The sequence of exercises at home. Sports at home - an effective and simple workout for everyone

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A sedentary lifestyle, when a resident of a big city moves from a car seat to an office chair, and then back and in the evening to the sofa, undoubtedly affects his health. There are problems with excess weight and posture, the risk of developing chronic diseases increases and many other unpleasant consequences appear that reduce the quality of life. You can fight these negative phenomena with the help of sports, which have a beneficial effect on the human body. It remains only to choose which classes are right for you at the moment - in the gym or at home, because both options have their own advantages and disadvantages.

What to choose: workout at home or in the gym

Comfortable conditions for training are created in the gym: air temperature, air conditioning, musical accompaniment. Here you can work out the muscles in group or individual sessions, under the guidance of a personal trainer who will draw up a program and control the correctness of the exercises. The main advantage of going to the gym is the ability to qualitatively increase muscle mass using a variety of sports equipment.

Workouts at home are suitable for everyone, you can choose a training program, regardless of the level of physical fitness. Main advantages:

  • classes at a convenient time;
  • saving time - there is no need to waste time on the way to the hall and back;
  • comfortable psychological environment;
  • classes at your own pace;
  • budget savings.

Bodyweight training leads to muscle tone, increases physical endurance and strength, and leads to weight loss. Before you start exercising at home, you need to prepare a place for training, sportswear, shoes and equipment, as well as study training programs and choose the right one for you. Classes should progress and become more complicated over time, and physical development should increase. To help yourself, you can download the Home Trainer application, which will create a program, track progress and remind you of the next lesson.

Muscle Building Home Workouts

For men, training at home is just as suitable for gaining muscle mass and achieving ideal athletic shape as exercises in the gym, although they are limited to a set of equipment. Even if you work out on simulators and heavy equipment, the ability to create a program on how to train at home will always come in handy on a business trip or vacation, when the gym is not available and you don’t want to interrupt classes. Almost all exercises from the gym can be adapted for homework, for example, pumping the press at home with your own weight or triceps using a bench or chair.

Warm up cardio

A set of exercises for training at home consists of a mandatory warm-up, cardio, strength exercises and stretching. Warming up before training prepares the heart, muscles and ligaments for stress, prevents injuries, and also psychologically sets you up for work. There are several types of workouts:

  • articular;
  • boxing;
  • mixed;
  • general and others.

Choose a warm-up depending on the upcoming workout: before heavy physical exertion, you need to work out and warm up all the muscles, during the upcoming workout on the legs, pay more attention to warming up the lower extremities.

Joint warm-up for beginners

Sports exercises for beginners or overweight people are carried out after the joint warm-up, which most carefully warms up the muscles and ligaments. To do this, make smooth circular movements of the joints in both directions. Exercises are performed from the top down, involving the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, lower back, hips, knees and ankles. Breathing should be deep and continuous.

General warm-up with cardio

Strength exercises for training at home are recommended to start with a general warm-up, which includes a cardio load, the purpose of which is to increase the number of heartbeats, warm up the body and raise the temperature, activating metabolic processes. An excellent result is an increase in heart rate to 120-140 beats per minute. For this purpose, a treadmill, an exercise bike or an ellipsoid are used in the hall, and home gymnastics is performed with its own weight.

Basic cardio exercises

The main basic exercises for home cardio training:

  • running in place
  • jumping with or without a rope;
  • fast walk;
  • high knee lift;
  • wave your hands.

Men who work out at home can use pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a wide grip, warming up the muscles of the back and chest for cardio. Another way to increase the heart rate is to raise your legs in a hanging position on the horizontal bar, tensing the muscles of the body and arms.

Cardio loads should take 10-15 minutes and be sure to keep the heart rate at a high level. With an increase in physical endurance, the time for doing cardio increases and the exercises become more difficult - from a fast step they switch to an easy run and gradually accelerate.

Power block of the program

Physical exercises that are used at home are familiar to most from school, there is nothing more effective and efficient than classic basic movements. The best exercises at home have two qualities: ease of implementation and effectiveness.

Sport equipment

  • horizontal bar - some models are installed in the doorway and save space;
  • detachable dumbbells, the weight of which is regulated by pancakes of various masses;
  • barbell;
  • gymnastic mat for softening a hard surface.

In the budget version, you can find a horizontal bar in the yard or on the playground, and replace the dumbbells with plastic bottles of water - it all depends on the desire to exercise.

Basic strength exercises

For men, doing sports at home allows you to build muscle and get a toned body without excessive effort and time, using your own weight and a small amount of sports equipment. For women, such training helps to lose extra pounds, as you know, muscles burn a lot of energy during work, the more muscles - the less body fat. Of the simulators, you need to have light weight dumbbells, a jump rope, gymnastic gum, fitball at home.

For homework use basic exercises:

  1. Push ups. Beginners perform the exercise from their knees, more advanced athletes - on even legs. Correct execution technique helps to train triceps, pecs, anterior delts and stabilizers. The whole body is in tension, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are trained. First, they work on the correct execution technique, then increase the number of repetitions and approaches, then apply weights - a backpack with a load. Alternatively, use push-ups on one arm, between chairs or with legs elevated.
  2. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar. It is believed that this is a complex strength exercise for men, but it is also necessary for women who want to gain traced back muscles. After working out the technique, pull-ups with a wide or reverse grip and weights are performed.
  3. Squats. They train not only the buttocks, but also all the muscles of the legs, as well as the press. Men in the system of home workouts are required for the harmonious development of the lower and upper parts of the body. Correct execution technique: feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, buttocks back and slowly lower. Muscles will get more work if you use a wide stance or apply weights. By adding various dumbbell press options to squats, you get a simultaneous workout of biceps and triceps.
  4. Lunges. Train the muscles of the thigh and buttocks. Pay attention to the correct position of the knees, use dumbbells as a load. Combine forward, backward, and side lunges to target large muscle groups.
  5. Twisting. The main exercise for training the press at home. Use classic, reverse and double twists to work all the abdominal muscles. Most crunches are possible with dumbbells to increase the difficulty.
  6. Plank. A good exercise at home for men and women, training endurance, muscles of the arms, legs, core and abs. The classic plank is complicated only by the duration. Other types of bar - side, reverse, on the elbows, with a raised arm or leg, with pulling the knee, abducting the leg, on a fitball or dumbbells allow you to conduct a variety of workouts and increase the load.
  7. Glute bridge. Develops the gluteal muscles, as well as the abs and leg muscles. The simplest option is performed on the floor, the buttocks at the top point are as tense as possible. You can complicate it by using weights or by lifting the pelvis on one leg.
  8. Hyperextensions. Develop the muscles of the back, necessary to stabilize the muscles of the body. At home, a sports exercise is performed on a chair or hanging from the bed (in this case, an assistant is needed to hold the legs). Perform body tilts, keeping the tension of the muscles of the abdomen and back. Complicate the exercise using a load.

How to apply basic exercises

The main advantage of basic exercises is their versatility, they can be simplified or complicated for almost any level of physical fitness. The training system at home should progress and be filled with complex movements, weights, an increase in the number of repetitions and approaches. At first, do the exercises, focusing on the execution technique, it is better to repeat the action a small number of times, but correctly. A standard hourly workout at home consists of basic exercises of varying difficulty.

What is a home workout

Fitness instructors recommend starting workouts at home with a clear exercise plan, nutrition and drinking regimen. Effective workouts at home, just like workouts in the gym, should be regular and structured. Chaotic exercises without proper rest and muscle recovery, excessive or, conversely, insufficient loads, most likely, will not bring the desired result. The following will help you make the right workout at home:

  1. Break the workout into blocks: warm-up, strength section, stretching.
  2. The warm-up should last about 15 minutes and warm up those muscles on which the main load is planned.
  3. The strength part takes up more than half of the training time. Use circles.
  4. Stretching - duration of at least 10 minutes, the focus is on those muscles that have worked hard.

The course of training at home should take into account the following factors:

  • the frequency of classes - the next workout should be started after the muscles recover;
  • the complexity of the exercises - after a workout, you should feel an increase in strength and mood, and not weakness and weakness, heavy loads will lead to rapid fatigue and a desire to abandon the exercises.

Home workout program

The standard home workout program consists of 3-4 sessions per week, a separate day is dedicated to a specific muscle group - the shoulder girdle and arms, the press, the lower body. The classic training schedule at home, as well as in the gym, consists of training and weekend days, which are necessary to the same extent as muscle load: Monday, Wednesday and Friday are devoted to classes, Tuesday and Thursday - rest from stress, on Saturday and Sunday stretching, yoga or massage.

Create a convenient exercise schedule at home that will take into account the initial level of physical fitness and time for muscle recovery. It is necessary to start training at home by preparing a place for training - free up enough space and ventilate the room, if possible, exercise outside. The regime of training at home should take into account the complexity of classes, good rest, sleep and nutrition.

Weekly workout program

A training program drawn up in advance for each day structures the lesson, allows you not to go astray and not think about which exercise to do next, and also saves time. In addition to the mandatory and standard warm-up and stretching, such a workout includes a power unit, which is different every day. For example:

  • Monday - classes for arms and shoulder girdle with dumbbells;
  • Tuesday - various squats and twists for legs and abs;
  • Wednesday - pull-ups on the horizontal bar and exercises with dumbbells for the back and arms;
  • Thursday - reverse crunches, boat and plank;
  • Friday - push-ups, squats and burpees;
  • Saturday - exercises with dumbbells for triceps and biceps;
  • Sunday is a day off.

Each exercise is performed in 2-3 sets of 20 times. Such a high-intensity workout lasting about half an hour is not suitable for people who are just starting to exercise. In this case, they do fewer repetitions and approaches and do not do it every day, but every other day or two.

Monthly training program

A sample workout program for a month at home is as follows:

  1. Running or cycling - daily for 20-30 minutes or twice a week for an hour.
  2. One hour workout 3 times a week.

A positive effect is achieved in a combination of cardio and power loads. The former speed up metabolism and burn extra calories, the latter give a traced muscle relief.

Video with effective workout for home

Home workouts based on basic exercises

The scheme of training at home includes mandatory exercises:

  • squats;
  • push ups;
  • pull-ups;
  • dumbbell press;
  • twisting;
  • bar.

Various options for basic exercises allow you to increase the level of complexity and develop physical fitness. Home training begins with a warm-up and cardio load, after which you can start strength exercises. The list of exercises for training at home is quite extensive and allows you to create a functional workout of any complexity based on various variations of basic squats, lunges, push-ups, twists and other movements.

Strength training for men is necessary to get elastic and developed muscles, as well as increase the endurance of the body. A set of physical exercises at home should consist of complex exercises and give a serious load, and jogging in the fresh air is recommended as a cardio load.

Lessons for beginners

The training program for beginners at home is aimed at strengthening muscles and learning the technique of performing exercises. After a mandatory warm-up, the following exercises are performed:

  • squats;
  • lunges forward and backward;
  • push-ups from the knees;
  • standing dumbbell press;
  • twisting;
  • plank 30 seconds.

Each exercise is performed 15-20 times for 2 sets, the rest between sets is no more than a minute. At the end of the class, a stretching complex is performed. The load is increased gradually, starting with training once a week, adjusted to 2-3. On non-training days, it's good to walk outside and walk briskly.

Strength training for men

  • pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a wide grip - to form a relief back and strong arms;
  • push-ups - train triceps and body muscles;
  • laying dumbbells lying down, performed on a bench or with the help of two stools - pumps the muscles of the chest;
  • dumbbell press for biceps and triceps - forms embossed arms;
  • squats - train legs and abs, if you take dumbbells, then also arms;
  • various types of twists - for the press.

With good physical preparation, the exercises are performed “all the way”, that is, the maximum possible number of times. Beginners first of all need to focus on the correct execution technique and do 10-15 repetitions.

Circuit training

The home workout program for men also includes circuit training, where a group of exercises is performed one after the other several times in a row with a short rest interval between sets. Such exercises are aimed at drying the body and burning excess fat.

It is more difficult to increase muscle mass with home exercises than in the gym, but it is possible. The main thing is the regularity of classes and a gradual increase in load, performing each exercise the maximum number of times or using a circuit training. The lesson scheme is based on basic exercises, but of increased complexity. Every week increase the number of repetitions and circles.

Apps and videos for home workouts

Special applications, such as Sworkit Lite, Nike Training Club, 30 days, or home workout programs that can be downloaded, for example, this one for men, will help to draw up a training scheme, control the execution technique, and increase the load.


Each workout begins and ends with stretching exercises, this is just as important a part of the workout as cardio and strength exercises. At the beginning of a workout, stretching is carried out as a warm-up to warm up the muscles and joints, but very carefully, without leading to pain. Stretching after class continues to work on the muscles and is carried out with the aim of:

  • elongation of muscles and tendons;
  • increase elasticity and flexibility;
  • muscle growth;
  • relaxing muscles and relieving tension;
  • injury prevention;
  • restoration of correct posture;
  • psychological comfort.

How to stretch properly

Plastic and stretched muscles cope better with power loads and increase in volume more efficiently. After each exercise for strength and endurance, it is recommended to carry out a small stretch of those muscles that were actively working - shaking or smooth stretching to relieve tension and relax the muscles.

Basic rules for stretching after physical education at home:

  1. There should not be any strong pain and discomfort in the muscles. A slight pain suggests that in this position it is worth stopping and lingering for a few seconds.
  2. Pull slowly and carefully.
  3. First, relax the muscle, and then pull.
  4. Focus on those muscle groups that actively worked during classes.
  5. Be sure to perform symmetrical exercises on the left and right sides of the body.
  6. Stretching is carried out from top to bottom along the main groups of ligaments and muscles.

Home workout program

Starting classes, make yourself a home workout program for a month, a week and every day. This is necessary in order to control progress and adjust the complexity of the load in time. Class times are subject to normal daily workload and convenience. Some people enjoy exercising in the morning and staying awake all day, others exercising in the evening after work or at lunchtime. All options are suitable and give their result, however, it should be remembered that exercising on a full stomach is difficult and unsafe.

From the last meal before training should take at least an hour, or even two. As for the duration of the workout, beginners are recommended to start with half an hour of training, more advanced athletes can do an hour or more.

home workout plan

The home workout program is based on basic exercises of varying complexity, including cardio and strength block, with obligatory warm-up and cool-down. A clear workout plan will help you train correctly at home, at first you can do it under video workouts from fitness instructors, and over time, draw up a personal training plan.

Daily exercise

For small but regular exercises for every day at home, select 3-4 basic exercises, perform their maximum number of repetitions as a circuit training, 2-3 circles. Combine exercises of varying difficulty, add weights if making movements becomes too easy.

Exercises for all muscle groups

As a workout at home for all muscle groups, all the same basic exercises are used, but in such a way that the maximum number of muscle groups is loaded. For example, lunges, squats or twists with simultaneous dumbbell presses.

Schedule for the week

The home training program for the week schedules classes for all days, taking into account the time of active work and rest. An approximate table of sports at home is as follows:

  1. Monday. “We do” the legs and chest. Exercises - crunches, lunges with dumbbells, push-ups, squats with dumbbells, dumbbell bench press. 3 sets, 15-20 reps.
  2. Tuesday. Rest.
  3. Wednesday. Back and arms. Exercises - pull-ups with a wide grip, bending the arms with a barbell while standing, plank., stand in the bar for the maximum possible time.
  4. Thursday. Rest.
  5. Friday. Back and shoulder girdle. Standing dumbbell shrugs, bent over dumbbell rows, sitting dumbbell presses, barbell chin rows. 3 sets, 15 reps.
  6. Saturday. Rest.
  7. Sunday. Running, swimming, cycling, walking

The home workout program for men is aimed at developing endurance and muscle strength. Proper workout at home is a classic circuit with a lot of strength exercises, as well as mandatory running for adequate cardio loading.

Workouts for men

Men's fitness programs at home are carried out using a horizontal bar, dumbbells and barbells, which allow you to include the lower and upper parts of the body in work. For men, daily exercises at home on the horizontal bar are a serious step towards correct posture and strong back muscles, and squats and dumbbell presses will help to proportionally pump up the lower body.

A set of exercises for men is three classes per week for an hour for all muscle groups. Home workouts without equipment are carried out using classic exercises using your own body weight: squats, lunges, push-ups, twists also give an excellent load on all muscle groups.

Beginner Program

A set of exercises for beginners is built according to the standard scheme and differs:

  • duration - start with 15 minutes, gradually increasing the training time;
  • the number of repetitions - the main task is the exact execution technique;
  • the number of approaches - start with two and gradually increase;
  • number of training days - start with one workout per week.

Exercises for beginners at home should correspond to the initial level of physical development, give an adequate load and gradually develop muscle strength. Track progress and increase the difficulty of classes by combining different variations of basic exercises.

Workout program for beginners at home:

  1. Joint warm-up - 5 minutes.
  2. Cardio - running at an easy pace, walking with high knees, jumping. All together 5 minutes.
  3. Power part - push-ups from the knees, twisting, squats, bar 30 seconds. For the first time, 15 minutes is enough.
  4. Cooldown - stretching for 5 minutes.

Workouts for women

Women's workouts at home are aimed at burning fat and strengthening muscles. With the help of a small amount of sports equipment for girls at home, you can make a full-fledged workout with cardio and strength training. Lightweight dumbbells, hoop, fitball, jump rope, or standard bodyweight exercises are used.

The result of home workouts depends primarily on you. Regular exercise, self-discipline, the right mode of activity and rest, sleep and nutrition will improve physical fitness, increase endurance and muscle strength.

differ in limited inventory, which limits the possibility of progression of the load. By itself, the progression of loads is a way of constantly maintaining stress at the required level so that the body has to adapt. Adaptation of the body is expressed in the growth of strength indicators, muscle hypertrophy, increase in speed and changes in other muscular and non-muscular qualities that the athlete develops. Since adaptation forces the body to spend a lot of resources, both on itself and on maintaining adaptable qualities, the body begins to adapt only when it is vital! If the body copes with the load, or, even more so, if the load decreases, then the body levels out all redundant systems so as not to waste resources on maintaining them.

From the above, we can conclude that training at home is intended to maintain the results achieved in the gym, or anywhere else, or in order to recover a little if the athlete has not trained for a long time. Whatever the case, the message is that the results of training at home are limited, so goals should be set accordingly. In general, one should never set a complex goal in front of oneself at once, everything should be approached gradually, overcoming intermediate, stage-by-stage tasks. But even in order to achieve those goals that are, in principle, achievable with the help of homework, a number of fundamental rules must be observed.

Rules for training at home

System - training should be systematic, this is very important, because without it, it is generally impossible even to draw up a training program. You must allocate a certain amount of time for training and spend it on them. It doesn't matter if you train in the morning or in the evening, it doesn't matter how many times a week, it is important that you stick to the training schedule constantly. Therefore, if you set yourself the goal of getting yourself in order, then the first thing you should do is give up all bad habits that may prevent you from sticking to the training program.

Warm up - this is an important component of training at home, in the gym, on the street and anywhere in general, since a good warm-up is the key to maintaining the performance of muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons. It is important to stretch the whole body, not just the muscle group you are going to train. Warm-up should begin with slow movements, gradually increasing their pace. The complexity of the movements should also change progressively, from the simplest to the most complex. Many people neglect the warm-up, especially when they train easily, but it is very dangerous, so be sure to warm up well!

Intensity - this rule for training at home means that you should train at a certain pace, which depends on your training goals. If your goal is to develop or maintain strength indicators as much as possible, then you need to train with a rest between sets of 40-60 seconds, if you want to develop endurance, then you need to strive for the absence of rest, as such, for this there are several ways described in endurance training program . Most importantly, do not forget that training should be limited in time, so you need to fit in 60 minutes, and therefore, you should not be distracted by extraneous activities.

Ways to progress the load

Load volume
- it can be corrected by increasing the exercises, repetitions in exercises, or by splitting. You can, of course, progress by increasing additional weights, but at home it is difficult to use barbells and dumbbells, or rather, you are always limited by inventory, therefore, speaking of training at home, we mean that you have a minimum inventory. As for the number of exercises and the number of repetitions in the approach, then everything is clear, but what is a split? A split is a grouping of workouts into muscle groups. Due to this grouping, it is possible to perform the amount of work on the target muscle group several times more than during a circuit training. Although for beginners, we recommend starting with circuit training.

An example of a circuit workout at home

Push-ups - 5 sets max
Wide grip pull-ups- 5 max sets
Hanging leg raises- 4 max sets

Speed - this is a way not only to progress the load, but also to use different muscle fibers and muscle qualities. The faster you perform the exercises, the more fast muscle fibers are included, the slower, the more slow muscle fibers are loaded. To train red, fast muscle fibers, you need to increase the speed of the exercises, making them more difficult, for example, doing push-ups with claps. To train white muscle fibers, it is necessary to perform exercises very slowly, qualitatively feeling muscle contractions. We recommend combining workouts for both types of muscle fibers, alternating workouts every week.

Home workout program

Monday - legs, chest and arms
Squats - 5 sets max
Lunges - 5 sets max
Rises on socks- 3 max sets
Pushups- 5 max sets
Breeding dumbbells– 5 sets of 12 reps
Reverse push-ups- 5 max sets
Reverse pull-ups- 5 max sets

Tuesday- press
Hanging leg raise- 5 max sets

It's not easy to stay in good physical shape. It is especially difficult to start training when the need is ripe. Fatigue is felt, shortness of breath appears from time to time, and the figure leaves much to be desired. Nevertheless, it can be very difficult to overcome internal barriers and start training. In fact, taking the first step is much easier than it seems. And here's how.

How to start exercising at home

Don't be afraid of lack of experience or painful fatigue after exercise. No need to exhaust yourself with long, difficult workouts. You can start with simple exercises that are designed for beginners. In addition, perform them at home, in a comfortable environment. They don't require any equipment and are easy to modify to suit any fitness level.

Keeping the body in good shape is fitness. At home for beginners, the main principle is “do no harm”: do not force the load and stop training as soon as fatigue is felt. What is very important is not to stop exercising and to practice regularly. At the initial stage, three workouts a week for 15 minutes are enough. Gradually, you can increase the duration of classes up to 45 minutes.

What time to practice? Our body follows a certain cycle, which depends on the lifestyle. depends on the pace of life. Each person has their own rhythm. Given the purpose of the classes, you need to choose the time. In order to lose weight, training is recommended in the morning, on an empty stomach, from 5:30 to 9:00. At this time, the body uses energy from fat depots.

For evening training, allocate time from 18:30 to 20:00. If for some reason it is not possible to adhere to this time, you should not give up classes. The body can rebuild and get used to the conditions suitable for it. Therefore, he will tell you the best time himself. It is important to listen to him.

The benefits of training

Fitness for women is an opportunity not only to get rid of unwanted kilograms, but also to always be in great shape. All the exercises below give a load on. If you practice regularly, you can quickly achieve excellent results:

  • posture improvement;
  • increased self-confidence;
  • sleep improvement;
  • reducing stress levels;
  • burning a large number of calories;
  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • activation of metabolism;
  • strengthening the heart and blood vessels;
  • improved coordination;
  • development of joint mobility.

Fitness at home. Lesson for beginners

You need to start small: do the exercises at a slow pace, choose the most optimal option. Exercises are mainly aimed at strengthening the muscles of the hips, buttocks and abs. It is advisable for a beginner to perform all alternating them. This is necessary in order to choose the most comfortable and effective.

3 tips for beginners:

  1. Regularity and a positive attitude are very important for training, they will bring the best results over time. Do not overload yourself and it is advisable to complete the classes with additional light cardio exercises.
  2. Creation of a training program. Allocate a certain amount of time for training. Diversify classes with different exercises, additionally include cardio exercises or yoga. That is, not giving too much load.
  3. Listen to your body. One of the key problems for beginners is excessive workload. Make sure that the body is ready for intense physical activity and only then increase it. Focus on those muscles that need attention. And devote more time to those exercises that are necessary for their development.

Plank exercise

Designed to strengthen the hands and wrists. Increases balance and stability of the lower body. Lightweight version:

  • lie on your stomach;
  • bend your arms at the elbows;
  • knees on the floor;
  • slowly we tear off the hips from the floor, resting our socks on the floor;
  • hold the pose for 5 seconds.

Options: arms extended (as in push-ups).

Such gentle workouts are also called "lazy fitness." At home for beginners, this is a great opportunity to achieve the desired effect and at the same time prevent injuries and give a uniform load on the muscles.

Exercise "Superman"

Directed to the main muscles along the spine. Develops flexibility, improves coordination and posture. Lightweight version:

  • lie on your stomach;
  • hands in front of you;
  • simultaneously tear off the floor the right arm and left leg;
  • hold the pose for 5 seconds. Repeat 5 times. Then change arms and legs.

Execution option: tear off the floor at the same time arms, chest and legs.

Lateral leg raises

What is good about fitness? At home for beginners, you can pick up a lightweight version of many exercises. This exercise is very effective for the waist and hips. Lightweight version:

  • lying on the right side, bend the arm at the elbow;
  • lift your left leg up. Do not bend the leg at the knee;
  • hold the pose for 5 seconds. Repeat on each side 5 times.

Options: lean on an outstretched hand, do the rest in the same way.


For a beginner, this is a lighter version of the traditional squat. Fitness at home for beginners is a great opportunity to strengthen the press. The exercise is focused on the muscles of the lower body. An effective exercise to strengthen the ligaments of the knees. To do this, you will need a chair or bench. Lightweight version:

  • stand up straight;
  • hands folded on chest;
  • legs - shoulder width apart;
  • squat on a chair, keep your back straight;
  • rise without the help of hands;
  • repeat 5 times.

Execution option: hands in front of you, otherwise perform the same.

Push ups

A good workout for the muscles of the arms, chest, shoulders and back. Lightweight version:

  • take an emphasis lying down;
  • arms slightly wider than shoulders;
  • raise the body, straightening the arms;
  • knees pressed to the floor;
  • repeat 5 times.

Execution option: if it is difficult to perform push-ups from the floor, then lean on the bench.

  • Take training seriously: do not skip classes. Regular and full-fledged classes are fitness. For women who want to lose weight, this is especially important.
  • Plan your workout time in advance. Free fitness is not a reason to exercise and skip classes because of a bad mood.
  • Avoid excessive overload. Overtraining can lead to decreased performance.
  • Observe the drinking regime. The body needs to restore fluid costs.
  • Remember that without a diet for those who want to lose weight, classes will take much longer.
  • Write down the date and time of classes in it; and exercise. You can simultaneously record the diet, body weight in it. This will allow you to analyze the results.
  • A balanced diet is essential for effective weight loss. Eliminate high-calorie foods from your diet. To remove the sides and stomach, you can additionally follow a protein diet. Frequent and fractional meals contribute to rapid weight loss.
  • Perform exercises regularly, gradually increase the load and time of classes. Start training with a warm-up for 10 minutes. Include warm-up exercises for the joints in it. Perform movements at a slow pace. Warming up increases blood flow, which greatly increases the effectiveness of the workout. Cardio exercises will speed up the process of losing weight, include them in your workout.

The body quickly adapts to training. The main thing is to take the first step. And then you will easily achieve the desired result. You will get rid of problem areas, heavy gait and ugly posture. Practice at home whenever you have free time. The main thing is that the lessons bring you pleasure. If possible, walk more on foot, climb the stairs to the floor. This will save time for training and serve as a good “seasoning” for classes. Very good results will allow beginners to achieve this is a great opportunity to get in shape.

I categorically welcome you, my dear readers! This Friday we will finally and irrevocably close the cycle of program notes. And the final touch we will have a workout program for home. After reading, you will find out what is good and bad about an apartment and a gym as places to change yourself, and we will also get acquainted with the full range of exercises performed at home. And in conclusion, we will find out the basic rules 4th wall training and get a specific circuit solution.

So, if everything is in the collection, then let's start, perhaps. Go!

Home workout program. Everything you need to know.

So the month of April has come to an end, and with it, literally in one today's article, our program cycle will also sink into oblivion. We have worked hard and now we know how, as well as to develop and increase. Despite the fact that we have sorted out so much of everything, one, and quite extensive, category of readers remained on the sidelines, namely, newly minted (and again, and maybe a third time) mothers. In this article, we will try to give them the heat and find out which workout program for at home will give the most effective results.

The young mother is having a hard time. With the birth of a child, no one cancels her previous duties, on the contrary, there are many times more of them. Plus, add to this the deterioration in well-being and mood due to the appearance of postpartum "nishtyakov" - stretch marks, hormonal failure. Represented? Well, creepy? :) And if mother nature gave a woman not one, but two “bouquets of life”? In this case, what has been said can be safely multiplied by two.

As for temporary issues: go to the theater, to a concert, or just get out to get-togethers with friends, then all this fades into the background. Well, on the third, so to speak, the most retracted, she herself comes out, or rather, her beauty and figure. The lady simply physically does not have time to allocate the required amount of time to them. What hour is there in the gym - she can only dream about this in her dreams. For trite - women are not men. We can come home from work, wrap a loaf of sausage, hastily get dressed, leave not the first freshness “sports jacket” in a bag and fly to the gym. For a real lady (and not a slut) - going to the gym is a kind of going out, you have to be fresh (meaning take a shower before), sketch a make-up, put all the clothes in order, feed a noble family, and then you can already go to the gym with a clear conscience.

Therefore, many young mothers face the question of the advisability of visiting this institution. In addition, due to the fact that priorities have changed, now a woman is not thinking about a new curling iron or mascara, but about what to buy for her child, and therefore tries to save every penny. And often the gym and the personal trainer are seen as unnecessary. (optional) expenses that you can deny yourself in order to another (in this case a child) it was nice. This, if you did not know, dear male readers, is called sacrifice.

Your lady sacrifices herself, her beauty, her time in favor of transferring your (including her) genome to the next generation. Yes, she may have gained weight, her figure has swollen, and she no longer looks as appetizing as she was before giving birth, but you should understand that you are also to blame for this when you wanted to continue your kind, yourself through her. As a result of this burdensome process, one of the women cheats on herself, i.e. completely ceases to follow himself and the figure, and this upsets their soul mates. In this note, we will try to reason with all the ladies, and at the end of the article everyone will find a short, but effective workout program for the home.

For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Gym or apartment: what to choose

Many women face a dilemma - go to the gym or study at home. In the following, we will look at the pros and cons of these 2nd options and start with...

What are the benefits of a fitness club?

These include:

  1. atmosphere. You are in an environment just like you. People look at you, you look at them and in a single stream you indulge in muscle ecstasy :). The environment in this case acts as an external stimulus and motivator, and you do not want to lose face. This is especially evident in group classes, when, for example, a young mother, an older colleague overtakes you. At such moments, self-esteem is affected, constructive anger turns on and a second wind opens up, and all in order to prove myself that I can. Well, just a little, in order to plug a competitor in the belt;
  2. equipment. In the fitness club, everything is already assembled to work on yourself. You do not need to buy anything, bring with you. On simulators and with free weights, you can “hook” any muscle, accentuate any problem area;
  3. competent instructor/coach. Largely (if you are in a budget club) in the gym, qualified trainers are always ready to come to your rescue. Moreover, often their services can be included in the cost of a subscription / one-time visit;
  4. all inclusive. Usually, in addition to visiting the gym itself, the club provides various services as a bonus - a sauna, a swimming pool, a protein bar, and often on an all-inclusive basis. Those. You pay only for entry and use a wide range of services;
  5. price. This can only be an advantage if you purchase a semi-annual/annual subscription during periods (during 1-3 months) immediately after the opening of the club.

What are the disadvantages of a fitness club?

These include:

  1. lack of freedom. Usually everyone goes to the gym in the evening after work, and therefore your visits may fall on rush hour when the simulators you need are busy;
  2. financial unavailability. The most optimal, in terms of financial savings, is to purchase a subscription for any long period. If your work schedule involves business trips or constant mode changes, then one-time visits can cost you a pretty penny;
  3. paid help. Few of the modern and sophisticated clubs practice the work of their instructors for the idea. Thus, you can drop something casually according to the technique of the exercise or advise a simulator for the muscle group, but no one is going to hang on and hover over you. It turns out that often there is simply no one to help a beginner, and to resolve the issue, the service of accompanying a personal trainer is required, which is not always affordable for everyone;
  4. location. Few people are so lucky that the club is right under their noses. Road (especially in large cities and during rush hour traffic) sometimes it can take more time than being in the club;
  5. distraction. Because the hall is a public place, then the conditions there are appropriate: the presence of televisions, screaming music, constantly staring contingent. Therefore, people who love silence and solitude, these conditions can be annoying.

We went through the club version of the classes, now we will find out ...

What are the advantages of working out at home?

These include:

  1. no fee. At home, you owe nothing to anyone and therefore save money, on an annualized basis, this amount can average from 18 to 50 thousand;
  2. 24/7/365 . You don't have to adjust to a specific time/day of the week. When you have a free minute, go to another room and, voila, you are already in the hall!;
  3. saving time resource. Neither you waste time on fees, nor traffic jams, as they say - everything is within walking distance.

What are the disadvantages of working out at home?

These include:

  1. equipment costs. Yes, you can buy collapsible dumbbells of the right weight for 3-5 thousand, but it’s far from a fact that their set will last you for a long time, and that training will turn out to be varied only with this projectile. Do you want more? Gold the pen!;
  2. lack of mirrors and trainer/caretaker. At home, not knowing what and how to perform, you can quickly get injured. Yes, youtube is good, but execution without the view / control of oneself from the outside can end in failure;
  3. lack of motivation. At home, there is no one to give you a magic motivational pendel, no one controls your attendance at classes, therefore, if you have problems with discipline, then it will be difficult for you to force yourself to train under non-ideal conditions.

So, now you know what is good / bad in each of the training place options. And since we chose to choose 4th wall, i.e. home training, then find out ...

Workout program for home: what exercises you can do

The availability of inventory and spending on its purchase is the main plug when choosing an apartment as a personal hall. However, the gag is apparent, for even at home (without exercise equipment) you can qualitatively load your whole body, you just need to know how.

And the following exercises will help us with this:

  1. push-ups standing upside down against the wall;
  2. lying on bench/chairs and superman;
  3. / wide grip;
  4. /grip diamond from the floor/;
  5. / , reverse crunches;
  6. , abduction of the upper / lower legs up lying on the side;

In the picture version, it all looks like this.

Well, now you know what exercises you can indulge in at home. Actually, let's have fun! :)

An important point in organizing home activity is understanding ...

Home Workout Program: Training Principles for Women's Training

Due to the fact that at home we decided not to use exercise equipment (barbells / dumbbells), therefore, in order to qualitatively load the whole body, it is necessary to follow a number of principles, in particular the following:

  1. spend 2-3 workouts per week according to the principle - the whole body or bottom, top, bottom;
  2. tie exercises in two / trisets;
  3. set high in exercises (minimum from 25 ) number of repetitions;
  4. alternate dynamic exercises with static ones;
  5. do an intense workout for no more than 30-35 minutes.

In the key of what has been said, it remains for us to make out ...

Home workout program: ready-made scheme

The PT below is intended exclusively for the female part of the audience and has as its main goal the development of general physical fitness, as well as muscle tone and light relief.


PT involves the use of their home counterparts as shells / inventory - mop \u003d bodybar / barbell; bottles 1,5 liters = dumbbells.

Workout options:

  • program duration/number of weeks – minimum 10 ;
  • two-set mode - performing the exercise with each other with a train without rest;
  • number of classes per week - 3 ;
  • rest time between sets - given;
  • the number of repetitions is fixed, with a constant increase by +1-2 , in each workout, through “/” indicates the final number of repetitions;
  • warm-up before training - general joint on 5 minutes.

The tabular excel version of the PT is the following picture.

Actually, bottle and mop :) you have the program on hand and you can begin the procedure for returning the once appetizing forms. Well, how are you doing?


The month of April has come to an end and so has our programming cycle of notes. Now we have something to occupy our leisure time, because we have considered circuit solutions for all categories of workers and for all occasions / for all purposes. What good fellows we are :)! What awaits us in May? You'll find out very soon. For now, for now!

PS. If you have any questions about PT, welcome to the comments!

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

One desire to have a beautiful embossed body is not enough. Exceptional perseverance and a clearly set goal, patience and determination, knowledge and avoidance of typical mistakes allow achieving significant results. Beginning athletes quite often focus only on cardio training, strength training, or dietary proper nutrition. Such a one-sided approach will not bring the desired effect. We need to work in all directions.

If increased loads and hourly workouts in the gym do not bring the desired effect, then this is direct evidence that the chosen methods for building a pumped up athletic body are ineffective. The following tips and recommendations on how to build muscle in a short time without going to the gym allow you to correct the situation.

Starting training, athletes want not only to become bigger, but also to give their muscles a clear expression. Looking better and more attractive is the main reason why people go to the gym. This is the reason for the priority of finding the most effective way to give relief to the muscles.

Many beginners try to find supplements, exercise programs, diets and other means that allow them to achieve the desired relief on their own. However, for non-professional bodybuilders, you can try many methods and never find one that actually works. And in order not to waste precious time, get acquainted with three simple, but truly effective methods and secrets of how to pump up relief.

Strength Equipment Doesn't Guarantee Success

Weight lifting, exercise on simulators, regular visits to the fitness center are not priority areas in pumping up muscles. A relief body can be built without the use of specialized power equipment, doing not in the gym, but at home.

What needs to be done for this?! It is necessary to come to grips with aerobics, borrow exercises from rhythmic gymnastics for your training, do not forget about the importance of quality nutrition, without going beyond the recommended diet. If you strictly follow these recommendations, then one hundred percent result is guaranteed.

Three effective steps towards building a relief body

First step

If for some reason there is no opportunity to go to the gym, then this training will replace work on specialized sports equipment

Push-ups, pull-ups, squats, tilts, lifts and lunges of the torso are the most affordable exercises to do at home. To increase muscle mass, do rhythmic gymnastics three to five times a week.

Tip: Be sure to rest between workouts. With an increase in the intensity of everyday loads, the likelihood of burning fat is high. In order to build muscle along with burning fat and excess calories, you need to maintain the intensity of the rhythmic gymnastics performed.

step two

Get rid of excess fat easily and simply allow aerobics.

The recommended training intensity is up to five times every seven days. It is best to start with thirty minutes. You can try brisk walking or cycling. If there is a need for a constant decrease in body fat, the intensity is increased.

Important to know: Low-intensity exercise burns fat calories, while high-intensity exercise, such as sprinting and running, burns calories. Knowing these nuances when performing cardio training allows you to maintain a high metabolic rate for a longer time.

Step Three

Eating five or six times a day may seem strange enough to many. However, those who want to gain muscle relief should adhere to just such a schedule. Moreover, the number of portions eaten is much more important than the content.

  • frequent meals in small portions can speed up metabolism and reduce hunger;
  • before and after each workout you need to eat proteins with carbohydrates;
  • make portions, including foods with healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, proteins.


  1. You need to eat foods that do not contain extraneous additives, ingredients such as fats, sugar, salt, which can disrupt the overall plan for a healthy diet.
  1. Increased muscle growth leads to increased activity not only during periods of training, but also a mobile lifestyle throughout the day.
  1. Maintaining a normal weight, avoiding problems with extra pounds, allows you to consume fewer calories than required. The main thing is not to overdo it. Excessive reduction in the nutritional value of foods can lead to muscle loss.

Four secrets to quickly pumping up muscles without going to the gym

A sculpted body is an achievable goal, but the path to it is quite complicated and requires incredible willpower. You need to adhere to strict discipline and remember that you can achieve something only after a certain period of time. However, there are ways to speed up this process. For anyone who wants to achieve quick results, it is recommended to resort to four "secret" exercises that are simple and easy to perform, and the effect is amazing.

The availability of any of the many types of push-ups to perform at home allows you to use all muscle groups in the training.

You need to do push-ups daily, as many times as your own training allows. You should not stop at the classic version. You can do push-ups on your fingers, on one hand, change the position of the arms in width.

No matter what push-ups are performed, they burn fat and build muscle.

The most important point for getting relief is burning fat. The best way to do this task is to jump with a regular rope. They do not require a lot of free space, but allow you to get high loads.

The most effective training will be with double jumps, turning into slow ones, performed back with a light step. The number of approaches is unlimited.

An excellent exercise for developing back and bicep strength, especially with variations such as chin-ups and pull-ups. They allow you to work out the back muscles, but in a slightly different way. The first is performed in such a way that the elbows go down and back, that is, the muscles of the shoulder are stretched. The second is performed in reverse or with support - using the shoulder adduction.

The best result will give pull-ups with a combination of different grips.

Imitation of movement as when riding a bicycle is performed lying on your back with legs raised, bent at a right angle at the knees. Hands are behind the head, calves are parallel to the floor.

Tearing off the shoulders and head, they make a bicycle with their feet, touching the left knee with the right elbow, twisting the lateral muscles, take the starting position.

You don't have to chase quantity. The main thing is to concentrate on the correct execution of the exercise, which imitates cycling. The exercise is repeated several times in a row without taking a break.

The best strategy for getting relief

There is no opportunity to spend a lot of time in the gym and exercise on shells, but the desire to gain a muscular body is great? You don't have to give up. You can give your muscles the cherished relief without exercise equipment, and, most importantly, much faster than with many hours of training in a fitness center.

Everyone has muscles, but most of them are hidden due to the presence of fat. Therefore, it is necessary to engage in the construction of relief only in conjunction with getting rid of body fat.

This will be done by focusing on two fundamental points:

  • diet food;
  • choosing the right exercise.

Pay attention to strength training

They don't require a lot of exercise. It is better to immediately choose a few of the most progressive trainings, increasing the weight every week.

Even the best cardio training will not help get rid of body fat if the nutrition is of poor quality. Without a properly composed menu, all workouts, loads and other efforts will be absolutely in vain. In other words, the effort and time expended will not bring results.

In order not to feel hungry, include complex carbohydrates in the menu, do not violate the established regular meal plan. To maintain muscle glycogen allows the use of five grams of carbohydrates for every two sets performed.

Do strength training

Especially important for those who follow a strict diet. Strength exercises allow you not only to build, but also to keep muscles in good shape, without requiring any special effort.

It is enough to perform simple lifts two to four times a week. If this is the first experience for a novice athlete, you can choose a basic strength training program and master it.

Running does not take a lot of time, it easily fits into the routine of even busy people. Beginners who have never done any activity before should start running at a slow pace. Weekly runs quickly burn fat, the disappearance of which allows the muscles to show their relief.

The number of cardio loads directly depends on the genetic predisposition. Some people need little or no exercise to lose fat, others, on the contrary, have to make every effort. Regardless of this, it is the load received during running that allows you to throw off “excess fat” in a short time.

Never Forget Three Simple Truths

  1. strength training is needed to build muscles;
  2. to burn fat you need to run;
  3. to get a beautiful relief, you should follow a quality diet.

These simple recommendations will allow anyone who seeks to gain a relief and toned body to make progress in a few weeks. The main thing is to carefully monitor your diet and exercise. Run, work on your abs, deadlift, follow a diet, and in the near future, demonstrate to others the exceptional relief of your body.

We pump muscles at home - Video

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