Works of artists from plasticine. Master class "plasticine painting"

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Target: teach the techniques of working in the technique of plasticine painting.

  • development of skills and abilities in working with plasticine and stacks;
  • development of a sense of color, proportion, rhythm;
  • development of spatial thinking and creative abilities;
  • aesthetic education by means of fine and decorative arts;
  • education in children of artistic taste;
  • development of motor skills of children's fingers.

Materials and equipment for students:

  • colored plasticine;
  • matte and glossy colored cardboard,
  • a set of stacks, toothpicks;
  • board for modeling A4 format;
  • cloth for wiping hands and stacks;
  • oilcloth for the desktop.

Visual range: samples of the work of the teacher and students in the technique of plasticine painting.

Types of plasticine:

The following types of plasticine are produced; paraffin, wax, fluorescent. When working with plasticine, it is necessary to take into account its properties: softness, plasticity, stickiness, the ability to soften under the influence of heat, fragility, the ability to maintain the attached shape, water resistance.

Plasticine drawing is an increasingly common type of painting, but this method of depiction contributes to creative development and a variety of artistic expressive methods. Each new creative undertaking for a person is not just a skill, skills, experience: it is also a way of developing mental activity, according to the “hand-brain” relationship.

The factors for the development of an artist are constant practice, improvement of skills, a bold experiment, search and creativity in the process of activity. The combination of these qualities, in the manufacture of plasticine products, can contribute to the creation of new, unique works of art.

What is interesting. First, its novelty. On the other hand, such material allows finding new solutions in the image. And most importantly: this material allows you to transfer a part of yourself to the canvas of your works, to transfer part of your heat.

Its basis is a combination of hard surfaces and plasticine, the creation of an image by applying plasticine to the surface using a special technique, the use of auxiliary materials uncharacteristic for painting. What are the techniques and methods of drawing with plasticine?

Some techniques and techniques for drawing with plasticine

1 way


Plasticine painting gives a huge scope for the artist's imagination from the type of application of plasticine strokes and their texture to the choice of color, which visually looks unusually fresh, juicy and rich. The surface of plasticine smears may look different. The texture itself can resemble silk, glass or ceramics, if you try to make it smooth and shiny. To do this, before smoothing the plasticine surface with your fingers, lightly moisten your fingers in water. But only slightly so that the cardboard base does not get wet in any way.

You can make the surface of the picture a little rough. To do this, various methods are used to apply relief dots, strokes, stripes, convolutions, or some curly lines to the surface of the plasticine image.
You can work not only with your fingers, but also with stacks. These are special tools.

2 way


Work on glass. Prepare the glass: remove the cardboard and wipe it with a napkin so that there are no fingerprints. Otherwise, mascara will not go well in these places. Putting the sketch under the glass, carefully translate the drawing as accurately as possible. It must be borne in mind that in this case it will turn out in a mirror image. Carcasses need to dry a little. During this pause, you can start preparing the material: choose the color of the plasticine and mix its shades for the picture. We lay out the resulting pieces and analyze how well they combine with each other and shade each other. The process of filling the surface is very painstaking and if one large piece fills at once a large part of the picture, the work loses its unusual appearance and beauty. Therefore, it is desirable to apply plasticine in very small pea-sized pieces, with each subsequent one with a slightly changed shade. Then gradually knead them with your finger over the surface. Keep in mind that when rubbing plasticine, sometimes unusual stains are obtained, which only add beauty even more and sometimes emphasize the shape. Follow the outline of the drawing and do not go beyond it. It also happens that an unsuccessfully selected color was applied, it is easy to remove it with a stack and apply a new one. The practice of performing such work has shown that it is better to start filling the glass surface with the main elements, and then the background. We draw up the work done - we fix the cardboard on the reverse side with clamps and carefully clean the surface with a dry cloth. Work is ready!

3 way


A thin layer of plasticine is applied to the cardboard, leveled with a stack or knife, and the drawing is scratched with a toothpick, needle, stack, as in the scratching technique.

4 way


You can draw with plasticine in other ways; "peas" and "flagella". Peas roll from plasticine and are laid out in a pattern on a primed or clean cardboard surface, filling the entire pattern. The “flagellum” technique is somewhat more complicated in that you need to roll up the flagella of the same thickness and lay them out on the drawing. You can double the flagella and twist, then you get a beautiful pigtail, the basis of the outline of the picture.



A drawing is applied to the cardboard, the flagella are rolled thicker, smeared with a finger to the middle, then the center of the drawing element is filled. You can use mixed plasticine for a larger range of colors. The work can be made in relief by applying plasticine veins to the leaves or with strokes, as in oil painting.


Work in the technique of plasticine painting is very interesting. It develops motor skills of fingers, accuracy of movements, fantasy, abstract thinking, attention, artistic skills in working with plastic materials.

Try a few exercises and you'll love this new technique.

Children enjoy working in the technique of plasticine painting.

Municipal educational institution

Children's (teenage) center "Agnes"

Children's teenage club "Impulse"

Master Class

"Plasticine painting"

(2nd year of study)

Developed by: Sokolova Nadezhda Ivanovna

Teacher of additional education

Club "Impulse"

Nizhny Novgorod

Theme: Plasticine Painting

Explanatory note

Plasticine drawing is an increasingly common new type of painting, and this way of depicting contributes to creative development and a variety of artistic expressive methods. Each new creative undertaking for a person is not just a skill, skills, experience: it is also a way of developing mental activity, according to the “hand-brain” relationship.

The factors for the development of an artist are constant practice, improvement of skills, a bold experiment, search and creativity in the process of activity. The combination of these qualities, in the manufacture of plasticine relief works, can contribute to the creation of new, unique works of art.

What is interesting about this technique? First, its novelty. On the other hand, such material allows finding new solutions in the image. The material is affordable, plastic, sticky, soft, keeps its shape. And most importantly: this material allows you to transfer a part of yourself to the canvas of your works, to transfer part of your warmth.

Its basis is a combination of solid surfaces and plasticine, the creation of an image by applying plasticine to the surface using a special technique, the use of auxiliary materials uncharacteristic for painting.

Work in the technique of plasticine painting is very interesting. It develops motor skills of fingers, accuracy of movements, fantasy, abstract thinking, attention, artistic skills in working with plastic materials.

Target: teach the techniques of working in the technique of plasticine painting.


  • Give the concept of "plasticine painting";
  • Teach how to work with plasticine;
  • To teach how to convey shape, color, volume with the help of plasticine;
  • Develop skills and abilities to work with plasticine and stacks;
  • Develop spatial thinking and creativity;
  • To educate children in artistic taste;
  • Cultivate cognitive activity, interest and initiative;

Equipment for the d / o teacher: simple pencil, eraser, plasticine, syringe, stacks, cards with examples of techniques, examples of work in this technique;

Equipment for students: a simple pencil, an eraser, albums, cardboard, plasticine, a syringe, stacks, a board for working with plasticine;


1. Sokolnikova N.M. Visual arts and methods of its teaching in elementary school. - M.: Academy, 1999.

2. Davydova G.N. Plasticineography for kids - Scriptorium, 2003

3. Yakovleva T.N. Plasticine painting. Methodological guide - Sphere, 2010

4. Lykova I.A. I sculpt from plasticine - The world of the book "Karapuz"

5. Internet sources: /;

Class type: master class

Lesson progress

A bit of history

The plasticine drawing method appeared relatively recently, but immediately gained its popularity not only among children, but also adults. It is believed that this type of drawing was invented by the Englishman James May, thanks to which the plasticine flower exhibition, popular in the UK, was created. A little later, an artist from Canada, Barbara Reid, used the technique of drawing with plasticine, illustrating a children's story.

The technique of creating paintings from plasticine is determined by the concept of "plasticineography" appeared not so long ago, it has two semantic roots: "graphics" - to create, depict, and the first half of the word "plasticine" implies the material with which the idea is carried out. The principle of this technique is to create a stucco picture depicting more or less convex, semi-volumetric objects on a horizontal surface.

Types of plasticine:

The following types of plasticine are produced; paraffin, wax, fluorescent. When working with plasticine, it is necessary to take into account its properties: softness, plasticity, stickiness, the ability to soften under the influence of heat, fragility, the ability to maintain the attached shape, water resistance.

Plasticine drawing techniques and techniques

1 way: invoice transfer

Plasticine painting gives a huge scope for the artist's imagination from the type of application of plasticine strokes and their texture to the choice of color, which visually looks unusually fresh, juicy and rich.

The surface of plasticine smears may look different. The texture itself can resemble silk, glass or ceramics, if you try to make it smooth and shiny. To do this, before smoothing the plasticine surface with your fingers, lightly moisten your fingers in water. But only slightly so that the cardboard base does not get wet in any way. You can make the surface of the picture a little rough. To do this, various methods are used to apply relief dots, strokes, stripes, convolutions, or some curly lines to the surface of the plasticine image.

You can work not only with your fingers, but also with stacks. These are special tools.

Invoice transfer

2 way: work on glass made using a contour or template.

Let's prepare the glass, wipe it with a napkin - degrease it so that there are no fingerprints. Otherwise, mascara will not go well in these places. Putting the sketch under the glass, carefully translate the drawing as accurately as possible with ink or with a marker. It must be borne in mind that in this case it will turn out in a mirror image. Carcasses need to dry a little. During this pause, you can start preparing the material: choose the color of the plasticine and mix its shades for the picture. We lay out the resulting pieces and analyze how well they combine with each other and shade each other. The process of filling the surface is very painstaking and if one large piece fills at once a large part of the picture, the work loses its unusual appearance and beauty. Therefore, it is desirable to apply plasticine in very small pea-sized pieces, with each subsequent one with a slightly changed shade. Then gradually knead them with your finger over the surface. Keep in mind that when rubbing plasticine, sometimes unusual stains are obtained, which only add beauty even more and sometimes emphasize the shape. Follow the outline of the drawing and do not go beyond it. It also happens that an unsuccessfully selected color was applied, it is easy to remove it with a stack and apply a new one. The practice of performing such work has shown that it is better to start filling the glass surface with the main elements, and then the background.

Instead of a sketch, you can use a template - a postcard or a color picture. We put it under the glass and do the same work. Colors and contours are already in the picture.

Template and getting started on glass

Finished work

3 way: scribble.

A thin layer of plasticine is applied to the cardboard, leveled with a stack or knife, and the drawing is scratched with a toothpick, needle, stack, as in the scratching technique.

4 way: work done with the help of "peas"

Cardboard is taken, the outline of the drawing is applied. The desired colors of plasticine are mixed. Peas roll from plasticine and are laid out in a pattern on a primed or clean cardboard surface, filling the entire pattern.


5 way: plasticine painting "from a syringe".

You will need: - plasticine - landscape sheets - a medical syringe (without a needle) - a container with hot water. Now we need to make flagella. To do this, disassemble the syringe (pull the piston out of the cylinder). We make a “sausage” from a piece of plasticine and place it in the syringe barrel, insert the piston into place and press down the plasticine a little. We do the same with plasticine of a different color. Now we put the syringes with plasticine (horizontally) in a container with hot water for 2-3 minutes (so that the plasticine becomes soft). Then we take syringes from the water, press on the piston and squeeze out the flagella. We lay out the flagella on cardboard in accordance with the pattern.

Painting "from a syringe"

6 way: work on cardboard, made with the help of "strokes".

We draw a picture on the cardboard. We begin to apply strokes from the background. We roll up the flagella thicker, smear them with a finger to the middle, then the center of the drawing element is filled. Strokes are applied as in oil painting. We use mixed plasticine for a larger range of colors.

7 way: relief.

We draw a picture on cardboard. We sculpt the background from plasticine, using the “strokes” technique. We sculpt the details we need and lay out our composition. In this case, it's flowers.

Stages of the work "Home miracle", using different techniques.
Stage 1.

We draw a sketch.

Stage 2.

Let's do the background. We sculpt the background using the “strokes” technique. We are trying to convey light and shade. In our picture, the light falls on the left. We mix the desired colors of plasticine. We took white + blue in different proportions. It turned out light blue, blue and dark blue. We carry out a vertical plane. Strokes are applied vertically. We apply strokes horizontally on a horizontal plane, take the colors a tone lighter (adding more white).

I'm glad to see everyone at my place! Now I'll tell you what you all already know! Agree, all our kids are incredibly talented! I won’t even sort out the talents by bones, I will say this, everyone is talented, and everyone. And the rest depends on the parents, what they develop, and on the possibilities, and on the preferences of the crumbs themselves. Today we will talk about the makings of creativity in our little ones. And let's try to see how to develop these inclinations by making pictures from plasticine. I promise it will be interesting! Join now!

So, what will the conversation be about? What opportunities do classes with plasticine provide, with whom such games are relevant and what can be constructed using this material.

Get inspired

I propose to make a picture for the little ones:

I showed our result on Instagram:

Publication from Selivanova Elena (@site) Oct 12 2017 at 9:21 PDT

A wonderful lesson on modeling landscape pictures from plasticine can be found on the Video Modeling channel. There are not many video tutorials, but one or two is enough to understand the basic principle and even create masterpieces.

And our summary of this lesson:

Publication from Selivanova Elena (@website) Oct 12 2017 at 10:10 PDT

Please do not treat such creativity as purely childish. There are paintings that are admirable and can take pride of place on the wall of the apartment. For example, we have a picture that we sculpted based on Pushkin's fairy tale “Ruslan and Lyudmila. Remember the beginning:
“At the seaside, a green oak, a golden chain on that oak ...”

Our second favorite picture

You just look at what masterpieces you can create. Sometimes even oil painting does not look as impressive and voluminous as plasticine.

We develop a little one with the help of plasticine

For children, any joint activity with their parents is already a useful and proper pastime. After all, the little one during this time sees sincere manifestations of love for him: smiles addressed to him, kisses and strokes, hears kind words. Also, he plays! All these factors contribute to the development of his personality.

But now the little one is turning a year old, and I already want to start laying the foundation for his creative potential. Learn to do things with your hands. And plasticine will play the most important role in this! But the fact is that he seems to pick up the baton from those toys that we bought for the crumbs for the development of fine motor skills. It is pleasant to crumple it in the hands of the baby (of course, if we previously kneaded the material and brought it to an extremely plastic state). And when it is discovered that he is “torn” and stuck together again, the baby will be happy!

Let me summarize the benefits of sculpting:

  • Fine motor skills develop;
  • The foundation of a creative personality is laid;
  • The baby develops emotionally;
  • The child gets satisfaction when he understands how to do this or that thing himself;
  • Memory is strengthened;
  • Sculpting is a visual demonstration of the color, shape and volume of an object;
  • The muscles of the hands are strengthened.

A child of 2-3 years old is already able not only to enjoy the fact that he kneads malleable plasticine in his hands, but he can already begin to create in stages! What will it be? Let's talk about it!

But first, I want to draw your attention to the choice of this material for modeling. It's good when its color scheme is so diverse that it allows you to create any, even very bright crafts. But the most important thing that parents should worry about is the safety of the substance. Check the composition and make sure you can trust it to the crumbs.

Crafts from colored plasticine

What can be created with plasticine? There are some interesting and unusual techniques for working with this material. Thanks to what it is possible:

  • Modeling of animals;
  • Plasticine drawing;
  • Creating a patch image.

How to make animals with a baby? If the baby is very small, entrust him with separate light and simple details, which, in principle, can be of any shape. And take on more complex things yourself, for example, the head with its ears, eyes, nose, etc. By connecting, get a decent job.

The kid is growing, and now he has already learned to do everything himself. From beginning to end, he can mold an animal, a house, a sun or a little man.

To color an existing picture, you need to highlight those parts that your little one can handle. Is he 2 years old? Then show how to pinch off a small piece from the bar and roll it up.

What elements can you teach him to do? So far the simplest: stripes and balls. But this is enough for the baby to take part in the work of any scale. He can do a lot with these two figures; from balls - flower petals, snowflakes or stars. And from the stripes - twigs, stems, wave crests.

For the application of plasticine, you need a little more skill, skill and preparation. And first of all, we will prepare all the necessary tools.

We will need:

  • Idea;
  • Sample;
  • And colored clay.

Draw a picture on cardboard or paper. You can download a template on the Internet, or come up with content yourself, you can just take your favorite coloring pages. The image can carry any idea. For example, it is important to postpone gifts for the New Year holidays for the winter holidays. Then the application made by the little one. It will be a great surprise for family and friends.


  1. sculpting finished parts and then gluing them to the base, like an appliqué
  2. molding in small circles
  3. just filling in the picture, so to speak smearing with your fingers
  4. thin plasticine ropes - roll out the thinnest plasticine sausages and lay them out, filling the picture

I offer templates for the picture. Attention, life hack: it is not necessary to print, you can attach a sheet of paper to the monitor and trace the outlines.

Pictures enlarge by clicking.

How to draw with the little ones

So let's draw a picture. We think right away what the baby can do. Given its capabilities. If it will be a snowman, then you should not draw it big. The small palm of the little one will not yet be able to roll out a large piece of plasticine, even if we first knead it. Make 2 or 3 snowmen. That will make it even more interesting.

Have drawn. The kid made a circle, help him fix this part on the base. Move on to the next part of the picture.

It's so simple, given the interest and abilities of the crumbs, you will develop the creative abilities of the child. What else do I want to remind you? It's practice time. Don't wait for the baby to get tired. let the first stucco lessons take 5-10 minutes. You can always adjust the time later.

Friends! I wish everyone to comprehend the science of being good parents! Share your secrets with us so that we can strive for the ideal! And that's all for today! Just a reminder that you have the opportunity to tell all your friends about our conversations, you can invite them to us, let them tell you what helps them to be the best dads and moms. Subscribe to news, reread old conversations, stay active! And ... everything! Bye bye!

Painting is one of the most difficult art forms. A person is a creature that always tries to make life easier for itself. And since people love art, and every second wants to create, plasticine painting was invented. Even a child can do work in this technique. The main thing here is patience. Indeed, unlike an oil painting, plasticine cannot fail. Today we want to offer some ideas for creativity and inspire the creation of a masterpiece.

A little about plasticine painting

This type of art appeared relatively recently, at the end of the last century. Before that, plasticine artists sculpted three-dimensional figures. Often this material was used, and is currently being used, by sculptors to quickly make any form.

The technique of plasticine painting was originally mastered only by children. Artists considered it pampering. But kindergarten teachers were happy to smear plasticine on cardboard with children. This process develops fine motor skills, imagination and helps to strengthen the muscles of the hands. But over time, plasticine painting went beyond the kindergarten, and today it has many fans among adults. True, professional artists still consider this type of art too primitive. But in fact, it is not primitive, but decorative. And it definitely has a right to exist.

Types of such painting

As in any art, with its development there are many different techniques in which you can create. What types of plasticine painting exist?

  • modeling with strokes;
  • relief molding;
  • template work;
  • harness molding;
  • contour creation of works;
  • pea molding.

Each of the varieties of such painting requires its own material. Types of plasticine are different. There is a soft material that spreads well on the surface. And there is a hard plasticine that holds its shape well.

Materials that are necessary for work

To create a picture in the technique of plasticine painting, you need to purchase everything you need. And what is required for work? Various types of plasticine. And what are they? Plasticine happens:

  • ordinary;
  • paraffin;
  • wax;
  • ball;
  • fluorescent;
  • sculptural;
  • freezing.

In addition to plasticine, you will need stacks. Those are plastic knives. Usually they are invested in large sets of plasticine. But if you decide to get down to business seriously, then get high-quality wooden stacks.

The basis for any work should be either cardboard or a piece of fiberboard. The second option is preferable.

Various napkins and rags can also come in handy.

New Year's landscape

Leaving for the winter holidays, children, and often adults, do not know what to do with themselves. Everyone can try themselves as a plasticine painter. The result of your creativity will inspire throughout the year. How to create a picture in the technique of plasticine painting? New Year will be a great subject for the image. First you need to draw a sketch on a piece of cardboard with a pencil. It can be a house, a bridge, a river and snow-covered trees. We will create this picture in two techniques: modeling with strokes and modeling with peas. First of all, draw the background. We take blue plasticine, knead it in our hands, tear off a small piece and spread it on cardboard. You need to rub the material strongly so that the hitch is of high quality. In order to reduce the consumption of plasticine, the background layer must be made thin. Blue strokes should be alternated with white and dark blue. It will be a river. Next, draw the sunset. It will be purple and pink. The second stage of work is the molding of the second plan. It will be a house, a bridge and Christmas trees. We create a house in the following way. We roll small multi-colored balls from plasticine and fill the contour with them. The final action is the drawing of the trees in the foreground. We make the trunk in the usual way of smearing plasticine, and we make branches from bundles.

stylized tree

We will make this work in a very unusual way. To create a picture you need a syringe. We remove the needle from it, immerse the clay in the cylinder and insert the piston. We fill the first syringe with a dark green material, and the second with a light one. Now we heat water in a saucepan and put syringes there. When the plasticine has melted a little, work can begin. We take out the syringes and squeeze the sausages onto the cardboard. We alternate dark and light plasticine. We glue the sausages in semicircles, as if creating the effect of a hilly area. When the grass is ready, we wash the syringes and fill them with blue shades of plasticine. Warm up the material and start painting the sky. We make it in straight stripes, alternating several shades. Wherever the sun will be, you need to leave free space. Using a similar technique, we create a heavenly body, a tree and stylized apples. Plasticine painting is an interesting activity, and the method of working with a syringe is one of the simplest, but at the same time very effective.


One of the interesting leisure activities is plasticine painting. Read the master class on making a willow bouquet below. To create such a picture, you will need colored cardboard and plasticine in blue, blue, brown and white. We prepare the material. You need to start by kneading blue and blue plasticine. When the material becomes soft, roll sausages out of it. Now you need to divide the sheet of cardboard visually into three parts. The bottom of the sheet will be occupied by a vase. We outline its middle and begin to twist the sausages into a snail in this place. Alternate blue and blue colors.

When the large circle is ready, we frame it with straight sausages from above and below. Now let's start making willow branches. To do this, roll sausages from brown plasticine. We lay out the branches in random order. It is desirable that they turn out an odd number. Collecting willow buds. To do this, roll up small brown and white sausages. We connect them with each other. Now the buds need to be glued to the branches - and the picture will be ready.


Plasticine painting can be made based on folk craft. For example, gzhel. Let's create an image of a bird from the harnesses. On the cardboard you need to draw the outline of the chicken. The drawing can be copied from the sample above, or you can come up with your own picture. The bird will be complemented by a floral ornament located above and below. For the manufacture of this work you will need a syringe. We fill it with plasticine, heat it up in a saucepan and get down to creativity. We lay out the tail and contour of the bird, as well as the ornament, with thin bundles. You need to supplement the image with thick stripes of blue and blue. We roll the sausages by hand and flatten them a little with our fingers. We create an ornament inside the bird. With a stack or a fingernail, a pattern in the form of cuts should be applied to thick sausages. From the rolled out layer of plasticine, cut out the outline of the head. It remains to place small details. We roll up balls of blue plasticine and place them in accordance with the pattern. White dots should be placed as color accents. They need to be made from balls and glued to the center of the blue circles.


Works in the technique of plasticine painting look beautiful and original. Before starting work, you need to create a sketch. We take tinted cardboard and draw the outline of a sailboat and waves. To create an image, we need plasticine heated in syringes. When the material melts a little, we get to work. We lay out the silhouette of the boat with thin bundles. Stretching from brown to white will look beautiful. When the hull is ready, you need to make sails. We also draw them with bundles squeezed out of a syringe. But the flags will have to be done manually. It remains to complete the picture with waves. We make lamb from plasticine. You need to choose the material carefully so that the colors blend beautifully with each other. If your kit does not have a suitable shade, you should make it yourself by mixing blue plasticine with white. As an addition, you can glue seagulls over the sailboat. Frame the work with plasticine. You need to roll up two sausages and twist them into a tourniquet. If there is a break in the tourniquet, it is better to redo it. Such work can be supplemented with shells and metal fittings in the form of an anchor.

The girl in the boat

Only an experienced master can create such a picture. Plasticine painting from a syringe requires skill. Before you start working directly, you should draw a sketch. Then you need to warm up the plasticine in syringes. And it will have to be done in batches. Alternatively, you can leave unused plasticine syringes in warm water so that the material does not harden. The first step is to make a boat. It is made from shades of brown and yellow plasticine. There will be a shadow on the right, and a light on the left. This must be taken into account when filling the contour of the boat with bundles.

When the swimming facility is ready, we proceed to the manufacture of the girl. With strokes we create her face and hand, and then the hair and dress are laid out with bundles. And again, you need to remember about light and shadow. The hair on the right will be darker and the left lighter. The dress should be made in layers, and you should start making it from the end, that is, from the hem. Tier by tier we impose bundles, creating the effect of voluminous ruffles. Let's move on to the final part - "draw" the sea. The waves will look like swirling snails. They also need to be made in layers to create the effect of the background and foreground. Some circles can be emphasized with white stripes - these will be highlights. We make a frame from the bundles, and on top you can depict a wave to show the infinity of the water element.


Making animals from plasticine is an easy task. Moreover, making figures on a plane is even easier than sculpting them in volume. How to "paint" a picture with two giraffes? The first step is to make a background with strokes of soft plasticine. Then sculpt animal figurines. They are created in the following way. To make a large giraffe, we roll out a layer of plasticine. From it we cut out two ovals, one small and the other elongated, and a rectangle with soft edges. Glue all this in the desired sequence on the background. From thick sausages, legs, tail and horns should be created. Ears should be drop-shaped. Now you need to decorate the animal.

We make hooves and balls for horns from purple plasticine. From yellow circles we make spots and a tassel of the tail, and from black balls we make eyes and a nose. By analogy, we create a small giraffe. Now we turn to the manufacture of trees. The brown rectangles with soft edges will become the trunks. They can be decorated with plaits to match. We roll balls from green plasticine and flatten them. Thus we create foliage. A variety of birds can be planted on trees.

Social work

Children can be instilled in a caring attitude towards our smaller brothers in various ways. One of them is to sculpt animals from plasticine. It is desirable that some social problem is raised in the work, for example, the friendship of a person and a dog. You need to start making this picture from plasticine by rubbing the material into the background. Then you need to make a background - these can be windows and bricks that look out from under the peeling plaster. In the foreground, with strokes, we depict a girl with an umbrella and a dog. It remains to supplement the composition with raindrops and a symbolic inscription.

winter picture

Plasticine painting for children is not only a way to pass the time. Thanks to such creativity, fine motor skills develop, as well as imagination and patience. You can create a picture on a winter theme not only on cardboard, but also on a disposable paper plate. We close this product with blue and white plasticine, which we rub into the cardboard with strokes. Now we build a hut from rectangles. Add a window to it. We make a roof. In the foreground, green strokes should be used to “draw” a spreading Christmas tree, and fold rowan branches from the flagella. You need to supplement the composition with a bullfinch, a month and snow flakes.


It will be easy to create any animal if you print its outline on a printer. The object of our creation will be a dog. Plasticine painting can be not only realistic, but also decorative. Therefore, we will make the animal colorful. We warm a piece of plasticine in our hand. We decorate various parts of the dog with strokes of this color. Then we take another shade and do the same. The work will be completed when there is “no living space left” on the dog, that is, it will all consist of strokes of plasticine.

We bring to your attention a master class on creating a picture using plasticine. This type of painting is called plasticine or plastinography. Plasticine serves as paint here, as a visual material, and hands are our tool, a brush. There is a technique for applying plasticine to glass. Glass in this case is a canvas that we hold in front of us and put plasticine under the glass with our hands. The picture in this case is “drawn” under glass and is already protected from dust and damage. The image has a flat look. There is a technique for applying plasticine to cardboard or hardboard. In this case, plasticine can be applied to the surface in different ways. It can be balls, sausages, smears. The image in this design has a three-dimensional appearance. In this case, plasticine is better protected from dust and damage by varnishing it. This type of painting got its start quite recently. The drawing process has no boundaries, it all depends on the imagination, brightness and unusualness of creative thought. Drawing with plasticine, you can create still lifes, landscapes and even portraits. Plastinography is considered a childish kind of creativity, but real masterpieces can be created from plasticine.
So we need an idea. Any image you like will do. Of course, you can draw from life, but using a picture is easier. We will “paint” the painting “Cherry Morning”, author Alexander Sergeev.

The image is selected, now what is needed for work.

  • Cardboard or hardboard
  • Plasticine, the more colors the better
  • Frame,
  • Paints,
  • Brush,
  • Acrylic lacquer.

Let's get to work.
1. Cardboard preparation. The size of the cardboard should initially correspond to the size of the frame, so as not to remove the excess later.
2. We take cardboard and apply the main elements shown in the picture with a pencil.

3. In the process of work, the plasticine must be mixed so that the colors smoothly transition from one to another. As a rule, the colors of plasticine are dark, so your colors will differ from the color in the picture.

4. Now we put plasticine on the cardboard with our fingers. It is better to start from the background so that the plasticine lays down, as brush strokes overlap each other.

5. Plasticine, unlike paints, is a solid material, so you need to try to make the plasticine “strokes” jewelry and light. So we gradually apply “stroke” after “stroke” until the entire surface of the cardboard is covered.

6. After the background is applied, we move on to the main details of the picture and apply flowers and cherries. You can keep the proportions of the sample, or you can make something of your own, for example, draw not the whole image, but some part of it, add other colors, bend the lines a little differently. In this case, it turns out personally your creation for a variation of the selected picture.

7. The last detail of the picture is a vase. The picture is ready.

8. The painting must be protected from dust and damage. To do this, apply a layer of acrylic varnish on top. It is better to take a brush soft and wide. Lacquer is applied with quick movements. We are waiting for the varnish to dry.
9. Frame design. The frame should not draw much attention. The color of the frame should be in harmony with the picture, so you need to choose either the overall color of the picture, or the color that is least. Take a brush and paint the frame, in this case in a light green color.
10. Final stage. We put the picture in the frame and enjoy the result of our work.

Be bold, dream up and experiment. Your fantasies and taste will make the picture unique, and let the pleasure received from creation prompt new thoughts and ideas.

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