Nyasha therapy. Top five places to hug the most charming and furry

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Muscovites are hard to surprise with exotic animals. The city has public and private zoos, which contain miniature hummingbirds and huge gorillas. The raccoon in the Moscow zoo will not surprise anyone either. Come any day, look, just don't touch it with your hands.

It is risky to enter a cage with lions, but everyone wants to hold and stroke meerkats and raccoons. Do not break the ban of ordinary zoos, come to an unusual one. "Country ENOTIYA" - a place where you can touch a raccoon in Moscow.

Differences between wild and domestic raccoons

Raccoons, although predatory, are very cute animals. Many have heard about the habit of animals to turn objects in their paws and rinse them in ponds. Images of raccoons adorn T-shirts, notebooks, animals are adored all over the world, but few have seen them live.
In the wild, animals on the territory of our country are poorly distributed, although there have been attempts to breed them. They live in the North Caucasus, in the Volga region. In their historical homeland - the USA and Canada, where raccoons are in abundance, they are in no hurry to contact animals. If a smart and extremely arrogant raccoon breaks into someone's house, residents prefer to call a special service to trap wild animals. The fact is that raccoons are often carriers of various infections due to the habit of rummaging through garbage cans. When aggressive, they may bite or scratch.
However, captive-born raccoons respond very well to training and keeping at home. Therefore, a large number of these animals can be seen in zoos and zoos.

Pros of visiting a petting zoo

Petting zoo with raccoons provides an opportunity for everyone to get to know these little animals closer, to observe their habits and funny washing. Individuals born in captivity do not pose any danger, they can be stroked, hand-fed with food purchased here, under the supervision of a specialist.
Communication with raccoons gives a lot of positive emotions. Visitors have a unique opportunity to participate in pet therapy petting zoo with raccoons in Moscow. There is a whole network of similar establishments in the capital, which has a common schedule and the same principles of work. Pet therapy, that is, close communication with animals, is indicated for people suffering from loneliness and stress. Children after visiting the zoo become calmer, affectionate, bouts of sudden aggression disappear.
Accustomed to constant contact with a person, the animal does not show natural protective qualities, it spins with pleasure in its hands, caresses and poses. From birth, animals are supervised, they are vaccinated, examined by veterinarians. At the slightest suspicion of a disease, the animal is sent to quarantine until a full recovery.
Petting zoo with raccoons in Moscow worth a visit to cheer up, satisfy the need for affection and hugs. Adults and children will be delighted with communication with mustachioed-striped ones.

Where in Moscow you can pet a raccoon

“Country ENOTIYA” is a chain of zoos in Moscow, where friendly and touching animals live, among which, of course, raccoons. They have a special role in the petting zoo - to please and entertain those who are tired, upset, have not been in nature for a long time and cannot get a pet.

The homeland of the raccoon is America. In the 20th century, Soviet scientists tried to resettle animals in Russia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, and Kyrgyzstan. It turned out badly and there is no dominance of raccoons in any country of the post-Soviet space. But within the walls of the Zoo "ENOTIYA Country" there are many of them and everyone is happy to make contact with a person.

The zoo's tame raccoons were born and raised in captivity. From early childhood, animals were taught to handle. Veterinarians closely monitored the health, vaccinated and controlled the development of pets. Healthy and non-aggressive raccoons ended up in a petting zoo, became tame and take part in pet therapy with pleasure.

Pet therapy at the zoo "Strana ENOTIYA" is a session of communication with tame animals. They can be fed with treats bought here. Keepers willingly tell what they love pets, and also share funny stories about the inhabitants of the zoo. Pet therapy includes a visit to an enclosure with raccoons, nosuha, degus, squirrels and other local inhabitants.

A petting zoo with raccoons in Moscow awaits guests every day from 10:00 to 22:00. Come to the zoo by yourself or with your children, bring your friends and advise your colleagues. The touching look of a raccoon will melt everyone's heart. The manner of the American cunning will amuse everything, not only food, in water. And why does the raccoon rinse everything and why in apartments where raccoons are kept, locks are even cut into cabinet doors - ask the caretaker when you come to pet a raccoon in Moscow.

Surely each of you has been to the zoo at least once in your life. And, of course, I would like to watch the animals not from the side, but in close proximity, so that you can pet the animals, play with them, feed them with various tasty treats. Unfortunately, a regular zoo limits communication with animals to the cage net. But only tactile contact with fluffy creatures gives exactly those positive emotions that enrich our inner world and make us kinder.

To date, our living corner "Zveryushki" is the only zoo of its kind where you can touch and pet animals in Moscow. This is an amazing world in which the real unity of man and nature takes place. All our pets are so tame that they are happy to make contact with visitors to the zoo, take food from them and substitute their soft backs so that every child and adult can show their love and tenderness to them.

The Zveryushki Zoo, located in the south of the capital, is home to various types of exotic animals collected from all over the world. Here you can see such rare animals as the kinkajou flower bear, which is the only representative of the Potos genus, Bennett's kangaroo, which lives in one of the territories of Australia, the South American llama Alpaca, the Canadian fox, the eastern colobus and other fauna that you are unlikely to meet in ordinary nature.

In addition, you can hold eared hedgehogs, chinchillas, rabbits and guinea pigs, take pictures with a python, feed a raccoon and ring-tailed lemur, play with funny Cameroonian goats and lambs, and compete in eloquence with the sociable Corella and cheerful budgerigars.

Our zoo is also a great place to organize all kinds of events:

* Group tours with an experienced guide;

  • Mosaic;
  • Vintage painting on glass;
  • Painting of gingerbread;
  • Crafts from buttons;
  • Polymer clay;
  • Cotton toys;
  • Papier mache;
  • Decoupage.

* Children's holidays:

  • Birthday;
  • High school graduation;
  • New Year party.

* Romantic dates;

For children and adults, we regularly hold interesting master classes and entertaining animation programs. Our program provides for group quest tours around the zoo for schoolchildren and kindergarteners. Entertaining games and exciting shows are waiting for our little visitors, which will undoubtedly give them a lot of vivid impressions and unforgettable emotions.

And thanks to our professional photographer, you can arrange a photoset with any inhabitant of the Zveryushki Zoo you like, and replenish your family photo album with cheerful and “live” photos against the backdrop of colorful scenery.

Come and enjoy communication with our cute hand pets. We are waiting for you every day, and we will be glad to meet you!

In the Anteros Tactile Museum in Bologna, the famous paintings of the Italian Renaissance are made in the form of relief plaster copies.

Today, July 6, the Deaf-Blind Support Foundation “Connection” presents a model of a tactile garden for the deaf-blind and blind people at the Moscow Flower Show Moscow Festival of Gardens and Flowers.

This is an interesting project and a good start. We have already written about the exhibition project at the State Tretyakov Gallery. Now we decided to tell you what other museums and exhibitions there are in Russia and Moscow, where a comfortable exposition has been prepared for visually impaired people, and what museums can be considered truly accessible.

According to experts, in large cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg) today there are from 150 to 800 visually impaired and blind schoolchildren, and from 20 to 60 people are covered by the corresponding museum programs. Until the last decade, visually impaired and blind children ended up in the museum by chance. Or - through the efforts of their teachers and enthusiasts from the university departments of correctional pedagogy.

Experience of the Saratov Museum: come to paint!

Come to the Saratov Museum! Photo from saratov.revizor.com

- For the first time, a group of visually impaired children came to our Saratov Museum of Fine Arts. Radishchev in 2001,” says Galina Borisovna Guseva. – One of the teachers of the department of correctional pedagogy of the Saratov State Pedagogical University brought this group to our museum. I showed them the building, told them about the paintings. They liked it and wanted to come again. Now we “looked” with our fingers at sculpture, dishes, furniture, old picture frames. This is how our collaboration began.”

...Galina Guseva, methodologist of the first category of the Center for Museum Pedagogy of the Saratov Museum of Fine Arts. Radishcheva, visually impaired. She knows better than anyone what difficulties these children face when visiting the exhibition of an art museum, and how these children need these artistic experiences. Today, at the Saratov Museum of Fine Arts, she is implementing a special project - she teaches blind children to draw. Since 2011, they have been creating amazing compositions by painting with their fingers on glass. Many art museums in Russia use her book on how to teach visually impaired children to draw. Moreover, among the students of Galina Borisovna there are two completely blind children.

Galina Guseva with children in a lesson at the museum

Saratov Museum of Fine Arts. Radishcheva allocated a special didactic fund for classes with children: it includes ceramics, wooden sculpture, author's dolls in historical costumes. Children can get acquainted with all these things by picking them up and feeling them. Museum teachers willingly use the opportunity to conduct such a lesson with sighted children: after all, picking up some old porcelain cup is a real adventure for any child!

Moscow: where you can touch the fur of a polar bear

In the hall of the Darwin Museum: see the horse Photo from darwinmuseum.ru

State Darwin Museum

In natural science museums, programs for the visually impaired, designed for touch, are considered promising. For example, soft labels in the hall of zoogeography of the State Darwin Museum are equipped with samples - pieces of polar bear and seal fur, images of these animals, and the inscription "You can stroke."

After touching the animal sculptures at the Darwin Museum, visually impaired visitors can pet samples of their fur. This, however, gives great pleasure to sighted visitors of all ages.

Moscow Zoo

A special case is the exhibition of live exhibits of the Moscow Zoo. In petting zoos and some specialized exhibitions, visually impaired children can stroke animals, pick up live insects, and touch bugs and butterflies.

Central Museum of the Armed Forces

You can have an interesting time at the Central Museum of the Armed Forces (Moscow), where visitors are allowed to hold different types of weapons from the Great Patriotic War. But, of course, you need to warn about your visit in advance.

Russian State Library for the Blind

Russia: “You must touch with your hands!”

Museum-reserve "Tanais"

If you want to bring joy to a visually impaired child, take him to the archaeological museum. Today there are special programs for children with special needs.

You can explore a lot of interesting things with your hands in the Tanais Museum-Reserve (Myasnikovsky district of the Rostov region). The reserve was opened in 1961 on the site of the ancient city of Tanais, which once flourished in the Don Delta. There is something to touch with your hands: sixteen and a half thousand ancient amphoras, antique marble slabs with inscriptions, ancient stone sculptures. Under the guidance of a museum teacher, children get the opportunity to get acquainted with ancient ceramics, try real antique amphoras by touch, and learn how to sculpt dishes from clay.

Literary museums

House-museum of Korolenko in Dzhanhot. Photo from s-kub.ru

In some literary museums, it is allowed to pick up and touch the exhibits. This can be done in the "House of the Korolenko family" in the village of Dzhankhot near Gelendzhik, where the writer V.G. Korolenko,

In Moscow, the State Darwin Museum is the methodological center for the socio-cultural rehabilitation of the disabled. Already in the 20s of the XX century, there were excursions for people with special needs. The museum cooperates with various correctional schools: under an agreement with the Department of Social Protection, it prepares exhibitions for them, and brings children on free tours. The State Darwin Museum trains museum staff in how to serve visitors with disabilities.

From the handbook for serving people with special health needs:

  • “Please note that all special techniques aimed at organizing museum services for the disabled are needed for all museum visitors (the elderly and children need a ramp, children need a low counter in a cafe). When we take care of the disabled, we take care of ourselves.”
  • As part of the museum guides, a group should be identified that should specialize in servicing disabled sightseers. The rest of the museum staff should also be able to help.
  • It should be taken into account that disabled persons of all categories during their journey to the museum experience a strong psychological stress and can be excited.
  • In the cloakroom, the number cannot be placed on the counter; it is better to put it in the hand of such a visitor
  • At a meeting, a museum employee calls himself and is the first to extend his hand (if the visitor does not have a right hand, you can shake the left one)
  • The technique of tactile showing to the blind is that they bring him to the exhibit and put his hand, preferably both hands, on the object and allow him to calmly study it, giving a clear explanation of what is under the fingers. You should not lead the hand of a blind man over the object being examined, it is advisable not to rush him ... It will be correct to name the colors of the exhibits in the process of the story. Many have residual vision or color perception. It is quite appropriate to use the verb "look". It should not be replaced by the verb "feel"

World: Renaissance in 3D

In the halls of the Institute. Francesco Cavazza in Bologna

On the websites of the largest museums in the world, sections with a list of services that people with disabilities can use in the museum have long become familiar. The programs developed by the Departments of Museum Pedagogy are intended for all ages: from children with autism spectrum disorders to older visitors suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's disease (today, for museum workers around the world, it is the social group of older people that is considered especially important and promising). The largest art museums in the world give visitors a floor plan of the museum and some booklets for exhibitions in Braille.

It has long been possible to "see" the exhibits with your hands in the Louvre, in museums in Germany, Great Britain and the USA. To do this, art museums open special tactile galleries in which works of art can be touched. Some psychologists advise starting to introduce children to the world of beauty through touch. Exhibits of the Elisabeth Morse Tactile Gallery of the Art Institute of Chicago (USA) are sculptural busts from different eras, covered with a protective layer of wax. There is a mandatory condition for visitors to the tactile gallery: remove rings, watches and bracelets.

The Art Institute of Chicago has developed a technology for translating painting into plastic reliefs. (3D printed replicas). Thanks to her, famous paintings turn into bas-reliefs.

The charming "Sisters" of Auguste Renoir, printed on a 3D printer, in their tactile version are a red relief board, which is felt with fingers.

Experienced teachers teach blind people to see all the meanings of the famous masterpieces of the Renaissance

In 1999, at the Italian Institute for the Rehabilitation of the Blind. Francesco Cavazza (Bologna) with the collaboration of teachers and artists, a tactile museum was created Anteros, which offers visitors 40 famous paintings of the Italian Renaissance, made in the form of relief plaster copies. Experienced teachers teach visitors to "read" the picture with their hands, gradually revealing all its meanings - from geometric construction in space to the most complex iconographic details. visually impaired museum visitors Anteros receive training that enables them to independently study the reliefs in the museums of Italy with their hands.

Such an innovation as a petting zoo appeared quite recently. Previously, adults and kids had the opportunity only to watch animals in cages or aviaries from a distance, but now zookeepers offer a completely new entertainment.

In petting zoos, you can touch the animals, take them in your arms (of course, if it is not dangerous), feed them and even play with them. Such communication is especially useful for young children who are learning to respect and love nature.

Pet the raccoon

One of the most interesting and at the same time extremely touching petting zoos "" is comfortably located on interactive sites:

  1. Mall Mozaika,
  2. SEC Capitol
  3. and the Columbus mall.

Zoos are distinguished by a special variety of pets, which you can pet, feed and even hold in your hands. Spectators will get acquainted here with a raccoon, noses, an alpaca cub, porcupines, monkeys, which will surprise with their unusual skills.
The touching petting zoo "Pet the Raccoon" has prepared a joyful surprise for its visitors!
On May 29, the grand opening of the cat room took place at the interactive platform in the SEC Kapitol Sevastopolsky. In it you can admire the amazing breeds of these domestic animals, observe the habits of exotic pets, and most importantly, you can stroke and feed everyone. Such rooms are widespread throughout Europe and are called feline therapy. Staying here has a beneficial effect on the physical condition and emotions of a person.


In the mini zoo you can see, stroke and feed the animals without any obstacles.

14 species of animals are represented here, among which there are meerkats, ferrets, goats, African hedgehogs, Altai squirrel teleutka.

Experienced staff will always tell you with whom and how to behave better, conduct a tour and tell fascinating stories from the life of the zoo guests, there are also introductory signs on each enclosure. In a separate space there is a children's corner for drawing and games.

The zoo provides a place to relax, a cloakroom, boot covers and a place where you can wash your hands.

Forestry Embassy

Children's petting zoo "Forest Embassy" is located in Moscow in Altufyevo. This is a mini zoo where you can contact animals, feed them and study, observe and even draw.

Animals in the zoo are friendly, tame, each of them has its own name. They are sure that visitors will treat them with the same warmth. Excursions to the "Forest Embassy" are organized for small children. The animals are looked after by professional biologists who can tell guests a lot of interesting things.

"Forest Embassy" gives the opportunity to see not only domestic animals, but also lizards, bats.

The interior of the mini zoo is equipped so that guests can come close to the animals, examine them and feed them.

The zoo "Forest Embassy" is located in Altufyevo, at the address: Moscow, Altufevskoe highway, 70/1, on the third floor of the shopping center "Markos Mall".

Another branch of the zoo "Forest Embassy" exists on Andropov Avenue, 8.

Guys about animals

A good petting zoo exists in Izmailovo. It is located at the address: Moscow, Pervomaiskaya street, 42.

The fascinating name that this zoo in the Moscow region bears - "To the guys about the animals" - fully justifies its name.

Although the zoo in Izmailovo is quite large, its organization differs from the previous ones. Visitor reviews claim that the animals are in cages there, and the walls are painted in the appropriate style.

Basically, domestic animals are collected in Izmailovo: guinea pigs, rabbits, parrots, horses, piglets and others. There are tables next to the enclosures where children can relax, play, draw and even watch a cartoon.

Animals can be touched, photographed with them, fed. The animals are not aggressive, and the workers, if necessary, will tell you how to behave. The impression of the zoo in Izmailovo is generally positive.

Lived with grandma

There is also a petting zoo in Moscow near the Kolomenskaya metro station. Similar zoos exist in several Russian cities: Kazan, Ufa, St. Petersburg.

The zoo has a good collection of animals and birds. On the official website of the zoo there is a page dedicated to the collections of pets. So visitors will be able to get acquainted in advance with information about who they will meet in the enclosures.

The petting zoo is organized on the same principle as other zoos, such as the Forest Embassy.

There is a zoo with the same name near Moscow, metro station VDNKh, VVTs, between pavilions 64 and 66.

Now the zoo at VDNKh presents 12 species of birds, including goats, reindeer, pheasants, rabbits, and chickens. At VDNKh, you can feed the animals and spend the day in an entertaining conversation with nature.

The zoo at VDNKh gives maximum freedom to animals and visitors. Of course, experienced caretakers keep an eye on their behavior, but guests should also behave politely. In the zoo at VDNKh, you can feel like a part of nature. Also at VDNKh you can buy colorful souvenirs to remember your stay at the zoo.


Contact zoo "Jungle" is located in Tushino at the address: metro station Tushinskoye, Tushinskaya street, 8.

The name "Jungle" fully justifies itself. The interior of the zoo is made in the style of the island where Robinson Crusoe lived. Children can play here, communicate with cute animals. On request, you can order the services of a photographer who will capture all the interesting moments of your stay at the zoo in Tushino.

Caretakers and veterinarians are always on duty here, so you should not be afraid for the health of your child. Biologists will always tell you how to feed and communicate with a particular pet.

The zoo in Tushino provides hygiene measures: shoe covers are provided, there is a sink for washing, a wardrobe.

Arbat, 16

The petting zoo on Arbat, 16 presents its guests with deer, llamas, monkeys, raccoons and other animals. Here you can also visit the "Butterfly House" and see a collection of exotic insects.

Small animals like toys

This petting zoo is located in Moscow near the Teply Stan metro station on Novoyasenevsky Prospekt, 2. There are zoos of this organization in the Moscow region, for example, in the city of Vidnoye.

The zoo on Cape Teply Stan presents rabbits, meerkats, ferrets, foxes, porcupines, mongooses and even fish. Here you can book a tour and find out how these animals live in the wild, what they eat, how they got to the zoo.

Petting zoos in Moscow are a great opportunity for children growing up in the metropolis to get to know the inhabitants of the wild and learn to love and respect animals. Feedback from parents confirms that children are delighted with the visits.

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