Lyrical digressions and their role in the poem by N. V

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Genre originality and the role of lyrical digressions in N. V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls".

Type of lesson: learning new material.

Goals and objectives:

    Cultivate the ability to correctly identify spiritual values;

    To instill in students a sense of pride for the Motherland, patriotism;

    to form the ability to highlight key moments, episodes, images that help to understand the problems of the work and its genre originality;

    deepen the skill of analyzing a prose work;

    consolidate literary concepts genre, type of literature, lyrical digressions.

During the classes.

  1. < >- Hello. Today in the lesson we will continue studying N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" and talk about the genre of this work and the role of lyrical digressions. In the next lesson, we write a cool essay, this lesson will help to accumulate material. To do this, we will remember these concepts, work with the text.

    Literature genre (from French genre, genus, type) - historically emerging groups of literary works, united by a set of formal and meaningful forms. Genres of literature are divided into epic, lyrical and dramatic. But there is another genre of lyrical-epic. What genre does the poem belong to? (to the lyric-epic). What other poems do you know? (acquaintance with the book exhibition). But these are all poetic works. And Dead Souls is written in prose. What is a poem? (a work of narrative or lyrical content written in verse). What allowed the author to call his work a poem?

    Lyrical digressions are an extra-plot element of the work: direct author's reasoning, reflection, statement expressing the author's attitude to the depicted.

    So, the plot of the poem is based on the purchase by Mr. Chichikov of "dead souls" in order to pledge them to the board of trustees and receive a certain amount. This whole adventure is connected with several landowners.

    2. Checking homework.

    What was given at home? (Create a table “Images of landlords in N.V. Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls” and prepare presentations)

    Working with computers on the network. Everyone throws off their work in the "Literature" folder. Individual students answer d / task.

    CONCLUSION: Gogol's Russia is inhabited by soulless people, that is, "dead souls." And what then is the positive hero of this work? (People, Russia). What is Russia itself?

    One of the tasks of our lesson is to understand, through lyrical digressions, what problems Gogol was thinking about in Russia, the motherland.

    3. Letter in a circle. RODINA IS…

    Reading the resulting essays. (1-2).

    This is your understanding of this word, and Gogol, in order to show us his thoughts about the MOTHERLAND, used lyrical digressions and the genre of the poem.

    4. Work on new material.

    Let's remember, when working on which work we have already analyzed lyrical digressions? (“Eugene Onegin” by A.S. Pushkin) How did we draw up the conclusions? (table)

    Today we are again working with educational resources that will allow us to answer the questions of the lesson.

    Change seats at computers in pairs, open in a folder « Literature”, the document TABLE and the text of the poem “Dead Souls”. You already know the text of the poem well enough to navigate it. I offer you a table that you have already worked with. The theme of lyrical digressions is spelled out. We work in groups at computers. Copy the text and paste it into the table. I give you 5 minutes to work.

    Such is the theme of lyrical digressions in Eugene Onegin. Now let's move on to Dead Souls. You have worked with the text of the poem for several lessons, you know the content, try to find the author's thoughts that are not related to the main storyline. In the table you are given tasks by groups. 1st group - "Youth, youth", 2nd group - "Reflections about the writer", 3rd group - "Attitude towards the reader", 4th group - "Road (symbol)". Work with text, copy quotes into a table.

    Ready-made answers are brought to the head computer and compiled into a single table.


    Group responses.

    1st group. Gogol introduces himself into lyrical digressions as a man of the way, traveling through Russia through the years (in time) and rethinking his worldview over the years. “Before, a long time ago, in the summers of my youth ... it was fun for me to drive up to an unfamiliar place for the first time ... Now I indifferently drive up to any unfamiliar village and indifferently look at its vulgar appearance; my chilled gaze is unpleasant, it’s not funny to me ... and my motionless lips keep an indifferent silence. Oh my youth! Oh my freshness! The author shows himself as a cheerful young man and as an experienced mature man who is bitter to look at the real Russia.

    2nd group. Gogol talks about different types of writers. " Happy is the writer who bypassing boring, nasty characters ... without touching the earth, plunged into his images far torn away from her and exalted ... There is no equal to him in strength - he is God! But such is not the fate of the other fate of the writer, who dared to bring out everything that is every minute before his eyes and that indifferent eyes do not see ... loneliness". In my opinion, Gogol ranks himself among the second type of writers. At the end of the poem, the author included a parable about Kif Mokiyevich and Mokiya Kifovich, accusing " thinking not about not to do evil, but not to be told that they are doing evil.

    (A writer's patriotism, according to Gogol, is not only to sing, but to tell the truth and thereby help!)

    Group 3 - Gogol speaks of "connoisseurs of literature" who have their own idea of ​​the purpose of writing. " It’s better to present us the beautiful, the fascinating.” The author is disappointed in advance in his readers. " But it’s not that hard that they will be dissatisfied with the hero, it’s hard that an irresistible confidence lives in the soul that the same hero ... readers would be satisfied.

    “An accusation will still fall on the author from the side of the so-called patriots, who calmly sit in their corners and do completely extraneous affairs, accumulate capital for themselves ... but as soon as some book appears in which the bitter truth is told, they will run out of the corners and suddenly raise cries: “Is it good to bring this to light? Proclaim it?

    4th group - There are a lot of lyrical road sketches in the poem. " How strange, and alluring, and bearing, and wonderful in the word: road! And how wonderful she herself is, this road: a clear day, autumn leaves, cold air ... " Gogol conveys his feelings as a traveler: God! How good you are sometimes, distant, distant road! How many times, like a perishing and drowning man, have I clutched at you, and every time you generously endured me and saved me! And how many wonderful ideas, poetic dreams were born in you, how many wondrous impressions were felt! .. " Throughout the story, the author shows the trio of Chichikov. At the end of the poem, an image of rushing Rus' appears - a triple bird. This lyrical digression completes the first volume of the poem. " Eh, trio! trio bird, who invented you? To know that you could only be born among a lively people, in that land that does not like to joke, but spread out half the world as evenly as possible, and go and count the miles until it fills your eyes. And not cunning, it seems. A road projectile, not captured by an iron screw, but hastily, alive with one ax and a chisel, was equipped and assembled by a smart Yaroslavl peasant. Not in German over the knee boots the coachman: a beard and mittens, and the devil knows what he sits on; but he got up, and swung, and dragged on a song - the horses whirlwind, the spokes in the wheels mixed up in one smooth circle, only the road trembled, and the pedestrian who stopped screamed in fright - and there she rushed, rushed, rushed! .. And you can already see in the distance, as something dusts and drills the air.

    Isn't it true that you too, Rus, that a brisk, unbeatable troika are rushing about? The road smokes under you, the bridges rumble, everything lags behind and is left behind. The contemplator, struck by God's miracle, stopped: is it not lightning thrown from the sky? What does this terrifying movement mean? And what kind of unknown power lies in these horses unknown to the light? Oh, horses, horses, what horses! Are whirlwinds sitting in your manes? Does a sensitive ear burn in every vein of yours? They heard a familiar song from above, together and at once strained their copper breasts and, almost without touching the ground with their hooves, turned into only elongated lines flying through the air, and all inspired by God rushes !.. Rus', where are you going? Give an answer. Doesn't give an answer. A bell is filled with a wonderful ringing; the air torn to pieces rumbles and becomes the wind; everything that is on the earth flies past, and, looking sideways, step aside and give way to other peoples and states.

    (read by heart along with a scene from the movie)

    CONCLUSION: All these lyrical digressions lead the reader into the world of Gogol's spiritual search for the fate of Russia. That is why the author chose the genre of the poem for his brilliant work. Poem? Yes, a poem. And a poet! Neither in the story, nor in the story, nor in the novel can the author so freely intrude his "I" into the course of the story.

    (-Well done, a good cheat sheet turned out for writing an essay, now dump this table on your flash cards)

    5. The result of the lesson.

    V. G. Belinsky in his article "The Adventures of Chichikov or Dead Souls" claims that Gogol became "a Russian national poet in the entire space of this word."

    Have we reached the goal of the lesson?

    What do you not understand? What questions remain?

    What did you like about the lesson? What else would you like to talk about?

    6. Homework. P. 171 of the textbook, essay topics. Prepare material for a class essay.

The wonderful work "" was called a poem in prose. N.V. Gogol tries to reveal in him the epic images of Russia, the common people, the Russian land. And lyrical digressions are created so that the author can express his personal opinion and attitude to the characters of the poem, to the events discussed in the chapters.

In the seventh chapter, we get acquainted with the images of Russian peasants, which were described in detail, with all the features of appearance and character. This is the hero Stepan Cork. He was a carpenter, walked all over Russia up and down. Maxim Telyatnikov is presented to us as a shoemaker who learned his skills from the Germans. After a failed plan to sell low-quality boots, he became drunk and blamed the Germans for everything. We see love for a wild and free life in the character of Abakum Fyrov. Many people from the common people liked to take a walk after a fruitful working day.

In many lyrical digressions, the reader learns about the deep tragedy of the common people, who were enslaved and enslaved by landowners and officials.

The author expressed his special love for the motherland, his patriotic moods in, which is rapidly flying forward and personifies a strong and mighty Russia.

Thus, it can be seen that lyrical digressions play an unusually important role in the poem "Dead Souls". They splash out all the emotions and thoughts of the author on topics vital to him.

There are two points of view, expressed by the writer's contemporaries, on the role and place of lyrical digressions in the poem Dead Souls.
Soon after Gogol's death, N.A. Nekrasov wrote in one of his critical reviews (in Notes on Journals for October 1855): “All the irresistible influence of his creations lies in lyricism ... What would his books be without this! They would only be books. Gogol undeniably represents something completely new among personalities who possessed the power of creativity. V. G. Belinsky: “We find important shortcomings of the novel “Dead Souls” almost everywhere where the author tries to become some kind of prophet from a poet, from an artist and falls into a somewhat inflated and pompous lyricism ... Fortunately, the number of such lyrical passages insignificant to the volume of the whole novel, and they can be skipped while reading, without losing anything from the pleasure delivered by the novel itself.
I will try to give arguments about the importance of lyrical digressions.
First, the genre nature of Dead Souls requires them. Let's not forget that the poem is one of the genres of lyrical epic works, it combines plot, eventfulness (“the adventures of Chichikov”) and an open expression by the author or lyrical hero of his feelings. The originality of the poem as a genre is largely based on the combination of the narrative characteristics of the characters, on the one hand, and the disclosure of their characters through the perception and evaluation of the lyrical hero, who plays an active role in the poem, on the other.
Secondly, the ratio of lyrical and epic principles in the poem acts as a means of expressing the author's position.
Lyrical digressions, revealing the author's attitude to the characters, directly correlate with the storyline. For example, digressions of the first and tenth chapters, which frame the image of bureaucracy in a peculiar way, digressions of the second and middle of the sixth chapter, framing the gallery of landowners, and two digressions about the scoundrel of the eleventh chapter, framing Chichikov's exposition.
Lyrical digressions, revealing the image of the author, we find at the beginning of the sixth and middle of the eleventh chapters. And at the beginning of the seventh and the end of the eleventh chapters, lyrical digressions reveal the creative tasks of the author, his fate as a writer. They are associated with digressions containing characterizations, for example, the digression ending "Happy traveler ..." at the beginning of the seventh chapter.
One of the most important is the digression about Russia, placed in the middle of the eleventh chapter. We also meet lyrical digressions that reveal the image of Russia at the end of the fifth and final of the eleventh chapters).
The climax is the digression of the middle of the tenth chapter on the ways of mankind. In terms of location, it corresponds to the climactic "peak" of the plot plan - the death of the prosecutor.
In addition, with the help of lyrical digressions, Gogol not only creates a broad panorama of the life of Russia (“All Rus' will appear in him!”), But also compositionally links the first volume with the subsequent ones.

The role of lyrical digressions in Gogol's poem Dead Souls.

Executed by Egupova A.G.

Lesson Objectives : 1) identify the genre features of the poem "Dead Souls" and their

Conditionality by the complex and original idea of ​​the work;

2) repeat the concepts of "poem", "lyrical digressions";

3) analyze the role of lyrical digressions in defining the genre


4) find out the attitude of the writer to his creation.

During the classes.

1. Word of the teacher. Problem question.What meaning did the author put into such a designation of the genre of his novel? Why did Gogol call his prose satirical work a poem and not a novel?Regulatory UUD

2. Conversation. Let's remember what a poem is as a genre (type) of lyrical-epic works? Name the works you have previously read related to the genre of the poem.

3. Word of the teacher. Thus, we can conclude that the poem as a genre (type) of lyrical-epic works combines plot, eventfulness (which is typical for epic) and open expression by the author or lyrical hero of his feelings (which is typical for lyrics).

4. Work with the "Dictionary of literary terms".General educational UUD.

5. Conversation. Regulatory UUD

So, first, let's determine the presence of a narrative, plot, epic element in Dead Souls. In what way does it manifest itself? With the image of which hero of the work is it associated?

Why did the genre designation "novel" cease to satisfy the writer?

What gave Gogol the right to call "Dead Souls" a prose "poem", how did he himself define the genre of his work?

How do you think. What elements of the poem as a genre of "singing" are present in "Dead Souls"? name these elements.

How are lyrical digressions different from authorial digressions? Give examples of author's digressions.

What role do digressions play in Dead Souls? What are they dedicated to? Why are they the main feature of "Dead Souls" as a poem?

The main theme of the poem is Rus', its past, present and future, and all lyrical digressions at least touch on, develop this theme.

Gogol's lyrical digressions serve to expand the artistic space, create a holistic image of Rus' - from everyday details to large-scale images filled with philosophical content (bird - troika)

The theme of "roads" is the second most important theme of 2 Dead Souls, connected with the theme of Russia. The road is an image that organizes the whole plot, and Gogol introduces himself into lyrical digressions as a man of the path (“Before, long ago, in the summers of my youth ...”)

Thus, lyrical digressions are a very important part of Dead Souls.

How does Gogol appear in the poem, thanks to lyrical works? What is the role of the author in Dead Souls?

6. Work on expressive means. Groups are given tables with tasks and reference material - definitions of trails.Boolean Generic Actions

1 group. Lyrical digression in chapter 6, beginning, with the words: “Before, long ago, in the summer ... it amazed me ...”

1 Inversion - a change in the usual order of something 2 Repetitions 3 Appeals, exclamations. 4Parcellation 5Nominative offers. 6 Synonyms 7 Antonyms 8 Homogeneous members 9 Comparisons 10 Metaphorical epithets 11 Sound: alliteration 12 Sound: Assonance

2 group. Lyrical digression in chapter 5 with the words: “The Russian people express themselves strongly!”

1 Inversion 2 Repetitions 3 Appeals, exclamations. 4 Gradation. 5 Synonyms 6 Personifications 7 Metaphorical epithets 9 Phraseological units.

3rd group. A lyrical digression in chapter 11 with the words: “And what kind of Russian does not like fast driving! ... For a month, some seem to be motionless.”

1 Inversion 2 Repetitions 3 Appeals, exclamations. 4 Synonyms 5 Gradation. 6 Personifications 7 Metaphorical epithets 8 Common speech. 9 Rhetorical questions. 10 Antonyms. 11Parceling

4 group. Lyrical digression in chapter 11 with the words: “Oh, troika! The troika bird drills the air.

1 Inversion 2 Repetitions 3 Appeals, exclamations. 4 Hyperbole. 5 Gradation. 6 Personifications 7 Metaphorical epithets 9 Rhetorical questions. 11 Parceling 12. Anaphora

5 group. A lyrical digression in chapter 11 with the words: “Isn’t it you, Rus', that is lively ...”

1Repetitions 2Appeals, exclamations.3Synonyms.4Metaphorical epithets

5Rhetorical questions.6Parcellation.7.Anaphora

6 group. Lyrical digression in chapter 11 with the words: “Rus! Rus!…"

1 Personifications. 2 Appeals, exclamations. 3 Repetitions. 4 Metaphorical 5 Rhetorical questions. 6 Parceling 7. Anaphora

7. Generalization of the topic.Group presentations according to the tables.Communicative UUD

8. Reflection. General educational UUD.

9. Homework.1).At home, in writing, try to formulate an answer to the question: “Why did Gogol call his prose satirical work a poem?” 2). Individual message “Lyrical digressions in “Eugene Onegin” by A. S. Pushkin and “Dead Souls” by N. V. Gogol. 3). Write out the characters who, in your opinion, can be attributed to Russia “alive” and "dead".

The poem "Dead Souls" differs in genre from other works of Russian literature. Lyrical digressions make it even more striking. They prove that N.V. Gogol created a poem, but not in verse, but in prose.

The role of retreats

N.V. Gogol is constantly present in the text of the poem. The reader feels it all the time, sometimes he seems to forget about the plot of the text, takes him aside. Why does the great classic do this:

  • Helps to more easily survive the indignation caused by the actions of the characters.
  • Adds humor to the text.
  • Creates separate independent works.
  • It changes the impression of the general description of the routine life of landowners who have lost their souls.

The writer wants the reader to know his relationship to events and people. That is why he shares his thoughts, shows anger or regret.

Philosophical reasoning

Some digressions offer to speculate on the peculiarities of the human personality and being.

  • About thick and thin. The writer divides men into two kinds depending on completeness. He finds the distinctive properties of their character. Thin dodgy, unreliable. Easily adapt to situations and change their behavior. Fat people are businessmen who more often gain weight in society.
  • Two types of characters. Large portraits and difficult for portrait painters. Some are open and understandable, others hide not only their appearance, but everything inside.
  • Passion and man. Human feelings vary in strength. It can be visited by the most beautiful passions, or by low and petty ones. Someone dreams of insignificant trinkets, but somewhere a feeling of great love is born. Passion changes a person, it can turn him into a worm, lead to the loss of his soul.
  • About scoundrels and virtues. How do scoundrels appear? The classic believes that the fault is in the acquisition. The stronger the desire of a person to acquire, the faster he loses virtues.
  • About a human. Age changes personality. It's hard to imagine being old. The young man hardens and loses humanity on the path of life. Even the grave is more merciful: it is written about the burial of a person. Old age loses its sensuality, it is cold and lifeless.

Love for Russia

Such retreats clearly show the peculiarity of Russian man and nature. The author's boundless love for the motherland is higher than other feelings. No barriers will stop Russia. She will endure and come out on a wide clear road, she will get out of all the contradictions of life.

  • Rus' - Troika. The road along which the country is carrying arouses delight in Gogol's soul. Russia is free, she loves speed, movement. The author believes that the country will find a way to a happy future for the people.
  • Roads. Retreat roads are a force that conquers a person. He cannot sit still, he strives forward. Roads help him to see something new, to look at himself from the outside. The road at night, bright day and clear morning is different. But she's always good.
  • Rus. Gogol is transferred to the beautiful far away and tries to examine the Russian expanses. He admires the beauty, the ability to hide the longing, sadness and tears of the inhabitants. The expanse of the country conquers and frightens. Why is it given to Russia?
  • Russian communication. Gogol compares the treatment of Russians with other peoples. The landlords of the province change the style of conversation depending on the state of the interlocutor: the number of souls. The “Prometheus” of the office becomes a “partridge” at the door of the authorities. A person changes even outwardly, he becomes lower in servility, louder and bolder with the lower class.
  • Russian speech. The word spoken by the Russian people is accurate and weighty. It can be compared to things cut down with an axe. The word, created by the Russian mind, comes from the very heart. It is "smart, smart", reflects the character and identity of the people.

Individual stories

Some of the lyrical digressions have their own plot. They can be read as an independent work, taken out of the context of the poem. They will not lose their meaning.

  • The Tale of Captain Kopeikin. The brightest part of the book. The censorship sought to remove the story from Dead Souls. The story of a participant in the war, seeking help from the authorities, is a difficult one. Having achieved nothing, he is served as a robber.
  • Kif Mokievich and Mokiy Kifovich. Two characters living by their own laws connect all the characters that have passed before the reader. A strong Mokii wastes what is given to him from God. Bogatyrs are brought out, turn into weak-minded people. They, endowed with special qualities, do not understand who they could become, what benefit they can bring to the people.
  • Peasants of the village Vshivaya arrogance. Talented people are enslaved, but remain hardworking and bright. A story about how, during a popular uprising in a village with a speaking (as Gogol loves) name

    "...the police were demolished from the face of the earth in the person of the assessor ...",


The great classic talks about two types of writers. Some describe boring characters. The authors are relatives in their society. Glory rises so high that they themselves recognize themselves as geniuses, equate them with the Divine. Other writers do not strive for fame, they work on the word, but fall under the court, which takes away their talent. The writing field is very tough. The thoughts of the author of the poem make the book wider and more meaningful, they raise questions and encourage the reader to seek answers to the questions that the text and lyrical digressions from the main plot ask.

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