Comparative characteristics. Comparison of Troekurov and Dubrovsky (senior) Prepare an oral description of Troekurov and Dubrovsky

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Similarities between Troekurov and Andrey Dubrovsky Kirila Troekurov and Andrey Dubrovsky have a lot in common. The similarity of the characters lies in the fact that they are: both elderly men, both belong to the nobility, both live in the village, both are retired officers, both are widowers, both have children of the same age. educated in the same way, they partly resembled both in characters and inclinations. In some respects, their fate was the same: both married for love, both were soon widowed, both had a child.” Also, the heroes have common bright traits of character, such as: pride, ardor, ardor Indeed, Kirila Troekurov and Andrey Dubrovsky are both proud men: “... Troekurov overtook him on the road. They looked proudly at each other, and Dubrovsky noticed an evil smile on his opponent’s face.” Andrei Dubrovsky is considered an ardent, impatient and determined person: “... Troekurov knew from experience the impatience and determination of his character.” (about Dubrovsky) “... a person so hot and imprudent will not be difficult to put in the most disadvantageous position.” (about Dubrovsky) It is also known about the character of Kirila Troekurov that he is a man of ardent disposition: “... outbursts of his ardent temper ...” (about Troekurov) Unfortunately, it is the pride and ardor of the heroes that leads to the fact that a quarrel flares up between them, which has tragic consequences.

Comparing the heroes of fiction, we can understand their idea of ​​life, and maybe themselves. In this essay, we will compare the heroes of the unfinished historical novel by A. S. Pushkin “Dubrovsky”, namely Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky and Kiril Petrovich Troekurov. Both characters have their similarities and differences. Consider the features of their destinies. These were peers who grew up in the same class, who married for love, but both soon became widowed, each having a child: Dubrovsky had a son, Troekurov had a daughter. Despite the difference in wealth, both parents try to provide their children with a good life. Dubrovsky, in order to give his son everything he needs for a carefree life in St. Petersburg, sells almost all the villages, leaving one - Kistenevka. Troekurov's daughter is growing up in front of her parent. spending a lot of money on her daughter, Kirila Petrovich loses nothing. At the moment when Catherine II overthrows Peter III from the throne, Troekurov and Dubrovsky make different decisions. Troekurov, realizing that all power is in the hands of the Empress, takes her side, which brings him a lot of benefits. However, Dubrovsky remains faithful to Peter the Third, a hundred negatively affects his well-being and position in society. But let's ask ourselves a question: if Andrei Gavrilovich also joined the supporters of Catherine II, would his life become easier? We don't know. They also had common interests - both were ardent hunters. Troekurov's kennel was famous for its qualities throughout the province, and Dubrovsky was naturally envious, because his well-being allowed him to keep only a pack of greyhounds and parogons. This comparison again points to the difference in wealth. I can characterize Dubrovsky as an unbalanced and exalted personality, and that is why I treat him better than Troekurov, a calm and measured businessman.

Pushkin based the novel on a story reminiscent of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Unhappy love, destroyed by hostility between families. The action takes place in the 20s of the 19th century. The author authentically describes the pictures of the life of Russian provincial landlords of that time, their way of life, details of life, and much more. The characteristics of the characters are built by the contrast method: Andrei Dubrovsky in the novel "Dubrovsky" is opposed to Kirila Troekurov.

Troekurov and Dubrovsky Sr.

In fact, former friends were very different, starting from their position in society, ending with their life positions. Troyekurov is influential and prosperous, Dubrovsky Andrei Gavrilovich is poor and has no influence in society. Kirila Petrovich is known throughout the district for his wealth, well-trained serfs, who were terrified of him, but, at the same time, were glad that they belonged to such an influential master.

Andrei Dubrovsky is completely different. He did not achieve a career, belonged to an impoverished noble family. In his possession is only one small Kistenevka with destroyed houses and a birch grove.
They are also morally different. Troekurov is depraved and despising everyone and everything, especially those who are lower in social status. The characterization of Andrei Dubrovsky is completely different. It is also inherent in him to be proud, but his pride is different. She appeared from a feeling of poverty and hurt pride. This can explain the excessive demands on others and ostentatious pride.

Dubrovsky's father does not tolerate humiliation, he never humiliates anyone, and, accordingly, demands the same from his relatives. Serfs do not fawn over him, they respect and honor him. After all, it’s not just that they prefer robbery, and not living under the wing of Troekurov.

What is the advantage of Dubrovsky

Despite the difference in characters and lifestyle, Dubrovsky Sr. has some commonality with Troekurov. Both of them served and made a military career, both were proud of this segment of life. They loved their wives, at one time became widowers, both had small children. But if some romantic features can be assumed in Andrei Dubrovsky, then this is not the case in the image of Troekurov. But still, he also loves, albeit not as much as Dubrovsky loves his son, his young daughter.

Dubrovsky dearly loves his son, sends him to study in the hope that he will achieve more. He has a negative attitude towards Troekurov's plans to unite children in marriage, as he believes that he should choose a wife for love, who will respect and listen to him.

This image plays a secondary role in the work, but without it the author would not have been able to create a truly truthful picture of that time.

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Dubrovsky is a novel about the clash of ideals. Already at the very beginning of the novel, the views of the two characters clash. It is on this conflict that the whole plot of the work is born. Why did the conflict between the characters appear? Perhaps because of the difference in characters and views on the life of these characters. The characterization of Dubrovsky and Troekurov will help to understand the issues of clash of views.

Characteristics of Dubrovsky

Andrei Dubrovsky is a descendant of an old noble family, but at the same time he is rather poor. The estate is all he has. But a man is not rich in this. The main advantage of Dubrovsky is his honesty, directness and courage. He did not drop his honor in a conflict situation. He is proud and independent. But at the same time, he is a little quick-tempered, hot, imprudent.

According to the novel, Andrei Dubrovsky is a widower. He has a son, for whom he regrets nothing, ready for anything for him. Although she and Vladimir know each other little, the relationship between them is very good.

The situation of a quarrel with Troekurov knocks him down, squeezes strength out of him. When Troekurov sued him for the estate, the old man's health completely let him down. He gets sick and dies.

Characteristics of Troekurov

Troekurov is a tyrant and a dissolute person. He is intoxicated with the consciousness of his own greatness, power. He is absolutely disrespectful to people whose class is below his status. He spends his life in drunkenness, gluttony, idleness. He has traits of cruelty. For example, one of the favorite entertainments is the persecution of a gaping guest by the Bear. For him, this is really fun and funny entertainment, although we are talking about people's lives.

Having quarreled with a friend, he not only stops communicating with him, he does everything to destroy him. He sues the estate from him, and does it in a completely dishonest way, just to take revenge, because as such this estate does not belong to him by law and there is no special need for it.

Comparative characteristics in the table

The table characterization of Dubrovsky and Troekurov allows you to visually see the similarities and differences between the characters. The comparison table makes it possible to compare the features of the characters,

Comparisons of the two heroes let the reader understand how important it is to be honest with yourself, to maintain honor and dignity in any situation. Dubrovsky dies, but his life continues with his son. He is ready to avenge the ruined life of his father, since honor and dignity must always win. For Vladimir, honor and love are above all, and this is reflected in the upbringing of his father.

This article will help you correctly write an essay for grade 6 on the topic “Characteristics of Dubrovsky and Troekurov”, describe similar and different features in their life, worldview, views.

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Troekurov Kirila Petrovich - one of the main negative characters in the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky", a rich landowner-tyrant, father of Masha Troekurova. Troekurov is so spoiled by money and his noble position that he behaves loosely and at ease. He is aware of his power over people and likes to push them around. All his neighbors are afraid of him, except for the retired lieutenant Dubrovsky. He is on friendly terms with him and does not fawn over him, for which Troekurov respects him. However, Troekurov's tyranny leads to their subsequent quarrel. In the first chapter, one of his psars openly speaks to Andrei Gavrilovich, thereby quarreling two friends. When Dubrovsky asks in a letter to punish this ignoramus, Troekurov ignores his request, which is why a serious enmity flares up. The hero spends his free time in drunkenness, gluttony, kenneling, humiliating people, etc. One of the chapters tells how he decided to poison the careless teacher Deforge with a bear. However, he turned out to be a nervous ten and immediately shot the beast.

At the same time, Troekurov cannot be called a notorious villain. Before the quarrel with Andrei Gavrilovich, they were good friends with him. And even when, in revenge for Dubrovsky's insolence, he decided to take away his estate, he later regretted it for a long time, wanted to return everything and make peace with his friend. Circumstances were different. Dubrovsky Sr. died, and they never managed to reconcile. Thus, the author showed that the point is not in the landowner himself, but in the social structure that has developed in Rus', which gives omnipotence to the nobles and humiliates the serfs. It was society that instilled in this nobleman a belief in impunity and his limitless possibilities. Even his love for children is distorted. Despite the fact that he loves his daughter Masha very much, in the end he makes her unhappy by marrying a fifty-year old man -

The collected works of our beloved poet and writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin has more than 10 volumes. "Dubrovsky" is a novel known to us from school years. Wide in scope and deep in psychological content, it touches the soul of every reader. The main characters of the novel are Troekurov and Dubrovsky. the main characters, as well as the main events of the work, we will study in more detail.

Russian master

The novel takes place in the 19th century. It is described in sufficient detail in the works of many classics of that time. As you know, in those days there was serfdom. Peasants, or as they were also called, souls, were owned by nobles.

The Russian master, the arrogant Kirila Petrovich Troekurov, was very trembling before him, not only the wards of the serfs, but also many officials.

Troekurov's lifestyle left much to be desired: he spent his days idly, often drinking and suffering from gluttony.

The peasants trembled before him, and he, in turn, treated them rather capriciously, showing his complete dominion over them.

Troekurov's favorite entertainment was bullying and ridicule of animals and people. Suffice it to recall the bear who rolled a barrel with protruding nails and was angry with pain. This made the gentleman laugh. Or the scene with the bear chained up in the small room. Everyone who entered it was attacked by a poor animal. Troekurov enjoyed the bear's fury and human fear.

humble nobleman

Troekurov and Dubrovsky, whose comparative characteristics will be examined in detail by us, are very different people. Andrei Gavrilovich - honest, valiant, calm in character, he was strikingly different from his comrade. Once the elder Dubrovsky and Troekurov were colleagues. But the careerist Kirila Petrovich, having betrayed his honor, sided with the new king, which earned him a high rank. Andrei Gavrilovich, who remained devoted to his ruler, ended his service as a modest lieutenant. Nevertheless, the relationship between Troekurov and Dubrovsky was quite friendly and mutually respectful. They often met, visited each other's estates, and had conversations.

Both heroes had similar fates: they started service together, were widowed early, had a child to raise. But life took them in different directions.


Nothing foreshadowed trouble. But once the relationship between Troekurov and Dubrovsky cracked. The phrase expressed by Kirila Petrovich's clerk greatly offended Andrei Gavrilovich. The serf said that the serfs live better with Troekurov than some of the nobles. He meant, of course, the modest Dubrovsky.

Immediately after that, he left for his estate. Kirila Petrovich ordered him to be returned, but Andrey Gavrilovich did not want to come back. Such audacity offended the master, and he decided to achieve his goal at all costs.

The comparison between Dubrovsky and Troekurov would be incomplete if one did not describe the method by which Kirila Petrovich decided to take revenge on his comrade.

Insidious design

Having no influence on Dubrovsky, Troekurov conceived a terrible idea - to take away his friend's estate. How dare he disobey him! Undoubtedly, it was very cruel to an old acquaintance.

Were Troekurov and Dubrovsky real friends? Comparative characteristics of these heroes will help to understand this.

Kirila Petrovich bribed all officials indiscriminately, forged papers. Dubrovsky, having learned about the lawsuit, remained rather calm, because he was sure of his absolute innocence.

Shabashkin, hired by Troekurov, busied himself with all the dirty deeds, although he knew that the Kistenevka estate belonged to the Dubrovskys by full legal right. But everything turned out differently.

scene in court

And then came that exciting hour. Having met at the courthouse, Troekurov and Dubrovsky (a comparative assessment of which will be given by us later) behaved proudly and went into the courtroom. Kirila Petrovich felt very at ease. He already tasted victory. Dubrovsky, on the contrary, behaved very calmly, stood leaning against the wall, and was not at all worried.

The judge began reading the long decision. When it was all over, there was silence. Dubrovsky was in complete bewilderment. At first he was silent for some time, and then he became furious, with force pushed away the secretary, who offered him to sign the papers. He began to rave, shouting something loudly about kennels and dogs. He was hardly seated and taken home on a sleigh.

The triumphant Troekurov did not expect such a turn of events. Seeing his former comrade in a terrible state, he was upset and even stopped celebrating his victory over him.

Andrei Gavrilovich was taken home, where he became ill. Under the supervision of a doctor, he spent more than one day.


The comparison between Dubrovsky and Troekurov is based on the complete opposition of the characters. Kirila Petrovich, so arrogant and imperious, and Andrei Gavrilovich, a kind and honest person, could not continue their communication for a long time. But still, after the trial, Troekurov's heart thawed. He decided to go to a former friend and talk.

However, he did not suspect that by that time Vladimir, his son, was already in the house of Dubrovsky Sr.

Seeing Kirila Petrovich in the window, the shocked Andrei Gavrilovich could not bear it and suddenly died.

So Troyekurov could not explain the reason for his arrival, and he could not repent to his friend for the crime he had committed.

And this is where the novel changes its turn: Vladimir decides to take revenge on the enemy for his father.

The appearance of Vladimir

It is worth saying a few words about the personality of this young man. Early left without a mother, the boy was in the care of his father. At the age of twelve, he was sent to the cadet corps, and then continued his military studies at a higher institution. The father did not spare any funds for the upbringing of his son, he provided for him well. But the young man spent his time in revelry and card games, had large debts. Now, when he was left completely alone, and even practically homeless, he feels a strong loneliness. He had to grow up quickly and drastically change his life.

Troekurov and Vladimir Dubrovsky become fierce enemies. The son plans revenge on his father's abuser.

When the estate was taken away and passed into the possession of Kirila Petrovich, Vladimir was left without a livelihood. He has to become a robber in order to earn his livelihood. Loved by his serfs, he was able to gather a whole team of like-minded people. They rob rich people, but bypass Troekurov's estate. He undoubtedly thinks that the young man is afraid of him, so he does not go to him with robbery.

Troekurov in the novel "Dubrovsky" showed himself as a proud man, but at the same time he is afraid that Vladimir will one day come to take revenge on him.

Dubrovsky in Troekurov's house

But our young hero was not so simple. He unexpectedly appears at the estate of Kirila Petrovich. But no one knows him there - he has not been to his homeland for many years. Having exchanged documents with a French teacher and paid him well, Vladimir introduces himself to the Troekurov family as teacher Deforge. He speaks good French, and no one can suspect Dubrovsky of him.

Perhaps the young man would be able to bring all his plans regarding revenge to life, but one circumstance prevents him - love. Unexpectedly for himself, Vladimir is fascinated by Masha, the daughter of his enemy Troekurov.

This love changes the lives of all the characters in the novel. Now Dubrovsky Jr. does not want revenge at all. He refuses evil thoughts in the name of his beloved woman. But Masha still does not know who this Deforge really is.

Troekurov himself began to respect the young Frenchman, was proud of his courage and modesty. But the time has come, and Vladimir confesses to Masha his feelings and who he really is. The girl is confused - her father will never allow them to be together.

When Kirila Petrovich finds out the truth, he decides the issue radically - he marries his daughter to the rich Prince Vereisky against her wishes.

Vladimir does not have time to arrive at the church during the wedding, and now she is no longer his Masha, but Princess Vereiskaya. Vladimir has no choice but to go far. Kirila Petrovich is more than satisfied with the current situation.


Troekurov and Dubrovsky, whose comparative characteristics are presented by us in all details, are absolutely different characters in terms of type. It cannot be said that Kirila Petrovich was a terrible person - he nevertheless repented of his vile act. But life did not give him a chance to be forgiven.

Both Andrei and Vladimir Dubrovsky are very ambitious, they are respected by the serfs, and they, in turn, do not oppress them in any way. However, Pushkin teaches us all: no circumstances should lead to extreme measures. Friendship is more than just communication and should be cherished.

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