Singer Yuta: “Children need a father. And they're trying to marry me off! Biography Utah personal life

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Singer Utah

Zodiac sign:

Place of Birth:
Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinburg)

55 kg

165 cm

Biography of the singer Yuta

Singer Yuta (Anna Semina) is another bright star of the Russian musical stage. She has authored many wonderful compositions, many of which were written for various films and television series. It was as a songwriter for films that Yuta became best known among listeners. But what other interesting facts can be found in the fate of this extraordinary singer? We will try to line up all the events in a logical series, as well as shed light on the main events in the life of our today's heroine, in the framework of our new article.

Childhood and the family of the singer Yuta

Anna Vladimirovna Semina was born in the city of Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) on ​​June 20, 1979. Her mother was an opera singer, and therefore, from an early age, her parents paid great attention to her daughter's musical education. First, Anya took a flute course, and later she also began to sing. However, to her mother's terrible surprise, she sang not classical vocal parts, but mostly thieves' songs, which were so quoted in the working quarters of Yekaterinburg, where their family lived.

Singer Yuta is back at the peak of popularity

In addition, Yuta was also fond of sports - she went to swimming and rhythmic gymnastics. But she didn’t achieve any really bright victories in this area, and therefore she soon decided to focus all her attention on musical creativity.

Anna Semina's move to Moscow

At the age of eleven, the girl began to learn the piano, and a few years later she firmly decided to move to Moscow in order to continue her studies there at the piano department of the famous Gnesinka. As the artist herself admits, she made such a decision in defiance of all her relatives and friends. Nobody believed in her, but she proved with her colossal work that she could succeed. As a result, Anna Semina nevertheless entered the Gnessin School, but the price for this was the complete absence of personal life and youth as such.

As a result, Yuta studied at Gnesinka for several years and very soon successfully graduated from this educational institution. But almost immediately after that, her interest in piano music suddenly disappeared. Having made a sharp turn in her career, Anya decided to take up jazz vocals and, to the surprise of many, she succeeded quite well in this field.

UTAH "My Beloved"

But changes in creative predilections on this by no means exhausted their limit. In 1999, Yuta suddenly began to seriously get involved in heavy music. During this period, the musician Alexander Semenov became her friend and "comrade-in-arms". At first, the artists did not like each other very much, but later, surprisingly, they worked well together in a music studio. Other musicians soon joined them. So the Utah group appeared on the Russian stage.

Singer Yuta's Star Trek: The First Albums

In the early 2000s, the musical group played mostly "hard" compositions in the style of pop-grunge. However, subsequently the “heaviness” of the music somewhat diminished. The group began to work in a style similar to the musical role of Shirley Manson and the Garbage band. It was this genre that subsequently brought the team considerable success.

During the existence of the group, the composition of its members has changed several times. Invariable link remained, in fact, only Yuta herself. But for the success of the whole project, this seemed to be quite enough.

Utah - Hops and malt

Over the twelve years of its existence, the Utah group has released six studio albums, as well as a huge variety of different collections, "live" and remix records. One of the albums - "Easy and even elegant" - was published twice in 2001 and 2004.

Top Utah Songs

The records and concerts of our today's heroine have always been very popular among the audience. For a long time, the Uta group was in the TOP-10 of the most popular bands in Russia. However, the compositions written for various television series brought the greatest fame to this project.

The first swallows in this regard were the song "Youth in Boots", as well as some other compositions written for the TV series "Soldiers". These musical works became real hits, and therefore soon Anna Semina often began to write songs for television series and films.

So, the most famous were the compositions written for the projects "Students", "Lavrova's Method", "Men's Women's Game". Subsequently, many of these songs became major hits on Yuta's albums.

Singer Yuta currently

In 2012, after a long collaboration, our today's heroine announced that she was disbanding the group and starting to work as a solo artist. It is noteworthy that the artist began a new page in her work under the pseudonym Anna Herzen. This project, however, lasted less than a year. Recognizing the experience of solo work as unsuccessful, the singer re-assembled the Utah group, within which she still works today.

Singer Yuta with her husband and child

At the moment, our today's heroine is working on new musical compositions, which should be presented in the coming years.

Yuta's personal life

At the end of 2006, Anna Semina married film producer Oleg Osipov, an affair with whom had lasted about two years before. After registering the marriage, the girl changed her last name and began to appear everywhere under the name Anna Osipova.
The artist's first-born son Anatoly was born in 2007. After that, our today's heroine gave birth to more twin daughters, whom she named Ekaterina and Maria.

For a long time, the family of Anna and Oleg was absolutely happy, but in 2011, the singer's husband unexpectedly died of cardiosclerosis for everyone. After that, rumors began to appear in the press that Osipov's business partners could deprive the singer of the inheritance of her deceased spouse. However, in the end everything worked out well.
Yuta currently lives in Moscow with her three children.

2016-04-16T15:40:07+00:00 admin dossier [email protected] Administrator Art review

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One day, leaving the rehearsal room in the old Soviet recreation center, Utah found an old watchman with "wet eyes" in the corridor. “What a clear voice you have, daughter,” granny sobbed ... And the next day there was Khodynka with Guano Apes, where during Utah’s performance, skinheads wound up so that the police only had to wait for her to finish singing and leave the stage :


Childhood, adolescence, youth

She was born on June 20, grew up in Yekaterinburg. As a child, she was actively involved in sports: swimming and rhythmic gymnastics, and also learned to play the flute.

At the age of 11, unexpectedly for everyone, she decided to master the piano. A few years later, she had already arrived in Moscow to enter the piano department of the Gnessin Music College, without having studied a day at a regular music school. She honestly admits that in many respects she made this decision "out of anger." “Everyone around was saying: girl, are you crazy? What Gnesinka? And I took it and entered! manic labor.

In the third year, she lost interest in the piano, but the education she received at Gnesinka allowed Yuta to further arrange her own songs and produce their recording. Saying goodbye to her career as a pianist, Yuta took up jazz vocals professionally. World-famous jazzmen, whitened with gray hair, predicted a great jazz future for her. But they did not have long to rejoice at the growing change: one young "villain" brought a Metallica disc to Utah ...


And it all started in 1999, when one of her friends advised her one author, a former member of the Sverdlovsk group "April March" Alexander Semenov. They met and "terribly did not like each other." Yuta immediately thought that they would not work together. We sat, talked, wanted to part forever, but suddenly discovered the complete similarity of musical tastes (since then they have not parted, and are working together on their musical project). Soon Yuta recorded her first compositions, becoming a pioneer of pop-grunge in Russia. I remember that the program directors of radio stations were dumbfounded by Yuta's music then: now Total on Russian Radio is in the order of things, but then ...

"Her music is heavy like a cast-iron radiator and beautiful as a thoroughbred Siberian husky," reviewers wrote at the time.


Since then, the severity has diminished, and the pomposity has completely disappeared. But the most beautiful and feminine domestic rock lady still composes and sings fabulously beautiful songs, in the lyrics of which there is so much sincerity and adult wisdom that many do not believe in the authorship of a fragile twenty-year-old blonde with blue eyes. Another phenomenon on the domestic music scene? Future will tell. But now people who once visited her concert come again and again. Young fans guard Utah at the entrances of the editorial offices: "Utah, we want to be like you." All this looks like a dream, but only close people know that behind all this is daily exhausting work ... and tons of blue cheese.

Since 1999, the composition of her group has changed several times. Professionalism and obstinacy remained unchanged, thanks to which Yuta managed to unite adult stubborn men around him - musicians from the groups Zemfira, 4.33, Moscow Groove Institute, Rondo, Children's panadoll, Untouchables. After all, Yuta not only composes and sings her songs, but arranges them herself, directs the recording and mixing of live instruments into the final soundtrack. Actually this is the job of a sound producer. In Russia, there are catastrophically few people who perform it at the "brand" level - but Utah is one of them.

At the end of June, Yuta will present her second album "Hop and Malt", on which she has been working for more than a year. The album is very sincere, very Russian, consisting, according to reputable people in show business, of some hits. It is released by the largest Russian record company Real Records.

How it's done

Yuta: ": I begin to hear a melody inside myself, but as if I had already heard it somewhere. It is already important to have time to grab paper and a pen so as not to forget. It happens that a musical phrase comes immediately along with a key verbal phrase. First one , then another, Then the phrase winds around the phrase like a snowball, the skeleton grows flesh and it turns into a song Sometimes it happens that you just open your eyes in the morning and: boom!!! from the sky, as if the entire chorus falls. half a year, and sometimes you have to do some kind of violence on yourself in order to bring the material to the desired condition, but in such a way as to sit down at the table and say to yourself: "Now I need to write the ninth song in the album" - without mazy. succeed."

Ural rock

Yuta: "Got it! If you are a pretty blonde, then you should sing" Love me in Chukchi "and wag your back, if a rocker - with a cigarette and in camouflage, if from Sverdlovsk - a continuer of glorious traditions: In fact, all Ural rock is two a dozen very well-educated and talented people who, twenty years ago, having heard enough of King Crimson and Led Zeppelin, took guitars and began to create their rock and roll in isolation from the Moscow and St. Petersburg parties. and not like anyone else.

It's all just in the past. Now there is no Ural, Moscow or Uryupinsk rock - all in one information field and on equal terms.

The most unusual case

N1 Many still do not believe, but it really happened in reality. Then Utah drove her "six". On one of the busy sections of the road, a Mercedes driving behind suddenly began to "blink" intensely, demanding that Utah give way to him. She decided that there was no reason for this (despite the fact that she herself was driving under 100 km / h). "Mers" did not let up and: "to be honest, I could not resist and showed him the fuck." He changed lanes, pulled up on the left, rolled down the window, and pointed his gun straight at the astonished Yuta. "I almost lost my mind! He was really aiming right at me." Sasha Semyonov, who was sitting next to her, immediately grabbed her by the neck and lowered his head to the level of his knees. In this position, Utah drove safely to the side of the road.

N2 After filming the video, exhausted and rather hungry, Yuta wandered into a restaurant famous for its buffet. I scored in the largest plate of different salads, but with a fair slide. Everything was delicious and wonderful - the plate quickly emptied. And at the moment when Yuta was thinking whether it was worth aggravating the dinner with cake or not, a respectable gentleman came up to the table, slammed a bottle of champagne on the table and said the following: "Girl! We were looking at you and arguing" Eat or not eat! "I won! And this is your champagne from me!"

Appearance, character

Appearance is deceptive: behind the appearance of a pampered beauty hides a tough professional who does not spare himself or others. Although, not everything is so simple: people close to the singer assure that they still happened to catch Yuta, frozen in admiration at the sight of a picture of the dawn sky.


Sheepdog Lada. They say dogs look like their owners: Lada can sing and gets terribly angry when strangers try to pet her.


Likes when there is little light.

He likes to sit at the computer and make up music.

He likes to wear children's blouses and men's sweaters.

Likes to snack beer with dried fruits.

He loves and knows how to cook.

He likes to make fashionable haircuts for his mother and younger brother with his own hands.

But most of all, he loves blue cheese.


Rinat Nasyrov - bass guitar.

Recently left the Zemfira group. Fan of his work. Constantly being improved. Yuta considers him a super professional studio musician.

Oleg Shumtsov - drums

A young musician starting his career after graduating from Berklee Jazz College. From the first rehearsal he established himself as an excellent musician. Despite the non-athletic physique, he easily tames the drums, not inferior in this to the famous Ulrich from Metallica. In addition, a great friend.

Dmitry Kondratkov - guitar, vocals

An amazingly versatile musician, he studies at the conservatory in the class of academic vocals (baritone).

Ilya Volodin - guitar

extremely talented and stylish guitarist. Came from the "Reverse" group.

100 rebounds, 2 of them this month


Yuta is a Russian rock band.

The group was formed in 1999, after which its line-up changed frequently; only its soloist Yuta (real name Anna Semina, born June 20, 1979 in Yekaterinburg) remained an unchanged member of the group.

Born and raised in Yekaterinburg.
As a child, she learned to play the flute, was actively involved in sports: swimming and rhythmic gymnastics. Most of all, the young blonde loved exercises with maces: with their help, you could successfully fight off the local lustful kid. Unfortunately, she quickly got into the taste of street fights and soon "flew" out of the rhythmic gymnastics section. Although unfortunately or vice versa fortunately - it's hard to say: knowing Yuta's obstinacy in achieving the goal, it can be argued that she is able to become a "star" in any business she undertakes.

Yuta sang then, according to her own recollections, "always and everywhere", preferring, to the shame of her mother, an opera singer, thieves' songs overheard in the working-class area where Yuta's entire family lived. By the way, the young talent had no competitors in this field in those years - Mr. Novikov was serving an undeserved sentence in a colony in the north of the region.

At the age of 11, unexpectedly for everyone, she decided to master the piano.
A few years later, she had already arrived in Moscow to enter the piano department of the Gnessin Music College, without having studied a day at a regular music school. She honestly admits that in many respects she made this decision "out of anger." “Everyone around was saying: girl, are you crazy? What Gnesinka? And I took it and entered! manic labor.

In the third year, she lost interest in the piano, but the education she received at Gnesinka allowed Yuta to further arrange her own songs and produce their recording. Saying goodbye to her career as a pianist, Yuta took up jazz vocals professionally. World-famous jazzmen, whitened with gray hair, predicted a great jazz future for her. But they did not have long to rejoice at the growing change: one young "scoundrel" brought a Metallica disc to Utah

And it all started in 1999, when one of her friends advised her one author, a former member of the Sverdlovsk group "April March" Alexander Semenov (Semenov: "I did not take root in the April March, because, like my grandfather, a member of the Stalinist The Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, I think that "the fuck .. we need music that cannot be sung"). Semenov by this time had finished another television project and was fascinated by the creation of a "real music magazine" "NEON". They met and "terribly friend friend didn’t like it." Yuta immediately thought that they would not work together. They sat, talked, wanted to leave forever, but suddenly discovered the complete similarity of musical tastes (since then they have not parted, and are working together on their musical project). Soon Yuta recorded his first compositions, becoming a pioneer of pop-grunge in Russia.The program directors of radio stations, I remember, then Yuta's music was dumbfounded: now Total on Russian radio is in the order of things, but then

"Her music is pompous, like a horse breeding pavilion at VDNKh, heavy like a cast-iron iron and beautiful like a thoroughbred Siberian husky," reviewers wrote at that time.

Since then, the severity has diminished, and the pomposity has completely disappeared. But the most beautiful and feminine domestic rock lady still composes and sings fabulously beautiful songs, in the lyrics of which there is so much sincerity and adult wisdom that many do not believe in the authorship of a fragile twenty-year-old blonde with blue eyes. Another phenomenon on the domestic music scene? Future will tell. But now people who once visited her concert come again and again. Young fans guard Utah at the entrances of the editorial offices: "Utah, we want to be like you." All this looks a lot like a dream, but only close people know that daily exhausting work is behind all this.

Since 1999, the composition of her group has changed several times. Professionalism and obstinacy remained unchanged, thanks to which Yuta managed to unite adult stubborn men around him - musicians from the groups Zemfira, 4.33, Moscow Groove Institute, Rondo, Children's panadoll, Untouchables. After all, Yuta not only composes and sings her songs, but arranges them herself, directs the recording and mixing of live instruments into the final soundtrack. Actually this is the job of a sound producer. In Russia, there are catastrophically few people who perform it at the "brand" level - but Utah is one of them. Yuta has recently taken up the profession of a sound engineer. "The First Swallow" - a new song of the Araks group "On the Shores of Separation", mixed by her hands.

At the end of June, Yuta presented her second album "Hop and Malt", which she had been working on for more than a year. The album is very sincere, very Russian. It was released by the largest Russian record company Real Records. The clip for the song "Hop and Malt" (MTV. ORT, etc.) is in rotation. Radio stations: Nashe Radio, HitFM, Shanson, Russian Radio, Dynamite, dozens of regional FM stations.

September 2002

As soon as the release date of the album "Hop and Malt" (27.06) was announced, voices began to be heard, which later merged into a choir: "Who releases albums in the summer ?!". Voices were heard until it became clear that the sales of the actual debut album of the composer, poet and singer named Yuta are second only to a few giants of the domestic pop and rock scene.

And shortly before the release of "Hop and Malt" Utah received an order for a ballad for a new film based on the works of A. Green. The song was born pretty quickly, and at one concert, Yuta, still not really rehearsed, could not resist and showed the public. The hall, hearing this song for the first time, flashed with dozens of lights. Soon the song was recorded and in October it already "flaunted" in the first lines of the charts of many radio stations.

October 2002

In September, Utah visited her native Yekaterinburg.
"This trip had a tremendous impact on me. I feel that I came back as a different person" The result was not long in coming: in the month that passed after the trip, Utah wrote many new songs and simple poems. It seems that poets call such a frenzied creative surge "Boldino autumn".

December 2002

Already the last days of the outgoing year brought good news: according to the results of a special survey conducted by the most authoritative public opinion research institute Gallup Media, Utah entered the top 100 most popular domestic artists.

Utah heard this news during the next night vigils at the sound control panel in the studio - the recording of the new album is in full swing. What will the album be called? Maybe "Radiosny", or maybe "Rye and Clover". However, it is known that the Mystery Sound company, one of the most serious players in the recording market, will release it in the spring. And meanwhile, poems have already accumulated for a whole book, which will be published simultaneously with the new album.

May-June 2004. Album "Girl"

At the end of May 2004, the Nikitin record company released Yuta's new album, The Girl. It will include 11 tracks, which will once again demonstrate her unique gift as a composer-melodist, poetic talent and a strong memorable voice.

The combination of an uncompromising guitar sound with the melodiousness and femininity of the lyrics, unusual for Russian rock, has discouraged more than one critic. However, more and more often in critical analyzes one has to come across, along with comparisons with Zhanna Bichevskaya and Shania Twain, expressions like: "She is a real Russian singer" or "This is a Russian Song".

"Yuta has a powerful, but at the same time very human voice. You want to trust this voiceAs a hitmaker, this girl deserves unconditional respect." - writes in the "Gazeta" authoritative music columnist Mr. Parker (M. Kononenko).

Yuta's name became famous less than two years ago, after the release of the album "Hop and Malt", and her path is a calm and confident development: in the fall of 2002, according to the results of polls conducted by Gallup media, Yuta entered the top 100 most famous Russian artists, and a year later , the popular music publication "Sound Track" MK, summing up the results of 2003, named Utah "one of the most-most" in the categories "Soloist of the Year", "Group of the Year" and "Top Sexy" already among the recognized stars of the "first echelon".

But the biggest reward for Yuta was the case in the city of Yaroslavl, when, after a concert, an unfamiliar girl literally burst behind the stage to tell her how one day Yuta's song kept her from the last step, saved her life. "I have had to read letters more than once in which people confessed that one of my songs (each has their own) helped them in a difficult moment, but this time I saw a living person, looked into his eyes - probably for the sake of such moments myself worth living and working," Yuta says.

And here is the new album, which was recorded from September 2003 to March 2004 at the studios "Soyuz", "Polyphon", and the studio of Andrey Bochko. The sound engineers were Andrei Kucherenko (Soyuz), Samvel Oganesyan (Polyfon) and Sergei Bolshakov.

The singer could not decide on the name of the record for a very long time. Initially, it looked like "Once upon a time", then it was transformed into "Tit and Crane", and the last transformation happened quite recently and the fault is none other than Diana Arbenina. One of the title tracks of the future album is dedicated to her. The song "Girl", which at the same time gave the final name to the record, was written under the strong impression of the Night Snipers concert, which Utah once got to. She recalls that she stood for an hour and a half with her mouth open and her eyes the size of twenty kopecks, after which she came home, and lines immediately formed in her head.

However, this is not the only and, one might even say, outdated story about how the record got its name. Yuta girl is unpredictable and prone to change. Recently, to all questions regarding the title of the album, she answers that it was born on tour. “In the dressing room, my musicians were poisoning extremely obscene jokes without even noticing me,” says the singer. - "Then I gave a voice:" Guys, well, I'm a girl !!!". "You're not a girl - you're a musician!" - Ilya Volodin, my guitarist, snapped.

Vladimir Shakhrin (Chai-F) sang one of the album's songs ("Waited") together with Yuta in a duet.

Yuta wrote this song in January, on the train on the way to her native Yekaterinburg. Upon her return, she sat down with this song in the studio, made an arrangement, sang, but ...

“Already during the first performance of “Waited” I noticed that when this song sounds, any of the most talkative audiences falls silent,” says Alexander Semenov, the singer’s producer, “but when it was finally recorded, there was suddenly a feeling that something I will say frankly that the idea of ​​a duet did not come to my mind right away, but there was no doubt about whose voice would be “in the box office” from the very beginning.

Literally right after the rock festival "Invasion" in Emmaus, Utah participates in a conversation with professor of ontology and epistemology Michael Laitman. Utah fluttered into this teleconference with a rather unexpected, even shocking question: Where does a mother get irritation with her own child? It turned out that for Yuta, in the status of a mother, this issue is one of the main ones. His echoes were heard throughout the conversation: both when Yuta tells about her life, about motherhood, which turned her worldview upside down, and when she asks about the reasons for misunderstanding, wars and aggression towards her own kind.

Singer Yuta (Anna Semina) is another bright star of the Russian musical stage. She has authored many wonderful compositions, many of which were written for various films and television series. It was as a songwriter for films that Yuta became best known among listeners. But what other interesting facts can be found in the fate of this extraordinary singer? We will try to line up all the events in a logical series, as well as shed light on the main events in the life of our today's heroine, in the framework of our new article.

Childhood and the family of the singer Yuta

Anna Vladimirovna Semina was born in the city of Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) on ​​June 20, 1979. Her mother was an opera singer, and therefore, from an early age, her parents paid great attention to her daughter's musical education. First, Anya took a flute course, and later she also began to sing. However, to her mother's terrible surprise, she sang not classical vocal parts, but mostly thieves' songs, which were so quoted in the working quarters of Yekaterinburg, where their family lived.

In addition, Yuta was also fond of sports - she went to swimming and rhythmic gymnastics. But she didn’t achieve any really bright victories in this area, and therefore she soon decided to focus all her attention on musical creativity.

Anna Semina's move to Moscow

At the age of eleven, the girl began to learn the piano, and a few years later she firmly decided to move to Moscow in order to continue her studies there at the piano department of the famous Gnesinka. As the artist herself admits, she made such a decision in defiance of all her relatives and friends. Nobody believed in her, but she proved with her colossal work that she could succeed. As a result, Anna Semina nevertheless entered the Gnessin School, but the price for this was the complete absence of personal life and youth as such.

As a result, Yuta studied at Gnesinka for several years and very soon successfully graduated from this educational institution. But almost immediately after that, her interest in piano music suddenly disappeared. Having made a sharp turn in her career, Anya decided to take up jazz vocals and, to the surprise of many, she succeeded quite well in this field.

Truth 24. Interview with singer Yuta

But changes in creative predilections on this by no means exhausted their limit. In 1999, Yuta suddenly began to seriously get involved in heavy music. During this period, the musician Alexander Semenov became her friend and "comrade-in-arms". At first, the artists did not like each other very much, but later, surprisingly, they worked well together in a music studio. Other musicians soon joined them. So the Utah group appeared on the Russian stage.

Singer Yuta's Star Trek: The First Albums

In the early 2000s, the musical group played mostly "hard" compositions in the style of pop-grunge. However, subsequently the “heaviness” of the music somewhat diminished. The group began to work in a style similar to the musical role of Shirley Manson and the Garbage band. It was this genre that subsequently brought the team considerable success.

During the existence of the group, the composition of its members has changed several times. Invariable link remained, in fact, only Yuta herself. But for the success of the whole project, this seemed to be quite enough.

Utah - Hops and Malt

Over the twelve years of its existence, the Utah group has released six studio albums, as well as a huge variety of different collections, "live" and remix records. One of the albums - "Easy and even elegant" - was published twice in 2001 and 2004.

Top Utah Songs

The records and concerts of our today's heroine have always been very popular among the audience. For a long time, the Uta group was in the TOP-10 of the most popular bands in Russia. However, the compositions written for various television series brought the greatest fame to this project.

The first swallows in this regard were the song "Youth in Boots", as well as some other compositions written for the TV series "Soldiers". These musical works became real hits, and therefore soon Anna Semina often began to write songs for television series and films.

So, the most famous were the compositions written for the projects "Students", "Lavrova's Method", "Men's Women's Game". Subsequently, many of these songs became major hits on Yuta's albums.

Singer Yuta currently

In 2012, after a long collaboration, our today's heroine announced that she was disbanding the group and starting to work as a solo artist. It is noteworthy that the artist began a new page in her work under the pseudonym Anna Herzen. This project, however, lasted less than a year. Recognizing the experience of solo work as unsuccessful, the singer re-assembled the Utah group, within which she still works today.

At the moment, our today's heroine is working on new musical compositions, which should be presented in the coming years.

Yuta's personal life

At the end of 2006, Anna Semina married film producer Oleg Osipov, an affair with whom had lasted about two years before. After registering the marriage, the girl changed her last name and began to appear everywhere under the name Anna Osipova. The artist's first-born son Anatoly was born in 2007. After that, our today's heroine gave birth to more twin daughters, whom she named Ekaterina and Maria.

For a long time, the family of Anna and Oleg was absolutely happy, but in 2011, the singer's husband unexpectedly died of cardiosclerosis for everyone. After that, rumors began to appear in the press that Osipov's business partners could deprive the singer of the inheritance of her deceased spouse. However, in the end everything worked out well. Yuta currently lives in Moscow with her three children.

The very name "Utah" has a powerful symbolic meaning. In Japanese, "Yuta" is a song, a melody, a creation. Such pseudonyms are not chosen by chance: Yuta, the singer-songwriter, has something special, only inherent in her. Light, magical music, and - a voice: bewitching, giving rise to a whole palette of emotions.

Yuta, whose musical career began in 2000, is a self-made singer. She went through a difficult school of life, achieving success exclusively with talent and hard work.

She is a very versatile artist, combining seemingly incongruous: pop, rock, chanson, folklore, romances. With the release of each new album, including "My relatives" (2016), critics had to readjust and listen in a new way.

But it's just that Yuta composes without looking back at fashion and format. She writes songs according to her heart. Yuta's lyrics are stories familiar to everyone, plots and images painfully familiar to people of all ages. The one who got to Yuta's concert for the first time leaves literally stunned with love and positive! Her concerts are a dialogue with the listener, sincere communication, to which people are so drawn. Confessional Utah, crying Utah, laughing Utah - this is how they remember the singer. Energy, pouring over the edge and the utmost frankness. And, of course, only live sound! For a decade and a half, Utah has opened its soul to the listener, and in all corners of the country it is eagerly awaited.

Utah's albums were published in large numbers by the main record labels of the country: Real Records, Nikitin, Monolith, etc. Now she is an independent artist in the literal sense: she produces herself, does not depend on a record label or a production center.

Yuta's discography consists of ten numbered studio albums, including the new one, My Family, plus compilations. Yuta has worked extensively in film, theater and television: her music is heard in more than forty films, TV series and performances.

Hits of Utah - in rotation on the main radio stations of the country. It’s like the old and well-known songs “Hop and Malt”, “Once Upon a Time” and “Waited” to listeners all over the country to the newest “My Beloved” (from the soundtrack “While the Village is Sleeping”), which brought Utah the Golden Gramophone Award.

Yuta and her team, playing exclusively live, actively tours and easily conquers different audiences - from cozy clubs to the many thousands of "Invasion".

In 1985 the family moved to Moscow.

In 1995-1999 - studying at the school. Gnesins in the piano class.

In 1996, she began to study vocals at the GMUEDI (State Musical College of Variety and Jazz Art) in the class of Tatyana Nikolaevna Markovich, as well as composition and arrangement with Yuri Sergeevich Saulsky and Yuri Nikolayevich Chugunov

In 2000, she assembled the Utah group.

In 2001 - recording of the debut album "Easy and even elegant". Clips were shot for the songs "Boy, whose are you" and "Mel". The album did not bring much popularity, but was noted by critics as "unusual and rather progressive in sound". Yuta has been called the pioneer of pop grunge in Russia.

Utah's breakthrough to the mass audience: the release of the second album "Hop and Malt", on which the singer worked for more than a year. Songs get into rotation on the radio. “Fall” and “Hop and Malt” are on the Nashe Radio charts. Video clips were filmed for these tracks.

Yuta participates in the Invasion festival for the first time.

I write my texts about love, about what is close and familiar to anyone who knows passion, bliss, longing, tenderness, drama, sadness...

The third album "Rye and Clover". Several songs, "Glorious Autumn" and "Free", were written by Yuta to the verses of Evgeny Roizman. According to the results of a special survey conducted by the Institute for Public Opinion Research Gallup Media, Utah entered the top 100 most famous Russian artists. Participates in a tribute to the Picnic group with the song "Violet-Black".

2004 Recorded and released the album "Girl". It included the composition "Once Upon a Time", which for a long time became the hallmark of Utah. Subsequently, the song is one of the key themes in the series "Soldiers". Yuta sang the song "Waited" in a duet with Vladimir Shakhrin (leader of the ChaiF group). Subsequently, they performed it together on the stage of the Olimpiyskiy at the Chart Dozen. “Yuta has a powerful yet very human voice. I want to trust this voice ... As a hitmaker, this girl deserves unconditional respect, ”wrote authoritative music columnist Maxim ‘Mr. Parker' Kononenko.

When the song “sounded”, “breathed”, I want to show it to the whole world.

In 2005, Yuta began writing music for films and TV series. The first work - for the series "Soldiers", the song "The Same Girl", which immediately got into the playlists of radio stations. Yuta recalls: “Oleg Osipov, the producer, offered to write music for his project “Soldiers”. I could not have imagined then how much this cooperation would become life-changing. The beginning of our relationship can hardly be called a romance, but there was a clear feeling of the birth of a new family. He literally turned my world upside down. He showed me what true love can be. He surrounded me with care, attention, tenderness. It was as if I was born again - I learned to trust a man. He was the best for me."

Yuta continues to write for films as she dives deeper into her new profession. The fifth studio "Teleradiosny" was formed from songs for soundtracks.

Utah participates in the festival "Phoenix. Revival of Life” (Gudermes, Chechen Republic).

Yuta marries producer and director Oleg Osipov. Begins to participate in the work of the Life Charitable Foundation, which supports children with cancer. For a new film project, Yuta records his song "Name" in a duet with Alexei Maklakov, which will later be included in the solo albums of both artists.

All my works, and these are not only solo albums, but also numerous soundtracks, are my pride, my life. Life just doesn't stand still, you know what I mean?

The sixth numbered album "After" is released. The songs "A little uncertain" and "Jealousy" are actively supported by radio stations. Creates a soundtrack for Oleg Osipov's film "After Life". Also in the album "After" appeared the song "Kaba", a stylization of a Russian folk song. This is the future soundtrack for Oleg Osipov's second movie "If only, if only".

For the TV series "Keeper" he writes the song "I kept", which was performed by Alexander Marshal.

The Osipovs have a first-born son, Anatoly. According to the singer, the birth of her son greatly influenced her creative thinking.

Releases the album "On the Edge". Yuta recalls, “The album material was written in a month. It happened like this: I fed my son at night, put him to bed, and ran to the car. She went to a neighboring yard and wrote her songs. I needed silence. The car is the best house"

2009 Utah disbands the group, takes a creative break

In 2010, twins Katya and Masha were born.

In September 2011, Oleg suddenly died of cardiosclerosis. Yuta is left alone with three small children. This terrible tragedy makes the singer silent for a while. But without music, Yuta does not see the meaning of existence.


"Easy and even elegant" (2001) is the debut album, published in Russia.
"Hop and Malt" (2002) - second numbered album (Real Records)
"Rye and Clover" (2003) - the third numbered album (Mystery of sound)
"Girl" (2004) - fourth numbered album (Nikitin)
"Remixed" (2004) - remix album
"In the Mood for Love" (2004) - an album released as a collection of the best songs
"Teleradio dreams" (2005) - the fifth numbered album (Nikitin)
"After" (2007) - the sixth numbered album (Megaliner)

"On the edge" (2008) - the seventh numbered album (Monolith)
"Best Songs. New Collection" (2009) - Yuta Songbook (Monolith)
"Best Collection (mp3)" (2009) on Yuta MP3-CD Songbook (Monolith)

    "By the way" (2014) - the eighth numbered album (YUMG)

    MP3play. Yuta "(2015) - a collection of songs.

    "Best Songs" (2015) - a collection of the best songs (YUMG)

    "Best ballads" (2015) - a collection of the best songs (UMG)


Soldiers. Hello, company, new year! REN-TV (2004)
Soldiers-1. REN-TV (2004)
Soldiers-2. REN-TV (2004)
Soldiers-3. REN-TV (2005)
Soldiers-4. REN-TV (2005)
Soldiers-5. REN-TV (2005)
Students-1. REN-TV (2005)
Tourists. REN-TV (2005)
Corporate history. REN-TV (2005)
Petya the Magnificent. STS (2006)

Soldiers-6. REN-TV (2006)
Soldiers-7. REN-TV (2006)
Soldiers-8. REN-TV (2006)
Soldiers-9. REN-TV (2006)
Soldiers-10. REN-TV (2006)
Students-2. REN-TV (2006)
Students-International. REN-TV (2006)
Mad. NTV (2007)
Kolobkov. A real colonel! REN-TV (2007)
Sea soul. REN-TV (2007)
Ensign Shmatko, or Yo-my. REN-TV (2007)
Soldiers. New Year, your division! REN-TV (2007)
Soldiers-11. REN-TV (2007)
Soldiers-12. REN-TV (2007)
Soldiers-13. REN-TV (2007)

"After Life". Feature film (2008)
Borodin. Return of the General. REN-TV (2008)
Smalkov. Double blackmail. REN-TV (2008)
Soldiers. Dembel album. REN-TV (2008)
Soldiers-14. REN-TV (2008)
Soldiers-15. New call. REN-TV (2008)
Provincial. RTR (2008) OST "About him".
Soldiers-16. Demobilization is inevitable. REN-TV (2009)
The keeper. NTV (2009)
"Men's Women's Game". Feature film (2011)
Lavrova `s method. STS (2011)
Method Lavrova-2. STS (2012)
"If only, if only." Feature film (2012)
Soldiers. Back in line. REN-TV (2013)
Performance "Christmas Tree at the Barboskins" (2013)
Performance "Luntik" (2013)
Show "Miracarium Safronov Brothers" (2013)

While the station sleeps. RTR (2014)

Family values. RTR (2015)

Video clips

"Boy, whose are you?"

“Hops and malt”
"Lived once"
"By the way"
"My love"

"Sorry, goodbye"

"First Date"

"Looking into the water"

Yuta's songs have been published as part of numerous collections, such as:

Invasion. Step 11 - song "Hop and Malt"

Invasion. Step 10 - "Name"

Last Hero. Songs for Heroes - "On the Road"

Kindergarten - pants with straps - "Song of Fun"

  • - Invasion. Step 18 - "I love you"
  • - Soundtrack "Soldiers" 2005

My rock and roll Legendary songs 2000-2010 "(2015)

and many others...

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