose writer L. Panteleev, read voraciously from childhood. In addition, from an early age he began to write stories and poems. The author of the story "Lenka Panteleev", like his young hero, fell in love with literature from an early age. He read even when the country was mired in devastation, hunger, poverty, and poverty and illness reigned in the family of the future prose writer for a long time.

The family lived in the village for two years, then returned to their hometown. There wasn't enough money. Those that the mother gave the boy, he spent on books. And the future author of the famous "Republic of SHKID" began to unscrew electric light bulbs for the purpose of further sale. For which he was arrested and sent to a school, which he depicted in a work of art together with his friend Grigory Belykh.


When it comes to such a figure in literature as Alexei Ivanovich Panteleev, it is impossible not to mention an outstanding teacher. N. Soroka-Rosinsky. His image is displayed in the book "Republic of SHKID". G. Belykh and L. Panteleev created a character nicknamed by the pupils of the school. Dostoevsky Vikniksor.

Soroka-Rosinsky opposed the assertion that difficult children are morally and mentally handicapped. The teacher was sure that homeless children are ordinary children who find themselves in difficult life circumstances. If Aleksey Eremeev had not ended up in the legendary orphanage, one of the best books of Russian literature about children and adolescents would not have been created. And in the literary world, such names as Belykh, Panteleev would never have become known.

The story "Republic of SHKID"

In the twenties, Alexei Eremeev met Grigory Belykh. In those years, rumors circulated around Petrograd about the raider Lenka Panteleev. The hero of this article, although he was distinguished by a craving for knowledge, was a complex teenager, he stood out even against the background of homeless children with an extremely sharp disposition. In honor of the bandit, Eremeev received his nickname. The future writer at school was known as Grigory Chernykh. The nickname of Panteleev's friend is Yankel.

Three years after the students left school, an autobiographical story was written. The central characters of the book are Grigory Chernykh and Alexey Panteleev. However, the authors paid considerable attention to other characters in the story.

The school was located in an old three-story building on Petergofsky Prospekt. It was not easy for teachers to curb the wild temper of the wards. Each of them had a rich biography, before entering school they led a free, nomadic and reckless life. Despite the difficulties, Soroka-Rosinsky later recalled that never before had Leningrad teachers worked with such enthusiasm and dedication. At the beginning of the story "The Republic of SHKID" portraits of teachers and pupils predominate. In the second - stories from the life of the school. The theme of childhood was later preferred by Alexei Panteleev.


The works created in 1928 are devoted to the psychology of adolescents. Such works include "Karlushkin focus", "Clock". Portrait characteristics already at an early stage of Panteleev's work were created masterfully.

In the thirties, the writer paid special attention to the educational theme. The motives of homeless childhood fade into the background. The leading theme in Panteleev's stories is childish heroism, an example of which is the work "Honest Word". Panteleev also applied pedagogical principles in the upbringing of his own daughter. A kind of father's diary is the work "Our Masha", in which the author's position is distinguished by Spartan exactingness, moral maximalism and, at the same time, boundless love for the child.

Grigory Belykh

The life of a friend of the writer L. Panteleev ended tragically. Grigory Belykh, perhaps, would have created many works, if not for his death at the age of thirty-two. In 1935, the prose writer-journalist was repressed. The reason for the accusation of counter-revolutionary activities was a poem about Stalin. The denunciation of the writer was drawn up by his relative. The husband of G. Belykh's sister accidentally discovered poems of suspicious content on the table, which he immediately reported to the appropriate authorities. The journalist was convicted under Article 58. He died in 1938 in a transit prison.

The Tale of Lenka Panteleev

One of the editors of the work of young authors was Samuil Marshak. The children's poet recommended rewriting one of the chapters, supplementing it, and creating a full-fledged literary work from it. So the story "Lenka Panteleev" appeared.

The work begins with a description of the early years of the hero. The author pays special attention to the portrait of the father, who is depicted as a complex, controversial, but unusually honest man. Then the consequences of the October events and the beginning of Lenka's thieving career are depicted. The boy miraculously escaped imprisonment. At the end of the story, he ended up at the school. Dostoevsky. From this event, the new life of Lenka begins, as well as other heroes of the book of Belykh and Panteleev.

"Our Masha"

After the war, the prose writer wrote a lot. It was readily published. In 1956, the writer had a daughter, to whom he dedicated the work "Our Masha". The book is a collection of notes-observations that are kept by many parents. But as a rule, mothers act as authors of such diaries. In this case, the father showed unusual scrupulousness and observation.

Masha was a late child. Her father was once deprived of attention and care, and, perhaps, therefore, he paid excessive attention to his only daughter. Masha became an exceptionally well-read and developed girl, but she lacked lively communication with her peers. In youth, mental illness began to develop. Masha Panteleeva spent several years in hospitals. She died three years after the death of her father.


In the thirties, when Belykh was arrested, Panteleev miraculously managed to avoid repression thanks to Chukovsky. The children's writer and poet highly appreciated the talent of this author. Chukovsky noted Panteleev's expressive language, as well as the sincerity and truthfulness present in his books. A person who has survived so many hardships cannot but inspire the trust of readers. But, it is worth saying that Makarenko had a different opinion about the book of Panteleev and Belykh. The creator of the "Pedagogical Poem" did not accept the "Republic of ShKID", more precisely, the method that the protagonist of the story, Viktor Nikolayevich Sorokin, used in working with pupils.

Features of the story

The "Republic of SHKID" contains memoirs, essays, stories and portraits of heroes. The book of Panteleev and Belykh is often compared with the work of Makarenko. The main difference lies in the fact that in the first the narration is not conducted on behalf of the teacher. The events described in the book about homeless children who ended up in the school. Dostoevsky, are told from the position of difficult teenagers.

The authors of the story were interested in a variety of people. Each of the characters could become the main character, regardless of whether he was a pupil or an educator. There is some confusion in the structure of the work. It is explained by the abundance of memories of school graduates. In the epilogue, written in 1926, the authors talk about the meeting with the heroes of the story. One of the Shkidovites became another worked in a printing house, the third became an agronomist.

"I believe..."

L. Panteleev was a man of deep faith, as evidenced by the last book. "I believe ..." - a work published after the death of the author. The book is confessional in nature. In it, the author conveyed his thoughts, experiences. The last essay has little in common with the "Republic of SHKID" and numerous stories aimed at young readers.

The writer died in 1987 in Leningrad. He is the author of four novels and dozens of short stories. Three motion pictures and one animated film were created based on his works. But his name will always be associated with the book that he created in collaboration with Grigory Belykh - "The Republic of SHKID".

Panteleev Leonid, real name - Alexei Ivanovich Eremeev (1908 - 1987), prose writer.

Born on August 9 (22 n.s.) in St. Petersburg in a military family. During the Civil War, he lost his parents and in 1921 ended up in the Dostoevsky school for the homeless. This school is described in the first book of Panteleev (co-authored with G. Belykh) -

Republic of Shkid. Memories of this school formed the basis of the essays "The Last Chaldeans" (1939) and the stories "Karlushkin Focus", "Portrait". Panteleev strove for the children's book to be a book of deep content, "where there would be humor, and heroism, and lyrics, and real human passions, and great thought." These qualities of Panteleev's books have earned their popularity.

In 1930 - 1940, he combined a number of his works into a series of stories about a feat: "Package" (1932), telling about the civil war, "Night" (1939), "Private Guards" (1943), dedicated to the events of World War II, "The New Girl" , "Handkerchief" (1952), the famous story "Honestly" (1941).

Some of Panteleev's novels and stories were filmed ("Hours", "Honest Word", "Republic of Shkid", "Package", etc.). L. Panteleev died in 1987 in Moscow.

Used materials of the book: Russian writers and poets. Brief biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.

Panteleev L. (real name Alexey Ivanovich Eremeev) - prose writer.

Parents - come from old merchant families During the Russo-Japanese War, the writer's father went into the army, distinguished himself, received the Order of St. Vladimir and hereditary nobility. Panteleev's childhood passed in a wealthy family, but everything changed from 1918. Since that time, the boy lost contact with his family and joined the army of the homeless.

In 1921 he entered the school. Dostoevsky for difficult-to-educate and homeless children, where he received the nickname "Lenka Panteleev." The head of the school was an outstanding teacher V.N. Soroka-Rosinsky (Vikniksor). Leaving school before the end of the term, two friends - L. Panteleev and Gr. Belykh wrote soon, within 2-3 months, the book "Republic of Shkid" (1927). Without following any plot, the authors described all the brightest facts from the life of Shkida (Dostoevsky School), where there was a lot of "buza", a lot of funny, dramatic, and sometimes tragic, but where there was also a great desire to live differently (one time in Shkida, 60 newspapers were published for 60 pupils, each was a publisher).

The book was a resounding success (M. Gorky wrote about it with admiration). However, the story also caused a number of serious critical reviews in pedagogical circles - where it was perceived not as a work of art, but as a documentary. Among the most negative reviews was an article by N.K. Krupskaya, and much later, in 1937, an article by A.S. Makarenko. For 10 years, the story was reprinted annually, until in 1936 Gr. Belykh was repressed (he died in prison in 1938). The publication of the book in 1960 can be considered its second birth. In 1966, a film was made based on it (dir. G. Poloka, in the role of Vikniksor S. Yursky).

Panteleev addressed the topic of the homeless child many more times: in the stories “Karlushkin Focus” (1928), “Portrait” (1928) and in one of his best stories “The Hours” (1928), where the author managed to create the most colorful figure of the homeless child and thief Petka Valet ; a story in which Panteleev's skill in plot construction was manifested, where funny and serious are so successfully combined and the jargon of the 1920s sounds so clearly.

In his work, Panteleev himself singled out two themes: "Stories about a feat" and "Stories about children." Among his many stories about the feat ("Night", "The First Feat", "Private Guards", "On the Skiff", "Chief Engineer"), the story "Package" (1933) occupies a special place: it was she who made it possible for K. Chukovsky to determine Panteleev's "talent muscles", manifesting itself in the expressiveness of his language, in the brightness of his speech characteristics. K. Chukovsky saw the success of this story, tragic and at the same time comic, in the fact that the hero "lives before us precisely thanks to his simple, picturesque, expressive speech ...".

Of the many stories about children (“Marinka”, “Dolores”, “Handkerchief”, etc.), the stories “Honest Word” (1941), “About Squirrel and Tamarochka” (1940-47) and “The Letter“ You ”used to remain popular. "(1945): in these stories there is a completely different style, a different rhythmic pattern, each hero has his own character, and the author seeks to comprehend the difficulties of a conversation with a child, he is convinced of how differently an adult and a child perceive the world, word, language.

In 1938, when a one-volume Panteleev was being prepared at Detgiz, instead of an autobiographical note, the author wrote a short story, Lenka Panteleev. Continuing work on the book, the writer changed a lot in it. In 1952 it was published in the collection Stories and Tales (Petrozavodsk, 1952) and with new additions in 1954 (L.). In this story, the author makes an attempt to describe in detail his life, starting from early childhood and ending with his departure from Shkida. Naturally, the book contained the events of many years - pre-revolutionary, the revolution, the early 1920s; its pages imprinted images of close and distant people - in a word, the most intense moment in the history of Russia through the eyes of a young participant and witness of these events. The story was a great success. After the death of the writer, a publication appeared: “L. Panteleev. The story "Lenka Panteleev and my true biography" (Neva. 1994. No. 4), where the author clarified the role of the autobiographical moment in the story.

In Sept. In 1941, the police informed Panteleev that he was to be deported from Leningrad. Panteleev lived secretly until July 1942, when he was taken out of the besieged city by A. Fadeev at the request of S. Marshak. Based on the materials of the diary entries, Panteleev prepared the books “In the besieged city” (1966) and “January 1944” (1966).

In the book “The Door Ajar” (1980), Panteleev unexpectedly shares an important and hidden thought with the reader - he admits that he no longer wants to write: the further, “the more I am drawn to the pure truth.” In fact, Panteleev has been writing "pure truth" for a long time. It is enough to name "Our Masha" (1966) or such brilliant memories as "Marshak in Leningrad", "Schwartz" (1966).

Panteleev called his last lifetime book “The Open Door. (From old notebooks. 1924-1947)”. Here the writer returns to his childhood (“The House at the Egyptian Bridge”), recalls in detail about the people with whom his life brought him together.

If you look closely at Panteleev's books, you gradually begin to feel that they all represent one novel - albeit not in the traditional sense of the word. Leafing through the books “Lenka Panteleev”, “Republic of Shkid”, “Marshak in Leningrad”, military stories, “The Ajar Door”, the story “Our Masha”, memoirs “Schwartz”, “Tyrsa”, etc., we seem to be in absolute sequence We read a novel whose title is "L. Panteleev. But this novel lacked something essential: all the time there was a feeling that the author did not say everything, that he hid something from us. Now that his book “I Believe” has been published posthumously, this novel has been supplemented, perhaps the most significant, and the image of its hero has become a hundred times clearer and closer.

E.O. Putilova

Used materials of the book: Russian literature of the XX century. Prose writers, poets, playwrights. Biobibliographic dictionary. Volume 3. P - Ya. 16-18.

Read further:

Russian writers and poets(biographical guide).


SS: in 4 volumes / entry. article by K. Chukovsky; approx. G. Antonova, E. Putilova. P., 1970-71;

I believe / enter. article prepared. text by S. Lurie. L., 1991.


Makarenko A. Childhood and Literature // SS. T.7. M., 1958;

Marshak S. About this book // Panteleev L. Respublika Shkid. L., 1961;

Chukovskaya L. About books forgotten or unnoticed // Questions of Literature. 1958. No. 2;

Sarnov B. Panteleev: Critical and biographical essay. M., 1959;

Ivich A. Panteleev // Education of generations. M., 1967;

Rakhmanov L. L. Panteleev and Alexey Ivanovich // Bonfire 1968. No. 8;

Uspensky L. Non-general expression // Neva. 1968. No. 8;

Putilova B. L. Panteleev: an essay on the life and work of L., 1969;

Putilova E. ...Began in the Republic of Shkid. L., 1986.

Leonid Panteleev (Alexei Ivanovich Eremeev, 1908 - 1081) - a famous Soviet writer, author of dozens of novels, short stories and fairy tales. Some of them have been filmed.


Alexei Eremeev (real name of the writer) was born in 1908 in St. Petersburg. His family was wealthy. His father served as a Cossack officer, and after some time he inherited the family business and began trading in timber. This occupation brought considerable income. Mother Alexandra Vasilievna came from a merchant environment, her dowry became a significant contribution to the welfare of the family. In addition to Alyosha, the younger Vasily and Lyalya soon appeared.

The well-established and more than full life of the family collapsed with the outbreak of the First World War. Sensing freedom, the father filed for a divorce from his mother. This was possible only in the years when everything around was collapsing. After all, my father came from a very religious family. Be that as it may, Alexandra Vasilievna was left with three children in her arms and the need to feed and dress them on her own. She started giving music lessons.

In 1917, Alexei attended a real school. However, a revolution soon broke out, and life in the country turned upside down. All major events passed by the boy. He fell ill and did not get out of bed for a long time.

Meanwhile, events were developing in such a way that it became dangerous for the family to be in the very heart of the revolution. Moreover, few people were interested in music lessons. So the Yeremeevs ended up in the village of Cheltsovo, Yaroslavl province. Here, Lesha's weakened body could not stand it, and he fell ill with diphtheria. In order to cure her son, Alexandra Vasilievna went with him to Yaroslavl, where they had to face the outbreak of the Civil War. Subsequently, the writer recalled how their hotel was repeatedly shelled, and the streets were pacing either white or red.

Whatever it was, but the boy recovered. The family has moved again. Now to Tatarstan. However, hunger, lack of money and lack of work led to the fact that in 1919 Alexandra Vasilyevna decided to return to St. Petersburg, where she still had connections and acquaintances and had a chance to somehow get out of the resulting swamp. The children stayed with their aunt, and Lesha was again hospitalized.

Way to Petersburg

Upon returning home, Alexei realized that his childhood was over. In the absence of his mother, he himself had to take care of the food of the family. However, he had little ability to do so. He constantly got into trouble. He did not succeed in the role of a merchant, at first he was robbed, and then he himself was taught to steal. Working on a nearby farm did not turn out well either. As a result, the boy ended up in an orphanage, but soon escaped from there and decided to move to Petrograd, to his mother. It is unlikely that he then had a good idea of ​​what path he had to overcome.

Alexei could not just get on the train and go in the direction he needed. Along the way, he had to earn a living. And not always his methods of obtaining money were in trouble with the law. So, he had to visit a children's colony, from where he escaped and ended up in Menzelinsk. Here he was lucky to meet people who sent him to study, fed and clothed him. It was during this period that the boy wrote his first poems and even tried to work on a play.

However, the lull was short-lived, soon Alexei had to flee from the kulak uprising. The boy decided to continue on his way. However, again he had to wander around Ukraine for a long time. Only a year later he came home.

Life in St. Petersburg, Republic of SHKID

In St. Petersburg, the mother sent Alexei to study. However, his troubled life was not in vain. The boy constantly got into trouble because of his addiction to easy "earnings" in the form of theft. So, one fine day he ended up in the Republic of ShKID.

The school of social and labor education named after Dostoevsky at first seemed to Alexei a real prison. However, it soon turned out that this stage became a turning point in his biography.

Firstly, it was here that he met his best friend Grigory Belykh. Secondly, it was within the walls of the school that he turned into Lenka Panteleev.

And that was not all. One day, Lenka Panteleev and Grigory Belykh ran away from school and, after some time of wandering, returned to Petrograd with a terrific idea. They decided to describe on paper those interesting events that they witnessed and participated in in the Republic of SHKID. So, in 1927, the book of the same name saw the light, which made friends famous.

The book was repeatedly reprinted until 1936, when Belykh was unexpectedly repressed. Panteleev managed to avoid a terrible fate only thanks to the intercession of people famous in those years.

World War II

During the outbreak of war, the writer had to be locked up in besieged Leningrad.

In 1942 he was evacuated to Moscow. All these years and after the war, the writer continues to intensively engage in his work.


In 1956, Panteleev married the writer Eliko Kashiya. The couple had a daughter, Masha, to whom the writer will dedicate the work “Our Masha” in the future.
Panteleev died in 1987.

Leonid Panteleev (see photo below) - a pseudonym, in fact the writer's name was Alexei Yeremeev. He was born in August 1908 in St. Petersburg. His father was a Cossack officer, a hero of the Russian-Japanese war, who received the nobility for his exploits. Alexei's mother is a merchant's daughter, but her father came from the peasantry to the first guild.

Childhood and youth

Alyosha has been addicted to books since childhood, his family even teased him, calling him a "bookcase". From an early age, he began to compose himself. His children's opuses - plays, poems, adventure stories - were listened to only by his mother. There could be no spiritual intimacy with his father - he was a military and stern man.

Little Alexei used to call him "you", and it has remained so forever. The writer Leonid Panteleev forever kept the image of his father in his memory and carried him through life with love and pride. This image was not light, rather, the colors were like a noble knightly image.

But the mother is a mentor in faith, the kindest and most sincere friend for her children. In 1916, when Alyosha was sent to study at a real school, his mother was aware of all his lessons, grades, relationships with teachers and classmates, and helped her son in everything. He did not finish school - he did not have time.


In 1919, the boy's father was arrested, he was kept in a prison cell for some time, and then shot. Alexandra Vasilievna, like a real mother, decided to run away from the cold and hungry Petersburg in order to save the lives of her children. First, the orphaned family settled in Yaroslavl, then - in the town of Menzelinsk in Tatarstan.

In these wanderings, the future writer Leonid Panteleev really wanted to help his relatives, he looked for work, sometimes found, met various people, and some of them turned out to be connected with crime. A very young and gullible man quickly fell under a bad influence and learned to steal. For desperate courage, inherited, apparently, by inheritance from his father, new friends called him the nickname of the famous St. Petersburg raider - Lenka Panteleev. This is where such a writer's pseudonym later appeared.

Dostoevsky School

Since Alexei's new "activity" was often associated with the police and security officers, the boy tried to forget his first and last name. The name of a bandit is better than a shot Cossack officer. Especially mother from the Arkhangelsk peasants who have become merchants. He quickly got used to the new surname, and even when meeting ordinary people who were far from his thieves' friends, he kept his real name a secret. And he did the right thing, as if he foresaw that, no matter how long the rope twisted ... He, of course, was caught.

Immediately after the end of the Civil War, the government of the country came to grips with solving the problem. He himself was responsible for the result. The most interesting thing is that after two or three years it became impossible to find a homeless child, and even in 1919 they ran in crowds in the streets. This is how Panteleev Leonid was: the biography of the end of 1921 was replenished with an unsuccessful attempt at theft. He was caught and sent to a special commission that dealt with the street children of Petrograd. From there he was sent to the Dostoevsky School, the very famous "Shkida".

Little republic

This amazing educational institution could be compared with the pre-revolutionary bursa, and with the Pushkin Lyceum. Young homeless children studied at school, studying subjects deeply and with pleasure, wrote poetry, staged plays, taught foreign languages, published their own newspapers and magazines.

Panteleev Leonid, whose biography as a writer began to be laid right here, received all the prerequisites to return to normal life, without rooming houses in boilers, without theft, hunger and escapes from the police.

Here the boy lived for two years, which charged him with energy for life. Friends appeared, whose past was also not cloudless, who remained with Alexei Yeremeev forever. So, fate brought him to the same pupil of the school - Grigory Belykh. It is he who will become the co-author of the first and most famous book about homeless children - "Republic of SHKID". Belykh also lost his father early, his mother earned miserable pennies by washing clothes, but she was always busy, because the work was long and very hard. The son decided to help her: he left school and became a porter. In the same place, at the train stations, he also fell under the influence of dark personalities and began to steal.


The boys became friends and decided to become film actors together. To achieve this goal, they left the "Shkida" and went to Kharkov. After studying a little at the courses of film actors, they suddenly realized that none of them were actors. Leaving this occupation, they wandered for some time, did not return to "Shkida" - they were probably ashamed. However, teenagers loved their school selflessly, missed it so much that they decided to write a book about it.

At the end of 1925, they returned to Leningrad, settled with Grigory in an annex on Izmailovsky Prospekt - a narrow room, long, ending with a window into the courtyard, and in it - two beds and a table. What else is needed for the annals? We bought shag, millet, sugar, tea. You could get down to business.


It was conceived - from what I remembered - thirty-two episodes with their own storyline. Each of them had to write sixteen chapters. Alexei got into Shkida later than Grigory Belykh, so he wrote the second half of the book, and then always willingly and generously gave all the laurels to the co-author, who managed to interest readers in the first part of the book so much that they read the book to the end.

And indeed, it was in the first part that all the conflicts began, the mechanisms for the explosion were laid there, all the brightest and most beautiful things also happened there, which was the distinguishing feature of "Shkida".


They wrote with passion, fast, fun. Nevertheless, they absolutely did not think what would happen to the manuscript later: where should it go? And they did not even dream of any success. Of course, the boys did not know any of the writers or publishers in Leningrad. The only person whom they saw twice a long time ago in "Shkida" at some gala evenings, Lilina, the head of the department from Narobraz.

One can imagine the horror on the face of a poor woman when two former orphans, battered by life, brought her a huge, simply unbearable manuscript. However, she read it. And not only. The co-authors were just fabulously lucky. After reading it, she handed over a thick, disheveled folder to real professionals - to the Leningrad State Publishing House, where the manuscript was read by Samuil Marshak, Boris Zhitkov and

How the authors hid from fame

"The firefighters are looking for, the police are looking for ...". Yes, indeed, everyone and everywhere was looking for them for a whole month, because the book turned out so ... Well, in a word, the book turned out! They did not leave the address to anyone. Nothing but a manuscript. In addition, they quarreled when they left the office. Belykh shouted that the whole idea of ​​arranging the manuscript was completely idiotic, well, they wrote and wrote that he was not going to disgrace himself anymore and would be ashamed to come here for the result. Then they reconciled and decided never to go anywhere else. Actors did not come out of them, and writers, it seems, too. Here are the loaders - yes, they turned out to be good ones.

Writer Leonid Panteleev, however, could not resist. A tedious and strange time has passed, as if there is nowhere to put yourself. Although there seems to be nothing to expect, but it sucks and sucks in the stomach, you still want to know what's going on with their book? And Alexey, slowly from a more stable and strong-willed friend, nevertheless decided to visit Comrade Lilina from the Narobraz.

How fame still found the authors

Seeing Alexei in the corridor of the Narobraz, the secretary shouted: "He! He! He has come!!!". And then for an hour Comrade Lilina told him how well their book was written. It was read not only by her, but by everyone in the Narobraz, up to the cleaners, and all the employees of the publishing house. One can imagine what Leonid Panteleev felt at that time! About what he wrote even after many years, unable to find words. And there are no words to describe what he felt at that moment.

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak recalled in detail the first visit of the co-authors to the editorial office. For some reason they were gloomy and spoke little. Amendments were often refused. But they were, of course, happy with this turn of events. Shortly after the publication of the book, reviews began from libraries. "The Republic of ShKID" was read avidly, dismantled like hot cakes! Everyone was wondering who these Grigory Belykh and Leonid Panteleev were, the biography for children was very important.

Success Secrets

"The book was written easily and cheerfully, without any hesitation, since we wrote almost nothing, but remembered and simply wrote down, not much time had passed since we left the walls of the school," the authors recalled. It took only two and a half months to complete the work.

Alexei Maksimovich Gorky read The Republic of ShKID with great enthusiasm and told all his colleagues about it. "Read for sure!" he said. V. N. Soroka-Rosinsky, director of the school, was named by Gorky a new type of teacher, a monumental and heroic figure. Gorky even wrote a letter to Makarenko about Vikniksor, concluding that the director of "Shkida" is the same passion-bearer and hero as the great teacher Makarenko.

However, Anton Semyonovich did not like the book. He saw there a pedagogical failure, and he did not want to recognize the book itself as artistic, it seemed to him too truthful.

After fame

The co-authors did not part for some time: they wrote essays and stories. "Hours", "Karlushkin focus" and "Portrait" were very successful. This was the end of the joint work, which was carried out in unison by Grigory Belykh and Leonid Panteleev. A brief biography of their commonwealth was completed.

Alexey wrote many more books for children, among which it is necessary to note the excellent story "Honest Word", which has become a textbook, and the story "Package", which, however, the author himself was never satisfied with: it seemed to him that with this story he had devalued the memory of his father. However, this story was filmed twice.


Grigory Belykh was innocently arrested in 1936, the denunciation was written by his sister's husband, attaching a notebook of poems. The housing problem is to blame. Belykh received three years in prison, and left behind a young wife and little daughter at home. Leonid Panteleev even telegraphed Stalin, ran around all the authorities, but in vain. All that remained was to carry parcels to prison and write letters to a friend.

Grigory himself dissuaded Alexei from continuing the trouble. I didn't name the reason, but it was. Prison doctors discovered that the Whites had tuberculosis. He was not even thirty years old when a former homeless child, a thief, and later a wonderful writer, died in a prison hospital. Leonid Panteleev after that for many years refused to republish the Republic of ShKID. Belykh was recognized as an enemy of the people, and it was unthinkable to remove the name of a friend from the cover. However, as time went on...

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