Tanya the partisan: how Che Guevara's Russian love died. Luis, Marcos and the "Fleeting Star" of "Sinful God" Ernesto Che Guevara Che Guevara and the Fleeting Star

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Ambitious Che fought not only against social injustice, but also against himself.

45 years ago, the famous revolutionary Che Guevara died in the Bolivian town of La Higuera. “Tell Fidel that my failure does not mean that the revolution is over, it will win somewhere else. Tell Aleida (wife) to forget me as soon as possible, get married, be happy and give her children an education. Let the soldiers aim properly,” these are the last words of the legendary Comandante. Today, Cuba is once again celebrating the Day of the Heroic Guerrilla.

According to antiquity, the Creole family of Guevara (Creoles are the descendants of the Spaniards born in Latin America) was not the worst in Argentina. Che's father, Ernesto Guevara Lynch, considered himself an Argentine in the eleventh generation. However, on the branches of Guevara's family tree there are also explicit "Chapetons" (Pyreneans who arrived in the New World on the eve of the war of independence): Viceroy of New Spain and Viceroy of Peru. The latter is famous for the fact that his troops were defeated by the Creoles at the Battle of Ayacucho on December 9, 1824.

Ernesto's mother, Doña Celia de la Serna y de la Llosa, worshiped new ideas and despised money. She got behind the wheel of a car before the women of her circle, became the owner of a checkbook and declared her right to participate in conversations about politics. All this in Argentina in the 20s was the prerogative of men. It cannot be said that Guevara's parents lived together. Frequent family quarrels sometimes ended with the fact that the temperamental Doña Celia pulled out a pistol, which she always kept with her, and directed it at her unfortunate husband. Celia suffered from asthma. This hereditary disease of her family was passed on to Ernesto. Asphyxiation attacks tormented Ernesto all his life. As a child, they rolled on him three or four times a day. And he had to keep an inhaler on hand at all times. But this thing only took off mild seizures. Serious cases required adrenaline injections. Guevara always spoke kindly of his mother, but with traditional Argentine arrogance. “The old woman walks around surrounded by a crowd of intellectuals, so they can all become lesbians,” Che said ironically in a conversation with his girlfriend Ilda.

Ernesto learned to read early - at the age of four. The house had a good library, which, however, was dominated by a bohemian mess. In his student years, he became interested in the writings of Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud. However, there is nothing particularly significant in this hobby. In those years, any Latin American student considered it obligatory to familiarize himself with the works of the founder of scientific communism and the founder of psychoanalysis. It is unlikely that thinking about the Marxist formula "commodity-money-commodity" deprived Ernesto of sleep.

The master of his thoughts in his student days (Guevara studied at the Faculty of Medicine) was the guru of existentialism Jean-Paul Sartre. And under the influence of the "Universal Song" by Pablo Neruda, Guevara's consciousness acquired a kind of radical poetic warehouse. The anti-bourgeois attitude was close to Ernesto - poverty was known to him from childhood, in the parental home, selflessness was considered almost synonymous with decency. The Universal Song offered a clear and unambiguous explanation for Latin American troubles: "For Wall Street has ordered that the boar snouts of puppets bite their fangs into the unhealed wounds of the people." In the Bolivian campaign, shortly before his death, Che read the book of Leon Trotsky "The Revolution Betrayed". Comandante was tormented by the question: why do revolutions degenerate? Shortly before the Bolivian campaign, Che came to the conclusion: “After the revolution, it is not the revolutionaries who do the work. It is done by technocrats and bureaucrats. And they are counter-revolutionaries.”

Shortly before the Bolivian campaign, Che came to the conclusion: “After the revolution, it is not the revolutionaries who do the work. It is done by technocrats and bureaucrats. And they are counter-revolutionaries.” In the photo: Che meets with Nikita Khrushchev

At first, Ernesto was in love with his cousin Carmen, whose father fought in Spain on the side of the Republicans. Then there was the aristocrat Maria del Carmen Ferreira. But these novels were like this - for a warm-up. In Guatemala, Ernesto met the Peruvian Ilda Gedea. This girl was in Guatemala as a political exile. An economist by education, Ilda in Guatemala received a good salary, which allowed her to rent an apartment in the very center of Guatemala City. One fine day, Guevara and his Argentine friend showed up there and asked her to help them get settled in a new place. Ilda, without much enthusiasm, agreed to take care of the newcomers: she did not like the arrogant Argentines. Ernesto seemed to her very arrogant: a fragile physique, this young man somehow strangely puffed out his chest and spoke abruptly, with imperious intonations that did not at all correspond to his position as a petitioner. Later, she learned that Ernesto did not like to ask anyone for anything, and, moreover, just on the day of his arrival, he had an asthma attack ... Asking Ernesto what forced him to leave Argentina, she heard in response: “No one drives. I myself run in the direction where I shoot. The passage seemed to Ilda amusing, but unworthy of the intellectual, for whom Guevara pretended to be.

Once Guevara asked Ilda to borrow $ 50: he had nothing to pay for housing. The girl had no money at that time, and she gave him a gold chain and a ring. “I don’t wear them at all, you can pawn them.” Ilda's gesture touched Ernesto. After the Americans overthrew the progressive Colonel Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán, Che left Guatemala for Mexico City. The passportless political emigrant Ilda could not follow him. “Laughing, he told me that one day we would meet in Mexico City and get married. Of course, I didn’t believe him…” Nevertheless, everything happened just as Ernesto said. Ilda managed to get to Mexico. True, Guevara met her rather coolly and offered to remain friends. And yet Ernesto married Ilda when she became pregnant from him. On February 15, 1956, Ilda gave birth to Guevara's daughter. However, the family idyll did not last long. Acquainted with Fidel Castro, Guevara rushed to Cuba. On the island, he fell in love with the partisan Aleida March, who, having married him, bore him four children: two boys and two girls.

Tanya Bunke - Che Guevara called her "Fleeting Star"

The name of Che's last girlfriend is covered in legends. Her name was Aide Tamara Bunke. Tamara's father is a German who emigrated to Argentina during the years of Nazism, and her mother is Russian. In Spanish, German and Russian, the girl spoke completely fluently. She met the legendary Comandante in December 1960 in Berlin, during his tour of the socialist countries. Tamara dreamed of studying in Cuba and complained to him about the bureaucratic obstacles that she was facing. Che promised to arrange her fate. Tamara was 23 at the time, Guevara was 32. Apparently, it was then that Tamara was recruited by the Stasi East German security service. In Cuba, she worked as a translator for the Ministry of Education. Tamara wore the uniform of a fighter of the people's militia, participated in subbotniks, to which her eminent friend treated earnestly, as if they were worship. Tanya (nickname Bunke) participated in the last campaign of Guevara - to Bolivia. There she died on August 31. She was shot by the commandos as she was fording the river. The bullet hit her in the chest, and the body was carried away by the current. Tanya's body was fished out only a week later. Che, who called Tanya "Fleeting Star", refused to believe in the death of his girlfriend. In his famous Bolivian Diary, he left a note: “Radio La Cruz del Sur announces the discovery of the corpse of Tanya the partisan on the banks of the Rio Grande. Testimony does not leave a true impression." The famous Cuban ballerina Alicia Alonso, who knew Che and Bunque closely, said after the tragic end of the Bolivian campaign: “I think that Tamara did with her life what she intended to do.” Che himself died on the fortieth day after Tanya's death. And in honor of his last girlfriend, the minor planet 2283 Bunke, discovered in 1974 by Soviet astronomer Lyudmila Zhuravleva, is named.

Partisan weekdays Che. Cuba. Congo. Bolivia. Ambitious, he fought not only against social injustice, but also against himself. When the Cuban rebels, following the example of Fidel, let go of thick beards, Che was very upset that he did not grow a real beard. Yes, and there is not enough vegetation on the chest: such hairless ones are called “lampinos” in Cuba. “Look, negro,” Che said to his friend Almeida with resentment, “I don’t have much hair on my body, but here are two scars, on the neck and on the chest. Isn't that a male sign? In the future, male signs on the body of Guevara increased. The latter are five bullet holes that Bolivian lieutenant Mario Terana put into him. It happened on October 9, 1967. Che's body was tied to a helicopter ski and taken to the town of Vallagrande, where it was washed and displayed in the laundry room of the hospital of the Blessed Virgin of Malta. Long-haired, thin, he lay like Christ taken down from the cross. Today, this laundry has become a shrine. Its walls are painted with inscriptions in honor of Che, and the locals revere him as a holy martyr.

Che's body was washed and displayed in the laundry room of the hospital of Our Lady of Malta. Long-haired, thin, he lay like Christ taken down from the cross. Today, this laundry has become a shrine. Locals venerate Che as a holy martyr

They say that the wounded, unarmed Che shouted to the Bolivian soldiers surrounding him: “I am Che Guevara. And I lost!” Che's Bolivian campaign ended in complete failure. But did Che lose? When you see many thousands of youth demonstrations under flags with his image, willy-nilly you doubt it. When I was in Cuba, I happened to attend a meeting with Che's children. They were asked what they thought about the use of their father's likeness. Aleida Guevara replied: “I don't mind if young people wear my father's T-shirt when they go to protest. Let the image of Che be in their heart. But rage begins to rage in me when I see that the image of Che is used in advertising in order to successfully sell the goods. This is a mockery of our father's memory." Che was too charming, and he was successfully photographed. It's not his fault. The main thing is that it has become a myth that has been inspiring people to fight injustice for 45 years now.

“Ernesto was an extraordinary person. If God exists, then this is Che Guevara, ”as he assessed Cuban revolutionary, his comrade Jose Garcia Galogo. On June 10, the world celebrates the birthday of Che Guevara - this year he would have turned 86 years old. We offer readers an essay on little-known facts from the life of Che Guevara, which reflect the features of his personality, sacrificed to the revolution.

Historians compete, trying to show Che Guevara either as a hero who fearlessly gave his life for a just cause, or as a bloodthirsty killer. Causes criticism even death, a memory that should be left inviolable. So, according to the official report of the Bolivian commander, in anticipation of the death of Che Guevara, he threw his machine gun to the ground and shouted: “Do not shoot! I am Che! I'll be more useful to you alive than dead! Others argue that these are senseless attempts to denigrate the hero: in fact, in his last minutes, Che kept his head held high and proudly exclaimed: "Shoot, coward, you will only kill a man." And in a letter to his parents, Che Guevara made fun of death, claiming that he, like a cat, had seven lives, but he spent only two in battles.

Che Guevara: a story of opposites

In the union of opposites, wholeness is born. The complexity of this person does not allow him to be reduced to a banal “good-evil” scheme: this person treated peasants and animals for free and at the same time put forward ideas a la “A revolutionary should become a soulless killing machine, prompted by pure hatred.”
Che had few friends - mainly because of his caustic humor. What is worth at least his statement about the journal devoted to the problems of psychiatry, the circulation of which seemed to him unreasonably large: “I am overcome by doubts of a psycho-neuro-economic nature: maybe rats will use this journal? Maybe with its help they will deepen their knowledge in the field of psychiatry or eat it as a delicacy? This attitude to medicine is not accidental: even in his youth, Che Guevara came to the conclusion that for a successful career, a doctor needs to serve the masters, offering useless medicines to imaginary patients. However, Che treated the poor - and did not take a penny from them.

Companions of Che Guevara loved and appreciated his leadership abilities. True, there is another secret that Che took to the ground - whether the revolutionary really died due to the betrayal of Fidel Castro. A little light on this problem is shed by the daughter of Che Guevara, Aleida Guevara March, who considers this gossip, devoid of meaning:
- A live Che would be an incredible support for Fidel in Cuba. He did not have any problems in the economic sphere, because he completely trusted Che. I somehow came to Fidel. We talked for many hours, and in the end I asked him: “Tell me about your disputes with dad ...” And he said that when they were in Mexico and knew that they would be taken prisoner, Fidel warned all his comrades that no one should talk about their political beliefs... What do you think your dad did? He argued with the jailer not only about political beliefs, but even about Stalin. As a result, all of us were released, except for the Pope. He stayed in prison for being a communist... And this act of Fidel - he didn't leave Mexico until after he had secured my dad's release, risking all the plans they had prepared upon their arrival in Cuba.

Che Guevara: a little about personal

... If revolutionary activity is filled with conflicting facts, what to say about the personal life of the hero! IN Che Guevara's life had three beloved women, each of whom was a revolutionary. Paradox: with the exception of Tanya the Partisan, the last love of the hero, Che Guevara allowed all other women not to engage in subversive activities, but to take care of themselves and the family hearth. Although he believed: “A woman brings qualities characteristic of her sex to the hard life of fighters, and can work on an equal footing with a man. No matter how cruel the repressions are, a woman is less often a victim of repressions than a man.”
Che Guevara's first wife, Peruvian Ilda Gadea, was much older than Che. Witnesses said that spiritual closeness was the most important thing for Che Guevara, and in Ilda he was attracted by the fact that she read Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Gorky. However, this did not prevent Che Guevara from getting a divorce four years later.

The second wife of Che Guevara - Aleida March - described the story of their love in her memoirs. They met in military conditions: Aleida was an active participant in the underground movement and went on a special mission. Subsequently, Che recalled: seeing Aleyda, who was engaged in the transfer of money and documents, he was torn between the role of a tough revolutionary defined by him and the passion of a man in love.
On their first meeting, Che Guevara asked Aleida what she thought of him, to which the woman replied, "I think you're a good person." Aleida's friend Marta, on the contrary, admired Che: “Look at least at his hands! How strong and well-groomed they are!”
Having completed the task, Aleida left - but soon returned to offer Che her help and care for the sick in the camp. Che did not agree: at that moment he thought that the leaders of the movement did not trust him because of his communist views and sent a young woman to spy on him. However, Aleida remained.
Days passed, and both revolutionaries understood that they were united not only by loyalty to a just cause. In her memoirs, Aleida March recalled touching moments - the first confession, the first poem:
- I was standing on the threshold of the factory, where we were watching the movement of the enemy camp, and suddenly Che began to chant a poem that was unknown to me. At this time, I was talking to others - and this was an attempt to get my attention. It seemed to me that he wanted me to look at him not as a leader or boss, but as a man.

The past some time - Aleida has already worked as a personal assistant to Che Guevara. Once he spoke to her about his family, about his thirteen-year-old daughter Gildita, who was born while Che was in prison, and told her that he had parted with his wife long ago. One of the most amazing memories is the words that a revolutionary ruthless to enemies uttered to his beloved woman:
- I'm afraid to seem ridiculous, but still let me say that a real revolutionary is driven by the great power of love. It is impossible to think of a talented revolutionary in whose life there would be no love.
Then Che Guevara said that he fell in love with Aleida at first sight, from the very moment this fearless woman entered the territory of their camp.
A happy marriage brought four children to the family ... But all this did not leave Che Guevara in the face of the last - tragic love.

Che Guevara and the Fleeting Star

“... I entrusted my wishes to a fleeting star that I met along the way at the behest of the Magic King,” the revolutionary wrote about his fighting friend Aida Tamara Bunke Bider, nicknamed Tanya the Partisan. The task set by Che Tanya was to penetrate into enemy territory - into Bolivia. Teaching German and demonstrating her passion for Indian folklore, Tanya gained confidence in the Bolivian president, and at the same time she was looking for a headquarters for a future liberation war. Having got a job as a radio host in the program “Advice to Unrequited Lovers”, Tanya received unlimited access to the air - and encrypted important information ... When, after some time, Tanya was reported and the police found her tape recordings, the police spent forty hours listening to them - but they only heard the songs of the highlanders in Guarani and Aymara.

IN joint military campaignthe woman not only did not complain, but she was looked after by the fighters. But after some time it turned out that Tanya was sick and she couldn’t go any further. Che Guevara left her in the care of seventeen fighters, and he himself with winged from governmentth troops. They did not meet again - Tanya was on the rapids when the bullet hit her in the chest. Rodolfo Saldaña, a witness of those events, wrote in his memoirs:The soldier screwed up his eyes... Then he made out among the partisans a woman dressed in khaki trousers and a green striped shirt, with a machine gun over her shoulder and a rucksack on her back. He pressed the stock to his shoulder. Aimed. A woman's silhouette appeared in the scope. He pulled the trigger, fired a burst, and saw the woman fall, spilling blood on her clothes. The voice that offered the partisans to surrender subsided. So, near the shore of the Rio Grande, Tanya the Partisan was killed.

... Tanya's death was a mortal blow for Che. And Che Guevara himself died after forty days - he was only 39 years old. As Pablo Neruda said, “Every person has moments of emotional outbursts. Che had such an impulse all his life.

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Eide Tamara Bunke Bieder(German Haydée Tamara Bunke Bider, pseudonym - Tanya the partisan(Spanish) Tania la Guerrillera); November 19, Buenos Aires, Argentina - August 31, Bolivia) - Latin American revolutionary of German origin, fighter of the Bolivian detachment of Che Guevara.

Tamara Bunke was born on November 19, 1937 in Argentina, in the family of German communists Eric Bunke and Nadia Bieder, who fled Germany in 1935. In Argentina, Tanya's parents participated in the underground struggle, and in the city the family returned to Germany - to the GDR. After graduating from school with honors in Argentina, Tanya entered the GDR, first at the Leipzig Pedagogical Institute, and then at the Humboldt University of Berlin, at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature. Tamara is a bright person, fluent in Spanish, German and Russian (her mother is from Russia), an excellent singer who can play the piano, guitar, accordion, sportswoman and ballerina.

Unfortunately, two of Moises Guevara's volunteers defected from the unit and gave the authorities in Camiri all information about him, including a description of the girl. During the raid, the troops found Tani's jeep left in this city with a notebook, which listed the girl's numerous contacts among the wanted persons. The police searched the apartment of the owner of the jeep and, with great surprise, found photographs in which Tanya was in the company of Barrientos and the Minister of Defense, General Alfredo Ovando. The president regarded Tanya's communication with the partisans as a betrayal and, according to the descriptions of journalists, became furious. Tanya was put on the wanted list, her further communication with the Bolivian elite became impossible, it was too dangerous to remain in the cities incognito or try to break through the border. She no longer had any other choice but to become an ordinary fighter of a partisan detachment.

Che was forced to break the base camp and go to the mountains. On April 16, Che left Tanya in a detachment of 17 fighters under the command of Vitalio "Joaquin" Acuña and ordered them to wait for him for three days, but he was no longer destined to meet the Fleeting Star. To destroy Joaquin, a plan was developed for Operation Cynthia, named after the daughter of Barrientos.

In the fall of 1998, Tanya's remains were discovered in the cemetery of the city of Vallegrande, which belongs to the local military unit, where she was buried as "unknown, 27-32 years old, bullet wound to the chest." Tanya was removed from the grave, transported to Cuba and solemnly buried in the Che Guevara mausoleum in the city of Santa Clara.

Of all the actors in this story, the secretary general of the local Communist Party, Mario Monge, was the most fortunate. Within a few months after the death of Tanya and Che, he fled to the USSR, where he was immediately employed for a professorial position in Moscow with the issuance of housing in the center of Moscow and a personal car, and was attached to departmental clinics in the early 1990s. showed the absence of personnel or intelligence documents on it. Tanya's mother Nadia (1912 - 2003), shortly before her death, achieved a complete refutation of this rumor in the open press.

Tanya's possible pregnancy at the time of her death was also repeatedly mentioned. This version seemed unlikely from the very beginning: she would have been five months pregnant in the event of Guevara's paternity, which contradicts all references to her as a woman of a thin physique. In the case of Barrientos' paternity, Tanya would have been already in her ninth month, which would have cast doubt on the possibility of her participation in such a difficult campaign. A number of sources mentioned the possibility of Tanya's pregnancy from the squad's lieutenant Joaquin, an Afro-Cuban named Israel "Braulio" Reyes Sayas who died with her. Forty years later, in 2007, Dr. Abraham Batista, who performed the autopsy on Tanya, put an end to these rumors, unambiguously declaring that she did not have any signs of pregnancy.

President Barrientos died when his helicopter collided with a high-voltage power line while taking off from the high mountain village of Arca (Cochabamba Department). In addition to him, everyone on board the helicopter, including the security guard and the pilot, died. This brought to life the version that the aircraft could be shot down as a sign of revenge for Tanya and Che. The examination showed that there was a pilot error, but the results of the examination are not currently made public, which is why the rumor about the violent nature of the death of the 49-year-old president periodically appears in the press.

Ernesto Guevara de la Serna is known throughout the world under the shorter name - Che Guevara. In Latin American countries, some honor him as a saint and glorify him in prayers. All his life this man was obsessed with revolutionary ideas, fought for the freedom and equality of the people. Che Guevara's mistresses played a special role in life.

To be more precise, he had many connections on the side and we will not know for sure the names of all his mistresses. But one may have been the cause of death. There is still no single, accurate information about the life of Che Guevara. He was born in 1928 in the Argentine city of Rosario. And Che used the particle specifically to emphasize belonging to Argentina.

The Che Guevara family. From left to right: Che Guevara, mother, sister Celia, brother Roberto, father with son Juan Martin in his arms and sister Anna Maria

Che Guevara in his youth

In the late 1950s, he participated in the Cuban Revolution, led the repression against enemies and fought alongside Fidel Castro. After the victory of the revolution, he served as Minister of Industrial Development of Cuba. In 1965, Ernesto went to fight in the African Congo, but was defeated.

War in the Congo.

During 1966 and 1967 he was in Bolivia, where he hoped to make a revolution. What is most surprising, the Bolivians did not want to see such a change of power in their country. The CIA came to the aid of the armed forces of Bolivia and in 1967 the partisan movement of Che Guevara was destroyed. And the fiery revolutionary himself was immediately shot without trial or investigation.

Che's body was washed and displayed in the laundry room of the hospital of Our Lady of Malta. Long-haired, thin, he lay like Christ taken down from the cross. Today, this laundry has become a shrine. Locals venerate Che as a holy martyr

But what about mistresses? Sources report different numbers - 60, 70, 80 and even 100. In any case, there were many mistresses. But only the name of one remained forever in history. Her name was Tamara Bunke Bieder, according to official records. She was born in the late 1930s in Argentina. Her parents were German communists who fled from Germany (in the Third Reich the Communist Party was banned, and its members were, at best, imprisoned).

Partisan Tanya as a child.

Tamara Bieder in 1952 moved to East Germany - East Germany, where she entered the University of Leipzig. The next educational institution for the future mistress of Che Guevara was the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy of the University of Berlin. Humboldt. She was a smart and beautiful woman who knew German, Russian and Spanish.

Tamara Bunke

Bider's acquaintance with Che Guevara took place in 1960 in Leipzig. The Cuban figure visited the GDR and other socialist countries in which Latin American students studied. Tamara was attached to Tete (a diminutive form of Ernesto's name) as an interpreter.

It is not known whether Guevara knew that this beautiful girl, who immediately liked him, was a recruited agent of the KGB. Maybe, he suspected, he wasn't so stupid after all. There have always been and will always be people working for the special services around a significant political figure.

Since the late 1950s, when the revolution won in Cuba, the KGB began to work closely with the state security of this country. At the same time, young people (most often students) from the countries of the socialist bloc, including the GDR, were fascinated by the ideas of the revolution in Cuba. Tamara Bider turned out to be devoted to the ideology of communism and revolution.

While studying at the university, she simultaneously took a special training course at a secret intelligence center. In addition to the theory and practice of any espionage, Tamara was taught how to lure the right man into bed and continue to maintain a love relationship with him. For the sake of obtaining the necessary information, of course.

Che Guevara during a visit to the USA

In the KGB, Tamara was known under the pseudonym Tanya. And it was the partisan Tanya who became the most famous mistress of Che Guevara. It was introduced into the environment of the latter with a very specific goal - to enter into intimate relations with him and transfer all available information to the KGB.

In 1961, the partisan Tanya, along with Che Guevara, arrived in Havana and went to work in the Ministry of Education and Enlightenment.

In addition to this, she became a student at the Faculty of Journalism. She did not forget about underground work: together with her lover, under the assumed name of Laura Bauer, she went to Bolivia. Participate in the revolutionary movement.

Witnesses testified that during the war with the Bolivian armed forces, Che Guevara and Tamara Bunke did not part with each other for a minute. Ernesto was happy and full of bright hopes for the future. However, the government of Bolivia did not want to see a revolution in their country at all.

Special forces were formed to combat the partisan movement. The military from the United States, participants in the Korean War of 1950-1953, were invited as instructors. As a result, Che Guevara's detachment was almost completely destroyed. The main revolutionary himself was captured, having spent a little less than a day in it. Che Guevara was shot on October 9, 1967.

But the further fate of the partisan Tanya, Che Guevara's mistress, is not exactly known. According to some sources, she died in Bolivia during the hostilities, according to others, she survived and moved to the USSR. There is even information that Tamara Bider was involved in the death of her lover.

Here's what this data is based on. After Che Guevara became a famous revolutionary, he had even more followers. He dreamed of a world revolution that would overthrow the bourgeoisie. And the USSR, an ally of Che Guevara, was not interested in such a development of events. The leadership of our former country pursued a course of peaceful coexistence of two political systems - socialist and capitalist.

Che Guevara could at any moment get out of control of the KGB and "break wood" that would indicate a connection with the Union. According to this version, the partisan Tanya indicated to the Bolivian armed forces the location of not only the revolutionary himself, but also the headquarters and warehouses of the partisan movement.

Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Vallegrande, cemetery on the edge of the runway, unmarked grave of Cuban revolutionary Tamara Bunque, better known as Tanya. photo 1967.

And according to other sources, she survived. Then, in strict secrecy, she reached Moscow, where she lived in the future. She deserved such a life for herself thanks to the performance of a particularly important task. The date of death is unknown.

Here is a story about the main mistress of Che Guevara. Perhaps there are still many unknowns in the life of this person, but one thing is known for sure. In South America and Cuba, he became a national hero, portraits of Che Guevara are depicted on Cuban money - pesos. For Latin Americans, he is a symbol of the struggle for freedom.

P.S. Everyone who participated in the murder of the famous commandant did not die a natural death.

June 14 marks the 89th anniversary of the birth of the famous Latin American revolutionary, commander of the revolution in Cuba Ernesto Che Guevara. The partisans did not hesitate to follow him to certain death, and the women just as unconditionally followed the commandant, losing their heads at his mere glance. There were many love stories in his life, but the main love was always the revolution. Nevertheless, some women still managed to leave a noticeable mark on the life of Che Guevara.

Ernesto Guevara was a very passionate and enthusiastic person, he repeated more than once that a man cannot spend his whole life with one woman. Che treated sexual relations very simply and did not attach any importance to fleeting connections. “Remember that that little itch we call sexuality needs to be scratched from time to time, otherwise it will get out of control, take over every moment of wakefulness and lead to real trouble,” he wrote to a friend.

Many were surprised at how easily Ernesto Guevara conquered women. And this despite the fact that he could not be called a brilliant gentleman. Women appreciated in him intelligence, erudition, ardor and did not notice untidiness, short stature and bad manners.

His first love was a girl nicknamed Chinchina ("rattle"). She was the most beautiful in school, and she was also the heiress of one of the richest families. Ernesto was in love and rushed to win the girl. They were even going to get married after he graduated from university. But instead, he went on a trip to Latin America, and they parted ways.

Che's first wife was the Peruvian Ilda Gadea. They were brought together by common interests. In her, he was attracted by the fact that she read Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Gorky, before whom he bowed, and was also a Marxist and revolutionary. Later, Ilda told how the commandant won her over: “Dr. Ernesto Guevara struck me from the very first conversations with his intelligence, seriousness, his views and knowledge of Marxism ... Coming from a bourgeois family, he, having a medical diploma in his hands, could easily make a career in his homeland. Meanwhile, he strove to work in the most backward areas, even for free, in order to treat ordinary people ... I remember well that we discussed in this connection Archibald Cronin's novel The Citadel and other books that touch on the theme of the doctor's duty towards the working people. .. Dr. Guevara believed that the doctor must devote himself to improving the living conditions of the broad masses. And this will inevitably lead him to condemn the governmental systems that prevail in our countries.

Of particular interest to Che Guevara were women, as passionately as he was, carried away by revolutionary ideas. He met the Argentine Aleida March during the years of the guerrilla struggle in Cuba. She was active in the underground movement and became his personal secretary when he was in command of the rebels.

About how he won her heart, Aleida recalled: “I was standing on the threshold of the factory, where we were watching the movement of the enemy camp, and suddenly Che began to chant a poem that was unknown to me. At this time, I was talking to others - and this was an attempt to get my attention. It seemed to me that he wanted me to look at him not as a leader or boss, but as a man.

After the victory, he divorced his first wife and married Aleida. In this marriage, they had four children. They lived from 1959 to 1965 until Guevara left for the Congo. Later, Aleida headed the Che Guevara Center in Havana and published a book of memoirs, where she described Che as an intelligent, caring, gentle man, but who left too soon.

Che Guevara's last love was Tamara Bunke Bieder, known as Tanya the Partisan. It was the most controversial figure in the Comandante's biography. According to some sources, she was a Cuban intelligence agent in Bolivia and the mistress of the Bolivian president, according to others, Tanya worked for the KGB. They met when she accompanied Che as a translator. Tanya prepared a base for the underground in Bolivia, and then went to the mountains with Che and, according to one version, died in 1967, 40 days before the death of the commandant. According to another version, she survived and left for the USSR under a different name.

Even in the very last days of Che, when he was captured and held under arrest in a school in the village of La Higuera, he won the heart of a 19-year-old teacher who brought him food. She was the last civilian to see him alive. Julia Cortes later admitted that she fell in love with him at first sight: “Curiosity pushed me to go see an ugly and bad person, and I met an extremely handsome man. His appearance was terrible, he looked like a tramp, but his eyes shone. For me, he was a wonderful, courageous, intelligent person. I don't believe there will ever be another like it."

There are still legends about him.
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