A poem by Chukovsky K. I

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  • Adventure one: Bibigon and Brundulyak
  • Adventure two: Bibigon and galosh
  • Adventure Three: Bibigon and the Spider
  • Adventure Four: Bibigon and the Crow
  • Adventure Five: Bibigon and the Bee
  • Adventure Six: Wonderful Flight
  • Adventure Seven: Bibigon's Great Victory
  • End

    Adventure one: Bibigon and Brundulyak

    I live in a dacha in Peredelkino. It's not far from Moscow. A tiny midget lives with me, a boy the size of a finger, whose name is Bibigon. Where he came from, I don't know. He says he fell off the moon. Both I and my granddaughters Tata and Lena - we all love him very much. And how, tell me, not to love him!

    He is thin, Like a twig, He is a little Lilliputian. Height, poor fellow, no taller than a sort of little mouse. And each crow can jokingly destroy Bibigon. And he, look, what a warrior: Fearlessly and boldly rushes into battle. With everyone, with everyone He is ready to fight And he is never afraid of anyone. He is cheerful and dexterous, He is small, but daring, I have never seen another like this. Look: he rides on a duck With my young rooster racing. And suddenly in front of him is his rabid enemy, the Huge and formidable turkey Brundulyak. And the turkey shouted: - Brundul Yu! brundul Yu! Now I will ruin you, crush you! And it seemed to everyone, That at that moment Mortal death Threatens the midget. But he shouted to the galloping turkey: - Now I'll cut off Your evil head! And, waving his fighting sword, He rushed at the turkey with an arrow. And a miracle happened: a huge turkey, Like a wet chicken, shrank suddenly, Backed away towards the forest, Caught on a stump, And fell headfirst into a ditch. And everyone shouted: - Long live he, Mighty and brave Fighter Bibigon! But only a few days passed, and Brundulyak appeared in our yard again - puffed up, angry and angry. It was terrible to look at him. He is so big and strong. Will he kill Bibigon?

    Seeing him, Bibigon quickly climbed onto my shoulder and said:

    Look out: a turkey is standing And looking furiously around. But you do not believe your eyes - He is not a turkey. On the ground to us He went down here secretly And pretended to be a turkey. He is an evil sorcerer, he is a sorcerer! He can turn people Into mice, into frogs, into spiders, And into lizards, and into worms! - No, - I said. - He is not a sorcerer at all. He is the most ordinary turkey!

    Bibigon shook his head.

    No, he's a wizard! Like me, And he was born on the moon. Yes, on the moon, and for many years he has been prowling after me. And he wants to turn me into a bug or an ant. But no, insidious Brundulyak! You can't deal with me! With my valiant sword I will save all enchanted people From evil death And I will cut off your head! That's how kind and fearless he is - my little Bibigon!

    Adventure two: Bibigon and galosh

    Oh, if only you knew what a tomboy and prankster he is!

    Today I saw my galosh And dragged it straight to the stream. And he jumped into it, and sings: "Forward, my boat, forward!" But the hero did not notice that the galosh was with a hole: As soon as he set off on his way, As he already began to sink. He screams, and cries, and groans, And the galosh keeps sinking and sinking. Cold and pale He lies at the bottom. His cocked hat Floats on the wave. But who is that grunting there by the stream? This is our favorite pig! She grabbed the little man And brought it to us on the porch. And my granddaughters almost lost their minds, When they saw the fugitive in the distance: - It's him, it's him, Bibigon! They kiss him and caress him, As if they were their own son, And, laying him down on the bed, They begin to sing to him: "Bayushki-bye, Bibigon! Sleep, fall asleep, Bibigon!" And he, as if nothing had happened, Suddenly threw off his blanket And, famously jumping on the chest of drawers, He sings a boastful song: "I'm a famous captain, And I'm not afraid of a hurricane! Yesterday I was in Australia, Then I went further And near Cape Barnaul I killed fourteen sharks!" What can you do with such a braggart! I wanted to tell him that it was shameful to show off, but at the same moment he rushed off into the yard - to new adventures and pranks.

    Adventure Three: Bibigon and the Spider

    He won't sit still for a minute.

    That will run after the rooster, And sit on it astride. That with the frogs in the garden All day playing leapfrog. Then he runs to the garden, He picks up a small pea And well, shoot on the sly At the hugest spider. The spider was silent, the spider endured, But at last he became furious, And right up to the ceiling He dragged Bibigon. And with his cobweb So he wrapped him, the villain, That he hung on a thread, Like a fly, head down. Screaming And Bibigon is torn, And in the web He is beating. And straight into a bowl of milk Flies somersaults from there. Trouble! Trouble! There is no salvation! He will die in his prime! But then from a dark corner a Big toad crawled up And gave him a paw, As if to his brother. And Bibigon laughed, And at the same moment he rushed off into the neighboring yard to the hayloft And there he danced all evening With some gray-haired rat And a young sparrow. And after dinner he left To play football with mice And, returning at dawn, He fell asleep in a dog kennel. Adventure Four: Bibigon and the Crow

    Once Bibigon saw that an evil crow had caught a young gosling and wanted to take it to its nest. He grabbed a stone and threw it at the crow. The crow was frightened, threw the gosling and flew away. The gosling survived.

    But it's been three days

    And a crow descended From the heights, And grabbed Bibigon by his pants. He doesn't give up without a fight, Bibigon! And Bibigon kicks and breaks! But from the black Crow's Nest He will not leave, Never be saved. And in the nest - Look, what Ugly and evil Eighteen crows, Like dashing robbers, They want to destroy him. Eighteen crows look at the unfortunate man, smirk, and know that they are pecking at him with their noses! And suddenly there was a loud cry: - Aha, got caught, Mischievous! That is the evil voice of Brundulyak. And glad and happy Brundulyak: - Now, stupid bully, You won’t be saved in any way! But at that very moment Lena ran up to the threshold And right into the hands of a midget Some one threw a flower. That is a lily! - Thanks to Lena For this marvelous parachute! But immediately he jumped off her knees and, as if nothing had happened, rushed off from the yard to his friends. And he has many friends everywhere - in the field, and in the swamp, and in the forest, and in the garden. Everyone loves the daredevil Bibigon: hedgehogs, rabbits, magpies, frogs. Yesterday, two little squirrels played with him all day with burners And danced endlessly At the starling's name day. And now he, as if in a tank, Rushed through the yard in a tin And rushed into an unequal battle With my pockmarked chicken. And what about Brundulyak? Brundulyak is up to no good. He stands right there, not far away, under a tree and thinks how to destroy Bibigon. He must indeed be an evil sorcerer.

    Yes Yes! He is a sorcerer! He's a magician!" says Bibigon, pointing to a shaggy dog ​​running down the street at that moment:

    Look out: Barbos is running. Do you think it's a dog? No, this is old Agathon, your village postman. Until recently, He used to come to every house with a newspaper or a letter, but once the Sorcerer said: "Kara-baraz." And suddenly - about a miracle! - at the same moment the old man became Barbos. “Poor Agathon,” I say with a sigh. “I remember him well. He had such a big mustache!

    And Bibigon sits on my shoulder and points to the neighboring dacha:

    Look, Fedot is standing And driving the toad from the gate, And meanwhile back in the spring She was his wife. “But why are you not afraid of the villain?” my granddaughters ask Bibigon. “After all, he can bewitch you too.

    That is why I am not afraid that I am brave! - Bibigon answers and laughs. - No sorcerers are afraid of the brave! ..

    Adventure Five: Bibigon and the Bee

    Yes, yes, I am fearless, I am brave, Bibigon repeats with a proud look. And then he swings his saber and, jumping on the duckling, sings:

    I'm a famous captain! And I'm not afraid of a hurricane! And he rushes to the swamp and demands that, when they see him, all the frogs shout "Hurrah."

    Of course, I don't like it. I can't stand boasters. But how can I explain to him that boasting is shameful? However, the other day an event happened that should teach the braggart a lesson:

    Bibigon was sitting on my table, And he boasted of his strength and courage: - Well, should I be afraid of Mighty beasts! I am stronger and braver than any beast! Trembling in front of me is a clumsy bear. Where can the bear defeat me! Such a crocodile has not yet been born, Which would defeat Me in battle! With this hand I will tear off the shaggy head of the fierce lion! But then a Shaggy bee flew in ... - Save me! - he cried. Trouble! Guard! - And from her, As from a fierce wolf, He dived into the inkwell with his head. Thank you, old woman Fedosya Grabbed him by the hair. There would be a poor fellow kaput - Farewell forever midget! But if you only knew, What an ugly, Trembling, and wet, And pitiful, and dirty, Disheveled, barely alive, Then he appeared before me! We grabbed it and ran O m for an apartment To the very old man Moidodyr. The whole day Moidodyr cleaned and washed him, But he did not wash away, did not wash away this black ink! However, my granddaughters do not grieve, they kiss Bibigon, as before. - Nu that OK, - say, - nothing! We love black too! And he is probably dearer to us Now that he is black, He looks like a nice black man. Yes, and he does not lose heart, He runs out onto the porch And talks to the children, What is walking in the yard: - I wandered around the Caucasus, I swam in the Black Sea, The Black Sea is black, Everything is full of ink! I bathed - and at once became, like coal, the black man, so that even on the moon they envied me. - Why are you talking about the Moon, Bibigon? - Tata and Lena asked him.

    Because the moon is my home.

    The granddaughters laughed.

    What nonsense!

    He looked at them and proudly said:

    Yes, I was born on the moon, I fell here in a dream. My name in my homeland is Count Bibigon de Lilliput. Oh, if only I could return to my native land! - And why do you want to fly to the moon? - Tata and Lena asked him.

    He was silent for a long time, and then pointed to the moon and sighed:

    There, on the moon, my sister! She is beautiful and kind. How happy I was To frolic with her on the moon! There she has a wonderful garden, Where the stars, like grapes, Hang in such clusters, That involuntarily on the move No, no, yes, and you will pick a star. Oh, if I could quickly return to heaven to her, And with her along the Milky Way, As if across a field, go. And take a walk in her garden, Picking the stars on the go, And, holding hands, together Fly to Earth, to this house, To you, in Peredelkino, here, And stay here forever! “Is this really true?” I exclaimed. “Do you really have a sister left on the Moon?”

    He sighed even more sadly and said softly:

    My dear Zincinela Sits and cries on the moon. For a long time she wanted to come to Earth to me. But a terrible And disgusting dragon guards her, And he will not let his unfortunate captive To the ground. But the hour will come: with a brave hand I will cut off the head of the Enemy! I will save my dear Cincinela from the monster. Adventure Six: Wonderful Flight

    Frankly, I did not believe him and even laughed at him. But several days passed, and recently, on the seventh of June, such an event happened to Bibigon:

    Bibigon sat Under a big burdock And argued about something With my rooster. Suddenly a dragonfly flew into our garden And instantly caught His eye. And he shouted: - This is my plane! Now I'm going on a big flight. From Africa I'll fly to Paraguay, Then I'll visit my beloved moon. Three miracles From there I'll bring you! - And he's a resident dragonfly on the fly! Look! Look! He flies over the Christmas tree And cheerfully waves his cocked hat! - Farewell, - he shouts, - In an open battle, I'll kill an evil dragon, Like a fly, I'll kill! And we shouted: - Where are you? Wait! - But we only echo Answered "oh!". And no Bibigon! He's gone, he's gone! As if melted Among the blue skies! And his house remains empty - A toy house, such a cozy one - Which we ourselves made for Him with our own hands: With a toy bath, with a cardboard plate ... Will it really be empty forever? Now in this house is Aglaya's doll, But Aglaya's doll is not alive! She is not alive, her heart does not beat, She does not sing, she does not play pranks, she does not laugh! And our Bibigosha, though he is mischievous, But he is a little man, he is alive, alive. And the inconsolable granddaughters look into the sky, And, dropping a tear after a tear, Everyone is waiting if they will see there, near the cloud, A dragonfly flying towards them. And the moon rose above the lilac bushes, And Tata sadly whispered to Elena: - Look, is it imagining me? It's like he's on the moon! - He's on the moon! He returned there And said goodbye to our Earth forever! - And for a long time the poor things stand at the porch And look, and look through binoculars, And their tears roll endlessly, Their binoculars got wet from tears. Suddenly they see - Striped Wagon Kat And t. A horned Snail sits in a wagon. They are driven by nimble Mustachioed beetles And black-black night moths. Green grasshoppers Follow her in a row And the gilded trumpets Blow incessantly. Cat And t-cat And t kibitochka, And right on the porch Cheerful snail Throws a letter. In anxiety and sadness We ran up to the letter And began to read. When they read it, Forgot all the sorrows And began to laugh. Only four lines Bibigon writes to us on a linden leaf: "Yesterday, behind a black cloud, By my mighty hand, the Dragon Karakkakon was slain and defeated! To celebrate the victory I will come to you on Wednesday. Accept my bow! Your faithful BIBIGON." And the granddaughters are happy: - We will wash, dress, pamper Him again! He is alive and well, He will return here, And we will never part with him! We are happy to welcome our guest! We both wash and clean the toy house. In a toy house - peace and comfort. How fun a midget will live here. Old woman Fedosya bakes pies for him, Bibigon, out of white flour. And Tata and Lena took up a needle And sewed a new cocked hat for him. - If only he would return sooner, our little Bibigon! Of their multi-colored shreds, Orange, blue and red, They sewed a lot of updates for him - Smart vests, beautiful pants, Cloaks and satin camisoles! Oh, if only Bibigon would come back here! What a dandy he will dress up! But he did not return, And there is no Bibigon! Perhaps he was swallowed by a crow? Or maybe he drowned in the water, In some lake Or a pond? Perhaps he caught on a tree, fell from a plane and crashed to death? But one day We are standing in the rain And waiting for Bibigon, And we are waiting for him, we are waiting ... Look, he is on a dandelion, Like on a small sofa, Lounging and sitting And talking to some unfamiliar long-legged insect. My granddaughters squealed with joy And ran to him in a race: - Where were you, disappeared? Who did you fight along the way? Tell me, why are you so pale, tired, thin? Maybe you are unwell? Shouldn't I call the doctors for you? - And for a long time they kissed him, Caressed him, warmed him, And then whispered timidly: - But where is your Tsintsinela? “My Cincinela!” said Bibigon, and he frowned heavily, sighing. sorcerer, And he prepares bitter grief for her. But no, witchcraft will not help him. I, like a thunderstorm, will fall on him, And over his crafty head My battle sword will again sparkle! And again Bibigon smiled wearily... But lightning suddenly shone in the clouds. Rather go home! We run in the rain And we carry Bibigon with us! Well, here we are at home! We treat the weary traveler with both honey and tea! And he laughed: - I'm glad That I came back to you: I love your dear family like my own. But now I'm mortally tired, I fought with a fierce enemy, And I would like to rest a little Here by the window. He is very angry and strong, This cursed dragon! And, falling on a chair, He yawned sweetly And fell asleep. Quiet! Let him sleep! We don't want to wake him up! Tomorrow he will tell us about all his exploits.

    Adventure Seven: Bibigon's Great Victory

    The next day Bibigon brought Tsintsinela to us. Zincinela, a tiny girl who looked like a pink doll, affably told us Hello and, seizing Bibigon by the arm, she jumped from the window straight into the garden. Such a brave, brave girl! She liked everything in the garden - flowers, butterflies, squirrels, starlings, fir cones, and even fast funny tadpoles that frolic so merrily in a warm puddle. Bibigon did not leave his sister a single step. All day long they ran around the garden, and sang songs, and laughed loudly. But suddenly Tsintsinela screamed - and all in tears she ran to me: she saw in the distance, by the fence, her enemy Brundulyak.

    How terrible he is!” she repeated. “What evil eyes he has! Save me, save me from him! He wants to kill me!

    Don't cry, Tsincinela, - said Bibigon. - I won't let anyone hurt you. Today I will deal with the villain!

    And Bibigon began to sharpen his saber, then he loaded his pistols and, jumping on the duckling, sang:

    Yes, for my beloved sister I will die with pleasure! . . . . . . . . . . . . And now he flies to the attack Towards the evil Brundulyak: - Die, damned sorcerer, From my valiant sword! But Brundulyak laughed And said to the hero: - Oh, beware, dear knight, Otherwise, immediately turn into a bug, or a worm, Or a dung beetle! After all, no one will do well, When I start to conjure! - And he puffed up, Like a ball, And puffed, Like a samovar. And ten times, And twenty He repeated: "Kara-baraz!" But, not turned into a worm, Bibigon stands, as before. And Brundulyak was furious: - So you wait, daredevil! And again, and again, and again He repeats the magic word, - And fifty, and sixty, And eighty times in a row. And two hundred times, And three hundred times He says: "Kara-baraz!" But Bibigon stands before him, As before, safe and sound. Brundulyak saw that he could not bewitch the daredevil, blinked his cowardly little eyes, trembled, murmured and whimpered: - Don't ruin me! Don't cut me! Let me go! And forgive me! But Bibigon laughed In response: - No mercy for you, the Hated One! Now in front of me And you whine and whine, And tomorrow you will turn me into a worm! - And he plunged a sharp sword into him, And struck him in the very heart. And the turkey collapsed. And from the fat body In the distant weeds the head flew off. And the body rolled into a dark ravine, And the villain Brundulyak perished forever. And everyone laughed, sang, rejoiced. And everyone ran to my balcony: both boys and girls, and old men and old women, and they all shouted loudly:

    Long live the fearless hero Bibigon! Glory to him and his dear sister Cincinele!

    And now, like a king, majestically He comes out to them on the balcony, Nods them left and right, And he smiles at everyone. A camisole of green silk Sheathed in silver, In his hand is a cocked hat With a wonderful peacock feather. And, shining with a scarlet outfit, Mila, cheerful and kind, - His young sister is smiling next to her. End

    Tsintsinela settled with us, together with her brother, in a toy house, and, of course, we will all try to make her live well and freely. I bought for both of them, for Bibigon and his sister, wonderful picture books, and when it rains or snows, they both read them all day, quickly running through each page - from letter to letter, from line to line.

    And when the New Year comes, I will carefully hide my tiny friends in the pocket of my warm fur coat, and we will go to the Kremlin to the Christmas tree. And I imagine how glad and happy the children will be when they see with their own eyes the living Bibigon and his cheerful, smartly dressed sister, his sword, his three-cornered hat, and hear his fervent speech.

    But I ask all Moscow children in advance: when you see Bibigon and Tsintsinela in the Kremlin, or in the Hall of Columns, or in the circus, or in the Obraztsov puppet theater, or in the House of Pioneers, or in the subway, or in the children's theater, don't grab them with your hands , do not caress, because you may inadvertently hurt them. And don't try to bother Bibigon. After all, he is a midget, a boy with a finger, and if you somehow inadvertently squeeze him, he will remain a cripple for life.

    And please don't tease him, don't make fun of him, because he is very touchy. If you say a harsh word to him, he will get angry, draw his sword and pounce on you as enemies.

    But if he feels that he and Tsintsinela are surrounded by friends, he will be glad to play and fool around with you, and then he will climb onto the back of a high chair and until late in the evening will tell you about his wonderful adventures and exploits: about fights with the Karakula shark, about the journey to the country of Talking Flowers, about the single combat with the sea giant Kurynda and about many other adventures, about which more


  • Adventure one: Bibigon and Brundulyak

    I live in a dacha in Peredelkino. It's not far from Moscow. A tiny midget lives with me, a boy the size of a finger, whose name is Bibigon. Where he came from, I don't know. He says he fell off the moon, but we don't really believe him. Both I and my granddaughters Tata and Lena all love him very much. And how, tell me, not to love him!

    He is thin

    Like a twig

    He is small


    Height, poor fellow, no higher

    Here's a little mouse.

    And everyone can crow

    Jokingly destroy Bibigon.

    And he, look, what a warrior:

    Fearlessly and boldly rushes into battle.

    With all enemies

    He is ready to fight

    And never

    Nobody is afraid.

    He is cheerful and agile

    He is small, but daring,

    Another such

    I have not seen a century.

    Look: he rides on a duck

    With my young rooster racing.

    And suddenly in front of him is his mad enemy,

    Huge and formidable turkey Brundulyak.

    The turkey snorted, he puffed terribly

    And his nose turned red with rage.

    And the turkey shouted: - Brunduly! Brundu!

    Now I will ruin you, crush you!

    And everyone seemed

    What is this minute

    fatal doom

    Threatens the Lilliputian.

    But he shouted to the turkey

    On the run:

    I'll cut it off now

    Your evil head!

    And, waving his sword in battle,

    He rushed at the turkey with an arrow.

    And a miracle happened: a huge turkey,

    Like a wet chicken, suddenly cringed

    Moved back to the forest, caught on a stump

    And fell headfirst into the ditch.

    And they all shouted:

    Long live he

    Mighty and brave

    Fighter Bibigon!

    But only a few days passed, Brundulyak appeared in our yard again - puffed up, angry and angry. It was terrible to look at him. He is so big and strong. Will he kill Bibigon?

    Seeing him, Bibigon quickly climbed onto my shoulder and said:

    Look out: there is a turkey

    And looks furiously around.

    But don't believe your eyes,

    He is not an Indian. On the ground to us

    He went down here secretly

    And he pretended to be a turkey.

    He is an evil sorcerer, he is a sorcerer!

    He can turn people

    In mice, in frogs, in spiders,

    And in lizards, and in worms!

    No, - I said. - He is not a sorcerer at all. He is the most ordinary turkey!

    Bibigon shook his head.

    No, he's a wizard! Like me

    And he was born on the moon.

    Yes, on the moon, and for many years

    He roars after me.

    And wants to turn me

    In a bug or an ant.

    But no, insidious Brundulyak!

    You can't deal with me!

    I am my valiant sword

    All bewitched people

    Save me from evil death

    And I'll take your head off!

    That's how kind and fearless he is - my little Bibigon!

    Adventure two: Bibigon and galosh

    Oh, if you knew what a tomboy and prankster he is!

    I saw my galosh today

    And dragged her straight to the stream.

    And jumped into it, and sings:

    "Go, my boat, go!"

    And the hero did not notice

    That the galosh was with a hole:

    He just started on his way

    As it began to sink.

    He screams, and cries, and groans,

    And the galosh keeps sinking and sinking.

    Cold and pale

    He lies at the bottom.

    His cocked hat

    Floating on the wave.

    But who is that grunting there by the stream?

    This is our favorite pig!

    She grabbed the man

    And she brought it to us on the porch.

    And my granddaughters almost went crazy,

    When the fugitive was seen in the distance:

    It's him, it's him

    Kiss him and caress him

    Page 1 of 9

    Adventure one: Bibigon and Brundulyak

    I live in a dacha in Peredelkino. It's not far from Moscow. A tiny midget lives with me, a boy the size of a finger, whose name is Bibigon. Where he came from, I don't know. He says he fell off the moon. Both I and my granddaughters Tata and Lena - we all love him very much. And how, tell me, not to love him! -

    He is thin
    Like a twig
    He is small
    Height, poor fellow, no higher
    Here's a little mouse.
    And everyone can crow
    Jokingly destroy Bibigon.
    And he, look, what a warrior:
    Fearlessly and boldly rushes into battle.
    With everyone, with everyone
    He is ready to fight
    And never
    no one
    Not afraid.

    He is cheerful and agile
    He is small, but daring,
    I have not seen a century.

    Look: he rides on a duck
    With my young rooster racing.

    And suddenly in front of him is his mad enemy,
    Huge and formidable turkey Brundulyak.

    The turkey snorted, he panted terribly,
    And his nose turned red with rage.

    And the turkey shouted: - Brunduly! Brundu!
    Now I will ruin you, crush you!
    And everyone seemed
    What is this minute
    fatal doom
    Threatens the Lilliputian.

    But he shouted to the turkey
    On the run:
    - I'll cut it off now
    Your evil head!
    And, waving his sword in battle,
    He rushed at the turkey with an arrow.
    And a miracle happened: a huge turkey,
    Like a wet chicken, suddenly cringed

    Walked back to the forest
    Caught on a stump
    And upside down
    Fell into a ditch.
    And they all shouted:
    - Long live he,
    Mighty and brave
    Fighter Bibigon!

    Every child is a poet. He sees the world in his own way, he hears how toys, things and animals talk, how plaintively the first snow creaks under the sleigh and what the wind sings. That's why children's poetry is special. Poems come into a child's life as kind, cheerful, mockingly benevolent friends, they grow with him, opening up a vast world of human feelings and thoughts. And if a real greater poet comes to children's poetry, his work acquires a long and joyful life. His poetry continues to live even after the child who first heard and memorized his poems becomes an adult.
    Such a poet for several generations of children was Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, one of the creators of modern children's poetry.
    The first works of Chukovsky appeared at the beginning of the century. And immediately became loved and popular. His poems have lived for more than half a century, and they are destined for a long life. They have become classics, gained fame in almost all parts of the world. English, French, Polish, Yugoslav guys learned about "the adventures of Bibigon, about which NO ONE NEVER HEARD ANYTHING ..." Cheerful Runaway Bunny and brave Mosquito the winner, bloodthirsty and cowardly Barmaley and kind doctor Aibolit, Karakula shark and Crocodile Krokodilovich - all these heroes of Chukovsky's fairy tales live in retelling, dramatizations, film adaptations, in operas and ballet numbers. Fairy tales, rhymes, rhymes, "shifters", teasers and riddles created by the poet began to exist independently, enriched by children's word creation, "continuations" and imitations.
    The mischievous, impetuous or funny, fabulously slow rhythm of poetry, the sharpness and unexpectedness of fiction, the sparkling fantasticness of the plots, and, most importantly, the kindness and poetry of the spiritual mood - with all this, Chukovsky's poetry won a million-strong audience.
    A precious ability, without which, according to the poet, "and a man is not a man", the ability to believe, be upset, sympathize and empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale, poem and even a riddle, inherent in children, finds support and approval in this poetry. Laughing, children learn to live, think and feel. And this is a lot, this is all for the poet and for his readers. Chukovsky himself defined the goal of the storyteller in this way - "to educate humanity in a child."
    And when children, impatiently waiting for Dr. Aibolit to get to Africa and cure sick animals, get scared, rejoice and feel gratitude for the wolves, eagles and whales helping him along the way, this means that the goal has been achieved. When they, laughing, listen to the cheerful "Confusion" and quickly make prompts-rearrangements, this means that the "absurdity-shifter" helps their development.
    Now you will hear him read his amazing little stories.
    M. Babaeva

    Adventure one: Bibigon and Brundulyak

    I live in a dacha in Peredelkino. It's not far from Moscow. A tiny midget lives with me, a boy the size of a finger, whose name is Bibigon. Where he came from, I don't know. He says he fell off the moon. Both I and my granddaughters Tata and Lena - we all love him very much. And how, tell me, not to love him!

    He is thin
    Like a twig
    He is small

    Height, poor fellow, no higher
    Here's a little mouse.

    And everyone can crow
    Jokingly destroy Bibigon.

    And he, look, what a warrior:
    Fearlessly and boldly rushes into battle.

    With everyone, with everyone
    He is ready to fight
    And never
    no one
    Not afraid.

    He is cheerful and agile
    He is small, but daring,
    I have not seen a century.

    Look: he rides on a duck
    With my young rooster racing.

    And suddenly in front of him is his mad enemy,
    Huge and formidable turkey Brundulyak.

    And the turkey shouted: - Brunduly! Brundu!
    Now I will ruin you, crush you!

    And everyone seemed
    What is this minute
    fatal doom
    Threatens the Lilliputian.

    But he shouted to the turkey
    On the run:
    - I'll cut it off now
    Your evil head!

    And, waving his sword in battle,
    He rushed at the turkey with an arrow.

    And a miracle happened: a huge turkey,
    Like a wet chicken, suddenly cringed

    Walked back to the forest
    Caught on a stump
    And upside down
    Fell into a ditch.

    And they all shouted:
    - Long live he,
    Mighty and brave
    Fighter Bibigon!

    But only a few days passed, and Brundulyak appeared again in our yard - puffed up, angry and angry. It was terrible to look at him. He is so big and strong. Will he kill Bibigon?

    Seeing him, Bibigon quickly climbed onto my shoulder and said:

    - Look out: there is a turkey
    And looks furiously around.
    But don't believe your eyes,
    He is not an Indian. On the ground to us
    He went down here secretly
    And he pretended to be a turkey.
    He is an evil sorcerer, he is a sorcerer!
    He can turn people
    In mice, in frogs, in spiders,
    And in lizards, and in worms!

    “No,” I said. He's not a wizard at all. He is the most ordinary turkey!

    Bibigon shook his head.

    No, he's a wizard! Like me
    And he was born on the moon.
    Yes, on the moon, and for many years
    He roars after me.
    And wants to turn me
    In a bug or an ant.
    But no, insidious Brundulyak!
    You can't deal with me!
    I am my valiant sword
    All bewitched people
    Save me from evil death
    And I'll take your head off!

    That's how kind and fearless he is - my little Bibigon!

    Adventure two: Bibigon and galosh

    Oh, if only you knew what a tomboy and prankster he is!

    I saw my galosh today
    And dragged her straight to the stream.
    And jumped into it, and sings:
    "Go, my boat, go!"

    And the hero did not notice
    That the galosh was with a hole:
    He just started on his way
    As it began to sink.

    He screams, and cries, and groans,
    And the galosh keeps sinking and sinking.

    Cold and pale
    He lies at the bottom.
    His cocked hat
    Floating on the wave.

    But who is that grunting there by the stream?
    This is our favorite pig!
    She grabbed the man
    And she brought it to us on the porch.

    And my granddaughters almost went crazy,
    When the fugitive was seen in the distance:

    - It's him, it's him

    Kiss him and caress him
    As if his own son,
    And laid on the bed
    They begin to sing to him:

    Sleep, sleep

    And he's like nothing happened
    Suddenly he threw off his blanket
    And, dashingly jumping on the chest of drawers,
    Boastful song sings:

    "I'm a famous captain,
    And I'm not afraid of a hurricane!
    Yesterday I was in Australia
    Then I went on
    And near Cape Barnaul
    Killed fourteen sharks!

    What can you do with such a braggart! I wanted to tell him that it was shameful to show off, but at the same moment he rushed off into the yard - to new adventures and pranks.

    Adventure Three: Bibigon and the Spider

    He won't sit still for a minute.
    That will run after the rooster,
    And sit on top of it.

    That with the frogs in the garden
    He plays leapfrog all day long.

    It runs to the garden
    Peas small narvet

    And well, shoot surreptitiously
    Into the biggest spider.

    The spider was silent, the spider endured,
    But finally pissed off

    And right up to the ceiling
    He dragged Bibigon away.

    And with its web
    So wrapped him up, villain,

    That he hung on a thread
    Like a fly, head down.

    And torn
    And in the web
    He beats.

    And straight into the bowl of milk
    It flies out of there somersault.

    Trouble! Trouble! There is no salvation!
    He will die in his prime!

    But here from a dark corner
    The big toad crawled up

    And paw
    Gave him
    As if
    To his brother.

    And laughed
    And at the same moment
    he sped away

    In the neighboring yard to the hayloft
    And danced there all evening

    With some gray-haired rat
    And a young sparrow.

    And after dinner he left
    Play football with mice

    And, returning at dawn,
    Fell asleep in a dog kennel.

    Adventure Four: Bibigon and the Crow

    Once Bibigon saw that an evil crow had caught a young gosling and wanted to take it to its nest. He grabbed a stone and threw it at the crow. The crow was frightened, threw the gosling and flew away. The gosling survived.

    But it's been three days

    And the crow came down
    From above
    And grabbed Bibigon
    For pants.

    He doesn't give up without a fight
    And kicks and breaks

    But from black
    He won't leave
    Will not be saved

    And in the nest
    Look what
    Ugly and evil
    eighteen crows,
    Like dashing robbers,
    They want to destroy him.

    eighteen crows
    They look at the unfortunate
    They smirk, and themselves
    Know pecking his noses!

    And suddenly resounded
    - Yeah, I got it

    But at this very moment
    Lena ran up to the threshold
    And right into the hands of a midget
    Someone threw a flower.

    That is a lily!
    Thanks Lena
    For this marvelous parachute!
    And straight to Lena on her knees
    The midget jumped bravely.

    But immediately he jumped off her knees and, as if nothing had happened, rushed off from the yard to his friends. And he has many friends everywhere - in the field, and in the swamp, and in the forest, and in the garden. Everyone loves the daredevil Bibigon: hedgehogs, rabbits, magpies, frogs.

    Yesterday two little squirrels
    Played with him in the burner all day
    And danced endlessly
    At the name day at the starling.

    And now he, as if in a tank,
    Rushed through the yard in a tin
    And rushed into an unequal battle
    With my pockmarked chicken.

    And what about Brundulyak? Brundulyak is up to no good. He stands right there, not far away, under a tree and thinks how to destroy Bibigon. He must indeed be an evil sorcerer.

    - Yes Yes! He is a sorcerer! He's a magician!" says Bibigon, pointing to a shaggy dog ​​running down the street at that moment:

    - Look out: Barbos is running.
    Do you think it's a dog?
    No, this is old Agathon,
    Your village postman.
    More recently, in every home
    With a newspaper or with a letter
    He came, but once
    The sorcerer said: "Kara-baraz."

    And suddenly - about a miracle! - at the same moment
    The old man became the watchdog.

    “Poor Agathon,” I say with a sigh. “I remember him well. He had such a big mustache!
    And Bibigon sits on my shoulder and points to the neighboring dacha:

    - Look, Fedot is standing
    And the toad drives from the gate,
    Meanwhile, in the spring
    She was his wife.

    “But why are you not afraid of the villain?” my granddaughters ask Bibigon. “After all, he can bewitch you too.

    “Therefore, I am not afraid that I am brave!” Bibigon answers and laughs. “No sorcerers are afraid of the brave! ..

    Adventure Five: Bibigon and the Bee

    “Yes, yes, I am fearless, I am brave,” Bibigon repeats with a proud air. And then he swings his saber and, jumping on the duckling, sings:

    I'm a famous captain!
    And I'm not afraid of a hurricane!

    And he rushes to the swamp and demands that, when they see him, all the frogs shout "Hurrah."
    Of course, I don't like it. I can't stand boasters. But how can I explain to him that boasting is shameful? However, the other day an event happened that should teach the braggart a lesson:

    Bibigon sat on my table,
    And he boasted of strength and courage:

    - Well, do I
    Fear the animals!

    I am every animal
    Stronger and braver!

    Trembling before me
    Clubfoot bear.
    Where is the bear
    Defeat me!

    Not yet born
    Such a crocodile
    Which would be in battle
    Defeated me!

    With this hand
    to the ferocious lion
    shaggy head
    I will tear!

    But here came
    Furry bee…
    "Save me!" he cried.
    Trouble! Guard!-
    And from her
    Like a fierce wolf
    Into the inkwell
    All dived head first.

    Thank you, old woman Fedosya
    Grabbed him by the hair.
    There would be a poor fellow kaput -
    Farewell forever midget!

    But if you knew
    What an ugly
    Trembling and wet
    And miserable and dirty
    Disheveled, barely alive
    He then appeared before me!

    We got him
    And run to the apartment
    To the very old man Moidodyr.
    The whole day Moidodyr cleaned and washed it,
    But he did not wash away, did not wash away this black ink!

    However, my granddaughters do not grieve,
    Bibigon, as before, is kissed.
    - Well, - they say - nothing!
    We love black too!
    And it's probably more valuable to us.
    Now that he's black
    A similar Negro is similar.

    Yes, and he does not lose heart,
    Runs out onto the porch
    And interprets the kids
    What walks in the yard:

    - I wandered around the Caucasus,
    Swimming in the Black Sea
    The Black Sea is black
    Everything is full of ink!

    I bathed - and at once
    He became like coal, Black Sea,
    So even on the moon
    They envied me.

    “Why are you talking about the Moon, Bibigon?” Tata and Lena asked him.

    Because the moon is my home.
    The granddaughters laughed.

    — What nonsense!

    He looked at them and proudly said:

    Yes, I was born on the moon
    I fell here in my dream.

    They call me at home
    Count Bibigon de Lilliput.

    Oh if I could come back
    To my native land!

    “Why do you want to fly to the moon?” Tata and Lena asked him.

    He was silent for a long time, and then pointed to the moon and sighed:

    - There, on the moon, my sister!
    She is beautiful and kind.
    What happiness was to me
    Play with her on the moon!
    She has a wonderful garden there.
    Where the stars are like grapes
    They hang in such clusters,
    What involuntarily on the go
    No, no, yes, and you will pluck a star.
    Oh, if I could hurry
    To heaven to return to her,
    And with her along the Milky Way,
    As if across the field, go.
    And take a walk in her garden
    Breaking the stars on the go
    And, hand in hand, together
    Fly to Earth, to this house,
    To you, in Peredelkino, here,
    And stay here forever!

    “Is this true?” I exclaimed. “Do you really have a sister left on the Moon?”

    He sighed even more sadly and said softly:

    — My dear Cincinela
    Sits and cries on the moon.
    For a long time she wanted
    Come to Earth to me.

    But it is guarded by a terrible
    And a hideous dragon
    And the captives of their unfortunate
    He won't let go to the ground.

    But the hour will come: with a bold hand
    I'll blow the enemy's head off!
    My dear Cincinela
    I will save you from the monster.

    Adventure Six: Wonderful Flight

    Frankly, I did not believe him and even laughed at him. But several days passed, and recently, on the seventh of June, such an event happened to Bibigon:

    Sat Bibigon
    Under the big burdock
    And argue about something
    With my rooster.

    flew in
    Dragonfly in our garden
    And instantly got caught
    To his eyes.

    And he shouted: - This is my plane!
    Now I'm going on a big flight.

    From Africa
    I will fly to Paraguay
    Then I will visit my beloved Moon.

    Three miracles
    From there
    I'll bring you! -
    And he saddled a dragonfly on the fly!

    Look! Look!
    He flies over the tree
    And cheerfully waves his cocked hat!

    "Goodbye," he cries.
    In open combat
    I am an evil dragon
    Like a fly, I'll kill you!

    And we shouted:
    - Where are you going? Wait!-
    But we only echo
    Answered "oh!"

    And no Bibigon!
    He's gone, he's gone!
    As if melted
    In the middle of blue skies!

    And his house remains empty -
    Toy house, so cozy -
    Which with their own hands
    We made it ourselves:
    With a toy bathtub, with a cardboard slab...
    Will it be empty forever?

    Now in this house there is an Aglaya doll,
    But the Aglaya doll is not alive!
    She is not alive, her heart does not beat,
    She doesn't sing, she doesn't play pranks, she doesn't laugh!
    And our Bibigosha, though he is mischievous,
    But he is a little man, he is alive, alive.

    And inconsolable granddaughters look into the sky,
    And, after a tear, shedding a tear,
    Everyone is waiting to see if there, near the clouds,
    A dragonfly flying towards them.

    And the moon rose above the lilac bushes,
    And Tata sadly whispered to Elena:
    “Look, is it imagining me?
    It's like he's on the moon!

    He's on the moon! He returned there
    And with our Earth forever said goodbye! -

    And for a long time the poor things stand at the porch
    And look, and look through binoculars,
    And their tears roll endlessly,
    Their binoculars got wet from tears.

    Suddenly they see
    Horned in a wagon
    The snail is sitting.

    They carry her nimble
    baleen beetles
    And black-black
    Night moths.

    Green grasshoppers
    Follow her in line
    And in gilded pipes
    They trumpet incessantly.

    The wagon rolls, rolls,
    And right on the porch
    funny snail
    Drops a letter.

    In anxiety and sadness
    We ran to the letter
    And they began to read.
    When they read
    Forgotten all sorrows
    And they started laughing.

    Only four lines
    On a lime leaf
    Bibigon writes to us:

    "Yesterday behind the black cloud
    By my mighty hand
    Struck and defeated
    Dragon Karakakon!
    Celebrate victory
    I will come to you on Wednesday.
    Accept my bow!
    Your faithful

    And happy granddaughters:

    - We will be again
    Wash him, dress him, pamper him!
    He is alive and well
    He'll be back here
    And we will never part with him!

    We are happy to welcome our guest!
    We both wash and clean the toy house.

    In a toy house - peace and comfort.
    How fun a midget will live here.

    Old woman Fedosya made of white flour
    He, Bibigon, bakes pies.

    And Tata and Lena took up the needle
    And they sewed a new cocked hat for him.

    - If only he would return sooner,
    Our little Bibigon!

    From their multi-colored shreds,
    Orange, blue and red
    They sewed him a lot of updates -
    Elegant vests, beautiful pants,
    Cloaks and satin camisoles!

    Oh, if only Bibigon would come back here!
    What a dandy he will dress up!

    But he didn't come back
    And no Bibigon!
    May be,
    Was it swallowed by a crow?

    Or maybe he
    Choked in the water
    In some lake
    Or a pond?

    Maybe for a tree
    He got hooked
    Fell from an airplane
    And crashed to death?

    But here one time
    We're standing in the rain
    And we are waiting for Bibigon,
    And we are waiting for him, we are waiting ...

    Look, he's on a dandelion
    Like on a small sofa
    collapsed and sits
    And with some stranger
    Long-legged insects

    My granddaughters squealed with joy
    And they ran to him:
    - Where have you been, lost?
    Who did you fight along the way?
    Tell me why are you like this
    Pale, tired, skinny?
    Maybe you are unwell?
    Should I call the doctors to you? -

    And for a long time they kissed him,
    Caressed him, warmed him,
    And then they whispered timidly:
    "But where is your Cincinela?"

    “My Cincinela!” said Bibigon,
    And, sighing heavily, he frowned.
    She came with me today
    But she hid, poor thing, in the thicket of the forest,
    And she would be glad to meet you,
    Yes, she is afraid of the evil sorcerer:
    Cruel and treacherous gray-haired sorcerer,
    And he prepares bitter grief for her.
    But no, witchcraft will not help him.
    I, like a thunderstorm, will fall on him,
    And over his evil head
    My battle sword will shine again!
    And again Bibigon smiled tiredly...
    But lightning suddenly shone in the clouds.

    Rather go home!
    We're running in the rain
    And Bibigon
    We carry with us!

    Well, here we are at home!
    Both honey and tea
    Weary traveler
    We are serving!

    And he laughed:

    - I'm glad,
    What came back to you:
    Dear your family
    I love like my own.

    But now I'm dead tired
    I fought with a fierce enemy,
    And I would like a little
    Relax by the window.
    He is very angry and strong
    That damned dragon!

    And, falling into a chair,
    He yawned sweetly
    And fell asleep.

    Quiet! Let him sleep!
    We don't want to wake him up!
    About all your exploits to us
    Tomorrow he will tell.

    Adventure Seven: Bibigon's Great Victory

    The next day Bibigon brought Tsintsinela to us. Tsintsinela, a tiny girl resembling a pink doll, affably said hello to us and, grabbing Bibigon by the arm, jumped from the window straight into the garden. Such a brave, brave girl! She liked everything in the garden - flowers, butterflies, squirrels, starlings, fir cones, and even fast funny tadpoles that frolic so merrily in a warm puddle. Bibigon did not leave his sister a single step. All day long they ran around the garden, and sang songs, and laughed loudly. But suddenly Cincinela screamed, and ran to me all in tears: she saw in the distance, by the fence, her enemy Brundulyak.

    “How terrible he is!” she repeated. “What evil eyes he has! Save me, save me from him! He wants to kill me!
    "Don't cry, Tsincinela," said Bibigon. "I won't let anyone hurt you." Today I will deal with the villain!

    And Bibigon began to sharpen his saber, then he loaded his pistols and, jumping on the duckling, sang:

    Yes, for my beloved sister
    I will die with pleasure!
    . . . . . . . . . . . .

    And now he's on the attack
    Towards the evil Brundulyak:
    - Die, damned sorcerer,
    From my valiant sword!

    But Brundulyak laughed
    And he says to the hero:
    - Oh, beware
    Dear knight,
    Don't turn right now
    Into a bug, or into a worm,
    Or a dung beetle!
    After all, nobody cares
    When I start to conjure! -
    And he pouted
    Like a ball
    And puffed
    Like a samovar.
    And ten times
    And twenty times
    He repeated:
    But, not turned into a worm,
    Stands, as before, Bibigon.

    And Brundulyak was furious:
    “So wait, you daredevil!”
    And again, and again, and again
    He repeats the magic word, -
    Fifty and sixty
    And eighty times in a row.
    And two hundred times
    And three hundred times
    He says:

    But Bibigon stands before him,
    As before - safe and sound.

    Brundulyak saw that he could not bewitch the daredevil, blinked his cowardly little eyes, trembled, murmured and whimpered:

    - Don't kill me!
    Don't cut me!
    Let me go!
    And forgive me!

    But Bibigon laughed
    In reply:
    - Have mercy on you
    Hateful, no!

    Now in front of me
    And you whine, and you whine,
    And tomorrow me
    Into the worm
    You will transform!

    And he plunged a sharp sword into him,
    And struck him in the heart.

    And the turkey collapsed. And from the fat body
    The head flew off into the distant weeds.

    And the body rolled into a dark ravine,
    And the villain Brundulyak perished forever.

    And everyone laughed, sang, rejoiced. And everyone ran to my balcony: both boys and girls, and old men and old women, and they all shouted loudly:

    Long live the fearless hero Bibigon! Glory to him and his dear sister Cincinele!

    And now, like a king, majestically
    He comes out to them on the balcony,
    Nodding them left and right
    And he smiles at everyone.

    Green silk camisole
    Sheathed in silver,
    He has a cocked hat in his hand
    With a wonderful peacock feather.

    And, with a scarlet sparkling outfit,
    Sweet, cheerful and kind, -
    Worth smiling around
    His young sister.


    Tsintsinela settled with us, together with her brother, in a toy house, and, of course, we will all try to make her live well and freely. I bought for both of them, for Bibigon and his sister, wonderful picture books, and when it rains or snows, they both read them all day, quickly running through each page - from letter to letter, from line to line.

    And when the New Year comes, I will carefully hide my tiny friends in the pocket of my warm fur coat, and we will go to the Kremlin to the Christmas tree. And I imagine how glad and happy the children will be when they see with their own eyes the living Bibigon and his cheerful, smartly dressed sister, his sword, his three-cornered hat, and hear his fervent speech.

    But I ask all Moscow children in advance: when you see Bibigon and Tsintsinela in the Kremlin, or in the Hall of Columns, or in the circus, or in the Obraztsov puppet theater, or in the House of Pioneers, or in the subway, or in the children's theater, don't grab them with your hands , do not caress, because you may inadvertently hurt them. And don't try to bother Bibigon. After all, he is a midget, a boy with a finger, and if you somehow inadvertently squeeze him, he will remain a cripple for life. And please don't tease him, don't make fun of him, because he is very touchy. If you say a harsh word to him, he will get angry, draw his sword and pounce on you as enemies.

    But if he feels that he and Tsintsinela are surrounded by friends, he will be glad to play and fool around with you, and then he will climb onto the back of a high chair and until late in the evening will tell you about his wonderful adventures and exploits: about fights with the Karakula shark, about the journey to the country of Talking Flowers, about the single combat with the sea giant Kurynda and about many other adventures, about which more


    Korney Chukovsky

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