Side effects of dill water in infants. Where can I get dill water? Dill water for newborns with constipation

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The first months of a child's life are difficult test not only for the parents, but also for his own body. At this time, adaptation to the changed living conditions of all organs and systems of the newborn, including the digestive system, occurs. The most painful manifestations of the resulting imbalance are colic - abdominal pain associated with excess gas pressure in the intestines. One of the proven remedies for reducing colic is dill water.

How and from what is dill water prepared?

Some initial title They may think that this is dill brewed with boiling water. But such an assumption is fundamentally wrong.

Thus, essential oil from fennel seeds is used to prepare dill water. It should be noted here that two types of plants have a pharmacological effect: bitter fennel and sweet fennel, but the fruits of sweet fennel have the most valuable properties, which are used to prepare dill water sold in pharmacies.

Important! When creating pharmaceutical dill water, sweet fennel essential oil is used, obtained by steam distillation followed by concentration. The degree of extraction of essential oil when simply brewing fennel fruits with boiling water is much lower.

Why aren’t dill seeds used along with fennel to prepare dill water? Both of these plants have medicinal properties, but the composition of their essential oil is different.

The main component of fennel essential oil is anethole, which mainly provides relief from colic (carminative effect). Fennel essential oil also has other properties:

  • antimicrobial;
  • antifungal;
  • antispasmodic;
  • hepatoprotective (for toxic liver damage);
  • expectorant (fennel tea helps with cough);
  • diuretic;
  • laxative.

Important! Fennel essential oil can be harmful if used incorrectly!

The composition of dill essential oil is dominated by carvone, which helps improve digestion. The carminative, antispasmodic and diuretic effect of dill essential oil is much less pronounced.

Instructions for dill water

Pharmacy dill water must be accompanied by instructions for use. Cooking it at home can raise many questions, starting with the simplest: “How to make it?”

How to prepare dill water at home

If your baby suffers from colic, then it is best to start with dill water prepared at home. The concentration of essential oil in it is quite low and in case of individual intolerance allergic reaction will be significantly lower than from using more concentrated products.

Infusion recipe No. 1

Grind the fennel fruits in a blender. Pour a teaspoon of the resulting powder into an enamel or glass container, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour, then strain and bring the volume of the infusion to the original (1 glass), adding boiled water.

Infusion recipe No. 2

Grind the fennel fruits in a blender. Pour a teaspoon of the resulting powder into an enamel bowl, pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Leave for 45 minutes, then strain and bring the volume of infusion to the original volume (1 glass), adding boiled water.

The second recipe is more effective, as it provides greater completeness of extraction of the active substances of fennel seeds, but requires a rather long time investment. To prepare the infusion, children from six months old are recommended to use one tablespoon of chopped fennel fruits.

How to give dill water to a newborn

For use between feedings when artificial feeding You can add 2-3 teaspoons of infusion to a 50 ml bottle of warm boiled water and use it for drinking throughout the day.

Contraindications for use

For an infusion of fennel fruits prepared at home, the only contraindication is individual intolerance, so it is a completely harmless remedy for reducing colic in children after two weeks of life.

Warning! Before you start systematically feeding your child dill water, you need to give him 1 tsp. products and see if he develops allergies during the day. And only if you get a positive result from using the water, you can continue to give it to your child.

To make it easier to prepare dill water for children based on fennel fruits at home, pharmacies sell fennel tea in filter bags. You can also find teas in stores instant cooking with fennel extract.

Photos of fennel tea

Instant Hipp tea Instant tea Bebivita

Instant Humana tea

Instant tea Baby
Tea in filter bags Doctor Vera

Instant tea Heinz

Tea in filter bags Fleur Alpin

Tea in filter bags Health

Review of dill water in pharmacies

If the effect of homemade dill water is unnoticeable, but the child tolerates it well, you can switch to ready-made pharmacy analogues or use synthetic ones medications with carminative effect.

The most common water sold in pharmacies is dill water concentrate, which is called “Dill Water”. Produced Russian company"Korolev-farm". With a bottle volume of 50 ml, the concentrate accounts for only 15 ml.

Directions for use and doses

For direct use, you need to dilute the product with 35 ml of cold boiled water using a teaspoon (1 tsp - 5 ml) or a specially supplied dispenser. Before each feeding, give the child 10 drops of the prepared product.


  • Glycerol. Necessary for essential oil dissolution and proper dosing. It also gives the drops a sweetish taste;
  • Fennel essential oil or extract;
  • Vitamin B1.

After opening, the solution is stored in the refrigerator for 30 days. The instructions do not provide any information about side effects and contraindications.

Dill water"Trav-in" made in India, 120 ml. It is capable of providing a complex effect, having not only a carminative, but also an antispasmodic effect. Indicated for flatulence, gastrointestinal spasms, functional dyspepsia (digestive disorders due to insufficient production of digestive enzymes), acute and chronic intestinal infections.

Directions for use and doses


  • Deionized water;
  • Glycerol;
  • Sucrose;
  • Fennel oil is the main active ingredient;
  • Sodium bicarbonate - reduces the acidity of gastric juice;
  • Anise oil has an antispasmodic effect, reducing smooth muscle tone and a carminative effect;
  • Peppermint oil has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect.


Dill water - “Baby Calm”. Produced by the Canadian company Pharmascience Inc. in Israeli factories. The 50 ml bottle contains a 15 ml mixture of plant essential oils.

Directions for use and doses

For direct use, you need to dilute the product with cold boiled water to the mark indicated on the bottle. Before each feeding, give the child 10 drops of the prepared product.


  • fennel essential oil;
  • anise essential oil;
  • mint essential oil;
  • glycerol.

After opening, the solution is stored in the refrigerator for 30 days. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Another type of colic remedy based on fennel fruit is the drug “Plantex”. Available in the form of dosed sachets of 5 g (10 sachets in one package) with granules for preparing a solution.

Directions for use and doses

  • from birth to 1 year: 1-2 sachets (5-10 g) per day, divided into 2-3 doses;
  • from 1 year to 4 years - 2-3 sachets (10-15 g) per day, divided into 2-3 doses.

The drug is taken after meals or between meals. To prepare the solution, pour granules from one sachet into a bottle or cup, dilute with 100 ml of boiled water and mix thoroughly.


  • dry aqueous extract of fennel fruit;
  • fennel essential oil;
  • acacia gum;
  • glucose anhydrous;
  • lactose.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Due to the presence of lactose in the composition, this drug is not recommended for galactosemia, lactose and galactose malabsorption syndrome.

In addition to the above-mentioned natural-based colic remedies, there are also remedies that can also be used for newborns:

  • Based on dimethicone: “Kuplaton”;
  • Based on simethicone: “Bobotik”, “Disflatil”, “Infacol”, “Colikid”, “Espicol Baby”, “Espumizan”.

Frequently asked questions about dill water

In practice, using dill water and preparing it raises a number of questions for mothers. Let's try to figure it out and give answers to them.

Is it possible to make dill water from fennel essential oil?

Using fennel essential oil to prepare dill water at home is undesirable for many reasons.

  1. You need to be sure of its naturalness. Even if you purchase essential oil at a pharmacy, this does not guarantee a quality product.
  2. Any essential oil is a concentrated mixture of chemicals that requires a strict dosage, which is difficult to maintain at home, especially when taken orally.
  3. It is unacceptable to dilute essential oil with water, as it is practically insoluble in it. Accordingly, the formation of large droplets that can cause burns to the mucous membranes is possible.
  4. Substances contained in essential oil, if dosed incorrectly or due to the characteristics of the child’s body itself, can have an unpredictable effect on the functioning of internal organs.

Is it possible to combine homemade dill water with Plantex or Espumisan?

Both Plantex and dill water are plant-based products that have similar effects. Both drugs can be given together, but it makes no sense, since the active ingredient is the same. Additionally, the question arises of the amount of the main substance, as well as how it will be perceived by the child’s body.

“Espumizan” can be quite safely combined with dill water, it will give an analgesic and antiseptic effect, and the simethicone contained in “Espumizan” will calm the digestive system and restore its functioning.

Is it possible to add dill water to baby's water or formula?

As can be seen from the previous recipes, dill water can be mixed with regular water and poured into a bottle, from which the baby will then drink. It is also not prohibited to add it to feeding mixtures and even to expressed breast milk.

Can a nursing mother drink dill water?

Yes, you can. But it is worth considering that as a result of drinking dill water. Substances found in dill water enter the mother's milk and are thus passed on to the baby, improving his condition.

Is it possible to give dill water for prevention?

Use for preventive purposes is not initially required. Cumulative positive effect dill water does not produce. It is better not to give the product to your child unless necessary. If your child has colic, it’s time to give him dill water. But it does not cure, it simply removes unpleasant symptoms, so the baby stops screaming.

There are a huge number of good old grandmother's recipes that we use in Everyday life. And all women who one day became mothers know about most useful action such a unique remedy as dill water. This kind of folk medicine saves babies from intestinal colic, which appears in all newborns 2-3 weeks after their birth.

Release form

Pharmacy dill water is sold in glass bottles of 100 milliliters. Most often, you can buy dill water for newborns only in pharmacies with their own recipe. Such pharmacies prepare dill water before selling it, but there are also factory-made preparations.

Active ingredients

The active ingredient in dill water may vary depending on the recipe for its preparation and the choice of the main component.

The main components for creating medicinal water, which are the active ingredients:

  • fennel seeds;
  • Dill seeds;
  • sweet fennel essential oil;
  • dill essential oil.

Indications for use

After the birth of a baby, the digestive system gets used to everything new, as a result of which the child experiences cramps in the tummy during feeding or immediately after feeding and begins to writhe in pain and cry. This behavior of the child is associated with bloating and increased gas formation. These symptoms occur in the majority of newborn babies (70%). There are many medications that help with bloating, but the most popular and most simple means is dill water. Medicines can harm a child’s body that has not yet adapted, but dill water is practically harmless.

Dill water is used for:

  • improving intestinal functions and removing gases from it;
  • improved digestion;
  • increasing lactation.

Dill water also has a slight soothing and antimicrobial effect, which is important for mothers and newborns.

Directions for use and dosage

Pharmacy dill water

Dill water purchased at the pharmacy is given to children 1 small spoon 3 times a day immediately after feeding, when breastfeeding, or add 1 small spoon to milk or mixture 3-6 times, with artificial feeding. It all depends on the consultation of the pediatrician. The pharmaceutical preparation can be stored for 30 days in the refrigerator.

Dill water homemade

I use dill water, which parents prepare themselves, according to a different scheme: 1 small spoon 3-6 times a day and immediately after meals, when breastfeeding, or also added to milk or formula, when artificial feeding. This solution cannot be stored for a long time. For each use, it is worth preparing a new portion of dill water.

Cooking recipes

Dill water can be prepared at home with minimal use of raw materials and minimal time.

Dill infusion

The recipe requires fresh young dill. The greens need to be washed and chopped. Pour 1 small spoon of dill with 100 milliliters of boiling water. Leave the mixture for 1 hour. Strain the infusion and give the baby 1 small spoon 3 times a day before meals.

Dill water with fennel

Grind using a blender or coffee grinder, or you can also grind 1 small spoon of dry fennel seeds in a mortar by hand. Pour boiled water. cooled to 80° C. Leave the mixture for at least 40 minutes. Strain. Give 20 grams 3 times a day to a child under 2 months of age; children over 2 months should be given dill water up to 5 times a day.

Dill water with fennel oil

Dissolve 0.05 grams of fennel oil in 1 liter of water. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for 30 days.

Dill water

Pour boiling water over the dried and washed dill seeds in the proportion of 1 small spoon per 300 milliliters of water. Leave the seeds for 1 hour. Strain the infusion. Give 1 small spoon of dill water to the child before meals 3 times a day.

Side effects

TO side effects Dill water can cause allergic skin rashes if any component is not suitable for the baby. In cases of overdose, the child may have diarrhea.


There are no contraindications to taking dill water. There are only cases with individual intolerance to the components; in such cases, side effects may worsen.

With the help of dill water, you can quickly and effectively get rid of infant colic, but in order for this to happen, you need to know how to use this natural remedy and how not to cause complications in the baby’s condition. Read these and other tips for preparing and using dill water in this article.

The first months of a child’s life are incredibly difficult both for the baby himself, adapting to life outside the womb, and for his parents, who are trying in every possible way to facilitate this adaptation.

The situation is also complicated by the fact that starting from 3-5 weeks, the baby may experience so-called colic - pain caused by bloating, during which the baby cries furiously and tightens his legs. An excellent carminative that came to us from the past - dill water - will help cope with excessive gas formation.

Beneficial properties of dill water for children

Dill water - effective remedy, which is used to combat various diseases gastrointestinal tract, but most of all it is known for its active use for newborns suffering from colic.

The effect of this natural medicine is to relieve spasms, which promotes the release of gases accumulating in the intestines. Thus, thanks to dill water, you can get rid of bloating, colic and flatulence.

Dill water

In addition, dill water helps improve digestion, which is very important for the baby’s immature digestive system, and also has an antimicrobial effect.

Being a natural remedy, dill water does not cause side effects, like many medicinal suspensions used to combat colic.

Video: Why do you need dill water?

Preparation of dill water for newborns

Despite its name, dill water is not prepared from dill at all, but from its relative, fennel. The seeds of this plant are collected, dried and used in the pharmaceutical industry as a digestive aid.

Many mothers use regular garden dill as an ingredient in dill water and claim that it has the same effect as fennel.

The traditional component of dill water is fennel, but dill is also actively used for this

Dill water can be purchased ready-made in the prescription department of pharmacies. But since not everywhere there are such departments and it is sometimes problematic to purchase a ready-made remedy, you can prepare a carminative drug yourself. One of the following components is suitable for this:

  • fennel essential oil
  • fennel tea
  • fennel seeds
  • Dill seeds

Fennel seeds

Depending on what component you will use, there are several recipes for preparing dill water:

  1. Based on essential oil - 1 liter of distilled water requires 1 ml of fennel oil, which can be measured using a sterile syringe.
    2. Based on dill seeds - pour a teaspoon of dill seeds or greens with a glass of boiling water and leave the mixture for an hour, after which the mixture must be strained
    3. Based on fennel seeds - 2-3 g of crushed seeds, pour 250 g of boiling water and leave for 1 hour, then filter through a fine sieve
    4. Preparing tea - 1 bag of fennel tea is poured with a glass of boiling water and left until completely cooled.

Fennel tea

It is important to use only distilled or special baby water when preparing dill water, because it will be used for a newborn baby.

Video: How to make dill water yourself?

How often should children be given dill water?

Dill water can be used to prevent gas formation and to directly combat it. For the purpose of prevention, dill water is given to the baby three times a day, and if colic occurs, the remedy is given once at a time when the baby experiences pain and problems with the passage of gases, which are accompanied by prolonged crying and bloating.

During colic, the baby cries non-stop

The dosage of dill water for infants is the same in any case: no more than 1 teaspoon of the product should be given at one time. If colic occurs frequently in a child, the frequency of administration can be increased to 6 times a day.

How to give dill water to a baby?

Dill water is given to babies from the second week of life. Of course, like this Small child will not be able to drink the product from a spoon, so you can give dill water to your child like this:

  • mix into a small amount of expressed breast milk or formula in a bottle with nipple
  • pour the product itself into a bottle (teaspoon) without mixing with anything
  • try to give the remedy from a sterile syringe

Dill water can be mixed with milk or baby formula

If the child willingly agrees to drink dill water pure form, then it should be given between feedings or before meals.

How long does dill water last?

The beneficial properties of dill water are preserved for 30 days, provided that it is stored in the refrigerator.

This applies to products purchased at the pharmacy, but dill water prepared independently can “last” for so long only if it was prepared under conditions of absolute sterility, which is almost impossible.

For your baby, it is best to prepare new dill water every time - this way it will not lose its properties and will bring maximum benefits.

In addition, the preparation process is simple and convenient, so there is no need to prepare the product once a month and expose the fragile body to danger.

Why is an overdose of dill water dangerous?

  • Although dill water is a completely natural product, significant consumption of it still has negative consequences.
  • If you give your baby an increased dose of dill water or repeat the dose too often, this can lead to loose stools and too much gas.
  • There is also an opinion that dill water in large quantities helps reduce blood pressure

With an overdose of dill water, colic may intensify

Therefore, you should not overdo it with the use of the remedy, because an immature child’s body can react differently to it, and if colic does not go away after using dill water and relief does not occur within half an hour, then such a remedy is simply not suitable for the child and preference should be given to other carminatives drugs.

Allergy in newborns to dill water

Very rarely, a child may develop an allergic reaction to dill water. As a rule, it manifests itself in the form of a traditional rash, red spots on the body, but other symptoms may also occur:

  • vomit
  • flatulence
  • loose stool
  • swelling of the mucous membrane

Manifestation of allergies in the form of pimples on the face
  • If such symptoms occur, it is necessary to stop giving the baby the remedy and switch to another drug for colic that does not contain fennel or dill.
  • Such an allergic reaction may occur due to the fact that the child’s digestive system is very immature and it is difficult for it to cope with certain substances that are not broken down and absorbed due to poor production of the necessary enzymes
  • Also, we should not forget that dill, like fennel, is a plant capable of drawing from the soil heavy metals and other substances that are present in the soil on which the plant grows. They can cause poisoning, which will also be accompanied by vomiting and loose stools.

Contraindications to taking dill water

In order for dill water to have only positive effects, parents must strictly control the dosage

The cheapness and naturalness of dill water sometimes push parents to extremes in its use. For example, many compassionate mothers begin to fear colic like hell and, to prevent it from occurring, give the child dill water instead of regular water.

Since each body reacts differently to both food and medications, it is worth considering the possibility of individual reactions when monitoring the child’s condition after taking dill water.

If the mother notices changes in stool, rashes, or strange behavior in the child, the drug should be discontinued and consult a pediatrician.

Dill water is a time-tested remedy that has proven its effectiveness over more than one generation. But in Lately There is more and more talk that the effectiveness of dill infusion is exaggerated.

According to many doctors, a carminative can occur from drinking plain water, not necessarily dill. Experts also talk about the greater benefits of raisin water, which contains potassium, which is so necessary for intestinal function.

Disputes about the effectiveness of dill water are baseless if it helps your baby

Whether to believe the assumptions of some doctors or trust the experience of mothers and grandmothers is a personal matter for everyone. If you see a visible effect from dill water and the absence of side effects, then there is no reason not to give this remedy to your baby. The main thing is that the mother should feel calm about her child, and that the baby should feel comfortable exploring the world and developing.

Video: Dill water for baby colic. Komarovsky

There is probably not a single mother who has not heard about the problem of intestinal colic in babies. According to statistics, every third person experiences this phenomenon. It is impossible to calmly watch how the baby blushes, strains, draws in his legs, starts crying - and all this for several hours, sometimes every day.

Parents turn to doctors and the experience of older generations and often hear that dill water is needed for a newborn. Let's figure out what it is and whether it is worth spoiling a child's fragile stomach by using this remedy.

Instructions for the drug

Dill water is a remedy for colic for newborns; The instructions for the medicine explain the use of this drug:

  • The fruits of garden or pharmaceutical dill (fennel) can be used to treat colicky pain in the intestines, flatulence, and constipation. Dill water has antispasmodic, carminative and choleretic effects and can be used to treat babies from birth

Dill water is prepared from dried fennel fruits:

  1. pour a tablespoon of seeds into 200 ml of boiled water (about a glass), cover with a lid;
  2. bet on water bath and boil for a quarter of an hour;
  3. then cool and filter through cheesecloth into a glass, and squeeze out as much juice from the raw materials as possible;
  4. then add boiling water so that you get a whole glass;
  5. Children under three years of age are given this infusion up to 6 times a day, half a teaspoon of fennel water.

What is infant colic?

Colic is a phenomenon that is not fully understood.

  • The most popular explanation is that the baby’s digestive system is not yet ready to switch to food. breast milk or a mixture, food is poorly digested, causing the release of gases. Gases stretch the intestines, causing the baby to experience excruciating pain.
  • There are other theories. For example, the founder and director of the Center that studies child sleep disorders, Mark Weissbluth, believes that “colic” is most often nothing more than the result of a child being overexcited from lack of sleep.

In his opinion, only one fifth of babies who regularly cry for unknown reasons suffer from gas in the intestines. The “rule of three” will help you determine that the baby really has colic: the baby cries for at least three hours every day, three days a week (or more often), and this period lasts for at least three weeks.

With colic, babies do not lose their appetite, gain weight well and do not have any other symptoms except regularly repeated prolonged crying. However, it is almost impossible to determine why a newborn is suffering.

Doctors say standard phrases and give the same type of recommendations to reduce symptoms. What to do if a doctor diagnoses a newborn with “intestinal colic”? Most often, pediatricians prescribe a lot of medications to children. Why mass? But because none of the “colic medications” has proven effectiveness.

On a note! There has not been a single study that has shown that such a remedy actually reduces the painful manifestations of intestinal immaturity in newborns.

Parents are encouraged to empirically select for their baby the medicine that seems most effective (or maybe the problem itself will simply disappear by then). And here moms and dads have a choice: to randomly stuff their child with medications that have both contraindications and side effects, or turn to proven methods that really help parents relieve their babies' pain.

Is it possible to prepare medicine at home?

It’s very good if you grow fennel in your own garden, so you can be sure that the medicine you prepare yourself will not harm your baby. Before brewing dill water for a newborn, you need to collect the seeds, peel them and dry them.

If you do not have the opportunity to grow fennel, purchase ready-made seeds at the pharmacy.

How to make dill water that is good for a newborn? Take a tablespoon of fennel fruits and chop them. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over the resulting raw material and place in a dark place for one hour. Strain into a container with a lid. Dill water for newborns, prepared at home, is stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

An hour before the time of taking the medicine, pour a little into clean dishes, cover with a napkin and leave on the table so that the fennel water warms up to room temperature. Babies under one month of age should prepare fresh dill water every time.

How to properly give medicine to a child?

It doesn’t matter how the medicine was prepared, the regimen for taking dill water is always the same. Before giving dill water to a newborn, you need to check whether it will cause an allergic reaction:

  • Give your baby half a teaspoon of fennel water, preferably in the morning, before feeding;
  • Then monitor your baby throughout the day for any reaction;
  • If everything went well, the next day give the child water in the morning, afternoon and evening, one teaspoon at a time.

It is easiest for both infants and bottle-fed children to give fennel water from a spoon.

  1. If the baby refuses to drink it, you can mix the medicine with breast milk or formula in a 1:1 ratio and try giving it to the child;
  2. If nothing works out anyway, then artificial fennel water is mixed directly into the bottle with food.

You will have to tinker with the baby;

  • Buy a 5 ml syringe at the pharmacy or take a syringe for the Nurofen medicine;
  • Take 5 ml of fennel water and try to give it to your baby as a pacifier, slowly pouring the contents into the mouth;
  • Most often, children begin to suck the tip of the syringe and do not protest against this method of obtaining the drug;
  • If the baby rebels against water, then there is no need to increase his stress; you need to try other ways to help with colic. Which ones, read the article >>>

Important! The exact dosage your baby needs should be determined by your pediatrician.

Contraindications for use

Like any other medicine, dill water has a number of contraindications. Fennel lowers blood pressure, so hypotensive patients should not use drugs based on it. Sometimes dill water can cause allergies in a baby, so it is especially important to start giving it gradually, carefully monitoring the child’s condition.

The fennel-based product may increase gas formation. In this case, you will have to stop taking it.

There is no 100% guarantee that dill water will help the baby. In families that use dill water for newborns to treat infant colic, you can hear different reviews of this medicine. For some children, according to their parents, this remedy helped, others did not notice a difference.

My opinion is that the placebo effect is at work.

  1. You give the drug, internally calm down and relax;
  2. You begin to take your baby in your arms more often and talk to him affectionately;
  3. The child relaxes, feeling your calmness;
  4. In a calm state, it is easier for him to fart, or to experience a slight tension inside his tummy.

Be healthy and know that sooner or later any colic will go away and you and your baby will be able to spend your days and nights completely calm!

Methods for preparing and using dill water for adults.

If you ask a passerby about dill water, 90% of respondents will answer that it is a remedy for colic in babies. This is partly true. But dill water is often used in adults. This is a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients.

The benefits of dill water for adults

Usually this water is sold in a pharmacy. The cooking method is different from that intended for babies. Fennel seeds contain a lot of components that suppress gas formation and promote the movement of feces.

Indications for use:

  • Flatulence
  • Tracheitis. With this disease, an obsessive dry cough is often observed. Dill water along with mullein and mallow decoctions suppress the cough reflex
  • In oncology. After rectal surgery, there is often an accumulation of gases that stretch the abdomen and cause pain. Dill water removes gases from the body
  • During lactation. This healing liquid increases the amount of breast milk

Making dill water at home. How to make dill water from dill seeds?

The most interesting thing is that pharmacy dill water is not a decoction or tincture. In industrial conditions, essential oil is extracted from fennel seeds by pressing.

After this, the oil is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:1000. But at home it is not possible to use this technology, so it is worth preparing a decoction.

Instructions for preparing dill water:

  • Place 15g fennel seeds in a large container
  • Boil water and pour boiling water over the seeds
  • Cover the liquid with a lid and leave for 10 minutes
  • Store liquid in the refrigerator
  • Do not prepare in advance, dill water does not last long

How to take dill water for adults?

The method of application and the amount of medicine depend on the purpose.

  • Nursing mothers should prepare a weak solution of dill water. It is enough to drink 400 ml of decoction per day. It is better to do this 40 minutes after eating
  • If you have bloating, then prepare a more concentrated decoction. To do this, pour 40 g of dill seeds into 500 ml of boiling water and keep in a thermos for 50 minutes. Drink 80 ml liquid before each meal
  • For tracheitis, pour boiling water over 15 g of fennel seeds and let stand. After this, a decoction of mullein and mallow is prepared. Mix the decoctions in equal quantities. Take 150 ml before each meal

Dill water during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes major changes. The uterus quickly increases in size, which can squeeze and squeeze some parts of the intestine. Accordingly, pregnant women often experience constipation and bloating. In this case, take dill water regularly.

Benefits of dill water for pregnant women:

  • Prevents gas formation
  • Improves blood composition
  • Saturates blood vessels with beneficial substances
  • Relieves headaches and nausea
  • Improves sleep

During pregnancy you need to take a weak solution of water. 20 g of seeds per liter of water is enough.

Dill water for nursing

  • This simple herb can improve lactation. If you have a lactation crisis, then pour 15 g of fennel seeds into 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes
  • Take a glass three times a day. This fluid increases the flow of milk to the glands and makes the nipple more pliable. Accordingly, the baby will not have to suckle at a tight breast
  • In addition, dill water has a beneficial effect on the mother's intestines. Some of the nutrients are transferred to the baby when feeding. The child gets rid of intestinal colic

Dill water for cystitis

During the course of the disease, pathogenic flora multiplies in the bladder. To quickly combat infection, it is necessary to ensure timely outflow of urine.

Benefits of dill for cystitis:

  • Has an antibacterial effect
  • Relieves inflammation
  • Accelerates urine flow
  • Relieves painful sensations

To prepare dill water, it is advisable to use fresh fennel seeds. One spoon of seed is poured into 230 ml of boiling water and boiled for 2 minutes. Cool and take this entire decoction, dividing it into 5 parts.

Dill water for constipation

This remedy can also be used in children. Dill inhibits pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines, and accordingly, fermentation processes stop. No gas is released. Thanks to this, the stool becomes softer, which allows it to leave the intestines without hindrance.

Use for constipation:

  • Pour 30 g of fennel seeds into 400 ml of water and leave for 30 minutes
  • Strain the liquid and drink 120 ml 15 minutes before meals

How much should you drink dill water?

The amount of liquid you take depends on why you drink dill water.

  • To stimulate lactation, drink 250 ml of decoction three times a day. The period of use depends on how quickly you achieve results. Usually a week is enough to stimulate lactation
  • For constipation, drink 120 ml of solution. In this case, the course of treatment is 1-3 weeks. The period depends on how quickly you feel the effect
  • At chronic illnesses intestines, drink dill water constantly

Analogues of dill water

Dill water is a natural substance made from plant materials. It is characterized by low price and efficiency. There are drugs that act similar to liquid:

  • Hilak. Preparation based on organic acids. It normalizes intestinal flora and prevents fermentation processes
  • Espumisan. This is a synthetic substance that simply absorbs gas, turning it into liquid. Completely harmless
  • Smecta. This drug is a scavenger. It absorbs gases and pathogens
  • Enterosgel. Adsorbent drug. It absorbs bacteria and harmful substances from the intestines

How and why to take dill water for adults: tips and reviews

Dill water is a natural remedy for intestinal ailments.

  • Often used by young mothers to stimulate lactation
  • Dill water is mainly used because it is cheap and natural. In addition, you can drink it for an unlimited amount of time. She is not addictive
  • Using the product you can cure cystitis

Dill water is prescribed for intestinal pathologies. To prevent excessive gas formation, this liquid is simply ideal.

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