Massage with bamboo sticks and brooms. Creole massage with bamboo sticks: technique, basic techniques, tools Self-massage at home

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When performing this exotic procedure, two bamboo sticks no longer than 40 centimeters long are used. Some of these sticks are filled with fine grains or sand, which helps create vibrations when the wood touches the patient's skin. Let's take a closer look at the highlights of the session:

  • Creole massage uses oils, and their selection is carried out individually for each client;
  • Oil is rubbed with deep movements of the hands in a sufficiently large amount. This is necessary so that the sticks do not hurt the body and slide when in contact with the skin;
  • Mandatory attribute - music. It can be folk Asian or another format, and its purpose is not only to relax the client, but also to set the rhythm for the strokes of bamboo to the massage therapist;
  • Contrary to the opinion that may develop among those who have never tried this type of massage, it does not hurt. All blows are tangential and do not cause pain. The client experiences a pleasant vibration;
  • When performing Creole massage, other movements with a stick are also performed: rolling, twisting, circular movements and many others.

Benefits of massage with bamboo sticks

Considering the specifics of the effect on the body with the help of bamboo sticks and the special technology with which various parts of the body are massaged, experts recommend attending such courses to get rid of excess weight. A positive effect is achieved by a stick filled with fine sand or grains. With uniform contact with the skin, the grains create a slight vibration that spreads throughout the body and destroys fatty structures. Especially success will be noticeable in the thighs and buttocks, where most of the cellulite is concentrated. In addition, massage is recommended for:

  • Relaxation after physical overwork;
  • Treatment of stress and depression;
  • Improvement of blood circulation;
  • Reducing the likelihood of varicose veins;
  • Slowing down the aging process of the skin;
  • Improving the general condition of the body, relieving muscle tension

Often, a bamboo broom can serve as an additional device. The specialist, alternating movements with a stick and a broom, achieves the maximum effect of body relaxation. How to use the massage technique of using a bamboo broom and sticks can be viewed on the video by clicking on this link.

As a result of self-massage, internal self-healing mechanisms are launched, our “internal pharmacy” begins to work, and the body is restored. Techniques and techniques of self-massage are formed in the process of many years of practice. They are simple to perform, but can be mastered in a short period of time.

Self-massage with a stick

This type of self-massage is suitable when you are limited in time. It will take only one item - a round smooth stick about 70 - 90 cm long and 2-3 cm in diameter, wooden or made of other material. The main condition is that it should slide painlessly and gently over the body. Some prefer wood.

The type of tree is chosen based on considerations of the energy impact on the human body. Others prefer coated metal.


It is located in the back of the neck, in the upper back.

  • Take the stick with your right hand by one end and raise it up in front of you like a flag.
  • Bring the stick behind your back so that it is next to the spine, grab the other end from behind with your other hand.
  • In this position, press with both hands on the ends of the stick so that it, in turn, presses along the entire length of the area along the spine.
  • After it is necessary to begin to intensively move the stick from the spine and in the opposite direction, it should move parallel to it.
  • Try to massage the maximum possible areas from the top of the thoracic region (as close to the neck as possible) and to the area below the shoulder blades.
  • Then massage the shoulder blade area.

The duration of the massage is one to three minutes.


  • Put your right hand on the right end of the stick from above, and grab the stick with your left hand from below.
  • Bring it behind your head, placing it on the right side of your neck. At the same time, place the left hand and the left end of the stick closer to the right side of the neck, as low as possible. From this position, start self-massage.
  • Press the stick on the right side of the neck. The left hand (which is closer to the neck) presses the stick, and the right shakes the stick up and down perpendicular to the neck.
  • Then move it about one and a half centimeters up towards the back of the head. Treat the next area in the same way. As a result, the entire surface of the neck on the right is massaged.

Similarly, massage the neck on the left.

Along with rolling the baton over the neck, rubbing the neck up and down with a stick can also be used. But this is not always comfortable, as it can lead to rubbing and skin irritation.

You can choose any of these methods, and it is best to combine them during one session. The execution time is the same.


  • The treatment of the thighs is performed with the support of the foot on a hill (chair) or other surface.
  • Grasp the stick with both hands at the ends from above, place it on the upper surface of the thigh, as close as possible to the hip joint and in this position press, moving the stick to the knee.

Self-massage of the thighs can be performed while sitting. Choose a method based on your own feelings, how convenient and comfortable it is to perform. In this case, as before, the impact is similarly carried out first on one, then on the other thigh alternately, or on two at the same time.

Rub with a stick until you feel a pleasant, light warmth and reddening of the skin.

Similarly, massage the lateral, inner, outer and back surfaces of the thighs, while intensively quickly rubbing them with a stick until you feel warm. The duration of the procedure is two to six minutes.

In a position with the support of the foot on a hill (chair), rub the shins in the same way from all sides. Then rub the foot with a stick from the uppermost zone to the fingers, including the fingers themselves. In this case, there should be a feeling of mild soreness from rubbing.

Put your foot on the log, press on it with your foot with the force of your own body weight, roll the log from your toes to your heels and back. Duration - 20 seconds - 1 minute.


  • Bring the stick behind your back and rub the lumbar region of the back intensively to the left and right of the spine. It is necessary to treat the area from the bottom of the thoracic spine to the buttocks. Duration - one to three minutes.
  • Then intensively rub the sacral area on the left and right. This additional effect is especially effective for lower back pain.

It is necessary to process the area approximately from the waist to the buttocks. Movement in this case is carried out up and down. Rubbing perform until a feeling of soreness of medium strength. Impact on one side - from 30 seconds to one and a half minutes.

  • Then rub the buttocks with a stick. Place it under the buttocks and press on them from below. Next, you need to grind with pressure up and down and massage both buttocks alternately, and then simultaneously. The duration of exposure is one to three minutes.
  • Finally, lightly roll the stick across your abdomen from top to bottom. The duration of such a massage is from 20 seconds to one minute.

The techniques of self-massage with a stick described above are not mandatory and can be improved and modified in the process of their application.

Jul 12, 2017 Olga

- a fairly new phenomenon for our country. He appeared just during the next fashion boom for everything exotic. Until that moment, bamboo was used and perceived more as a decorative element. If we talk about bamboo massage, then it has been practiced for a long time, and its history begins on the islands of the Mascarene archipelago. It is inhabited by Creoles, and it is to them that the first use of bamboo for massage is attributed. Exactly because of this reason bamboo massage often referred to as Creole. Over time, this type of massage spread throughout Europe, and now it has reached our SPA centers.

When to use bamboo massage

Because the bamboo massage this is still an innovation, it is worth mentioning how it is used and, most importantly, why. The basis of the action of Creole massage is the expansion and narrowing of the vessels of the circulatory system. Creole massage helps with obesity and cellulite. As a rule, the solution to the problem of excess weight leads many people to specialists in this technique.

This type of massage greatly accelerates blood circulation and metabolism, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the nutrition of the cells and tissues of the body. And, of course, this massage helps to relieve physical tension, relax and relieve stress. In general, this is a great way to get rid of overwork, both physical and mental.

A significant advantage is the high efficiency of bamboo massage. In addition, it takes significantly less time than traditional manual massage. Do not be afraid of the formidable appearance of bamboo sticks, massage does not cause absolutely no pain, rather, on the contrary, it is quite pleasant. The average course is fifteen sessions, which can be done daily or every other day.

Bamboo massage technique

The technique of Creole massage, at first glance, is quite unusual. The main element of the massage are two bamboo sticks. Part of the stick is hollow, and the rest of the space is filled with grain or fine sand. This allows not only to create a sound effect, but also to make the weight and balance of the sticks optimal.

Also, a constant attribute of Creole massage are various massage oils, most often almond, nutmeg or cypress oil, but there are other variations. The massage process is as follows: first, a deep rubbing of the body with a bamboo stick takes place, this allows you to relax the muscles, and thus prepare the body for massage. Next, the masseur begins to tap the body with sticks in a rhythm of about one hundred and twenty beats per minute.

Almost always bamboo massage accompanied by ethnic Creole music. Oddly enough, music is used not so much for the sake of aesthetic pleasure and atmosphere, but for the massage therapist to observe the correct rhythm of the massage. It is the rhythmic actions during the massage that are the basis for maximum efficiency.

Bamboo strikes are made on a tangent, and here the filler in the form of sand or grain comes into play. Together with the impact, the content of the bamboo stick creates an additional micro-vibration that improves blood circulation. The main meaning of Creole massage is to act on various points of the body, to increase blood circulation in them and relax muscles. Such a massage gives the best result after all kinds of thermal procedures, such as a bath or sauna. can be used both separately and in combination with any other types of massage.

Chinese and Thai bamboo massage

There are also several other bamboo massage techniques. They are less popular and, as a result, less common, which by no means makes them less interesting. This is Thai and Chinese massage. Thai bamboo massage improves blood circulation and relieves muscle pain, and also helps to remove various harmful substances from the body. Such a massage is carried out with heated bamboo stalks, and, in comparison with the Creole massage, it does not rely on the rhythm of performance, on the force and energy effects on the body.

Most people think that massage is only a manual effect on the body. In fact, many special devices are used for massage, which enhance the effect. Among such devices are bamboo sticks, which have long been used for body massage throughout Asia. Below you will learn more about massage with bamboo sticks. About its advantages, medicinal properties and some contraindications.

Bamboo is used for a variety of purposes. It is a very durable material and furniture is made from it. It is also used in construction. Hats and rugs are made from its leaves. I use young bamboo shoots in my dishes. Such dishes are most often prepared in Chinese cuisine. In addition to all this, bamboo is used for body massage.

In Asian countries, it is considered a symbol of grace, sexuality and longevity. Massage with bamboo sticks and brooms tones, heals and relaxes.

Bamboo has been used for massage for about 5,000 years. Initially, it began to be used for body massage on the island of Mauritius, it is located in the Indian Ocean. This island is inhabited by Creoles, who are the children and grandchildren of the interracial unions of Europeans and Africans. Bamboo massage in Russia appeared relatively recently and is not very common. It is practiced by a small number of specialists. But it is worth noting that recently there are more and more such massage therapists every day.

Usually Creole massage is done as a complex, that is, several sessions as a separate procedure or in a group with other techniques. Since such a massage has a positive effect on the circulation of lymph and blood in the body, it is often combined with lymphatic drainage massage. Such a massage is usually carried out at the end of the lymphatic drainage complex and the largest sticks are used for it.

Massage with bamboo sticks is done using sticks specially made for this purpose, which are called “cho”. For massage, sticks of various diameters and sizes are used. This is done so that in certain parts of the body they create the necessary pressure and act on reflexological points. At the beginning of the massage, sticks of the largest diameter are used, with which the specialist warms up and prepares the largest areas of the muscles.

After that, there is a change of sticks from larger to smaller, until it reaches the smallest bamboo brooms. The change of each stick is accompanied by light rubbing with the palms. In the process of massage, in addition to the size of the sticks, the strength and speed of the massage also change. The master begins to work with his hands and sticks with more strength and energy. In addition to increasing speed, deeper and deeper muscles begin to be massaged. The master finishes the procedure with a light massage with bamboo brooms, which relax and soothe the person.

When doing a back massage, they also use different size bamboo sticks made from bamboo stalks. During the massage, quiet and relaxing music plays. At the beginning of the massage, essential oils are applied to the back, which increases the effect of the procedure. In order for the load on different muscles to be correct during the massage, different sticks are used.

Massage begins with the neck, followed by the shoulders and then the back. At this stage, the massage is very active and is complemented by the technique of lymphatic drainage massage. This technique involves vibration and pressure with large bamboo sticks. Such a massage takes place in the rhythm of 120 beats per minute and is done through a sheet.

This massage can also be carried out pointwise, in order to have an impact on the active points of the body or individual problem areas. For example, you can massage the buttocks and thighs separately to get rid of cellulite, or the waist to get rid of excess fat and give it more graceful curves.

Creole massage has an excellent effect on improving blood circulation in the human body and lymph, which increases the speed of skin recovery and drainage. Also, Creole massage gives an excellent effect in the treatment of cellulite and circulatory disorders. Very often, in the complex treatment of cellulite, Creole massage with bamboo sticks is included.

It allows you to model the figure in the necessary areas such as the buttocks, hips and waist. This massage is also great for overweight and obesity. In addition, Creole massage perfectly relieves stress, fatigue and malaise. In addition to the body, bamboo sticks also do facial massage, which gives a lifting effect.

Massage with bamboo sticks allows you to say goodbye to sleep problems. Massage allows you to get rid of insomnia and constant fatigue. It allows you to fill the body with strength and energy in a natural way, using only the capabilities of your own body. During massage, the energy balance of the body is restored.

In addition, all the cells of the body are filled with energy, and you immediately feel a surge of strength. All these sensations will be difficult to understand for people who have attended the first massage session. For those who have visited Creole massage for the first time, a cup of pleasant fragrant tea will be an excellent end to the session, after which you will finally relax and enjoy the effect of massage.

In addition to all the positive aspects of massage, Creole massage has several contraindications. It is not recommended for blood diseases and internal bleeding, cancer, tuberculosis, gallstones and kidney stones, influenza, tonsillitis, varicose veins and some other diseases. Therefore, all this must be considered before visiting a massage therapist.

The indisputable advantages include the effectiveness of massage. This is especially true for the thighs and buttocks. This mass takes little time, compared to manual massage, it passes twice as fast. Bamboo massage is completely painless. To get the desired effect, you need to visit about 15 sessions.

Despite the fact that such a massage is exotic, this does not prevent it from being healing and healing. With it, you can perfectly correct the figure and get rid of cellulite. This is a great way to recharge your batteries and get rid of stress, while also experiencing the pleasant sensations during the massage.

Bamboo massage is a relatively new massage technique using bamboo sticks.

It appeared on the territory of Russia only a few years ago, so many have not even heard of such a procedure.

Bamboo massage is very popular in Asian countries. This is especially true for resort and tourist states, such as Indonesia, China, Japan and Thailand. In these republics, bamboo massage has been practiced for many hundreds of years.

The history of the invention of Creole massage with bamboo sticks

Massage with bamboo sticks was used by the ancient tribes of Africa and America. With the help of sticks of this plant, people relieved fatigue, toned muscles and restored the body.

This type of massage is more widespread in Japan. It was used primarily for samurai after long fights and minor damage. Such procedures help to quickly restore strength.

The history of Creole massage with bamboo sticks began on the island of Mauritius, which is located in the Indian Ocean.

According to studies, this type of massage began to be practiced by the local population more than 5,000 years ago.

At that time, the territory of Mauritius was inhabited by Creoles. This is a special race that appeared as a result of mixed marriages of people with a European appearance and Africans.

In Russia, Creole massage has appeared recently, but historians claim that even in the territory of Ancient Rus', bamboo wood was used to create bath brooms.

Impact on the human body

This type of massage helps to improve blood circulation, stimulates the production of collagen, makes the skin firmer and more elastic, restores metabolism, and improves lymph flow.

Rubbing and exposure to bamboo items improves the delivery of oxygen to the tissues, resulting in rejuvenation and restoration of the body.

This type of massage perfectly corrects the contours of the body, eliminates cellulite.

The effect of bamboo massage:

  1. Activation of metabolic processes.
  2. Improving the work of the cardiovascular system.

Silicic acid is present in bamboo fibers. Upon contact with the skin, it is released and has a beneficial effect on the skin, which manifests itself in faster healing of wounds and skin smoothing.

Types of massage

Bamboo brooms

Massage with bamboo brooms involves the use of an abundance of thin bamboo sticks, which are tied into a bundle.

The length of each twig is approximately 30 centimeters. This procedure is very popular in Thailand, which is why it is called Thai massage.

bamboo sticks

Chinese massage is the effect of bamboo sticks. Sticks during the procedure are rhythmically tapped on the human body.

Massage with bamboo sticks involves the use of bamboo sticks with a length of 35 to 40 centimeters and a diameter of about 3-4 centimeters.

Bamboo massage sticks are filled with sand or grain. Filling is mandatory. This allows the wand to be heavier, and also creates a unique sound effect that also relaxes and calms the person.

Massage technique

This procedure is aimed at healing and relaxation, so it is carried out in a separate room with soft music. Sounds and melodies are selected based on the type of massage.

The main goal of preparing for the procedure is the complete relaxation of the person, therefore, in front of it, the massage therapist warms up the body to a slight hyperemia, which is manifested by redness on the human skin. Hyperemia occurs due to overflow of blood vessels.

The first stage of the procedure goes very smoothly. The masseur kneads the body with vibration and stroking movements. Then massage oil is applied.

It is selected based on the purpose of the procedure. The use of oil helps to provide a sliding effect, so the skin is not injured from exposure to bamboo products.

The massage starts from the feet. Initially, the masseur performs light blows with sticks at about 100 beats per minute. Blows do not feel pain, because they are applied tangentially, so a person feels only vibration.

Then the sticks are rolled over the human body, twisting and squeezing movements are made. This technique helps to maximize the effect on the muscles.

If the procedure is aimed at eliminating cellulite, then special attention is paid to the study of the buttocks, thighs and legs.

When massaging the abdomen, it is worth remembering that it should only be performed on an empty stomach. Tapping is done strictly clockwise. Then, rolling and kneading techniques are done on the stomach.

Neck massage is done without the help of a massage therapist. A person needs to lie on his back, and put a bamboo stick under his neck and make rotating movements with his head. It is strictly forbidden to influence the neck and cervical vertebrae with sticks in the prone position.

Massage with bamboo brooms is best done after visiting a bath or sauna, when the skin has steamed out. The protocol for performing massage with bamboo brooms involves preheating the twigs with hot air.

The execution technique is very similar to steaming in a Russian bath. The massage therapist applies painless blows to the human body with patting movements.

The frequency of claps changes periodically. This is done to make the effect of the oil more effective and to relax the person.

After that, the masseur performs stroking movements, thereby massaging the main points on the human body.

On average, at least 15 sessions are required to show the effect. The procedure is allowed to be carried out every day.

Oil selection

Base oil is an integral part of the massage. 2-3 drops of essential oil are added to it. Pure essential oil is never used for massage.

Many people think that all oils are the same, but this is not true. They differ not only in the way they are made. Each oil has its own benefits and indications for use.

So the use of geranium oil helps to calm the nervous system, and grapefruit actively fights excess weight and cellulite. Orange or mandarin oil accelerates blood circulation, improves skin elasticity.

To get rid of extra pounds, cedar, lemon, cypress, clove and lavender oil is used. Juniper oil is an excellent detoxifier.

Indications and contraindications

There are no direct indications for this type of massage. It is used for fatigue, muscle tone. Recommended for the treatment of obesity.

It is worth remembering that this procedure is contraindicated in the presence of diseases such as:

  • Dermatological diseases.
  • AIDS virus.
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