Can be given to a 10 year old girl.

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The first anniversary gift should be special - bright and memorable, matching the birthday girl’s lifestyle and taking her to a new world of discovery. On this day, a 10-year-old girl should be given her dream and an unforgettable experience, give her the opportunity to feel like a real lady and reveal herself in creativity or sports.

A ten-year-old girl is both a child who loves children's games and toys, and a growing lady who is already interested in clothes, cosmetics, and jewelry.

To choose the right gift for the first anniversary, you need to carefully monitor the interests of the birthday girl, which can change every day.

If you want to delight the hero of the occasion, you can give a girl 10 years old:

  • presentations-impressions;
  • educational games;
  • creator's Kit;
  • fashion gadgets;
  • beautiful outfits;
  • accessories for creating beauty.

How to decide on a gift for a girl for her first anniversary?

What gifts does a ten-year-old birthday girl dream of?

A ten-year-old girl is at an intermediate stage between childhood and adolescence, but her thinking still remains childish.

She loves everything bright and colorful, tries to imitate her mother, seeks her support and tries herself in new hobbies, without stopping at one thing.

At the age of 10 it is too early to talk about the persistence of interests, but there is a clear tendency towards a certain type of leisure time - sports, handicrafts, drawing, intellectual games, etc.

At the age of ten, children are happy to engage in role-playing games. Girls will be interested in complex combinations of games in a hairdresser, beauty salon, hospital, school, sewing or design workshop, clothing store, etc.

They try to introduce new rules into familiar plots and give preference to group games. Dolls and other toys have not yet left the circle of interests of young beauties, so they can be given to a child for a girl’s birthday.

Striving to grow up, the little princess carefully arranges her room, decorating it in bright colors, using her favorite scenes from books and cartoons. Suitable decor for this are stickers on the wall and furniture.

Please the birthday girl with a practical thing (for example, an alarm clock or a night light) in a certain thematic style.

Universal birthday gift ideas for a 10-year-old girl that the hero of the occasion will be delighted with, regardless of her hobbies:

  • Dolls and accessories associated with them (house, furniture, kitchen utensils, clothes, etc.);
  • Personal diary with profiles for your friends with a lock;
  • Electronic gadgets (tablet, smartphone, e-reader);
  • Pet (to develop responsibility, the desire to take care of others);
  • House-tent in the form of a castle for a princess;
  • Night light with starry sky projector;
  • A piggy bank in an interesting thematic design;
  • Mini trampoline;
  • A small dressing table with compartments for storing cosmetics and accessories;
  • A flip-flop portrait is a creative gift for a 10-year-old girl that she can create with her own hands;
  • Going to an amusement park.

What should you not give to a 10-year-old girl?

A birthday is a holiday of special importance. On this day, you want to get something bright and memorable.

Birthday gifts for children should not be dull, everyday - it is unlikely that the birthday girl on such a significant day will be happy with a new pair of shoes or school supplies that parents can buy for no reason.

List of prohibited gifts for a 10-year-old birthday girl:

  • Anything that is out of season;
  • Things that are not suitable for the birthday girl’s age;
  • Items that remind you of school, daily responsibilities;
  • Gifts that do not meet the interests or lifestyle of the birthday girl;
  • Too expensive gadgets or jewelry;
  • Cheap trinkets.

What parents and children think about gifts: survey results

TOP 10 gifts: parents' opinions

According to sociologists, most parents would like to give their girls the following gifts for their 10th birthday:

  • Bijouterie;
  • Handbags, watches, other necessary accessories;
  • Sports equipment and clothing (skates, skis, sneakers, etc.);
  • Creator's Kit;
  • Constructors and other educational games;
  • Sets of natural-based children's cosmetics;
  • Camera;
  • Certificate for shopping at your favorite store;
  • Mobile phone;
  • MP3 player.

TOP 10 gifts: opinions of the birthday girls themselves

For comparison, girls were also interviewed on the eve of their tenth birthday. On their birthday they would like to receive the following gifts:

  • Tablet or laptop;
  • Smartphone;
  • Camera;
  • Pet – cat, dog, hamster, guinea pig, turtle;
  • Skateboard or roller surf;
  • Bike;
  • Going to an amusement park;
  • Themed party with animation;
  • Beautiful outfits;
  • Money for your own choice of gift.

Some gift ideas for parents and children are the same.

In order not to make a mistake with your choice, pay attention to her hobbies, do not forget to take into account the psychological characteristics of this age.

Psychologists believe that you need to choose a gift for a child after a confidential conversation on the eve of the holiday, since due to the variability of interests, you may not guess with the right choice.

List of the best educational gifts for a 10-year-old birthday girl

Board games and puzzles

This is a great option to give a 10 year old girl something useful and inexpensive.

Manufacturers of educational games offer a variety of interesting options for children and teenagers:

  • economic;
  • strategic;
  • intellectual and logical games;
  • entertainment for the development of attention, memory, imagination, physical qualities.

With such a game, the birthday girl will have an exciting time both with her family and among her peers. Board games also include 3D puzzles that develop spatial thinking - they will definitely be interesting to a child of this age.

Creator's Kit

Many girls are interested in various types of creativity - modeling, beading, embroidery, drawing, etc. A young needlewoman will be pleased with a kit for weaving bracelets and other jewelry or an embroidery kit.

A little artist will be delighted with a giant set of paints, markers, pencils, as well as a painting that can be turned into an artistic masterpiece by painting the details by numbers.

Other interesting creative gifts for girls include polymer clay or modeling clay, kits for making perfume, soap and candles.

Book on a girl's interests

A book is one of the most necessary gifts for children of any age. Choose beautiful gift editions with bright illustrations (you can even order a book with a personalized cover and greeting).

In addition to fairy tales and other works of art, a ten-year-old birthday girl will be interested in an encyclopedia for girls, from which she will learn many important things about etiquette, the use of cosmetics, hairstyles, proper nutrition, etc.

Popular science publications on the history of geography, astronomy or general encyclopedias about interesting facts in the world around us are in demand.

Kits for experiments and studying the world around us

This is one of the best gifts for a 10 year old girl. A child at this age looks at the world with wide eyes: he is interested in studying new phenomena, exploring what is at hand, and making his own discoveries.

If the birthday girl is seriously interested in science, she will like sets for physical and chemical experiments, as well as a telescope or microscope.

This also includes sets of magicians. Thanks to such a cool gift, the girl will surprise her friends with unusual skills and put on a real show.

Equipment for sports and outdoor games

Physical development is no less important for a girl.

Depending on the hobbies of the hero of the occasion, the following will be appropriate:

  • roller or regular skates;
  • bike;
  • hoops;
  • jump ropes;
  • sets for playing table tennis or badminton;
  • darts;
  • basketball or volleyball;
  • home sports corner with wall bars;
  • swimming set;
  • inflatable pool;
  • outdoor games like Twister.

Fashionable gifts for a ten year old girl

Certificate for shopping in a clothing store

Ten-year-old girls dream of becoming real fairies and having many dazzling outfits. At this age, their desire for shopping awakens - they happily try on dresses in stores and admire their new looks.

Invite the birthday girl to the mall to make her own choice.

Sets of children's cosmetics and perfumes

Wanting to imitate her mother or older sister, the young lady will be delighted with a set of cosmetics or her own perfume.

A children's cosmetic set may include:

  • shine;
  • lip balm;
  • shadows and blush with a soft texture;
  • glitter for lips and body;
  • nail polish.

All cosmetics for children should have light, unsaturated shades and be easily washed off with plain water.

If parents think that it is too early for their child to use cosmetics, you can opt for a set with shower gel, aromatic shampoo and hand cream.

High quality jewelry

No less is the growing princess’s interest in jewelry - bracelets, rings, beads, earrings. Choose elegant jewelry with gold plated and various stones. Jewelry is an unnecessary luxury at this age.

Jewelry box

This beautiful souvenir gift can complement the previous one. Every girl wants to have her own box to store valuables and jewelry.

You can give a finished product with a luxurious vintage finish or a creative kit for making a box with your own hands.

Various accessories

If a girl spends more and more time in front of the mirror, she will gladly accept bright hair accessories as a gift that will allow her to experiment with hairstyles:

  • hairpins,
  • rubber bands,
  • ribbons,
  • bows,
  • gel with glitter for hair and even multi-colored strands.

Other essential everyday accessories for a 10-year-old girl include a cosmetic bag, wallet, handbag or small backpack, and wristwatch.

Room interior decoration

Add a touch of exclusivity to the interior of the birthday girl’s room in accordance with the interests of the little princess. A decorative pillow or bean bag with images of her favorite cartoon characters will help fill her room with bright colors.

In the appropriate style, you can purchase other original gifts - a table lamp or an applique wall clock.

List of bright gifts and impressions for a girl’s tenth birthday

Professional photo shoot

For any girl who loves to try on outfits and transform into different images, a photo shoot will be the highlight of the holiday. The photographer and stylist will select the most successful images for the little fashion model, revealing her individuality and charm.

Thanks to such an unusual gift, the birthday girl will feel like a real princess., and the resulting photographs will become her pride, the decoration of the room.

Going to an entertainment center with friends

A convenient option is to choose a place for entertainment with a children's cafe, so that after the games you can celebrate your birthday at the festive table. The most popular places for children's parties are a water park, a trampoline complex, an amusement park, and a rope park.

It is advisable to order a team of animators who will turn children's fun into an exciting adventure with competitions and challenges.

Creative master classes

A girl who is drawn to creativity will be happy to try her hand at unusual activities.

At ten years old she will easily learn:

  • paint clothes, glass and wooden objects;
  • make soap;
  • make jewelry, candles and magnets;
  • draw with sand and paints on the water;
  • prepare simple dishes, decorate them with fruits and vegetables;
  • sew soft toys;
  • design photo frames, notebooks, postcards;
  • get acquainted with the secrets of twisting;
  • learn dance and vocal art.

Organizing a themed surprise party

Your daughter will be delighted if you throw an animated party for her and her friends, dedicated to her favorite theme.

The most successful solution for a surprise gift for a child’s birthday is to order a quest for a group of children with intellectual competitions and an obstacle course.

This game can be well organized on your own and held in an open area, inviting the birthday girl and young guests to a picnic.

Extreme entertainment

For girls who love sports, adventure and an active lifestyle, you can choose something from the world of extreme sports:

  • give a certificate for a master class in rock climbing or trampoline as a gift; the opportunity to ride a trolley or monorail;
  • jump on jumpers;
  • take a ropes course with the whole family or take a hot air balloon flight.

For safety reasons, such entertainment must be supervised by adults.

Event tickets

A trip to a zoo, museum, theater or planetarium can be combined with congratulating a girl on her child’s birthday, turning the event into an exciting show program with face painting, thematic competitions, and a vibrant performance.

Almost any of these establishments hold children's parties with an entertainment program, complemented by a small buffet or sweet table.

If a musical idol of a birthday girl comes to your city, you can make her dream come true and give her a ticket to his concert.

To choose a gift for a 10-year-old girl, you need to remember her dreams, hobbies, desire for brightness and desire to express her “I”.

However, the most important condition is to emphasize the parents’ support for their willingness to explore this wonderful world with their daughter.

Video: What to give a girl for her 10th birthday

Look at examples of original birthday gifts for girls. You can surprise the birthday girl with an unusual, interesting or cool present. After all, the most important thing for a parent’s happiness is the shining eyes of his child.

Before you decide what to give a girl for her 10th birthday, we must remember that ten years is an anniversary! A certain milestone when a girl from the world of childhood embarks on the path of growing up. No longer a child, but not yet a teenager, a 10-year-old girl is looking forward to her first anniversary with a special feeling and therefore it is worth choosing the most special one for her birthday. What gift will help in raising a future lady, develop innate talents and cause an explosion of bright emotions? With the help of advice and suggestions, SuperHelper will do everything to make the most impossible dreams come true for the young princess on this day.


Girls aged 10 are already interested in their own appearance, they begin to have objects of adoration. They secretly try out their mother's cosmetics, secretly read romance novels and imagine themselves in the role of a beautiful heroine. For a growing beauty, anything related to:

  • with high-quality children's cosmetics: beautiful sets with creams, flavored water, lipstick, eye shadow, nail polish;
  • with jewelry: hairpins, beads, bracelets, gold or silver chain with a pendant;
  • with fashionable clothes: an elegant dress or shoes, a stylish handbag or accessories.

One of the unforgettable gifts can be holiday shopping, where a 10-year-old girl in high spirits will find the best outfit among the huge assortment.


School for a 10 year old girl is a very important place. The girl is not indifferent to her academic performance, her workplace at home, relationships with classmates and sports success. With the help of Super Helper you can find an original gift for a girl’s 10th birthday:

  • for school: a cool backpack, beautiful writing instruments or an exclusive school pencil case “Despicable Me”;
  • for the interior: unusual clocks, lamps, 3D photo wallpaper;
  • for sports: rollerblades, bicycle, badminton, table tennis, sports corner, scooter.


Girls of this age develop an interest in a wide variety of creative arts. Some feel like a creative fashion designer, some an experienced knitter, some admire the landscapes, and some adore jazz. All these hobbies can be a reason for the most long-awaited gift that you will like:

  • musical person: guitar, musical mat, player;
  • for the artist: easel, smalt, sculptural plasticine;
  • needlewoman: sewing machine, set for sewing, embroidery, knitting.


There are girls of 10 years old who can be called “indigo” children. They are able to solve complex problems, think outside the box and constantly improve their intelligence. For such clever people, the site offers gifts for the first anniversary of 10 years for a girl:

  • : 3D puzzles, experiment kits, construction sets, educational board games;
  • for your horizons: books about travel and history, encyclopedias about fashion, unusual phenomena or the emergence of planets;
  • for status: mobile phones, e-books,

A ten-year anniversary is a serious holiday for a child, and, accordingly, gifts should be substantial. It would be ideal if parents, knowing what to give a girl for her 10th birthday, would present her with an unexpected and welcome present, but to do this, you need to have a good understanding of the needs and desires of an older schoolgirl. Such a thing will have to be carefully chosen and beautifully decorated, perhaps adults will even be able to make their daughter’s cherished dream come true. And if you have no guesses, you can look for gift ideas in our article.

What to give a girl for 10 years

Modern girls' hobbies are very different from what their peers were interested in five or even ten years ago. Of course, this makes choosing a gift difficult, but advice and useful recommendations from parents who constantly raise this topic on forums will help you find the right solution.

Our research should begin with the fact that all girls are different, but there are things that absolutely everyone, without exception, loves, these are:

  • interesting toys;
  • fashionable clothing and jewelry;
  • modern mobile, computer devices and accessories.

And almost all schoolgirls tend to brag to each other about these little things. This is probably what you need to focus on if your daughter does not have a special hobby or favorite activity that she prefers to everything else.

When thinking about what you can give to a ten-year-old child, we must not forget that the baby is at that age when purely children’s toys and games are gradually being replaced by more serious hobbies, and, of course, you can give a doll to the birthday girl, but it’s unlikely to last for long will occupy the girl's attention.

In addition, it should be remembered that a gift for a ten-year-old young lady:

  • should be selected taking into account the individual abilities and character of the little hero of the day;
  • it is desirable that it combines benefits and presentable appearance;
  • was not too expensive and did not look like a cheap knockoff;
  • Based on the psychological state of the schoolgirl, he combined bright design that attracts children and functionality typical of things for adults.

If the donors are not aware of what the girl wants for her birthday, then it is better to talk with the parents and find out what she likes to do, what school subjects she likes more than others, perhaps she is interested in music or the visual arts.

For those who do not have the opportunity to give an expensive gift, but such gifts are accepted in the girl’s family, then you can give inexpensively a purely symbolic thing - a modest, but tastefully chosen souvenir.

When there is no information about the child’s preferences, it is better to give him a neutral gift or even a certificate, using which the girl herself will make a choice in favor of one thing or another.

Are toys appropriate as gifts?

Ten-year-old schoolgirls are vulnerable, emotional, surrounded by an aura of childhood dreams, and, at the same time, completely mature and independent. Despite this maturity, the young princess thinks and acts childishly, however, she is still interested in games and toys. Of course, these are no longer children’s versions of plush bunnies and peeing dolls, but even an older person will not refuse a beautiful doll made in a realistic style, beautiful and of high quality. Such a toy should be beautiful, have long hair, one of the Barbie options with more complex and numerous accessories will do.

Other gift options:

  1. Beautiful hypoallergenic soft toys in the form of animals and cartoon characters.
  2. Game sets that are relevant for group games with girlfriends - sets for playing clothes designer, hairdresser, cook.
  3. Detailed doll houses, furniture and wardrobe for dolls, sewing machines, household appliances, kitchens and other attributes for role-playing games.

Also, as a gift, all kinds of educational and board games can be used that increase the child’s intelligence, his ingenuity, dexterity, logic of thinking and imagination:

  • psychological role-playing games that can be played as a team, for example, “Gnome Pests” or “Mafia”;
  • strategic type "Monopoly";
  • logical ones in the genre of “Carcassonne” and “Sete”, which develop a certain resourcefulness in the child;
  • games in the style of “Jenga”, “Wild Jungle” or “Third Wheel”, which help develop reaction speed, concentration and dexterity;
  • educational ones that expand the range of girls’ knowledge about the world around them, such as “Evolution”.

A ten-year-old daughter may like beautiful, complex mosaics, three-dimensional puzzles, traditional board games - backgammon, reversi or chess, made in an original way.

Fashionable gifts for daughter

A present for a 10-year-old girl can be substantial, at the same time fashionable, and, of course, first of all, it includes all kinds of clothing and jewelry, because the child shows a keen interest in such things.

Let's see what the list of gifts could be:

  1. At this age, a child can already be given jewelry, of course, quite modest and small, for example, small silver or gold earrings, a thin gold chain or a ring with a name engraving. If a pendant is chosen, it can be made in the form of a girl’s zodiac sign or a pendant with a small precious stone that matches her horoscope.
  2. If the family is limited by a budget, it makes sense to buy your daughter gold-plated or simple but beautiful jewelry, necessarily in tune with fashion trends.
  3. A beautiful, fashionable dress, even if parents don’t like it, but is a schoolgirl’s dream, is worth purchasing to please her on such a day. It’s better if she chooses it herself and tries it on first. Shoes also cannot be given as a gift without trying them on, so this item can be purchased mainly by mom and dad. However, relatives or guests can give the baby a certificate for the purchase of clothes, and this will be a good present.
  4. When choosing what to give to a 10-year-old girl, you can pay attention to sets of high-quality cosmetics for this age with pastel colors of lipsticks, varnishes, plant-based flavored water with an unobtrusive, delicate scent. Of course, you should choose the most beautiful gift options in a beautiful case, cosmetic bag or decorative handbag. As a rule, high-quality ingredients make such cosmetics absolutely safe, but such a purchase will allow the young beauty to feel like an adult.
  5. A good gift for your daughter’s birthday is a wristwatch, not so much to tell the time, since, in fact, all schoolgirls of this age have a mobile phone, but as a decoration that the girl will be proud of.
  6. Young fashionistas try to follow all fashion trends, so their arsenal of feminine little things needs to be regularly updated. Therefore, the hero of the day can buy a new fashionable bag for textbooks and notebooks, a beautiful bright backpack, a stylish umbrella, a set of unusual hair clips and even stationery for school - if these things are extraordinary, the daughter will perfectly accept such a gift.
  7. Like any woman, a ten-year-old girl loves to create coziness in her room - in this regard, you can give her something for decoration, for example, beautiful curtains, an easy chair in the shape of a fluffy animal, an original table lamp or a night light, a small comfortable a sofa, a chair, and possibly a new desk.

However, adults should not focus on the practicality of the purchased item; after all, this is a gift for a round and significant date, and above all, it is important to make the child happy.

It can be quite difficult to choose what to give to a 10-year-old girl who has everything. All that remains is to recommend finding her an original present, which she definitely does not expect. A good idea for congratulations would be a visit to a petting zoo, a wind tunnel or a fashion exhibition. Recently, parents have begun to organize various master classes for their children, where they learn useful and interesting things, and this is also a kind of gift option.

Gifts based on hobbies

A ten-year-old child can be interested in different things - music, drawing, handicrafts, photography, computers and electronics.

By knowing your daughter’s preferences, you can give her a nice surprise for her 10th birthday:

  1. An excellent gift to give to a girl who is passionate about needlework, a knitting station is a set with two types of knitting machines, crochet, knitting needles and yarn. Such a gift will help her learn new techniques of a fascinating process, which, with the help of special devices, helps her knit quickly, accurately and beautifully.
  2. Similar sets of embroidery and canvas decoration, sewing dolls and soft toys will bring joy to the child and will undoubtedly bring benefits in the form of new skills.
  3. Some kids love to sculpt and create figures from clay and plasticine. You can give them a kit for creating Velcro in the form of butterflies, bugs and other interesting figures.
  4. If a child has drawing abilities, the popular gear-shaped drawing machine will help develop them, helping to improve coordination, motor skills, and the development of imagination.

A good idea is to give a girl who loves to learn new things a kit for making vanilla bubble bath, a kit for making soap by hand, high-quality paints, albums with reproductions of famous artists, kits for chemical and magical experiments.

It makes sense for a musically gifted child to present a CD with his favorite music, a microphone for karaoke, a piano, an electric organ, a guitar, or a small music center.

A separate topic is my daughter’s passion for electronic novelties and computer gadgets. On this special occasion, it makes sense to give a child for whom such technology has long become an integral part of everyday life:

  • tablet, laptop or personal computer, the main thing is that the model is durable and shock-resistant;
  • a smartphone with a bright, unusual design; first you will have to find out which model your daughter prefers;
  • smart bracelets and watches with GPS locator;
  • interactive books, globes;
  • video camera or photo camera;
  • headphones with cute ears;
  • MP3 player with a set of headsets;
  • game console;
  • virtual reality glasses;
  • multifunctional alarm clock-lamp;
  • e-book – on this device you can listen to music, watch movies and videos, and also store useful manuals and textbooks.

Of course, adults should know what kind of gadget their daughter would like to have for her birthday, and it is better if for ten years it is a new, recently released model of the device.

What to give a girl athlete

Sports girls can be given a gift related to the sport they play. But even for just active and active daughters, it makes sense to give something that can attract them to regular physical activities.

The surprise for 10 years will be:

  • set of extendable roller skates with knee pads and helmet;
  • two-wheeled bicycle with a female seat;
  • wetsuit with mask and fins;
  • CD with recordings of fitness lessons;
  • fashionable sports suit and shoes;
  • home sports complex;
  • If your daughter already knows how to skateboard, then you can give her a roller surf.

Such birthday gifts are important for the child’s growing body, and if the daughter is in good athletic shape, this will have a positive effect on her health, which means that the baby will quickly absorb the necessary information and study better.

When deciding what to give a 10-year-old girl, you should take into account all the nuances regarding the daughter’s age, temperament and abilities. Even knowing her interests, we must not forget that she is a small woman who is trying to stand out among her classmates and girlfriends, so an anniversary gift should be not only useful, but also beautiful.

10 years for a girl (and for a boy too) is not only a “round” date, but also the beginning of the crisis puberty (adolescence) period. This is a time associated with a huge number of emotional reactions (mostly negative, since most of them are provoked by a lack of understanding of one’s condition).

Age characteristics

Most of the changes at the age of 10-11 years occur at the hormonal level, and psychology also changes. A certain independence appears in behavior, and the exclusive dependence on mom and dad gradually disappears. Every parent should treat this with understanding and accept the fact that the child has a need for communication outside the home and interests on which he can spend his personal time (and the child must have it).

Girls at 10 years old begin to feel like girls

Attempts to overly control the social circle and activities of a growing girl can result in:

  1. Rebellion, a clear demonstration of insubordination (accompanied by anger, aggression, the desire to act “in spite of” results in truly unreasonable decisions that are dangerous to life and health).
  2. Indifference (ignoring all the demands of the mother and father).
  3. Conditional humility, which disappears as soon as the child is out of sight of the parents (accompanied by lies and the development of distrust of others).
  4. True humility (accompanied by a drop in self-esteem, lack of initiative, and a tendency to self-destruction).

Completely submissive behavior is dangerous by raising a weak-willed personality

In each individual case, one of these behavioral tactics is predominant, but in general they can alternate with each other. This is due to the variability of the emotional state, which is typical for a girl aged 10-11 years. You should not worry about such instability; you just need to show, if possible, that you are ready to understand your child if he wants to explain himself to you or decides to discuss his condition.

Features of education

It happens that with the good intention of raising a “decent person,” parents raise their child in conditions of numerous “shoulds” and categorical “nos,” not supported by any explanations. The presence of such groundless (from the point of view of children) prohibitions is very difficult for a maturing person to bear, since cognitive processes are still active, the desire to explore the world around them is also a desire, and simply parental disagreement is no longer a sufficient argument to stop.

You shouldn’t rely only on prohibitions

Remember: explain your decisions to your child.

It doesn't matter whether it's a girl or a boy - if your children know why you expect them to do certain things, they will be much more attentive to your requests. Talk to them about the consequences of possible misconduct. Not about punishment, but about how the offense will turn out for them personally.

How to conduct a dialogue correctly

You need to be able to talk to a 10-11 year old child. Never push your age or say that you “know better.” If you know, then explain, if you are worried, then tell me. Show your child that you are not just a parent, an authoritative person with power, but also a loving person who cares and tries to protect you from harm.

If you think that this is already clear, then there is a high probability that you are wrong. Speak out your reasons, your attitude. But be prepared that, even after listening to you, the child will act in his own way. This is inevitable, he gains his experience. It is quite possible that you will lose your temper over this - this is natural, but you must explain that the reason for your anger is not that the child himself is bad and disobedient, but because you are worried about his life and health.

You need to learn to talk to your child

Also, in the process of communication, you should not compare children with their brothers and sisters, or with other people's children. This causes them to devalue themselves and doubt their abilities. Moreover, there is no need to shout at them.

Understand: it is in the ability to control oneself that adulthood is manifested.

This does not mean that an adult is a robot. Of course, we all experience emotions, but it is as we grow older that we acquire the skill of self-control. You cannot demand this from a child, but you can set an example for him.


It is impossible to compare children with someone not only in a negative, but also in a positive way.

Parents' mistakes in education

That is, to say “You are beautiful (smart, kind, etc.)” will be true, but the option “You are beautiful (smart, kind), like ...” is wrong. Firstly, with such a comparison, children may get the feeling that they are not unique, not valuable in themselves. Secondly, there is a risk that there will be a desire to imitate in everything that other person they happen to be similar to, which again leads to a loss of individuality.

Single-parent families

Single-parent families have a special situation, and if a girl lives with her dad, it is advisable to make sure that she has an older “friend” (grandmother, aunt, nanny), who, from her own, female, position, will help in resolving certain issues. If you are in such a mentoring role, take it seriously, do not divulge the secrets entrusted to you, and do not ridicule the immature decisions of your mentee.

Single-parent family requires special treatment of the child

It is quite possible that a 10-year-old girl will not dare to discuss any of the problems that concern her, so she should carefully “test” the situation, inadvertently touching on “difficult” topics and noting the reaction for herself. The fear of discussion is associated with the fear of showing one’s ignorance, stupidity or awkwardness. If you find out what exactly bothers the child, you can tell something funny about yourself on this topic. Let him see that everyone has failures and absurdities, and that there are no taboo topics for discussion.


First of all, you have to learn to consider a 10-11 year old teenager not only as a child, but also as a person who wants to make decisions on his own, without regard to what they will say or think about him. It is possible that he will view the performance of household duties not as an objectively necessary action, but as an act of submission to someone else’s will.

Discuss with the future hostess that you are not able to do everything around the house and it would be reasonable (if she is already old enough) to share the worries with her. Give her your “territory,” for which she will be responsible, entrust her with a certain (but strictly limited) list of matters that are under her jurisdiction.

At the age of 10, a girl must clean her own room

Attention: if your child has a separate room, then there is no need to try to control the process, quality and frequency of putting things in order.

Better instead:

  • Keep your room tidy (lead by example).
  • Discuss the consequences of such negligence (the occurrence of allergic reactions and frequent illnesses due to excess dust and poor hygiene, the appearance of an unpleasant odor in clothes, to which classmates may react poorly).
  • Be able to show a moderately positive reaction to the fact that your daughter has finally taken up cleaning (stormy enthusiasm, as well as ignorance, can cause a teenager to have a negative attitude towards the experience of housekeeping).

If your 10-year-old daughter does something outside the regulated list, then be sure to note how much she helped you, because this is not part of her responsibilities, and she spent her free personal time taking care of her family and household chores.

Joint holiday

According to most parents, by the age of 10 a modern child is not interested in anything other than phones, games and walks. But this is not the fault of the children, who are often left to their own devices for a long time. They have not only no habits, but even a single experience of other pastime options. Give him such an experience, do something together, agree that for one day (or at least for a few hours) you will put away the phone, TV, computer together and do something else.

Walking and relaxing together brings you closer together

It doesn’t have to be “useful” leisure time; you can fool around, but in a special way. Practice creative activities together.

But! Always be prepared that your child will not agree with your proposal. He needs to be able to dream up his own imagination, try to come to an agreement. You can alternate days when your child plans activities and when you do it yourself. Do not try to adjust her plans to suit your needs, children sense this and may become seriously offended or lose motivation. But it is possible and even necessary to make reasonable comments regarding practical issues in a calm, non-critical manner.


Parents who want to achieve respect from their offspring must understand that the power of personal example is also at work here. There is no need to indulge all the child’s whims, but treating him with respect is a must.

In general, girls tend to behave more tactfully and have a greater sense of responsibility. They understand other people’s point of view more easily than boys, and therefore a respectful (as well as compassionate) attitude towards others is characteristic of them to a greater extent.


At 10-11 years old, girls may be interested in psychology. Support this hobby, try to understand your inner world together. Read relevant literature, encourage your child to think about his inner state. Self-knowledge and self-development are exactly what will allow a child to develop self-confidence and socialize safely.

Psychological help from parents will help the child understand himself

The parents of a little princess are wondering what to give their 10th birthday girl. The first anniversary is a rather important event when a girl is on the verge between childhood and adulthood. You can find out a birthday gift in advance if you ask the child unobtrusively. You can try to make a surprise, but in this case the birthday girl’s expectations are not met. To avoid misunderstandings, you need to understand what to give to a 10-year-old girl and not make a mistake in choosing.

A gift for a 10-year-old girl is selected depending on the degree of relationship or friendship:

Fashionable and stylish things for beauty

The most popular gift ideas

  1. An interesting book from friends. A child at any age will appreciate an interesting book. Classmates and friends know the girl well, so they will be able to choose a suitable genre for her. If the girl doesn’t know much, then it is recommended to give her an educational encyclopedia for her birthday.
  2. It is impossible to imagine a girl who would not have a doll. This is a universal gift even for adult ladies. Moreover, entire series are being created now.
  3. Computer games. Discs with games or educational videos or an educational program will bring no less joy.
  4. Training programs. You can encourage the girl to develop some skills and hobbies. Depending on interests, educational material or subjects are selected. This could be a kit for creating fragrances, soap making, or a kit for a young chemist. A small children's microscope will cause no less admiration. You can ask the consultants at a children's toy store if such goods are available.
  5. Sport equipment. They also give sports equipment: hula hoops, jump ropes, rubber bands, balls.

The gift idea will depend on the girl's character. There are those who love to play with cars, and there are fashionistas for whom a pink dress will be a joy.

As board games we can recommend:

  1. Monopoly;
  2. Sea battle;
  3. Lotto;
  4. Tic Tac Toe on cards;
  5. Chess or checkers;
  6. Educational games for a large company.

This type of gift will be an alternative if you don’t know what to give a 10-year-old girl. At the end of the evening, everyone can try the game and understand its structure.

Sports gifts

  1. Roller skates, skateboards, scooters or a bicycle are a win-win option. If a child does not know how to ride, then he must learn.
  2. You can give a tabletop billiards or a bowling set. An exciting game to bring all the guests together.
  3. Home basketball. Such toys are sold in children's stores. The basket can be hung on the door, it does not take up much space. There is a small ball or several that can be thrown.
  4. The most budget option is darts. You just need to choose a safe one.
  5. If the birthday girl has a private house, you can give her a small swimming pool. It is expensive, so such gifts are mainly given by relatives.
  6. You can also ask parents about a tracksuit or sneakers. Comfortable conditions are created for active recreation of the little athlete.


Even small children cannot be imagined without adult toys. Ideal for close relatives: parents, grandparents, sisters or brothers.

  1. Tablet. A universal thing that can serve as a computer or as a phone. With it you can learn to watch cartoons and play educational games.
  2. Personal Computer. Expensive, but very necessary. It is impossible to imagine a modern child who would not do his homework using a computer. From a very young age, they begin to register on social networks and actively look for friends.
  3. Mobile phone. Will bring great joy and responsibility. It will add status to girls at school. It is recommended that the birthday girl choose such a present for herself.
  4. Camera. If a child has a desire to take photographs, you can give her a small camera. Special children's cameras are now being sold.

What to give to a 10 year old girl who has everything?

If the girl has everything, you can give her an original gift.

  1. Big teddy bear or an original interactive toy.
  2. A machine that makes popcorn or cotton candy. This gift will appeal not only to a 10-year-old girl but also to adults. Therefore, the first tastes of sweets will begin right at the holiday.
  3. A real magic show at the holiday. All this can be achieved using a magician's kit. The kit comes with instructions with answers to your questions.
  4. Tree house. If there is a craftsman at home, and this house is private, you can make a real tree house. It will be small, but very interesting.
  5. Swing. Another idea for a country house is a swing. Thanks to such a gift you can while away the evenings.
  6. Certificate for visiting attractions. A girl can spend the whole day on her favorite swing.
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