Biceps volume. How to increase the volume of hands? Increase arm volume by 5 cm

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Despite grueling workouts, did your arm size remain the same? We know how to fix it! 12 rules, 12 steps, 12 weeks.

Is it possible to pump up your hands at home to the limit? Certainly. In this article, you will find important tips for increasing arm size, as well as learn the structure of an effective workout that is easy to do at home. After all, guys can be creative if they wish, our training will be of high quality and without expensive equipment. To prove it, here are 12 friendly tips to pump up your arms.

Your hands, like no other part of the body, showcase all the work you do in training. Seeing your developed biceps and triceps, others will surely be sure that the rest of your muscles are also inflated. Following the recommendations presented in just 12 weeks, you will dramatically change your arm muscles.

1. Let your hands rest

By constantly working your hands, you do not give them a chance to grow. The muscles of the hands are small, they are easy to overwork. Give your hands the rest they need so you can work them harder later.

The good news is that strong and beautiful hands are not as difficult to create as you might think. The fact is that almost any exercise for the muscles of the upper body requires the participation of the hands. And if you intensively work out the muscles of the upper body, then the arms are trained along the way. Thus, we recommend that you do only one workout per week specifically for the arms and, if desired, combine it with a shoulder or chest workout.

Don't push yourself to failure during your workout, just feel good!

2. Follow the next arm workout

After a two-week break, do the following arm strength exercises. You will pump your arms at home once a week for 6 weeks. After this, another break of 7-10 days is required, and then you must repeat the cycle with a heavier weight. Maybe we will be able to challenge you "weakly"?

Workout for pumping arms with dumbbells

Attention: Perform the exercise in half the amplitude from the bottom to the middle of the movement

Add one back day as well as a leg day. Chest and shoulder training can be combined with arms.

3. Train strength

Proven to be highly active when performing the Dumbbell French Bench Press followed by Seated Curls and Down Pulldowns. Try increasing the weight by 5% each week when doing bicep curls.

French bench press with dumbbells

Victor Chentsov describes in detail the technique of each exercise and the structure of the workout in the following video.

4. Pull up

Basically, biceps training programs include arm curls. For some reason, no one does pull-ups, considering them an exercise useful only for the back. In fact, close-grip pull-ups are a great exercise for the biceps, increasing muscle mass and strength. If you can do more than 10 regular pull-ups correctly, try weighted pull-ups.

Narrow grip pull-ups

The stronger you get, the more mass you gain. Provided, of course, that you are correct.

5. Stretch

Stretching after your arm workout will help you recover. There is evidence that stretching the muscle also lengthens the fascia. It can be imagined as a white sock over the muscle, which can limit its growth. The more you open it, the more opportunities you have to increase the volume of your hands.

Stretching the fascia is not possible with short yoga sessions, however, 45-60 seconds of stretching with weights will help with this. You can always peep good ideas for arm stretching exercises in the next video.

6. Rock your forearms

Often the availability of forearm exercises is a problem when it comes to pumping up big arms at home. If your forearms are still weak, it will be difficult for you to lift the desired weight, since there is most likely not much variety of equipment with free weights. To do this, use collapsible dumbbells. This is extremely beneficial, as certain wrist rotation exercises with a semi-disassembled dumbbell allow you to quickly increase your grip strength. They are also convenient to combine with classic movements.

Bent wrist curls with dumbbells, palms up

Flexion of the wrists with pronation in the supine position

If you do not have such equipment, you can work with close grip push-ups with your own weight. You can also put together a quality workout for the forearms easily from the resources available at home.

7. Train your legs

Leg training puts the body in such an anabolic mode that there is an excess of growth hormone. This means that other muscle groups will also get their share. Make friends with squats and lunges. Be sure to rest for a day after training your legs to fully recover. An example of such a workout for home conditions, see below.

Effective leg workout at home

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Adjust the weight and difficulty level of the exercise according to your current physical data. The weight can be replaced with a can of sand or water.

8. Use sports supplements

Complementary complexes - a whole science! But to be brief, in our situation we need to be guided by the following principles. Use caffeine before your workout as it will increase your focus. During your workout, it's best to consume BCAAs to keep the intensity high. To replenish the body with the necessary substances after training, do not forget about freeze-dried protein with creatine.

Basic Mass Building Set




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Use supplements wisely, and the effect will not be long in coming. Read more about sports supplements in the appropriate section on our website.

9. Eat well and in full

You are not a girl in puberty, so your meals should be heavy. There is no point in increasing arm size if your overall weight is not changing. As a rule, for every extra centimeter on your arms, you need to gain 2 kg of muscle mass. Eat 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight, 3-4 grams of carbohydrates and 0.5 grams of fat. Follow this diet for 5 days, and then change it for 2 days, reducing the amount of carbohydrates to 1 g per pound of body weight and doubling the fat intake.

This ensures that you don't develop insulin resistance and it keeps your body stressed. People with poor carb tolerance (you know, if this applies to you) can follow a diet that is 5 days low and 2 days high. At the same time, high protein intake is maintained. In terms of fluids, you should consume a liter of water for every 20 kg of body weight per day, so an 80 kg athlete will need about 5 liters of water per day. If training takes place in hot and humid places, drink plenty of fluids during training. Learn more about the principles of mass nutrition, study the site and do your own experiments.

10. Visualize

You need a goal, don't just say, "I want to build big arms at home." Have a clear idea of ​​​​how you want to pump up your arms in 3 months from now and in a year.

Even if you're only halfway there, it's still a huge success. Do not measure your hands every day, otherwise you and everyone around you will only go crazy. Focus on the weight you use and your nutrition.

11. Calm down

Your success will largely depend on your recovery. The first thing to ensure is adequate sleep. Eight hours a night is a must, and an afternoon nap is even better. If you can't go to the gym, don't think about it. Thinking about your hands 24 hours a day, 7 days a week will only burn you from the inside and hinder your progress.

Help yourself with recovery: it can be a massage, a steam bath, a sauna, a walk with a girl in the fresh air, and a fun hangout with a group of like-minded friends.

12. Use isometric exercises

Isometric complexes are a special system of exercises that allows you to strengthen the muscular frame, increase strength and improve athletic performance without exhausting many hours of training in the gym. Its effectiveness and availability to everyone has been proven by time, as well as by wide use in yoga, bodybuilding, fitness, rehabilitation programs, martial arts and strength training.

A classic isometric exercise for the arms is to stretch them in front of you in various positions, as in the photo below.

The purpose of these exercises is to spend a maximum of effort on holding or counteracting any object for a short period of time - 6-12 seconds. Unlike dynamic loads repeated a certain number of times, when reproducing static complexes, it is not the quantity that matters, but the duration of holding the body in a certain position and the feeling of one's body.

Now you know 12 ways by which you can pump up impressive “banks” at home! Now only you decide how to pump up your arms at home for a man, for this you have a whole arsenal of serious ways to exercise at home with benefit and transform your body in 12 weeks. Time has gone!

There is no bodybuilder who would not want to have massive, sculpted arms. Nearly all IFBB champions show phenomenal arm development. There are bodybuilders whose genetic potential allows you to have huge arms without spending a lot of effort for this - for example, A. Backles. Even before competition, he rarely does more than 10-12 sets for biceps and triceps, 2 times a week. Meanwhile, others devote much more time to developing their hands and still cannot match Backles. However, any bodybuilder with a serious approach to this issue can significantly increase the volume of the arms and improve the shape of the biceps and triceps.

1. To fully develop your biceps, you must supinate your wrist while doing dumbbell or block curls. Some champion bodybuilders have made a qualitative leap in the development of the biceps, as soon as they began to perform the "twisting" of the brush.

2. All types of concentrated curls will help you develop the natural "peak" of the biceps. However, do hundreds of sets of these exercises, but if the genetic biceps are flat, you will not have a "peak". Remember S. Oliva! Boera Coe, having good genetics and including concentrated bending in his training, on the contrary, developed his biceps to failure.

3. Many bodybuilders, wanting to develop their triceps to the maximum, often injure them. What to do?

It is better to avoid injury from the very beginning, but if the elbows are already injured, one should try not to get "injured injury". The main thing is a thorough warm-up. L. Ferrigno advises starting arm training with biceps, and then kneading triceps with three to four “light” sets of block pulls with a high number of repetitions. The weight in each set is slightly increased. In your programs, do more close-grip presses and push-ups than French presses. Hand pumping is not as difficult as it seems. You just need to believe in yourself and really want to make your hands big.

If you are looking for a workout program that will inflate your arms to gigantic proportions in record time, and that it is a highly scientific program, and that it is a win-win program, then this article is what you need. After just three shock therapy sessions, you'll find your arms quite fat, as if you suddenly had two eight-kilogram hams (or six-kilogram, depending on your genetics) in your shirt sleeves. How uncomfortable would you have to feel for such a metamorphosis? Well, the procedure, in general, is quite painful, but short. First you need to scientifically explain where these results come from:

1) the program uses the most effective exercises.

2) Muscles are worked out completely, without emphasis on individual heads, bundles, etc.

Extension of the arms on the block (Decline extensions).

This exercise maximally loads all three heads of the triceps. You get full, accentuated stimulation of the entire muscle in one exercise. If you do this exercise lying on your back, it works mainly the long head of the triceps, so if you want to get your triceps thoroughly, do it in an incline.

Overhead extensions with dumbbells.

This is also a very effective exercise, loading all three heads of the triceps. Interestingly, the same exercise performed with a barbell instead of dumbbells hits only the lateral and middle heads, leaving the long one to rest. The reason why the dumbbell version is more effective is the position of the hands, the palms are turned inward, towards each other.

Bending of the arms with a barbell with a narrow grip.

Fully loads both heads of the biceps and brachialis. If you do this exercise with a wide grip, basically only one head of the biceps, closest to the body, works, and the other (together with the brachialis) only watches it. The grip should be narrow, about 25 cm between the hands.

Bending arms with dumbbells sitting on an incline bench.

It also bombards both heads of the biceps, as well as a bunch of small muscles in the elbow area. The reason for the effectiveness of this exercise is a good stretch. The feet should be firmly on the floor, the arms are bent at the same time and do not linger at the bottom - immediately begin to bend the arms.

Stretching contributes to the maximum connection to the work of all muscle fibers. This works especially well if one of the superset exercises works at a large amplitude, stretching the muscle. For example, you do a superset of dumbbell biceps on an incline bench + barbell biceps with a narrow grip. What it does: After a couple of warm-up sets, you do a heavy biceps set with a close grip to failure. Cheating is possible here (hard after all). After a short rest, the shock superset begins. First comes the biceps with dumbbells on an incline bench, this forces the muscles to work by stretching and responding to the stretch by turning on new muscle fibers. Then, without allowing the muscle fibers to cool and settle, you do an easier set with a narrow grip barbell, 20% lighter than in the first set. After resting for two minutes and massaging the swollen biceps, you finish them off with concentrated curls, one or two sets, tensing the biceps to the limit at the end point.

Triceps are treated the same way: One set of decline extensions, a little cheating won't hurt either. Rest for a minute, put a couple of plates on the bar, then do a set of overhead extensions with the barbell in a superset with decline triceps extensions. Then your swollen triceps will beg for mercy. Rest for about two minutes, admire your triceps, and finish them off with a tilted arm extension. Keep an eye on the position of your elbows. One approach is enough, but some masochists do two...

Hammer the muscles with supersets until they start to “burn”. Recent scientific studies show that the use of supersets lowers the pH of the blood, which stimulates the production of the growth hormone we all need.

The brachialis is important for the "biceps peak". The brachialis is located under the biceps, so by developing this muscle, you make the biceps taller. Since barbell curls work the brachialis well, you can do one final set. A very good brachialis exercise is hammer curls (arm curls with dumbbells sitting on an incline bench, palms facing in, thumbs up).

More rest - more volume. You only max out four or five sets of each muscle, which means you have more room for hypertrophy. Remember, the more approaches you do, the less your body has the ability to recover from an intense load, efficiency is what matters. This is the key to any arm program - to exhaust the greatest possible amount of muscle fibers in the least possible amount.


Lift on the biceps

Main impact. The exercise acts on the biceps, as well as on the muscles of the inner surface of the forearms.

Execution method. Grab the bar with an underhand grip. The grip is wider than the shoulders by about 10-15 cm. Now straighten the torso. The bar should lie on the front of the thighs. Press your elbows to your body and keep them in this position until the end of the exercise. Trying to keep your torso perfectly straight, slowly bend your elbows. Raise the bar up until the bar is under your chin. Slowly return the barbell to its original position. Experiment with grip width.

french press

Main impact. The exercise has the strongest effect on the triceps as a whole, especially on its middle and inner bundles. Execution method. You need to take the bar with a narrow grip from above, lie down on the bench and spread your legs, comfortably resting your feet on the floor. Straighten your arms and begin to lower the barbell down until the bar touches the forehead or bridge of the nose. Try to keep your elbows still and lift the bar with the effort of some triceps. Options. The exercise has many varieties. They do not affect the effect, but are able to significantly diversify the workout. First, the "French Press" can be done on an incline bench with your head up or down. Secondly, you can do it standing or sitting. It is clear that in the first case, the weight of the bar must be increased, and in the second, on the contrary, reduced. Thirdly, you can use a barbell with a curved neck and so unload your forearms a little.

Increasing muscle volume for beginner bodybuilders is a priority. Particular attention is paid to biceps and triceps, which are pumped first. It is the volume of muscles in the arms that demonstrate to others whether a person visits the gym or not. To build muscle mass in the arms, it is necessary not only to exercise on simulators, but to select the most effective program. You should choose exactly those exercises that most of all load the triceps and biceps, allow you to quickly progress and achieve your goals and objectives.

The proposed training program does not imply the division of classes with exercises for biceps and triceps, for which there is a rational explanation. The reason for training these muscle groups together is that they are opposite to each other. The study of one antagonist leads to the restoration and increased flow of blood rich in nutrients, the second, that is, the muscle opposite to it. And if you train both biceps and triceps at once, you can achieve a powerful pump, which has a positive effect on muscle mass growth.

Effective exercises for pumping triceps and biceps

The training program for increasing muscle mass in the arms, performed in the gym, is almost entirely built on basic exercises, but there are also several isolating ones. This allows you to deplete the muscle and achieve the maximum effect of the pump.

The training includes two groups of exercises:

For triceps:

For biceps:

This complex is enough to completely deplete the muscle groups included in the work. Basic exercises are performed first, and then the emphasis shifts to isolated movements. Such a training system is considered the most effective and efficient in the modern bodybuilding environment.

The training program is aimed at working out the antagonist muscles. Therefore, biceps and triceps are best pumped alternately. Performing all the exercises first on one and then on the other group is less effective.

To better understand how to pump biceps with triceps, you should follow the following sequence of exercises. So, the program is made according to the following scheme:

  • (3-4 X 8-12);
  • (3-4 X 8-12);
  • (3-4 X 8-12);
  • (3-4 X 8-12);
  • + and alternately 3-4 sets for each exercise.

The first exercises are performed at the pace familiar to many, but with the last one, it may not be clear to beginners. The final stage of the training of the above program involves the transition to super-sets. In other words, first they do one set for biceps, and the next approach is for triceps. Then they take a short break. After rest, repeat the biceps-triceps bunch again. The presence of a superset at the end of the workout allows you to achieve a powerful pumping effect and bring the muscles to maximum exhaustion. Such sets should not be used every lesson, but periodically. Otherwise, the risk of overtraining increases.

Many people think that big biceps are the result of long, grueling workouts. But do not hastily put your goal on the back burner. In order for the arms to begin to grow in volume, 5 exercises are enough!

Big biceps are what almost all men who are interested in dream about. All they need is to build as much muscle mass as possible. After all, often the effectiveness and success of training is measured by the size and shape that athletes were able to achieve. For many, it is the biceps that become the muscle for workout number 1, so it takes a very long time to endlessly search for the best exercises to increase biceps. - one of the most "famous" muscles. Even children bend their arms in front of a mirror or in front of each other to show who is stronger and more important. When someone asks you to demonstrate strength, they don't want to look at the chest or back - they want to see the biceps. These muscles have long been used to gauge a person's overall muscle mass, and for those who want to increase the size of this area, there are specific workouts that need to be done to maximize the size of the biceps.

Of course, these exercises are not effective enough on their own. It is best to include them in an overall program designed to train the whole body. Get started with the top five exercises for bigger biceps!

Anatomy of the biceps

Before starting any program, you need to be familiar with the structure of the muscles you are going to work with and what role they play in your daily life. This knowledge will help you make the best use and control of your muscles while doing the top 5 free weight bicep exercises. To provide optimal training for the biceps.

The biceps is made up of three main muscles, the biceps brachii (biceps proper), the brachioradialis, and the brachialis.

The biceps brachii is a portion of muscle tissue associated with the forearm bone. It gives rise to the movement of the scapula and runs along the anterior part of the humerus (upper long bone of the shoulder). The biceps themselves make up about 1/3 of the muscle mass of the upper arm.

The shoulder muscle is the smallest. The movement of this muscle pulls the arm forward and away from the body, which is involved in many exercises, not only those that allow you to pump and increase the biceps.

The shoulder muscle is the muscle that crosses the elbow joint. It originates at the bottom of the humerus and runs along the ulna. Its function is to flex the elbow, however, the brachialis muscle is not involved in the pronation of the forearm (rotation). You can read more about the anatomical features of the biceps of the hands.

How to pump up biceps with a barbell and dumbbells

Intermediate Biceps Workout

If you have already worked out the whole body, it's time to move on to real "male" loads! Do this advanced biceps workout.

Advanced Biceps Workout

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Huge biceps inspire respect and are admired by others, however, biceps are only a small part of the main muscle groups that shape your body. In order for each muscle to work properly, it is necessary that the surrounding muscles train at the same level.

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  • Before training and after it. On rest days, add another portion.
Dl I what would increase arm muscles hands, it takes a lot of effort to make this process faster, we By we are talking about in this article. The arms are a rather complex muscle group and do not always respond proportionally to load, when working on them, frequent stagnation and growth stops are possible, in order. To avoid this, you should follow a few recommendations.

Intensity of exercises - when working on the biceps or triceps, try to give your all, do each exercise as if it were the last time. Try to focus only on the execution of the approach and do not be distracted by music or other extraneous sounds. Take the approach with aggressiveness and full dedication.

Change of complexes - working on the hands, change sets of exercises every month. Good. There are many exercises for this muscle group. You can use ready-made options or make your own, do not get hung up on similar exercises, try to find something unusual for your muscles. As a rule, a new exercise always provokes growth. In addition to simply changing exercises, you can also try changing the pauses between sets and individual exercises. Someone can recover in 30 seconds, and for someone it’s not enough and 2 minutes.

Use such popular systems as cheating and pumping when working on your hands, both of these systems are the best suited for working out the muscles of the hands. The use of cheating gives a particularly good effect, thanks to this system it is very often possible to overcome growth stagnation. At the same time, do not forget to monitor the correctness of the exercises and, if possible, fix the spine.

The simultaneous study of both muscle groups that form the arms also gives a good positive effect. You can do this in various ways:

1. Double sets - alternately performing sets for biceps and triceps, there are no pauses between sets, a pause is made only between double sets. For example, bending the arms with a barbell for biceps and immediately extending the arms on the block for triceps, after a pause of 30 seconds and another circle. Such a system is quite effective, the hands are under load all the time, which causes an abundant flow of blood and stimulates the growth of muscle fibers.

2. Alternation of approaches, in this variant, the work is performed according to the usual scheme, we perform one exercise for biceps, followed by the second for triceps, and then again the approach for biceps. Using the principle of alternation, try to include at least 3 exercises for working out the biceps and the same number for developing the triceps.

Work your hands at least twice a week, and both of these two times should be quite effective, trouble hands. That they have to work all the time and as a result they get used to the loads. Therefore, in order to push them off the ground, only intensity and a large, concentrated load are required.

Include more variety of exercises in your workout as mono, at least two exercises for biceps or triceps should be done in one workout. Ideally, there will be at least three of them.

In this case, the number of approaches in each exercise should be at least four. That is, for training for one muscle group, you must complete 12 approaches. If you do two exercises, then the number of approaches in each exercise will be 6.

Priority - the load on the muscles of the arms should go first on the list in your workout, the best option is when you do biceps and triceps on different days. In this case, each group will be worked out with the greatest efficiency.

Pump up the muscles of the hands you can most importantly approach this process with all responsibility and use the methodological recommendations given in this article. And you can find sets of exercises for the development of hands in the section of our website "Trainings".

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