Monaco. History and culture of Monaco

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Once upon a time, the Italians and the French fought for the right to own this land. As a result of this rivalry, the Monegasque people were born - the indigenous inhabitants of the Principality of Monaco. Today, the territory of one of the smallest states on the planet is the focus of various traditions, each of which is an integral part of the rich and diverse culture of Monaco.

Icing on a piece of cake

This is how the marriage of Prince Rainier III with the movie star Grace Kelly was called at the beginning of the 20th century, which further emphasized the glamorous image of the dwarf state. The princely dynasty of Grimaldi accepted a foreigner into its bosom, thereby putting an end to past conventions and prejudices. Since then, Monaco has been not only the oldest casino in Europe and the Cote d'Azur marinas full of expensive yachts, but also Formula 1 racing, fashion boutiques and anonymous bank deposits.

Monegasque traditions

In the culture of Monaco, great importance is attached to the rights of the indigenous population of the country. Today there are no more than seven thousand Monegasques, but each of them, according to tradition, is exempt from paying taxes and enjoys many more privileges.
Monegasque men revere the white color in their clothes, as they consider it a symbol of nobility and honor. The main temple in Monaco is dedicated to Saint Devote, the martyr of Corsican and the patroness of the principality.
Despite the dwarf size of the state, it traditionally has an army. The number of military personnel in it does not exceed one hundred people, and even the military band of Monaco is more numerous.

Opera like in Paris

Culture Monaco is also the famous hall of the Opera Garnier, built by the same architect as the building of the same name in Paris. Not only the Philharmonic Orchestra performs in the Garnier Hall, but also world-class foreign stars. Chaliapin and Caruso, Pavarotti and Domingo shone here. The Russian ballet is also popular with the inhabitants of Monaco, because the Diaghilev troupe was once created in this hall.

Under the wing of Jacques Yves Cousteau

For many years, the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco, founded in 1889 by Prince Albert, was headed by the world-famous explorer of the seas and oceans, Jacques-Yves Cousteau. The museum's collection includes not only various types of marine life, but also models of ancient and modern ships, tools and weapons. Live exhibits in aquariums - more than four thousand species.

The Grimaldi family has ruled the Principality of Monaco since 1297. During this time, Monaco experienced many historical events, eventually becoming one of the most popular tourist centers in Europe. Hundreds of millions of euros are invested in the local tourism industry every year, and this brings noticeable results. Now Monaco is famous for its casinos in Monte Carlo, the holding of the Forum 1 races, as well as its beaches.

Geography of Monaco

The Principality of Monaco is located in Western Europe on the Mediterranean coast. On three sides, Monaco borders on France (13 km to Nice). The territory of this country is only 2.02 square meters. km. Land border - 4.4 km. The authorities of Monaco plan to slightly expand their territory in the future by draining sections of the Mediterranean Sea.


The capital of the Principality of Monaco is the city of Monaco, which is now home to more than 1.3 thousand people. The city of Monaco was founded in 1215 by Italians from the Republic of Genoa.

Official language

The official language in Monaco is French. Traditional Monegasque (a dialect of Ligurian spoken in Genoa) is now spoken by a minority of Monegasques. The Italian language is also widely spoken in this Principality.


More than 83% of the population of Monaco are Catholics belonging to the Roman Catholic Church.

State structure of Monaco

Since 1911, the Principality of Monaco has been a constitutional monarchy. The head of state is the Prince of Monaco.

Legislative power belongs to the unicameral parliament - the National Council, consisting of 24 deputies elected for 5 years.

Under the Constitution of 1911, the Principality of Monaco was divided into three municipalities:

  • Monaco-Ville - the old city;
  • Monte-Carlo to the east and northeast;
  • Condamine in the southwest, including Port Hercules.

Now the Principality already has 5 municipalities (for example, the Fontvieille region is an area drained by the Mediterranean Sea).

Climate and weather

The climate in Monaco is Mediterranean with elements of an oceanic and subtropical climate. Summers are warm and dry, while winters are mild and rainy. The average annual air temperature in Monaco is +16.4C.

Sea in Monaco

The coastline in Monaco is 4.1 km. Due to the rapidly growing population, the authorities of Monaco are draining part of the Mediterranean Sea, then building houses and resorts in these places.

Average Mediterranean temperature near Monte Carlo:

  • January - +13C
  • February - +13С
  • March - +13C
  • April - +14C
  • May - +17C
  • June - +20C
  • July - +23С
  • August - +23C
  • september - +22C
  • October - +20C
  • November - +17C
  • December - +15C


The first settlements on the territory of the modern Principality of Monaco were founded by the Phoenicians around the 10th century BC. The name "Monaco" comes from the ancient Greek word "monoikos" (people living separately from their fellow tribesmen).

According to ancient Greek myth, the legendary Hercules (Hercules) once visited the territory of modern Monaco. That is why the temple of Hercules Monoikos was formed there, around which several settlements were formed. The city of Monaco itself was founded in 1215 by immigrants from the Republic of Genoa.

Since 1297, Monaco has been under the control of the Grimaldi family (the current Prince of Monaco is also from this family).

In the 17th century, the princes of Monaco fall under French influence - they live in Paris, and not in their ancestral patrimony.

In 1797, the troops of revolutionary France captured Monaco, and the Grimaldi family temporarily lost power over this principality. However, in 1814, after the defeat of the troops of Napoleon Bonaparte, Grimaldi regain control of Monaco, but are under the protectorate of the Kingdom of Sardinia.

In 1860, Monaco again fell under the protectorate of France. In the mid-1860s, the first casino appeared in Monaco.

In 1911, the first Constitution was adopted in Monaco, which somewhat limited the power of the Grimaldi princes. In 1918, the Monaco-French Treaty was concluded, according to which the interests of the Principality of Monaco in the international arena are represented by France.

In 1962, the Constitution of Monaco was amended to give women the right to vote.

In 1993, the Principality of Monaco was admitted to the UN. In 2002, a new treaty was concluded between France and Monaco. According to this treaty, if the Grimaldi dynasty had no heirs, the Principality would still remain an independent state.


In the Principality of Monaco, religious and cultural traditions have been successfully maintained for many centuries, which are often already intertwined.

Every year the inhabitants of Monaco celebrate the feast of Saint Devota, who is considered the patroness of this Principality. Every year on January 27, street festivities, religious ceremonies and torchlight processions take place throughout the Principality. In the evening, a grandiose fireworks flashes in the sky over the harbor of Monaco.

On June 23-24 Monaco celebrates Saint Jean's Day. On this day, many young people dressed in the national costumes of the Monegasques take to the streets. In Monte Carlo, on June 24, festivities are held in the open air until late in the evening.

Monaco hosts numerous carnivals every year. The tradition of carnivals in the Principality began in the 15th century.

Cuisine of Monaco

The cuisine of Monaco has been shaped by Italian and French influences. This alone guarantees that the food in Monaco is delicious. Tourists in Monaco, we advise you to definitely try:

  • "Barbagiuan" - pies with rice, pumpkin, spinach and cheese;
  • "Fougasse" - bread cake with cheese and onions;
  • "Stocafi" - dried cod in a thick tomato sauce;
  • "Socca" - pancakes made from pea flour with chicken.

Sights of Monaco

Tourists come to Monaco in order to relax in the beautiful local resorts. However, sunbathing on the beach is also sometimes annoying, and therefore we recommend that tourists in Monaco see the following attractions:

Cities and resorts

The largest cities in Monaco are Monaco-Ville (the city of Monaco proper), Monte Carlo, La Condamine and Fontvieille. True, they are “large” only by local standards. Thus, more than 1.3 thousand people now live in the city of Monaco.

Millions of tourists from all over the world travel to Monaco to discover this fabulous principality nestled between the dizzying Alps and the azure Mediterranean coast.

Monaco is one of the smallest, exotic, interesting and most famous cities in Europe. The Principality of Monaco is a tiny, but at the same time very densely populated state, which is the smallest constitutional monarchy in the world. The indigenous population is called Monegasques (Monegasques) or inhabitants of Monaco.

Yacht Show in Monaco

The latter enjoy huge privileges here, for example, they do not pay taxes. In addition, Monegasques treat family values ​​and traditions with particular trepidation. It is absolutely unthinkable for them to celebrate the holidays without their family. Say, go alone somewhere, leaving the family at home. Traditionally, Monegasques gather around a large table, especially on major religious holidays.

Live in Monaco

Just in case Monaco absolutely fascinates you and you start thinking about buying real estate here, keep in mind that it costs a lot of money here. Of course, there is always a tiny chance that you will be able to get the right amount by winning in one where the initial bet is only $10.

In other words, it is not at all necessary to have a fortune with you in order to take part in a gambling game that attracts the attention of avid gamblers and successful people from all over the world. With all this, local residents are prohibited by law from playing in the casino. This is a city with crowds of tourists and heavy traffic, a pebbly beach and a sharp entry into the depths almost at the very shore.

It will be difficult to find a developed infrastructure and entertainment for children here. And if, in addition, your child is also very active, and also likes to make some noise from the heart, then you should beware and be prepared for the fact that residents and guests of Monaco will be dissatisfied with making comments to you, because they are very jealous of silence and convenience.

Festivals in Monaco

At the same time, Monaco is a very cheerful and vibrant country. It has an incredible number of holidays, festivals, European and world-class competitions, which are an integral part of the way of life in Monaco.

Circus Festival in Monaco

Whenever you come to this country, you will always have the opportunity to get to an interesting event, festival or tournament, dedicated to various topics and capable of satisfying every taste. Every year, you can have a good time at the international fair and visit the competition of steerable ship models.

Monaco in winter

The opening of the ballet season takes place in December. Local residents also begin preparations for the New Year, Christmas and other holidays: all the streets, as well as shops and restaurants of the city are buried in dyes and decorations. Arriving in Monaco in January, you can take part in the international circus festival and feel the atmosphere of this unusual competition. In February, the International Television Festival is held for connoisseurs and lovers of television.

Monaco in winter

Monaco in spring

In March, you can attend the colorful opening of the Opera House and the Jugglers' Festival. But the most "festival" month in Monaco is April. Numerous events are held throughout this month, such as the International Dog Show, the Contemporary Sculpture Festival, the Monte Carlo Open, and this is not a complete list.

Residents of Monaco and racing fans from other countries are looking forward to the month of May. After all, it is in May that the most exciting and famous Grand Prix in the world is held - "". This is one of the most difficult and prestigious races among world tournaments. The race runs along the Monte Carlo circuit, and the spectators are in close proximity to the cars flying by. This is an incomparable impression and admiration for the masterful skills of racing car drivers. By the way, racing fans will also appreciate the car museum - a collection of old and famous cars.

Monaco in summer

In the summer, you have every chance to join such entertaining events as the Monte-Carlo International Pyrotechnics Festival and the Monaco Red Cross Ball.

Monaco in autumn

September is the month of sports. Here you can admire the breathtaking sailing races called "Rendez-Vous de Septembre" (September date) and the Grand Prix of the athletics competition. From 27 to 30 September here in Monaco you will have a great opportunity to watch the Monaco Yacht Show.

By this time, all possible representatives of this industry are coming here, from designers to engineers and from brokers to office workers. This exhibition of yachts is the most famous in the world and is relevant only for luxury yachts. Its unique feature is that it only exhibits yachts over 25 meters in length.

On November 19, the inhabitants of the principality celebrate the most important holiday in the country - the National Day of Monaco. On this day, all Monegasques "dress up" in the colors of the national flag - red and white. Thus, the Monegasques express their devotion to the prince and his family.

Members of the princely family, in turn, take part in official events from morning until late evening. The morning begins with a solemn mass chanted in Monegasque at the Cathedral of St. Mary. And the day ends at the opera house, where all members of the princely family are present at the production. This holiday with all its traditional celebrations and attributes reminds of the glorious past of Monaco.

In a word, Monaco is not only a country with fabulous views and a predominance of sunny days a year, but also a country rich in cultural traditions.

The national culture of Monaco has been formed over many centuries under the strong influence of neighboring countries, primarily France. The Principality gained independence in 1489.

Today, the Principality is an attractive tourist destination as well as a tax-free territory. Wealthy people from all over the world come here to play casinos, go on yachts, spend money. In addition, they are interested in the possibility of keeping savings in offshore bank accounts. Formula 1 races have become the hallmark of the Principality. However, the national culture of Monaco is wider than these generally accepted ideas about the country.


The French, Monegasques, Italians and other nationalities inhabiting the principality are mostly Catholics. In the country, one can observe the peaceful coexistence of different cultures, each of which brings its own special flavor to the image of the country. If the Italians and the French are familiar Europeans with a set of familiar clichés, then not much is known about the Monegasques.

Monegasques are the indigenous inhabitants of Monaco (approximately 16% of the population). By origin, the Monegasques are the descendants of the marriages of the French and Italians, who founded the principality as a result of internecine wars in the Middle Ages.

The style of Monegasque swordsmanship (originated during the country's struggle for independence), is distinguished by the use of daggers and short swords. Long wars also affected the freedom-loving culture of Monaco and the Monegasques inhabiting it.

The number of this people barely exceeds seven thousand people, but the culture of Monaco is impossible without it. Since the Monegasques are considered the original subjects of the monarch, they are exempt from taxes and enjoy various privileges.

Of particular importance in the Monegasque culture is the white color. It is considered a symbol of nobility and honor, personifies the shroud of St. Devota. The Church of St. Devota is considered the main one in Monte Carlo, many Catholics from Monegasques and other nationalities come there. Monegasque men wear white clothes as a symbol of dignity, honor and courage.

Official holidays in Monaco

  • January 1 - New Year
  • January 27 - Memorial Day of Saint Devota
  • May 1 - Labor Day
  • November 19 - Principality Day of Monaco
  • December 25 - Catholic Christmas

Monaco annually hosts significant sporting and cultural events, including the Monte Carlo Rally, the Rolex Tennis Tournament, the International Circus Festival, etc.

The low unemployment rate in the country and financial stability make the life of the inhabitants of the Principality measured and calm.

The famous building of the Salle Garnier is located in the principality. It houses the Philharmonic Orchestra and the Monte Carlo Opera. Such legends as Chaliapin, Caruso, Pavarotti performed here. It was in the principality that Sergei Diaghilev founded his Russian ballet. In subsequent years, Anna Pavlova, Rudolf Nureyev, Mikhail Baryshnikov and other famous dancers performed on its stage.

A small piece of land, which can be called a state with a big stretch because of its dwarf size, nevertheless, has been attracting a variety of people from all over the world for decades. The rich and famous acquire fabulously expensive real estate here, and tourists come from all over the world to enjoy the beauties of the principality. Knowing the traditions will help us understand why this place is so popular and is always associated with luxury, big money and a fabulous atmosphere.

Monegasques - who are they?

The culture and traditions of Monaco require careful study, because to understand the mentality of the locals of any country is possible only by comprehending national characteristics.

So, the indigenous people of Monaco are called Monegasques. They enjoy many privileges: they do not have to pay taxes, and only they have the right to live in the old city. Of the 35,000 people living in the principality, approximately 40 percent are Monegasques.

Family comes first

The inhabitants of Monaco carried a special attitude to the family and family values ​​from time immemorial. Celebrating outside the home, leaving the family alone is an unthinkable thing. Here it is customary to gather at a large table all together, especially in the main religious celebrations. Therefore, even those family members who live in remote corners of the globe give up all their business and certainly come to their father's house for Easter and Christmas. By the way, one old tradition is associated with Christmas: on the eve of the holiday, the oldest member of the family dips an olive tree branch into wine. This symbolic gesture means a wish for well-being and peace.

Monegasque Roulette

The most famous in the world is located in Monaco and is almost its main one. It has been operating since 1863, and was created with very rational goals: by this time the principality was fragmented, and the income from the casino was supposed to help the princely family avoid bankruptcy. The calculations were fully justified, and the casino glorified Monaco to the whole world.

For more than a century of history, many legends and rumors have appeared around the casino. Here they won and lost a lot of money, taking their own lives after a fateful loss.

According to the tradition of Monaco, it is forbidden to play in the casino for local residents. To visit the casino and try your luck, you must have a foreign citizen's passport.

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