Paustovsky joy of creativity read a summary. Interview with a contemporary

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Joy. Chekhov story for children to read

It was twelve o'clock at night.
Mitya Kuldarov, excited, disheveled, flew into his parents' apartment and quickly went into all the rooms. The parents were already in bed. My sister lay in bed and finished reading the last page of the novel. The high school brothers were asleep.
- Where are you from? parents were surprised. - What happened to you?
- Oh, don't ask! I never expected! No, I did not expect! It's… it's even incredible!
Mitya laughed and sat down in an armchair, unable to stand on his feet from happiness.
- It's incredible! You can't imagine! You look!
The sister jumped out of bed and, throwing a blanket over herself, approached her brother. The students woke up.
- What happened to you? You don't have a face!
- It's me with joy, mother! After all, now all of Russia knows me! All! Previously, only you alone knew that there was a collegiate registrar Dmitry Kuldarov in this world, but now all of Russia knows about it! Mother! Oh my God!
Mitya jumped up, ran around all the rooms, and sat down again.
- Yes, what happened? Speak up!
“You live like wild animals, you don’t read newspapers, you don’t pay any attention to publicity, and there are so many wonderful things in newspapers!” If something happens, now everything is known, nothing will hide! How happy I am! Oh my God! After all, only about famous people are printed in newspapers, but here they took it and printed about me!
- What you? Where?
Papa turned pale. Mother looked at the image and crossed herself. The schoolboys jumped up and, as they were, in only short nightgowns, approached their elder brother.
- Yes, sir! They wrote about me! Now all of Russia knows about me! You, mother, hide this number as a keepsake! Let's read sometimes. Look!
Mitya pulled out a number of the newspaper from his pocket, gave it to his father and pointed with his finger at the place circled in blue pencil.
- Read!
Father put on his glasses.
- Read it!
Mother looked at the image and crossed herself. Papa coughed and began to read:
"December 29, at eleven o'clock in the evening, collegiate registrar Dmitry Kuldarov ...
- See, see? Further!
... collegiate registrar Dmitry Kuldarov, leaving the tailor shop on Malaya Bronnaya, in Kozikhin's house, and being in a state of intoxication ...
- This is me with Semyon Petrovich ... Everything is described to the subtleties! Go on! Further! Listen!
... and being in a state of intoxication, he slipped and fell under the horse of a cab driver who was standing here, a peasant from vil. Durykina, Yukhnovsky district, Ivan Drotov. The frightened horse, stepping over Kuldarov and dragging the sleigh with the second-guild Moscow merchant Stepan Lukov in it, rushed down the street and was detained by the janitors. Kuldarov, initially unconscious, was taken to the police station and examined by a doctor. The blow he received on the back of the head...
- I'm going to screw it up, papa. Further! Read on!
... which he received on the back of the head, is classified as a lung. A protocol has been drawn up about the incident. The victim received medical attention...
- They ordered to soak the back of the head with cold water. Have you read now? A? That's it! Now it's all over Russia! Give it here!
Mitya grabbed the newspaper, folded it and put it in his pocket.
- I'll run to the Makarovs, I'll show them ... I still need to show Ivanitsky, Natalia Ivanovna, Anisim Vasilyich ... I'll run! Farewell!
Mitya put on a cap with a cockade and, triumphant, joyful, ran out into the street.

IV. Arguments

1) Scientists, psychologists have long argued that music can have different effects on the nervous system, on the tone of a person. General

It is known that the works of Bach increase and develop the intellect. Beethoven's music excites compassion, purifies a person's thoughts and feelings

from the negative. Schumann helps to understand the soul of a child.

2) Can art change a person's life? Actress Vera Alentova recalls such a case. One day she received a letter from an unknown

The woman who told me that she was left alone did not want to live. But, after watching the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", she became a friend.

man: “You won’t believe it, I suddenly saw that people were smiling and they weren’t as bad as I thought all these years. And grass, eye-

It is called green, And the sun is shining... I have recovered, for which I thank you very much.”

Many front-line soldiers talk about the fact that soldiers exchanged smoke and bread for clippings from a front-line newspaper, where chapters from

emy A. Tvardovsky __________ "Vasily Terkin". This means that an encouraging word was sometimes more important for the fighters than food.

4) The outstanding Russian poet Vasily Zhukovsky, talking about his impressions of Raphael's painting "The Sistine Madonna", said that

The hour that he spent in front of her belongs to the happiest hours of his life, and it seemed to him that this picture was born in a moment of miracle.

The famous children's writer N. Nosov told an incident that happened to him in childhood. One day he missed the train and stayed overnight.

Vat on the forecourt with homeless children. They saw a book in his bag and asked him to read it. Nosov agreed, and the guys, whether

The parents of parental warmth, with bated breath, began to listen to the story of a lonely old man, mentally comparing his bitter homeless

Life with its own destiny.

When the Nazis laid siege to Leningrad, the 7th symphony of Dmitry Shostakovich had a huge impact on the inhabitants of the city. which, as evidence

There are eyewitnesses, gave people new strength to fight the enemy.

7) In the history of literature, a lot of evidence has been preserved related to the stage history of the Undergrowth. It is said that many noble children, having learned

themselves in the image of the loafer Mitrofanushka, experienced a genuine rebirth: they began to study diligently, read a lot and grew up worthy sons


For a long time, a gang operated in Moscow, which was distinguished by particular cruelty. When the criminals were captured, they confessed that their

behavior, their attitude to the world was greatly influenced by the American film "Natural Born Killers", which they watched almost

Every day. They tried to copy the habits of the heroes of this picture in real life.

The artist serves eternity. Today we imagine this or that historical person exactly as it is depicted in art.

Vienna work. Before this truly royal power of the artist, even tyrants trembled. Here is an example from the Renaissance. Young

Michelangelo fulfills the order of the Medici and behaves quite boldly. When one of the Medicis expressed displeasure at the lack of

very similar to the portrait, Michelangelo said: "Do not worry, your Holiness, in a hundred years he will look like you."

10) In childhood, many of us read the novel by A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers". Athos, Porthos, Aramis, d "Artagnan - these heroes seemed to us the embodiment of

Shchenie nobility and chivalry, and Cardinal Richelieu, their opponent - the personification of deceit and cruelty. But the image of a novel villain

little resemblance to a real historical figure. After all, it was Richelieu who introduced the words “Frenchman”, “born

on the". He forbade duels, believing that young, strong men should shed blood not because of petty quarrels, but for the sake of their homeland. But under

With the novelist's pen, Richelieu acquired a completely different look, and Dumas' invention affects the reader much stronger and brighter than historical truth.

How to decide what genre this work of Paustovsky belongs to: is it an essay, an article or an essay? Try to prove for yourself that you have defined its genre as accurately as possible.

The work of Paustovsky “The Joy of Creativity” is an essay, since it combines all the most important features of this genre. It is small in size, free in composition, and conveys the author's impressions from his own specific observations.

What problems, judging by this work, were of particular concern to the writer?

The author identified the problem that worries him already in the title as the problem of creativity. But there are many other problems associated with it that accompany its solution. This is the ability of a person to be happy, and the joy of contemplation, and the joy of working on a book, and the feeling of familiarity with everything that surrounds us. The author, like many of us, is concerned about numerous problems.

What genres could be used to solve these problems? Are there any signs in each specific problem that make it possible to choose a specific genre, or does the choice depend only on desire?

The author is free both in choosing a problem and in choosing a genre. However, when defining a genre, one cannot ignore the nature of the material used and the purpose pursued by the creation of a particular work. So, for example, you cannot use satire when you want to sing a feat, or a novel when you have a desire to tell about a tiny episode that you just watched. So the genre is always associated with the solution of many problems.

Which of the distinguishing features of the essay is most represented in this work:

a) aphorism;

b) emphasized subjectivity;

c) setting for the reproduction of colloquial speech?

The essay “The Joy of Creativity” presents all the features of the genre, but we can assume that it most actively represents subjectivity, the author’s personal position and his attitude to various aspects of creativity precisely in his own destiny.


  • genres of Paustovsky's works
  • Paustovsky joy of creativity
  • what problems, judging by this work, were of particular concern to the writer
  • genre works the joy of creativity
  • the joy of creativity Paustovsky

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Interview with a classic. Konstantin Paustovsky: "The work of an artist is to give birth to joy"
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2015 has been declared the Year of Literature in Russia. "Russian Planet" is launching a new project "Interview with a Classic" - interviews with famous Russian writers who worked at different times. Answers to questions will be quotes from their works, letters and diaries. Other interviews with classics

Konstantin Paustovsky on vacation in Tarusa / Photo: Alexander Less

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky- one of the main lyric poets in Soviet literature. The author of stories and short stories varied in subject matter is interesting not only for his observations of people's lives and nature, but also for his reflections on the nature of inspiration and writing. He is also a worthy citizen. Journalist Valery Druzhbinsky, who worked for Paustovsky as a literary secretary in 1965–1968, wrote in his memoirs about the writer (“Paustovsky as I remember him”): “It’s amazing, but Paustovsky managed to live through the time of insane praise of Stalin and not write a word about the leader all times and peoples. He managed not to join the party, not to sign a single letter or appeal stigmatizing anyone. He struggled to stay and so he remained himself.”

- Konstantin Georgievich, what is inspiration for you, is it always necessary in your work?

Inspiration is a strict working state of a person. It is like first love, when the heart beats loudly in anticipation of amazing meetings, unimaginably beautiful eyes, smiles and omissions. Each person, at least several times in his life, has experienced a state of inspiration - spiritual uplift, freshness, a vivid perception of reality, the fullness of thought and consciousness of his creative power. Inspiration enters us like a radiant summer morning that has just thrown off the mists of a quiet night, spattered with dew, with thickets of wet foliage. It gently breathes its healing coolness into our faces.

- Only a person who is deeply in love with nature can say that.

Nature will act on us with all its power only when we bring our human element into the sensation of it, when our state of mind, our love, our joy or sadness come into full conformity with nature and it will no longer be possible to separate the freshness of the morning from the light of loved ones. eye and the measured noise of the forest from reflections on the life lived. We still stubbornly neglect the beauty of nature and do not know the full force of its cultural and moral impact on man.

- The way you speak sounds like a prose poem. How do you feel about poetry?

Poetry has one amazing property. She returns the word to its original, virgin freshness. The most erased, completely “spoken” words by us, having completely lost their figurative qualities for us, living only as a verbal shell, in poetry begin to sparkle, ring, and smell sweet!

Let's talk about writing. What tasks should writers set for themselves?

A writer who has fallen in love with the perfection of classical architectural forms will not allow heavy and clumsy composition in his prose. He will seek the proportionality of the parts and the severity of the verbal pattern. He will avoid an abundance of prose-diluting ornaments - the so-called ornamental style. And the wear and tear of prose is often the result of a writer's cold blood, a formidable sign of his mortification. But sometimes it's just inability, indicating a lack of culture. The writer's job is to convey or, as they say, convey his associations to the reader and evoke similar associations in him.

Writers cannot for a moment surrender to adversity and retreat in front of obstacles. Whatever happens, they must continuously do their job, bequeathed to them by their predecessors and entrusted by their contemporaries. Writing is not a craft or an occupation. Writing is a calling. And in a true writer's vocation there are absolutely no qualities that cheap skeptics ascribe to him - no false pathos, no pompous consciousness by the writer of his exceptional role.

Konstantin Paustovsky at work. Photo: Alexander Less

How important is education for a writer?

Knowledge of all related areas of art - poetry, painting, architecture, sculpture and music - unusually enriches the inner world of the prose writer and gives special expressiveness to his prose. The latter is filled with the light and colors of painting, the capacity and freshness of words characteristic of poetry, the proportionality of architecture, the convexity and clarity of the lines of sculpture, and the rhythm and melody of music. All these are additional riches of prose, as if its additional colors. Knowledge is organically linked to human imagination. This seemingly paradoxical law can be expressed as follows: the power of imagination increases with the growth of knowledge. And one more thing: one of the foundations of writing is a good memory.

It would seem that thousands of writers have already told us everything about life, and fundamentally new stories are simply not to be found...

No, the feeling of life as a continuous novelty is the fertile soil on which art flourishes and matures. You need to give freedom to your inner world, open all the floodgates for it, and suddenly see with amazement that there are much more thoughts, feelings and poetic power in your mind than you expected.

- Have you often experienced a state of love?

Let's not talk about love, because we still don't know what it is. The only thing I can say is: take care of love as a precious thing. Once you mistreat love, the next one will definitely be flawed.

Are you more happy than sad?

One who is devoid of the feeling of sadness is just as pathetic as a person who does not know what joy is or has lost the sense of humor. The loss of at least one of these properties indicates an irreparable spiritual limitation. In general, the business of the artist is to give birth to joy.

But what do you regret the most?

The strongest regret is the excessive and unjustified swiftness of time. You will not have time to come to your senses, as youth is already fading and eyes are dimming. Meanwhile, you have not yet seen even a hundredth of the charm that life has scattered around.

The material uses quotes from the books of Konstantin Paustovsky "Golden Rose" and "The Tale of Life"

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