The behavior of an Aquarius man in love. How a man in love with Aquarius behaves Does Aquarius hide his feelings

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Rida Khasanova

Men born under the sign of Aquarius, fate endowed with a bright intellect and sociability. They are convinced that the world can revolve around them, living according to their laws, it is enough just to realize their projects and ideas. For this reason, the Aquarius Man strives to make any thing much better than it actually is. He will really look at things, while trying with all his might to improve the world around him. Aquarius is patient and reasonable, friendly and loves increased attention to himself, while going against everyone.

Characteristics of the Aquarius man according to the zodiac sign

Aquarius Man trying to go through life alone, since he is overly obsessed with his own interests and himself, however, this does not prevent him from being a reliable and faithful friend who, in a difficult situation, will always substitute a strong male shoulder.

It is extremely rare to meet a rich man born under the sign of Aquarius. And this is not surprising, because for him material wealth is not something worth striving for. But he handles money quite reasonably, he does not tend to make empty and useless purchases. We must pay tribute: if relatives or friends need financial assistance, then he, don't hesitate to help.

The Aquarius man is distinguished by a calm and restrained character, but sometimes he is characterized by a stingy display of emotions, and despite the fact that a real “volcano” of passions will rage in his soul.

Aquarius is romantic, tries to seek harmony and unity in everything, can easily change his interests

He is constantly drawn to everything unknown, and when faced with it, he will definitely be able to solve any riddle.

The Aquarius man pays special attention to people with worries and problems. To him it's a pleasure to help taking an active part in solving the problems of another person. Such a reverent attitude will lead to the fact that in case of any problems, friends will turn to him. They will be sure that he will help not only in word, but also in deed. As for their own problems, Aquarius prefers to solve them on their own, while hiding their feelings.

In a circle of friends, Aquarius is a lively and bright conversationalist who will not gossip, but will discuss innovative ideas and current events with pleasure. And this is not surprising, since he not only follows what is happening in the world, but also knows how to tell about it in a fascinating way.

The representative of this sign, despite all his wit and charm, not able to sort things out and defend their point of view. Instead of actively proving his case, he prefers to retire quietly, just to avoid a scandal. Subsequently, he will simply begin to avoid people who caused trouble.

Men born under the sign of Aquarius are thin and vulnerable in nature. with fantastic creativity and natural artistry. If you make a psychological portrait, you get a man who "stretches" to the beautiful. Among the representatives of this sign, you can meet incredibly talented people, but they never realized themselves, because they could not adapt to the foundations of the modern world.

Therefore, it is so important that next to the Aquarius Man there is a person who would take care, be there in a difficult situation and be sympathetic to the fact that Aquarius will systematically disappear for the sake of walking in "proud" loneliness.

Aquarius relationship with women

If you carefully study the compatibility of Aquarius in love, then we can say with confidence that the best partner for him will be Libra girl. It is she who will be able to intrigue him, because for him the main quality in women is incomprehensibility and mystery.

As a rule, the Aquarius Man is not ready for marriage, the attitude towards him is rather hostile. However, this does not prevent him from making an offer to his partner at the most unexpected moment.

If the Aquarius Man marries, then in the relationship, he will put friendship as the defining moment. He selflessly believes that it is possible to build a sincere relationship between spouses only if the spouses become true friends.

A girl who decides to connect her life with an Aquarius Man needs to constantly agree with his point of view, try to share his interests and support his hobbies, calmly treat the shortcomings of his man. You should also not make claims regarding the material side of life, and always be ready to rejoice at the success of your soulmate or support in case of failure.

Signs of Aquarius falling in love: distinctive features of the behavior of a lover

The seriousness of the intentions of this sign can immediately be understood by the way he cares and how he confesses his love. Each of his steps will be permeated with tenderness and romance, this is what will help him achieve the location of the chosen one.

How to understand that the Aquarius guy is in love? It's simple: its behavior will resemble an impenetrable tank

The man of this sign is distinguished by patience, therefore, in order to attract a girl for a serious relationship, he will, as they say, go ahead and with enviable stubbornness. If sparks of initiative “woke up” in his heart, then it is simply impossible to extinguish them. The sympathy of Aquarius can be determined by the following signs:

  • If his ideal girlfriend has a negative attitude towards people who smoke, then he will definitely get rid of not only this addiction, but also say goodbye to others just to be safe.
  • If the Aquarius Man truly loves, then he will begin to talk about a joint future, about how wonderful their family life will become, and jokingly begin to mention the birth of children. He will enjoy listening to the stories of couples who are already married.
  • Aquarius in love, if he is sure that the girl suits him, is able to lose his distinctive feature - irritability. Of course, this will not happen immediately, but gradually, which will greatly facilitate the life of his loved ones.
  • A man in love will behave differently. For example, he will try in every possible way to attract attention to himself and will do crazy things. Aquarius in love is ready to give up his own principles in order to compromise.
  • An Aquarius man in love will be distinguished by excessive jealousy, which he will show in every possible way. A jealous man will react quite sharply and aggressively to rivals, since Aquarius's character traits are possessive.
  • Loving Aquarius will be embarrassed to look his chosen one in the eye. He will find a thousand reasons not to meet her gaze. If this happened, then he noticeably begins to get nervous, which indicates that he has sincere feelings and certain sympathies.
  • The girl's appearance doesn't matter to him. Even if she is dazzlingly beautiful, Aquarius will not shower her with compliments. However, if he finds out that his girlfriend has run out of money, he will definitely replenish her account. He will begin to visit social networks only in order to be more often with the object of his adoration.
  • Aquarius may not notice the beginning of a relationship, because to him it doesn't take long to realize that he's in love. Therefore, you should not blame a man if he does not show his feelings.

What kind of women do Aquarius like?

Not every person this zodiac sign is ready to show attention and care. The Aquarius man primarily appreciates in women:

  • Sincerity. Representatives of this sign are sensual natures that are categorical about falsehood and lies. If only in his chosen one he notices even the slightest manifestation of a lie, then this will lead to a break in relations.
  • Tolerance. A girl simply has to be tolerant of his every whim and desire to learn something new.
  • Condescension. A girl who has decided to link her fate with a representative of this sign must learn to forgive.
  • Friendliness. At the man many friends, and his chosen one will have to harmoniously fit into this circle.
  • Originality. Aquarians strive for everything, which means that a girl, in order not to annoy her soul mate, will have to constantly come up with something.
  • Optimism. His chosen one should "radiate" positive and appreciate life.
  • Inaccessibility. Despite the girl's interest, Aquarius needs to "hunt" for her. Therefore, the beauty must be moderately inaccessible.

How to make an Aquarius fall in love with you?

On the one hand, conquering an Aquarius man is easy, but if you dig deeper, everything turns out to be much more difficult. Therefore, it is better to know in advance how to behave with Aquarius. It must be remembered that the Aquarius Man is friendly and open to communication, it seems that he likes everyone.

To increase your chances, you need to follow simple but valuable tips:

  • Remain a mystery to Aquarius. Believe me, if everything is too simple, the man will get bored. The main thing to remember is that it is easy to please Aquarius, but it is almost impossible to fall in love with yourself;
  • Do not limit Aquarius freedom. Any attempt to do so may turn him away from you;
  • be frank with the Aquarius Man. He appreciates confidential conversation and sincerity;
  • be an interesting conversationalist. Remember that having a night of fellowship instead of a night of passion and love is in the spirit of Aquarius. The girl must be ready for this.

Sex with Aquarius: an ardent and at the same time gentle lover

As a rule, the Aquarius Man is interested in a woman as a person, and not as an object of love pleasures. In sex, he does not accept haste, so his actions are thoughtful and lazy.

Aquarius loves all kinds of long caresses in bed, which for him are an important part of the process of intimacy. Such tolerance allows Aquarius to look like a real knight in the eyes of his chosen one, but too long foreplay can spoil the impression. Therefore, a girl should not be shy to rush her partner a little. But, as soon as the lover "burns up", he will be able to give the girl unearthly pleasure. The main thing for a girl is only steer him in the right direction.

In bed, Aquarius will easily experiment, agree to innovations. It gives him pleasure to bring something unusual into his intimate life.

For him, there are no prohibitions, he will respond positively even to the offer of his partner to try a threesome. He tends to constantly change positions, sometimes going beyond the normal. For the Aquarius man, it is not the sexual intercourse itself that is valuable, but the foreplay. However, the partner should be careful, because her lover has a penchant for sadism.

How to return Aquarius if he is offended and ignores you?

To keep Aquarius or return him, the girl needs to carefully consider the peculiarities of his behavior. She should show her love, not focus on the shortcomings and try to be creative in solving such a difficult task.

A girl will not be able to return her beloved if she does not try to deeply understand him and does not study the psychology of his behavior. Aquarius is a very changeable nature, he may not know for himself what decision he will make in a minute. You need to try to be on the same wavelength with your loved one and develop intuition. Here are some practical tips for getting Aquarius back:

  1. Aquarius likes it when a girl is easy-going and psychologically plastic - try to match this. Change, go, as they say, in step with your loved one.
  2. Do not stop him, do not try to reason with the representative of this sign. If you see that his actions will not lead to anything good, try to carefully help him find a way out of this situation, but the decision should not be yours, but mutual.
  3. Try to show tenderness and sincerity, then in the soul of Aquarius your actions will find a response, and he will understand that without him it is very difficult for you. If the relationship is resumed, then they will be filled with happiness for both.
  4. Don't scold him. Of course, the Aquarius man is not a gift, but you should not shoulder the entire burden of responsibility for parting with him alone. Remember that Aquarians are impressionable, which means that your constant reproaches and the call of his sympathy can bring a completely different result. He may offer to remain just friends, or he will take care of you like an older brother.
  5. Trying to return Aquarius, start surprising him with new opportunities. Show how positive your energy can be, give him bright and joyful impressions. Just start all over again so that the Aquarius man does not have the slightest memory of the breakup.
  6. If Aquarius is offended, then this is quite normal, but if you want to return him, you will have to forget about your offense. Close this page of your life and try not to repeat it in the future.

Aquarius and career: boss or brilliant employee?

Aquarius is considered an excellent employee and responsible boss. It is always easy and simple for him to settle in a new team. He finds a common language with almost everyone. If a male Aquarius is the boss, then he will do everything to ensure that his subordinates work for pleasure. Moreover, employees will not even need to think about what to give to Aquarius, because attention is important for him, and not the gift itself.

As for the professional characteristics of the Aquarius man, he is impressed by the work in which we allow the free flight of thought.

At the same time, it is not at all necessary that the profession should have a creative orientation. Aquarius is able to strike with brilliant ideas in any area of ​​​​interest to him.

Representatives of this sign are alien to the routine, he quickly gets tired of doing the same thing. If he is entrusted with performing the same type of operations, then he will conscientiously shirk such work.

He is constantly drawn to something new and unknown, which will certainly affect his work: he will often change it. He can spend his whole life looking for a job he loves, but never find a job he loves.

Despite this, Aquarians rarely succeed in business. He has a lot of productive ideas, but Aquarius will be able to bring the project to its logical conclusion only if there is someone more consistent nearby. Men of this sign are not characterized by the pursuit of money., psychological comfort and self-realization are much more important for them.

Aquarius men put in the first place intelligent communication, therefore, in order to be with him, a girl needs to be interesting, be able to support any conversation, give valuable advice.

March 31, 2018, 23:18

All men in love behave differently. Some are afraid to approach and talk to a girl, while others act too abruptly. In any case, all men will have different behavior in such a situation. Your task is to recognize signs of falling in love in his behavior. Today we will talk about the behavior of Aquarius in love with you. You will learn how to behave in order not to miss this man.

Personality characteristic

Aquarians are characterized by a calm and balanced character. As a rule, they are very sociable and friendly. In class, group and work team they enjoy prestige and respect. Quite often they are activists in organizing various events.

Most Aquarius men have the makings of a leader. That is why comrades often respect their opinion and are often guided by it. Such men know how to joke, for which they enjoy the attention of the opposite sex. Among people, the Aquarius boy feels comfortable from childhood. However, if you cultivate in him such qualities as modesty and shyness, he still will not be lonely. . He will have a group of friends in which he will be an integral part of it.

Aquarians love order. This is not about perfect cleanliness in an apartment or workplace, but about order in thoughts. They clearly know their goal and go to it. Many people have order in many areas of life, and disorder is only in their thoughts. For example, the room is clean, the diary is neatly filled out, the studies are excellent, life is according to the regime. However, thoughts are a mess, because self-discipline is not always what a person wants.

Aquarians don't have this. They tend to be mediocre and rebellious. For them, the main thing is to live in harmony with themselves. The Aquarius boy will prefer to study more interesting things. And all reproaches from teachers and parents will be powerless. Of course, he will get his top three, he will finish school and college. But he will earn money only in the business that he likes. He will not force himself to go to an unloved job.

Such men have several disadvantages:

  1. straightness.
  2. Gambling.
  3. Laziness.

Of course, most often straightness is a positive quality. After all, not all people are able to express their opinion. Aquarians do it all the time and are sometimes tactless. This may offend someone. However, due to their natural charm and sociability, they will quickly establish relations with this person.

Such men are passionate. They like to take risks, because they have a sharpened competitive instinct. But sometimes it can end sadly. Casinos, cards and other gambling can greatly worsen the financial side of their lives.

Such men are lazy. They can't be forced to do that. that they don't want. They can start acting only when things are really bad. Or if this business ignites them.

In most cases, they do not have problems with the opposite sex. At school and university, they constantly communicate with girls and meet with them. In addition to classmates, they also have familiar girls with whom they communicate. Constant communication with the opposite sex from childhood makes them self-confident.

Behavior of an Aquarius in love

First of all, if he falls in love with you, his eyes burn. That is, when you communicate with him, his gaze changes dramatically, and a smile appears on his face.

If you have not yet entered into a relationship with him, then it is very easy to recognize his warm feelings for you. They show the following signs:

Of course, he may not be the standard of self-confidence. However, if the Aquarius man is in love into a woman, he will definitely invite her on a date, and the most beautiful compliments addressed to her will flow from his lips.

If you are in a relationship, then signs of warm feelings on his part may be:

  1. Jealousy.
  2. Increased attention to your person.
  3. Certain actions.

This man is the owner. If he finds out that you have someone else besides him, your relationship with the scandal will be severed. Depending on its nature, it can be:

Aquarius in love will constantly correspond with you. If you do not see each other for several days, then in the morning and in the evening he will call you and say that he loves you. At the same time, it will not be too much in your life. He understands that there are other areas of life besides the personal.

You will not be deprived of his attention, but you will not spend round the clock together. As a rule, such men have a very busy life. Aquarians do sports or creativity so you won't be all his life. However, you will definitely be a part of it.

And the main indicator that he is in love with you is sincere deeds for you. For example, he may go shopping with you or go to a movie with you that he is not interested in. Not only sex will be important to him, but also your state in the relationship. If his love is real, he will arrange romantic dinners and other surprises for you.

If your feelings are mutual and you want a relationship with this man, you need to do the following:

If you do not want a relationship with this man, do the following:

Of course, not everyone can refuse a person. There are cases when a man begins to kill himself after the girl refuses and cannot live normally. This is not about Aquarius, because they are very addicted. He will not suffer, and in a few weeks he will already forget about you and will be carried away by another girl. Take it easy on rejections.

What not to do

Family and marriage

More than half of marriages with Aquarians end successfully. Families live happily until the end of their days. Most often, more than two children are born in them.

In terms of the financial condition of the family, everything is very good. Aquarians are materialistic and therefore make money quite easily. They do it either at their favorite job or doing business.

The father takes an active part in the upbringing of the son. He strives to raise him as lively and cheerful as he is. Most of all, he wants to give his son what he lacked in childhood and adolescence. His father instills in him a love of work and making money, and also does not scold him for poor school performance, as he believes that this is not the main thing in life.

He is not as actively involved in the upbringing of his daughter as in the upbringing of his son. However, the relationship with the daughter of the Aquarius man is excellent.

If a marriage breaks up, then most often this happens for two reasons:

  1. Husband's tyranny.
  2. Marital infidelity.

If a man is a tyrant and thereby spoils the life of his wife, sooner or later she will not stand it, and will run away from him. By the way, quite often tyranny is the cause of adultery from the side of the woman.

The Aquarius man is prone to cheating. This is due to his polygamy, and also due to the fact that over time, emotions disappear. Remember that women are wiser than men. If you do not want him to have a mistress, pay attention to your intimate life. If you feel that something is not right, talk to him frankly. No hints and secrets are needed, because this will only ruin your relationship.

Compatibility with other signs

It is impossible not to say about the compatibility of Aquarius men with other signs.

Aquarius have the strongest and happiest relationships with the following signs:

  1. Twins.
  2. Aries.
  3. Sagittarius.
  4. Scales.
  5. Aquarius.

Aquarius is absolutely incompatible with the following signs:

  1. Calf.
  2. Capricorn.
  3. Fish.

In the case of other signs, both happy and unsuccessful relationships can turn out. It depends on the ability of people to compromise and the situations that occur in these relationships.

Now you know how to understand that an Aquarius man is in love. If you are interested in him, you will easily build a happy and fruitful relationship with him. Happiness to you!

Attention, only TODAY!

It is not easy to follow the mood changes of the Aquarius man, to build relationships with him correctly. Most representatives of this sign are unstable, quickly change their views and opinions, it is almost impossible to predict their next step. Aquarius can be soft and unexpectedly tough, calmly treat quarrels, patiently listen to the remarks of a woman, and then suddenly lose control over themselves for the most insignificant reason.

Much depends on the habit of the Aquarius man to dive into himself and think about something for a long time. A woman will probably not have time to orient herself when her beloved pays attention to what is happening around and expresses a strong protest. She already said the same thing, it didn’t bother him and didn’t offend him, what happened? How to understand the Aquarius man, who seemed completely calm a minute ago, and now instantly turned into a strict and tough person, is ready to break off relations forever because of an ordinary quarrel? In such a situation, it is important to focus and try to return your loved one to a good mood. It is necessary to avoid open quarrels, conflicts and not test the patience of Aquarius, as he is irritated suddenly and very much. Remember some of the features inherent in many representatives of the sign, be more attentive to your chosen one, be sure to take into account his tastes, fulfill the requirements. Sometimes you will need to take the initiative in order to properly build a relationship with Aquarius. The main thing is to learn to understand him, to predict his actions, despite the fact that by nature Aquarians are quite closed.

Immersed in thoughts and dreams, the Aquarius man
Most of all, communication with the Aquarius man is complicated by his excessive daydreaming. The tendency to think is characteristic of many representatives of this sign, while Aquarius usually does not like to share their dreams and thoughts. Often women find themselves not only in funny situations, but also in sad ones, not following the mood of their beloved in time...

  1. He is silent. When the Aquarius man is silent and reflects, it easily comes to the point of absurdity. You can contact him, ask about something, and he will answer inappropriately or just look with incomprehension. If a woman tries to return her beloved "to the ground", persistently continues to talk to him and demand an answer, Aquarius will probably not like it. He will perceive this as an invasion of his personal space, will be outraged by the lack of tact. At such moments, it is better to leave the Aquarius man alone. Just look at the situation from the other side: let your loved one think, because he does not require your attention. And you are currently free, you will be able to calmly go about your business: chat with friends, for example.
  2. Outbursts of anger. You were talking, and then the Aquarius man suddenly lost his temper. How to understand the Aquarius man, so soft and calm, when he suddenly gets annoyed, screams and reacts to your words as if he were hearing them for the first time? Surely this is easy to explain. Apparently, Aquarius did not listen to you, and then again “engaged” in the conversation, began to respond to your words. His behavior seems so strange to you, because you have already gotten used to his calmness, which in fact was due to the fact that Aquarius was simply distracted. For representatives of this sign, this behavior is typical. That is why a woman must always be consistently delicate in order to maintain a warm relationship with her beloved.
  3. What is he thinking about? Usually women start to get seriously worried when Aquarians think. Immediately there are thoughts about rivals, betrayals, possible discontent of a loved one. It is worth noting that for the representatives of the sign, daydreaming is typical as a character trait, immersion in mirages for them is a kind of hobby. This gives the Aquarius man pleasure, helps him relax and unwind.
  4. Absolute order. Often, when the Aquarius Man returns to reality, he immediately begins to make comments. It is important to understand the Aquarius man, who appreciates comfort and is extremely sensitive to the order in the house. The recently pensive and detached Aquarius looks around - his eyes immediately attract many little things that are invisible to you. But they annoy him. Try to be more loyal, listen to the requests of your loved one. This is very important for him, otherwise he probably would not contact you, ask you to fix something. The Aquarius man usually makes claims only when he really needs it.
  5. Cleanliness and fear of germs. Many Aquarians are characterized by excessive cleanliness. The thing is that the Aquarius man can really be painful. He is afraid of getting infected, he is disgusted with dirt at the organic level. In addition, representatives of this sign have allergic reactions to dust, pollen, wool. That is why it is necessary to maintain literally sterile cleanliness in the house. If the Aquarius man points to some fluff that is invisible to the eye and demands better cleaning from you, do not be offended by him: this is really important for your loved one.
  6. Researcher. Some women are misled by the genuine interest of Aquarius. Does he ask you about your childhood, work, listens attentively to your stories? Have you already decided that he fell in love? It is not worth rushing things: it is likely that Aquarius is conducting his usual “research”. This is a great experimenter, he is interested in almost every person, he seeks to understand the nuances of characters, the reasons for actions. But only out of curiosity.
  7. Why isn't he jealous? Sometimes women are hard to please. Jealous men frighten them and repel them with distrust. And the lack of jealousy in Aquarius is instantly associated with a lack of love. Some imprudent women even begin to cause this feeling in their chosen ones purposefully. How to understand the Aquarius man, who, in response to such actions, calmly assesses the qualities of another man, notes whether you should start a relationship with him? The fact is that jealousy is completely uncharacteristic of many Aquarians. They are ready to let go of a woman, they see her first of all as a friend. It is better not to try to make your loved one jealous: he is able to part surprisingly quickly and easily.
  8. attitude towards marriage. Unfortunately, the marriage of Aquarius men is often not attractive. Representatives of this sign do not want to bind themselves with obligations, and in relations with women they value mutual understanding, the ability to be a true friend. The prospect of family life usually repels Aquarius, and official registration is frankly frightening. Perhaps it is wiser not to insist on marriage when you love this person: he will be able to show care and tenderness even without registration, but he will feel more comfortable.
Try to get used to the peculiarities of your beloved, to understand the dreamy Aquarius man, who loves to contemplate and reason more than to act. This will also give you some freedom. It is enough for you to treat Aquarius a little more carefully in order to avoid possible disagreements. Life with him can be harmonious and happy.

Faithful, calm and reliable Aquarius man
A wise woman will remember the feasible requirements of the Aquarius man, will try to create decent conditions for him, will not disturb him when he wants to think, and will not insist on registering a relationship. Then the Aquarius man will really surprise you with his poise, calmness, pleasant character.

  • A few experiments. The researcher still lives in Aquarius, so sometimes you will become the object of his experiments. You can be offended by the chosen one who loves to mystify, or you can understand the Aquarius man who wants to test you and accept this game. After all, this is how you will be able to show your best side, finally win the love and trust of Aquarius.
  • Calm. In general, Aquarius men are characterized by calmness, a certain tendency to melancholy. Often, Aquarius' irritability is caused by specific factors. It is enough to exclude them in order to enjoy life with a good-natured and gentle man.
  • Reliable and dedicated. Usually, Aquarius men are not prone to flirting, they prefer to establish a good trusting relationship with a woman based on mutual respect.
  • Caring father. Aquarius will certainly be a caring father, with pleasure he will immerse himself in raising children. Aquarius men perfectly find a common language with kids, subtly and delicately guide the development of adolescents, even in the most difficult situations associated with adolescence, they look for the best solutions to overcome difficulties.
Learn to understand the Aquarius man, become a faithful friend for him, understanding and sensitive, make your home cozy. Then you will have a wonderful life with your loved one, full of joy and peace.

Men of different zodiac signs show interest and love in different ways. The Aquarius man is quite reserved and secretive. Sometimes it’s not easy to immediately understand that a man is in love, since not all representatives of the stronger sex are ready to take the initiative into their own hands. In this case, the first step is to be taken by the woman. If she is not sure about the intentions of the object of sympathy, astrology will help to figure out how the Aquarius man in love behaves.

The Aquarius man looks after a girl or a woman very beautifully, elegantly

The love of Aquarius can be difficult to recognize at first sight. Such men are often unpredictable. Aquarius can behave too coldly, or vice versa, actively show attention to the object of sympathy.

The sign belongs to the air element, which leaves an imprint on the behavior of such a man. Aquarius can be changeable, like a spring wind, or rude and assertive, like a real hurricane. Much depends directly on the woman who attracted his attention.

What kind of women do Aquarius men love - the answer to this question can only be given by the representatives of the sign themselves. First of all, such men appreciate the mind in a woman. Educated and erudite, Aquarians appreciate good conversation. If a woman manages to interest him in conversation, he is gone. As a rule, all Aquarians are quite amorous.

At the same time, one should not take their variability for windiness. Horoscopes indicate the loyalty and devotion of the men of this sign, but only if the relationship does not get bored with Aquarius. When a woman ceases to be a worthy interlocutor, it is quite possible that Aquarius will want to end such a relationship.

Men of this sign love everything mysterious and mysterious, so too simple women rarely attract them. Aquarius is more likely to be interested in an educated but secretive woman than a cheerful laugher who dreams of starting a family sooner. Here, another feature of the representatives of this sign comes to the fore - they value their freedom and independence very much, therefore they are in no hurry to bind themselves by marriage.

A woman who is carried away by a representative of this sign should have a wide range of interests. It's good if she shares the hobby of Aquarius.

At the same time, the chosen one of Aquarius is always self-sufficient. She has no need to limit the freedom of her partner and follow every step, as she is confident, first of all, in herself.

Note! Aquarians do not tolerate jealousy, showdowns, scandals, attempts to limit their social circle or encroachment on freedom.

Knowing what kind of women Aquarians love, you should figure out how these men behave with the girl they like. Astrologers warn: it is not enough to know the features of the zodiac sign, when assessing the character of a man from an astrological point of view, it is extremely important to take into account the ascendant. This is an ascending sign, depending on the date, time and place of birth of a person. There are special tables by which you can calculate the ascendant for each person.

The most pronounced influence of the ascendant is manifested if a person is born before noon. The ascendant can be ignored if the time of birth is between midnight and three in the morning, since at this time the ascending sign is at its weakest.

So, if in Aquarius the ascendant falls on a fiery sign, the behavior of a man in love will be quite straightforward and assertive. A woman will immediately feel that she is sympathetic, in this case there is no doubt.

An ascending sign in a water sign (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio) gives Aquarius some dreaminess, romance and sentimentality. Such men can be hesitant in expressing their feelings, so finding out that an Aquarius man is in love can be tricky. Aquarius in love will doubt, be afraid of being rejected, which for a long time will prevent him from taking the first step towards a meeting. At the same time, this gives a man special sensitivity and romance, so his chosen one will feel like a real princess.

The rising sign of the earth element makes Aquarius more restrained and rational. Such a man is quite initiative, but without the pressure and aggression inherent in fire signs. He will quickly let the object of sympathy know about his feelings, carefully analyze the possible development of events and arrange everything in such a way that the woman will not even have a chance to refuse.

An ascendant in an air sign makes Aquarius frivolous and changeable. The signs of an Aquarius man in love in this case depend on his mood, which changes very quickly. One day, he will literally shower the object of sympathy with compliments, but after a few days he may pass by and not say hello. At such moments, Aquarius is focused on his inner world.

Aquarians are very talkative and like to attract attention.

How an Aquarius man in love behaves depends on what the guy expects from this love. If a man is not confident in himself, he is unlikely to take the first step towards a romantic relationship. If a woman has many admirers, Aquarius may also be hesitant to be recognized.

As a rule, Aquarians like to be the center of attention and are quite talkative. Aquarius in love directs his oratory towards the object of sympathy. At the same time, they are rather stingy with compliments and often say banal things. Some representatives of the sign, especially at a young age, are completely devoid of the gift of flattering and complimenting, so a woman may notice some dryness towards herself when talking.

Another caveat: Aquarians are very scattered. In the middle of a conversation, they may forget what the interlocutor was talking about recently, or even get distracted by something and stop listening. This is a serious problem for a woman, as it makes it difficult to understand how Aquarius relates to her.

Loud words, poems and pleasant compliments from Aquarius should not be expected. Moreover, a man of this sign will never compliment a lady on a new hairstyle, as he simply will not notice the changes. Such are Aquarians by nature - scattered and inattentive, because of which the representatives of the sign themselves often suffer.

What actions to expect from an Aquarius in love?

If a woman wants to understand what an Aquarius man feels and loves her, you should pay attention to actions, but not words. As it turned out, words are not the strength of the representatives of this sign when it comes to compliments. But with actions, everything is different - Aquarius always surrounds the object of sympathy with care and gives warmth.

Actions show up in the little things. If this is a colleague, the man will definitely make sure that the woman does not need anything in the workplace. Favorite coffee in the morning, a cool drink in the heat, ordering the delivery of your favorite dish to your workplace - this is how Aquarius cares.

Interestingly, the caring of this sign is already manifested in childhood. Aquarius boys in love always take a pretty girl home from class and help her carry heavy books. Nothing changes with age - Aquarius will also not allow a woman to return home alone late, always take care of a taxi in advance and, if necessary, accompany her to the nearest grocery store so that the woman does not carry heavy bags herself.

A man of this sign will not allow a woman to enter into a conflict situation. If this happened, Aquarius will try to protect the chosen one from negative emotions and solve all the problems on their own.

Aquarius courtship is simple and uncomplicated, but does not leave anyone indifferent. Flowers, sweets, music boxes and other little things dear to a woman's heart - all this is worth waiting for from an Aquarius man.

Signs of attention, surprises and other behaviors

The Aquarius man is absent-minded, but does not forget to make surprises for his beloved woman

A lot of works have been devoted to the topic of how the Aquarius man loves in the literature, but only the representative of the sign himself can describe the exact attitude towards his beloved. How to understand if an Aquarius man is in love - this issue can be difficult to figure out. Aquarius will never show open sympathy for an unfree girl, and will not always take the first step if they are not sure of their own strengths and reciprocity.

If Aquarius has no cause for concern, he can use all his charm. Aquarius loves and knows how to show signs of attention, it is impossible not to notice such behavior. Despite some distraction, Aquarius will always be somewhere near the object of sympathy in order to be the first to come to the rescue.

Aquarians make surprises willingly, but they do not always have the means to do so. You should not expect expensive and unusual gifts from a young Aquarius, but such a man can sing a serenade under the window or paint the asphalt with declarations of love.

A few features that appear in Aquarius in love:

  • reverent attitude to their appearance;
  • jealousy;
  • the desire to follow the object of sympathy everywhere;
  • sparkling sense of humour.

In general, Aquarians are not jealous, but at the beginning of a relationship they are very sensitive to the object of sympathy, so any other man in sight of the woman they like will be perceived as a potential threat.

The most accurate sign of Aquarius falling in love is a reverent attitude towards their appearance. Usually these men are very absent-minded and do not pay due attention to the wardrobe, but the Aquarius in love is always clean-shaven, combed and dressed to the point.

Another characteristic feature is a suddenly heightened sense of humor. Usually Aquarians are restrained, but when they see an object of sympathy, they begin to joke sparklingly in order to draw attention to their person as soon as possible.

It is very difficult for Aquarians to take the first step and take the initiative in feelings.

Despite the fact that representatives of this sign willingly show sympathy, it can often be mistaken for a friendly disposition, but not a hint of a romantic connection. It is difficult for Aquarius to show initiative, primarily due to the fact that men of this sign are very much afraid of rejection and ridicule. Here, astrologers advise a woman to take the situation into her own hands and take the first step towards herself. This will help the man feel more confident.

In general, it is not difficult to attract such a guy, but even the representatives of this sign themselves do not know how to fall in love with an Aquarius man forever. Aquarians are reluctant to enter into a serious relationship, so a woman should not make far-reaching plans after a few minutes of dating.

History from life

A reader talks about her experience of approaching a man of the 11th sign of the Zodiac: “Aquarius is very difficult to keep, although they are always willing to make contact. I had no problems with my Aquarius - he just came and gave me flowers, so I immediately understood everything. Difficulties began when, after 2 years, our relationship moved to another level. My Aquarius was reluctant to get closer, so starting to live together is a serious test. Despite everything, we have been together for more than 10 years, 6 of them are officially married. It is necessary to be patient with Aquarians, not to push them to take decisive action and not to restrict freedom.”

Aquarius man in love - signs of sympathy in the initial stages, this zodiac sign always hides. However, when this already passes into an explicit phase, he begins to do everything possible and even everything impossible, sparing neither time nor effort for his chosen one. Aquarius will do everything for his girlfriend only if the feelings are truly sincere.

How to understand that an Aquarius man has fallen in love with you? Special signs of sympathy and feelings of this sign.

We must not forget that representatives of this sign are always open and very sincere. If a man even tries hard to hide his feelings, then they can be identified by facial expressions, gestures and movements. Aquarians always strive to surprise their chosen one, for example, they make original and unexpected surprises for her. At the same time, the girl does not need to be afraid that such a gift will turn out to be too extraordinary, since the guy will never offend a person who is truly dear to him.

When an Aquarius man is in love, its behavior can be compared to an impenetrable tank, which purposefully goes to ram. The guy will look after very romantically and gently, in order to achieve the location of the chosen one as a result. He is quite patient, and therefore he will stubbornly go towards his goal. If an initiative has already woken up in the soul of a man, then you will not be able to extinguish it in any way. You can recognize the sympathy of Aquarius by the following main signs:

    If the chosen one cannot stand people who smoke, then Aquarius will definitely get rid of this bad habit, at the same time he will say goodbye to other addictions in order to be safe once again. Representatives of this sign will begin to talk about a future joint, family life. As if in jest to mention the birth of children. And also with a smile and joy to listen to the stories of those couples who have been married for a long time. If an Aquarius man is in love, then he loses his characteristic irritability. That is, it slightly slows down its momentum, but this makes life much easier for everyone around. A guy in love will start behaving a little differently. For example, he will do something that he did not even think about before. Aquarians will write and call their chosen one themselves, although before that such methods were unacceptable to him. However, the worst thing is that for the sake of her beloved, Aquarius can completely abandon personal principles in order to make a convenient compromise. This person will begin to show excessive jealousy. At the same time, he will demonstrate it in various ways. Aquarians are slightly possessive, and therefore react aggressively and very sharply to rivals. Representatives of the sign in question will begin to be embarrassed to look their chosen one directly in the eyes. If you want to recognize a man in love, then just try to meet your eyes. If at the same time he starts to get nervous and look for foreign objects to divert his eyes, it means that he really feels some certain sympathy and sincere feelings for you. For this zodiac sign, the appearance of the chosen one practically does not play a role. Even if a woman is stunningly beautiful, Aquarius will not bombard her with compliments, however, he will instantly replenish her mobile account if he suddenly finds out that he has run out of money. He will visit various social networks more often in order to communicate more with the object of his adoration. An Aquarius in love may not even notice how he fell in love. Don't blame the guy if he doesn't show his feelings.

You can learn about the feelings of Aquarius in a variety of ways, such as non-verbal signs, words and actions. These components will tell about the feelings of a man. Therefore, you can relax and just accept the signs of attention.

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