"Undergrowth": analysis of the work of Fonvizin, images of heroes. Undergrowth - quotes characterizing the heroes Fonvizin undergrowth main characters and their characteristics

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Pushkin highly appreciated the work of Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin, who wrote under Catherine II. He saw Gogol as his successor. The main character of Fonvizin - the undergrowth Mitrofanushka - brought Alexander Sergeevich into complete delight.

Herzen and Belinsky spoke highly of the artistic and social style of this comedian. Gogol immortalized the image of his teacher, Fonvizin (albeit without indicating the name), in the story "The Night Before Christmas". Remember, when the blacksmith Vakula turned to the empress, she turned the conversation to a middle-aged man with a full pale face and suggested that he reflect in her next essay “this popular innocence”. The man was wearing a poor caftan with mother-of-pearl buttons. This is what Fonvizin looked like.

So, a comedy created according to the classical canons (Fonvizin, "Undergrowth"). The characterization of the heroes, however, turned out to be innovative for the 18th century. This article is devoted to the characters of the play.

Negative images

Undoubtedly, the characterization of the heroes presented by Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin lays down the traditions of Russian national comedy. The "undergrowth" boldly and openly castigates the tyranny of the feudal landlords. The most negative image of comedy is Mrs. Prostakova. She manages her serfs with a firm hand, rather, even cruelly. The heroine does not disdain, she is ignorant and vindictive. And talking in raised tones with servants is a common thing for her. Habitually, the landowner refers to her serf Trishka: "cattle", "thieves' mug", "blockhead", "swindler". To the nanny of her son, Eremeevna, who is in this blockhead, the “grateful” mother says “scoundrel”, “dog daughter”, “beast”. And this - to the closest, "yard" people! With the rest, her conversation is even shorter. Prostakova threatens to "flog them to death." She is self-confident, because the laws are always on the side of the landowners.

True, this vixen has an outlet in her soul: she loves her 16-year-old son. True, this feeling is blind, for which Mrs. Prostakova paid the price at the end of the comedy. The author's, "Fonvizin's" characterization of the characters is truly original. "Undergrowth" is a comedy where each character uses his own unique vocabulary and a certain vocabulary.

Mr. Prostakov is a quiet, calm henpecked man. He obeys his wife in everything; not having his own, follows her opinion. However, he is not cruel, he loves his son. But in fact, it does not affect anything in the house, including raising a child.

Originally and interestingly, with the observance of individual vocabulary, Fonvizin created a characterization of the characters. It is not by chance that the undergrowth wears it. After all, it sounds in Greek as “mother-like”. By the way, regarding the name of the comedy. In Rus', undergrowths were called young nobles who did not have a written certificate of education.

Mitrofanushka eschews studies, he is rude to people who treat him kindly. Eremeevna says: "Old bastard." Teacher Tsifirkin - "garrison rat". The crown phrase of the young dunce - that he does not want to study, but wants to get married - is undoubtedly Fonvizin's creative find, she really became winged. The undergrowth is narrow-minded, rude and ignorant. His laziness is indulged by everyone in the house.

Prostakova's brother, Mr. Skotinin, is caricatured in the comedy. He treats the lower class with contempt, but for him it is a real passion and purpose of life. His whole outlook is limited to the problems of the pigsty. He does not get tired of talking about these animals. On top of that, he wants to marry Sophia.

good comedy characters

However, there are no less positive images in the comedy. The state official Pravdin, sent to check the estate of Prostakova, is the embodiment of justice, law and reason. He is outraged when people "having power" over serfs use it "evilly and inhumanly." He seeks to help "worthy people", to promote proper education. As a result of his check, Prostakova's property is requisitioned by the state.

Starodum is also positive, having absorbed an honest attitude to service since the time of Peter I. Service in the army, and then the bureaucratic share, not only brought him a fortune, but also formed him an honest, decent person. Equally, he considers both the pleasing of those in power and the violation of the human rights of the disadvantaged to be unacceptable.

Honest and educated is his niece Sophia. She has a penetrating mind, so she is going to build her life in such a way as to earn the trust of "worthy people." Honest, modest and open fiancé Sophia - a young officer Milon. He showed his bravery in combat. The young man has a truly chivalrous upbringing. The war did not turn him into a martinet. He considers his love for Sophia the greatest wealth.

Among the secondary characters there are also positive ones - decent and direct Tsyfirkin, a former soldier; and negative ones - the cunning and greedy Kuteikin, the seminarian - half-educated, Adam Adamovich Vralman - with a vile lackey essence, praising Mitrofan in order to earn mercy from Prostakova.


Fonvizin was undoubtedly a wise and observant person. In comedy, they are given a devastatingly accusatory characterization of the heroes. "Undergrowth" makes you think about the need to stop bullying serfs. Therefore, Fonvizin's comedy is not abstract, not for the amusement of Catherine's nobles and favorites, but sharply satirical, socially oriented. Work on such works for the comedian himself was ungrateful, required nerves. Denis Ivanovich resigned due to a serious illness - paralysis. Even Empress Catherine II, a progressive woman, did not like Fonvizin's caustic satire and did not always meet the petitions of the classic.

The satirical work of Fonvizin does not lose its relevance to this day. The names of the main characters Mitrofan, Prostakova, Skotinin became common nouns, and phrases from the comedy were winged. Quotes characterizing the heroes of the comedy "Undergrowth" will help the reader to better understand what this or that character is in this work. Some quotes have become quite firmly established in everyday speech, thanks to their brightness, capacity and topicality.

famous comedy lines

"I don't want to study - I want to get married." Mitrofan's phrase addressed to his mother. In life, they apply to those young people who have the wind in their heads. Whose life is one continuous entertainment and pleasure. None of them even think about studying or working.

"And then you'll get married." Having entered into a marriage union on mutually beneficial terms, you can no longer worry about your future. A kind of marriage of convenience, not love.

"Don't do business, don't run away from business." So they say about those people who are irresponsible about work, but only create the appearance of it in the workplace.

"Cash is not cash value." The presence of money still does not say anything, and even more so automatically cannot make a person good in the eyes of others.

"Beleny ate too much." This phrase can be attributed to those people who commit inadequate acts, stupid things that cannot be rationally explained.



The direct dignity in man is the soul.

I was born in Moscow, if you need to know, and my villages are in the local governorship.

Excuse me, ma'am. I never read letters without the permission of those to whom they are written.

Moreover, from my own feat of my heart, I do not leave to notice those malevolent ignoramuses who, having full power over their people, use it for evil inhumanely.

I caress, however, to soon put limits on the wickedness of the wife and the stupidity of the husband. I have already informed our chief of all the local barbarisms, and I have no doubt that measures will be taken to appease them.

I am instructed to take custody of the house and villages at the first rabies, from which the people subject to it might suffer.

I beg your pardon for leaving you.

When only cattle can be happy among you, then your wife will have poor peace from them and from you.


An ignoramus without a soul is a beast.

For the whims of one person, all of Siberia is not enough.

The direct dignity in man is the soul. Without her, the most enlightened smart girl is a miserable creature.

An honest man must be a perfectly honest man

Not the rich one who counts out money to hide it in a chest, but the one who counts out extra money in order to help someone who does not have what he needs.

Everyone should seek his happiness and benefits in the one thing that is lawful.

Have a heart, have a soul, and you will be a man at all times.

I left the court without villages, without a ribbon, without ranks, but brought mine home intact, my soul, my honor, my rules.

It is much more honest to be bypassed without guilt than to be granted without merit.


I see and honor virtue adorned with enlightened reason.

I am in love and have the happiness of being loved.

The judge, who, fearing neither vengeance nor strong threats, gave justice to the helpless, is in my eyes a hero.

At my age and in my position, it would be unforgivable arrogance to consider everything deserved by which a young man is encouraged by worthy people.


Uncle! My true happiness is that I have you. I know the price.

I will use all my efforts to earn the good opinion of worthy people.

How many sorrows have I endured since the day of our separation! My shameless in-laws.

I was now reading a book ... French. Fenelon, on the education of girls.


I don't want to study, I want to get married!

Yes, all sorts of rubbish climbed into my head, then you are a father, then you are a mother.

Beleny ate too much.

I will learn; only that it be the last time, and that today there should be an agreement!

Well, say another word, you old bastard! I'll get you off.

Yes, get off my mother, how imposed!

For me, where they say!

The comedy "Undergrowth" was written by D.I. Fonvizin in 1782. But, despite the past 200 years and social changes, it continues to be staged in theaters and is of interest to the viewer and reader. Comedy is interesting with bright characters, which, oddly enough, are still found in our time. The main problem of the work is the level of education of young nobles.

The main characters of the comedy "Undergrowth":

Prostakov - typical henpecked, not wanting to think with his head. All housekeeping was entrusted to his wife. Humble as a calf. Prostakov in his house does not have the right to vote.

G - Mrs. Prostakova - cunning, prudent landowner. She ruined her peasants to the last thread, and is crying that there is nothing more to take. Upon learning that Sophia had become a rich heiress, she set out to marry her lazybones to Sophia. Rude and scandalous. No one lives from her. But she is cunning and flattering to those from whom she expects benefits. Capable of low deeds. Denies the need for education, which speaks of her narrow mind.

Mitrofan- the son of the Prostakovs, undersized. Cunning, knows how to sweeten his mother. Illiterate lazy and lazy. In those days, underage children were called noble children who did not receive a written certificate from teachers about their education. Undergrowths were not allowed to public service, they were not given the so-called. coronal memories - papers that allowed marriage.

Pravdin - an official sent by the governor to take custody of the estate and villages of the Prostakovs. Honest and decent official.

Starodum - Sophia's uncle The man is straightforward, decent. In his youth, he participated in battles, served at court, but seeing how some are ready to curry favor, build intrigues in order to rise in the eyes of the most august persons, Starodum left the service at court, as he admits, “brought home intact, my soul, my honor, my rules." In his conversations, he advocates the education of young nobles.

Sophia - Starodum's niece, a modest, educated girl. Loves Milo.

Milon - officer, nobleman, loves Sophia, is respected by colleagues.

Skotinin - the landowner robs his peasants to the last. He is going to marry Sofya, but he does not love the girl, but the pigs that the peasants raise in Sophia's villages. To match him and the surname. The person is uneducated, rude.

Kuteikin - teaches Mitrofan literature. A rogue and a swindler.

Tsyfirkin - teaches mathematics. Refusing Mitrofan's tuition fee, Tsyfirkin behaved like a decent person.

Vralman - German, French teacher. Versatile surname. With her, Fonvizin tries to emphasize the deceitful nature of the German, who, receiving 300 rubles a year, does not teach Mitrofan anything himself, and interferes with others. Once Vralman accidentally let slip that he was a coachman in St. Petersburg. And indeed, his master was once Starodum. Leaving the Prostakovs, he took the German again as a coachman.

Eremeevna- Prostakov's serf, Mitrofan's nanny. She treats the undergrowth as if she were her own, and is ready to stand up for him. All orders Prostakova executes implicitly.

Almost all the names of the heroes of the work in one way or another characterize their owners:

  • Pravdin personifies honesty;
  • Starodum - a conservative outlook on life;
  • Vralman - deceit.
  • Kuteikin - a penchant for spree and an easy life

True, Mrs. Prostakova is not as simple as her dull-witted hubby and undersized Mitrofan.

Prostakova tried to quietly steal Sophia in order to secretly marry her to Mitrofan. But Sophia raised a fuss, and Milon came to her aid first, followed by Starodum and Pravdin. Prostakova realized that the complaint of Starodum and Sophia could end badly for her, begged for forgiveness. As soon as Sophia forgave her, she began to threaten her people. Then Pravdin read to her and her husband a document on guardianship, which in fact deprived her of any power over the estate and the peasants. In Fonvizin's comedy, the thought of the greatness and mind of the Sovereign Emperor runs like a red thread.

As was customary in classicism, the heroes of the comedy "Undergrowth" are clearly divided into negative and positive. However, the most memorable, vivid are still negative characters, despite their despotism and ignorance: Mrs. Prostakova, her brother Taras Skotinin and Mitrofan himself. They are interesting and ambiguous. It is with them that comic situations are associated, full of humor, bright liveliness of dialogues.

Positive characters do not evoke such vivid emotions, although they are reasoners, reflecting the author's position. Educated, endowed with only positive traits, they are ideal - they cannot do lawlessness, they are alien to lies and cruelty.

Heroes are negative

Mrs. Prostakova

History of upbringing and education Grew up in a family characterized by extreme ignorance. Didn't get any education. I did not learn any moral rules from childhood. There is nothing good in her soul. Serfdom has a strong influence: her position as the sovereign owner of the serfs.

Main character traits Rough, unbridled, ignorant. If it does not meet resistance, it becomes arrogant. But if she encounters force, she becomes cowardly.

Attitude towards other people In relation to people, she is guided by rough calculation, personal gain. Merciless to those who are in her power. She is ready to humiliate herself in front of those on whom she depends, who turns out to be stronger than her.

Attitude towards educationEducation is superfluous: "Without the sciences, people live and lived."

Prostakova, as a landowner, a convinced serf-owner, considers the serfs to be her complete property. Always dissatisfied with her serfs. She is outraged even by the illness of a serf girl. She robbed the peasants: “Since we took away everything that the peasants had, we can’t tear anything off. Such a disaster!

Attitude towards relatives and close people Despotic and rude towards her husband, she pushes him around, does not put him in anything.

Attitude towards his son, Mitrofanushka Loves him, is tender to him. Caring for his happiness and well-being is the content of her life. Blind, unreasonable, ugly love for his son brings neither Mitrofan nor Prostakova herself anything good.

Peculiarities of speechAbout Trishka: "Swindler, thief, cattle, thieves' mug, blockhead"; turning to her husband: “Why are you so delusional today, my father?”, “All your life, sir, you walk with your ears hanging out”; addressing Mitrofanushka: “Mitrofanushka, my friend; my friend of the heart; son".

She has no moral concepts: she lacks a sense of duty, philanthropy, a sense of human dignity.


(translated from Greek "revealing his mother")

About upbringing and education I am accustomed to idleness, accustomed to hearty and plentiful food, spends free time on the dovecote.

The main character traits A spoiled "sissy", who grew up and developed in an ignorant environment of the feudal landed nobility. He is not devoid of cunning and ingenuity by nature, but at the same time rude and capricious.

Attitude towards other people Does not respect other people. Yeremeevna (nanny) calls her an “old bastard”, threatens her with severe reprisals; he does not talk to teachers, but “barks” (as Tsyfirkin puts it).

Attitude towards education Mental development is extremely low, experiencing an insurmountable aversion to work and learning.

Attitude towards relatives close peopleMitrofan does not know love for anyone, even for the closest - to his mother, father, nanny.

Speech features It is expressed in monosyllables, in its language there are many vernaculars, words and phrases borrowed from courtyards. The tone of his speech is capricious, dismissive, sometimes rude.

The name Mitrofanushka has become a household name. This is the name of young people who know nothing and do not want to know anything.

Skotinin - brother of Prostakova

On upbringing and education Grew up in a family that was extremely hostile to education: "Don't be that Skotinin, who wants to learn something."

Main character traits Ignorant, mentally undeveloped, greedy.

Attitude towards other people This is a ferocious feudal lord who knows how to “rip off” quitrent from his serfs, and there are no obstacles for him in this occupation.

The main interest in life is Animal Farm, breeding pigs. Only pigs evoke in him a disposition and warm feelings, only to them he shows warmth and care.

Attitude towards relatives and close people For the sake of the opportunity to marry profitably (he learns about Sophia's condition), he is ready to destroy his rival - his own nephew Mitrofan.

Peculiarities of speech The inexpressive speech of an uneducated person often uses rude expressions, in speech there are words borrowed from courtyards.

This is a typical representative of small landowners-feudal lords with all their shortcomings.

Teacher of Russian and Church Slavonic. The half-educated seminarian "feared the abyss of wisdom." In his own way, cunning, greedy.

A history teacher. German, former coachman. He becomes a teacher, as he failed to find a place as a coachman. An ignorant person who cannot teach his student anything.

The teachers make no effort to teach Mitrofan anything. They more often indulge the laziness of their student. To some extent, they, using the ignorance and lack of education of Mrs. Prostakova, deceive her, realizing that she will not be able to verify the results of their work.

Eremeevna - Mitrofan's nanny

What place does she occupy in the house of Prostakov, her distinctive features She has been serving in the house of the Prostakov-Skotinins for more than 40 years. Selflessly devoted to her masters, slavishly attached to their home.

Attitude towards Mitrofan Protects Mitrofan without sparing himself: “I will die on the spot, but I will not give the child away. Sunsya, sir, just show yourself if you please. I'll scratch those walleyes."

What Eremeevna has become over the long years of serf service. She has a highly developed sense of duty, but no sense of human dignity. There is not only no hatred for their inhuman oppressors, but even no protest. Lives in constant fear, trembles before his mistress.

For her loyalty and devotion, Yeremeevna receives only beatings and hears only such appeals as “a beast”, “a dog's daughter”, “an old witch”, “an old bastard”. Eremeevna's fate is tragic, because she will never be appreciated by her masters, she will never receive gratitude for her loyalty.

Heroes are positive


About the meaning of the name A person who thinks in the old way, giving preference to the priorities of the previous (Peter's) era, preserving traditions and wisdom, accumulated experience.

Education StarodumAn ​​enlightened and progressive person. Brought up in the spirit of Peter's time, the thoughts, customs and activities of the people of that time are closer and more acceptable to him.

The hero's civic position This is a patriot: for him, an honest and useful service to the Fatherland is the first and sacred duty of a nobleman. Demands to limit the arbitrariness of the feudal landowners: "It is illegal to oppress your own kind by slavery."

Attitude towards other people He regards a person according to his service to the Fatherland, according to the benefits that a person brings in this service: “I calculate the degree of nobility by the number of deeds that the great master did for the Fatherland ... without noble deeds, a noble state is nothing.”

What qualities are honored as human virtues An ardent defender of humanity and enlightenment.

The hero's reflections on education Moral education attaches more value than education: “The mind, if it is only the mind, is the most trifle ... Good manners gives the direct price to the mind. Without it, a smart person is a monster. Science in a depraved person is a fierce weapon to do evil.

What traits in people cause the hero’s just indignation Inertia, savagery, malevolence, inhumanity.

"Having a heart, have a soul - and you will be a man at all times."

Pravdin, Milon, Sofia

Pravdin An honest, impeccable official. The auditor, endowed with the right to take custody of the cruel landlords of the estate.

Milon An officer loyal to his duty, patriotically disposed.

Sofia An educated, modest, prudent girl. Raised in a spirit of respect and respect for elders.

The purpose of these heroes in the comedy, on the one hand, is to prove the correctness of Starodum's views, and on the other hand, to set off the malevolence and ignorance of such landowners as the Prostakovs-Skotinins.

One of the main positive characters in the play. She is Starodum's niece, left an orphan. In his absence, the Prostakovs manage the estate. They look after Sophia and at the same time rob her. Upon learning that the girl has a rich inheritance, they begin to fight for her hand and heart. However, the girl has a lover named Milon, to whom she remains faithful.

One of the main characters and the driving force in the play. She is Mitrofanushka's mother and Taras Skotinin's sister. Prostakova participates in almost all the events of the play, since the action takes place in the house where she is the mistress. By position, she is a noblewoman, has serfs and is a typical example of a Russian landowner in the middle of the 18th century.

The son of the landowners Prostakovs and one of the main negative characters of the comedy. As a minor teenager, he is a prominent representative of the youth of the nobility and one of the many "undersized" who inhabited Russia in the 18th century. By nature, he is rude and cruel, does not want to study or serve, does not put his father in anything and, using his mother's boundless love, manipulates her as he wishes.

One of the main characters of the comedy, Sophia's uncle. His surname indicates that he is a man of the "old" era, that is, the era of Peter I. His role in the work is very important, especially his speech and instructions. Starodum's father served under Peter the Great and always told his son that you need to remain a man at any time and in any situation.

One of the characters in the comedy, the brother of Mrs. Prostakova. This surname was chosen by the author not by chance. Taras loves and breeds pigs. Household animals are the character's only interest. Having learned that the pupil of Starodum, Sophia, is a rich heiress, he tries to win her favor and marry her.

One of the minor characters in the play. The name of the character was not chosen by chance. Pravdin is an honest and noble official, called to understand the deeds of the Prostakov-Skotinins. He serves as a bureaucrat in the governorship created by Catherine II.

One of the characters in the comedy, Sophia's fiancé, is a young man of great dignity, an officer with a valiant character. Milo is a modest and not arrogant person. Sofya and Starodum like him very much. Thanks to him, Sophia manages to avoid marriage with the underage son of Mrs. Prostakova and courtship from Skotinin.

One of the secondary characters in the play. She is Mitrofan's nanny and nurse. Using the example of her image, the author tries to show how serfdom perverted domestic servants, how it disfigured and humiliated them. Despite her inherent good human qualities, slavish humiliation prevails.

One of the characters in the comedy, Mitrofan's tutor and the highest paid worker in the Prostakovs' house. Adam Adamych Vralman was hired as a teacher of French and other sciences. In fact, he is the former coachman of Starodum, and not a teacher at all.

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