Vegetables in the diet of animals: can dogs have cabbage? Details of all types. Natural supplements that can and should be used in the diet of your Italian Greyhound How to give seaweed to a German Shepherd

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Food, enriching the diet with nutrients, vitamins and mineral salts;

Special, containing biologically active substances that have a specific effect on the body and are used for any special purposes;


Nutritional supplements These include vegetable oils, sunflower seeds, germinated cereals, walnuts, bee honey, brewer's yeast.

Special additives These include sea kale, garlic, flower pollen, oat decoction, knotweed grass, sea buckthorn berries, eleutherococcus and other plants with adaptogenic and biostimulating properties.

Complex additives These are wild herbs - nettle, dandelion, primrose, etc.

Vegetable oils (sunflower, corn, soy) should certainly be included in the diet of all puppies and dogs. They contain predominantly unsaturated fatty acids: phosphatides (esters of phosphoric acid and glycerol), tocopherols (vitamin E), sitosterol (plant sterol), are a source of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, which are needed for the growth and development of young animals, normal metabolism substances, resistance to infections.

Unrefined oils are more useful than refined ones, as they are rich in lecithin, which accelerates the processes of growth and development, and phosphatides, which play an important role in the activity of brain tissue. Phosphatides are richest in soybean and corn oil.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially linolenic acid, are not synthesized by the body of mammals, and therefore must be supplied with food. Polyunsaturated fatty acids contribute to the normal growth of puppies, increase their resistance to infections, have a normalizing effect on the walls of blood vessels, and participate in metabolism.

Vegetable oils have a beneficial effect on the condition of the coat, contribute to its normal growth and give a healthy shine. Vegetable oils must be included in a diet poor in animal proteins. Vegetable oil is introduced into the diet of puppies, starting with a few drops, and gradually increasing the dose, bring it up to 1 teaspoon or tablespoon, depending on the weight of the dog. You can give it every other day. Rancid oil must not be used.

Sunflower oil Contains unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin F. It strengthens blood vessels, regulates the ovarian cycle in bitches. Oil is recommended to be added to the diet of pregnant bitches as a means of promoting the normal course of childbirth, and for the prevention of weakness in labor activity.

Sunflower oil has a slight laxative effect, so you need to take into account the nature of the dog's digestion.

Corn oil It has not only nutritional value, but also medicinal properties. It contains a large amount of oleic and linoleic acid, which favors the normal growth of a young organism, as well as palmitic, stearic and valuable arachidonic acid. The addition of corn oil to the feed prevents skin flaking and dandruff, promotes hair growth, makes it shiny and silky. Oil should be given to puppies and growing young dogs.

Dogs with skin diseases, dull, brittle and lifeless coats should receive corn oil at a therapeutic dose daily for 1-2 months.

Soybean oil Source of phylloquinones (vitamins K), which contribute to normal blood clotting. Compared to other oils, it has the highest content of vitamin E (100 g of oil contains 114 mg), so soybean oil is useful for breeding dogs, especially for stud dogs.

Raw sunflower seeds Source of B vitamins - B, B2, B3, B6 (100 g - 1250 mg); E (100 g - 30 mg); A; D; as well as calcium, iron, zinc and potassium (100 g - 98 mg). They contain fatty oil, protein, carbohydrates, phytin (an organic preparation of phosphorus), organic acids, and tannins. Seeds are an excellent tool for maintaining skin health, replenishing the body with nutrients, enriching the diet with vitamins, micro and macro elements, a good supplement for excitable dogs. Seeds are added to the feed in a ground form in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons.

germinated cereal seeds (oats, wheat). They have great biological value, contain protein and vitamins. Method of preparation: the grain is washed and laid out between two layers of wet cotton cloth, which must be moistened regularly. Grain with “hatched” sprouts (after 1-2 days) is dried and ground in a coffee grinder into flour and in small quantities (1/2-1 teaspoon) is added directly to food or used to make biscuits.

Walnuts Walnut kernels contain a large amount of easily digestible fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals (iron, cobalt). There is more vitamin C in walnuts than in citrus fruits. They are also rich in vitamins A, B1, P, E and have a high energy value. According to traditional medicine, walnuts contribute to the growth of wool, as they contain sulfur. They are very useful for weakened puppies and animals during the period of rapid growth, up to 5-6 months. The addition of walnuts to fed females helps to improve the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus, and serves to prevent miscarriages. Nuts can be given separately as a treat, or they can be crushed and added to food (from 1 to 5 pieces).

Bee Honey Honey contains glucose, fructose, sucrose, a small amount of almost all vitamins, minerals, organic acids and enzymes, phytoncides (substances that have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria) and other biologically active substances. According to the content of trace elements in the most suitable form for the body, honey has no equal among food products. It has long been considered a general tonic and tonic, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, increases the body's immunobiological activity, resistance to infectious diseases, and improves the blood count. It is especially useful for puppies and dogs of sports, hunting and working breeds as a tool that promotes the development of endurance, long-term preservation of activity and performance due to the rapidly released energy needed by the body. Honey must be included in the diet of dogs with high physical activity, which are intensively trained, sports, go hunting, as well as weakened and emaciated dogs who have had any diseases.

Dose: Depending on the age and size of the dog, the daily dose can be from 1 teaspoon to 1-2 tablespoons. Puppies until the end of the change of teeth should receive honey 5 times a week. At 1.5 years - twice a week is enough, with normal physical activity.

Brewer's yeast A source of B vitamins, iron, cadmium, manganese and other trace elements. According to the content of folic (vitamin B9) (100 g - 550 mg) and nicotinic (vitamin PP) acid (100 g - 11 mg), brewer's yeast surpasses all food products. Daily addition of 1 coffee spoon of yeast to the feed will significantly increase the biological value of the diet. Brewer's yeast is especially useful for skin diseases.

decoction of oats Source of vitamins of group B. A decoction of oats with honey is used as a strengthening and regenerating agent for puppies with poor appetite, weakened old dogs, malnourished animals and after infectious diseases. Oats for these purposes are used unpeeled, it is boiled in a small amount of water until a slimy decoction is obtained. During the day, the dog should drink from 1/2 to 1 glass of broth.

pollen Biologically active agent with bactericidal and biostimulating properties. It contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins, in its amino acid composition it is much richer than meat, eggs, cheese. It includes a large set of macro- and microelements (potassium, magnesium, calcium, copper, iron, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, manganese, etc.). Pollen contains vitamins B1, B2, Wb, D, E, C, folic and pantothenic acids. Flower pollen has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, speeds up the process of recovery after an illness, makes the animal's coat thick, shiny, healthy, promotes good growth of puppies, and increases fertility. Useful for weak, emaciated, aging dogs, breeding bitches, as well as dogs with nervous system disorders, excessive viciousness and aggressiveness. Recommends 2-3 times a year for a month to conduct a treatment course. Dose: for small dogs - up to 2 tsp, medium - 3 tsp, large - 4 tsp. Pollen is given in the morning, pouring it into the feed (preferably milk).

Nettle Nettle leaves contain a large amount of vitamins C, K1, B2, provitamin A, 18-20% nitrogenous substances, 9-10% starch and up to 7% fat. It is believed that in terms of nutritional value, nettle leaves are not inferior to green peas, beans, and beans. Nettle is used as a hemostatic, diuretic, wound healing, antirheumatic agent. Scalded finely chopped leaves are given as feed.

Dandelion officinalis The green leaves of vitamin C contain 55-60 mg/g wet weight, carotene - 7-8 mg/g. It is a rich source of phosphorus, iron, calcium, aluminum, manganese, protein and carbohydrate salts. Tartaric and lemon balm acids, wax, enzymes, etc. were found in milky juice. To reduce bitterness, dandelion leaves, previously washed, are placed in salt water for half an hour.

Primrose 100 g of fresh weight of young leaves contains 590 mg of vitamin C, a lot of carotene, carbohydrates and organic acids. The leaves are harvested immediately after the snow melts.

Occasionally among dogs there are fussy. After consulting with a veterinarian and not detecting any diseases - just be patient. Offer your dog various diets, give a little brewer's yeast, salted herring or sprat (in small quantities), sauerkraut before meals - this stimulates the appetite. Bring in another dog that does not suffer from lack of appetite. As a last resort, hand feed, but don't let it become a habit. It is possible that your puppy's poor appetite is hereditary.

From two months, the puppy should already receive meat, cut into small pieces. From this age, lamb and fish (boiled, without bones) can be included in the puppy's diet, fish give 1.5 times more than the norm of meat.

By four months, the number of feedings can be reduced to three by increasing the volume. It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the puppy. In addition, soft raw bones should be gradually included in the diet. By the age of four months, the puppy is actively forming - teeth are changing, the main signs of the breed appear.

From three months, you can include in the diet such an offal as the heart, and from six - lungs, spleen, kidneys, brains, tongue, tripe, abomasum, summer, diaphragm, trachea, head, udder, trimmings, legs, tails, fetlocks , lips, ears and liver (limited). There are often germs of worms in the liver, so it is recommended to feed it boiled.

The heart is a good source of complete proteins, contains B vitamins. Kidneys are rich in vitamins A and B. Brains are rich in lipids (fats), cholines. Brains are recommended in violation of lipid metabolism.

The udder contains a large amount of fat. The spleen is close to muscle meat and liver in terms of the content of essential amino acids. It contains antibodies and enzymes. An early sign of damage to the spleen is a darkening of the color when cut. An excess of the spleen in the diet causes black diarrhea.

Lungs contain a large amount of connective tissue, they can be fed in large quantities, gradually introduced into the diet in a well crushed form to avoid vomiting. The most valuable parts of the stomach are the scar and abomasum. Dogs should not be fed with intestines that have not been cleaned of the contents, they are well washed and fed boiled. The heads of farm animals are half bones, the proteins of the heads have low digestibility. The heads contain a lot of fat, which provides the young with abundant nutrition when they are fed. Legs, ears, lips, tails contain few complete proteins. They go as supplements to the basic diet, as a source of calcium and phosphorus.

Meat can be replaced with offal no more than two or three times a week, increasing the dose, compared to pure meat, one and a half to two times.

By-products are used only in boiled form. The complete replacement of meat with offal can lead to malnutrition and poor results in the development of the dog. When a puppy reaches the age of six months, it is gradually transferred to the norms of feeding an adult - twice, in the morning and in the evening.

In case of stress or heavy physical activity, it is recommended to temporarily add a third feeding. The puppy is growing unevenly. It is believed that the shape and proportions of a healthy 4-week-old puppy are very close to those of an adult animal. It must be remembered that the 8th and 20th weeks are the most important stages in the formation of a puppy.

Breeders are encouraged to feed their puppies separately, despite the time and expense involved, which achieves a more accurate dosage of calcium and phosphorus in the food. After the change of teeth, the puppy begins a rapid growth of the bones of the skeletal skeleton: vertebrae, ribs, while the growth of the limbs slows down. This period lasts up to 6 months. Then the active growth of the limbs begins, which lasts up to 8-8.5 months. By 12 months, the height at the withers reaches its final size.

The head in males is fully formed by 2.5-3 years, and in females - by 2 years. After the dog reaches the age of 1.5 years, the amount of food should be reduced while maintaining the same diet.

What to watch out for

1. Stale, low-quality products (expired).

2. Store-bought products with artificial additives.

3. Overfeeding with minerals and vitamins.

4. Food with spices when feeding from your table.

5. Hot and cold food.

6. Loss of vitamins and other nutrients during cooking.

7. Poor quality water.

8. Water the dog from puddles, swamps, small stagnant reservoirs.

9. Give your dog what you consider inedible for yourself (artificial casings of sausages, cheeses, etc.).

10. Whole, unground "hercules" up to 6 months.

11. Barley and other cereals, boiled to a sticky state.

12. Boiled potatoes.

13. Bones: bird, rabbit, as well as boiled - both beef and pork.

14. Pork meat.

15. Sweets, sausages, smoked meats.

16. Feeding the puppy with friends and strangers.

17. Overfeeding a puppy.

A dog's need for vitamins depends on its activity level, age, condition, as pregnant and lactating dogs need more vitamins. If your dog is well fed and active, the risk of vitamin deficiencies is minimal, but in any case it is useful to add vitamin and mineral supplements to the diet.

It’s another matter if your dog suddenly became lethargic and less playful, began to gnaw or eat obviously inedible objects (brick, plaster, cigarette butts), if her coat became disheveled and dry, and tears began to flow from her eyes - this may indicate a lack of vitamins and trace elements.

Even a fully balanced diet does not always meet the vitamin and micronutrient needs of a healthy growing and active dog.

Lack of essential vitamins in the dog's body (most often in spring and autumn) causes deterioration in the appearance of your pet (this is especially noticeable on long-haired dogs), loss of mobility (the dog becomes less playful and active) and lack of appetite.

Ready-made dog food containing multivitamin complexes and mineral supplements largely solves the problem of the lack of nutrients necessary for an active life of a dog and maintaining its coat and teeth in good condition.

Although, despite the fact that all food is written that they are balanced, dog food is often made from many synthetic vitamins and minerals that are not always absorbed by the dog's body and can even be harmful.

In such cases, it is most convenient for you to give your dog vitamins in tablets. It's easy and fast, although not always cheap. But is it good for your dog?

And why not add natural herbs to your pet's food, which are available both in the pharmacy and right under your feet, to provide your pet with the additional nutrients that he needs so much for life.

Why are herbs better?

Adding herbs (fresh or dried) to your dog's food provides a number of benefits:

  • Herbs contain carbohydrates, proteins and fats along with vitamins and minerals that are essential for dog nutrition.
  • Herbs support the immune system
  • Whole herbs nourish the body, penetrating the brain, heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, bones, muscles, skin and coat
  • Herbs cleanse the body and help eliminate toxic substances in the dog's body.
  • Many herbs have medicinal effect

What herbs to give?

Below you can read a list of some of the herbs you can add to your pet's daily diet. You can also alternate different herbs throughout the day or week.


Clover has been cultivated for thousands of years. It is rich in many vitamins, including vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K, of which vitamins A and D are the most important for a dog's body. A lack of these vitamins can lead to poor dog health. Vitamin A deficiency leads to dry hair, makes the cornea of ​​the eyes cloudy, and the eyes themselves begin to water. The dog's body usually does not get enough vitamin D in autumn and winter, which provokes the development of rickets and a general deterioration in appearance. Vitamins of groups B, C, E are needed in full by the dog during illness, growth, pregnancy or feeding

Clover also contains minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, copper, magnesium, and nicotinic acid.

Clover is rich in protein and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It helps with arthritis and high cholesterol.

In addition, clover contains chlorophyll, which has cleansing properties. This herb is a blood purifier and a strong tonic that promotes good digestion.


When buying clover, choose a certified product, thereby avoiding buying a genetically modified grass.

You can also grow clover in your garden. Use clover before flowering and do not use seeds as they cause blood disorders.


Add a pinch of dried grass per 5 kg of dog weight to his daily diet.


Do you think dandelion is an annoying weed? This is far from true. Dandelion is one of the most nutritious leafy plants you can find anywhere. Dandelion is rich in vitamin A.

Dandelion leaves and roots have medicinal properties. Dandelion leaves promote digestion and cleanse the liver. The roots are a liver purifier and also aid in the breakdown of bile, gallstones, and help cleanse the stomach.

Dandelion leaves cleanse and tone the kidneys. In addition, dandelion is a diuretic.


You can use dandelions from your garden using everything - roots, stems, leaves and flowers. Make sure dandelions have not been treated with pesticides or herbicides.

Since dandelion is a diuretic plant, make sure your pet has a chance to defecate on time.


Before use, dandelion leaves are soaked in warm water for half an hour (the solution should be slightly salted so that bitterness comes out), then crushed and added to food.

You can also simply sprinkle chopped dandelion on your pet's food at the rate of 1 teaspoon of grass per 5 kg of animal weight.


For the density and shine of the coat, you need to give the dog garlic, which contains vitamin C. With a lack of this vitamin, the dog begins hair loss or provokes brittleness and dandruff. Garlic stimulates the growth of undercoat and outer hair. It will make the coat smooth and shiny.

Due to the high content of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, garlic promotes detoxification of the body and helps maintain the necessary amount of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract and removes harmful substances.

Feeding garlic also helps keep fleas and ticks away from your pet.


Garlic is safe and healthy if you give it to your pet in moderation. Although garlic is safe for adult dogs, do not give it to puppies under 6 months of age, pregnant or lactating dogs. Some breeds are very sensitive to garlic, so don't give them garlic without talking to your veterinarian.


Use fresh organic garlic. Detail it and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. This will lead to the release of allicin from the garlic, one of the most useful substances in garlic. Add to food 1/3 teaspoon per 5 kg dog weight daily.


Nettle is an unusually rich source of vitamin A, as well as other useful components, such as iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, which are especially necessary for pregnant and lactating dogs.

Nettle also acts as an accelerator of the reaction of absorption of beneficial vitamins and microelements by the body.

It promotes hair growth, shine, increased pigmentation and healthy skin. Nettle increases blood clotting and has an anti-inflammatory effect, which makes it possible to use nettle as a wound healing agent.

You can buy dry nettles in a pharmacy or collect them yourself.


Nettles must be handled carefully so as not to complain. The plant must be collected in an ecologically clean area so that it is not sprayed with pesticides and herbicides. It is necessary to collect only young nettle leaves.

Some animals that have allergic reactions to plants may be sensitive to nettles.


Sprinkle dry grass on dog food. For dogs that require special care, soak freshly picked nettles in water. A decoction of nettle leaves is prepared at the rate of 25 grams of dry leaves per 0.5 liter of water or 1 part of fresh leaves is poured five times the amount of boiling water. Add to your pet's food.

Burdock root

Burdock root is a well-known weed that can serve as a great addition to your pet's diet.

Burdock is a cleansing herb with a balanced mineral composition, making burdock a good liver and blood cleanser. It promotes the secretion of gastric juice and the formation of bile, which helps digestion of food and the appearance of appetite. In addition, burdock draws out toxic substances from the intestines. Burdock is recommended for dogs with indigestion and appetite.

Burdock is also used for skin diseases. Throughout the season, rub the animal's coat with burdock. It removes dead hair well and helps to strengthen and restore the structure and shine of the coat.

Burdock grows almost everywhere. It has a pleasant mild sweet flavor and is cooked like regular potatoes and carrots in a stew.


Since burdock is a common food, portion size is not important. But it is recommended to give burdock gradually, starting with small portions.

Alternatively, you can make a tonic using 1 cup cold water and 2 tablespoons fresh burdock root or 1-2 teaspoons dried root. Next, you need to pour the substance into boiling water and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Cool and strain.

Add to food, giving 1/2 -1 teaspoon for every 5 kg of dog's weight every day.

Laminaria or seaweed

Laminaria is a nutritious marine plant that contains over 70 key natural trace elements. Rich in iodine and other beneficial substances, it has a beneficial effect on your dog's endocrine system, especially the thyroid, adrenal and pituitary glands. Thanks to iodine, kelp improves the ability of dogs to learn, increases the physical capabilities of the body and resistance to diseases, and has a calming effect on nervous, excitable dogs.

Algae preserves and cleanses the digestive system, while the high iron content in algae strengthens the heart, helping it pump blood efficiently. Laminaria also reduces dryness and itching of the skin. Long-term kelp supplementation promotes growth, luster of the coat, increased pigmentation and healthy skin of the dog. It is advisable to add seaweed to the food of all dogs.

Algae nourishes sensory nerves, membranes of the brain, spinal cord and brain tissue. It also contains alginic acid, which protect the body from the effects of radiation.


Since kelp grows in the sea, it can be contaminated with toxic substances. So buy brands of kelp that are tested for heavy metals and other toxins, especially arsenic.

Do not give your dog more than the recommended dose, as excess iodine in the body can overstimulate the thyroid gland and cause other health problems. If your dog suffers from endocrine disorders, consult your veterinarian before introducing kelp into your pet's diet.


Give your dog 1/4 teaspoon for every 5 kg of dog weight

Sometimes while walking your dog, you have seen a picture of your pet eating grass like a cow. This suggests that your dog's body lacks some vitamins or trace elements and the dog itself is trying to get them from the environment. Take a closer look at what kind of grass your dog eats and consult with a veterinarian. The main thing is to introduce any herb into your dog's diet gradually and in metered portions so as not to cause allergic reactions in the animal's body and not harm it.

The information posted on this page is for informational purposes only and should not be used for self-treatment!
Before using drugs, it is MANDATORY necessary to consult a specialist!

Short description: Bone is a series of five veterinary products, which includes mineral and vitamin supplements for dogs. In their recipe, all vitamins, micro- and macroelements are included in physiological proportions, so top dressing has a beneficial effect on the animal's body.

Kostochka immunovit contains vitamin D3, B vitamins, phosphorus, calcium, amino acids, protein and Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant. The latter stimulates the immune system, has a positive effect on the nervous and endocrine systems. It activates the defenses, thereby accelerating the recovery of animals from diseases.

Bone multivitamin is 8 vitamins (groups B, A, D3, E) and 8 minerals (potassium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, iron, copper). It is used for hypo- and avitaminosis and many other diseases.

In addition to vitamins, a bone with seaweed contains more than 15 amino acids, chlorophyll, carotenoids, phospho- and glycolipids, silver, iodine, sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, etc. The supplement stimulates growth, improves digestion and blood formation, positively affects the condition of the coat, normalizes metabolic processes .

The bone with brewer's yeast contains a complex of vitamins, more than a dozen amino acids, protein, biotin and other components. This top dressing is used to prevent skin diseases, to improve the quality of animal hair and accelerate its growth.

Stone with succinic acid has anti-inflammatory and antitoxic effect. Increases the resistance of animals to stress, improves the functioning of many organs and systems.

For whom: these funds are intended for dogs, mainly for puppies, weakened individuals, pregnant and lactating bitches. They are prescribed for hypovitaminosis and metabolic disorders, for the prevention of rickets, in stressful situations and in environmentally unfavorable conditions. It is used for skin diseases, after infectious diseases, in the postpartum period, after great physical or psychological stress.

Vacation form: The bone is always available in 2 g tablets, which are placed in cardboard boxes of 100 pieces.

Dosage: frequency of giving top dressing - once a day. It should be given in the morning during feeding, mixing the tablets with a small portion of food. Dose for lactating and whelping bitches - from 2 to 4 tab., for puppies and small dogs (weighing up to 5 kg) - 0.5 tab., for dogs weighing from 5 to 10 kg - 1-1.5 tab. , more than 10 kg - 1.5-2 tab.

Restrictions: there are no contraindications.

Reviews about "Bone (vitamins) for dogs and puppies":

Vitamins Bone with succinic acid we gave to our dog after she suffered severe poisoning. Apparently picked up something bad on the street. After that, she became very weak, even on walks she behaved quite differently. Appetite and appearance of the dog also did not please.
At that time, we could not afford too expensive vitamins, so we decided to try Kostochka vitamins. Their price is very affordable, and the girls in the veterinary pharmacy spoke well of this drug. Vitamins, however, had to be mixed with food, since our dog did not eat them on his own. But I don't think it's too big of a deal for the price.
I don’t know if these vitamins helped us, or the dog just felt better, but after two weeks her condition improved markedly.
I also want to note the good composition of vitamins, all components of the drug are natural. The composition contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of dogs, and no harmful additives. Plus, succinic acid, which improves the health of our pets.

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I had such a period that my Rottweiler named Baron got sick several times in a row - they already began to recognize us in the veterinary clinic. Baron was treated, and a few weeks later we returned again with a new diagnosis. In the end, the doctor recommended a course of vitamins for us to maintain immunity. After undergoing injections and experienced illnesses, we decided to buy vitamins in tablets that will help the immune system to get stronger and recover. Then I bought Kostochka immunovit vitamins, they are just recommended for animals with a weakened immune system. I did not expect any special results from them, especially since during his illness Baron was injected with serious vitamins. I gave them strictly according to the instructions - three tablets once a day for 30 days. For all the time of taking, I noticed that the dog's appetite improved and the appearance changed for the better. In general, the result was, of course, improvements came slowly, but they were there and this is pleasantly pleasing. The only drawback of these pills is the lack of flavor baits, my dog ​​flatly refused to eat these not very tasty pills. I had to go to some tricks to feed three whole pills. But the result was and for the sake of this I am ready to endure minor inconveniences. Inexpensive, but very good vitamins that do an excellent job with the task, I recommend to everyone who is looking for normal vitamins at an adequate price.

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My shepherd periodically starts having problems with hair - I don’t change her food and, in principle, I don’t introduce anything new into the diet, but, nevertheless, once every 5-6 months she begins to comb her skin. At this time, the dog's hair begins to climb abundantly - bald spots appear on the body. I give her vitamins Bone with sea kale, they help the dog restore the structure of the coat and speed up the process of growing new hair. I have been giving Kostochka for several years now, and over the entire period of use, I realized that it is with seaweed that my dog ​​is best suited. In general, there are many different types and each is suitable for a specific problem, my dog ​​has hair problems and therefore I take vitamins that are intended for dogs with problem skin. With the help of Kostochka, we have already experienced several serious shedding and were able to completely restore the skin. I give these vitamins 3 tablets a day at a time, that is, I do not divide the dosage. The course lasts at least three weeks, and the maximum course depends on the amount of hair shed. Once I gave vitamins for almost six weeks - the dog had real bald spots. For all the time I used Kostochka, I did not see any shortcomings - the vitamins are good and their price is very pleasant. Now I regularly buy them and do not plan to change them for others.

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I have been giving Bone vitamins to my dogs for many years. I always have several dogs living in the yard, at least two. I feed them with regular food and as top dressing twice a year - in autumn and spring, I give them vitamins to strengthen and restore immunity. From the very beginning, when I first started buying these vitamins, there were only a few options - with brewer's yeast and with seaweed. Now the assortment has become much larger, and I always try to take a Kostochka with different additives so that the dogs get everything they need and variety. For all the years of using Kostochka, I can say with confidence that these are really very good and high-quality vitamins - after the end of the course, the dogs feel much better, they get sick less, their appetite improves and the shedding period shortens. My dogs are medium in size and I give each of them 2 tablets a day for one month. I try to give in October, before the onset of frost and in April, after winter, when the body especially needs good nutrition. Once I even gave Bone to a pregnant dog, as well as puppies, when they switched to homemade food, the puppies turned out strong and healthy. Despite the low price, these vitamins are of high quality and I have never even thought about changing them to other vitamins.

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