English project on the topic helping hands. Project "Helping Hand"

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Topic: Giving a Helping Hand to Teenagers

Topic: Lending a helping hand to teenagers

Life nineteen years is the most exciting. It is full of discoveries, bright emotions and new experiences. Teenagers with the world through personal perception and involvement in the events. They get an experience of first love, when the heart starts beating quicker and the romance brings some unforgettable memories. Good friends prove that relations can be both pleasant and useful. Parents’ love and care give confidence in the safe and happy future. Wise and tolerant teachers deliver a lot of scientific and practical knowledge needed for further development.

Life between the ages of thirteen and nineteen is the most exciting. It is full of discoveries, bright emotions and new impressions. Teenagers get to know the world through personal perception and participation in events. They experience first love, when the heart begins to beat faster, and romantic relationships bring unforgettable memories. Good friends are proof that relationships can be both enjoyable and rewarding. The love and care of parents instills confidence in a safe and happy future. Wise and tolerant teachers provide a large amount of scientific and practical knowledge necessary for further development.

Teenagers learn how to express their opinion using the established practice and ethical norms. They begin to realize the necessity of gaining respect and acknowledgment. Boys and girls also evaluate other people’s behavior, expressing their own judgment. Hot discussions encourage further involvement and great interest. Teenagers make their first steps in the adult life.

Teenagers learn to express their opinions using accepted practices and ethical standards. They begin to realize the need for respect and recognition. Boys and girls also evaluate other people's behavior by expressing their own opinions. Heated discussions promote further engagement and interest. Teenagers take their first steps into adulthood.

However, face some difficulties, which can be very harmful for them. Love can be a real drama, when one of the couple does not share the feeling or suddenly stops loving. It usually ends with a broken heart and aching void. Love may also cause jealousy and revenge, which provoke negative thinking or even a murder or a suicide. Friendship is not always sincere and disinterested. It can be a kind of manipulation and bad influence. As soon as it becomes clear, a teenager feels betrayed and disappointed.

However, the boy and girls face some difficulties that may cause them harm. Love can become a real drama when one of the two does not share this feeling or suddenly stops loving. This usually ends in a broken heart and feeling empty. Love can also cause jealousy and a desire for revenge, which provokes negative thinking, and even murder or suicide. Friendship is not always sincere and selfless. It can be a kind of manipulation and have a detrimental effect. As soon as this becomes obvious, the teenager experiences a feeling of betrayal and disappointment.

Furthermore, poor relations in a family may have a bad impact on a child’s psychological state. Quarrel, violence, disrespect or indifference make teenagers suffer. Young people are usually elaborate so-called “protective response” and start behaving rudely in relation to other people. Domineering and cruel teachers discourage children from study and induce them to truancy.

In addition, poor family relationships can have a detrimental effect on the child's psychological well-being. Quarrels, violence, disrespect or indifference make teenagers suffer. Young people, as a rule, develop a so-called “defensive reaction” and begin to behave rudely towards other people. Overbearing and cruel teachers discourage children from learning and encourage them to skip classes.

When teenagers do not know how to express their opinion, they start getting nervous or telling nonsense. Peers and adults make fun of them and label them as stupid. Such teenagers become either aggressive or depressed. They do not have any desire to speak in public any more. Poor of communication may lead to quarrels and fightings. Teenagers’ nihilism is the desire to get the reputation of a “cool guy” who is capable of making a rebel to common values. Terrorists use this age peculiarity to recruit young people to their criminal organizations.

When teenagers don't know how to express their opinions, they become nervous or say stupid things. Peers and adults make fun of them and label them “dumb.” Such teenagers become aggressive or depressed. They no longer feel the urge to speak in front of other people. Poor knowledge of ethical standards and rules of communication can lead to quarrels and fights. Adolescent nihilism is the desire to gain a reputation as a “tough guy” who is able to challenge common values. Terrorists use this age characteristic to recruit young people into the ranks of their criminal organizations.

In order to help teenagers to cope with their problems, it is necessary to create a positive environment at home, in school and in the street. Every child must have the understanding that in case of need, he or she will be able to find a person who can provide a real help, either physical or psychological. There should be developed a special counseling program for parents, teachers, police officers and social workers, who are supposed to play the key role in teenagers’ life. At the training, focus groups will be taught how to tackle all types of conflicts, “read the symptoms of big problems” and encourage children to ask for help.

In order to help teenagers cope with problems, it is necessary to create a favorable environment at home, at school and on the street. Every child should understand that, if necessary, he or she will be able to find a person who can provide real help, physical or psychological. Special counseling programs need to be developed for parents, teachers, police officers and social workers who are expected to play a key role in the lives of adolescents. The training will teach focus groups how to resolve any conflict, “recognize the symptoms of big problems” and encourage children to seek help.

A rehabilitation center can be the main organization that specializes on the aid to teenagers. Only proficient phycologists and doctors must work there. All of them have to be capable of establishing trusting relationships and a good atmosphere. An open dialogue is the most efficient technique, however in the most difficult cases the information can be obtained with the help of computer tests, pictures or games.

A rehabilitation center can become the main organization that specializes in helping teenagers. Only experienced psychologists and doctors should work there. All of them must be able to establish trusting relationships and create a good atmosphere. Open dialogue is the most effective method, but in the most difficult cases information can be obtained using computer tests, pictures or games.

Favorable environment also means that boys and girls are not afraid of reporting their parents, classmates, teachers, or suspicious in the streets. Fear of revenge or punishment might prevent them from being open and sincere. In case of great necessity, some “indirect” methods, like video surveillance can be used.

A supportive environment also means that boys and girls are not afraid to report the behavior of their parents, classmates, teachers, or suspicious men and women on the street. Fear of retaliation or punishment can inhibit open and sincere conversations. In case of great need, some “indirect” methods, such as video surveillance, can be used.

However, teenagers must be mainly driven by the desire to use services of a rehabilitation center because they are efficient. Adults will help children who happened to get in trouble and want to find a solution. At first, teenagers will tell their story and then adults will make them analyze the reasons and consequences of the occasion. After that, they will mutually work on getting rid of any fear, anger or depression. Capability to read own emotions and manage them is the key to successful resolution of any conflict. If children have noticed that some people attempt to induce them to ill actions or committing crimes, they can also come to the center and tell the details. Safe conditions and confidentiality is a must!

However, teenagers should mainly be motivated by their desire to use the services of a rehabilitation center because they are truly effective. Adults will provide assistance to children who find themselves in an unpleasant situation and want to find a way out of it. First, teenagers will tell their story, and then adults will make them analyze the causes and consequences of each case. They will then work together to release fear, anger, or depression. The ability to recognize and manage your own emotions is the key to successfully resolving any conflict. If children notice that some people are trying to persuade them to commit bad deeds or crimes, they can also come to the center and talk about everything in detail. Security and confidentiality are a must!

To sum up, a professional aid to teenagers is a big contribution into making their life safer and better. The bigger number of happy teenagers we have, the healthier society we get!

As a result, it should be said that professional help for teenagers is a great contribution to making their lives safer and better. The more happy teenagers we have, the healthier our society!

    We developed a plan that included various activities aimed at achieving the goals of the project. A huge part of the work was entrusted to volunteers, but they involved their classmates, teachers, parents and residents of our village in the work.

    STAGE II of the project for active socially significant interaction with external partners.
    The main activity is social participation.



    Promotion"Cheer up."

    Making paper cranes with children from large families.
    Presentation to teachers as a symbol of goodness.

    Promotion“Life is given for good deeds.”

    Production and distribution of leaflets calling for help.

    Promotion"Kindness will save the world".

    Promotion“Hasten to do good.”

    Promotion"The second life of your favorite things."

    Collection of clothes and shoes.

    Organization of an excursion to Tambov to the Local History Museum.

    “Children for children.” Gifts for children - handmade Christmas tree toys.

    “If you are kind...”

    Helping children with homework in an after-school group.

    “Great mood as a gift.”

    Organization of performances by artists of visiting theaters (Saratov, Penza, Voronezh, Tambov).

    Master class “Making flowers from satin ribbons to decorate a dress.

    Master class "" Hairstyles

    Master class "You'll lick your fingers."

    How to cook lunch from

    Promotion“1 pack of Pampers = one vaccine to save your baby’s life.”


    Organization of work of the labor team from the Employment Center.

    We do not set ourselves the task of providing financial assistance. As part of the project, we are not able to help them financially, but we tell about their story on our school website, and we also post this information on the “bulletin board” in our village. And we are always grateful to those people who are ready to help others in difficult situations.

    How can schoolchildren-volunteers in rural areas help these children? Let's move on to the implementation of the project.

View document contents
"Project "Helping Hand""

“Kindness is responsive, sincere location for people, desire

to do good

to others."

(22.9.1900 - 15.12.1964)

"Trying about the happiness of others,

we find

your own happiness"

lV century BC

  • good-natured
  • Friendly
  • Dobronravny
  • Respectable
  • Kind-hearted
  • Conscientious

The word GOOD

to this short number 5541

and SMS are flying from all over the world.

Every message is a chance for life for hundreds of seriously ill children.

You just need to reach out

"A helping hand."

Leninsky branch of MBOU "Novopokrovskaya Secondary School"

Mordovian district, Tambov region



volunteer movement at school; providing assistance to people who find themselves in difficult life situations.

  • This project is short-term, designed for 1 year (September, 2014 - September 2015)
  • Participants in the “Helping Hand” project are volunteers (15-17 years old) and school teachers.
  • The action plan may be adjusted (if necessary).

  • 40% of families have difficulty providing their children with seasonal clothing and shoes;
  • 27% of families experience difficulties in providing children with educational and creative supplies and textbooks;
  • 18% of families have difficulty providing their children with toys, books, board games, and DVDs with good films;
  • 12% of families need psychological support;
  • 22% of families need to organize leisure time for children.


“Kindness will save the world” campaign. Organizing the collection of educational and creative supplies, textbooks, toys, books and gifts.

“Hurry to do good” campaign. Invitation from entrepreneur E.V. Chulkov at the New Year's party to present gifts to children from large families.

Organization excursions in Tambov to the Museum of Local Lore.

« Great mood as a gift" Organization of performances by artists of visiting theaters (Saratov, Penza, Voronezh, Tambov).

Master Class"Flowers made of satin ribbons."

Making flowers from satin ribbons to decorate a dress.

Master Class"Hairstyles."

Master - Class"Real jam". How to cook lunch from

Promotion “1 package of Pampers = one vaccine to save a baby’s life.”

Action "WELL". Sending SMS to short number 5541.

Organization work crew from the Employment Center.

"To believe to goodness, necessary do it."

(28.08.1828 – 07.11.1910)

Try it.

And you

everything will work out!


"Helping hand"

    FULL NAME - Lokteva Natalya Mikhailovna

    Place of work - MOBU "Gymnasium No. 7"

    Job title - English teacher

    Item - English language

    Class - 7

    Topic and lesson number in the topic - "Helping Hand" (Lesson 9)

    Basic tutorial – V.P. Kuzovlev “English language, grade 7”

    Electronic supplement to the textbook "English language. 7th grade" (V.P. Kuzovlev)

    Planned results (methodological objectives of the lesson on aspects of IC):

    personal results (educational aspect):

    developing the need and ability for critical thinking;

    development of self-confidence and strength, self-esteem and respect for the dignity of other people;

    formation of decision-making ability;

    developing the ability to collaborate;

    (sociocultural aspect): developing the ability to represent one’s own culture;

    meta-subject results (developmental aspect):

    development of the ability for logical presentation, persuasion, and solving verbal and mental problems;

    development of mental qualities (logicality, evidence-basedness, criticality, self-criticism);

    development of creative imagination, the ability to participate in project activities, the ability to collaborate;

    subject results (educational aspect): development of speech skills:

related tasks:

    development of listening skills in order to understand the main content of what is heard;

    hidden control of the development of speech skills.

    Lesson type generalization of the material covered.

    Forms of student work – frontal, group, steam room.

    Required technical equipment – PC, multimedia projector

    Technological map of the lesson.

Technological lesson map

1. Organizational moment.

Motivating students for learning activities.

T: - Good morning, kids. How are you?

I’m fine too, thank you.

- Take your seats. Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

Who is absent?

I hope you are ready for the lesson today.

P: - Good morning, teacher! We are fine, and you?

P1- I am.

Today is...

All are present.

P: - Yes, we are.

Greets students, creates an atmosphere of foreign language communication, and organizes introductory conversations.

Greet the teacher, answer his questions, engage in speech activities (concentrate attention, check the presence of a textbook, workbook, pen, diary)


Be able to prepare a workplace, check the availability of training tools.


2. Goal setting and motivation.

Teacher: Great. The title of our lesson is “Helping hands”. To begin with, have a look at the screen, please. Here is a puzzle for you to guess.

Name all the words in the pictures and take only the first letter of each word and you will read the topic of our lesson. For example, a chairletterc”……(the letter “c” is fixed on the board with a magnet).

So, what key word have we got?

You are right.

P1, P2, P3….

C - crocodile


A - apple

R - rabbit

I - ice-cream


Y - yacht


Creates a problematic situation for formulating the topic of the lesson.

Increases students' motivation to work in class.

Hang the capital letters of the named words on the board using a magnet or tape.

Formulate the topic of the lesson yourself.

Name the capital letters of the words that are posted on the board.

Call the resulting word (charity).


Be able to concentrate.

Be able to plan the results of your activities.


Be able to listen and understand the speech of others.

3. Statement of the educational task.

Updating knowledge and skills.

Teacher:Charity is very important in our life nowadays.

What do you think we’ll speak about?

The epigraph of our lesson is “Charity is the root of all good works”

I’d like you to comment on this statement. Use the phrases of spoken etiquette.

And what is true charity?

The words of Oscar Wilde “The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.” are worth discussing too.

What provers do you know which have the same meaning?

P: - We’ll speak about different charity organizations.

P1: - Helping others you help yourself to be good, kind and loving.

P2: - Charity is kindness.

P3: In my opinion charity is helping needy people.

P4: - To be kind and loving is charity.

P5: - To forget and forgive some harm done to you is charity.

P6: - A kind word said to a suffering man is charity.

P7: - Actions speak louder than words.

P8: - Better to do well than to say well.

Ask students to explain the meaning of the statement “Charity is the root of all good deeds.”

Asks students to express their opinions about what true charity is.

Invites students to select proverbs for O. Wilde’s statement about a good deed.

Answer the teacher's questions.

Explain how they understand what charity is.

Name proverbs that confirm O. Wilde’s statement.


Be able to concentrate.


Be able to listen and understand the speech of others, speak English.

Be able to express your thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.


Be able to apply acquired knowledgein other learning situations.


Be able to plan educational cooperation with



Be able to use the learned vocabulary and grammar on the topic “Charity” in the proposed learning situations.

4 .Main stagelesson.

Consolidation of educational material.

    Practicing vocabulary on the topic.

    Performing a vocabulary test.

    Verification of the vocabulary test.

    Conversation with students about international charitable organizations.

    Conversation with students about charitable organizations in Russia and the Primorsky Territory.

T: Translate the words into English:



    disabled person


    nursing homes

    collect money

    provide shelter

    provide support

    make a contribution

    be involved in

    do something significant

    lend a helping hand

T: Match the columns

(Slide No. 7)

T: Give your test to your partner, look at the screen and check your tests. (Slide No. 8)

T: I think you know the names of British and international charity organizations. How many charities are there in Great Britain?

T: What are they?

T: What is a charity? How does it help?

T: Are there any charity organizations in Russia?

T: What are they?

T: What do you know about these charities? How do they help?

T: And what about charities in Primorsky region?

T: What can you say about them?

P1, P2, P3….





    nursing homes

    raise money

    provide shelter


  • make a contribution

    be involved in

    make a difference

    give a helpinghand

Pupils do the test.

Pupils read the information from the screen and check their partners’ papers.

P1: There are 157000 charities.

P2: They are OXFAM, Save the Children, Help the Aged, RSPCA, UNICEF.

P3: I learned that

P1: Yes there are.

P2: They are Naked Heart Foundation, Lifeline and Give Life charity funds, Alive Hearts fund, the Russian Children fund, the charity fund Bim and many others.

P3: Naked Heart Foundation is...

P4, P5….

P1: There are many charities in our region: Living Hope charity in Vladivostok, the public charity fund “Mother”, Save life, the Lighthouse of Primorye, Food for life, the charity fund Umka.

Invites students to translate words on the screen from Russian into English.

Monitors vocabulary knowledge.

Organizes work on mutual verification of the completed test.

Talks to students about international and British charities.

Talks with students about charitable organizations in Russia and the Primorsky Territory.

Students translate words from Russian into English.

Students take the test.

Students check their neighbor's work by reading the correct answers from the screen.

Read information from the linguistic reference book in the textbook about charities in the world and in Britain.

Students list the names of charities.

Students report information about what they have read.

Students answer the teacher's questions using handouts.


Be able to pronounce words correctly.


Be able to correlate a word with its meaning.


Be able to concentrate.

Be able to organize work on mutual verification.


Be able to think, find the necessary information in reference literature, and establish cause-and-effect relationships.



Be able to independently develop communication skills.

5 . Application of new information.

Listening and checking understanding of the listened text.

T: Listen to 3 children speaking about their work as volunteers and answer what activities they do.

(The script of the text 1. I do voluntary work for a local children's charity. We collect money 3 or 4 times a year for children who are ill and come from poor families. We stand in the street and collect money. People are very friendly.

2. I really love music, you know. I play the violin and I am in the school orchestra. We play concerts at school. We often have concerts to collect money for charity.

3. I think it’s important to do something about our planet. So I am in a Green Group. We meet every week to do things. For example: we plant trees, clean up a local river. It's terrible. It's really dirty. And there is always a lot of rubbish in it.)

Pupils listen to the text and answer the teacher’s question.

Invites you to listen to the text and answer the question:

What do volunteers do?

Listen to the audio recording and answer the teacher’s question


Be able to understand the main content of the text you hear.

Be able tocorrectly use learned lexical units in speech within the framework of the topic being studied.


Be able to consciously and voluntarily construct a speech utterance.


Be able to listen and understand the speech of others.

Be able to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.

Be able to speak a monologue form of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the English language.

6 . Generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Hidden control of the development of speech skills.

T: Now in our Project Workshop you are going to work in groups over 3 projects:

1. Helpinghands.

2. Charityfair.

3. AcharityorganizationIwouldliketostart.

Which projects have you chosen?

Make a poster and present your project to your classmates.

P1: We have chosen the project “Helping hands”.

P2: We are going to speak about charity fair.

P3: We have chosen the project “A charity organization I would like to start.”

Organizes the work of students in a group to prepare and present the project.

Students work in groups. Create a poster for the presentation of your project. Present the project to your classmates


Be able to participate in project activities.

Be able to collaborate: negotiate, distribute roles, communicate with partners.


Be able to plan the results of your work.

7. Summing up the lesson.

Reflection on achieving the lesson goal.

T: Now answer the question “Can people do without you?

T: It’s time to sum up the results of your work.

Was the lesson interesting to you? Are you satisfied with your work at the lesson? What mark will you give to yourself?

Thank you very much for your active and hard work at the lesson. It’s very pleasant to work with you.

P1: I think it’s important … … .

P2: I would like to… .

P3: I want to… .

P4: It’s great to do something good without money because … … … makes me feel proud.

Pupils answer the teacher’s questions.

Invites students to express their opinions about whether it is important to help people. Reads a poem:

In charity lies happiness and bliss,

If you haven't done charity, you may miss,

The power to love and share, Charity gives you happiness beyond compare.

Asks students to express their opinion about the lesson, indicate any difficulties that have arisen, and evaluate their work in the lesson.

Thanks students for their work.

Students build their statements according to the proposed models. Read and translate the poem.

They express their opinions, analyze their own achievements and difficulties, and give their own grades for their work in the lesson.


Be able to exercise self-control and evaluate your activities in the lesson; highlight and realize what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned.


Be able to establish a connection between the goal of an activity and its result.


Be able to express your thoughts fully and accurately.

8 . Homework.

Vocabulary dictation.

Socialization and adaptation of children with disabilities and orphans through meeting foreign citizens and learning English. Adaptation of foreign students.">

Socialization and adaptation of children with disabilities and orphans through meeting foreign citizens and learning English. Adaptation of foreign students.

Project Description

Project Helping Hands


Project Helping Hands is a series of interactive lessons in English, the central theme of which is friendship among the peoples of the world 🌍❤️ Foreign volunteers tell children about their culture. This educational event is free and is held in schools where special children and orphans study.
The results of the project will be the socialization of children and increasing their level of knowledge of the English language, the adaptation of foreign citizens.

Project results

Qualitative indicators:

Quantitative indicators:

For each lesson:


Qualitative indicators:

  • Volunteers gain valuable experience interacting with special children
  • Foreign citizens can tell children about their culture and awaken their interest in interethnic dialogue and international cooperation
  • Pupils of specialized schools may be communicating with foreigners for the first time and experiencing a lot of positive emotions
  • Children can overcome the language barrier and gain experience communicating with native English speakers
  • The project promotes the socialization of children studying in specialized schools and the involvement of foreign citizens in volunteer activities

Quantitative indicators:

Activists of the international direction Helping Hands of the Volunteer Center of Bashkortostan State Medical University - 20 people;

Students included in the volunteer pool - 100 people;

Information coverage – 11,000 people.

For each lesson:

Schoolchildren taking part – 25 people;

Event volunteers – 5-10 people.



Project for English

"Helping hands"

Teacher: Danilova L.A

Student 7 form: Denis Labanov

Project consists of:

    Make a list of people who need your help.

    Make a list of charity projects.

    Think of activities you will do help those in need.

    Make a poster to illustrate your project.

I think nobody likes it when his house is in a mess. Doing household chores and keeping the house clean and cozy are necessary in every flat.

My parents work hard and they get rather tired after work. So it goes without saying that they don’t have to manage all the housework and I have to help them. Everyone in our family has some household chores. But frankly speaking I must admit that my mother does the majority of the housework. Some things must be done every day, others need to be done once or twice a week (like watering the plants).

My daily chores are making my bed, washing up, tidying my room in the evening, cleaning my shoes and taking out the rubbish. This is my usual routine. I also pick up my little sister from the kindergarten. Fortunately I don’t have to cook any food because my mum and granny do that and they really enjoy cooking. I just sometimes help them and serve the table. Once or twice a week my mother asks me to go shopping to the nearest food supermarket. I usually buy some bread, milk, fruits and vegetables.

Once a week, on Sundays my parents give the flat a big cleaning. There is a lot of work to do: dusting the furniture, ironing the clothes, mopping the floor, clearing out the bathroom and the kitchen. I am busy with vacuum-cleaning the carpets in our bedrooms and cleaning the mirrors.

I don’t consider my household chores difficult and I can cope with them easily, but sometimes I feel a bit lazy or I may be too busy with my school homework.

Help around the house.

I think that no one will like it if their home is in chaos. Carrying out household duties and maintaining cleanliness and comfort in the house are necessary in any apartment.

My parents work a lot and are very tired after work. So it goes without saying that they don't have to do all the housework and I have to help them. Everyone in our family has household responsibilities. But to be honest, I have to admit that mom does most of the work. Some things need to be done daily, others should be done once or twice a week (like watering flowers).

My daily responsibilities include making the bed, washing the dishes, cleaning my room in the evening, shining my shoes and taking out the trash. This is my usual routine. I also pick up my little sister from kindergarten. Luckily, I don't have to cook because my mom and grandma do it and it's a lot of fun for them. I just sometimes help them and set the table. Once or twice a week, my mother asks me to go to the nearest grocery supermarket. I usually buy bread, milk, fruits and vegetables.

Once a week, on Sundays, my parents do a thorough cleaning of the apartment. There is a lot of work: dusting furniture, ironing, mopping floors, cleaning the bathroom and kitchen. I vacuum the carpets in our bedrooms and wash the mirrors.

I don't find my household chores difficult and can handle them easily, but sometimes I feel lazy or can be very busy doing my schoolwork.


1. Pictures of help around the house http://www.goohttpsgle.ru/search?q=pictures+help+around+home&newwindow

2.Text in English, on household chores http://s-english.ru/topics/my-household-chores-duties

3. Cards for help around the house https://www.google.ru/search?q=%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B8

4. Cards for help around the house https://www.google.ru/search?q=%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0

5. Pictures of help around the house https://www.google.ru/search?q=PICTURES+TEENAGERS+COOKING

Project for English “Helping hands”

Slide 1. My project “Helping hands”

Slide 2. Project consists of

Slide 3. I think nobody likes it when his house is in a mess. Doing household chores and keeping the house clean and cozy are necessary in every flat.

Slide 4. My parents work hard and they get rather tired after work.

Slide 5. Everyone in our family has some household chores. But frankly speaking I must admit that my mother does the majority of the housework.

Slide 6. My daily chores are making my bed, washing up, tidying my room in the evening, cleaning my shoes and taking out the rubbish. This is my usual routine

Slide 7. .I don’t have to cook any food because my mum and granny do that and they really enjoy cooking. I just sometimes help them and serve the table

Slide 8. I don’t consider my household chores difficult and I can cope with them easily, but sometimes I feel a bit lazy or I may be too busy with my school homework.

Slide 9. Bibliography

Slide 10. Thank you for attention!

tell friends