"People's Defender" Grisha Dobrosklonov (based on the poem by N. A

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The great Russian poet N.A. Nekrasov began work on the poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'" shortly after the abolition of serfdom. His main goal at the same time was to show that nothing had changed in the life of the peasants. As they were dependent on the landlords, they remained. To become free, it was necessary to pay the owner a large compensation money, but where can a poor peasant get it? And so the peasants and women continued to go to corvée and pay exorbitant dues.

It was painful for Nikolai Alekseevich to look at the humiliated condition of the poor. Therefore, in his poem, he introduces the image of the people's protector Grisha Dobrosklonov.

For the first time we meet Dobrosklonov in the chapter “Good time - good songs”. This is a young man who "was fifteen years old ... already knew for sure that he would live for the happiness of a murdered and dark native corner." Even the name of this hero speaks for itself: a penchant for good.

Creating this image, the poet seeks to show in him a public figure with progressive views. Grigory Dobrosklonov is close to the common people in that he also experienced hunger and want, injustice and humiliation.

One of the songs that Grisha sings speaks of two ways of reorganizing society. One road, “spacious, passions slave”, is chosen by “the greedy crowd to the temptation”, the other, “cramped, honest road”, is chosen only by “strong, loving souls, ready to defend the oppressed”. Here is an appeal to all progressive people:

Go to the downtrodden

Go to the offended -

Be the first there.

But the second way is very difficult. It is chosen by people with a strong character and stubborn will. This is Gregory:

Fate prepared for him

The path is glorious, the name is loud

people's protector,

Consumption and Siberia.

Despite everything, the young man believes in a bright future for Russia. Through songs, he is trying to influence the intelligentsia so that they wake up and start protecting the common people.

And in the song "Rus", the lyrical hero addresses all ordinary people with the hope that in the near future they will choose a more effective way to eradicate the enslavers and oppressors:

You are poor

You are abundant

You are beaten

You are almighty

Mother Rus'!

Gregory himself calls this song a noble anthem, which embodied "people's happiness." The people are powerful and great.

When he wakes up, the country will turn into a mighty power. It is in the people that the author sees the power that can change the established state of affairs:

Rat rises-


The strength will affect her


Therefore, in the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov, the author shows the ways to achieve happiness. He believes that only those who fight for the interests of the whole people can be happy. Nekrasov also creates a program of action for those who have chosen the path of people's intercessors.

In Nekrasov's poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'", the writer describes the hard life of a young guy Grisha Dobrosklonov. Grisha comes from a very poor family, his mother is seriously ill, and they live poorly by all standards. His childhood and youth were spent in eternal starvation and severity, and this is what brought him closer to the people. Poverty does not prevent Dobrosklonov from being a pure, just person, he loves people very much and stands up for them. He hopes that soon all people will live well.

Grisha Dobrosklonov has always fought for the people and their well-being. For him, wealth and welfare were not important, he wanted a good life for everyone, and not just for himself. Dobrosklonov is a very fair young man and he believed that everyone should reunite and go ahead to their goal.

Nekrasov describes Dobrosklonov as the son of all the people and a fighter for justice. Grisha is not even afraid to sacrifice his life for the whole people. His life is nothing compared to the lives of a huge number of people. Dobrosklonov is not afraid of hard physical work, he is a hard worker and a revolutionary for a good life.

Grisha Dobrosklonov knows that he is not alone in his struggle, because hundreds of people are already fighting, just like him, for the people and the Fatherland. Dobrosklonov is not afraid of difficulties, he is sure that his business will be crowned with success. An immense feeling of respect for his people burns in his chest. He knows that they will still have to suffer a lot, but at the end of this difficult path, success awaits them all.

He sees how a large number of people rise with him one step, and this gives him even more strength and faith in victory. Nekrasov describes Grisha Dobrosklonov as a person who lives well in Rus', he is happy. His love for the people and the desire to do everything for them is happiness.

At the beginning of the poem, the peasants decide to go on a journey and find out who in Rus' has a good life. They are looking among the rich and among ordinary people, but they can not find the right image. Nekrasov, describing Grisha Dobrosklonova, believes that this is what a happy person looks like. After all, Dobrosklonov is the happiest and richest person. True, Grisha's wealth lies not in an expensive house and a lot of money, but in his sincerity and spiritual maturation. Dobrosklonov is happy that he sees that his people are starting a new life. Nekrasov, with his poem, made it clear to the reader that wealth is not the main thing, the main thing is the soul and self-sacrifice for the sake of others.

Composition by Grisha Dobrosklonov. Image and characteristics

The image of Grisha completes Nekrasov's poem, in which the poet showed so many misfortunes, the suffering of ordinary people. It seems that they no longer have hope ... But in the very epilogue there is a positive note - Dobrosklonov! The surname itself tells us that this is a very good hero.

Grisha is a poor young man who received a church education. He is an orphan. His mother (with the strange name Domna) did everything to bring him up. She loved him very much, and she also tried to help other people. But how to help if they themselves have nothing (especially salt)? The poem says that you can ask for bread from friends, from neighbors, but you have to pay money for salt, which is not there. And little Grisha is crying - he refuses to eat without salt. I think that this is not a whim, but the need of a growing organism. Domna has already sprinkled bread with flour to deceive her son, and he demands “more” salt. Then she cried, tears fell on the bread, and from this it became salty.

The mother's story greatly influenced Grisha. After her death, he always remembered his mother, sang her song ... He himself did not eat up, he suffered. Love for mother united with love for Motherland. And the older he got, the better he understood how difficult it was for all his fellow citizens. He is horrified that the Slav is taken to the market in chains to sell what is taken from the serfs of their children. (Sons - in the army for twenty years, and daughters, in general, to "shame".)

And Gregory feels in himself the strength to change everything for the better. Nekrasov writes that Dobrosklonov is destined for the role of a people's defender, and he also predicts consumption and exile to Siberia for this hero. But Grisha has already chosen his path.

The choice, according to the poet, was one of two ways. The one that the majority chooses, wide - to material well-being and passions. And the other is for the elect, who no longer think about themselves, but only about the rest. Who is ready to intercede for the unfortunate!

Nekrasov believes in this image of Dobrosklonov, he believes that such people will soon appear (and have already appeared) in Russia. They will certainly free their people, he is his own nobility. And enlightenment and joy will come... Of course, we will have to fight the past. And many of these heroes will need to sacrifice themselves.

And Nekrasov was not mistaken, and his hero became an example for many further defenders of the people.

Option 3

The problem of Nekrasov's work would not have been fully disclosed if there had not been such a hero, the defender of the serfs, as Grisha Dobrosklonov. He is ready to go to the end in the struggle for the happiness and rights of the dispossessed peasants.

The author introduces us to the folk hero in the 4th part of the poem. Grisha had a difficult childhood. Being the son of a parish deacon, the future hero was well acquainted with the life of the peasants. A difficult childhood was brightened up by the singing of Grisha's mother, whose songs later helped him to please and inspire ordinary hard workers. It is the songs that reveal the inner world of a fighter for justice, and it is they that show his love for the Russian people. The first song, with which the author introduces the reader, tells us about the problems of Rus'. According to Dobrosklonov, Russia is ruined by drunkenness, hunger, lack of education and, above all, serfdom. During his life, Grisha managed to feel the troubles of the serfs so strongly that the words for the song themselves break out. But besides the problems, the song expresses hope for the future happiness and liberation of the peasants. Another song tells the story of a barge hauler who, after hard labor, spends all his money in a tavern. The third song, which is called "Rus", betrays the hero's boundless love for his country. For him, happiness is when the peasants are happy. With his songs, Grisha Dobrosklonov tries to appeal to both ordinary people and aristocrats, urging them to answer for the troubles of the peasants.

The image of Gregory is the image of the public defender. Nekrasov tells us about two paths to happiness. The first way is material wealth, power. The second path is spiritual happiness. According to Dobrosklonov, true happiness is spiritual happiness, which can only be achieved through unity with the people. The hero chooses precisely this path, which leads him to "consumption and Siberia."

Grisha Dobrosklonov is a young, purposeful person whose soul is tormented by the injustice of serfdom. He is attracted by material wealth, he seeks to support the spirit of the people, he wants to sacrifice his life for the future of his beloved country.

The author of the poem wants to convey to the reader the idea that only fighters for the happiness of the people, such as Grisha Dobrosklonov, can lead Rus' to prosperity. Because only they are able to lead people, young, strong revolutionaries who are not indifferent to the problems of ordinary people.

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Grisha Dobrosklonov is fundamentally different from other characters in the poem. If the life of the peasant woman Matryona Timofeevna, Yakim Nagogoy, Saveliy, Yermila Girin and many others is shown in submission to fate and the prevailing circumstances, then Grisha has a completely different attitude to life. The poem shows Grisha's childhood, tells about his father and mother. His life was more than hard, his father was lazy and poor:

Poorer than seedy
the last peasant
Trifon lived.
Two chambers:
One with a smoking stove
The other is a sazhen - summer,
And all here is short-lived;
No cow, no horse
There was a dog Itchy,
There was a cat - and they left.

Such was Grisha's father, he least of all cared about what his wife and children eat.

The deacon boasted of the children,
And what do they eat?
And I forgot to think.
He was always hungry
All spent looking
Where to drink, where to eat.

Grisha's mother died early, she was ruined by constant sorrows and worries about daily bread. The poem contains a song that tells about the fate of this poor woman. The song cannot leave any reader indifferent, because it is evidence of a huge inescapable human grief. The lyrics of the song are very simple, they tell how a child suffering from hunger asks his mother for a piece of bread with salt. But salt is too expensive for poor people to buy. And the mother, in order to feed her son, waters a piece of bread with her tears. Grisha remembered this song from childhood. She made him remember his unfortunate mother, mourn her fate.

And soon in the heart of a boy
With love to the poor mother
Love for all vakhlachin
Merged - and fifteen years
Gregory knew for sure
What will live for happiness
Wretched and dark Good Corner.

Gregory does not agree to submit to fate and lead the same sad and miserable life that is characteristic of most people around him. Grisha chooses a different path for himself, becomes a people's intercessor. He is not afraid that his life will not be easy.

Fate prepared for him
The path is glorious, the name is loud
people's protector,
Consumption and Siberia.

From childhood, Grisha lived among poor, unfortunate, despised and helpless people. He absorbed all the troubles of the people with his mother's milk, therefore he does not want and cannot live for the sake of his selfish interests. He is very smart and has a strong character. And it leads him to a new road, does not allow him to remain indifferent to national disasters. Grigory's reflections on the fate of the people testify to the liveliest compassion that makes Grisha choose such a difficult path for himself. In the soul of Grisha Dobrosklonov, confidence is gradually growing that his homeland will not perish, despite all the suffering and sorrows that have befallen her lot:

In moments of despondency, O Motherland!
I am thinking ahead.
You are destined to suffer a lot,
But you won't die, I know.

Gregory's reflections, which "were poured out in song," betray in him a very literate and educated person. He is well aware of the political problems of Russia, and the fate of the common people is inseparable from these problems and difficulties. Historically, Russia "was a deeply unhappy country, repressed, slavishly without justice." The shameful seal of serfdom has turned the common people into disenfranchised creatures, and all the problems caused by this cannot be discounted. The consequences of the Tatar-Mongol yoke also had a significant impact on the formation of the national character. Russian man combines slavish obedience to fate, and this is the main cause of all his troubles.
The image of Grigory Dobrosklonov is closely connected with the revolutionary democratic ideas that began to appear in society in the middle of the 19th century. Nekrasov created his hero, focusing on the fate of N. A. Dobrolyubov Grigory Dobrosklonov is a type of revolutionary raznochinets. He was born into the family of a poor deacon, from childhood he felt all the disasters that are characteristic of the life of ordinary people. Grigory received an education, and besides, being an intelligent and enthusiastic person, he cannot remain indifferent to the situation in the country. Grigory is well aware that now there is only one way out for Russia - radical changes in the social system. The common people can no longer be the same dumb community of slaves that meekly endures all the antics of their masters:

Enough! Finished with the last calculation,
Done with sir!
The Russian people gather with strength
And learn to be a citizen.

The image of Grigory Dobrosklonov in Nekrasov's poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” inspires hope in the moral and political revival of Rus', in changes in the consciousness of the simple Russian people.
The end of the poem shows that people's happiness is possible. And even if it is still far from the moment when a simple person can call himself happy. But time will pass and everything will change. And far from the last role in this will be played by Grigory Dobrosklonov and his ideas.

Nekrasov, the great Russian writer, created many works in which he sought to reveal something new to the world. The poem "Who lives well in Rus'" is no exception. The most important hero for revealing the topic is Grisha Dobrosklonov, a simple peasant with complex desires and thoughts.


The last to be mentioned, but the first most important image of the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” is Grisha Dobrosklonov. According to the sister of the poet Butkevich A.A., the artist Dobrolyubov became the hero. Butkevich argued so for a reason. Firstly, such statements were made by Nekrasov himself, and secondly, this is confirmed by the consonance of surnames, the character of the hero and the attitude of the prototype towards selfless and purposeful fighters on the side of the people.

Tverdokhlebov I. Yu. believes that the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov is a kind of cast of the features of such famous figures as Belinsky, Dobrolyubov and Chernyshevsky, who together create the ideal of the hero of the revolution. It should also be noted that Nekrasov did not leave without attention a new type of public figure - a populist, who combined the features of both a revolutionary and a religious activist.

Common features

The image of Grigory Dobrosklonov demonstrates that he is a bright representative of the propagandist of the revolution, who seeks to prepare the masses for the struggle against the capitalist foundations. The features of this hero embodied the most romantic features of the revolutionary youth.

Considering this hero, one must also take into account that Nekrasov set about creating him in 1876, that is, at a time when "going to the people" was already complicated by many factors. Some scenes of the work confirm that Grisha was preceded by "wandering" propagandists.

As for Nekrasov's attitude to the simple working people, here he expressed his special attitude. His revolutionary leads him to live and grow up in Vakhlachin. The people's protector Grisha Dobrosklonov is a hero who knows his people well, understands all the troubles and sorrows that have befallen him. He is one of them, therefore, there is no doubt or suspicion among a simple man. Grisha is the poet's hope, his bet on the representatives of the revolutionary peasantry.

Composite image

The poet himself notes that in the image of Grisha, he captured the features that were characteristic of the revolutionary-minded youth of the 1860-1870s, the French Communards and progressive representatives of the peasantry. The researchers argue that the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov is somewhat schematic. But this is easily explained by the fact that Nekrasov created a new historical type of hero and could not fully portray in him everything he wanted. This was influenced by the conditions that accompanied the creation of a new type, and the historical features of the time.

Nekrasov reveals his vision of a public figure, concretizing the deep historical roots of the struggle of the people, depicting the spiritual and political connection of the hero with the fate and hopes of the people, systematizing them in the images of specific individuals and individual characteristics of the biography.

Characteristics of the hero

The image of the people's protector Grisha Dobrosklonov describes a simple guy from the people who is eager to fight the established social strata. He stands on the same level with ordinary peasants and is no different from them. Already at the very beginning of his life, he learned what need, hunger and poverty are, and realized that these phenomena must be resisted. For him, the order that prevailed in the seminary was the result of an unjust social order. Already during his studies, he realized all the hardships of seminary life and was able to comprehend them.

In the 60s of the XIX century, seminarians grew up on the works of freedom-loving Russian authors. Many writers came out of the clerical students, for example, Pomyalovsky, Levitov, Chernyshevsky and others. Revolutionary hardening, closeness to the people and natural abilities make the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov a symbol of the people's leader. The character of the young seminarian contains characteristic youthful features, such as spontaneity, shyness, combined with selflessness and strong will.

Hero Feelings

Grisha Dobrosklonov is full of love, which he pours out on his suffering mother, on his homeland and people. In the poem there is even a specific reflection of his love for ordinary people, whom he helps "to the best of his ability." He reaps, mows, sows and celebrates holidays together with ordinary peasants. He likes to spend time with other guys, wander through the forest and pick mushrooms.

He sees his personal, personal happiness in the happiness of others, in peasant joy. It is not so easy to protect the downtrodden, but Grisha Dobrosklonov does everything to alleviate the fate of the disadvantaged.

Image disclosure

Grisha reveals his feelings through songs, and through them he also points the way to the happiness of a simple peasant. The first song is addressed to the intelligentsia, which the hero seeks to encourage to protect the common people - this is the whole Grisha Dobrosklonov. The characteristic of the next song is explained simply: it motivates the people to fight, seeks to teach the peasants "to be a citizen." After all, this is precisely the goal of his life - he longs to improve the life of the poor class.

The image of Grisha Dobrosklonov is revealed not only in songs, but also in his noble, radiant anthem. The seminarian devotes himself to chanting the time when a revolution will become possible in Rus'. To explain whether there will be a revolution in the future or whether it has already started its first sprouts, Nekrasov used the image of the “Third Day”, which is mentioned four times in the poem. This is not a historical detail, the city burned to the ground is a symbol of the overthrow of the fortress foundations.


The realization of wandering peasants who are trying to figure out who in Rus' should live well, how they can use their strength to improve the life of the people, is the result of the poem. They realized that the only way to make people happy is to eradicate the “support”, to make everyone free - Grisha Dobrosklonov prompts them to such an idea. The characterization of his image emphasizes the existence of two main problematic lines: who is "happier" and who is "sinner" - which are resolved as a result. The happiest for Grisha are the fighters for the people's happiness, and the most sinful are the traitors of the people. Grigory Dobrosklonov is a new revolutionary hero, an engine of historical force that will consolidate freedom.

One of the central characters of N.A. Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” is Grisha Dobrosklonov, whose characterization is crucial for understanding the work. Grigory is a young man, "marked by God's talent": he has the gift to lead people, his words carry the truth, which is so lacking in a simple Russian peasant. You will find quotes characterizing the image of the hero in our article.

Characteristics of the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov

Gregory is not like other peasants - his mind and perception of the world go far beyond the peasant life, worries and everyday life. He is closely connected with ordinary people by a common life, poverty, a half-starved existence, the inability to drastically change one's future. But Gregory understands much more than others, he is greedy for knowledge, far-sighted, extremely talented. Grisha composes songs that glorify the labor of the common people, tell about the hardship of peasant labor and life, and glorify their homeland. The image of mother and homeland for Grisha became one. With the songs of his mother, the boy is saved away from home when he studies at the seminary: “Grisha remembered the song and in a prayerful voice quietly in the seminary, where it was dark, cold, gloomy, strict, hungry, he sang - he grieved for his mother and about all the Vakhlachin, his nurse ” .

The song saves a person in difficult times, Grisha knew about this from childhood, so he chose it as his tool in the fight against the misadventures of fate.

Grisha and his family

Gregory's father is a rural deacon Tryphon, a lover of a carefree life. He cares little about his sons, drinks, boasts of talented children. His wife Domna was a caring housewife, tried her best to feed the children, worked hard. Because of this, she died young, her life was hard and bitter. Grisha and his brother Savva help fellow villagers with the housework, for which they feed their children. “Grisha has a wide bone,
but a very emaciated face ... ”- the boy could have been a strong, healthy young man, like Russian heroes, if not for the conditions of his hardest life. With the care of the godfather and neighbors, the children survived, despite poverty, the drunkenness of their father and the lack of motherly love. Studying at the seminary is not easy for the boy, just like his whole life. Teaching for Grisha is a pleasure, but constant malnutrition, lack of comfort, normal conditions, strictness and indifference of others make study a difficult period in the boy's life.

The meaning of the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov in the work

The hero early decided on the purpose of his life: “and at the age of fifteen Grigory already knew for sure that he would live for the happiness of a wretched and dark native corner.” Grigory dreams of entering a university in Moscow, his path is already destined: “Fate prepared a glorious path for him, a loud name
protector of the people, consumption and Siberia”. The quotation characteristic gives a clear idea of ​​the author's vision of his character in perspective. Even the hero's speaking surname reveals his function in the work: he brings good, inclines people towards the best, kind, wise. Grisha changes lives, destinies of people, he is destined for a great future: it will be difficult, terrible, and possibly tragic, but he has no other way. Grisha's life position is such that he will never betray himself - he will protect the offended, help the suffering and save those who are in need. People will follow him, he will be able to change what was created contrary to the truth, what oppresses ordinary honest people. His image is a nascent rebel, a revolutionary (Nikolai Dobrolyubov is considered the prototype of Grisha).

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