Museum number 1 in spain. Attractions of spain

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Museums in Spain. The most famous and famous museums of the cities of Spain - photo and video, addresses, location, sites, schedules, opening hours.

Spain is a country of sunny beaches, famous wines and fiery dances, it has a rich cultural heritage and, of course, it is home to many famous museums. This year, a somewhat unconventional museum has been added to the list of Spanish museums - the Museum of Ideas and Inventions has opened in Barcelona, ​​revealing the world of creative ideas.

The most famous Spanish museum is the Prado in Madrid. The ancient park of the museum was mentioned as early as the 16th century, and the building itself, in which its exposition is located, was built later and is a magnificent example of strict neoclassical style. The basis of the museum's fund was the royal collection of paintings, and the main treasure of the Prado is a huge collection of paintings by Spanish artists. The museum has a wide range of works by Velasquez, El Greco and Goya. The collection of paintings by Titian, Hieronymus Bosch and Rubens is impressive. Also in the Prado is a significant collection of sculptures and works of applied art.

In addition to the Prado, there are several dozen more museums in Madrid, and one of the most interesting among them is Escorial Palace. The museum is located near the village of the same name, an hour's drive from the city. The construction of the palace began in 1563 and lasted for 21 years, after which it became the residence of the Spanish King Philip II. The Escorial complex consists of a palace, a cathedral, a monastery and a theological school, which first mislead visitors with their external severity, and then amaze with the extraordinary splendor of the interior decoration.

The second most visited Spanish museum is the Dali Theatre-Museum, which is located in the artist's birthplace in Figueres.

More than 5,000 famous paintings are kept in the palace, works by Titian, Tintoretto, Bosch, El Greco, Velazquez, Van Dyck, Veronese and other famous artists are presented here. The Escorial also features Greek sculptures, antique wall hangings, jewelry, books and manuscripts. One of the most valuable treasures of the palace is the Gospel with golden pages. Escorial is the burial place of the ashes of the Spanish kings.

The second most visited Spanish museum is the Dalí Theatre-Museum, which is located in the artist's birthplace in Figueres. The museum is located in the theater building; its opening took place during the life of El Salvador in 1974. The artist bequeathed to his native city almost all of his works, so this museum houses the most significant collection of paintings, drawings and sculptures by Dali. Also in the museum building is located and open to visitors the apartment of the famous artist. Salvador Dali himself is buried in the crypt, which is located in the basement of the museum.

Among other well-known Spanish museums, there are also the archaeological and maritime museums of Barcelona, ​​the museum of archeology of Cadiz and others.

It is impossible not to love Spain, just as it is impossible not to love the sound of the guitar and passionate flamenco, not to know Don Juan and Don Quixote, not to dream of the Canary Islands, even if you have already visited. Nothing is half here, red and black are always together, feelings are always to the end.

Spanish temperament is bullfighting, which in our time causes a lot of controversy among animal advocates, but remains the main entertainment of the country after football. The famous "ole-ole" is also a Spanish call. Mecca of football players Barcelona will be of interest to tourists as a cultural and historical center. Be sure to visit the Montjuic Fountain. At night, water and light work wonders. About three thousand people worked on the creation of a masterpiece for a whole year.

Hanging between Europe and Africa, Spain gave the world a unique painting and architecture. The National Prado Museum has much to be proud of. Collections of paintings by El Greco, Velasquez are the largest in the world. All objects created by the architect Antonio Gaudi are under the protection of UNESCO, and the paintings of Salvador Dali and Picasso showed the world new trends in painting. Spain opened America to the world by equipping Columbus, and gave its language to a huge number of states. The country remains a monarchy to this day, and even retained some of its colonies. For example, a piece of paradise - the Canary Islands. Spain is famous for Madeira wines, fine cheeses (buy a piece of jamon home), shop villages where you can buy genuine leather goods at reasonable prices.

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What to see in Spain?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a brief description.

1. Prado National Museum

The collection of the Prado Museum began to form in the time of Charles V. Today the collection of paintings includes 8600 canvases. Exhibition halls are not able to exhibit all the available masterpieces. In addition to painting in the museum, you can see objects of decorative art, treasures of the Dauphine, a collection of Italian sculpture.

2. Burgos Cathedral

The Cathedral in Burgos is dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It is decorated with gothic-style lacy bas-reliefs and is the third largest cathedral in Spain. Inside the church, gothic, renaissance and baroque overlap. There is a lot of gilding, stone and wooden carvings, skillful stained-glass windows. The national hero of the country, Cid Campeador, is buried on the territory.

3. Altamira Cave

30 kilometers from the city of Santander, unique examples of rock art from the Paleolithic era were found. The ceiling of the Altamira cave is painted with figures of bulls, boars and horses. The ancient artist skillfully used rock bulges for a three-dimensional effect. The cave is open to the public. Inside it are huge halls and double corridors.

4. Plaza of Spain (Seville)

The municipality of Seville, built in a semicircle, hugs the most beautiful square in the world - Plaza de España. In the niches of the government building, tiled panels are laid out as a sign of the unity of the Spanish provinces. Like a crown, a fountain sparkles in the center. The chess patterns of pebbles and tiles are impressive. A canal has been dug around the square, along which you can ride a boat.

5. Canary Islands

The volcanic archipelago consists of seven islands. The favorable climate attracts tourists from all over the world. The Canary Islands are the land of eternal spring. There are many natural parks, entertainment centers, beaches with black, golden, white sand. Tourists can visit an active volcano, a thousand-year-old dragon tree, the Guimar pyramids and many other interesting places.

6. Park Güell

A friend of the businessman Güell A. Gaudi worked on the creation of the park. Here you can forget about your age, feel yourself in the world of gingerbread houses and cream borders. Many figures, benches, vaults in the columned halls are lined with a thousand pieces of blue, yellow, pink glass, have unusual shapes, and impress with the smoothness of the lines.

7. La Concha Beach

The beautiful bay of La Concha in the city of San Sebastian is recognized as the most beautiful beach in Spain. It looks like a dish with a golden rim. The beach is famous for its chic restaurants and cozy cafes. The beach is suitable for families with children because of the soft sand and shallow depth. It is always quiet here and there are no strong winds due to the hills in the west.

8. Old City of Cuenca

Cuenca is located at an altitude of 956m above sea level. Weathered rocks seem to have grown houses and towers. They are not afraid to hang over the abyss for many centuries. Cuenca arose at the beginning of our era as a Celtic settlement. Survived the Romans, Arabs, Moors. Different cultures and religions have left their mark here. Be sure to bring your camera to capture the unique views of the ancient city.

9. Mesquite

The Cathedral-Mosque of Mesquita appeared in Spanish Cordoba after the period of Moorish conquests. In 1236, King Ferdinand III recaptured the city and turned the Muslim temple into a Catholic cathedral. The chapel was erected right in the prayer hall of the mosque. Many columns made of jasper, granite, and onyx have been preserved here. The Arabic script from the Koran remained on the walls.

10. Escorial Monastery

Escorial is a monastery-palace erected by King Philip II in honor of the victory over the French. It became the spiritual, historical and cultural center of Spain. On the territory of the monastery there is a museum of paintings by Titian, Anton van Dyck, Bosch, Tintoretto, Veronese and others. There is a huge library, which is second only to the Vatican. Almost all Spanish monarchs are buried in Escorial.

11. Sagrada Familia

The construction of the Sagrada in Barcelona began in 1882 and has not yet been completed, as it relies solely on private donations. The project of Antonio Gaudi was intended to embody the New Testament of the Savior in stone, the architecture of the cathedral. On the outer side, 12 towers symbolize the apostles, 4 large ones - the evangelists, the central 170m tower symbolizes Christ.

12. Ibiza Island

Ibiza is an expensive party resort. It is famous for its elite discos and clubs. There is a mild Mediterranean climate, excellent beaches, but the rest can be diversified by visiting historical sites. In the very center of the island, a Muslim fortress has been preserved, there is an archaeological museum.

13. Alhambra

The Alhambra Museum of Islamic Culture or the Red Castle is located in Granada. You need to buy a ticket in advance (a limited number of people are allowed inside). The architectural complex includes several palaces, parks, many towers with a name and a legend. Quiet courtyards, fountains, lace carvings create an indescribable atmosphere of an oriental fairy tale.

14. Costa Brava

The resort area, which begins near the French border and stretches for 162 km, is called the coast of the brave. Primordial rocks stretch along the sea for many kilometers. There are extraordinarily beautiful beaches and bays. Costa Brava is a favorite place for divers, climbers, and connoisseurs of cultural recreation.

15. Royal Palace of Madrid

The palace of the Spanish kings was built at 18 by the famous architects Sabatini and Sacchetti. The Italian Baroque style gave the building a luxurious and majestic look. It is surrounded by beautiful gardens with fountains and well-groomed flower beds. In the park you can visit the carriage museum, and in the palace itself there is a large collection of ancient weapons, Stradivari violins, and paintings.

16. Alcazar of Seville

The Moorish palace has been used by the Spanish monarchs as a residence in Seville for more than 700 years. On all free days the palace is open for visits. In addition to contemplating the beautiful Arab architecture, you can walk among orange and lemon trees, roses, ponds with goldfish. Peacocks are the decoration of the garden.

17. Dunes of Maspalomas

Tides and east winds have turned 3 km of Spain into Africa. The inflicted dunes even have flora and fauna similar to the Sahara. The dunes are constantly moving, the wind changing the face of Maspalomas Park on the island of Gran Canaria as it sees fit. Here you can ride camels or conquer the desert on foot in 40 minutes.

18. Loro Park

Zoo on about. Tenerife is famous for the world's largest collection of parrots. There are up to 500 species here. There is even a kind of bird theater. In addition, you can admire the show with dolphins, see penguins and other animals. The botanical garden has a unique collection of orchids.

19. Aqueduct in Segovia

The height of the Roman aqueduct in Segovia reaches 28m. It is the longest of the ancient drainage structures in Europe - 728 meters. Built around the time of Vespasian. For the construction of the aqueduct, the Romans used granite stone blocks, not fastening them with mortar, but tightly fitting them to each other. Almost until 1997, he remained in working order.

20. Roman theater in Merida

The theater in Merida was a single complex with an amphitheater and a park. Modern archaeological ruins allow you to imagine quite well what it was like in ancient times. Obviously, it was designed for 6000 seats. Today, a festival of classical theatrical art is held here every summer.

2004 was the year of the official creation of the costume museum in Madrid.

However, the Museo del Traje (Spanish) begins its life in 1925. This year, in the presence of the family of the King of Spain, the exhibition "The history of clothing of all the provinces of Spain" was opened. This permanent exhibition has been updated with new clothes, changed names, and is now located in an extraordinary complex in 1973, the authors of which are architects James Lopez and Angel Diaz Dominguez.

The Madrid Art Museum of Spain's most famous Impressionist painter, Joaquín Sorolla, is housed in the house where the master, surrounded by his family, lived from 1911 to 1923. The Sorolla Museum contains the largest collection of paintings by the famous artist, art objects, his personal belongings.

The founder of the museum is the famous Spanish publisher, philanthropist and collector Jose Lazaro Galdiano. The Italian-style palace of the early 20th century, which houses the museum, was once the personal residence of Lazaro Galdiano. He donated to the Spanish government, before his death in 1948, a large collection of books (more than 20,000 volumes) and works of art (more than 12,600 copies).

Among the aristocrats of the Serralbo family there were many scientists and truly educated people. Their passion for collecting art objects and interest in the history of their kind led the Marquises of Serralbo to collect the richest collection of paintings, weapons, antiques.

What can be built in 144 years? Much... But not the most unusual temple in Barcelona. With a tenacity that is simply extraordinary, the Catalans are building a church only on donations. Everything would be faster and easier if this long-term construction was not associated with the most fantastic and grandiose project of the great architect Antonio Gaudi.

We tell you where to go for a tourist if he really wants a completely unique experience from a trip to Spain.

village museum

Where is.

What is good. Two facts: the first is that the population of Guadelesta, a small village in the province of Alicante, is 250 people, the second is that the monthly flow of tourists here exceeds the number of residents of Guadelest by dozens of times. And the point is not only that Guadelest itself is located on a rock, through which you can pass through a special arch, but also what awaits you further. The Museum of Microminiatures of the Spanish creator (the definition of “left-handed” is too hackneyed) Manuel Ussa, who easily leads a caravan of camels through the eye of a needle, fills snail shells with people, shows world attractions on a grain, places the Bible on a human hair. But that's not all: there is a museum of Belen micro-palaces nearby, where the life of a whole city of dolls is shown in the buildings of nativity scenes. The museum of salt and pepper shakers “finishes” the admiring visitor, where more than 20 thousand items of kitchen utensils of the most incredible shapes are collected.

Where is. Toledo

What is good. The Spaniards have come up with a way to turn one of the darkest pages in the history of the country into a way to make money. Cynically? Perhaps, but above all interesting. Because in Toledo you get proof of the ingenuity of the human brain. Instruments of torture and executions are sometimes simply surprising: well, how could one or another object be used to inflict pain? The answers can be found in the guides, and on the explanatory plates. More than four dozen exhibits that will remind you of those times when respect for another opinion was an empty phrase - having been here, you definitely become more tolerant and sensitive.

Where is. Bilbao

What is good. Already the building of the Museum of Modern Art is called one of the most unusual in the world. Someone compares it with a bird, someone with an airplane, but outwardly, it most of all resembles a giant ship sailing on land. More than a million people visit here every year, who are interested in both permanent exhibitions and visiting collections of avant-garde works. At the entrance, you will be greeted by a sculpture of a giant puppy made of flowers, and an installation in the form of a huge spider is nearby. However, it's no less colorful inside, as many of the exhibits are interactive, meaning you can make contact with them, which makes a visit to the Guggenheim Museum a cool option for those who come to Spain with children.

Film Car Museum

Where is. Juncos.

What is good. Halfway from Madrid to Toledo, you can see a collection of cars, a number of which, it seems, the police are crying - riddled with bullets, smashed, with broken numbers. Against the background of other neighbors - respectable-looking sports cars, the contrast is even more striking. The secret of such a collection of cars is simple: they are all models that were used (and sometimes are used) for filming a movie. You will be told the history of each car, shown frames of paintings with it, for some money you can even not only take a picture against the background, but also sit behind the wheel of a model you like.

Dali Theater Museum

Where is. Figueres

What is good. Of course, the list of the strangest museums in Spain could not help but include the museum of the strangest figure in its (and only in its) history. It is interesting that initially Dali did not want to give the originals of the paintings here, believing that he would conceptually exhibit photos of the paintings. But in the end, he was persuaded, and gradually the building began to fill up, both inside and outside (decorations in the form of loaves of bread on the walls already say that it will be interesting here). “I want my museum to be a single block, a labyrinth, a huge surrealistic object,” said the artist. A room with the face of an American Mae West, giant eggs adorned with precious stones, and finally, the embalmed body of Dali himself in a crypt under the dome - a trip here will definitely be remembered forever.

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